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Go Game Guru

Recommended Go Books
For people who want to get better at Go more quickly
ninja go books 300x400 picture
Become a Go ninja with these recommended Go books
!here are lots o" ways to get better at Go# but one o" the most e""ecti$e ways to impro$e
quickly is to get lots o" new ideas
%nd one o" the best ways to get new ideas about Go is to read Go books
&t goes without saying that simply playing games also helps you to impro$e# but i" that's
all you do# you'll be stuck in the slow lane be"ore long &nstead(
)earn "rom the masters
&" you want to impro$e more quickly# you can take a big shortcut by learning "rom the
experience o" generations o" Go players
!hat's because a great deal o" the Go knowledge disco$ered by past masters has
already been summari*ed in Go books
+o it's right there# just waiting "or you to take ad$antage o" it(
Read Go books to impro$e more quickly
&n particular# Go books can help you to impro$e by pro$iding you with,
+trategic principles that work o$er and o$er again and examples o" how to use them in
your own games
-ore e""icient and power"ul techniques to use against your opponents
.xplanations o" the games o" master players# which teach you to think more like a pro
/hoose a Go book that's right "or you
But sometimes it's hard to know where to start and people worry about choosing the
wrong book
!hat's why & prepared this page# to help you "ind the books that are right "or you
&t's a list o" recommended Go books# tailored to di""erent skill le$els !he selection is
designed to help you impro$e quickly and de$elop a power"ul game
/lick one o" the links below to get some recommendations "or your le$el
Go books by le$el,
Go books "or beginners
Go books "or 01 kyu to 21 kyu
Go books "or 21 kyu to 1 kyu
Go books "or 1 kyu to 2 dan
Go books "or 2 dan to 3 dan
Go books "or 3 dan and abo$e
Browse all Go books
+ome people pre"er to skip recommendations and browse a comprehensi$e list
&" you want to do that# just click here to see more Go books

Go books "or beginners
Go % /omplete &ntroduction to the Game /ho /hikun pictureGo, % /omplete
&ntroduction to the Game
!his book is a complete introduction to the game o" Go &t teaches the rules and the
basics o" how to play Go# but it also goes "ar beyond that &n a number o" essays# topics
as $aried as history# culture and computers are discussed# all with respect to Go !his
book is an ideal gi"t and a "ascinating read "or anyone who wants to learn go
/lick here to learn more

Graded Go 3roblems For Beginners 4olume 2 5ano 6oshinori pictureGraded Go
3roblems "or Beginners 7 4olume 2
8ne o" the best ways to impro$e quickly at Go is to is to sol$e many di""erent Go
problems 7 small pu**les which "ocus on a speci"ic position !his is book one o" Graded
Go 3roblems "or Beginners# which contains problems designed speci"ically "or new
players &" you're new to Go and want to impro$e quickly# this book is "or you
/lick here to learn more

Go books "or 01 kyu to 21 kyu
!he +econd Book 8" Go Richard Bo*ulich picture!he +econd Book o" Go
&" you'$e "inished learning the rules o" Go and ha$e played some games# then this is the
book "or you &t will take you "rom no$ice to intermediate le$el by introducing you to all
the things you need to know to become stronger at Go Gi$e yoursel" a head start by
reading this book today
/lick here to learn more

Graded Go 3roblems For Beginners 4olume 0 5ano 6oshinori pictureGraded Go
3roblems "or Beginners 7 4olume 0
8ne o" the best ways to impro$e quickly at Go is to is to sol$e many di""erent Go
problems 7 small pu**les which "ocus on a speci"ic position !his is book two o" Graded
Go 3roblems "or Beginners# which contains problems designed speci"ically "or new
players &" you're new to Go and want to impro$e quickly# this book is "or you
/lick here to learn more

Go books "or 21 kyu to 1 kyu
%ttack %nd 9e"ense :ames 9a$ies picture%ttack and 9e"ense
8ne o" most "ascinating and exciting aspects o" Go is the large scale strategy o" the
middle game !his is o"ten the decisi$e part o" the game too %ttack and 9e"ense will
teach you how to attack your opponent's weak stones and how to de"end your own !his
is an excellent introduction to the strategy o" Go
/lick here to learn more

!esuji :ames 9a$ies picture!esuji
Go is both a tactical and strategic game !he tactical mo$es in Go are called tesuji &"
you imagine Go as a mental martial art# tesuji are the "undamental mo$es o" close
"ighting Reading this book is your "irst step towards becoming a black belt
/lick here to learn more

)essons in the Fundamentals o" Go !oshiro 5ageyama2 picture)essons in the
Fundamentals o" Go
-any Go players say )essons in the Fundamentals o" Go is their "a$orite Go book &t's
not hard to work out why &n this book !oshiro 5ageyama ; dan co$ers all aspects o" the
game o" Go# with an emphasis on the "undamentals <e has knack "or picking up on
areas where many Go players ha$e the most room "or impro$ement !his is a "un and
highly re=readable book
/lick here to learn more

&n !he Beginning &kuro &shigure picture&n the Beginning
&n the beginning o" a game o" Go# the board is empty# gi$ing you the "reedom to play
howe$er you like !hat being said# there are some strategies that are more e""ecti$e than
others !his book will teach you what they are and how to use them to get a head start in
the game
/lick here to learn more

Go books "or 1 kyu to 2 dan
)i"e %nd 9eath :ames 9a$ies picture)i"e and 9eath
&n a game o" Go# stones may li$e or die in the heat o" battle <owe$er# stones o"ten die
when they should li$e# or $ice=$ersa !his is because the players are not skilled in the art
o" li"e and death 8n the other hand# players who study li"e and death o"ten re$erse
games# almost magically !his book will teach you to do some magic o" your own(
/lick here to learn more

Get +trong at !esuji Richard Bo*ulich2 pictureGet +trong at !esuji
&" you'$e read >!esuji' or any similar books# then you already know how quickly you can
impro$e by learning new tesuji and practicing tesuji problems !his book contains
hundreds o" tesuji problems# designed to teach you the strongest tactical plays in all
kinds o" situations
/lick here to learn more

/hanging 8nes /onceptions %wajis %phorisms %waji +hu*o picture/hanging 8ne's
/onceptions, %waji's %phorisms
For amateur players# it's sometimes said that the player who makes the "ewest mistakes
wins %waji +hu*o ? dan regularly teaches amateur Go players at his school in :apan
<e re$iews games with his students# correcting mistakes and showing the proper way to
play %waji summari*es each correction with a pithy and memorable phrase# or
/lick here to learn more

4ital 3oints and +kill"ul Finesse "or +abaki 6oda @orimoto picture4ital 3oints and +kill"ul
Finesse "or +abaki
!he :apanese term >sabaki' is one o" the more di""icult Go concepts to understand &t's
usually explained as something like >playing lightly' or >managing weak stones'# but what
does it actually meanA &n this book# 6oda @orimoto ? dan shows that sabaki is
"undamentally about judgement and shows you how to de$elop that whole board
judgement "or yoursel"
/lick here to learn more

Go books "or 2 dan to 3 dan
Get +trong at )i"e and 9eath Richard Bo*ulich2 pictureGet +trong at )i"e and 9eath
8ut o" all the di""erent aspects o" Go# li"e and death is the most important .$en at the
pro"essional le$el# the top players are always the ones who are most pro"icient in li"e and
death &" you want to impro$e at Go and become a truly strong player# this is an excellent
book to help you do that
/lick here to learn more

Get +trong at %ttacking Richard Bo*ulich pictureGet +trong at %ttacking
For many Go players# there's nothing more exciting than landing a knockout blow in the
middle game But e$en when that's not possible# you can still enjoy the thrill o" attacking
multiple groups and taking a "irm lead in the game Batching someone who is skilled at
attacking can be like watching a wi*ard take control o" the game !his book teaches you
how to do that "or yoursel"
/lick here to learn more

8takes +ecrets o" +trategy 8take <ideo picture8take's +ecrets o" +trategy
<a$e you e$er wondered whether "amous strategy books like >!he %rt o" Bar' could be
applied to GoA Bell that's exactly what 8take <ideo ? dan does in this book <e starts
by illustrating 20 strategic principles# which you can immediately apply to your games
<e then re$iews a series o" amateur and pro"essional games to show these principles in
action and help you remember them
/lick here to learn more

!akaos %stute Cse o" Brute Force !akao +hinji picture3ure and +imple, !akao's %stute
use o" Brute Force
For Go players who enjoy "ighting# there's a tendency to start a "ight at e$ery opportunity#
but that's not always the best approach !his book teaches you how to play solidly and
patiently# remo$ing weaknesses and storing up power "or later &t also teaches you how
to release that power and launch a de$astating attack when the time is right(
/lick here to learn more

/atching +cent o" 4ictory 8 Rissei picture/atching +cent o" 4ictory
&t's o"ten said that one o" the best ways to impro$e your Go game is replaying the games
o" top pro"essional players# but it can be con"using and "rustrating to start with !his book
changes that &n /atching +cent o" 4ictory# 8 Rissei ? dan discusses 00 o" his own
games# clearly explaining what he was thinking at each stage and why certain mo$es
/lick here to learn more

Go books "or 3 dan and abo$e
&n$incible the Games o" +husaku picture&n$incible, !he Games o" +husaku
&n$incible is arguably the best Go book e$er published in .nglish &t's a collection o"
commented games "or one o" the greatest Go players o" all time# +husaku !he book
pro$ides clear and thorough commentaries "or D0 o" +husaku's best games and contains
243 games in total -any top pros studied these games and became strong @ow you
can too
/lick here to learn more

3ercei$ing the 9irection o" 3lay 5obayashi +atoru picture3ercei$ing the 9irection o" 3lay
6ou know that you should try to make all your stones work e""iciently# but what's the best
mo$e to do thatA 5obayashi +atoru ? dan is a master o" the direction o" play &n this book
he analy*es the games o" past and present masters# teaching you how to clari"y the
situation# apply principles and "ind a strong mo$e
/lick here to learn more

+huko !he 8nly -o$e 42 :oseki Fuseki Fujisawa +huko picture+huko, !he 8nly -o$e
7 :oseki# Fuseki /ollection
!he late Fujisawa +huko ? dan was well known "or his "ree thinking and creati$e
approach to the game &n this book# Fujisawa "ocuses on "useki Ethe opening gameF and
joseki Ecommon patterns o" playF Reading it will greatly expand your perception in the
early stages o" the game
/lick here to learn more

+huko !he 8nly -o$e 40 -iddle Game Fujisawa +huko picture+huko, !he 8nly -o$e 7
Fighting -iddlegame /ollection
!he late Fujisawa +huko ? dan was well known "or his "ree thinking and creati$e
approach to the game &n this book# Fujisawa "ocuses on "ighting during the middlegame
Reading it will sharpen your intuition "or "ighting and help you learn the proper timing "or
starting a "ight
/lick here to learn more

Breakthrough %ttacking 3ower 6amashita +tyle 6amashita 5eigo pictureBreakthrough
%ttacking 3ower, 6amashita +tyle
9o you enjoy "ighting in GoA !hen this is the book "or you !he author# 6amashita 5eigo
? dan# is among the most aggressi$e pro"essional Go players in the world !his book
pro$ides commentary and lessons based on 6amashita's games 6ou can learn the
basics o" attacking "rom problem books# but to really capture the essence o" it you need
to study the games o" masters
/lick here to learn more

4iew e$en more Go books
9idn't "ind what you were looking "orA /lick here to see more Go books
+hare these recommended Go books with "riends
&" you like these recommendations# why not share them with your Go playing "riendsA
<a$ing good "riends to compete and study Go with can also help you impro$e more
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Go Game Guru G 3ri$acy 3olicy G !erms o" +er$ice

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