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The Legislative Power

1. The Power to propose, enat, a!en" an" repeal laws
#. Veste" in the $ongress, e%ept to the e%tent reserve" to the people &' the
provision on initiative an" re(eren")!.
Initiative Referendum
Propose a!en"!ents to $onstit)tion or
to propose an" enat legislation thro)gh
an eletion alle" (or the p)rpose
Power o( the eletorate to approve or
re*et legislation thro)gh an eletion
alle" (or the p)rpose
+ Initiative on Stat)te
+ Initiative on Loal Legislation
+ In"iret initiative , e%erise o(
initiative &' the people thro)gh a
proposition sent to $ongress or
loal legislative &o"' (or ation
+ Re(eren")! on Stat)tes
+ Re(eren")! on Loal Laws
$annot &e s)&*et to &oth I an" R-
1. Petition e!&raing !ore than one s)&*et
#. Stat)tes involving e!ergen' !eas)res
Loal Initiative-
1. Not less than #,... registere" voters in ase o( a)tono!o)s regions
#. Not less than 1,... in ase o( provines an" ities
/. 1.. in !)niipalities
0. 1. in ase o( &aranga's
2ile a petition with the Regional Asse!&l' or loal legislative &o"',
respetivel', proposing the a"option, enat!ent, repeal, or a!en"!ent o(
an' law, or"inane or resol)tion.
1. Shall not &e e%erise" !ore than one a 'ear
#. Shall e%ten" onl' to s)&*ets or !atters whih are within the legal powers o(
the loal legislative &o"ies to enat
/. At an' ti!e, &e(ore initiative is hel", the loal legislative &o"' shall a"opt in
toto the proposition presente".
The legislative power shall &e veste" in the $ongress o( the Philippines whih
shall onsist o( a senate an" a ho)se o( representatives, e%ept to the e%tent
reserve" to the people &' the provision on initiative an" re(eren")!. 3Setion 1.
Artile VI4
House of Rep. Senate Party-List Nominees
Nat)ral 7orn $iti8en Nat)ral 7orn $iti8en Nat)ral 7orn iti8en
At least #1 'ears ol" At least /1 'ears ol" At least #1 'ears ol"
9o)th setor- annot &e
ol"er than /.
Rea" an" :rite 3e%ept
part' list representative4
Rea" an" :rite
Registere" voter in the
"istrit in whih he shall &e
Registere" Voter 7ona 6"e !e!&er o(
the part' or
organi8ation whih he
see;s to represent (or
at least <. "a's
pree"ing the "a' o(
1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
the eletion
Resi"ent thereo( (or a perio"
o( not less than one 'ear
pree"ing the "a' o( the
Resi"ent o( the Philippines
(or not less than # 'ears
i!!e"iatel' pree"ing the
"a' o( the eletion.
Three 'ears o!!ening at
noon on the /.
"a' o( >)ne
ne%t (ollowing their eletion
Si% 'ears, o!!ening at
noon on the /.
"a' o(
>)ne ne%t (ollowing their
/ 'ears
Shall not serve (or !ore than
/ onse)tive ter!s.
No senator shall serve (or
!ore than # onse)tive
ter!s. Vol)ntar'
ren)niation o( o?e (or
an' length o( ti!e shall not
&e onsi"ere" as an
interr)ption in the
ontin)it' o( his servie (or
the ()ll ter! (or whih
The Senate shall o!pose" o( twent'+(o)r Senators who shall &e elete" at
the large &' the @)ali6e" voters o( the Philippines, as !a' &e provi"e" &' law.
3Setion #. Artile VI4
House of Representatives
Not !ore than #1. !e!&ers, )nless otherwise provi"e" &' law onsisting o(-
Distrit Representatives Part'+list representatives Setoral Representatives
Elete" (ro! legislative
"istrits apportione"
a!ong the provines,
ities, an" !etropolitan
Manila area
Shall onstit)te #.A o(
the total n)!&er o(
representatives, elete"
thro)gh a part'+list
s'ste! o( registere"
national, regional, an"
setoral parties or
32or / onse)tive ter!s
a(ter the rati6ation o( the
$onstit)tion4 =ne hal" o(
the seats alloate" to
part'+list representatives
shall &e 6lle" as provi"e"
&' law, &' seletion or
eletion (ro! la&or,
peasant, )r&an poor,
in"igeno)s )lt)ral
o!!)nities, wo!en,
'o)th an" s)h other
setors as !a' &e
provi"e" &' law. E%ept
the religio)s setor.
Apportionment of legislative districts
A *)stiia&le @)estion.
Apportion!ent shall &e !a"e in aor"ane with the n)!&er o( respetive
inha&itants, on the &asisi o( a )ni(or! an" progressive ratio-
i. Eah it' with not less than #1.,... inha&itants shall &e entitle" to at
least one representative
ii. Eah provine, irrespetive or n)!&er o( inha&itants is entitle" to at
least one representative
iii. Eah legis. Distrit shall o!prise ontig)o)s, o!pat an" a"*aent
territor'. To prevent Gerrymandering
Gerrymandering- is a pratie that atte!pts to esta&lish a politial a"vantage (or a
parti)lar part' or gro)p &' !anip)lating geographi &o)n"aries to reate partisan,
in)!&ent+protete" "istrits.
# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Te Party-list System
A !ehanis! o( proportional representation in the eletion o( representatives
to the BR (ro! national, regional an" setoral parties or organi8ations or oalitions
thereo( registere" with the $=MELE$.
De6nition o( Ter!s
1. Part' , either a politial part' or a setoral part' or a oalition o( parties
#. Politial part' , organi8e" gro)p o( iti8ens a"voating an i"eolog' or
plat(or!, priniples an" poliies (or the general on")t o( govern!ent
an" whih, as the !ost i!!e"iate !eans o( se)ring their a"option,
reg)larl' no!inates an" s)pports ertain o( its lea"ers an" !e!&ers as
an"i"ates (or p)&li o?e.
National , onstit)en' is sprea" over the geographial territor' o( at least a
!a*orit' o( the regions
Regional , Its onstit)en' is sprea" over the geographial territor' o( at
least a !a*orit' o( the ities an" provines o!prising the region
Setoral , organi8e" gro)p o( iti8ens &elonging to an' o( the (ollowing
a. La&or
&. Peasant
. 2isher(ol;
". Cr&an poor
e. In"igeno)s )lt)ral o!!)nities
(. El"erl'
g. Ban"iappe"
h. :o!en
i. 9o)th
*. Veterans
;. =verseas wor;ers an" pro(essionals
Setoral organi8ation , gro)p o( iti8ens or a oalition o( gro)ps o( iti8ens
who share si!ilar ph'sial attri&)tes or harateristis, e!plo'!ent,
interests or onerns
$oalition , an aggr)pation o( ")l' registere" national, regional, setoral
parties or organi8ations (or politial an"Dor eletion p)rposes.
Registration! "anifestation to Participate in te Party-List System
An' organi8e" gro)p o( persons !a' register as a part', organi8ation or
oalition (or p)rposes o( the part'+list s'ste! &'-
1. 2iling a petition with the $=MELE$
#. Not later than <. "a's &e(ore the eletion
/. Petition !)st &e veri6e" &' its presi"ent or seretar' stating its "esire to
partiipate in the part'+list s'ste! as a national, regional or setoral
part', organi8ation or oalition
An' part' alrea"' registere", nee" not register anew, &)t !)st 6le within <.
"a's &e(ore the eletion a !ani(estation o( its "esire to partiipate in the
part'+list s'ste!.
Refusal and#or $ancellation
1. Mot) proprio or )pon veri6e" o!plaint.
#. Re()se, anel a(ter ")e notie an" hearing, the registration o( an'
national, regional or setoral part' on the E. Gro)n"s-
a. Religio)s setD "eno!ination
&. A"voates violene or )nlaw()l !eans to see; its goal
. 2oreign part' or organi8ation
". Reeiving s)pport (ro! an' (oreign govFt, (oreign politial part'
whether "iretl' or in"iretl' (or partisan eletion p)rposes
e. Violates or (ails to o!pl' with eletion r)les an" reg)lations
(. Delares )ntr)th()l state!ents in its petition
g. $ease" to e%ist (or at least one 'ear
/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
h. 2ails to partiipate in the last two pree"ing eletions or (ails to o&tain
at least #A o( the votes ast )n"er the part'+list s'ste! in the two
pree"ing eletions (or the onstit)en' in whih it has registere".
Nomination of party-list representatives
1. Eah part' shall s)&!it to $=MELE$ not later than 01 "a's &e(ore the
#. List o( na!es, not less than 1 (ro! whih part'+list representatives shall
&e hosen in ase it o&tains the re@)ire" n)!&er o( votes.
a. Person !a' &e no!inate" in one list onl'
&. $onsent o( s)h person !)st &e o&taine"
. No an"i"ate (or eletive o?e or a person who has lost his &i" (or an
eletive o?e
". No hange allowe" )nless s)&!itte" to $=MELE$ e%ept-
+ No!inee "ies
+ :ith"raws in writing his no!ination
+ Inapaitate"
+ In whih ase, the na!e o( the s)&stit)te no!inee shall
&e replae"
"anner of %oting
1. Ever' voter entitle" to two votes
i. $an"i"ate (or BR in his legislative "istrit
ii. Vote (or the part', organi8ation or oalition he wants represente" in
Part'+list representatives shall onstit)te #.G o( the total n)!&er o( the
!e!&ers o( BR inl)"ing those )n"er part'+list.
Proe")re (or alloating votes-
a. Parties, organi8ations an" oalitions shall &e ran;e" (ro! the
highest to the lowest &ase" on the n)!&er o( votes the' garnere"
")ring the eletions
&. Parties, organi8ations an" oalitions reeiving at least #A o( the
total votes ast (or the part'+list s'ste! shall &e entitle" to one+
seat eah
+ Provi"e" that those garnering !ore than #A o( the votes
shall &e entitle" to a""itional seats in proportion to their
total n)!&er o( votes
+ Provi"e" ()rther that eah part', organi8ation or
oalitions shall &e entitle" to not !ore than / seats.
'our Inviola&le parameters
a. The #.A alloation , the o!&ine" n)!&er o( all part'+list ongress!en
shall not e%ee" #.A o( the total !e!&ership o( the BR
&. The #A threshol" , =nl' those parties garnering at least #A o( total vali"
votes ast (or the part'+list s'ste! are @)ali6e" to have a seat in the
. The /+seat li!it , eah @)ali6e" part', regar"less o( the n)!&er o( votes it
at)all' o&taine", is entitle" to a !a%i!)! o( / seats
+ =ne @)ali('ing
+ # a""itional
". Proportional representation , A""itional seats whih a @)ali6e" part' is
entitle" to shall &e o!p)te" in Hproportion to their total n)!&er o(
A""itional seats J Votes ast (or 5)ali6e" Part' % Allote"
seats (or 2irst Part'
Votes ast (or 2irst Part'
3Veterans 2e"eration Part' vs. $=MELE$4
(uidelines for entitlement of seats
0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1. Represent !arginali8e" an" )n"er+represente" setors
#. Ma*or politial parties !)st o!pl' with this stat)tor' poli'
/. Part' !)st &e s)&*et to the e%press onstit)tional prohi&ition against
religio)s sets
0. Part' !)st not &e "is@)ali6e" )n"er RA K0<1
1. Part' !)st not &e an a"*)nt o( an entit' or pro*et ()n"e" &' the
L. Part' an" no!inees !)st o!pl' with the re@)ire!ents o( the law
K. No!inee !)st also represent a !arginali8e" or )n"er+represente" setor
M. No!inee !)st &e a&le to ontri&)te to the (or!)lation an" enat!ent o(
appropriate legislation that will &ene6t the nation
3Ang 7agong 7a'ani , =2: La&or Part' vs. $=MELE$4
$oosing Party-list Representatives
Prolai!e" &' the $=MELE$ &ase" on the list o( na!es s)&!itte" &' the
respetive parties, aor"ing to their ra;ing
EEet o( hange o( a?liation
2or(eit his seat. Provi"e" that i( hanges politial part' or setoral a?liation
within L !onths &e(ore an eletion, he shall not &e eligi&le (or no!ination as part'+
list representative )n"er his new part' or organi8ation.
Shall &e a)to!atiall' 6lle" &' the ne%t representative (ro! the list o(
no!inees in the or"er s)&!itte" to the $=MELE$ &' the sa!e part' who shall serve
the )ne%pire" ter!. I( list is e%ha)ste", the part' shall s)&!it a""itional no!inees.
1. Reg)lar
#. Speial , elete" !e!&er shall serve onl' (or the )ne%pire" portion o( the
1. Deter!ine" &' law
#. No inrease )ntil a(ter the e%piration o( the ()ll ter! o( all !e!&er o(
1. 2ree"o! (ro! arrest
+ In all oEenses p)nisha&le &' not more tat * years
+ :hile $ongress is in Session
Cn"er the RP$-
Penalt' o( Prision !a'or shall &e i!pose" )pon an' person who shall )se
(ore, inti!i"ation, threats or (ra)" to prevent an' !e!&er o( National Asse!&l'
(ro! atten"ing the !eetings o( the Asse!&l' or o( an' o( its o!!ittees... (ro!
e%pressing his opinions or asting his vote.
Penalt' o( Prision orreional shall &e i!pose" )pon an' p)&li o?er or
e!plo'ee who shall, while the Asse!&l' is in reg)lar or speial session-
a. Arrest or searh an' !e!&er thereo( e%ept-
+ S)h !e!&er has o!!itte" a ri!e p)nishe" &' a penalt'
higher than prision !a'or.
#. Privilege o( Speeh an" o( "e&ate
No !e!&er shall &e @)estione" nor &e hel" lia&le in an' other plae (or
an' speeh or "e&ate in the ongress or in an' o!!ittee thereo(
Me!&er o( $ongress !a' &e hel" to ao)nt (or s)h speeh or "e&ate &'
the BR to whih it &elongs
1. Ino!pati&le =?e
H No Senator or Me!&er o( the BR !a' hol" an' other o?e or e!plo'!ent
in the Govern!ent or an' s)&"ivision, agen', or instr)!entalit' thereo(
inl)"ing G=$$ or their s)&si"iaries ")ring his ter! witho)t (or(eiting his
1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
2or(eit)re o( the seat shall &e a)to!ati
E%ept when !e!&er hol"s o?e in e%+o?io apait'.
#. 2or&i""en =?e
HNeither shall he &e appointe" to an' o?e whih !a' have &een reate" or
the e!ol)!ents thereo( inrease" ")ring the ter! (or whih he was elete".I
The &an shall last onl' (or the ")ration o( the ter! (or whih the !e!&er o(
$ongress was elete".
.ter Ini&itions
1. $annot appear as o)nsel &e(ore an'-
a. $o)rt o( *)stie
&. Eletoral Tri&)nal
. 5)asi+*)"iial or a"!inistrative 7o"ies
#. Diretl' or In"iretl' &e intereste" 6naniall' in an'-
a. $ontrat
&. 2ranhise
. Privilege
Grante" &' the Govern!ent, ")ring his ter! o( o?e
Be shall not intervene in an' !atter &e(ore an' o?e o( the Govern!ent (or
his pe)niar' &ene6t or where he !a' &e alle" )pon to at on ao)nt o( his
:hat is prohi&ite" is PERS=NALL9 appearing as o)nsel
Cpon ass)!ption o( =?e, !)st !a;e a ()ll "islos)re o( 6nanial an"
&)siness interest.
Noti(' the ho)se o( an' potential onNit o( interest that !a' arise (ro! the
6ling o( a propose" legislation o( whih the' are a)thors.
Regular Special
=ne a 'ear on the 0
Mon"a' o( >)l',
)nless a "iEerent "ate is 6%e" &' law,
an" shall ontin)e (or s)h n)!&er o(
"a's as it !a' "eter!ine )ntil /.
"a's &e(ore the opening o( its ne%t
reg)lar session, e%l)sive o(
Sat)r"a's, S)n"a's an" legal
$alle" &' the Presi"ent at an' ti!e,
)s)all' to onsi"er legislative
!eas)res whih the presi"ent !a'
"esignate in his all
/oint Sessions
%oting Separately %oting /ointly
1. $hoosing the presi"ent
#. Deter!ine Presi"entFs "isa&ilit'
/. $on6r!ing no!ination o( the VP
0. Delaring the e%istene o( state o(
1. Proposing onstit)tional
Revo;e or e%ten" prola!ation
s)spen"ing the privilege o( the :rit o(
Ba&eas $orp)s or plaing the Philippines
)n"er !artial Law
Neither Bo)se ")ring the sessions o( $ongress shall, witho)t the onsent o(
the other a"*o)rn (or !ore than / "a's, nor to an' other plae than that in whih
the # Bo)ses shall &e Sitting.
1. Senate Presi"ent
#. Spea;er o( the Bo)se
L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Ma*orit' vote o( all its respetive !e!&ers
Eah ho)se shall hoose s)h other o?ers as it !a' "ee! neessar'
Ma*orit' o( eah Bo)se, &)t a s!aller n)!&er !a' a"*o)rn (ro! "a' to "a'
an" !a' o!pel the atten"ane o( a&sent !e!&ers in s)h !anner an" )n"er
s)h penalties as s)h Bo)se !a' "eter!ine.
The &asis in "eter!ining the e%istene o( a @)or)! in the Senate shall &e the
total n)!&er o( senators who are in the o)ntr' an" within the oerive
*)ris"ition o( the Senate.
+iscipline of mem&ers
Bo)se !a' p)nish !e!&ers (or "isor"erl' &ehavio)r.
S)spen" a !e!&er with on)rrene o( #D/ o( all its !e!&ers (or not !ore
than L. "a's or e%pel a !e!&er.
Gro)n"s (or "isor"erl' &ehavio)r is a Politial @)estion.
Records and &oo3s of account
Preserve" an" open to the p)&li in aor"ane with law.
A)"ite" &' $=A whih shall p)&lish ann)all' an ite!i8e" list o( a!o)nts pai"
to an" e%penses in)rre" (or eah !e!&er.
Legislative 0ournal and $ongressional Record
Matters whih, )n"er the onstit)tion are to &e entere" into the *o)rnal
1. 9eas an" na's on /
an" 6nal rea"ing o( a &ill
#. Veto !essage o( the Presi"ent
/. 9eas an" Na's on the repassing o( a &ill vetoe" &' the Presi"ent
0. 9eas an" Na's on an' @)estion at the re@)est o( 1D1 o( !e!&ers present
)nrolled 4ill Teory
1. D)l' intro")e" an" 6nall' passe" &' &oth Bo)ses
#. A)thentiate" &' the proper o?ers o( eah
/. Approve" &' the Presi"ent
$onl)sive )pon the o)rts as regar"s tenor o( !eas)re passe" &' $ongress
an" approve" &' the Presi"ent.
$o)rt is &o)n" )n"er the "otrine o( Sep. =( powers &' the ontents o( a ")l'
a)thentiate" !eas)re o( the legislat)re
Enrolle" 7ill prevails over >o)rnal Entr', e%ept to !atters whih, )n"er the
$onstit)tion are re@)ire" to &e entere" in the >o)rnal.
$ongressional Reor" , Eah Bo)se shall also ;eep a Reor" o( its
)lectoral Tri&unals
+ / S$ *)sties , "esignate" &' the $hie( >)stie
+ L !e!&ers o( Bo)se onerne"+ hosen on the &asis o(
proportional representation (ro! politial parties registere"
)n"er the part'+list s'ste! represente" therein.
+ Senior *)stie , $hair!an
BRET is a non partisan+o)rt , in"epen"ent o( $ongress an" "evoi" o(
partisan inN)ene an" onsi"eration.
Dislo'alt' to the part' an" &reah o( part' "isipline are not vali" gro)n"s (or
Me!&ers o( BRET en*o' se)rit' o( ten)re
Sole *)"ge o( all ontests relating to the eletion, ret)rns an"
@)ali6ations o( their respetive !e!&ers.
BRET !a' ass)!e *)ris"ition onl' a(ter the winning an"i"ate shall have
&een ")l' prolai!e", ta;en his oath, an" ass)!e" ()ntions o( o?e
Deision o( BRET reviewa&le &' $ertiorari )n"er R)le L1
K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
$ommission on Appointmnets
+ Senate presi"ent , e% o?io $hair!an
+ 1# senators
+ 1# !e!&ers o( BR
Elete" &' eah ho)se on the &asis or proportional representation (ro!
the politial parties registere" )n"er the part'+list s'ste! represente"
$hair!an shall not note e%ept in ase o( a tie
At on all appoint!ents s)&!itte" to it within /. "a's o( $ongress (ro! their
$o!!ission shall r)le &' a !a*orit' vote o( its !e!&ers
Shall !eet onl' while ongress is in session at the all o( hair!an or a
!a*orit' o( all its !e!&ers
The $=A is in"epen"ent o( the two Bo)ses o( $ongress. Its e!plo')ees are
not tehniall' e!plo'ees o( $ongress.
Bas the power to pro!)lgate its own r)les an" reg)lations
Po5ers of $ongress
I. (eneral Legislative Po5er , power to propose, enat, a!en"
an" repeal laws.
a. Li!itations
+ 7ill o( Rights
+ =n Ta%ation
+ $onstit)tional appellate *)ris"ition o( the S$
+ No law granting a title o( ro'alt' or no&ilit' shall &e passO
+ Non+"elegation o( powers
+ Prohi&ition against passage o( irrepeala&le laws.
1. =nl' one s)&*et to &e e%presse" in the title thereo(
#. Three rea"ings on separate "a's , e%ept when presi"ent erti6es
to its i!!e"iate enat!ent to !eet a p)&li ala!it' or e!ergen'
&. Legislative Proess
A. Re@)ire!ents as to &ills
1. =nl' one s)&*et to &e e%presse" in the title thereo(
#. The (ollowing shall alwa's originate (ro! BR
+ Appropriation
+ Reven)eD TariE 7ills
+ 7ills a)thori8ing inrease o( p)&li "e&t
+ 7ills o( loal appliation
+ Private 7ills
7. / rea"ings
+ No 7ill shall &eo!e a law )nless it has passe" / rea"ings on
separate "a's an" printe" opies thereo( in its 6nal (or! have
&een "istri&)te" to its !e!&ers / "a's &e(ore its passage.
E%ept when presi"ent erti6es to its i!!e"iate eneat!ent to
!eet a p)&li ala!it' or e!ergen'.
$. Approval o( 7ills
+ 7ill &eo!es a law in an' o( the (ollowing ases-
a. Presi"ent approves the sa!e an" signs it
M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
&. $ongress overri"es the Presi"ential Veto , overri""en )pon a
vote o( #D/ o( all !e!&ers o( the Bo)se o( =rigin an" the
other Bo)se.
+ No po;et veto
+ Partial veto as a r)le is invali". It is allowe" onl' (or parti)lar
ite!s in an appropriation, reven)e or tariE &ill.
+ Legislative Veto , the legislat)re an &lo; or !o"i('
a"!inistrative ation ta;en )n"er a stat)te. Ma' &e negative or
a?r!ative. S)&*et to serio)s @)estions involving the priniple
o( separation o( powers.
+ :hen presi"ent (ails to at )pon the &ill (or /. "a's (ro! reeipt
thereo(, the &ill shall &eo!e a law as i( he ha" signe" it.
II. Po5er of Appropriation
+ The power o( the p)rse &elongs to ongress, s)&*et onl' to the
veto power o( the presi"ent.
+ Power o( appropriation arries with it the power to spei(' the
pro*et or ativit' to &e ()n"e" )n"er the appropriation law. It
an &e as &roa" as $ongress wants it to &e.
A. Nee" (or appropriation
No !one' shall &e pai" o)t o( the Treas)re e%ept in
p)rs)ane o( an appropriation !a"e &' law.
7. Appropriation Law
Stat)te, the pri!ar' an" spei6 p)rpose o( whih is to
a)thori8e the release o( p)&li ()n"s (ro! the Treas)r'
$. $lassi6ation
a. General Appropriation Law , Passe" ann)all' to provi"e
(or the 6nanial operations o( the entire govern!ent
")ring one 6sal perio"
&. Speial appropriation law , "esigne" (or a spei6
D. I!plie" li!itations on appropriation !eas)res
a. Devote" to P)&li P)rpose
&. S)! !)st &e "eter!inate or at least "eter!ina&le
E. $onstit)tional li!itations on Speial Appropriation !eas)res
a. Spei(' p)&li p)rpose
&. S)pporte" &' ()n"s at)all' availa&le as erti6e" &'
National Treas)rer
2. $onstit)tional R)les on General Appropriations Law
a. $ongress !a' not inrease the appropriations
reo!!en"e" &' the Presi"ent
&. The (or!, ontent an" !anner o( preparation o( the
&)"get shall &e presri&e" &' law
. No provision or enat!ent shall &e e!&rae" )nless it
relates spei6all' to so!e parti)lar appropriation
". Stritl' (ollow the proe")re (or approving appropriations
(or other "epart!ents an" agenies
e. Prohi&ition against trans(er o( appropriation
(. Prohi&ition against appropriation (or setarian &ene6t
g. A)to!ati appropriation
G. I!po)n"!ent , re()sal &' the presi"ent (or whatever reason
to spen" ()n"s !a"e availa&le &' ongress. 2ail)re to spen"
or o&ligate &)"get a)thorit' o( an' t'pe.
III. Po5er of Ta6ation
1. Cni(or! an" e@)ita&le. Progressive s'ste! o( Ta%ation.
#. $harita&le instit)tions et. All lan"s, &)il"ings ADE )se" (or
religio)s, harita&le, or e")ational p)rposes e%e!pt (ro!
< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
/. All reven)es, assets on non+sto;, non+pro6t e")ational
instit)tions )se" ADE (or e")ational p)rposes e%e!pt (ro!
ta%es an" ")ties
0. Law granting ta% e%e!ption shall &e passe" onl' with the
on)rrene o( the !a*orit' o( all the !e!&ers o( ongress.
I%. Po5er of Legislative investigation.
+ $ongress !a' on")t in@)iries in ai" o( legislation, in
aor"ane with ")l' p)&lishe" r)les o( proe")re.
+ Rights o( persons appearing therein or aEete" &' s)h in@)ir'
shall &e respete".
a. In ai" o( legislation
&. In aor"ane with ")l' p)&lishe" r)les o( proe")re
. Rights o( persons appearing in or aEete" &' s)h, in@)ir' shall &e
Power to P)nish onte!pt
Ma' inl)"e i!prison!ent, (or the ")ration o( the session.
Senate &eing a ontin)ing &o"', !a' or"er i!prison!ent (or an in"e6nite perio".
7)t alwa's onsi"er ")e proess.
%. 2uestion Hour
Bea"s o( "epart!ent !a' )pon their own initiative, with the onsent o(
the Presi"ent or )pon re@)est o( either Bo)se, appear &e(ore an" &e hear" &'
s)h Bo)se on an' !atter pertaining to their "epart!ents.
In,uiry in aid of legislation 2uestion Hour
Eliit in(or!ation that !a' &e )se" (or
=&tain in(or!ation in p)rs)it o(
ongressF oversight ()ntion.
%I. 7ar Po5ers
Vote o( #D/ o( &oth Bo)ses in *oint session asse!&le", voting
separatel', !a' "elare e%istene o( a state o( war.
%II. 4oard of $anvassers in election of President
+ $ongress !a' vali"l' "elegate the initial "eter!ination o( the
a)thentiit' an" ")e e%e)tion o( the erti6ates o( anvass to a
*oint $ongressional $o!!ittee o!pose" o( The BR an" o( the
%III. Po5er to call special election for President and %ice
I8. Po5er to 0udge President9s pysical -tness to discarge te
functions of te presidency
8. Po5er to revo3e or e6tend suspension of te privilege of te
7rit of Ha&eas $orpus or declaration of martial la5
8I. Po5er to concur in presidential amnesties. $oncurrence of
ma0ority of all te mem&ers of congress.
8II. Po5er to concur in treaties or international agreements.
$oncurrence of at least :#; of all te mem&ers of te Senate
8III. Po5er to con-rm certain appointments or nominations
made &y te president
+ No!ination !a"e &' the Presi"ent in the event o( a vaan' in
the o?e o( VP, (ro! a!ong the !e!&ers o( $ongress
on6r!e" &' a !a*orit' vote o( all the !e!&ers o( &oth ho)ses
o( $ongress, separatel'.
8I%. Po5er of Impeacment
8%. Po5er relative to natural resources
8%I. Po5er to propose amendments to te constitution
1. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
HSetion 1. Te e%e)tive power shall &e veste" in the Presi"ent o( the
Se. 1 is the !ost power()l provision &ea)se-
+ It is a so)re o( all inherent powers
+ Politial A)thorit' o( the presi"ent is the people
<.S. 4ia3-na-
"alolos =>;? =>@; =>A@
A The The A
The The
Te President
1. Nat)ral+&orn iti8en o( the Philippines
#. Registere" voter
/. A&le to rea" an" write
0. At least 0. 'ears ol" on the "a' o( the eletion
1. Resi"ent o( the Philippines (or at least ten 'ears i!!e"iatel' pree"ing s)h
11 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Reg)lar Eletion+ Seon" Mon"a' o( Ma'
&. $ongress as anvassing &oar"
. S)pre!e o)rt as Presi"ential Eletoral Tri&)nal
Ter! o( =?e
a. No re+eletion+ No person who has s)ee"e" as Presi"ent an" has serve" as
s)h (or !ore than (o)r 'ears shall &e @)ali6e" (or eletion to the sa!e
o?e at an' ti!e.
&. The L 'ear ter! o( Presi"ent an" Vie Presi"ent is (or p)rposes o(
s'nhroni8ation o( eletions.
=ath o( =?e
=ath o( =?e
I do solemnly swear (or afrm) that I will
faithfully and conscientiously fulfll my duties
as President (or Vice-President or Acting
President) of the Philippines, presere and
defend its !onstitution, e"ecute its laws, do
#ustice to eery man, and consecrate myself to
the serice of the $ation% &o help me '()%* (In
case of afrmation, last sentence will +e

7orrowe" (ro! C.S.
HSo help !e Go"I intro")e" &' George :ashington
$linton vs. >ones , A s)it an &e 6le" against the presi"ent i( the on")t is
not relate" to the o?eFs o?ial ()ntions.
7en*a!in 2ran;lin intro")e" pra'er in $ongress in the 1KMK $onstit)tional
a. =?ial resi"ene
&. Salar' , "eter!ine" &' law, shall not &e "erease" ")ring ten)re. No
inrease )ntil a(ter the e%piration o( the ter! o( the in)!&ent ")ring whih
s)h inrease was approve".
. I!!)nit' (ro! s)it , while i!!)ne (ro! s)it, presi"ent !a' still instit)te s)it
I!!)ne (ro! ivil lia&ilit'
A(ter ten)re, Presi"ent annot invo;e i!!)nit' (ro! s)it (ro ivil "a!ages
arising o)t o( ats "one &' hi! while he was presi"ent whih were not
per(or!e" in the e%ervise o( o?ial ")ties
Alter ego o( presi"ent annot invo;e i!!)nit' (ro! s)it &ea)se the
@)estione" ats are not the ats o( the Presi"ent &)t !erel' those o( a
"epart!ent seretar'
". E%e)tive Privilege+ the right o( the presi"ent an" high+level e%e)tive &ranh
o?ials to withhol" in(or!ation (ro! $ongress, the o)rts an" )lti!atel' the
Starte" ")ring Ni%on A"!inistration
:hat it overs-
1. Presi"ential onversation, orrespon"enes or "is)ssions ")ring lose"+
"oor a&inet !eetings
$annot &e prie" open &' a o+e@)al &ranh o( the govern!ent
7eing an e%e!ption (ro! the o&ligation to "islose in(or!ation, the
neessit' (or withhol"ing the in(or!ation !)st &e o( s)h a high "egree
as to o)tweigh p)&li inerest
a. Shall not reeive an' other e!ol)!ents (ro! the govern!ent or an' other
1# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
&. Cnless otherwise provi"e" in this $onstit)tion, shall not hol" an' other o?e
or e!plo'!ent
The VP !a' &e appointe" to the $a&inet witho)t the nee" o( on6r!ation
&' the $o!!ission on Appoint!ents
E= #M0 whih allowe" a&inet !e!&ers to hol" two other o?es in
govern!ent is )nonstit)tional , in "iret ontravention o( Se. 1/, Art. VII.
E%e)tive o?ial s !a' o)p' posts in an e%+o?io apait' witho)t
a""itional o!pensation an" as re@)ire" &' the pri!ar' ()ntions o( the
sai" o?ialFs o?e.
. Shall not "iretl' or in"iretl'-
+ Pratie an' other pro(ession
+ Partiipate in an' &)siness
+ 7e 6naniall' intereste" in an' ontrat with or in an' (ranhise or speial
privilege grante" &' the govern!ent
". Stritl' avoi" onNit o( interest in the on")t o( their o?e
e. Ma' not appoint spo)se or relatives &' onsang)init' or a?nit' within the 0
ivil "egree as !e!&ers o(-
+ $onstit)tional $o!!issions
+ =?e o( the =!&)"s!an
+ Seretaries
+ Cn"er Seretaries
+ $hair!en or hea"s o( &)rea)s or o?es, inl)"ing G=$$ an" their
a. Vaan' at the &eginning o( the ter!-
$ause Succession
Death or per!anent "isa&ilit' Vie Presi"ent elet
2ails to @)ali(' Vie Presi"ent elet shall at as
presi"ent )ntil Presi"ent+elet shall
have @)ali6e"
Not hosen Vie Presi"ent elet shall at as
presi"ent )ntil a presi"ent shall have
&een hosen an" @)ali6e"
No Presi"ent an" vie presi"ent
hosen nor shall have @)ali6e" or
&oth shall have "ie" or &eo!e
per!anentl' "isa&le"
Presi"ent o( the Senate, or in ase o(
his ina&ilit', the Spea;er o( the BR
shall at as presi"ent )ntil a
presi"ent an" vie presi"ent shall
have &een hosen an" @)ali6e". In
the event o( ina&ilit' o( the o?ials
!entione", ongress &' law shall
provi"e (or a !anner in whih one
who is to at presi"ent shall &e
selete" )ntil a presi"ent or VP shall
have @)ali6e".

&. Vaan' ")ring the ter!
$ause Succession
Death, per!anent "isa&ilit', re!oval
(ro! o?e, resignation
Vie Presi"ent shall &eo!e the
Death, per!anent "isa&ilit', re!oval
(ro! o?e, or resignation o( P an" VP
Senate Presi"ent, in ase o
ina&ilit', Spea;er o( BR shall at as
Presi"ent )ntil a P or VP shall &e
elete" an" @)ali6e". $ongress &'
law, shall provi"e (or the !anner in
whih one is to at as Presi"ent in
the event o( ina&ilit' o( the o?ials
!entione" a&ove.
. Te!porar' "isa&ilit'
1/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Presi"ent trans!its to the Senate Presi"ent an" the Spea;er his :RITTEN
DE$LARATI=N that he is )na&le to "isharge the powers an" ")ties o( his
Cntil he trans!its to the! written "elaration to the ontrar', s)h
powers an" ")ties shall &e "isharge" &' the VP as ating Presi"ent
Ma*orit' o( all the !e!&ers o( the $a&inet trans!its to the Senate
presi"ent an" the Spea;er their written "elaration that the presi"ent is
)na&le to "isharge the powers an" ")ties o( his o?e, VP shall
i!!e"iatel' ass)!e powers an" ")ties o( the o?e as A$TING
:hen presi"ent trans!its to the Senate Presi"ent an" Spea;er his written
"elaration that no ina&ilit' e%ists, he shall reass)!e the powers an"
")ties o( his o?e.
:ithin 1 "a's, !a*orit' o( the !e!&ers o( the $a&inet trans!it to the
Senate presi"ent an" Spea;er their written "elaration that the presi"ent
is )na&le to "isharge the powers an" ")ties o( his o?e, $ongress shall
"ei"e the iss)e.
2or this p)rpose, the $ongress shall onvene, i( not in session, within 0M
I( within 1. "a's (ro! reeipt o( the last written "elaration orQ
I( not in session, within 1# "a's a(ter it is re@)ire" to asse!&le, $ongress
"eter!ines &' a #D/ vote o( &oth Bo)ses, voting separatel' that the
presi"ent is )na&le to "isharge the powers an" ")ties o( his o?e, the VP
shall at as Presi"ent.
=therwise the presi"ent shall ontin)e e%erising the powers an" ")ties o(
his o?e
". $onstit)tional ")t' o( $ongress in ase o( vaan' in the o?es o( Presi"ent
an" VP
1. At 1.-.. AM o( the /
"a' a(ter the vaan' o)rs
#. $ongress shall onvene witho)t the nee" o( a all
/. :ithin K "a's enat a law alling (or a speial eletion to elet a presi"ent
an" VP
0. To &e hel" not earlier than 01 nor later than L. "a's (ro! the ti!e o( s)h
1. The 7ill shall &e "ee!e" erti6e" an" shall &eo!e law )pon its approval
on thir" rea"ing &' $ongress
L. $onvening o( $ongress annot &e s)spen"e" nor the speial eletion
K. No speial eletion shall &e alle" i( the vaan' o'rs within 1M !onth
&e(ore the "ate o( the ne%t presi"ential eletion.
Removal of te President
Artile PI
Se. #
:ho !a' &e i!peahe"R
1. Presi"ent
#. VP
/. Me!&ers o( S$
0. Me!&ers o( $onstit)tional $o!!issions
10 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1. =!&)"s!an
=n what gro)n"R
1. $)lpa&le violation o( the $onstit)tion
#. Treason
/. 7ri&er'
0. Gra(t an" $orr)ption
1. =ther high ri!es
L. 7etra'al o( p)&li tr)st
Se. /
:ho !a' initiate ase o( i!peah!entR
=nl' the Bo)se o( RepresentativesDiti8en )pon resol)tion or en"orse!ent
&' an' !e!&er o( the BR
:hat is the proess o( i!peah!entR
In,uiry of Impeacment +irect
11 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
An' !e!&er o( the
BR or $iti8en o(
the Philippines
)pon resol)tion or
en"orse!ent &'
an' !e!&er o( the
At least 1D/ o( all
!e!&ers o( the
Inl)"e in the
or"er o( &)siness
o( BR within 1.
session "a's
Re(erre" to
$=MMITTEE within
/ session "a's
o!!ittee B=LDS
$=MMITTEE a(ter
hearing an"
MA>=RIT9 V=TE o(
all its !e!&ers
to BR within L.
session "a's with
Po5ers of te President
=. )6ecutive Po5er
#. Power to en(ore an" a"!inister the laws.
/. As the a"!inistrative hea" o( the Govern!ent, the Presi"ent is veste" with
the power to e%e)te, a"!inister an" arr' o)t laws into pratial operation.
0. Power o( arr'ing o)t the laws into pratial operation an" en(oring their ")e
A)thorit' to reorgani8e the =?e o( the Presi"ent &' virt)e o(
A"!inistrative $o"e o( 1<MK 3E= #<#4.
Sec. ;= B=C President Proper Sec. ;= B:C B;C .utside of te
.1ce of President Proper
A&olishing, onsoli"ating or !erging
)nits or &' trans(erring ()ntions
(ro! one )nit to another
Li!ite" to !erel' trans(erring
()ntions or agenies (ro! the
=?e o( the Presi"ent to
Depart!ents or Agenies an" vie
:. Appointments
Appoint!ent , seletion, &' a)thorit' veste" with the power, o( an in"ivi")al who is
to e%erise the ()ntions o( a given o?e.
Designation , the i!position o( a""itional ")ties, )s)all' &' law, on a person
alrea"' in the p)&li servie.
$o!!ission , written evi"ene o( appoint!ent
1L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
&' BR within 1.
session "a's
At least 1D/ o( all
!e!&ers o( BR
A22IRMS or
o( I!peah!ent
which have the sole power to try and decide all cases o
Prosec#tors$ Fi%ed n#!&er o !e!&ers o HR
'#rors$ F(LL SENATE
)hen the President o the Philippines is on trial* the Chie
'#stice o the S#pre!e Co#rt shall preside* &#t shall not vote"
SENATE +OTES in OPEN SESSION on each Articles o
CON+ICTION #pon conc#rrence o ,-. vote o ALL the
$lassi6ations o( Appoint!ents
Permanent Temporary
E%ten"e" to persons possessing the
@)ali6ations an" re@)isite eligi&ilit' an"
are th)s protete" &' Se)rit' o( Ten)re
Given to persons witho)t s)h eligi&ilit',
revoa&le at will an" witho)t the
neessit' o( *)st a)se or a vali"
investigation !a"e on the )n"erstan"ing
that the appointing power has not 'et
"ei"e" on a per!anent appointee an"
that the te!porar' appointee !a'&e
replae" at an' ti!e a per!anent hoie
is !a"e.
Regular Ad Interim
=ne !a"e &' the presi"ent while
$ongress is in session ta;es eEet onl'
a(ter on6r!ation &' the $o!!ission on
Appoint!ents. =ne approve" ontin)es
)ntil the en" o( ter! o( the appointee
=ne !a"e &' the presi"ent while
ongress is not in session, ta;es eEet
i!!e"iatel', &)t eases to &e vali" i(
"isapprove" &' the $o!!ission on
Appoint!ents or )pon the ne%t
a"*o)rn!ent o( $ongress.
:ho are the o?ials that !a' &e appointe" &' the Presi"entR
The Presi"ent shall no!inate an" with the onsent o( $o!!ission on Appoint!ents
appoint the (ollowing.
1. Bea"s o( e%e)tive "epart!ents
#. A!&assa"ors or other p)&li !inisters an" ons)ls
/. =?es o( the ar!e" (ores (ro! the ran; or olonel or naval aptain
0. Those other o?ers whose appoint!ents are veste" in hi! in the
Steps in appointing proess
1. No!ination &' the Presi"ent
#. $on6r!ation &' the $o!!ission on Appoint!ents
/. Iss)ane o( the o!!ission
0. Aeptane &' the appointee
Disretion o( Appointing A)thorit'
Appoint!ent is essentiall' a "isretionar' power an" !)st &e per(or!e" &'
the o?er in whih it is veste" aor"ing to his &est lights, the onl' on"ition &eing
that the appointee sho)l" possess the !ini!)! @)ali6ations.
Disretion also inl)"es "eter!ination o( the nat)re or harater o( the
Speial $onstit)tional Li!itations on the Presi"entFs appointing power-
1. Ma' not appoint his spo)se an" relatives &' onsang)init' or a?nit' within
the (o)rth ivil "egree as Me!&ers o( the $onstit)tional $o!!issions, as
o!&)"s!an, or as Seretaries, )n"erseretaries, hair!en or hea"s or
&)rea)s or o?es, inl)"ing G=$$
#. Appoint!ents &' A$TING presi"ent shall re!ain eEetive )nless revo;e" &'
the ELE$TED presi"ent within <. "a's (ro! his ass)!ption o( o?e
/. # !onths i!!e"iatel' &e(ore the ne%t presi"ential eletions, an" )p to the
en" o( his ter!, a Presi"ent or ating Presi"ent shall N=T !a;e appoint!ents
e%ept te!porar' appoint!ents to e%e)tive positions when ontin)e"
vaanies will pre*)"ie p)&li servie or en"anger p)&li sa(et'
;. Te po5er of removal
General R)le- I!plie" (ro! the power o( appoint!ent. 2or a)se an" in
aor"ane with presri&e" a"!inistrative proe")re.
E%eption- :hen onstit)tion presri&es ertain !etho"s (or separation o(
s)h o?ers (ro! p)&li servie.
D. Te po5er of control
1K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
$ontrol , power o( an o?er to alter or !o"i(' or n)lli(' or set asi"e what a
s)&or"inate o?er ha" "one in the per(or!ane o( his ")ties an" to s)&stit)te his
*)"ge!ent (or that o( the latterFs.
S)pervision , overseeing, or the power or a)thorit' o( an o?er to see that
s)&or"inate o?ers per(or! their ")ties an" i( the latter (ail or neglet to ()l6l
the!, then the (or!er !a' ta;e s)h ation or steps as presri&e" &' law to !a;e
the! per(or! these ")ties.
Alter Ego Priniple
HDotrine o( @)ali6e" politial agen'I
1. The esta&lish!ent o( a single e%e)tive an" a"!inistrative organi8ations
are a"*)nts o( the E%e)tive Depart!entQ
#. The hea"s o( the vario)s e%e)tive "epart!ents are assistants an" agents
o( the $hie( E%e)tive
/. E%ept in ases where $hie( e%e)tive is re@)ire" &' the onstit)tion or
law to at in person or the e%igenies o( the sit)ation "e!an" that he at
personall', the a"!inistrative ()ntions are per(or!e" &' an" thro)gh the
e%e)tive "epart!ents an" the ats o( the Seretaries o( s)h
"epart!ents per(or!e" an" pro!)lgate" in the reg)lar o)rse o(
&)siness are, )nless "isapprove" or repro&ate" &' the $hie( E%e)tive
pres)!ptivel' the ats o( the $hie( e%e)tive.
Deisions o( s)&or"inate e%e)tive o?ers are appeala&le to the Presi"ent.
This o!pletes the e%ha)stion o( a"!inistrative re!e"ies.
E%ept when the "otrine o( @)ali6e" politial agen' applies in whih ase
the "eision o( the a&inet seretar' arries the pres)!ptive approval o( the
presi"ent then there is no nee" to appeal the "eision to the presi"ent in or"er to
o!plete e%ha)stion o( a"!inistrative re!e"ies.
Power o( General S)pervision over loal govern!ents
$an onl' inter(ere in the aEairs an" ativities o( a loal govern!ent )nit i( he
or she 6n"s that the latter ha" ate" ontrar' to law.
?. "ilitary Po5ers
The Presi"ent shall &e the o!!an"er in hie( o( all ar!e" (ores o( the
Philippines an" whenever it &eo!es neessar', he !a' all o)t s)h ar!e" (ores
to prevent or s)ppress lawless violene, invasion or re&ellion. In ases o( invasion or
re&ellion, when the p)&li sa(et' re@)ires is, he !a', (or a perio" not e%ee"ing L.
"a's, s)spen" the privilege o( the writ o( ha&eas orp)s or pale the Philippines or
an' part thereo( )n"er !artial law.
*. $ommander-in cief $lause
a. The presi"ent shall &e the o!!an"er in hie( o( the Philippines.
A&ilit' o( the Presi"ent to re@)ire a !ilitar' o?ial to se)re prior onsent
&e(ore appearing in ongress
Most r)ial to the "e!orati wa' o( li(e, to ivil s)pre!a' over the
!ilitar', an" to the general sta&ilit' o( o)r representative s'ste! o(
&. To all o)t s)h ar!e" (ores to prevent or s)ppress lawless violene,
invasion or re&ellion
. The power to organi8e o)rts !artial (or the "isipline o( the !e!&ers o( the
ar!e" (ores, reate !ilitar' o!!issions (or the p)nish!ent o( war
@. Suspension of te privilege of te 5rit of a&eas corpus
a. Gro)n"s-
i. Invasion or re&ellion, when p)&li sa(et' re@)ires it
1M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
&. D)ration-
i. Not to e%ee" si%t' "a's, (ollowing whih it shall &e li(te" )nless
e%ten"e" &' $ongress
. Presi"ent reports ation to $ongress personall' or in writing within 0M ho)rs
". $ongress !a' revo;e or e%ten" the eEetivit' o( prola!ation &' a MA>=RIT9
V=TE o( all its !e!&ers V=TING >=INTL9
e. S$ !a' review in an appropriate proee"ing 6le" &' an' iti8en, the
s)?ien' o( the (at)l &asis o( the prola!ation o( !artial law or the
s)spension o( the privilege o( the writ or the e%tension thereo( an" !)st
pro!)lgate its "eision within /. "a's (ro! 6ling
(. Does not i!pair the right to &ail
g. Applies onl' to persons *)"iiall' harge" (or re&ellion or oEenses inherent in
or "iretl' onnete" with invasion
h. An' person arreste" shall &e *)"iiall' harge" within / "a's, otherwise he
shall &e release".
A. "artial La5
A state o( Martial Law "oes not s)spen" the operation o( the $onstit)tion nor
s)pplant the ()ntioning o( the ivil o)rts or legislative asse!&lies, nor a)thori8e
the on(er!ent o( *)ris"ition on !ilitar' o)rts an" agenies over ivilians where
ivil o)rts are a&le to ()ntion, nor a)to!atiall' s)spen" the privilege o( the writ.
>. Pardoning Po5er
E%ept in ases o( i!peah!ent, or as otherwise provi"e" in the onstit)tion,
the presi"ent !a' grant reprieves, o!!)tations, an" par"ons, an" re!it 6nes an"
(or(eit)res, a(ter onvition &' 6nal *)"g!ent. Be shall also have the power to grant
a!nest' with the on)rrene o( a !a*orit' o( all the !e!&ers o( the $ongress.
Pardon $ommutation Reprieve Parole Amnesty
At o( grae
whih e%e!pts
the in"ivi")al
on who! it is
&estowe" (ro!
Re")tion or
Mitigation o(
the penalt'
o( a sentene
or sta' o(
Release (ro!
&)t witho)t ()ll
restoration o(
At o( grae
on)rre" in
&' the
e%ten"e" to
gro)ps o(
persons who
oEenses, whih
p)ts into
o&livion the
oEense itsel(
Disretionar' )pon the presi"ent an" !a' not &e ontrolle" &' the
legislat)re, reverse" &' the o)rts )nless there is a onstit)tional
Li!itations on E%erise
1. $annot &e grante" in ases o( i!peah!ent
#. $annot &e grante" in ases o( violation o( eletion laws witho)t the
(avo)ra&le reo!!en"ation o( the $=MELE$
/. $an &e grante" onl' a(ter onvition &' 6nal *)"g!ent
0. $annot &e grante" in ases o( legislative onte!pt or ivil onte!ot
1. $annot a&solve the onvit o( ivil lia&ilit'
L. $annot restore p)&li o?es (or(eite"
$lassi6ations o( Par"on
1. Plenar' or Partial
#. A&sol)te or $on"itional
1< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Totall' e%ting)ishes ri!inal lia&ilit'
=ne !)st a"!it his g)ilt o( the oEense overe" &' the prola!ation
Amnesty Pardon
Politial =Eenses In(rations o( peae o( the State
$lasses o( Persons In"ivi")als
No nee" (or "istint ats o( aeptane Aeptane neessar'
Re@)ires on)rrene o( $ongress Does Not
P)&li At whih the o)rts !a' ta;e
*)"iial notie o(
Private At whih !)st &e plea"e" an"
Loo;s &a;war" an" p)ts into o&livion
the oEense
Loo;s (orwar" an" relieves the par"onee
o( the onse@)enes o( the oEense
=E. 4orro5ing Po5er
The presi"ent !a' ontrat or g)arantee (oreign loans on &ehal( o( the
1. Prior on)rrene o( Monetar' 7oar"
#. S)&*et to li!itations )n"er the law
/. M7 shall within /. "a's (ro! the en" o( ever' @)arter, s)&!it to the
ongress a o!plete report o( its "eisions on appliations (or loans whih
wo)l" have the eEet o( inreasing the (oreign "e&t.
==. +iplomatic Po5er
No treat' or international agree!ent shall &e vali" an" eEetive )nless
on)rre" in &' at least #D/ o( all the !e!&ers o( the SENATE.
Treaty International Agreement
Involves politial iss)es or hanges o(
national poli'
A"*)st!ent o( "etails arr'ing o)t well
esta&lishe" national poliies an"
Involving international agree!ents o( a
per!anent harater
Involving international agree!ents o( a
!ore or less te!porar' nat)re
2or!al "o)!ents re@)ire rati6ation 7in"ing thro)gh e%e)tive ation
Sa!e 7in"ing EEets
=:. 4udgetary Po5er
1. Presi"ent shall s)&!it to ongress within /. "a's (ro! the opening o(
ever' reg)lar session as the &asis o( General Appropriations At
#. A &)"get e%pen"it)res an" so)res o( 6naning, inl)"ing reeipts (ro!
e%isting an" propose" reven)e !eas)res
=;. Informing Po5ers
The presi"ent shall a""ress the ongress at the opening o( its reg)lar session.
Be !a' also appear &e(ore it at an' other ti!e.
=D. .ter Po5ers
1. $all ongress to a speial session
#. Power to approve or veto &ills
/. $onsent to "ep)tation o( govern!ent personnel &' the $=MELE$
0. Disipline s)h "ep)ties
1. E!ergen' powers, tariE powers "elegate" &' the $ongress
L. Genereal s)pervision over LGC an" a)tono!o)s regional govern!ents
%ice President
1. Nat)ral+&orn iti8en o( the Philippines
#. Registere" voter
/. A&le to rea" an" write
0. At least 0. 'ears ol" on the "a' o( the eletion
1. Resi"ent o( the Philippines (or at least ten 'ears i!!e"iatel' pree"ing
s)h eletion
#. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Reg)lar Eletion+ Seon" Mon"a' o( Ma'
&. $ongress as anvassing &oar"
. S)pre!e o)rt as Presi"ential Eletoral Tri&)nal
Ter! o( =?e
L 'ears. 7)t no VP shall server (or !ore than # s)essive ter!s.
In ase o( vaan', Presi"ent shall no!inate a Vie presi"ent (ro! a!ong
the !e!&ers o( the Senate an" the BR who shall ass)!e o?e )pon
on6r!ation &' a !a*orit' vote o( all the !e!&ers o( &oth Bo)ses o(
$ongress voting separatel'.
Least Dangero)s 7ranh o( the govern!ent , &ea)se possesses neither
the power o( p)rse nor swor".
#1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
9et, i!portant &ea)se o( the power o( E")ation an" *)"g!ent
>)"iial Power
Inl)"es the ")t' o( the o)rts o( *)stie to settle at)al ontroversies
involving rights whih are legall' "e!an"a&le an" en(orea&le, an" to "eter!ine
whether or not there has &een a grave a&)se o( "isretion a!o)nting to la; or
e%ess o( *)ris"ition on the part o( an' &ranh or instr)!entalit' o( the
govern!ent. , Ro&erto $onepion.
Powers to a!en" an" ontrol its proesses an" or"ers inl)"es the right to
reverse itsel(.
S$ an loo; into the (at)al &asis
No De6nition o( >)"iial power in C.S. )ntil ase o( Mar&)r' vs. Ma"ison
Lansang vs. Garia , S$ an loo; into the (at)al &asis relative to s)spension
o( the writ.
:here Veste"
In one S)pre!e $o)rt an" in s)h lower o)rts as !a' &e esta&lishe" &' law
S$ was alle" HS)pre!e $o)nil o( grae an" *)stieI in 7ia;+na+7ato
$alle" HS)pre!e $o)rtI in Malolos $onstit)tion
The power to hear an" "ei"e a ase
$ongress has the power to "e6ne, presri&e an" apportion the *)ris"ition o(
the vario)s o)rts, &)t !a' not "eprive the S$ o( its *)ris"itions over ases
Setion 1. The S)pre!e $o)rt shall have the (ollowing powers-
314 E%erise original *)ris"ition over ases aEeting a!&assa"ors other
p)&li !inisters an" ons)ls, an" over petitions (or ertiorari, prohi&ition,
!an"a!)s, @)o warranto, an" ha&eas orp)s.
3#4 Review, revise, reverse, !o"i(', or a?r! on appeal or ertiorari as the
law o( the R)les o( $o)rt !a' provi"e, 6nal *)"g!ents an" or"ers o( lower o)rts in-
3a4 All ases in whih the onstit)tionalit' or vali"it' o( an' treat',
international or e%e)tive agree!ent, law, presi"ential "eree, prola!ation, or"er,
instr)tion, or"inane, or reg)lation is in @)estion.
3&4 All ases involving the legalit' o( an' ta%, i!post, assess!ent, or toll, or
an' penalt' i!pose" in relation thereto.
34 All ases in whih the *)ris"ition o( an' lower o)rt is in iss)e.
3"4 All ri!inal ases in whih the penalt' i!pose" is rel)sion perpet)a or
3e4 All ases in whih onl' an error or @)estion o( law is involve".
3/4 Assign te!poraril' *)"ges o( lower o)rts to other stations as p)&li interest
!a' re@)ire. S)h te!porar' assign!ent shall not e%ee" si% !onths witho)t
the onsent o( the *)"ge onerne".
304 =r"er a hange o( ven)e or plae o( trial to avoi" a !isarriage o( *)stie.
314 Pro!)lgate r)les onerning the protetion an" en(ore!ent o(
onstit)tional rights, plea"ing pratie, an" proe")re in all o)rts, the a"!ission to
the pratie o( law, the Integrate" 7ar, the legal assistane to the )n"erprivilege".
S)h r)les shall provi"e a si!pli6e" an" ine%pensive proe")re (or the spee"'
"isposition o( ases, shall &e )ni(or! (or all o)rts o( the sa!e gra"e, an" shall not
"i!inish, inrease, or !o"i(' s)&stantive rights. R)les o( proe")re o( speial o)rts
an" @)asi+*)"iial &o"ies shall re!ain eEetive )nless "isapprove" &' the S)pre!e
3L4 Appoint all o?ials an" e!plo'ees o( the >)"iiar' in aor"ane with the
$ivil Servie Law.
No law shall &e passe" inreasing the appellate *)ris"ition o( the S$ as
provi"e" in the $onstit)tion witho)t its a"vie an" on)rrene
$onstit)tional Sa(eg)ar"s
1. S$ is a onstit)tional &o"', it !a' not &e a&olishe" &' the legislat)re
#. Me!&ers o( the S$ are re!ova&le onl' &' i!peah!ent
## | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
/. S$ !a' not &e "eprive" o( its !ini!)! original an" appellate *)ris"ition.
:hile appellate *)ris"ition !a' not &e inrease" witho)t its a"vie an"
0. S)pre!e $o)rt has a"!inistrative s)pervision over all in(erior o)rts an"
1. S$ has the e%l)sive power to "isipline *)"gesD*)sties o( in(erior o)rts
L. Me!&ers o( the >)"iiar' have se)rit' o( ten)re
K. Me!&ers o( the >)"iiar' !a' not &e "esignate" to an' agen' per(or!ing
@)asi+*)"iial or a"!inistrative ()ntions
M. Salaries o( *)"ges !a' not &e re")e", the *)"iiar' en*o's 6sal a)tono!'
2isal a)tono!'- 2)ll Ne%i&ilit' to alloate an" )tili8etheir reso)res with the
wis"o! an" "ispath that their nee"s re@)ire.
<. The S$ alone !a' initiate an" pro!)lgate the R)les o( $o)rt
1..The S$ alone !a' or"er te!porar' "etail o( *)"ges
11.The S$ an appoint all o?ials an" e!plo'ees o( the *)"iiar'
Power o( >)"iial ReviewDIn@)ir'
Appoint!ent to >)"iiar'
1. =( prove o!petene, integrit', pro&it' an" in"epen"ene
#. S$
a. Nat)ral 7orn iti8en
&. At least 0. 'ears o( age
. 11 'ears or !ore a *)"ge o( a lower o)rt or engage" in the pratie o(
law in the Philippines
/. Lower $ollegiate $o)rts
a. Nat)ral 7orn iti8en
&. Me!&er o( the Philippine 7ar
. $ongress !a' presri&e other @)ali6ations
0. Lower $o)rts
a. $iti8en o( the Philippines
&. Me!&er o( Philippine 7ar
. $ongress !a' presri&e other @)ali6ations
Proe")re (or Appoint!ent
1. Appointe" &' the Presi"ent o( the Philippines (ro! a!ong a list o( at least
three no!inees prepare" &' the >)"iial 7ar $o)nil (or ever' vaan' the
appoint!ent shall nee" no on6r!ation
#. An' vaan' in the S$ shall &e 6lle" within <. "a's (ro! the o)rrene
/. 2or lower o)rts, the Presi"ent shall iss)e the appoint!ent within <. "a's
(ro! s)&!ission &' the >7S o( s)h list
>)"iial an" 7ar $o)nil
Sreen >)"ges
In 1</1 an" 1<K/, the role &elonge" to $o!!ission o( Appoint!ents
1. E%+o?io !e!&ers
a. $hie( *)stie , $hair!an
&. Seretar' o( >)stie
. Representative o( $ongress
#. Reg)lar !e!&ers
a. Representative o( the I7P
&. Pro(essor o( Law
. Retire" >)stie o( S$
". Representative o( private Setor
Reg)lar !e!&ers , appointe" &' the Presi"ent (or a ter! o( 0 'ears with the
onsent o( $o!!ission on Appoint!ents.
#/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1. Prinipal ()ntion o( reo!!en"ing appointees to the *)"iiar'
#. Ma' e%erise s)h other ()ntions an" ")ties as the S$ !a' assign it
The S)pre!e $o)rt
1. A hie( *)stie
#. 10 Assoiate >)sties
Ma' sit en &an or in its "isretion, in "ivisions o( /, 1 or K !e!&ers
An' vaan' shall &e 6lle" within <. "a's (ro! o)rrene thereo(
En &anD"ivision ases
En &an
1. All ases involving the onstit)tionalit' o( treat', international or e%e)tive
agree!ent or law
#. $onstit)tionalit', appliation or operation o( presi"ential "erees,
prola!ations, or"ers, instr)tions,, or"inanes an" other eg)lations
=ther ases or !atters !a' &e hear" in "ivision an" "ei"e" or resolve" with
the on)rrene o( a !a*orit' o( the !e!&ers who at)all' too; part in the
"eli&erations on the iss)es an" vote" thereon, &)t in no ase witho)t the
on)rrene o( at least / s)h !e!&ers.
=riginal >)ris"ition
1. $ases aEeting a!&assa"ors, other p)&li !inisters an" ons)ls
#. Petitions (or ertiorari, prohi&ition, !an"a!)s, @)o warranto an" ha&eas
Appellate >)ris"ition
1. All ases in whih the onstit)tionalit' or vali"it' o( an' treat',
international or e%e)tive agree!ent, law, presi"ential "eree,
prola!ation, or"er, instr)tion, or"inane or reg)lation is in @)estion
#. All ases involving the legalit' o( an' ta%, i!post, assess!ent or toll, or
an' penalt' i!pose" in relation thereto
/. All ases in whih the *)ris"ition o( an' lower o)rt is in iss)e
0. All ri!inal ases in whih the penalt' i!pose" is rel)sion perpet)a or
1. All ases in whih onl' an error or @)estion o( law is involve"
Te!porar' assign!ent o( *)"ges
Assign!ent shall not e%ee" si% !onths witho)t the onsent o( the *)"ge
=r"er hange o( ven)e
2o)n" in 1<K/
None in 1</1
To avoi" !isarriage o( *)stie
R)le Ma;ing Power
Pro!)lgate r)les onerning the protetion an" en(ore!ent o( onstit)tional
rights plea"ing, pratie an" proe")re in all o)rts, the a"!ission to the pratie o(
law the I7P an" legal assistane to the )n"erprivilege"
1. Provi"e a si!pli6e" an" ine%pensive proe")re (or the spee"' "isposition
o( ases
#. M)st &e )ni(or! (or all o)rts o( the sa!e gra"e
/. M)st not "i!inish, inrease or !o"i(' s)&stantial rights
Integrate" 7ar , State+organi8e" 7ar, to whih ever' law'er !)st &elong as
"isting)ishe" (ro! a &ar assoiation organi8e" &' in"ivi")al law'ers the!selves,
!e!&ership In whih is vol)ntar'.
:rit o( A!paro
#0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
EEetive an" ine%pensive instr)!ent (or the protetion o( onstit)tional
rights. =( Me%ian =rigin an" sprea" thro)gho)t the :estern Be!isphere where it
gra")all' evolve" into vario)s (or!s, "epen"ing on the parti)lar nee"s o( eah
Availa&le to an' person whose right to li(e, li&ert' an" se)rit' is violate" or
threatene" with violation &' an )nlaw()l at or o!ission o( a p)&li o?ial or
e!plo'ee, or o( a private in"ivi")al or entit'.
Se. 10 o( the R)le allows the grant &' the o)rt o( interi! relie(s, whih !a'
either &e a te!porar' protetion or"er, inspetion or"er, pro")tion or"er or a
witness protetion or"er
No writ o( a!paro !a' &e iss)e" )nless there is a lear allegation o( the
s)ppose" (at)al an" legal &asis o( the right so)ght to &e protete".
Shall not iss)e when applie" (or as a s)&stit)te (or the appeal or ertiorari
proess or when it will inor"inatel' inter(ere with these proesses.
:rit o( Ba&eas Data
In"epen"ent re!e"' to protet the right to priva', espeiall' the right to
in(or!ational priva'.
Re!e"' availa&le to an' person whose right to priva' in li(e, li&ert' or
se)rit' is violate" or threatene" with violation &' an )nlaw()l at or o!ission o( a
p)&li o?ial or e!plo'ee, or o( a private in"ivi")al or entit' engage" in the
gathering, olleting, or storing o( "ata or in(or!ation regar"ing the person, (a!il',
honor an" orrespon"ene o( the aggrieve" part'.
Power o( Appoint!ent
S$ appoints all o?ials an" e!plo'ees o( the >)"iiar' in aor"ane with the
$ivil Servie Law
Power o( A"!inistrative S)pervision
S$ shall have a"!inistrative s)pervision over all o)rts an" the personnel
Ann)al Report
S$ shall s)&!it within /. "a's (ro! the opening o( eah reg)lar session o(
$ongress, to the Presi"ent an" to $ongress an ann)al report on the operations an"
ativities o( the >)"iiar'
$ons)ltationsDDeisions o( S$
a. $onl)sion is an' ase s)&!itte" to it (or "eision shall &e reahe" in
ons)ltation &e(ore the ase is assigne" to a !e!&er (or the writing o( the
opinion o( the o)rt.
A erti6ation to this eEet signe" &' the $hie( >)stie shall &e iss)e".
This re@)ire!ent is also applia&le to lower ollegiate o)rts
Not applia&le to a"!inistrative ases
&. Deision shall state learl' an" "istintl' the (ats an" the law on whih it
is &ase"
Not applia&le to !in)te resol)tion "is!issing a petition (or ha&eas orp)s,
ertiori or !an"a!)s, provi"e" a legal &asis is given
Not applia&le to a"!inistrative ases.
Me!oran")! "eisions
Vali" as it a"opts &' re(erene the 6n"ings o( (at an" onl)sions o(
law ontaine" in the "eisions o( in(erior tri&)nals.
=n the gro)n" o( e%pe"ien', pratialit', onveniene an" "o;et
stat)s o( the o)rts.
It annot inorporate 6n"ings o( (at an" the onl)sions o( the law &'
lower o)rts onl' &' !eans o( re!ote re(erene whih is to sa' that the
hallenge" "eision is not easil' an" i!!e"iatel' availa&le to the person
rea"ing the !e!o "eision.
#1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Me!oran")! sho)l" at)all' e!&o"' the 6n"ings o( (ats an"
onl)sions o( law o( the lower o)rt in an anne% attahe" to an" !a"e an
in"ispensa&le part o( the "eision.
. No petition (or review or !otion (or reonsi"eration shall &e re()se" ")e
o)rse or "enie" witho)t stating the legal &asis there(or.
Ten)re o( >)"gesD >)sties
1. S$ *)sties !a' &e re!ove" onl' &e i!peah!ent
#. Lower o)rt *)"ges shall hol" o?e ")ring goo" &ehavio)r )ntil the'
reah the age o( K. 'ears or &eo!e inapaitate" to "isharge the ")ties
o( their o?e.
a. S$ en &an shall have the power to "isipline *)"ges o( lower o)rts, or
or"er their "is!issal &' a vote o( a !a*orit' o( the !e!&ers who at)all'
too; part in the "eli&erations on the iss)es an" vote" thereon.
&. No law shall &e passe" reorgani8ing the *)"iiar' when it )n"er!ines the
se)rit' o( ten)re o( its !e!&ers.
In the (ollowing o)ntries, their onstit)tion is silent on ter!-
+ Monao
+ =!an
+ Liehstenstein
+ Swit8erlan"
+ Spain
+ San Marino
+ 3Meron pa isa "i ;o !aalala4
In the (ollowing o)ntries, the ter! is (or li(e
+ $hina
+ 7ra8il
+ 7)r!a
+ $)&a
+ $8eh Rep)&li
+ Slova;ia
+ L)%e!&)rg
+ Netherlan"s
+ Port)gal
+ 3Meron pa "alawa "i ;o !aalala4
2i%e" &' law, !a' not ne "erease" ")ring their ontin)ane in o?e.
Perio"s (or Deision
1. All ases 6le" a(ter the eEetivit' o( the $onstit)tion !)st &e "ei"e" or
resolve" (ro! "ate o( s)&!ission within-
+ S$- #0 !onths
+ Lower $ollegiate $o)rts 1# !onths
+ All lover o)rts- / !onths
#. Despite e%piration o( the !an"ator' perio", the o)rt, witho)t pre*)"ie to
s)h responsi&ilit' as !a' have &een in)rre" in onse@)ene thereo(, shall
"ei"e or resolve the ase or !atter s)&!itte" to it witho)t ()rther "ela'.
+ The o)rt "oes not lose *)ris"ition over the ase "espite the lapse o( the
!an"ator' perio", &)t the erring *)"ge or *)stie !a' &e s)&*ete" to
a"!inistrative santions (or the "ela'
#L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
=>;? =>@; =>A@
General A)"iting
(eneral Provisions
The in"epen"ent onstit)tional o!!issions are-
1. $ivil Servie $o!!
#. $=MELE$
/. $o!!ission on A)"it
Sa(eg)ar"s ens)ring the in"epen"ene o( $o!!issions-
1. The' are onstit)tionall' reate"Q !a' not &e a&olishe" &' stat)te
#. In"epen"ent
/. $on(erre" wD powers whih annot &e re")e" &' stat)te
0. $hair!en T !e!. !a' not &e re!ove" 3e%ept &' i!peah!ent4
1. 2airl' long ter!+ K 'rs
L. $hair!en an" !e!. Ma' not &e reappointe" or appointe" in an ating
K. Salaries+ relativel' high, !a' not &e "erease" ")ring ontin)ane in
M. 2isal a)tono!'
<. Ma' pro!)lgate its own proe")ral r)les, provi"e" the' "o not "i!inish,
inrease, !o"i(' s)&stantive rights 3tho)gh s)&*et to "isapproval &' S$4
1..$hair!en T !e!+ s)&*et to ertain "is@)ali6ations
11.Ma' appoint their own o?ialsD e!plo'ees in aor"ane wD $ivil Servie
Shall not, ")ring ten)re-
1. Bol" an' other o?eD e!plo'!ent
#. Engage in pratie o( an' pro(ession
/. Engage in ative !anage!entD trl o( an' &)siness wD in an' wa' !a' &e
aEete" &' the ()ntions o( his o?e
0. 7e 6naniall' intereste" in an' ontrat wD, or in an' (ranhiseD privilege
grante" &' the govFtD s)&"ivisionsDagenies
Rotational she!e o( Appoint!ents-
2irst appointees shall serve ter!s o( K, 1, an" / 'ears. A(ter 1
o!!ish are
appointe", the rotational she!e is inten"e" to prevent the possi&ilit' o( 1
Presi"ent appointing all the $o!!issioners
#K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Shall &e &' !a*orit' vote o( ALL its !e!&ers T "ei"e" wDin L. "a's (ro!
the "ate o( s)&!ission (or "eision 3i( itFs a ase4 or resol)tion 3i( itFs a
&. An' "eision, or"er or r)ling o( eah $o!!ission !a' &e &ro)ght to S$ on
ertiorari &' the aggrieve" part' wDin /. "a's (ro! reeipt o( a op'
2inal "eisions o( the $S$ are en(orea&le &' a writ o( e%e)tion that the $S$
!a' itsel( iss)e
$I%IL S)R%I$) $.""ISSI.N
$hair!an U # $o!!issioners+
1. Nat)ral &orn iti8ens
#. At least /1 'Do at the ti!e o( appoint!ent
/. Proven apait' (or p)&li a"!inistration
0. M)st not have &een an"i"ates (or an' eletive position in the eletion
i!!e"iatel' pree"ing appoint!ent
1. Appointe" &' the Presi"ent wD onsent o( $o!!ission on Appoint!ents (or a
ter! o( K 'rs wDo reappoint!ent
L. In no ase shall an' !e!&er &e appointe" or "esignate" ina te!porar' or
ating apait'
As the entral personnel agen' o( the GovFt-
1. To esta&lish a areer servie T a"opt !eas)res to pro!ote !orale, e?ien',
integrit', responsiveness, progressiveness, an" o)rtes' in the ivil servie.
#. To strengthen the !erit T rewar"s s'ste!, integrate all h)!an reso)res
"evelop!ent progra!s (or all levels an" ran;s an" to instit)tionali8e a
!anage!ent li!ate on")ive to p)&li ao)nta&ilit' VSe. /, Art. IP+ 7W
En*o's a wi"e latit)"e o( Disretion an" !a' not &e o!pelle" &' !an"a!)s
to iss)e s)h eligi&ilit'.
Cn"er the A"!inistrative $o"e o( 1<MK, the $S$ has the power to hear T
"ei"e a"!inistrative ases instit)te" &e(ore it "iretl' or on appeal,
inl)"ing onteste" appoint!ents. The =!ni&)s R)les i!ple!enting the
A"!inistrative $o"e provi"es, a!ong others, that notwithstan"ing the initial
approval o( an appoint!ent, the sa!e !a' &e realle" (or violation o( other
e%isting $ivil Servie laws, r)les an" reg)lations. The power o( $S$ inl)"es
the a)thorit' to reall an appoint!ent initiall' approve" in "isregar" o(
applia&le provisions o( the $S law T reg)lations VMatha' v. $S$W
$o!!ission has orig *)ris"ition to hear T "ei"e a o!plaint (or heating in
the $ivil Servie e%a!inations o!!itte" &' govFt e!plo'ees. The (at that
the o!plaint was 6le" &' the $S$ itsel( "oes not !ean that it annot &e an
i!partial *)"ge. V$r)8 v. $S$W
No appellate *)ris"ition inase o( separation (ro! govern!ent servie
All &ranhes, s)&"ivisions, instr)!entalities an" agenies o( the GovFt
inl)"ing G=$$ wD original harters. VSe. # 314 Art. IP 7W
A. $areer Servie
$harateri8e" &' entrane &ase" on !erit an" 6tness to &e "eter!ine", as
(ar as pratia&le &' o!petitive e%a!inations, or &ase" on highl' tehnial
#M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
=pport)nit' (or a"vane!ent to higher areer positionsQ an" se)rit' o(

Positions Inl)"e" in $areer Servie-
a. =pen areer positions where prior @)ali6ation in an appropriate e%a!ination
is re@)ire"
&. $lose" areer positions, e.g., sienti6 or highl' tehnial in nat)re
. $areer E%e)tive Servie, e.g., )n"erseretaries, &)rea) "iretors, et
". $areer =?ers 3other than those &elonging to the $areer E%e)tive Servie4
who are appointe" &' the Presi"ent, e.g., those in (oreign o?e
e. Positions in the A2P, altho)gh governe" &' separate !erit s'ste!
(. Personnel o( G=$$ wD orig harters
g. Per!anent la&orers whether s;ille", se!i+s;ille", or )ns;ille"
Se)rit' o( Ten)re in the $areer E%e)tive Servie, re@)isites-
1. $areer e%e)tive servie eligi&ilit'
#. Appoint!ent to the appropriate areer e%e)tive servie ran;
It !)st &e stresse" that the se)rit' o( ten)re o( e!plo'ees in the areer
e%e)tive servie 3e%ept 6rst T seon" level e!plo'ees in the ivil servie4
pertains onl' to ran; an" not to the o?e or to the position to whih the'
!a' &e appointe". Th)s, a areer e%e)tive o?er !a' &e trans(erre" or
reassigne" (ro! 1 position to another wDo)t losing his ran; wD (ollows hi!
wherever he is trans(erre" or reassigne".
7. Non+$areer Servie 3N$S4
$harateri8e" &'
1. Entrane on &ases other than those o( the )s)al tests )tili8e" (or the areer
#. Ten)re li!ite" to that spei6e" &' law or whih is oter!ino)s with that o(
the appointing a)thorit' or s)&*et to his pleas)re, or
/. :hih is li!ite" to ")ration o( a pro*et (or wD p)rpose the e!plo'!ent was
=?ers T E!plo'ees E!&rae" in N$S-
1. Eletive o?ials
#. Depart!ent hea"s an" o?ials o( $a&inet ran; who hol" o?e at the
pleas)re o( the Presi"ent, T their personal T on6"ential st)E
/. $hair T !e!. =( o!!issions an" &oar"s wD 6%e" ter!s o( o?e
0. $ontrat)al personnel or those whose e!plo'!ent in the govern!ent is in
aor"ane wD a speial ontrat to )n"erta;e a spei6 wor; or *o& re@)iring
speial or tehnial s;ills not availa&le in the e!plo'ing agen', to &e
ao!plishe" wDin a spei6 perio" not e%ee"ing 1 'ear, )n"er their own
responsi&ilit', wD the !ini!)! "iretion T s)pervision
1. E!ergen' T seasonal personnel
Ma"e onl' aor"ing to !erit T 6tness to &e "eter!ine" as (ar as pratia&le,
an" e%ept to positions wD are poli' "eter!ining, pri!aril' on6"ential, or highl'
tehnial, &' o!petitive e%a!ination VSe. # 3#4 Art. IP+7W
Per!anent appoint!ent an iss)e onl' to a person who possesses all the
re@)ire!ents (or the position to whih he is appointe". An e%eption to this
r)le is where, in the a&sene o( appropriate eligi&les, he or she !a' &e
appointe" te!poraril' (or a perio" o( 1# !onths.
E%e!pt (ro! o!petitive e%a!ination
1. Poli' "eter!ining + where o?er la's "own prinipal or ()n"a!ental
g)i"elines or r)les or (or!)lates !etho" o( ation (or govFt or an' o( its
s)&"ivisions e.g. "epart!ent hea"
#< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
#. Pri!aril' $on6"ential + "enoting not onl' on6"ene in the aptit)"e o(
the appointee (or the ")ties o( the o?e &)t pri!aril' lose inti!a' wD
ens)res (ree"o! o( intero)rse wDo)t e!&arrass!ent or (ree"o! (ro!
!isgivings or &etra'als on on6"ential !atters o( the stateQ or one
"elare" to &e so &' the Presi"ent )pon reo!!en"ation o( $S$
/. Bighl' Tehnial+ re@)ires possession o( tehnial s;ills or training in a
s)perior "egree. e.g. PN7 legal o)nsel
Appointing a)thorit' has the right o( hoie wD he !a' e%erise (reel'
aor"ing to his &est *)"g!ent, "ei"ing (or hi!sel( who is &est @)ali6e" a!ong
those Heligi&lesI. 2inal hoie o( appointing a)thorit' sho)l" &e respete" an" le(t
R=LE =2 $S$
$he; i( the appointee possesses the @)ali6ations an" appropriate eligi&ilit'.
I( he "oes, his appoint!ent is approve"Q it is not, i( "isapprove". The o!!ittees
wor; is reo!!en"ator' an" "oes not 6% a stringent (or!)la regar"ing the !o"e o(
hoosing (ro! a!ong thee an"i"ates.

a. No an"i"ate who has lost in an' eletion shall, wDin 1 'r a(ter s)h, &e
appointe" to an' o?e in the G=VFTD go VSe L, Art IP 7W
&. No eletive o?ial shall &e eligi&le (or appoint!ent or "esignation in an'
apait' to an' p)&li o?e or position ")ring his ten)re VSe K 314 Art. IP 7W
. Cnless otherwise allowe" &' law or &' the pri!ar' ()ntions o( his position,
no appointive o?ial shall hol" an' other o?e or e!plo'!ent in the GovFt
or an' s)&"ivision, agen', instr)!entalit', inl)"ing G=$$D s)&si"iar' VSe
K 3#4 Art IP+7W
No o?er or e!plo'ee o( the $S shall &e re!ove" or s)spen"e" e%ept (or
a)se provi"e" &' law VSe # 3/4 Art IP 7W
Cnonsente" trans(er o( the o?er, res)lting in "e!olition in ran; or salar',
is a violation o( the se)rit' o( ten)re la)se in the $onstit)tion.
:hen an e!plo'ee is illegall' "is!isse", T his reinstate!ent is later or"ere"
&' the $o)rt, (or all legal intents T p)rposes he is onsi"ere" as not having
le(t his o?e, an" notwithstan"ing the silene o( the "eision, he is entitle"
to &a;wages VDel $astillo v. $S$W
Se)rit' o( ten)re in $areer E%e)tive Servie pertains to ran;, not to the
position to whih the e!plo'ee !a' &e appointe" VGeneral v. RooW
Reorgani8ation o( o?e "oes not neessaril' res)lt in a&olition o( the o?e,
an" "oes not *)sti(' the replae!ent o( per!anent o?ers T e!plo'ees. 7)t
where, as a res)lt o( the reorgani8ation, e!plo'ees were eEetivel' "e!ote"
&' their assign!ent to positions lower than those the' previo)sl' hel", there
is violation o( se)rit' o( ten)re, an" $S$ !a' or"er reinstate!ent.
Cn"er R=$, a areer servie o?er or ee )nlaw()ll' o)ste" (ro! his o?e has
1 'r to 6le an ation in o)rt to reover his o?e, otherwise it presri&es.
Partisan politial Ativit'
No o?er or e!plo'ee in the $S shall engage, in an' eletioneering or
partisan politial a!paign VSe # 304 Art IP 7W
The $S Law prohi&its engaging "iretl' or in"iretl' in an' partisan politial
ativit' or ta;ing part in an' eletion e%ept to vote, or )se o?ial a)thorit'
to oere the politial ativit' o( an' person or &o"'. 7)t this "oes not
prevent e%pression o( views on )rrent politial iss)es, or !ention the na!es
o( an"i"ates (or p)&li o?e who! the p)&li o?er s)pports.
Militar' is overe" &' this provision
/. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
E%e!pt (ro! this provision are the !e! o( the $a&inet an" p)&li o?ers T
e!plo'ees hol"ing politial o?es 3who are allowe" to ta;e part in politial T
eletoral ativities, e%ept to soliit ontri&)tions (ro! their s)&or"inates or
o!!it ats prohi&ite" )n"er Eletion $o"e4
This right shall not &e "enie" to govFt e!plo'ees VSe. # 314 Art IP 7W
7)t the' !a' not engage in stri;es to "e!an" hanges in the ter!s T
on"itions o( their e!plo'!ent
Protetion to te!porar' e!plo'ees 3TE4
TE shall &e given s)h protetion as !a' &e provi"e" &' the law VSe # 3L4
Art IP 7W
$ongress shall provi"e (or stan"ar"i8ation o( o!pensation o( govern!ent
o?ial T e!plo'ees, inl)"ing those in G=$$ wD orig harters, ta;ing into ao)nt
the nat)re o( responsi&ilities pertaining to an" the @)ali6ations re@)ire" (or their
positions. VSe 1 Art IP 7W
No eletive or appointive p)&li o?er or e!plo'ee shall reeive a""itional,
"o)&le, or in"iret o!pensation )nless spei6all' a)thori8e" &' law, nor aept
wDo)t the onsent o( $ongress, an' present e!ol)!ents, o?e or title o( an' ;in"
(ro! an' (oreign govern!ent. Pensions an" grat)ities shall not &e onsi"ere" as
a""itional, "o)&le or in"iret o!pensation. VSe M Art <7W
All p)&. =ED ee shall ta;e an oath or a?r!ation to )phol" T "e(en" the
a. $hair!an U L $o!!isioners-
1. Nat)ral &orn 2il it.
#. At least /1 'o
/. Bol"ers o( ollege "egree
0. Bave not &een an"i"ates in the i!!e"iatel' pree"ing eletion
1. Ma*orit', inl)"ing the $hair!en, !)st &e !e!. =( the Phil 7ar who have
&een engage" in the pratie o( law (or at least 1. 'rs.
L. The' shall &e appointe" &' the Pres. wD the onsent o( the $oA (or a ter!
o( K'rs wDo reappoint!ent. No !e!&er shall &e appointe" or "esignate"
in a te!porar' or ating apait'.
En 7an T Division $ases
It !a' sit en &an or in # "ivisions, T shall pro!)lgate its r)les o( proe")re
in or"er to e%pe"ite "isposition o( eletion ases, inl)"ing pre prola!ation
ontroversies. All s)h eletion ases shall &e hear" T "ei"e" in "ivision, provi"e"
that !otions (or reonsi"eration shall &e "ei"e" en &an
Division $ases 35)asi+>)"iial or a"*)"iator' ()ntions4
a. All eletion ases inl)"ing pre+ prola!ation ontests, originall'
ogni8a&le &' the $o!!ission in the e%erise o( its powers )n"er se. #
3#4 Art IP $ o( the $onstit)tion.
&. =ver petition to anel a erti6ate o( an"i"a'
. $ases appeale" (ro! RT$ or MT$
". Petition (or ertiorari 6le" wD the o!!ission (ro! a "eision o( the RT$ or
/1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
EN 7AN$ 3A"!inistrative4
1. Pro!)lgation o( r)les onerning plea"ings T pratie &e(ore it &)t the'
!)st not "i!inish, inrease or !o"i(' s)&stantive rights.
#. Petition (or orretion o( !ani(est errors sine it alleges an erroneo)s
op'ing o( 6g)res (ro! the eletion ret)rn to the State!ent o( Votes &'
preint. S)h error whih !erel' re@)ires a lerial orretion witho)t
opening the &allot &o%es or e%a!ining the &allots "e!an"s onl' the
e%erise o( a"!inistrative power o( the $=MELE$
/. Mani(est errors in ta&)lation or tall'ing o( res)lts.
0. Prose)tion o( violation o( eletion laws
=nl' "eisions o( $=MELE$ en &an are reviewa&le &' the S$
+ 2ile !otion (or Reonsi"eration 6rst+ Dotrine o( E%ha)stive A"!inistrative
A. En(ore an" a"!inister all laws T reg)lations relative to the on")t o( an
eletion, ple&isite, initiative, re(eren")! or reall
Initiative+ power o( people to propose a!en"!ents to the $onstit)tion or to
propose an" enat legislation thro)gh an eletion.
1. Initiative on the $onstit)tion
#. Initiative on Stat)tes
/. Initiative on loal legislation
Re(eren")!+ power o( eletorate to approve or re*et legislation thro)gh an
eletion alle" (or the p)rpose
3re(eren")! on stat)tes T re(. on loal laws4
Reall+ ter!ination o( o?ial relationship o( a loal eletive o?ial (or loss o(
on6"ene prior to the e%piration o( his ter! thro)gh the will o( the
Ple&isite+ s)&!ission o( $onstit)tional a!en"!ents or i!pt legislative
!eas)res to the people (or rati6ation
7. E%l)sive =riginal *)ris"ition over all ontests relating to the eletion, ret)rns
T @)ali6ations o( all eletive regional, provinial an" it' o?ials. E%l)sive
appellate *)ris"ition over all ontests involving eletive &aranga' o?ials
"ei"e" &' the MT$, an" "eisions therein shall &e 6nal, e%e)tor an"
$. Dei"e, save those involving the right to vote, all @)estions aEeting
eletions, inl)"ing "eter!ination o( the n)!&er T loation o( polling plaes,
appoint!ent o( eletion o?ials an" inspetors, T registration o( voters.
D. Dep)ti8e, wD on)rrene o( Presi"ent, law en(ore!ent agenies T
instr)!entalities (or the e%l)sive p)rpose o( ens)ring (ree, or"erl', honest,
peae()l an" re"i&le eletions.
E. Register, a(ter s)?ient p)&liation, politial parties, organi8ations, or
oalitions wD !)st present their plat(or! or progra! o( govtQ are"ite"
iti8enFs ar!s
2. 2ile, )pon a veri6e" o!plaint, or on its own initiative, petitions in o)rt (or
the inl)sion or e%l)sion o( votersQ investigate, an" where appropriate,
prose)te ases o( violations o( eletion laws
G. Reo!!en" to $ongress eEetive !eas)res to !ini!i8e eletion spen"ing,
inl)"ing li!itation o( plaes where propagan"a !aterials shall &e poste",
/# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
an" to prevent an" penali8e all (or!s o( eletion (ra)"s, oEenses,
!alpratie, an" n)isane an"i"ates.
B. S)&!it to the Presi"ent an" $ongress a o!prehensive report on the on")t
o( eah eletion, ple&isite, re(., initiative or reall
7P MM1+ E%erise s)pervision T trl over o?ials re@)ire" to per(or! ")ties
relative to the on")t o( eletions, pro!)lgate r)les T reg)lations, p)nish
onte!pt in@)ire into 6nanial reor"s o( an"i"ates, gro)ps, et., presri&e (or!s
to &e )se" in eletions, pro)re s)pplies an" !aterials nee"e" (or the eletion,
enlist non+ partisan gro)ps to assist it, 6% perio" (or pre+eletion re@)ire!ents, et.
a. Power to "elare (ail)re o( eletionQ all (or speial eletions
&. E%l)sive orig *)ris over all pre+ prola!ation ontroversies
A (ree an" open part' list s'ste! shall &e allowe" to evolve aor"ing to the (ree
hoie o( the people.
Cnless otherwise 6%e" &' the $o!!ission in speial ases, shall o!!ene <.
"a's &e(ore the "a' o( the eletion T shall en" /. "a's therea(ter.
A petition (or ertiorari )n"er R)le L1 o( the Ro$, 6le" wD the S$ wDin /. "a's
(ro! reeipt o( a op' o( 6nal or"er, or "eision o( the $o!!ission en &an.
$.""ISSI.N .N A<+IT
$o!position, Appoint!ent
$hair!an T # $o!!issioners, who shall &e
a. Nat)ral &orn 2ilipino iti8ens
&. At least /1
. $PAs wD not less than 1. 'rs o( a)"iting e%periene =R !e! o( the Phil &ar wD
at least 1. 'r pratie o( law
". M)st not have &een an"i"ates in the eletion i!!e"iatel' pree"ing the
e. At no ti!e shall all !e! &elong to the sa!e pro(ession
(. Appointe" &' the Pres wD $oA onsent (or a ter! o( K 'rs wDo reappoint!ent
a. E%a!ine, a)"it, T settle all ao)nts pertaining to the reven)e an" reeipts
o(, T e%pen"it)res or )ses o( ()n"s an" propert' owne" or hel" in tr)st or
pertaining to, the GovFt
&. Yeep the gen. ats o( the govt an" preserve vo)hers an" s)pporting papers
(or s)h perio" as provi"e" &' law
. A)thorit' to "e6ne the sope o( its a)"it an" e%a!ination, esta&lish
tehni@)es an" !etho"s re@)ire" there(or.
". Pro!)lgate ao)nting an" a)"iting r)les T reg)lations inl)"ing those (or
the prevention T "isallowane o( irreg)lar, )nneessar', e%pensive,
e%travagant, or )nsiona&le e%pen"it)res or )ses o( govern!ent ()n"s or
>)ris"ition o( the o!!ission
// | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
No law shall &e passe" e%e!pting an' entit' o( GovFt, or an' invest!ent o(
p)&li ()n"s, (ro! the *)ris"ition o( the $oA.
$oA has the a)thorit' to investigate whether "iretors, o?ials or e!plo'ees
o( govern!ent+owne" an" ontro.lle" orporations, reeiving a""itional
allowanes an" &on)ses are entitle" to s)h &ene6ts )n"er applia&le laws.
1</1 1<K/ 1<MK
None Bighest Degree o(
Mo"est lives
$)lpa&le violation
o( the onstit)tion
=ther Bigh ri!es
$hie( >)stie
A)"itor General
$)lpa&le violation
o( the onstit)tion
=ther Bigh ri!es
Gra(t an"
$hie( >)stie an"
$)lpa&le violation
o( the onstit)tion
Gra(t an"
=ther Bigh $ri!es
7etra'al o( P)&li
/0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
assoiate *)sties o(
S$ 3a! not s)re4
$hair an" !e!&ers
o( $on+$o!
Vie Presi"ent
$hie( *)stie an"
assoiate *)sties o(
the S$
$hair an" !e!&ers
+ $on+$o!
+ =!&)"s!an
None 9es 9es
Statement of Policy
Public ofce is public trust. Public Ofcers and employees must at all times be
accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty,
and efciency, act w/ patriotism and justice and lead modest lives
A national in@)est into the on")t o( p)&li !en
Impeaca&le o1cersF
1. Pres
#. VP
/. $> an" asso *)sties o( S$
0. $hair T !e! o(-
a. $on$o!
&. =!&)"s!an
Gro)n"s (or i!peah!ent 3e%l)sive en)!eration4
1. $)lpa&le violation o( the $onsti
#. Treason
/. 7ri&er'
0. Gra(t T orr)ption
1. =ther high ri!es
L. 7etra'al o( p)&. Tr)st
:ho !a' initiate ase o( i!peah!entR
=nl' the Bo)se o( RepresentativesDiti8en )pon resol)tion or en"orse!ent &'
an' !e!&er o( the BR.
:hat is the proess o( i!peah!entR
In,uiry of Impeacment +irect
/1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
An' !e!&er o( the
BR or $iti8en o(
the Philippines
)pon resol)tion or
en"orse!ent &'
an' !e!&er o( the
At least 1D/ o( all
!e!&ers o( the
Inl)"e in the
or"er o( &)siness
o( BR within 1.
session "a's
Not !ore than one wDin a perio" o( 1 'r against the sa!e o?ial
/L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Re(erre" to
$=MMITTEE within
/ session "a's
o!!ittee B=LDS
$=MMITTEE a(ter
hearing an"
MA>=RIT9 V=TE o(
all its !e!&ers
to BR within L.
session "a's with
&' BR within 1.
session "a's
At least 1D/ o( all
!e!&ers o( BR
A22IRMS or
o( I!peah!ent
which have the sole power to try and decide all cases o
Prosec#tors$ Fi%ed n#!&er o !e!&ers o HR
'#rors$ F(LL SENATE
)hen the President o the Philippines is on trial* the Chie
'#stice o the S#pre!e Co#rt shall preside* &#t shall not vote"
SENATE +OTES in OPEN SESSION on each Articles o
CON+ICTION #pon conc#rrence o ,-. vote o ALL the
Senate+ sole power to tr' T "ei"e all ases o( i!peah!ent
:hen sitting (or that p)rpose, the Senators shall &e on oath or a?r!ation.
:hen Pres o( the Phil is on trial, the $> o( the S$ shall presi"e, &)t shall
not vote. A "eision o( onvition !)st &e on)rre" &' at least #D/ o( all
the !e!&ers o( the Senate
E22E$T =2 $=NVI$TI=N
Re!oval (ro! o?e T "is@)ali6ation to hol" an' o?e )n"er Rep)&li o(
the Philippines. 7)t the part' onvite" shall &e lia&le T s)&*et to
prose)tion, trial T p)nish!ent a"g to law
The present anti+ gra(t o)rt ;nown as the san"igan&a'an shall ontin)e to
()ntion an" e%erise its *)ris"ition as now or herea(ter !a' &e provi"e" &' law
Presi"ing *)stie U 10 Asso >)sties, wD the ran; o( >)stie o( $A. it sits in /
"ivisions o( / !e! eah
a. =Eense o!!itte" is violation o( RA /.1<, RA 1/K<, $hap # Se # Title K
7oo; # o( RP$, E= 1, #, 10 an" 10 A iss)e" in 1<ML, or other oEenses or
(elonies whether si!ple or o!ple%e" wD other ri!es
&. =Een"er o!!itting a&ove!entione" oEenses is a p)&li o?ial or
e!plo'ee hol"ing an' o( the positions en)!erate" in par. A se 0 RA M#0<
. =Eense o!!itte" is in relation to the o?e
DeisionsD Review
Cnani!o)s vote o( all the / !e! shall &e re@)ire". Reviewa&le &' S$ &'
a. $o!position
1. =!&)"s!an to &e ;nown as Tano"&a'an
#. =ne overall "ep)t' an"Q
/. At least 1 "ep)t' eah (or L)8on, Visa'as an" Min"anao.
0. A separate "ep)t' (or the !ilitar' esta&lish!ent !a' li;ewise &e
&. 5)ali6ations-
=!&)"s!an an" Dep)ties !)st &e -
1. Nat)ral &orn iti8ens o( the RP
#. At least 0. 'ears ol"
/. =( reogni8e" pro&it' an" in"epen"ene
0. Me!&er o( Philippine 7ar
1. M)st not have &een an"i"ates (or an' eletive o?e in the i!!e"iatel'
pree"ing eletion
L. =!&)"s!an !)st have &een a *)"ge or engage" in the pratie o( law (or at
least 1. 'rs
. Appoint!ent o( the =!&)"s!an T his "ep)ties
/K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
7' the Presi"ent (ro! a list o( at least L no!inees prepare" &' the >7$, T
(ro! a list o( at least / no!inees (or ever' vaan' therea(ter. All vaanies to &e
6lle" in / !os.
". Ter! o( =?e
K 'rs wDo reappoint!ent
e. Ran; T Salar'
That o( $hair T !e! o( the $on$o!. Salar'+ not &e "erease" ")ring their
ter! o( o?e
(. :D2isal A)tono!'
g. Dis@)ali6ationsD Inhi&itions
D)ring ten)re,
1. Shall not hol" an' other o?e or e!plo'!entQ
#. Shall not engage in the pratie o( an' pro(ession or in the ative
!anage!ent or trl o( an' &)siness wD in an' wa' !a' &e aEete" &'
the ()ntions o( his o?eQ
/. Shall not &e 6naniall' intereste" in an' ontrat wD or in an' (ranhise or
privilege grante" &' the govern!ent
0. Not &e @)ali6e" to r)n (or an' o?e in the eletion i!!e"iatel'
s)ee"ing their essation (ro! o?e
h. Powers an" ")ties
Setion 1# The =!&)"s!an an" his Dep)ties, as protetors o( the people,
shall at pro!ptl' on o!plaints 6le" in an' (or! or !anner against p)&li
o?ials or e!plo'ees o( the Govern!ent, or an' s)&"ivision, agen' or
instr)!entalit' thereo(, inl)"ing govern!ent owne" or ontrolle" orporation,
an" shall, in appropriate ases, noti(' the o!plainants o( the ation ta;en an"
the res)lt thereo(.
Setion 1/ The o?e o( the =!&)"s!an shall have the (ollowing powers,
()ntions an" ")ties-
1. Investigate on its own, or on o!plaint &' an' p erson, an' at or
o!ission o( an' p)&li o?ial, e!plo'ee, o?e or agen', when s)h
ation or o!ission appears to &e illegal, )n*)st, i!proper, or ine?ient.
#. Diret, )pon o!plaint or at its own instane, an' p)&li o?ial or
e!plo'ee o( the govern!ent, or an' s)&"ivisions agen' or
instr)!entalit' thereo(, as well as o( an' govern!ent owne" or ontrolle"
orporation with original harter, to per(or! an" e%pe"ite an' at or ")t'
re@)ire" &' law, or to stop, prevent, an" orret an' a&)se or i!propriet'
in the per(or!ane o( ")ties.
/. Diret the o?er onerne" to ta;e appropriate ation against a p)&li
o?ial or e!plo'ee at (a)lt, an" reo!!en" his re!oval, s)spension,
"e!otion, 6ne ens)re, or prose)tion, an" ens)re o!pliane therewith.
0. Diret the o?er onerne", in an' appropriate ase, an" s)&*et to
s)h li!itations as !a' &e provi"e" &' law, to ()rnish it with opies o(
"o)!ents relating to ontrats or transations entere" into &' his o?e
involving the "is&)rse!ent or )se o( p)&li ()n"s or properties, an" report
an' irreg)larit' to the $o!!ission on A)"it (or appropriate ation.
1. Re@)est an' govern!ent agen' (or assistane an" in(or!ation
neessar' in the "isharge o( its responsi&ilities an" to e%a!ine, i(
neessar', pertinent reor"s an" "o)!ents.
L. P)&lii8e !atters overe" &' its investigation when ir)!stanes so
warrant an" with ")e pr)"ene.
K. Deter!ine the a)ses o( ine?ien', re" tape, !is!anage!ent, (ra)"
an" orr)ption in the Govern!ent an" !a;e reo!!en"ations (or their
eli!ination an" the o&servane o( high stan"ar"s o( ethis an" e?ien'.
/M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
M. Pro!)lgate its r)les o( proe")re an" e%erise s)h other powers or
per(or! s)h ()ntions or ")ties as !a' &e provi"e" &' law.
Ill-(otten 7ealt
The Right o( the state to reover properties )nlaw()ll' a@)ire" &' P)&li
o?ials or e!plo'ees, (ro! the! or (ro! their no!inees or trans(erees, shall not &e
&arre" &' presription, lahes or estoppel.
Applies onl' to ivil ations (or reover' an" not to ri!inal ases
Restriction on Loans
No loan, @)arant' or other (or! o( 6nanial ao!!o"ation (or an' &)siness
p)rpose !a' &e grante" "iretl' or in"iretl' &' an' govern!ent+owne" or
ontrolle" &an; or 6nanial instit)tion to the P, VP, !e!&ers o( the $a&inet,
$ongress, S$ an" $on+$o!, =!&)"s!an or to an' 6r! or entit' in whih the' have
ontrolling interest ")ring their ten)re
Statement of assetsH lia&ilities and net 5ort
A p)&li o?er or e!plo'ee shall )pon ass)!ption o( o?e an" as o(ten as
therea(ter as !a' &e re@)ire" &' law, s)&!it a "elaration o( oath o( his assets,
lia&ilities an" net worth.
In the ase o( P, VP, $a&inet, $on+$o!, S$ $ongress, an" other onstit)tional
o?es an" o?ers o( A2P o( general or Nag ran;, the "elaration shall &e "islose"
to the p)&li in the !anner provi"e" &' law.
Allegiance to te State and to te $onstitution
P)&li o?ers an" e!plo'ees owe the State an" this $onstit)tion allegiane
at all ti!es, an" an' p)&li o?er or e!plo'ee who see;s to hange iti8enship or
a@)ire the stat)s o( an i!!igrant o( another o)ntr' ")ring his ten)re shall &e
"ealt with &' law.
1. More e@)ita&le "istri&)tion o( opport)nities, ino!e an" wealth
#. S)staine" inrease in a!o)nt o( goo"s an" servies pro")e" &' the nation
(or the &ene6t o( the people
/. E%pan"ing pro")tion as the ;e' to raising the @)alit' o( li(e (or all, espeiall'
the )n"er privilege".
2)ll in")striali8ation
Natural resources
1. Regalian Dotrine , HThe )niversal (e)"al theor' that all lan"s were hel" (ro!
the rown.I =wnership is veste" in the State as s)h rather than in the hea"
a. Se. # All lan"s o( the p)&li "o!ain, waters, !inerals, oal, petrole)! an"
other !ineral oils, all (ores o( potential energ', 6sheries, (orests or ti!&er,
wil"li(e, Nora or (a)na, an" other nat)ral reso)res are owne" &' the state.
:ith the e%eption o( agri)lt)ral lan"s, all other nat)ral reso)res shall not
&e alienate".
/< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
#. I!peri)! an" Do!ini)!
I!peri)! Do!ini)!
Govern!ent a)thorit' possesse" &' the
State whih is appropriatel' e!&rae" in
$apait' to own or a@)ire propert'. :ith
re(erene to lan"s hel" &' the state in its
proprietar' harater.
Ma' provi"e (or the e%ploitation an" )se
o( lan"s an" other nat)ral reso)res
inl)"ing their "isposition, e%ept as
li!ite" &' the onstit)tion.
/. $iti8enship re@)ire!ents
Nat)re $iti8enship =ther Re@)ire!ents
1. $o+pro")tion, *oint
vent)re or pro")tion
sharing agree!ents (or
e%ploration, "evelop!ent
an" )tili8ation o( nat)ral
2ilipino $iti8ens or
$orporations or
Assoiations at least L.A o(
whose apital is 2ilipino
Agree!ents shall not
e%ee" a perio" o( #1
'ears, renewa&le (or
another #1 'ears
#. Cse an" en*o'!ent o( the
nationFs !arine wealth in its
arhipelagi waters,
territorial sea an" EEX
E%l)sivel' (or 2ilipino
Aliena&le lan"s o( the p)&li
"o!ain 3agri)lt)ral lan"s4
2ilipino $iti8ens, Private
2$- not !ore than 1#
hetares &' p)rhase,
ho!estea" or grant or
lease not !ore than
1.. hetares.
P$- lease not !ore than
1,... hetares (or #1
'ears, renewa&le (or
another #1 'ears.
$ertain Areas o( invest!ent
3"eter!ine" &' the
2ilipino iti8ens or
orporations L.A o( whose
apital is 2ilipino owne"
$ongress !a'
presri&e a higher
perentage o( 2ilipino
2ranhise, erti6ate or
a)thori8ation (or the
operation o( p)&li )tilit'
2ilipino $iti8ens or
orporations at least L.A o(
whose apital is 2ilipino+
2ranhise shall not &e
e%l)sive (or a perio"
!ore than 1. 'ears an"
shall h&e s)&*et to
a!en"!ent, alteration
or repeal &' $ongress.
0. $lassi6ation o( lan"s o( the P)&li Do!ain.
a. Agri)lt)ral
&. 2orest
. Ti!&er
". Mineral
e. National Par;s
$lassi6ation is a ()ntion o( the e%e)tive &ranh o( govern!ent, spei6all'
the Diretor o( Lan" Manage!ent 7)rea). The "eision, when approve" &'
the Seretar' o( DENR as to @)estions o( (at is onl)sive )pon the o)rts.
$ongress shall "eter!ine the spei6 li!its o( (orest lan"s an" national
par;s, !ar;ing learl' their &o)n"aries on the gro)n".
1</1 1<K/ 1<MK
+ Agri)lt)ral
+ Ti!&er
+ Mineral
+ Agri)lt)ral
+ Ti!&er
+ Mineral
+ In")strialD $o!!erial
+ Agri)lt)ral
+ 2orest
+ Ti!&er
+ Mineral
0. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
+ Resi"ential
Gra8ing Lan"s
+ National Par;s
1. Stewar"ship $onept , The )se o( propert' &ears a soial ()ntion, an" all
eono!i agents shall ontri&)te to the o!!on goo". In"ivi")als an"
private gro)ps, shall have the right ot own, esta&lish an" operate eono!i
enterprises s)&*et to the ")t' o( the State to pro!ote "istri&)tive *)stie
an" to intervene when the o!!on goo" so "e!an"s.
Private Lands
R)le- No private lan"s shall &e trans(erre" or onve'e" e%ept to in"ivi")als,
orporations or assoiations @)ali6e" to a@)ire or hol" lan"s o( the p)&li "o!ain.
Reason (or the r)le- $onservation o( the national eono!' an" patri!on'
An' sale in violation o( s)h provision is n)ll an" voi"
Two e%eptions
1. Bere"itar' S)ession , Does not appl' to testa!entar' s)ession
#. Nat)ral 7orn iti8en o( the Philippines who has lost his Philippine
iti8enship !a' &e a trans(eree o( private lan"s, s)&*et to li!itations
provi"e" &' law.
RAM1K<. 2or!er nat)ral &orn 2ilipino $iti8ens !a' a@)ire 1,... s@. !. 2or
)r&an lan" an" / hetares (or r)ral lan". S)h lan" !a' now &e )se" (or
&)siness an" (or other p)rposes
+ The previo)s law was 7P 1M1 whih grante"-
1... s@. ! (or )r&an an" 1 hetare (or R)ral whih an &e )se" (or
resi"ential p)rposes onl'
Remedies to recover private land from dis,uali-ed alien
1. Esheat proee"ings
#. Ation (or reversion
/. Ation (or reover' 6le" &' the (or!er 2ilipino owner, the pari "elito "otrine
having &een a&an"one", )nless the lan" is sol" to an A!erian iti8en prior
to >)l' /, 1<K0 an" the a!reian iti8en o&taine" title thereto.
Preference for 'ilipino La&or
The state shall pro!ote the pre(erential )se o( 2ilipino la&or, "o!esti
!aterials an" loall' pro")e" goo"s, an" a"opt !eas)res that help !a;e the!
Practice of Profession
The pratie o( all pro(essions in the Philippines shall &e li!ite" to 2ilipino
$iti8ens, save in ases presri&e" &' law.
The ongress shall reate an agen' to pro!ote the via&ilit' an" growth o(
ooperatives as instr)!ents (or soial *)stie an" eono!i "evelop!ent.
Poli'- the state shall reg)late or prohi&it !onopolies when the p)&li interest
so re@)ires. No o!&inations in restraint o( tra"e or )n(air o!petition shall &e
Monopol'+ privilege or pe)liar a"vantage veste" in one or !ore persons or
o!panies, onsisting in the e%l)sive right to arr' on a parti)lar &)siness or
tra"e, !an)(at)re a parti)lar artile, or ontrol the sale o( a parti)lar o!!o"it'.
Not per se prohi&ite" &' onl' reg)late" with a higher level o( State reg)lation.
$entral "onetary Autority
01 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
The ongress shall esta&lish an in"epen"ent entral !onetar' a)thorit', the
!e!&ers o( whose governing &oar" !)st &e-
1. Nat)ral+&orn 2ilipino iti8ensQ
#. Ynown pro&it', integrit' an" patriotis!Q
/. Ma*orit' o( who! shall o!e (ro! the private setor.
1. Provi"e "iretion in the areas o( !one', &an;ing an" re"it
#. S)pervision over the operations o( &an;s an" e%erise s)h reg)lator'
:hat is e")ation- Not !erel' ;nowle"ge &)t "evelop!ent o(-
+ $ritial
+ Artisti
+ Moral Sensitivit' to the nee"s o( others
0# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
State Policy
The state shall give priorit' to e")ation, siene an" tehnolog', arts,
)lt)re an" sports to (oster patriotis! an" nationalis!, aelerate soial progress,
an" pro!ote total h)!an li&eration an" "evelop!ent.
1. The State shall protet an" pro!ote the right o( all iti8ens to @)alit'
e")ation at all levels an" shall ta;e appropriate steps to !a;e s)h
e")ation aessi&le to all.
Inl)"es- NMAT e%a!inations, liens)re e%a!inations an" other
reg)lations. Also, Govern!ent a)thori8ation (or shool operation.
#. $onstit)tional !an"ate (or the State to estea&lish a"e@)ate an" relevant
e")ation, (ree p)&li ele!entar' an" high shool e")ation, sholarship
grants an" loan progra!s, o)t+o(+shool st)"' progra!s, an" a")lt
/. $onstit)tional o&*etives o( E")ation-
a. In)late patriotis! an" nationalis!
&. 2oster love (or h)!anit'
. Respet (or h)!an rights
". Appreiation o( the role o( national heroes in the historial
"evelop!ent o( the o)ntr'
e. Teah the rights an" ")ties o( $iti8enshio
(. Strengthen ethial an" spirit)al val)es
g. Develop !oral harater an" personal "isipline
h. Eno)rage ritial an" reative thin;ing
i. 7roa"en sienti6 an" tehnologial ;nowle"ge
*. Pro!ote Voational E?ien'
0. =ptional Religio)s instr)tion
a. E%presse" in writing &' parent or g)ar"ian
&. P)&li ele!entar' an" high Shools
. :ithin reg)lar lass ho)rs
". Instr)tors "esignate" or approve" &' religio)s a)thorities
e. :itho)t a""itional ost to the govern!ent
1. E")ational Instit)tions
=wnership $ontrol an"
Alien Shools Ta% E%e!ptions
Solel' &' 2ilipino
$iti8ens or
L.A 2ilipino
owne". E%ept
esta&lishe" &'
religio)s gro)ps
or !ission
&oar"s, &)t
$ongress !a'
re@)ire" 2ilipino
$iti8ens o( the
None shall &e
e%l)sivel' (or
aliens, an" no
gro)p o( aliens
shall o!prise
!ore than 1D/ o(
the enrol!ent in
an' shool.
E%ept shools
(or (oreign
personnel an"
"epen"ents an"
(or other (oreign
All reven)e an"
asses o(
+ Non sto;
+ Non+pro6t
As well as grants,
"onations an"
Cse" ADE (or
0/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
L. Bighest &)"getar' priorit' to e")ation , Merel' "iretor'.
Academic 'reedom
En*o'e" in all instit)tions o( higher learning.
# views-
E")ational Instit)tion Me!&ers o( Aa"e!e
2ree"o! o( the )niversit' to "eter!ine-
+ :ho !a' teah
+ :hat to teah
+ Bow to teah
+ :ho !a' &e a"!itte"
2ree"o! o( the teaher to investigate
an" "is)ss the pro&le!s o( his siene
an" to e%press his onl)sions whether
thro)gh p)&liation or in the instr)tion
o( st)"ents witho)t inter(erene (ro!
politial or elesiastial a)thorit' or
(ro! a"!in. =?ials o( the instit)tion in
whih he is e!plo'e" )nless !etho"s
are (o)n" &' @)ali6e" &o"ies to &e
o!pletel' ino!petent or ontrar' to
pro(essional ethis.
a. Polie Power
&. Soial interests o( the o!!)nit'
+ The shool !a' not &e (ore" to reopen at the instane o( the stri;ing
st)"ents. 3$apitol Me"ial $enter vs. A
+ CP 7ag)io was set)p as tertiar' instit)tion an" the Bigh Shool was set )p
onl' as an ini"ent to its tertiar' ()ntions. 3CP vs. >)"ge A'son4
+ Ter!ination o( ontrat an no longer &e )se" as a vali" gro)n" to "en'
rea"!ission or re+enrol!ent to st)"ents who ha" le" or partiipate" in
st)"ent !ass ations against the shool. 3Non vs. Da!es4
+ Mini!)! stan"ar"s o( proe")ral ")e proess in shools-
a. St)"ents in(or!e" in writing o( the nat)re an" a)se o( the a)sation
against the!Q
&. Right to answer the harges with the assistane o( o)nsel i( "esire"Q
. In(or!e" o( the evi"eneQ
". Right to a"")e evi"ene in their own &ehal(Q
e. Evi"ene ")l' onsi"ere" &' investigating o!!ittee or o?ial
"esignate" &' the shool a)thorities. 3Ateneo vs. $ap)long4
+ PR$ annot inter(ere with the on")t o( review that review shools an"
enters &elieve wo)l" &est ena&le their enrolees to !eet the stan"ar"s
re@)ire" &e(ore &eo!ing ()ll+Ne"ge" p)&li ao)ntants. 3L)pango vs. $A4
+ :hile DE$S reg)lations presri&e a !a%i!)! o( three 'ears pro&ation perio"
(or teahers, the ter!ination o( the three+'ear perio" "oes not res)lt in the
a)to!ati per!anent stat)s (or the teaher. It !)st &e on"itione" on a
showing that the teaherFs servies ")ring the pro&ationar' perio" was
satis(ator' in aor"ane with the e!plo'erFs stan"ar"s. 3$aga'an $apitol
$ollege vs. NLR$4
00 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1. 2ilipino
#. 2or p)rposes o( o!!)niation an" instr)tion- 2ilipino an" English
3)nless otherwise provi"e" &' law4.
/. Regional lang)ages- a)%iliar' o?ial lang)ages in the regions an" shall
serve as anillar' !e"ia o( instr)tion
0. Spanish an" Ara&i- vol)ntar' an" optional
1. $onstit)tion shall &e pro!)lgate" in 2ilipino an" English an" shall &e
translate" into !a*or regional lang)ages.
Science and Tecnology
Setion 1.. Siene an" tehnolog' are essential (or national "evelop!ent
an" progress. The State shall give priorit' to researh an" "evelop!ent,
invention, innovation, an" their )tili8ationQ an" to s)pport in"igeno)s,
appropriate an" sel(+reliant sienti6 an" tehnologial apa&ilities, an" their
appliation to the o)ntr'Fs pro")tive s'ste!s an" national li(e.
Setion 11. The $ongress !a' provi"e (or inentives, inl)"ing ta%
"e")tions, to eno)rage private partiipation in progra!s o( &asi an" applie"
sienti6 researh. Sholarships, grants+in+ai" or other (or!s o( inentives shall
&e provi"e" to "eserving siene st)"ents, researhers, sientists, inventors,
tehnologists, an" speiall' gi(te" iti8ens.
Setion 1#. The State shall reg)late the trans(er an" pro!ote the a"aptation
o( tehnolog' (ro! all so)res (or the national &e&e6t. It shall eno)rage the
wi"est partiipation o( private gro)ps, loal govern!ents, an" o!!)nit' &ase"
organi8ations in the generation an" )tili8ation o( siene an" tehnolog'.
Setion 1/. The State shall protet an" se)re the e%l)sive rights o(
sientists, inventors, artists, an" other gi(te" iti8ens to their intellet)al
propert' an" reations, parti)larl' when &ene6ial to the people, (or s)h
perio" as !a' &e provi"e" &' law.
Arts and $ulture
Setion 10W The State shall (oster the preservation, enrih!ent, an" "'na!i
evol)tion o( a 2ilipino national )lt)re &ase" on the priniple o( )nit' in "iversit'
in a li!ate (or (ree artisti an" intellet)al e%pression.
Setion 11. Arts an" letters shall en*o' the patronage o( the State. The State
shall onserve, pro!ote an" pop)lari8e the nations historial an" )lt)ral
heritage an" reso)res, as well as artisti reations.
Setion 1L. All o)ntr'Fs artisti an" histori wealth onstit)tes the )lt)ral
treas)re o( the nation an" shall &e )n"er the protetion o( the State, whih !a'
reg)late its "isposition.
01 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Setion 1K. The State shall reogni8e, respet, an" protet the rights o(
in"igeno)s )lt)ral o!!)nities to preserve an" "evelop their )lt)res,
tra"itions, an" instit)tions. It shall onsi"er these rights in the (or!)lation o(
national plans an" poliies.
Setion 1M. The State shall ens)re e@)al aess to )lt)ral opport)nities
thro)gh the e")ational s'ste!, p)&li or private )lt)ral entities, sholarships,
grants an" other inentives, an" o!!)nit' )lt)ral enters, an" other p)&li
Setion 1<. The State shall pro!ote ph'sial e")ation an" eno)rage sports
progra!s, leag)es, o!petitions, to (oster sel(+"isipline, tea!wor;, an"
e%ellene (or the "evelop!ent o( a health' an" alert iti8enr'.
All e")ational instit)tions shall )n"erta;e reg)lar sports ativities
thro)gho)t the o)ntr' in ooperation with athleti l)&s an" other setors.
Setion 1. The State reogni8es the 2ilipino (a!il' a the (o)n"ation o( the
nation. Aor"ingl', it shall strengthen its soli"arit' an" ativel' pro!ote its total
Setion #. Marriage, as an inviola&le soial instit)tion, is the (o)n"ation o( the
(a!il' an" shall &e protete" &' the State.
0L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Setion /. The State shall "e(en"-
1. The right o( spo)ses to (o)n" a (a!il' in aor"ane with their religio)s
onvitions an" the "e!an"s o( responsi&le parenthoo"Q
#. The right o( hil"ren to assistane, inl)"ing proper are an" n)trition,
an" speial protetion (ro! all (or!s o( neglet, a&)se, r)elt',
e%ploitation, an" other on"itions pre*)"iial to their "evelop!entQ
/. The right o( the (a!il' to a (a!il' living wage an" ino!eQ an"
0. The right o( (a!ilies or (a!il' assoiation to partiipate in the planning
an" i!ple!entation o( poliies an" progra!s that aEet the!.
Setion 0. The (a!il' has the ")t' to are (or its el"erl' !e!&ers &)t the
State !a' also "o so thro)gh *)st progra!s o( soial se)rit'.
Re" white an" 7l)e, with a s)n an" three stars as onserate" an" hono)re"
&' the people an" reogni8e" &' law.
$ongress !a', &' law, a"opt a new na!e (or the o)ntr', a national anthe!
or a national seal whih shall &e tr)l' reNetive an" s'!&oli o( the i"eals histor'
an" tra"itions o( the people.
S)h law shall ta;e eEet onl' )pon its rati6ation &' the people in a national
0K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
The A2P shall &e o!pose" o( a iti8en ar!e" (ore whih shall )n"ergo
!ilitar' training an" serve as !a' &e provi"e" &' law.
1. =ath or a?r!ation to )phol" an" "e(en" $onstit)tion
#. Pro(essionalis! an" a"e@)ate re!)neration shall &e a pri!e onern o(
the State.
/. Shall not at an' ti!e &e appointe" or "esignate" in an' apait' to an'
ivilian position in the govern!ent inl)"ing G=$$
0. Laws on retire!ent shall not allow e%tension o( their servies
1. =?ers an" !en o( the reg)lar (ore o( the ar!e" (ores shall &e
rer)ite" proportionatel' (ro! all provines an" ities as (ar as
National Polie 2ore
=ne Polie 2ore whih shall &e national in sope an" ivilian in harater.
A"!inistere" an" ontrolle" &' National Polie $o!!ission..
A)thorit' o( loal e%e)tives over the polie )nits in their *)ris"ition shall &e
provi"e" &' law.
Mass Me"ia an" A"vertising In")str'
1. Mass !e"ia , =wnership li!ite" to iti8ens o( the Philippines. =r
orporations wholl'+owne" an" !anage" &' iti8ens. $ongress shall
reg)late or prohi&it !onopolies.
#. A"vertising In")str' , 2ilipino iti8ens or orporations or assoiations at
least K.A 2ilipino+owne" shall &e allowe" to engage in the a"vertising
in")str'. All e%e)tives an" !anaging o?ers o( s)h entities !)st &e
iti8ens o( the Philippines.
2irst eletions o( $ongress- Seon" Mon"a' o( Ma' 1<MK
2irst Loal Eletions- Deter!ine" &' Presi"ent
S'nhroni8ation- Me!&ers o( $ongress an" Loal =?ials 6rst elete" shall
serve )ntil noon >)ne /., 1<M#. The si% 'ear ter! o( in)!&ent Presi"ent an" VP in
the 2e&. K, 1<ML eletions is e%ten"e" )ntil noon o( >)ne /., 1<<#.
0M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
E%isting Laws an" Treaties
1. I( not inonsistent with the $onstit)tion, shall re!ain operative )ntil
a!en"e", repeale" or revo;e".
#. All treaties or international agree!ents whih have not &een rati6e" shall not
&e renewe" or e%ten"e" witho)t the on)rrene o( at least #D/ o( all the
!e!&ers o( the Senate.
Reserve" E%e)tive Powers
Presi"ent !a' 6ll &' appoint!ent (ro! a list o( no!inees &' the repetive
setors, the seats reserve" (or setoral representatives.
Presi"ent !a' onstit)te the Metropolitan a)thorit' to &e o!pose" o( the
hea"s o( all loal govern!ent )nits o!prising the Metropolitan Manila Area.
$areer $ivil Servie
1. Those separate" (ro! servie not (or a)se &)t as a res)lt o( the
reorgani8ation p)rs)ant to Prola!ation No. / "ate" Marh #1, 1<ML an"
the reorgani8ation (ollowing the rati6ation o( the $onstit)tion shall &e
entitle" to appropriate separation pa' an" to retire!ent an" other
1. Se@)estration or (ree8e or"ers relative to the reover' o( ill+gotten wealth
shall re!ain operative (or not !ore than 1M !onths a(ter the rati6ation
o( this $onstit)tion. $ongress !a' e%ten" s)h perio".
+ Iss)e" )pon showing o( pri!a (aie ase.
+ 2ile" within L !onths (ro! rati6ation or i( iss)e" a(ter rati6ation, within
L !onths (ro! s)h iss)e
+ =r"er "ee!e" a)to!atiall' li(ter i( no *)"iial ation or proee"ing is
o!!ene" as provi"e" herein.
2ail)re o( P$GG to o!!ene the proper *)"iial ation or to i!plea"
respon"ents therein within the perio" presri&e" &' the $onstit)tion,
the se@)estration or"ers iss)e" were "ee!e" a)to!atiall' li(ter. 7)t
the li(ting o( se@)estration or"ers "oes not ipso (ato !ean that
se@)estere" propert' are not ill+gotten. The eEet o( the li(ting will
!erel' ne the ter!ination o( the role o( govern!ent as onservator o(
the propert'. 3P$GG vs. San"igan&a'an4.
P$GG annot per(or! ats o( strit ownership o( se@)estere" propert'.
It is a !ere onservator. It !a' not vote the shares in a orporation
an" elet the !e!&ers o( the 7=D. The onl' oneiva&le e%eption is
in a ase o( ta;e+over o( a &)siness &elonging to the govern!ent or
whose apitali8ation o!es (ro! p)&li ()n"s &)t whih lan"e" in
private han"s. 3$o*)ango vs. Ro%as4
Two tiere" test-
a. :hether there is a pri!a (aie evi"ene showing that the sai"
shares are ill+gotten an" th)s &elong to the state
&. I!!e"iate "anger o( "issipation th)s neessitating their ontin)e"
se@)estration 3P$GG vs. $o*)ango4
E%eptions to two+tiere" test-
0< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Govern!etn shares are ta;en over &' private persons or entities
whih registere" the! in their own na!es.
&. $apitali8ation or shares that were a@)ire" &' p)&li ()n"s
so!ehow lan"e" in private han"s 3Rep)&li vs. San"igan&a'an4
#. In the a&sene o( e%press prohi&ition, the r)le on a!ia&le settle!ents or
o!pro!ise agree!ents in the $ivil $o"e is applia&le to P$GG ases
pen"ing &e(ore San"igan&a'an.
/. P$GG !a' investigate an" 6le orrespon"ing in(or!ation provi"e"-
a. It !)st relate to ill+gotten wealth
&. =( the late Presi"ent Maros, i!!e"iate (a!il', relatives, s)&or"inates
an" lose assoiates
. :ho too; a"vantage o( their p)&li o?e or power. 3Ro!)al"e8 vs.
An invali" P.I. "oes not i!pair vali"it' o( ri!inal in(or!ation. It !erel'
0. :hile Philippine $asino =perators $orporation was se@)estere", the (at
o( se@)estration alone "i" not a)to!atiall' o)st RT$ o( its *)ris"ition to
"ei"e the @)estion o( ownership to &e reovere" &' PAG$=R. In or"er to
invo;e San"igan&a'an, the P$GG !)st &e a part' to the s)it. The instant
ase involves onl' PAG$=R, P$=$ an" Marelo. 3PAG$=R vs. $A4
1. The o?e o( the Sol+Gen !a' vali"l' all the P$GG (or assistane an" as;
it to respon" to a !otion (or a &ill o( parti)lars, onsi"ering that P$GG
has the o!plete reor"s o( the ase an" in &eing harge o( the
investigation, is !ore ;nowle"gea&le an" &etter in(or!e" o( the (ats o(
the ase. 3Virata vs. San"igan&a'an4
A% A),I$I&-.A-IV/ 0A1
7ranh o( p)&li law whih-
+ 6%es organi8ation T "eter!ines the o!petene o( a"!inistrative a)thorities
+ in"iates to the in"ivi")al re!e"ies (or violation o( rights
a4 stat)tes setting )p a"!inistrative a)thorities
1. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
&4 r)les, reg)lations or or"ers o( s)h a"!in a)thorities pro!)lgate" p)rs)ant to p)rposes
(or whih reate"
4 "eter!inations, "eisions T or"ers o( s)h a"!inistrative a)thorities !a"e in the
settle!ent o( ontroversies arising in their parti)lar 6el"s
"4 &o"' o( "otrines T "eisions "ealing wD reation, eEet T operation o( "eter!inations T
reg)lations o( s)h a"!inistrative a)thorities
a4 Meaning 3# Senses4
=. As functionF :. As an organiIation
E%e)tion in non+ *)"iial !atters o( the law T will
o( the State as e%presse" &' o!petent a)thorit'
That gro)p o( persons in whose han"s the reins o(
the govFt are (or the ti!e &eing
&4 Yin"s
Internal )6ternal
Legal si"e o( P)&li a"!in.
E.g. Matters onerning personnel, 6sal T
planning ativities
Pro&le!s o( govFt reg)lations
+reg)lation o( law()l alling or pro(ession,
in")striesD &)siness
3% A),I$I&-.A-IV/ 3()I/& (. A'/$!I/&
=rgan o( govFt other than a o)rt T other than a legislat)re wD aEets the rights o( private
parties either thro)gh a"*)"iation or r)le+!a;ing.
1. $onstit)tional provision
#. Legislative enat!ent
/. A)thorit' o( law
A &o"'D agen' is a"!inistrative where-
+ its ()ntion is primarily regulatory even if it conducts earings J determines controversies
to arr' o)t its reg)lator' ")t'.
+ as to r)le+!a;ing a)thorit', when it does not ave discretion to determine 5at te la5 sall
&e &)t !erel' presri&es "etails (or the en(ore!ent o( law
7o"ies set )p to ()ntion in sit)ations+
a. where the govFt oEers so!e grat)it', grant o( spcl priilege 3e.g. 7)rea) o( Lan"s4
&. wherein the govFt is see;ing to arr' on ertain o( the at)al &)siness o( govFt 3e.g. 7IR4
. wherein the govFt is per(or!ing so!e &)siness servie (or the p)&li 3e.g. M:SS4
". wherein the govFt is see;ing to reg)late &)sinesses aEete" wD p)&li interest 3e.g. LT2R74
e. wherein the govFt is see;ing )n"er the polie power to reg)late private &)siness T in"ivi")als 3e.g.
(. wherein the govFt is see;ing to a"*)st in"ivi")al ontroversies &ea)se o( a strong soial poli'
involve" 3e.g. E$$4
g. to !a;e the govFt a private part' 3e.g. GSIS4
A% P(1/.& (5 A),I$I&-.A-IV/ 3()I/&
1. 5)asi+ LegislativeD R)le+ Ma;ing Power
#. 5)asi+ >)"iialD A"*)"iator' Power
/. Deter!inative Powers
3% 67A&I- 0/'I&0A-IV/ P(1/.
1. Involving no "isretion as to what the law shall &e, &)t-
+!erel' the a)thorit' to 6% the "etails in the en(ore!ent o( a poli' set o)t in the law itsel(.
#. Power to !a;e r)les T reg)lations wD res)lts in "elegate" legislation that is wDin the on6nes o( the
granting stat)te T the "otrine o( non+ "elega&ilit' T separation o( powers
Paningit na !a' sense-
11 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
%. &ules ' regulations issued by administrative authorities pursuant to the powers delegated to
them hae the force 8 e9ect of law. (hey are binding on all persons subject to them ' the
courts will ta)e judicial notice o* them.
+. (he *unction o* promulgating rules ' regulations may be legitimately e,ercised only *or the
purpose o* carrying out the law into e-ect. .ence, /dmin regulations cannot e,tend the law or
amend the legislative enactment, *or settled is the rule that administratie regulations
must +e in harmony w: the proisions of the law so it must not override but must remain
consistent with the law they see) to apply ' implement.
a. s)pple!entar' or "etaile" &. interpretative . ontingent
6%es the "etails in the e%e)tion
T en(ore!ent o( a poli' set
o)t in the law, e.g., R)les T
reg)lations i!ple!enting the
La&or $o"e
onstr)es D interprets the
provisions o( a stat)te to &e
!a"e on the e%istene o( ertain
(ats or things )pon wD the
en(ore!ent o( the law "epen"s
a. Iss)e" )n"er the a)thorit' o( the law
&. wDin the sope o( the law
. reasona&le
". p)&liation in the =?ial Ga8ette or in a newspaper o( general ir)lation
B=:EVER, interpretative r)les T reg)lations or those
a4 the law !)st itsel( "elare as p)nisha&le the violation o( the a"!inistrative r)le or reg)lation
&4 law !)st "e6ne or 6% the penalt' (or violation o( the a"!inistrative r)le or reg)lation
hearing not neessar' in the pro!)lgation o( a general reg)lation &' an a"!inistrative &o"'.
notie not neessar' where the r)le is proe")ral or !erel' a legal opinion
notie not neessar' in the preparation o( s)&stantive r)les where the lass to &e aEete" is
large T the @)estions to &e resolve" involve the )se o( "isretion o!!itte" to the r)le!a;ing
prior hearing not neessar' (or the iss)ane o( an a"!inistrative r)le or reg)lation
a"!inistrative r)le in the nat)re o( s)&or"inate legislation is "esigne" to i!ple!ent a law &'
provi"ing its "etails, T &e(ore it is a"opte" there !)st &e a hearing.
when an a"!inistrative r)le s)&stantiall' a""s to the &)r"en o( those onerne", an
a"!inistrative agen' !)st aor" those "iretl' aEete" a hane to &e hear" &e(ore its
!% )/-/.,I$A-IV/ P(1/.&
To per!it or allow
so!ething wD the
law )n"erta;es to
E.g. grant or
"enial o( lienses
to engage in a
Ill)strate" &'
power o(
assess!ent o( 7IR
or 7)rea) o(
To e%e!pt (ro! a
prohi&ition, or
relieve an
in"ivi")al or
orporation (ro!
an a?r!ative
E.g. a)thorit' o(
8oning &oar"s to
var' provisions o(
or"inanes, or the
a)thorit' o( the
Aeptane 7oar"
o( the Phil Ar!' to
relieve ertain
persons (ro!
!ilitar' training
a.;.a investigator'
onsists in
pro")tion o(
&oo;s, papers,
et., atten"ane
o( witnesses T
o!pelling their
Power to appl'
(ore or
against persons or
propert' to
eEet)ate legal
p)rpose wDo a
*)"iial warrant to
a)thori8e s)h
E.g. in the 6el"s o(
health inspetions,
a&ate!ent o(
n)isanes, et.
)% 67A&I- ;7)I!IA0 (. A);7)I!A-(.4 P(1/.
Proee"ings parta;e o( the harater o( *)"iial proee"ings.
1# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
A"!inistrative &o"'+ nor!all' grante" a)thorit' to pro!)lgate its own r)les o( proe")re, provi"e"-
the' "o not inrease, "i!inish or !o"i(' s)&stantive rights, T s)&*et to "isapproval &' S$. VSe 1 314,
Art VII $onstiW. The re@)isites o( proe")ral ")e proess !)st &e o!plie" with.
1. right to a hearing
#. tri&)nal !)st onsi"er evi" presente"
/. "eision !)st have so!ething to s)pport itsel(
0. evi" !)st &e s)&stantial
1. "eision !)st &e &ase" on the evi" a"")e" at the hearing, or at least ontaine" in the reor"
T "islose" to the parties
L. 7oar" or its *)"ges !)st at on its or their in"epen"ent onsi"eration o( the (ats T the law o(
the ase T not si!pl' aept the views o( a s)&or"inate in arriving at a "eision
K. Deision !)st &e ren"ere" in s)h a !anner that the parties to the ontrovers' an ;now the
vario)s iss)es involve" T the reasons (or the "eision ren"ere"
a. Grant o( provisional a)thorit' (or inrease" rates, or to engage in a parti)lar line o( &)siness
&. S)!!ar' proee"ings o( "istraint T lev' )pon the propert' o( a "elin@)ent ta%pa'er
. $anellation o( a passport where no a&)se o( "isretion is o!!itte" &' Se o( 2oreign AEairs
". S)!!ar' a&ate!ent o( a n)isane per se wD aEets i!!e"iate sa(et' o( persons T prop
e. Preventive s)spension o( p)& o?er or e!plo'ee pen"ing investigation o( a"!in harges 6le"
against hi!
Ma' &e invo;e" &' respon"ent when alle" &' o!plainant as witnessQ &)t i( he vol)ntaril'
ta;es the witness stan", he an &e ross e%a!ine"Q &)t he !a' still invo;e the right at the ti!e the
@)estion wD alls (or an answer wD inri!inates hi! o( an oEense other than that wD is harge" is
Ma' &e e%erise" onl' i( e6pressly conferred &' law, T when a"!in &o"' is engage" in the
per(or!ane o( its @)asi+*)"iial powers
a4 Appeal (ro! a"!inistrative "eter!ination !a' &e !a"e to a higher or s)perior a"!in o?er
or &o"', where provi"e" &' law
&4 7' virt)e o( power o( ontrol wD the Presi"ent e%erises over all e%e "epts., the Presi"ent+ &'
hi!sel(+ or thro)gh the Depart!ent seretaries 3p)rs)ant to the Alter Ego "otrine4, !a'
a?r!, !o"i(', alter, or reverse the a"!in "eision o( s)&or"inate o?ials T e!plo'ees
4 Appellate a"!in agen' !a' on")t a""itional hearings in the appeale" ase, i( neessar'
a. Deisions T or"ers o( a"!inistrative agenies have )pon their 6nalit'- the (ore an"
&in"ing eEet o( a 6nal *)"g!entQ the' are onl)sive )pon the rights o( the aEete"
&. 2or&i"s the reopening o( a !atter one "eter!ine" &' o!petent a)thorit' ating wDin
their e%l)sive *)ris"ition
. Applies to a"versar' a"!in proee"ings
". Does not appl' in a"!inistrative a"*)"iation relative to iti8enship
=n @)estions o( iti8enship, the "otrine o( res *)"iata an appl' onl' when the E. on"itions
1. @)estion o( iti8enship is resolve" &' a o)rt or an a"!in &o"' as !aterial iss)e in the
ontrovers' a(ter a ()ll+&lown hearing
#. wD ative partiipation o( Sol Gen an"
/. 6n"ing !a"e &' a"!in &o"' on the iti8enship iss)e is a?r!e" &' S$
1/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
A. TH) +.$TRIN)
:henever there is an availa&le a"!in re!e"' provi"e" &' law, no *)"iial reo)rse an &e
!a"e )ntil all s)h re!e"ies have &een availe" o( an" e%ha)ste".
1. I( relie( is 6rst so)ght (ro! a s)perior a"!in agen', resort to the o)rts !a' &e )nneessar'
#. A"!in agen' sho)l" &e given a hane to orret its error
/. priniple o( on(or!it' T onveniene re@)ire that o)rts sta' their han" )ntil the
a"!inistrative proesses are o!plete"
It !)st &e note" however, that onl' those "eisions o( a"!inistrative agenies !a"e in the
e%erise o( @)asi+*)"iial powers are s)&*et to the r)le on e%ha)stion o( a"!in re!e"ies.
Th)s, where what is assaile" is the vali"it' or onstit)tionalit' o( a r)le or reg)lation iss)e" &'
the a"!in agen' in the per(or!ane o( its @)asi+legislative ()ntion, the reg)lar o)rts have
*)ris"ition to pass )pon the sa!e.
+octrine of Prior Resort
Also ;nown as the "otrine o( pri!ar' a"!in *)ris"ition- :here there is o!petene or
*)ris"ition veste" )pon an a"!in &o"' to at )pon a !atter, no resort to the o)rts !a' &e !a"e
&e(ore s)h a"!in &o"' shall have ate" )pon the !atter.
+octrine of -nality of admin action
No resort to the o)rts allowe" )nless the a"!in ation has &een o!plete" T there is nothing
le(t to &e "one in the a"!in str)t)re.
$. )'')$T .' 'AIL<R) T. )8HA<ST A+"IN R)")+I)S
>)ris"ition o( the o)rt is not aEete", &)t the o!plainant is "eprive" o( a a)se o( ation whih is a
gro)n" (or a !otion to "is!iss. Bowever, i( no !otion to "is!iss is 6le" on this gro)n", there is
"ee!e" to &e a waiver.
+. )8$)PTI.NS T. TH) +.$TRIN)
1. Dotrine o( 5)ali6e" Politial agen'
#. :here a"!in re!e"' is (r)itless
/. Estoppels on part o( a"!in agen'
0. Iss)e involve" is p)rel' a legal @)estion
1. A"!inistrative ation is patentl' illegal a!o)nting to la; or e%ess o( *)ris"ition
L. Cnreasona&le "ela' or o?ial ination
K. Irrepara&le in*)r' or threat thereo(, )nless *)"iial reo)rse is i!!e"iatel' !a"e
M. In lan" ases, where the s)&*et !atter is private lan"
<. :here the law "oes not !a;e e%ha)stion a on"ition pree"ent to *)"iial reo)rse
1.. :here o&servane o( the "otrine will res)lt in the n)lli6ation o( the lai!.
11. Speial reasons or ir)!stanes "e!an" i!!e"iate o)rt ation
1#. D)e proess o( law is learl' violate"
1/. R)le "oes not provi"e a plain, spee"' T a"e@)ate re!e"'
10. :rit o( A!paro
10 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
LA: =N PC7LI$ =22I$ERS
A% P730I! (55I!/
The right, a)thorit' or ")t' reate" T on(erre" &' law &' wD (or a given perio", either-
a. 6%e" &' law or
&. en")ring at the pleas)re o( the reating power, an in"ivi")al is investe" wD so!e sovereign
power o( govFt to &e e%erise" &' hi! (or the &ene6t o( the p)&li
a. $reate" &' lawD a)thorit' o( law
&. Possess a "elegation o( a portion o( the sovereign powers o( the govFt to &e e%erise" (or the
&ene6t o( the p)&li
. Powers on(erre" T ")ties i!pose" !)st &e "e6ne" "iretl' or i!plie"l' &' the legislat)re or
&' legislative a)thorit'
". D)ties !)st &e per(or!e" in"epen"entl' T witho)t the ontrol o( a s)perior power other than
the law, )nless the' &e those o( an in(erior or s)&or"inate o?e reate" or a)thori8e" &' the
legislat)re, an" &' it plae" )n"er the general ontrol o( a s)perior o?e or &o"' an",
e. M)st have per!anene or ontin)it'
a. 7' the $onsti e.g. o?e o( the Presi"ent
&. Vali" stat)tor' enat!ents, e.g. =?e o( the Ins)rane $o!!issioner
. 7' a)thorit' o( law, e.g. Davi"e $o!!ission
3% P730I! (55I!/.
A person who hol"s p)&li o?e 3oo nga na!an.4
1. Disting)ishe" (ro! p)&li o?er as )n"erstoo" in ri!inal law
a. In Art. #./, RP$+ an' person, who+
+&' "iret provision o( law,
+pop)lar eletion or
+appoint!ent o( o!petent a)thorit',
shall ta;e part in per(or!ane o( p)&li ()ntions in the GovFt , or shall per(or! in sai" govFt or
an' o( its &ranhes, p)&li ")ties as an e!plo'ee, agent, or s)&or"inate o?ial, o( an' ran; or
lass, shall &e "ee!e" to &e a p)&li o?er
&. Cn"er se # RA /.1<+ the ter! Hp)&li o?erI inl)"es eletive T appointive o?ials T
e!plo'ees wD are-
+per!anent or te!porar',
+lassi6e", )nlassi6e" or e%e!pt servie 3now $areer T Non $areer ,PDM.K4
+reeiving o!pensation, even no!inal, (ro! the govern!ent
#. Disting)ishe" (ro! ler; or e!plo'ee
=?er re(ers to a person whose ")ties, not &eing o( a lerial or !an)al nat)re, involve the
e%erise o( "isretion in the per(or!ane o( the ()ntions o( the govFt.
:hen )se" wD re(erene to a person having a)thorit' to "o a parti)lar at or per(or! a
()ntion in e%erise o( govFtal power, Ho?erI inl)"es an' govFt e!plo'ee, agent or &o"' having
a)thorit' to "o the at or e%erise that ()ntion
11 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
A% 67A0I5I!A-I($
1. Ma' re(er to en"ow!ents, @)alities or attri&)tes wD !a;e an in"ivi")al eligi&le (or p)&li o?e e.g.,
:hen )se" in the sense o( en"ow!ents, @)alities or attri&)tes, the in"ivi")al !)st possess the
@)ali6ations at the ti!e o( appoint!ent or eletion T ontin)o)sl' (or as long as the o?ial
relationship ontin)es
#. Ma' re(er to the at o( entering into the per(or!ane o( the ()ntions o( a p)&li o?e, e.g., ta;ing
the oath o( o?e
2ail)re o( o?er to per(or! an at re@)ire" &' law o)l" aEet the o?erFs title to the given
=. 7en ,uali-c. are prescri&ed &y $onsti- :. &y statute
Generall' e%l)sive )nless otherwise provi"e" &'
$ongress has plenar' powers to presri&e,
provi"e" that-
1. @)ali6. are ger!ane to the o&*etives (or wD
the p)&li o?e was reate"
#. @)ali6. are not too spei6 as to 6t a
parti)lar, i"enti6a&le person, &ea)se that wo)l"
"eprive the appointing a)thorit' o( "isretion in
the seletion o( appointee
3% )I&67A0I5I!A-I($&
A)thorit' to presri&e- Legislat)re. M)st not violate $onstit)tion
()N)RAL SP)$I'I$
a. No an"i"ate who lost in an eletion shall,
wDin 1 'r a(ter s)h, &e appointe" to an'
govFt o?e
&. No eletive o?ial shall &e eligi&le (or
appoint!ent or "esignation in an'
apait' to an' p)&li o( or position
")ring his ten)re
. Cnless otherwise provi"e" &' law or &'
the pri!ar' ()ntions o( his position, no
appointive o?ial shall hol" an' other
position in the govFt
a. The Pres, VP, $a&inet Me! T their
"ep)tiesD asst shall not, )nless otherwise
provi"e" in the $onsti, hol" an' other o(
or e!plo'!ent ")ring their ten)re
&. No SenD Me! o( BR !a' hol" an' other o(
or e!plo'!ent in the govFt, its agen',
. S$ !e! T other o)rts esta&lishe" &' law
shall not &e "esignate" to an' agen'
per(or!ing @)asi+*)"iial or a"!inistrative
". No !e! o( $on$o! shall, ")ring ten)re,
hol" an' other o?e or e!plo'!ent
e. =!&)s!an T "ep)ties !)st not have
&een an"i"ates (or an' eletive position
in the ele i!!e"iatel' pree"ing their
(. Me! o( $ono!, =!&)"s!an T "ep !)st
not have &een an"i"ates (or en' eletive
position in the ele i!!e"iatel' pree"ing
g. $ono! !e!, =!&)"s!an T "ep+
appointe" to K'r ter!, wDo reappoint!ent
h. Spo)se T rel &' onsang)init' T a?nit'
wDin 0
ivil "egree o( the Pres shall not
")ring his ten)re &e appointe" as
+!e!&ers o( the $ono! or in
+=?e o( =!&)"s!an or as
+se, )n"erse, hair!en or hea"s o(
&)rea)s or o?es, inl)"ing G=$$

1L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
DE 2A$T= =22I$ERS
A% )/5I$I-I($
Bas the rep)tation o( &eing the o?er that he ass)!es to &e, T 'et is not a goo" o(r in point
o( law.Be !)stFve ate" as an o(r (or s)h length o( ti!e )n"er olor o( title T rep)tation or
a@)iesene &' p)&li T p)& a)thorities as to aEor" a pres)!ption o( eletion or appoint!ent T
in")e people wDo in@)ir' T rel'ing on the s)pposition that he is the o?er he ass)!es to &e, to
s)&!it to or invo;e his ation
3% 0/'A0 /55/!- (5 A!-&
Vali", &in"ing, wD()ll legal eEet. 32or the protetion o( p)&li T in"iv. who get involve" in the
o?ial ats o( persons "isharging the ")ties o( a p)&li o?e4

!% /0/,/$-&
1. vali"l' e%isting p)&li o(
#. at)al ph's possession o( sai" o(
/. olor o( title to the o(
)% /$-I-0/,/$- -( &A0A.I/&
GR- right()l in)!&ent !a' reover (ro! "e (ato o(r the salar' rv" &' the latter ")ring the
ti!e o( his wrong()l ten)re, even tho)gh he entere" into the o( in goo" (aith T )n"er olor o( title
Bowever, where there is no "e *)re p)& o(r, the o(r "e (ato is legall' entitle" to the
A% <(1=
a% &' appoint!ent
+% &' eletion
3% APP(I$-,/$-
1. De6nition o( ter!s-

Appointment $ommission +esignation
Seletion, &' the
a)thorit' veste" with
the power o( an
in"ii")al who is to
per(or! the ()ntions o(
a given o?e
:ritten evi"ene o(
I!position o( a""itional
")ties, )s)all' &' law on
a person alrea"' in
p)&li servie.
#. $lassi6ation
Permanent Temporary
E%ten"e" to 1 possessing the re@)isite
@)ali6ations, inl)"ing the eligi&ilit' re@)ire" (or
the position T th)s protete" &' onstit)tional
g)arant' o( se)rit' o( ten)re
Ating appoint!ent to 1 who !a' not posses
re@)ire" @)ali6ations an" is revoa&le at will wDo
neessit' o( *)st a)se or vali" investigation
1K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Regular Ad Interim
Ma"e &' Pres while $ongress is in session a(ter
the no!ination is on6r!e" &' $oA T ontin)es
)ntil the en" o( the ter!
Ma"e while ongress- not in session, &e(ore
on6r!ation &' $oA. I!!e"iatel' eEetive T
eases to &e vali" i( "isapprove" or &'passe" &'
$oA )pon ne%t a"*o)rn!ent o( $ongress
/. Steps in appointing proess
Regular appointment Appointments 5#c do not need
$areer Service of $ivil
a. No!ination &' Pres
&. $on6r!ation &' $oA
. Iss)ane o( o!!ission
". Aeptane
In ase o( a" interi!
appoint!ent+ the no!ination,
iss)ane T aeptane pree"e
the on6r!ation &' $oA
a. Appoint!ent &' appointing
&. Iss)ane o( o!!ission
. Aeptane &' appointee
Attestation o( $S$ re@)ire"

2or appoint!ent to &e vali", the position !)st &e vaant.
+iscretion of Appointing Autority +appoint!ent is essentiall' a "isretionar' power T
!)st &e per(or!e" &' the o?er in who! it is veste" a"g to his &est lights, the onl'
on"ition &eing that the appointee sho)l" possess the !in. @)ali6ation re@)ire!ents &' law
(or the position
!% APP(I$-,/$-& -( -</ !IVI0 &/.VI!/
Sope- e!&raes all &ranhes, s)&"ivisions, instr)!entalities T agenies o( the govFt inl)"ing G=$$
wD original harters.
$AR))R S)R%I$) N.N-$AR))R S)R%I$)
$harateri8e" &' entrane &ase" on !erit T
6tness to &e "eter!ine", as (ar as pratia&le &'
o!petitive e%a!s, or &ase" on highl' tehnial
@)ali('., opport)nit' (or a"vane!ent to higher
areer positions, T se)rit' o( ten)re.
Positions inl)"e-
a. =pen areer positions
&. $lose" areer
. $areer e%e)tive servie
". $areer o?ers
e. A2P positions
(. Personnel o( G=$$ wD orig harter, an"
g. Per!anent la&orers whether s;ille", se!i+
s;ille" or )ns;ille"
$harateri8e" &' entrane on &ases other than
those o( the )s)al tests )tili8e" (or the areer
servie, ten)re li!ite" to a perio" spei6e" &'
law, or o+ter!ino)s wD that o( the appointing
a)thorit' or s)&*et to his pleas)re, or li!ite" to
")ration o( parti)lar pro*et.
a. Eletive o?ials
&. Dept hea"s T o?ials o( $a&inet ran; who
hol" o?e at the pleas)re o( the Presi"ent
T their personal T on6"ential staE
. $hair!en T !e!&ers o( o!!issions T
&oar"s wD 6%e" ter!s o( o?e
". $ontrat)al personnel or whose
e!plo'!ent in govt is in aor"ane wDa
spl ontrat to )n"erta;e a spei6 wor;
or *o& re@)iring spl s;ills not availa&le in
the e!plo'ing agen'
e. E!ergen' or seasonal personnel
Re@)isites- Ma"e onl' aor"ing to !erit T 6tness to &e "eter!ine" as (ar as pratia&le, an"
e%ept to positions wD are poli' "eter!ining, pri!aril' on6"ential, or highl' tehnial, &'
o!petitive e%a!ination VSe. # 3#4 Art. IP+7W
E%e!pt (ro! o!petitive e%a!-
0. Poli' "eter!ining
+ where o?er la's "own prinipal or ()n"a!ental g)i"elines or r)les or (or!)lates !etho" o(
ation (or govFt or an' o( its s)&"ivisions e.g. "epart!ent hea"
#. Pri!aril' $on6"ential
+ "enoting not onl' on6"ene in the aptit)"e o( the appointee (or the ")ties o( the o?e &)t
pri!aril' lose inti!a' wD ens)res (ree"o! o( intero)rse wDo)t e!&arrass!ent or (ree"o! (ro!
!isgivings or &etra'als on on6"ential !atters o( the stateQ or one "elare" to &e so &' the
Presi"ent )pon reo!!en"ation o( $S$
/. Bighl' Tehnial
+ re@)ires possession o( tehnial s;ills or training in a s)perior "egree. e.g. PN7 legal o)nsel
)% (-</. P/.&($$/0 A!-I($&
1. Pro!otion+ !ove!ent (ro! one position to another wD inrease in ")ties an" responsi&ilities as
a)thori8e" &' law T )s)all' ao!panie" &' inrease in pa'
1M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Ne%t+in+ran; r)le
Person ne%t in ran; shall &e given pre(erene in pro!otion when the position i!!e"iatel'
a&ove his is vaate". 7)t appointing a)thorit' still e%erises "isretion T is not &o)n" &' this r)le,
altho)gh he is re@)ire" to spei(' the Hspeial reasonI (or not appointing the o?er ne%t in ran;.
&. A)to!ati reversion r)le
Disapproval o( the appoint!ent o( a person propose" to a higher position invali"ates the pro!otion o(
those in the lower positions T a)to!atiall' restores the! to their (or!er positions.
#. Appoint!ent thro)gh $erti6ation
$erti6ation is iss)e" to 1 selete" (ro! a list o( @)ali6e" persons erti6e" &' the $S$ (ro! an
appropriate register o( eligi&les, T who !eets all the @)ali6ations presri&e" (or the position
/. Trans(er
Move!ent (ro! 1 position to another wD is o( e@)ivalent ran;, level or salar' wDo &rea; in servie.
Trans(er !a' &e i!pose" as an a"!inistrative penalt'
0. Reinstate!ent
An' 1 per!anentl' to a position in the areer servie T who has, thro)gh no "elin@)en' or
!ison")t, &een separate" there(ro!, !a' &e reinstate" to a position in the sa!e level (or wD he is
1. Detail
Mv!t o( an e!plo'ee (ro! 1 agen' to another wDo iss)ane o( an appoint!ent, T shall &e allowe"
onl' (or a li!ite" perio" in ase o( e!plo'ees o)p'ing pro(essional, tehnial T sienti6 positions
L. Reassign!ent
+M)st not involve re")tion in ran;, stat)s or salar'
+A !anage!ent prerogative veste" in the $S$
+"oes not onstit)te re!oval wDo a)se
K. Ree!plo'!ent
Na!es o( persons who have &een appointe" per!anentl' to positions in the areer servie T who
have &een separate" as a res)lt o( re")tion in (ore an"Dor reorgani8ation, shall &e entere" in a list
(ro! wD seletion (or ree!plo'!ent shall &e !a"e
A% A7-<(.I-4 (5 P730I! (55I!/.&
$onsists o( the E powers
a. e%pressl' on(erre" )pon hi! &' the at appointing hi!
&. e%pressl' anne%e" to the o?e &' law
. attahe" to the o?e &' o!!on law as ini"ents to it.
All powers neessar' (or the eEetive e%erise o( the e%press powers are "ee!e" i!plie"l'
3% P(1/.&
,inisterial )iscretionary
Disharge o( wD &' the o?er onerne" is
i!perative T re@)ires neither *)"g!ent nor
I!pose" &' law )pon a p)&li o?er wherein the
o?er has the right to "ei"e how T when the
")t' shall &e per(or!e"
!% )7-I/&
)% P.(<I3I-I($&
1. partisan politial ativit'
#. a""itional or "o)&le o!pensation
/. prohi&ition against loans 3&' Pres, VP, $a&inet !e!&ers, $ongress, S$, $on$o!, T
1< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
0. li!itation on la&orers
1. "etail or reassign!ent
L. Nepotis!+ all appoint!ents in (avor o( a relative o( appointing or reo!!en"ing a)thorit' are
P)&li o?er is not lia&le (or in*)ries s)staine" &' another as a onse@)ene o( o?ial ats
"one within the sope o( his o?ial a)thorit' e%ept at otherwise provi"e" &' law.
1. P)&li o?er shall not &e ivill' lia&le (or ats "one in the per(or!ane o( his o?ial ")ties
)nless there is a lear showing o( &a" (aith, !alie or negligene
#. Lia&le onl' (or will()l or negligent ats "one &' hi! whih are ontrar' to law, !orals, p)&li
poli' an" goo" )sto!s even i( e ate" )n"er or"ers or instr)tions o( his s)periors
/. Se. #0 o( LG$ , LG an" o?ials are not e%e!pt (ro! lia&ilit' (or "eath or in*)r' to persons or
"a!age to rpoert'.
Stat)tor' Lia&ilit'
1. Art. #K, $$ , an' person s)Eering !oral or !aterial loss &ea)se a p)&li o?er re()ses or
neglest, witho)t *)st a)se, to per(or! his o?ial ")t', !a' 6le an ation (or "a!ages
an" other relie( against the p)&li o?er. :itho)t pre*)"ie to a"!inistrative "isiplinar'
ation against the o?er
#. Art. /#, $$ , Lia&ilit' o( P)&li =?er (or violation o( $onstit)tional Rights o( In"ivi")als
/. Art. /0, $$ , Lia&ilit' o( peae o?ers who (ail to respon" or re()se to give assistane to
persons in "anger o( in*)ri' to li(e or propert'.
0. Se. /M, A"!in $o"e , :itho)t *)st a)se neglets to per(or! a ")t' within a perio" 6%e"
&' law or reg)lation, or within a reasona&le perio" in none I 6%e", shall &e lia&le (or
"a!ages to the private part' onerne" witho)t pre*)"ie to s)h other lia&ilit' as !a' &e
presri&e" &' law.
Lia&ilit' on $ontrats
+ Personall' lia&le i( he enters into i( he ate" witho)t or e%ee"e" his a)thorit'.
Lia&ilit' (or Tort
+ Personall' lia&le i( he goes &e'on" the sope o( his a)thorit' or e%ee"s the powers on(erre"
)pon hi! &' law
Presi"ential I!!)nit' (ro! S)it
1. $hie( e%e)tive annot invo;e i!!)nit' (ro! s)it (or ivil "a!ages arising o)t o( ats "one &'
hi! while Presi"ent whih were not per(or!e" in the e%erise o( o?ial ")ties
#. Presi"ent !a' instit)te" s)it. Tho)gh i!!)ne (ro! ivil lia&ilit'
Three(ol" Lia&ilit' R)le
1. $ri!inal
#. $ivil
/. A"!inistrative
$an proee" in"epen"entl' o( the others
Dis!issal o( ri!inal ation "oes not (orelose the instit)tion o( an a"!inistrative ation
Relie( (ro! ri!inal lia&ilit' "oes not arr' with it relie( (ro! a"!inistrative lia&ilit'.
Lia&ilit' o( Ministerial =?ers
1. Non(easane+ Neglet or Re()sal to per(or! an at whih is the o?erFs legal o&ligation to
#. Mis(easane+ 2ail)re to )se that "egree o( are, s;ill an" "iligene re@)ire" in the per(or!ane
o( o?ial ")t'
/. Mal(easane , The "oing, thro)gh ignorane, inattention or !alie, an at whih he ha" no
legal right to per(or!
$o!!an" Responsi&ilit'
L. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
+ Bea" o( a "epart!ent or a s)perior o?er shall not &e ivill' lia&le (or the wrong()l ats,
o!issions o( ")t', negligene or !is(easane o( his s)&or"inates, )nless he has at)all'
a)thori8e" &' written or"er the spei6 at or !ison")t o!plaine" o(
Rigt to .1ce
Term Tenure
Perio" ")ring whih the o?er !a' lai! to hol"
the o?e as o( right
Perio" ")ring whih the o?er at)all' hol" o?e
Rigt to Salary
+ Personal o!pensation to &e pai" to p)&li o?er (or his servies, generall' a 6%e" ann)al or
perio"ial pa'!ent
Salary 7age
Given to o?ers o( higher "egree o( e!plo'!ent Lower Degree
$o!pensation per ann)! Da' &' Da' or wee; &' wee;
A "e (ato o?er is entitle" to salar' i( he possesse" the o?e in goo" (aith an" has
"isharge" ")ties thereo(
Salar' annot &' garnish!ent, attah!ent or or"er o( e%e)tion &e sei8e" &e(ore &eing pai"
an" appropriate" to the pa'!ent o( his "e&ts. Assign!ent o( )nearne" salaries or (ees is also
prohi&ite" &' p)&li poli'.
$onstitutional Provisions aKecting salaries
a. N= inrease in the salaries o( $ongress )ntil a(ter the e%piration o( the ()ll ter! o( the
!e!&ers o( the senate an" BR who approve" the inrease
&. Salaries o( P an" VP shall &e 6%e" &' law an" shall not &e "erease" ")ring their ten)re. No
inrease shall ta;e eEet )ntil a(ter the e%piration o( the ter! on the in)!&ent ")ring whih
s)h inrease was approve".
. Salar' o( the Me!&ers o( the *)"iiar' shall not &e "erease" ")ring ontin)ane in o?e.
". A""itional, "o)&le or in"iret o!pensation are prohi&ite" )nless spei6all' a)thori8e" &'
e. Stan"ar"i8ation o( $o!pensation.
(. Separtaion pa' to &e given to areer ivil servie e!plo'ees who are separate" (ro! the
servie not (or a)se &)t &' reason o( reorgani8ation.
Preventive Suspension and te rigt to Salary
# ;in"s-
1. Preventive s)spension pen"ing investigation , no right to o!pensation even i( e%onerate"
#. Preventive s)spension pen"ing appeal
Rigt to 4ac3 Salaries of illegally dismissed employee
+ Entitle" to &a; wages an" other !onetar' &ene6ts (ro! the ti!e o( illegal "is!issal )p to his
+ No wor;+no pa' annot &e applie".
Rigt to Additional Allo5ances and 4ene-ts
L1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Rigt to Preference in promotion
+ Does not prevail over the "isretion o( the appointing a)thorit'
Rigt to %acation and Sic3 Leave
Rigt to "aternity Leave
Rigt to Retirement Pay
+ Li&erall' onstr)e" in (avor o( the retiree
1. Right to rei!&)rse!ent (or e%penses in)rre" in the ")e per(or!ane o( his ")t'
#. Right to &e in"e!ni6e" against an' lia&ilit' whih the' !a' in)r in the &ona 6"e "isharge o(
/. Right to longevit' pa'.
Mo"es o( ter!inating o?ial relationship
1. E%piration o( ter! or ten)re
#. Reahing the age li!it
/. Resignation
0. Reall
1. Re!oval
L. A&an"on!ent
K. Aeptane o( an ino!pati&le o?e
M. A&olition o( =?e
<. Presription o( the right to o?e
1.. I!peah!ent
11. Death
1#. 2ail)re to ass)!e eletive o?e within L !onths (ro! prola!ation
1/. $onvition o( a ri!e
10. 2iling o( a erti6ate o( an"i"a'
E%piration o( Ter!
$o!!ene!ent o( ter!-
+ Aor"ing to stat)te
+ I( none, (ro! "ate o( appoint!ent or eletion
+ I( a!&ig)o)s, the one that 6%es the ter! at the shortest perio"
+ Person elete" or appointe" to 6ll vaan' in s)h o?e shall hol" the sa!e onl' (or )ne%pire"
portion i( ")ration is 6%e" &' onstit)tion or law
+ I( o?e reate" (or p)rposes o( single at, the ao!plish!ent o( at ter!inates the ter!
+ In the a&sene o( an' e%presse" or i!plie" onstit)tional or stat)tor' provision to the ontrar',
the p)&li o?er is entitle" to hol" his o?e )ntil his s)essor shall have &een ")l' hosen
an" @)ali6e".
+ P)rpose is to prevent hiat)s in p)&li servie
+ D)ring the hol"+over perio", p)&li o?er is a "e *)re o?er
+ :hen the law 6%es a spei6 "ate (or the en" o( the ter!, there is an i!plie" prohi&ition
against hol"+over
Reahing the Age Li!it
L# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
$o!p)lsor' retire!ent age-
+ K. , >)"iiar'
+ L1 , =ther govern!ent o?ers an" e!plo'ees
+ The at o( giving )p or the at o( a p)&li o?er &' whih he "elines his o?e an" reno)nes
the ()rther right to )se it.
+ E%pression o( the in)!&ent in so!e (or!, e%press or i!plie", o( the intention to s)rren"er,
reno)ne an" reling@)ish the o?e an" the aeptane thereo( &' o!petent an" law()l
1. Vol)ntariness , !a' &e rep)"iate" i( pro)re" &' (ra)", or ")ress. A o)rtes' resignation la;s
the ele!ent o( vol)ntariness
#. Aeptane , M)st &e aepte" &' o!petent a)thorit', e%pressl' or i!plie"l'
/. Aepting A)thorit' , Aeptane shall &e !a"e &' o!petent a)thorit'
To 5om 7o
Presi"ent Governors, VG, M an" VM o( Bighl'
)r&ani8e" ities an" in"epen"ent
o!ponent ities
Governor M)niipal M an" VM o( o!ponent ities
Sangg)nian Sangg)nian !e!&ers
$it' or M)niipal Ma'or 7aranga' o?ials
Appointing A)thorit' Appointive o?ials
$ongress P an" VP
Respetive Bo)ses $ongress
0. EEetive "ate o( resignation -
o Date spei6e" in ten"er
o I( none, when p)&li o?er reeives notie o( aeptane
Ter!ination o( o?ial relations*ip o( an eletive o?ial (or loss o( on6"ene prior to the
e%piration o( his ter! s)&*et to s)h reall &elongs.
1. 7' who! e%erise" , registere" voters o( LGC
#. Initiation o( reall proess , 7' the registere" voters o( LGC
o No !ore Preparator' Reall Asse!&l'
/. Proe")re
Provinial, $it', !)niipal or 7aranga'
a. Initiate" )pon petition &' at least #1A o( total n)!&er o( registere" voters
o :ritten petition (or reall
o D)l' signe" &e(ore eletion registrar
o In the presenes o( representative o( petitioner an" o?ial so)ght to &e realle"
o P)&li Plae
o 2ile" with the $=MELE$ thro)gh its o?e in the LGC
o $=MELE$ shall a)se the p)&liation o( petition in a p)&li an" onspi)o)s plae (or a
perio" o( not less than 1. "a's nor !ore than #. "a's (or veri6ation o( a)thentiit'
an" gen)ineness an" re@)ire" perentage o( voters
&. Cpon lapse o( the perio", $=MELE$ shall anno)ne aeptane o( an"i"ates to the
position an" prepare a list o( an"i"ates whih shall inl)"e the na!e o( o?ial so)ght to
&e realle"
0. Eletion o( Reall
o $=MELE$ shall set the "ate (or the eletion on reall whih shall not &e later than /.
"a's a(ter the 6ling o( resol)tion 37aranga' an" M)niipal4 01 "a's 3Provinial4
o =?ial or o?ials so)ght to &e realle" shall a)to!atiall' &e onsi"ere" as a ")l'
registere" an"i"ate to pertinent positions an" shall &e entitle" to &e vote" )pon
1. EEetivit' o( Reall
o EEetive onl' )pon the eletion an" prola!ation o( a s)essor in the person o( the
an"i"ate reeiving the higest n)!&er o( votes ast ")ring the eletion on reall
o $on6"ene is a?r!e" when the an"i"ate so)ght to &e realle" reeives the highest
n)!&er o( votes
L. Prohi&ition (ro! resignation
K. Li!itations
o =ne onl' ")ring ter! o( o?e (or loss o( on6"ene
o Shall not ta;e plae within one 'ear (ro! the "ate o( the ass)!ption to o?e or one
'ear pree"ing a reg)lar loal eletion.
L/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
No o?er o( the $ivil Servie shall &e re!ove" or s)spen"e" e%ept (or a)se provi"e" &' law.
Se. /L. "iscipline$ General Provisions. - 3a4 No o?er or e!plo'ee in the $ivil Servie shall &e
s)spen"e" or "is!isse" e%ept (or a)se as provi"e" &' law an" a(ter ")e proess.
The (ollowing shall &e gro)n"s (or "isiplinar' ation-

1. Dishonest'Q
#. =ppressionQ
/. Neglet o( D)t'Q
0. Mison")tQ
1. Disgrae()l an" i!!oral on")tQ
L. 7eing notorio)sl' )n"esira&leQ
K. Diso)rtes' in the o)rse o( o?ial ")tiesQ
M. Ine?ien' an" ino!petene in the per(or!ane o( o?ial ")tiesQ
<. Reeiving (or personal )se o( a (ee, gi(t or other val)a&le thing in the o)rse o(
o?ial ")ties or in onnetion therewith when s)h (ee, gi(t, or other val)a&le thing is
given &' an' person in the hope or e%petation o( reeiving a (avor or &etter treat!ent
than that aor"e" other persons, or o!!itting ats p)nisha&le )n"er the anti+gra(t
1.. $onvition o( a ri!e involving !oral t)rpit)"eQ
11. I!proper or )na)thori8e" soliitation o( ontri&)tions (ro! s)&or"inate e!plo'ees
an" &' teahers or shool o?ials (ro!
shool hil"renQ
1#. Violation o( e%isting $ivil Servie Law an" r)les or reasona&le o?e reg)lationsQ
1/. 2alsi6ation o( o?ial "o)!entQ
10. 2re@)ent )na)thori8e" a&senes or tar"iness in reporting (or ")t', loa6ng or
(re@)ent )na)thori8e" a&senes (ro! ")t' ")ring reg)lar o?e ho)rsQ
11. Ba&it)al "r)n;ennessQ
1L. Ga!&ling prohi&ite" &' lawQ
1K. Re()sal to per(or! o?ial ")t' or ren"er overti!e servieQ
1M. Disgrae()l, i!!oral or "ishonest on")t prior to entering the servieQ
1<. Ph'sial or !ental inapait' or "isa&ilit' ")e to i!!oral or viio)s ha&itsQ
#.. 7orrowing !one' &' s)perior o?ers (ro! s)&or"inates or len"ing &'
s)&or"inates to s)perior o?ersQ
#1. Len"ing !one' at )s)rio)s rates o( interestQ
##. :ill()l (ail)re to pa' *)st "e&ts or will()l (ail)re to pa' ta%es ")e to the
#/. $ontrating loans o( !one' or other propert' (ro! persons with who! the o?e
o( the e!plo'ee onerne" has &)siness relationsQ
#0. P)rs)it o( private &)siness, voation or pro(ession witho)t the per!ission re@)ire"
&' $ivil Servie r)les an" reg)lationsQ
#1. Ins)&or"inationQ
#L. Engaging "iretl' or in"iretl' in partisan politial ativities &' one hol"ing non+
politial o?eQ
#K. $on")t pre*)"iial to the &est interest o( the servieQ
#M. Lo&&'ing (or personal interest or gain in legislative halls an" o?es witho)t
#<. Pro!oting the sale o( ti;ets in &ehal( o( private enterprises that are not inten"e"
(or harita&le or p)&li wel(are p)rposes an" even in the latter ases i( there is no prior
/.. Nepotis! as "e6ne" in Setion 0< o( this Deree.
Vol)ntar' relin@)ish!ent o( an o?e &' the hol"er with the intention o( ter!inating his
possession an" ontrol thereo(
A&an"on!ent Resignation
Speies o( Resignation 2or!al Relin@)ish!ent
Vol)ntar' Relin@)ish!ent thro)gh non+ )ser
Non+)ser , neglet to )se a privilege or a right or to e%erise an ease!ent or an o?e.
L0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Aeptane o( an Ino!pati&le =?e
1. Test o( Ino!pati&ilit' + &' the nat)re an" relation o( the two o?es to eah other, the'
o)ght not to &e hel" &' one person (ro! the ontrariet' an" antagonis! whih wo)l"
res)lt in the atte!pt &' one person to (aith()ll' an" i!partiall' "isharge the ")ties o(
one, towar" the in)!&ent o( another.
#. Aeptane o( ino!pati&le o?e ipso (ato vaates the other. There is no neessit' (or
an' proee"ing to "elare or o!plete the vaation o( the 6rst o?e.
o E%eption , where the p)&li o?er is a)thori8e" &' law to aept the other o?e
The Se. o( >)stie who is, &' e%press provision o( the $onstit)tion, a !e!&er
o( the >7$
A&olition o( =?e
$ongress has the right to a&olish an o?e, even ")ring the ter! (or whih an e%isting
in)!&ent !a' have &een elete"
a. $onstit)tional o?es annot &e a&olishe" &' $ongress
&. No law shall &e passe" reorgani8ing the >)"iiar' when it )n"er!ines the se)rit'
o( ten)re o( its !e!&ers
. Vali" a&olition o( o?e "oes not onstit)te re!oval o( in)!&ent
". It is within the legal o!petene o( the it' o)nil to reate, onsoli"ate an"
reorgani8e it' o?es an" positions wholl' s)pporte" &' loal ()n"s.
1. Goo" 2aith
#. $lear intent to "o awa' with the o?e not (or personal or politial reasons an"
annot &e i!ple!ente" ina !anner ontrar' to law
Presription o( the right to o?e
1. Instit)te" within one 'ear (ro! the "ate the petitioner is )nlaw()ll' o)ste" (ro! his o?e
o Reason- title to p)&li o?e sho)l" not &e s)&*ete" to ontin)e" )nertaint' an" the
peopleFs interest re@)ires that s)h right sho)l" &e "eter!ine" as spee"il' as possi&le
o 2iling an ation (or a"!inistrative re!e"' "oes not s)spen" the perio" (or 6ling the
appropriate *)"iial proee"ing 3@)o warranto4
o Cnless there are strong, o!pelling speial $ir)!stanes to warrant a "iEerent
o)rse, o)rts will not entertain a petition (or reinstate!ent 6le" &e'on" the 1 'ear
2ail)re to ass)!e o?e
=?e o( an' o?ial elete" who (ails or re()ses to ta;e his oath o( o?e within L !onths (ro!
his prola!ation shall &e onsi"ere" vaant, )nless sai" (ail)re is (or a a)se or a)ses &e'on" his
$onvition o( a $ri!e
1. :hen the penalt' i!pose" )pon onvition arries with it the aessor' penalt' o(
"is@)ali6ation, onvition &' 6nal *)"g!ent a)to!atiall' ter!inates o?ial relationship
o Plenar' par"on will not restore the p)&li o?e to the o?er onvite". Be !)st &e
given a new appoint!ent
L1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Principles of Local Autonomy
A. Priniples
1. Se. #1, Art II- The State shall ens)re the a)tono!' o( loal govern!ents
Se. #, Art P- The territorial an" politial s)&"ivisions shall en*o' loal a)tono!'
#. Deentrali8ation , "oes not !a;e loal govern!ents sovereign within the state or an
Hi!peri)! in i!perioI
/. E%erise o( loal a)tono!' is s)&*et to the power o( ontrol &' ongress, an" the power o(
general s)pervision &' the Presi"ent.
=nl' i( presi"ent 6n"s that the latter ha" ate" ontrar' to law.
7. $orporation
1. De6nition
a. Arti6ial &eing reate" &' =peration o( Law
&. Baving the right o( s)ession an" the powers an" attri&)tes an" properties e%pressl'
a)thori8e" &' law or ini"ent to its e%istene
#. $lassi6ation
P)&li Private 5)asi+p)&li
=rgani8e" (or the
govern!ent o( a portion o(
the State
2or!e" (or so!e private
p)rpose, &ene6t, ai! or en"
Private orporation that
ren"ers p)&li servie or
s)pplies p)&li wants
/. $riterion to "eter!ine
+ Relationship o( the orporation to the State, i( reate" &' the State as its own agen'
to help the State in arr'ing o)t its govern!ental ()ntions, then it is p)&li
0. $lasses
5)asi+$orporation M)niipal $orporation
$reate" &' the State (or a narrow or li!ite"
7o"' Politi an" orporate onstit)te" &'
the inorporation o( the inha&itants (or the
p)rpose (or the p)rpose o( loal govern!ent
$. M)niipal $orporation
1. Ele!ents
a. Legal $reation or Inorporation
&. $orporate Na!e
. Inha&itants
". Territor'
#. D)al nat)re an" ()ntions- 7o"' Politi an" orporate en"owe" with powers to &e
e%erise" &' it in on(or!it' with law.
+ It shall e%erise powers as a politial s)&"ivision o( the National Govern!ent an" a
orporate entit' representing the inha&itants o( its territor'
P)&li or Govern!ental Private or Proprietar'
Ats as an agent o( the State (or the
govern!ent o( the territor' an" the
Agent o( the o!!)nit' in the
a"!inistration o( loal aEairs. Separate
LL | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
inha&itants entit', (or its own p)rposes an" not as a
s)&"ivision o( the State
/. M)niipal $orporations
Provine $it' M)niipalit' 7aranga' ARMM Speial
$o!pose" o(
l)ster o(
an" o!ponent
ities, as a
politial an"
orporate )nit o(
the govern!ent
$o!pose" o(
!ore )r&ani8e"
an" "evelope"
=2 7ASI$,
=2 TBE
$o!pose" o(
gro)p o(
=2 7ASI$,
=2 TBE
7asi Politial
A)tono!' !a'
either &e
o( a"!inistration
o( Power.
De. o( A"!in.
To &roa"en the
&ase o(
De. o( Power
A&"iation &' the
govern!ent o(
politial power in
(avor o( the Loal
ARMM is an
e%a!ple o( De.
o( A"!inistration.
$ongress !a'
reate speial
s)&*et to a
ple&isite &)t
ities an"
shall retain
their &asi
a)tono!' an"
shall &e
entitle" to
their own
an" legislative
D. $reation an" Dissol)tion
1. A)thorit' to $reate- Hreate", "ivi"e", !erge", a&olishe" or its &o)n"aries s)&stantiall'
Law =r"inane
Provine, $it', M)niipalit' or an' other
politial s)&"ivision
7aranga' loate" within its territorial
#. Re@)isitesDLi!itations on reation or onversion
a. Se. 1., Art. P. In aor"ane with the riteria esta&lishe" in the loal govern!ent o"e
an" s)&*et to approval &' a !a*orit' o( the votes ast in a ple&isite in the politial )nits
"iretl' aEete".
Ple&isite Re@)ire!ent
+ Approve" &' a !a*orit' o( votes ast in a ple&isite alle" (or the p)rpose in the
Politial Cnit or )nits "iretl' aEete".
+ $on")te" &' $=MELE within 1#. "a's (ro! the "ate o( eEetivit' o( the law or
or"inane eEeting s)h ation, )nless sai" law or or"inane 6%es another "ate
&. Se. K. RA K1L.. 7ase" on veri6a&le in"iators o( via&ilit' an" pro*ete" apait' to
provi"e servies.
Ino!e+ s)?ient, &ase" on aepta&le stan"ar"s to provi"e (or all essential govern!ent
(ailities an" servies an" speial ()ntions o!!ens)rate with the si8e o( the pop)lation.
LK | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Pop)lation , "eter!ine" as the total n)!&er o( inha&itants within the territorial *)ris"ition
Lan" Area+ $ontig)o)s, )nless separate" o!prises two islan"s or is separate" &' a loal
govern!ent )nit in"epen"ent o( others. Proprel' i"enti6e" &' !etes an" &o)n"s with
tehnial "esription an" s)?ient to provi"e (or s)h &asi servies an" (ailities to !eet
the re@)ire!ents o( its pop)lae.
7aranga' M)niipalit' $it' Bighl'
Cr&ani8e" $it'
Ino!e P#.1M P1..M P1.M P#.M
Pop)lation #,...
31,... in
#1,... 11.,... #..,... #1.,...
Lan" Area 1.;!# 1..;!# #,...;!#
Atteste" to &' the Depart!ent o( 2inane, NS=, Lan" Manage!ent 7)rea) o( the DENR.
=ther li!itations !a' &e (o)n" in the 7ill o( Rights aEor"ing protetion to rights, propert'
an" ontrats o( inha&itants.
/. 7eginning o( orporate e%istene
+ Eletion an" @)ali6ation o( its hie( e%e)tive an" !a*orit' o( the !e!&ers o( its
sangg)nian, )nless so!e other ti!e is 6%e" there(or &' the law or or"inane reating
0. A&olition
a. Division an" Merger , sa!e re@)ire!ents provi"e" that s)h "ivision shall not re")e the
ino!e, pop)lation or lan" area to less than the !ini!)!.
&. A&olition , when its ino!e, pop)lation, or lan" area has &een irreversi&l' re")e" to less
than the !ini!)! stan"ar"s presri&e" (or its reation as erti6e" &' the national
agenies !entione". Law shall spei(' the provine, it' or !)niipalit' with whih the
loal govern!ent )nit so)ght to &e a&olishe" will &e inorporate" or !erge".
1. De (ato !)niipal $orporations
a. Vali" law a)thori8ing inorporation
&. Atte!pt in goo" (aith to organi8e )n"er it
. $olora&le o!pliane with the law
". Ass)!ption o( orporate powers
L. Atta; against invali"it'
+ 5)o :arranto or other "iret proee"ing
+ Reserve" to the State
+ No ollateral atta;
+ Applies onl' when the !)niipal orporation is, at least, a "e (ato orporation
E. Loal Govern!ent $o"e
1. EEetivit'- >an)ar' 1, 1<<#, )nless otherwise provi"e" herein, a(ter its o!plete p)&liation in
at least one newspaper o( general ir)lation.
#. Sope o( Appliation , all provines, ities, !)niipalities, &aranga's an" other politial
s)&"ivisions as !a' &e reate" &' law, to the e%tent herein provi"e", to o?ials, o?es or
agenies o( the National Govern!ent
/. Delaration o( Poli'
a. Territorial an" politial s)&"ivisions shall en*o'
+ Gen)ine an" !eaning()l a)tono!'
+ To ena&le the! to attain their ()llest "evelop!ent as
+ Sel(+reliant o!!)nities
+ An" !a;e the! !ore eEetive partners in the attain!ent o( national goals
&. Ens)re ao)nta&ilit' o( loal govern!ent )nits thro)gh the instit)tion o( eEetive
!ehanis!s o( reall, initiative an" re(eren")! an"
. Re@)ire all national agenies an" o?es to on")t perio"i ons)ltations with appropriate
LGC, non+govern!ental an" peopleFs organi8ations an" other onerne" setors o( the
o!!)nit' &e(ore an' pro*et or progra! is i!ple!ente" in their respetive *)ris"itions
0. R)les o( Interpretation
LM | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Li&erall' interprete" in (avor o( LGC an" in ase o( "o)&t, an' @)estion shall &e resolve" in
(avor o( "evol)tion o( powers an" o( the LGC
&. Ta% or"inane or reven)e !eas)re+ onstr)e" stritl' against LGC enating it an" li&erall'
in (avor o( ta% pa'er.
Ta% e%e!ption onstr)e" stritl' against the person lai!ing
. Rights an" o&ligations e%isting on the "ate o( eEetivit' o( LG$ an" arising o)t o( ontrats
or an' other so)re o( prestation involving LG9+ governe" &' original ter!s an" on"itions
o( sai" ontrats or the law in (ore at the ti!e s)h rights were veste"
". In resol)tion o( ontroversies arising )n"er the $o"e where no legal provision or
*)rispr)"ene applies, resort !a' &e ha" to the )sto!s an" tra"itions in the plae where
the ontroversies ta;e plae.
(eneral Po5ers and Attri&utes of L(<
A. Powers
1. So)res
a. Se. #1, Art. II, Se 1,L,K Art. P o( $onstit)tion
&. Stat)tes
. $harter
". Dotrine o( the right o( sel(+govern!ent &)t applies onl' to states whih a"here to the
#. $lassi6ation
a. E%press, i!plie", inherent
&. P)&li or Govern!ental, private or proprietar'
. Intra!)ral, e%tra!)ral
". Man"ator', Diretor'- !inisterial, "isretionar'
/. E%e)tion o( Powers
a. Presri&e" &' stat)te
&. I( silent, LGC has "isretion to selet reasona&le !eans an" !etho"s o( e%erise.
7. Govern!ental Powers
1. General :el(are , all LGC shall e%erise powers e%pressl' grante", i!plie" an" ini"ental
(or its e?ient an" eEetive governane an" those essential to pro!otion o( the general
Ens)re an" s)pport
a. Preservation an" enrih!ent o( )lt)re
&. Pro!ote health an" sa(et'
. Enhane the right o( the people to a &alane" eolog'
". Eno)rage an" s)pport "evelop!ent o( appropriate an" sel(+reliant sienti6 an"
tehnologial apa&ilities
e. I!prove p)&li !orals
(. Enhane prosperit' an" soial *)stie
g. Pro!ote e!plo'!ent a!ong its resi"ents
h. Maintain peae an" or"er
i. Preserve the o!(ort an" onveniene o( their inha&itants
General wel(are la)se is a stat)tor' grant o( Polie Power
a. E%erisa&le within territorial li!its o( LGC e%ept (or protetion o( water s)ppl'
&. E@)al protetion la)se
. D)e Proess $la)se
Vali" or"inane-
1. M)st not ontravene $onstit)tion an" Stat)te
#. Not &e )n(air an" oppressive
/. Not &e partial or "isri!inator'
0. Not prohi&it &)t !a' reg)late tra"e
1. Not &e )nreasona&le
L. M)st &e general in appliation an" onsistent with p)&li poli'
#. 7asi Servies an" (ailities
a. LGC shall en"eavor to &e sel(+reliant an" shall ontin)e e%erising the powers an"
"isharging the ")ties an" ()ntions )rrentl' veste" )pon the!
&. The' shall also "isharge the ()ntions an" responsi&ilities o( national agenies an"
o?es "evolve" to the! to this $o"e. The' shall li;ewise e%erise s)h other powers
an" "isharge s)h other ()ntions as are neessar' appropriate or ini"ental to
e?ient an" eEetive provision o( the &asi servies an" (ailities en)!erate" therein
L< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
SE$. 1K. 2asic #ervices and 3acilities. ,
3a4 Loal govern!ent )nits shall en"eavor to &e sel(+reliant an" shall ontin)e e%erising the
powers an" "isharging the ")ties an" ()ntions )rrentl' veste" )pon the!. The' shall also "isharge
the ()ntions an" responsi&ilities o( national agenies an" o?es "evolve" to the! p)rs)ant to this
$o"e. Loal govern!ent )nits shall li;ewise e%erise s)h other powers an" "isharge s)h other
()ntions an" responsi&ilities as are neessar', appropriate, or ini"ental to e?ient an" eEetive
provision o( the &asi servies an" (ailities en)!erate" herein
3&4 S)h &asi servies an" (ailities inl)"e, &)t are not li!ite" to, the (ollowing-
4arangay "unicipality Province $ity
Agri)lt)ral s)pport
Researh Servies an"
(ailities relate" to
agri)lt)re, 6sher' an"
Agri)lt)ral e%tension
an researh (ailities
Sa!e as Provine
Bealth an" soial
wel(are servies
$o!!)nit' &ase"
(orestr' pro*ets
In")strial researh an"
"evelop!ent servies as
well as trans(er o(
appropriate tehnolog'
o!!)niation an"
B'giene an" sanitation I!ple!entation o(
progra!s an" pro*ets
on health are
2orestr' pro*ets S)pport (or e")ation,
polie an" 6re servies
an" (ailities
Maintenane o(
Soial wel(are servies
whih inl)"e progra!s
an" pro*ets on hil" an
'o)th wel(are
Bospitals an" tertiar'
health servies
7aranga' roa"s an"
water s)ppl'
Soli" waste "isposal
an" general h'giene
an" sanitation
Provinial &)il"ings
In(rastr)t)re (ailities M)iipal &)il"ings an"
other (ailities
In(or!ation an"
rea"ing enter
In(rastr)t)re (ailities Low ost ho)sing
Satellite or p)&li
P)&li !ar;ets,
Invest!ent s)pport
$e!eter' Mo"erni8ation o( ta%
in(or!ation an"
olletion servies
To)ris! Inter+!)niipal
Sites (or polie an" 6re
stations an" !)niipal
To)ris! "evelop!ent
an" pro!otion progra!s
Devol)tion , At &' whih the National Govern!ent on(ers powers an" a)thorit' )pon the
vario)s loal govern!ent )nits to per(or! spei6 ()ntion an" responsi&ilities.
/. Power to Generate an" Appl' Reso)res
2)n"a!ental Priniples o( Ta%ation
a. Ta%ation shall &e )ni(or! in eah LGC
&. E@)ita&le an" &ase" as (ar as pratia&le on the ta%pa'erFs a&ilit' to pa'Q
+ Levie" an" ollete" (or p)&li p)rposeQ
+ Not )n*)st, e%essive, oppressive or on6sator'Q
+ Not ontrar' to law, p)&li poli', national eono!i poli'Q
+ =r in restraint o( tra"e
. $olletion annot &e le(t to an' private person
". Reven)e ollete" shall in)re solel' to the &ene6t o( an" s)&*et to "isposition o( LGCQ
e. Progressive
2)n"a!ental Priniples o( 2inanial AEairs
a. No !one' pai" o)t o( loal treas)r' e%ept in p)rs)ane o( an appropriation or"inane
or law
&. LG ()n"s spent solel' (or p)&li p)rposes
K. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
. Loal Reven)e generate" onl' (ro! so)res e%pressl' a)thori8e" &' law or or"inane,
an" olletion &e a;nowle"ge" properl'
". All !one' reeive" &' LG o?er shall &e ao)nte" (or
e. Tr)st ()n" shall not &e pai" o)t e%ept in ()l6ll!ent o( the p)rpose (or whih tr)st was
(. 7on"s o( LG o?er whose ")t' per!its or re@)ires the possession or )sto"' o( loal
g. LG shall (or!)late so)n" 6nanial plans
h. Loal 7)"get plans har!oni8e" with National "evelop!ent plans
i. Loal &)"get shall operationali8e loal "evelop!ent plans
*. LGC ens)res that &)"gets inorporate the re@)ire!ents o( their )nits an" provi"e
e@)ita&le alloation
;. National planning shall &e &ase" on loal planning
l. 2isal responsi&ilit' share" &' all e%erising a)thorit' over 6nanial aEairs
!. 7alane" &)"get in eah 6sal 'ear
0. E!inent Do!ain
a. E%erise" &' Loal hie( e%e)tive ating p)rs)ant to a vali" or"inane
&. P)&li )se or p)rpose or wel(are, (ro the &ene6t o( the poor an" the lan"less
. =nl' a(ter a vali" an" "e6nite oEer has &een !a"e an" not aepte" &' owner
1. Relassi6ation o( Lan"s
+ =r"inane passe" a(ter on")ting p)&li hearings.
a. :hen the lan" eases to &e eono!iall' (easi&le an" so)n" (or agri)lt)ral p)rposes
&. Lan" has s)&stantiall' greater eono!i val)e (or resi"ential, o!!erial, or in")strial
p)rposes as "eter!ine" &' the sangg)nian.
L. $los)re an" opening o( Rao"s
+ =r"inane
+ Approve" &' at least #D/ o( all the !e!&ers o( sangg)ian
+ S)&stit)te (or p)&li (ailit' shall &e provi"e"
a. A"e@)ate provision (or !aintenane o( p)&li sa(et'
&. Te!porar' los)re !a' &e !a"e ")ring an at)al e!ergen', 6esta ele&rations,
p)&li rallies
K. Loal Legislative Power , E%erise" &' the Loal Sangg)nian
a. Pro")ts o( Legislative Ation
1. =r"inane , Presri&es a per!anent r)le o( on")t
#. Resol)tion , Te!porar' harater, or e%presses senti!ent
&. Re@)isites
1. M)st not ontravene $onstit)tion an" Stat)te
#. Not &e )n(air an" oppressive
/. Not &e partial or "isri!inator'
0. Not prohi&it &)t !a' reg)late tra"e
1. Not &e )nreasona&le
L. M)st &e general in appliation an" onsistent with p)&li poli'
. Approval
+ =r"inanes passe" &' SPL, SPLC, S7 shall &e approve"-
1. I( the loal $hie( E%e)tive approves the sa!e, a?%ing his signat)re on eah an"
ever' page thereo(
#. i. Loal $hie( E%e)tive vetoes the sa!e,
ii. =verri""en &' #D/ vote o( all !e!&ers o( the sangg)nian
Veto shall &e o!!)niate" &' Loal $hie( E%e)tive to the sangg)nian within 11 "a's o(
provine or 1. "a's in ase o( a it' or !)niipalit', otherwise, the or"inane shall &e
"ee!e" approve" as i( he signe" it
Loal $hie( E%e)tive !a' veto the or"inane onl' one on the gro)n" that or"inane is
)ltra vires or that it is pre*)"iial to the p)&li wel(are.
K1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
". Review &' Sangg)niang Panlalawigan
+ :ithin / "a's a(ter the approval
+ Seretar' o( sangg)niang panl)ngso" or sangg)inag &a'an shall (orwar" to
Sangg)nian panlalawigan (or review, opies o( approve" ori"nanes an" resol)tions
approving the loal "evelop!ent o)nils.
+ Sangg)nian Pnalalawigan shall review the sa!e within /. "a's
+ Deree as invali" or vali". I( no ation is ta;en within /. "a's, vali".
e. Review o( 7aranga' =r"inanes
+ :itin 1. "a's
+ Sangg)niang &aranga' ()rnishes sangg)inang &a'an or l)ngso" (or review
+ :ithin /. "a's, ret)rn with o!!ents an" reo!!en"ations (or a"*)st!ent,
a!en"!ent or !o"ii(ation i( inonsistent with law or it' or !)niipal or"inanes
+ I( no ation is ta;en within /. "a's, it is "ee!e" approve".
(. En(ore!ent o( "isapprove" or"inanesDresol)tions
+ Atte!pt to en(ore a "isapprove" or"inane or resol)tion a(ter "isapproval shall &e
s)?ient gro)n" (or the s)spension or "is!issal o( o?ial or e!plo'ee
g. EEetivit'
+ 1. "a's (ro! the "ate a op' thereo( is poste" in a &)lletin &oar" at the entrane o(
the provinial apitol, or it', !)niipal or &aranga' hall, an" in at least two other
onspi)o)s plaes in the loal govern!ent )nit onerne".
M. A)thorit' over Polie Cnits
$. $orporate Powers
+ 2)ll A)tono!' in the e%erise o( their proprietar' ()ntions an" in the !anage!ent o(
eono!i enterprises, s)&*et to li!itations provi"e" in the o"e an" other applia&le
1. $ontin)o)s s)ession in its orporate na!e
#. S)e an" &e S)e"
+ $o!!ene" &' the Loal E%e)tive )pon the a)thorit' o( the Sangg)nian e%ept when
the $it' $o)nilors &' the!selves an" as representatives o( or on &ehal( o( the $it',
&ring the ation to prevent )nlaw()l "is&)rse!ent o( $it' ()n"s.
/. Bave an" )se a orporate seal
0. A@)ire an" onve' real or personal propert'
1. Power to enter into ontrats
a. LGC has the e%press, i!plie" or inherent power to enter into the parti)lar ontrat
&. Entere" into &' the proper "epart!ent, &oar", o!!ittee, o?er or agent. Cnless
provi"e" &' the $o"e, no ontrat !a' &e entere" into &' the loal hie( e%e)tive
on &ehal( o( the loal govern!ent )nit witho)t prior a)thori8ation &' the
Sangg)nian onerne"
. $o!pl' with ertain s)&stantial re@)ire!ents
". $o!pl' with (or!al re@)isites
Cltra+vires ontrat , entere" into witho)t o!pliane with the 6rst an" thir" re@)isites.
N)ll an" voi". $annot &e rati6e" or vali"ate". Rati6ation is possi&le onl' when there is
non+o!pliane with the seon" an"Dor the (o)rth re@)ire!ents a&ove. Rati6ation !a'
either &e e%press or i!plie".
Loal Govern!ent )nits an" their o?ial s are not e%e!pt (ro! lia&ilit' (or "eath or in*)r' to persons
or "a!age to propert'
K# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1. Provisions !a;ing law !a;ing LGC lia&le
a. Artile #1M< $$ , LGC is lia&le in "a!ages (or "eath or in*)ries s)Eere" &' reason o( the
"e(etive on"ition o( roa"s, streets, &ri"ges, p)&li &)il"ings, an" other p)&li wor;s
&. Art. #1M. 3L4 $$ , The state is responsi&le when it ats thro)gh a speial agent
. Art. /0 $$ , The LGC is s)&si"iaril' lia&le (or "a!ages s)Eere" &' a person &' reason o(
the (ail)re or re()sal o( a !e!&er o( the polie (ore to ren"er ai" an" protetion in ase o(
"anger to li(e an" propert'
#. Lia&ilit' (or Tort
a. I( the LGC is engage" in govern!ental ()ntions, it is not lia&le
&. I( engage" in proprietar' ()ntions, LGC is lia&le
/. Lia&ilit' (or Violation o( Law
0. Lia&ilit' (or $ontrats
+ M)niipal orporation, li;e an or"inar' person, is lia&le on a ontrat it enters into
provi"e" that the ontrat is intra vires.
+ Private in"ivi")al who "eals with a !)niipal orporation is i!p)te" onstr)tive
;nowle"ge o( the e%tent o( the power or a)thorit' o( the !)niipal orporation to enter
into ontrats
+ Estoppel "oes not lie against the !)niipal orporation
+ The "otrine o( i!plie" !)niipal lia&ilit' , A !)niipalit' !a' &eo!e o&ligate" )pon
an i!plie" ontrat to pa' the reasona&le val)e o( the &ene6ts aepte" or
appropriate" &' it as to whih it has the general power to ontrat.
Provisions applia&le to eletive an" appointive loal o?ials
1. Prohi&ite" 7)siness an" Pe)niar' Interest
a. Engage in an' &)siness transation with the LGC in whih he is an o?ial or an e!plo'ee
or over whih he has the power o( s)pervision or with an' o( its a)thori8e", o?ials,
agents or attorne's where&' !one' is to &e pai" or propert' or an' other thing o( val)e is
to &e trans(erre"
&. Bol" s)h interests in an' o;pit or other ga!es liense" &' the LGC
. P)rhase an' real estate or other propert' (oereite" in (avor o( the LGC (or )npai" ta%es or
assess!ent or &' virt)e o( a legal proess at the instane o( the LGC
". 7e a s)ret' (or an' person ontrating or "oing &)siness with the LGC (or whih a s)ret' is
e. Possess or )se an' p)&li propert' o( the LGC (or private p)rpose
(. Prohi&itions an" inhi&itions presri&e" in RA LK1/
#. Pratie o( Pro(ession
a. All governorsH city and municipal mayors are prohi&ite" (ro! pratiing their
pro(ession or engaging in an' o)pation other than the e%erise o( their ()ntions as loal
hie( e%e)tive
&. Sangg)nian !e!&ers !a' prative their pro(ession, engage in an' o)pation, or teah in
shool e%ept ")ring session ho)rs. Provi"e", i( !e!&ers o( the &ar-
+ Shall not appear as o)nsel in an' o)rt in an' ivil ase wherein the LGC or an' o?e
or agen' o( govern!ent is the a"verse part'
+ Appear as o)nsel in an' ri!inal ase wherein an o?er or e!plo'ee o( the national
LG is a)se" o( an oEense in relation to his o?e
+ $ollet an' (ee (or their appearane in a"!inistrative proee"ings involving the LGC
o( whih he is an o?ial
+ Cse propert' an" personnel o( govern!ent e%ept when the sangg)inan !e!&er
onerne" is "e(en"ing the interest o( the govern!ent.
. Dotors o( !e"iine !a' pratie their pro(ession even ")ring o?ial hor)s o( wor; onl'
on oasions o( e!ergen', provi"e the' "o not "erive !onetar' o!pensation there(ro!.
/. Prohi&ition against appoint!ent
K/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. No eletive or appointive loal o?ial shall &e eligi&le (or appoint!ent or "esignation in
an' apait' to an' p)&li o?e or position ")ring his ten)re
&. E%ept (or losing an"i"ates in &aranga' eletions, no an"i"ate who lost in an' eletion
shall within one 'ear a(ter s)h eletion &e appointe" to an' o?e in the govern!ent or
an' govern!ent+owne" or ontrolle" orporation or their s)&si"iaries.
Eletive Loal =?ials
1. 5)ali6ations
a. $iti8en o( the Phlippines
&. Registere" voter in the 7aranga', !)niipalit', it' or provine
3i( Sangg)nian, in the "istrit where he inten"s to &e elete"4
. Resi"ent therein (or at least 1 'ear i!!e"iatel' pree"ing the eletion
". A&le to rea" an" write 2ilipino or an' other loal lang)age or "ialet
Governor #/
Vie Ma'or
g Panl)nso"
Ma'or #1
Vie Ma'or #1
g 7a'an
Me!&er o(
g 7aranga'
SY 11+

#. Dis@)ali6ations
a. Sentene" &' 6nal *)"g!ent (or an oEense involving !oral t)rpit)"e or (or an oEense
p)nisha&le &' one 'ear or !ore o( i!prison!ent within two 'ears a(ter serving sentene
&. Re!ove" (ro! o?e as a res)lt o( an a"!inistrative ase
. $onvite" &' 6nal *)"g!ent (or violating the oath o( allegiane to the Rep)&li
K0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
". D)al $iti8enship
e. 2)gitives (ro! *)stie in a ri!inal or non+politial ases here or a&roa"
(. Per!anent resi"ents in a (oreign o)ntr' or those who have a@)ire" the right to resi"e
a&roa" an" ontin)e to avail o( the sa!e right a(ter the eEetivit' o( the $o"e
g. Insane or (ee&le !in"e"
/. Manner o( Eletion
a. Elete" at large.
&. Sangg)nian Panlalawiga, panl)ngso" an" &a'an+ elete" &' "istrit as !a' &e provi"e" &' law
. Presi"ents o( the leag)es o( Sangg)nian !e!&ers o( o!ponent ities an" !)niipalities shall
serve e% o?io !e!&ers o( the sangg)niang panlalawigan onerne"
". Presi"ents o( liga ng !ga &aranga' an" pe"eras'on ng !ga sangg)inang ;a&ataan shall serve
as e% o?io !e!&ers o( the sangg)niang panlalawiagan pangl)ngso" or &a'an.
e. Setoral representatives
+ :o!en
+ :or;ers
+ Cr&an Poor
+ In"igeno)s )lt)ral o!!)nities
+ Disa&le" persons
+ An' other setor
0. Date o( Eletion + ever' three 'ears on the seon" Mon"a' o( Ma' )nless provi"e" &' law
1. Ter! o( =?e
+ / 'ears
+ $annot serve (or !ore than / onse)tive ter!s in the sa!e position
+ 7aranga' o?ials an" SY+ 1 'ears
It is not eno)gh that an in"ivi")al has serve" three onse)tive ter!s in an eletive loal
o?e. Be !)st also have &een elete" to the sa!e position (or the sa!e n)!&er o( ti!es
&e(ore the "is@)ali6ation an appl'.
Re@)isites (or three ter! li!it
a. =?ial onerne" has &een elete" (or / onse)tive ter!s in the sa!e loal
govern!ent post
&. Serve" / onse)tive ter!s
L. S)ession
a. Per!anent Vaanies , arises when an eletive o?ial 6lls a higher vaant o?e, re()ses
to ass)!e o?e, (ails to @)ali(', "ies, is re!ove" (ro! o?e, vol)ntaril' resigns or is
per!anentl' inapaitate" to "isharge the ()ntions o( his o?e.
+ Governor s)ee"e" &' Vie Governor
+ Ma'or s)ee"e" &' Vie Ma'or
+ Vie governorD Vie Ma'or s)ee"e" &' highest ran;ing sangg)inan !e!&er or
seon" highest
Ran;ing shall &e "eter!ine" on the &asis o( the proportion o( votes o&taine" &' eah
winning an"i"ate to the total n)!&er o( registere" voters in eah "istrit in the
i!!e"iatel' pree"ing eletion.
&. Te!porar' Vaanies
+ Ph'sial or legal reasons
+ Leave o( a&sene
+ Travel A&roa"
+ S)spension (ro! o?e
+ VG an" VM or highest ran;ing sangg)nian !e!&er a)to!atiall' e%erises powers an"
per(or!s ")ties an" ()ntions o( Loal hie( e%e)tive e%ept-
a. Power to appoint, s)spen" or "is!iss e!plo'ees , s)h power an &e e%erise" i(
the perio" o( inapait' e%ee"s /. wor;ing "a's.
K1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
+ I( loal hie( e%e)tive is travelling within the o)ntr' &)t o)tsi"e his *)ris"ition (or a
perio" not e%ee"ing three onse)tive "a's, he !a' "esignate in writing the o?er in
harge o( the sai" o?e.
K. $o!pensation
+ Deter!ine" &' Sangg)nian onerne" s)&*et to provisions o( RA LK1M
+ Not less than 1,... (or p)nong &aranga'
+ Not less than L.. (or sangg)nian &aranga' !e!&er
M. Resignation
+ Vali" onl' i( aepte"
Presi"ent Governors, VG, M an" VM o( Bighl'
)r&ani8e" ities an" in"epen"ent
o!ponent ities
Governor M)niipal M an" VM o( o!ponent ities
Sangg)nian Sangg)nian !e!&ers
$it' or M)niipal Ma'or 7aranga' o?ials
+ Resignation shall &e "ee!e" aepte" i( not ate" )pon &' the a)thorit' onerne"
within 11 wor;ing "a's (ro! reeipt thereo(.
+ Irrevoa&le resignations &' sangg)nian !e!&ers shall &e "ee!e" aepte" )pon
presentation &e(ore an open session o( the sangg)nian onerne" an" ")l' entere" in
its reor"s.
<. Grievane Proe")re
+ Loal hie( e%e)tive shall esta&lish a proe")re to in@)ire into resolve or settle
o!plaints an" grievanes presente" &' loal govern!ent e!plo'ees
1.. Disipline
a. Dislo'alt' to the Philippines
&. $)lpa&le violation o( the $onstit)tion
. Dishonest', oppression, !ison")t in o?e, gross negligene, or Derelition
". $o!!ission o( an' oEense involving !oral t)rpit)"e or oEense p)nisha&le &' at least
prision !a'or.
e. A&)se o( a)thorit'
(. Cna)thori8e" a&sene (or 11 onse)tive wor;ing "a's e%ept in the ase o( !e!&ers
o( the sangg)niang panlalawigan, panl)ngso" &a'an an" &aranga'
g. Appliation (or, or a@)isition o(, (oreign iti8enship or resi"ene or the stat)s o( an
i!!igrant o( another o)ntr'.
h. S)h other gro)n"s as !a' &e provi"e" in this $o"e an" other laws
:ho To :ho!
Provinial, Bighl' )r&ani8e" it' or
in"epen"ent o!ponent it' eletive o?ial
=?e o( the Presi"ent
Eletive !)niipal o?ials Sangg)ninang panlalawigan, appeale" to
=?e o( Presi"ent
Eletive 7aranga' o?ials Sangg)niang panl)ngso" or &a'an. Deision
shall &e 6nal an" e%e)tor'
Preventive S)spension
+ I!pose" &' the Presi"ent, Governor, Ma'or
+ A(ter the iss)es are *oine"
+ :hen the evi"ene o( g)ilt is strong, gravit' o( the oEense
+ Great pro&a&ilit' that the ontin)ane in o?e o( the respon"ent o)l" inN)ene the
witnesses or pose a threat to the sa(et' an" integrit' o( the reor"s an" other evi"ene
+ Shall not e%ten" &e'on" L. "a's
KL | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
+ I( several are 6le", he annot &e s)spen"e" (or !ore than <. "a's within a single 'ear
on the sa!e gro)n" or gro)n"s e%isting an" ;nown at the ti!e o( the 6rst s)spension
+ Penalt' o( s)spension shall not e%ee" his )ne%pire" ter!, or a perio" o( L !onths (or
ever' a"!inistrative oEense nor shall &e a &ar to the an"i"a' o( the respon"ent as
long as he nee"s he !eets the @)ali6ations re@)ire".
A"!inistrative Appeal
+ :ithin /. "a's
:ho To :ho!
Deisions o( $o!ponent itiesF SPLC an" S7 Sangg)niang Panlalawigan
Deisions o( SPL an" SPLC o( Bighl' Cr&ani8e"
ities an" in"epen"ent o!ponent ities
Presi"ent. 2inal an" e%e)tor
E%e)tion pen"ing appeal
+ Shall not prevent a "eision (ro! &eing e%e)te"
+ Respon"ent shall &e onsi"ere" as having &een plae" )n"er preventive s)spension
")ring the pen"en' o( the appeal
7)t A= 1M so long as not rep)gnant to LG$, a)thori8es presi"ent to sta' the e%e)tion
pen"ing appeal
EEet o( Re+eletion
+ 7ars the ontin)ane o( the a"!inistrative ase against hi! inas!)h as the re+
eletion is tanta!o)nt to on"onation &' the people.
Appointive Loal =?ial
Responsi&ilit' (or h)!an reso)res an" "evelop!ent
+ Loal $hie( E%e)tive shall &e responsi&le
+ In aor"ane with $onstit)tion, laws inl)"ing poliies, g)i"elines an" stan"ar"s as
the $S$ !a' esta&lish
o Loal $hie( e%e)tive !a' e!plo' e!ergen' or as)al e!plo'ees or la&orers
pai" on a "ail' wage or pieewor; &asis an" hire" thro)gh *o& or"ers (or loal
pro*ets a)thori8e" &' the Sangg)ian witho)t the nee" o( approval or
attestation &' the $S$ as long as sai" e!plo'!ent shall not e%ee" L !onths.
Appointive =?ials
1. Seretar' to Sangg)inan
#. Treas)rer
/. Assessor
0. Ao)ntant
1. 7)"get =?er
L. Planning an" Develop!ent $oor"inator
K. Engineer
M. Bealth =?er
<. $ivil Registrar
1.. A"!inistrator
11. Legal =?er
1#. Agri)lt)rist
KK | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1/. Soial :el(are an" Develop!ent =?er
10. Environe!nt an" Nat)ral Reso)res =?er
11. Arhitet
1L. In(or!ation =?er
1K. $ooperatives =?er
1M. Pop)lation =?er
1<. Veterinaria
#.. General Sergies =?er
A"!inistrative Disipline
+ Investigation an" a"*)"iation o( a"!inistrative o!plaints as well as s)spension an"
r!oval shall &e in aor"ane with the $ivil Servie law an" r)les an" other pertinent
o Preventive S)spension , Loal $hie" e%e)tive !a' preventivel' s)spen" (or a
perio" not e%ee"ing L. "a's an' s)&or"inate o?ial or e!plo'ee )n"er his
a)thorit' pen"ing investigation i( the hargeagainst s)h o?ial or e!plo'ee
involves "ishonest', oppression or grave !ison")t or neglet in the
per(or!ane o( the ")t' or i( there is reason to &elieve that the respon"ent is
g)ilt' o( harges whih wo)l" warrant his re!oval (ro! the servie.
o Disiplinar' >)rsi"ition , Re!oval, "e!otion in ran; s)spension (or not !ore
than 1 'ear witho)t pa', 6ne in an a!o)nt not e%ee"ing L !onths salar' or
I( penalt' i!pose" is s)spension witho)t pa' (or not !ore than /.
"a's his "eision shall &e 6nal i( the penalt' i!pose" is heavier, the
"eision shall &e appeala&le to the $S$ whih shall "ei"e the appeal
within /. "a's (ro! reeipt.
National Govern!ent
1. Power o( General S)pervision
+ Veste" on the Presi"ent over LGC
+ To ens)re their ats are within the sope o( presri&e" powers an" ()ntions
+ S)pervisor' a)thorit' "iretl' over-
o Provines
o Bighl' )r&ani8e" ities
o In"epen"ent $o!ponent ities
Thro)gh the provine with respet to o!ponent ities an"
Thro)gh the $it' an" !)niipalit' over &aranga's
#. $oor"ination with national agenies
+ National agenies an" o?es with pro*et i!ple!entation ()ntions
+ $oor"inate with one another an" with LGC in "isharge o( these ()ntions
+ Ens)re partiipation o( LGC &oth in planning an" i!ple!entation o( sai" national
/. $ons)ltation
+ $ons)ltation )n"er Se. # an" #L
+ Prior approval o( Sangg)nian
+ =)pants in areas where pro*ets are to &e i!ple!ente" shall not &e evite" )nless
appropriate reloation sites have &een provi"e"
+ E%tent o( S)pervision an" ontrol is governe" &' RA LK<1
Inter+Loal Govern!ent Relations
1. Provine thro)gh governor, shall ens)re ever' o!ponent it' an" !)niipalit' within
its territorial *)ris"ition ats within the sope o( its presri&e" powers an" ()ntions
KM | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
+ Bighl' )r&ani8e" ities an" in"epen"ent o!ponent ities shall &e in"epen"ent o( the
#. In the a&sene o( a !)niipal legal o?er, the !)niipal govern!ent !a' se)re the
opinion o( the provinial legal o?er an" in his a&sene, provinial prose)tor
/. $it' or !)niipalit' thro)gh !a'or shall e%erise general s)pervision over o!ponent
&aranga's to ens)re that sai" &aranga's at within the sope o( their presri&e"
powers an" ()ntions
0. LGC !a' thro)gh or"inanes gro)p the!selves, onsoli"ate or oor"inate eEorts,
servies an" reso)res(or p)rposes o!!onl' &ene6ial to the.
PeopleFs an" Non+Govern!ental =rgani8ations
1. LGC shall pro!otre esta&lish!ent an" operation o( peopleFs an" NG= to &eo!e
ative partners in the p)rs)it o( Loal A)tono!'
#. LGC !a' enter into *oint vent)res an" s)h other ooperative arrange!ents in the
"eliver' o( ertain &asi servies
/. LGC thro)gh Loal $hie( E%e)tive an" on)rrene o( sangg)nian onerne",
provi"e assistane, 6nanial or otherwise (or eono!i, soiall'+oriente",
environ!ental or )lt)ral pro*ets to &e i!ple!ente" within its territorial
Man"ate" Loal Agenies
1. Loal Shool 7oar"
#. Loal Bealth 7oar"
/. Loal Develop!ent $o)nil
0. Loal Develop!ent $o)nil
1. Loal Peae an" =r"er $o)nil
Settle!ent o( 7o)n"ar' Disp)tes
1. 7etween LGC shall &e settle" a!ia&l'.
Involving Resolve" &'
Two or !ore &aranga's in the sa!e
it' or !)niipalit'
Sangg)nian Panl)ngso" or
Sangg)niang 7a'an
Two or !ore !)niipalities in the
sa!e provine
Sangg)ian Panlalawigan
M)niipalities or $o!ponent ities in
"iEerent provines
>ointl' re(erre" to sangg)nians o( the
provines onerne"
$o!ponent it' or !)niipalit' on
one han" an" a highl' )r&ani8e" it'
on the other or # or !ore highl'
)r&ani8e" ities
>ointl' re(erre" to respetive
#. In the event sangg)nian (ailt to eEet a settle!ent within L. "a's (ro! the "ate
the "isp)te was re(erre" to it-
Iss)e a erti6ation to this eEet
Disp)te (or!all' trie" &' the sangg)nian onerne" whih shall "ei"e
within L. "a's (ro! erti6ation
/. :ithin the ti!e an" !anner presri&e" &' the R=$, an' part' !a' elevate the
"eision (o proper RT$ having *)ris"ition over the area an" "ei"e the appeal
within 1 'ear (ro! 6ling
0. 7o)n"aries !)st &e-
$lear (or the' "e6ne the li!its o( the territorial *)ris"ition
It an legiti!atel' e%erise its powers onl' within the li!its o( its territorial
7e'on" the li!its, it is CLTRA VIRES
K< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Local Initiative L Te legal process 5ere&y te registered voters of a L(< may
directly proposeH enact or amend any ordinance. It may &e e6ercised &y all registered
voters of te ProvincesH citiesH municipalities and &arangays.
1. Not less than #,... registere" votes in the region
o 1,... , Provines an" $ities
o 1.. , M)niipalities
o 1. , 7aranga's
o Ma' 6le a petition with the sangg)nian onerne".
#. I( no (avora&le ation is ta;en within /. "a's, the proponents !a' invo;e the power o(
initiative giving notie to sangg)nian
/. Proposition n)!&ere" seriall' starting (ro! Ro!an n)!eral I.
0. Proponents shall have the (ollowing perio"s to ollet re@)ire" n)!&er o( signat)res-
o <. "a's , Provines an" $ities
o L. "a's , M)niipalities
o /. "as , 7aranga's
1. Petition signe" &e(ore the eletion registrar or representatives an" in the presene o(
the proponent an" a representative o( the sangg)ninan onerne" in a p)&li plae
L. Cpon lapse o( perio", $=MELE$ shall erti(' whether the re@)ire" n)!&er o( signat)res
have &een o&taine". 2ail)re to o&tain s)h n)!&er "e(eats the proposition
K. I( o&taine", $=MEL$ shall set a "ate (or initiative ")ring whih the proposition is
s)&!itte" to the registere" voters inn the LGC (or their approval within-
o L. "a's , Provines
o 01 "a's , M)niipalities
o /. "a's , 7aranga's
M. I( proposition approve" &' !a*orit' o( votes ast it shall ta;e eEet 11 "a's a(ter
erti6ation &' $=MELE$ as i( a?rn!ative ation ha" &een ta;en thereon
=n the Initiative
Not &e e%erise" !ore than one a 'ear
E%ten" onl' to s)&*ets or !atters whih are within the legal powers o( the
sangg)nian to enat
I( an' ti!e &e(ore initiative is hel", the sangg)ninan a"opts in toto the
proposition presente" an" the loal hie( e%e)tive approves the sa!e, the
initiative shall &e anelle". Those against it !a' appl' (or initiative in the
!anner herein provi"e".
=n Sangg)nian
An' proposition or or"inane approve" thro)gh an initiative an"
re(eren")! shall not &e repeale", !o"i6e" or a!en"e" &' the sangg)nian
within L !onths (ro! the "ate o( approval
Ma' &e a!en"e", !o"i6e" or repeale" within / 'ears therea(ter &'
a vote o( [ o( all its !e!&ers
In ase o( 7aranga's, 1M !onths a(ter approval
Local Referendum L Legal process 5ere&y te registered voters of L(< may
approveH amend or re0ect any ordinance enacted &y te sanggunian.
+ Bel" )n"er the ontrol an" "iretion o( the $=MELE$ within-
o <. "a's , Provines
o 01 "a's , M)iipalities
o /. "a's , 7aranga's
+ $=MELE$ shall erti(' an" prolai! the res)lts o( the sai" re(eren")!
M. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
A)thorit' o( $o)rts
Proper o)rts !a' "elare as n)ll an" voi" an' proposition approve" p)rs)ant hereto (or
violation o( the $onstit)tion or want o( apait' o( the sangg)nian onerne" to enat sai" !eas)re.
L.$AL (.%)RN")NT <NITS
1. $hie( =?ials an" =?es
a. K sangg)nian &aranga' !e!&ers
&. SY hair!an
. 7aranga' Seretar'
". 7aranga' Treas)rer
e. L)pong Tagapa!a'apa
#. 7aranga' Asse!&l'
+ $o!pose" o( all persons-
o Resi"ents o( 7aranga' (or at least L !onths
o 11 'ears o( age or over
o 2ilipino $iti8ens
o D)l' registere" in the list o( &aranga' asse!&l' !e!&ers
+ Shall !eet twie a 'ear to hear an" "is)ss se!estral report o( Sangg)nian &aranga'
onerning ativities an" 6nanes as well as pro&le!s aEeting the &aranga'
/. Yatar)ngang Pa!&aranga'
a. L)pong Tagapa!a'apa
+ $o!pose" o( P)nong 7aranga' as $hair!an
+ 1. to #. !e!&ers
+ $onstit)te" ever' / 'ears
+ Powers
o E%erise a"!inistrative s)pervision over oniliation panels
o Meet reg)larl' one a !onth to provi"e a (or)! (or e%hange o( i"eas a!ong
its !e!&ers an" the p)&li o( !atters relevant to the a!ia&le settle!ent o(
"isp)tes, an" to ena&le vario)s oniliation panel !e!&ers to share with one
another their o&servations an" e%perienes in eEeting spee"' resol)tion o(
o E%erise s)h other powers an" per(or! s)h other ")ties ()ntions as !a' &e
presri&e" &' law or or"inane
&. Pang;at Tagapags)"o
+ $onstit)te" (or eah "isp)te &ro)ght &e(ore the l)pon a oniliation panel to &e ;nown
as pang;at tagapags)n"o
+ / !e!&ers who shall &e hosen &' the parties to the "isp)te (ro! the lsit o( !e!&ers
o( the l)pon
+ Sho)l" the' (ail to agree, "raw lots &' the l)pon hair!an
0. Sangg)ninang Ya&ataan
+ $hair!an
+ Seven Me!&ers
+ Seretar'
+ Treas)rer
Yatip)nan ng Ya&ataan
+ 2ilipino $iti8ens
+ At)all' resi"ing (or at least L !onths in the &aranga'
+ 11 +#1
+ D)l' registere" in the SY or o?ial &aranga' list
+ Meet one ever' / !onths or at the all o( the SY hair!an or )pon written petition o(
at least 1D#. o( its !e!&ers
Pe"eras'on ng !ga SY
+ M)niipalities , Pa!&a'ang pe"eras'o
+ $ities , Pnl)ngso" ng pe"eras'o
+ Provines , Panlalawigang pe"eras'o
+ Speial Mertropolitan politial s)&"ivisions , pang !etropolitan pe"ras'on
+ National Level ,Pa!&ansang pe"eras'on
M1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Leag)es o( LGC
1. Liga !g !ga 7aranga'
+ Pri!ar' p)rpose o( "eter!ining representation o( the Liga in the sangg)nians
+ Ventilating arti)lating an" r'stalli8ing iss)es aEeting &aranga' govern!ent
+ Se)ring sol)tions thro)gh proper an" legal !eans
#. Leag)e o( M)niipalities
+ Pri!ar' p)rpose o( "eter!ining representation o( the Liga in the sangg)nians
+ Ventilating arti)lating an" r'stalli8ing iss)es aEeting !)niipal govern!ent
+ Se)ring sol)tions thro)gh proper an" legal !eans
/. Leag)e o( $ities
0. Leag)e o( Provines
1. Leag)e an" 2e"eration o( Loal Eletive =?ials
A. International La5 de-ned
Tra"itional Mo"ern
7ranh o( p)&li law wD-
Reg)lates relations o( States T o( other entities
grante" intFl personalit'.
VThis "e(Fn (o)ses on subjects wD are entities
+ intFl personalit' T
+ wD rights T o&ligations reogni8e" )n"er
international law,
As against objects wD are persons or things in wD
rights are hel" T o&lig ass)!e" &' the subjects o(
intFl lawW
Law wD "eals wD-
+ $on")t o( States T intFl org
+ Their relations wD eah other
+ T their relations wD persons, nat)ral or *)ri"ial
4. 4asis of Int9l La5
M# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
La5 of Nature Scool Possitivist Scool )cletic or (roatian Scool
+nat)ral T )niversal priniple o(
right T wrong
+in"epen"ent o( !)t)al
intero)rseD o!pat wD an &e
"isovere" T reogni8e" &'
ever' in"iv. thro)gh the )se o(
his reason T onsiene.

-7in"ing (ore o( intFl law-
"erive" (ro! agree!ent o(
States to &e &o)n" &' it.
+intFl law is not a law o(
subordination &)t coordination
+on(or!s to the "itates o( right
+the vol)ntar' law !a' &e sai"
to &len" wD the nat)ral law T &e
an e%pression o( it
+in ase o( onNit, the nat)ral
law prevails, &eing the !ore
()n"a!ental law

$. Pu&lic International La5 distinguised fromF
Private In9t La5 Int9l
Int9l $omity Int9l +iplomacy Int9l Admin. La5
A. As to nat)re-
IntFl vs. !)niipal
7. As to re!e"ies-
IntFl !o"es vs.
loal tri&)nals
$. As to parties-
IntFl entities vs.
private persons
D. As to
IntFl santions vs.
sheriED polie
Govern relations o(
States (ro! the
stan"point o(
a. $onsiene
&. Moralit'
. >)stie
". B)!anit'
R)les o(
o&serve" &' States
in their relations
wDother States
+o&*ets o(-
a4 intFl poli' T
&4 on")t o(
(oreign aEairs
relations T
ativities o(-
a4natFl T
&4intFl agenies
wDrespet to their-
a4!aterial T
wD have reeive"
intFl reognition
+. Int9l La5 as true la5
Altho)gh it !a' not o!pl' wD>ohn A)stinFs onept o( law, i.e., en(ore" &' sovereign politial
a)thorit', nonetheless it is still a tr)e law
/pplication, en*orcement, ' compliance.
A&sene o( a entral law+!a;ing a)thorit' T the *)ris"itional "e(ets,wea;en the e%petation
o( o!pliane in o!parison wD the sit)ation in the "o!esti plane.
These onsi"erations are, however, &alane" &' the ris; o( politialD eono!i retaliation T
other santions s)h as
a. a"verse p)&li opinion
&. retorsions
. reprisals
". the CN !ahiner'
e. onvition that o&e"iene will re"o)n" to the p)&li goo"
). Relationsip 5# "unicipal La5 B"LC
"onist +ualist
No s)&stantial "istintion &etween intFl law T
!)niipal law.
3oo eto lang to4
+ iss)e" &' a politial
s)perior (or o&servane
&' those )n"er its
+ onsists o(
enat!ents o( law+
!a;ing a)thorit'
+ reg)lates relations o(
in"iv. a!ong
+violations are
re"resse" thro)gh loal
*)"iial T
+&reahes entail in"iv
+ not i!pose" &)t
a"opte" &' states as a
o!!on r)le o( ation
+ "erive" (ro! s)h
so)res as intFl
)sto!s, onventions
or gen. priniples o(
+relations &etween
states T intFl persons
+re"resse" thro)gh
+octrine of Incorporation +octrine of transformation
E%presse" in S# Art# HThe Phils. Reno)nes war
as an instr)!ent o( national poli', a"opts the
generall' aepte" priniples o( international law
as part o( the law o( the lan" T a"heres to
Re@)ires the enat!ent &' the legislative &o"' o(
s)h intFl law priniples as are so)ght to &e part o(
!)niipal law
M/ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
thepoli' o( peaeZI
$onMict &et5een International La5 J "unicipal La5
.n te domestic spereH 5#a local court
International spereH 5#an int9l tri&unal
a4 i( onNit is wD$onsti-
)phol" $onsti
&4 i( onNit is wDstat)te-
doctrine o* incorporation "erees that
r)les o( intFl law are given e@)al stan"ing
wD, &)t not s)perior to national legislative
A treat' !a' repeal a stat)te T a stat)te
!a' repeal a treat'Q th)s, the priniple o(
le, posterior derogate priori, that wD
o!es last in ti!e, will )s)all' &e )phel"
&' the !)niipal tri&)nal
International law is s)perior to !)niipal law,
&ea)se intFl law provi"es the stan"ar" &' wD to
"eter!ine the legalit' o( a StateFs on")t.
'. Sources of Int9l La5
+omestic spere International Plane
$onstit)tion, legislative enat!ents, T ase law
3stare "eisis4.
ItFs o!pliate" 3hi'ess\4 &ea)se there is no
&o"' li;ene" to a natFl legislat)re, no ()n"a!ental
law, T the "otrine o( pree"ents is not
Bowever, !ost a)thoritative en)!eration is (o)n" in Art. /M, Stat)te o( the IntFl $o)rt o(
>)stie wD provi"es that the $o)rt, whose ()ntion is to "ei"e in aor"ane wD IntFl Law s)h
"isp)tes as are s)&!itte" to it, shall appl'-
1. International Treaties T onventions
The Ro!e Stat)te
+ Signe" >)l' 1K, 1<<M
+ EEetive >)l' 1, #..#
+ 7ase" on the priniple o( o!ple!entarit'
+ Ma"e Philippines part o( the International $ri!inal $o)rt. It is a !o"ern initiative an"
rather a!&itio)s &ea)se an in"ivi")al an &e trie" therein an" he annot invo;e
+ No Retroativit'
+ Gives pri!a' to loal o)rts
+ No Death Penalt'
#. International $)sto!s
+ Prevailing pratie
+ Repeate" over onsi"era&le perio" o( ti!e
+ =pinio >)ris
/. General Priniples o( law
+ Nat)ral Law
+ =&serve" an" =rgani8e"
To these !a' &e a""e" the priniple o( e, ae4uo et bono 3what is goo" T *)st4, provi"e"
that the parties to the "isp)te agree thereto, as provi"e" in /rt. 56 7%8 #tatute o* the
nternational 1ourt o* 9ustice
nterpretation o* /rt. 56 - Altho)gh the provision is silent on the @)estion o( whether the / pri!ar'
so)res have the sa!e hierarhi val)e, &' pratie, treaties ta;e pree"ene over )sto!s, T
)sto!s over general priniples o( law, e%ept-
Te principle of 0us cogens L )sto!ar' intFl law wD wD has a stat)s o( pere!ptor'
3a&sol)te, )no!pro!ising, ertain4 nor! o( intFl law.
Peremptory norm+ aepte" T reogni8e" &' intFl o!!)nit' o( states as a r)le (ro! wD no
"erogation is per!itte", T wD an &e !o"i6e" onl' &' a s)&se@)ent nor! having the sa!e harater.
M0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
E%. slave tra"e, pira' T terroris!

1. >)"iial "eisions , I$>. :hether the nor! has &een aepte" as a r)le o( international law.
#. :ritings o( p)&liists , 2air an" )n&iase" representation o( international law &' a;nowle"ge"
a)thorities in the 6el".
A. +istinction &et5een su&0ect J o&0ect of international la5
Su&0ect .&0ects
An entit' that has rights T responsi&ilities )n"er
intFl lawQ
$an &e a proper part' in transations involving
the appliation o( the law o( nations a!ong
!e!&ers o( the intFl o!!)nit'.
States, olonies, T "epen"enies, !an"ates T
tr)st territories, the Bol' See 3Vatian $it'4, the
CN, &elligerent o!!)nities, international
a"!inistrative &o"ies, T to a ertain e%tent,
A person or thing in respet o( wD rights are hel"
T o&ligations ass)!e" &' the s)&*etQ
Not "iretl' governe" &' the r)les o( intFl lawQ
ItFs rights are reeive", T its responsi&ilities
i!pose", in"iretl' thro)gh the instr)!entalit' o(
an intFl agen'.
4. States
Gro)p o( people living together in a 6%e" territor', organi8e" (or politial en"s )n"er an
in"epen"ent govern!ent, T apa&le o( entering into intFl relations wD other states.
a. People+ &oth se%es, s)?ient in n)!&er to !aintain T perpet)ate the!selves
&. Territor'+ 6%e" portion on the earthFs s)r(ae
. Govt+ organi8e", wD trl over T apa&le o( !aintaining law T or"er wDin the o)ntr'
". Sovereignt'D in"epen"ene+ (ree"o! (ro! o)tsi"e trl in the on")t o( its (oreign 3Tinternal
=ther s)ggeste" ele!ents o( a state-
a. ivili8ation
&. reognition+ wherein state a;nowle"ges the e%istene o( another state, govFt, or &elligerent
o!!)nit' T in"iates its willingness to "eal wD the entit' as s)h )n"er intFl law.
A. $onstit)tive 3!a*orit' view4
+ Reognition is the at wD onstit)tes the entit' into an intFl person.
+ Reognition is o!p)lsor' T legalQ !a' &e o!pelle" one the ele!ents o( a state are
7. Delarative 3!a*orit' view4+
Reognition !erel' a?r!s an e%isting (at, li;e the possession &' the state o(
essential ele!ents.
ItFs "isretionar' T politial
A. ItFs a politial at
7. Disretionar' on the part o( reogni8ing a)thorit'
$. E%erise" &' politial 3e%e)tive4 "epart!ent o( state
D. Legalit' T wis"o!+ not s)&*et to *)"iial review
M1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
%. Gov<t is stable ' e-ective,
+. w/no substantial resistance to its authority
5. Gov<t must show willingness ' ability to discharge int<l oblig.
=. Gov<t must enjoy popular consent or approval o* the people
-o+ar: 1ilson )octrine &timson )octrine /strada )octrine
Prel)"es reognition o( an'
govFt esta&lishe" &'
revol)tionar' !eans )ntil
onstit)tional reorgani8ation &'
(ree eletion o( representatives
No reognition o( a govFt
esta&lishe" thro)gh e%ternal
Sine reognition has &een
onstr)e" as approval 3T non+
reognition, "isapproval4 o(
govFt esta&lishe" thro)gh
*)"iial )pheaval, a state !a'
not iss)e a "elaration giving
reognition to s)h govFt, &)t
!erel' aept whatever govFt is
in eEetive ontrol wDo raising
the iss)e o( reognition.
Dealing or not "ealing wDthe
govFt is not a *)"g!ent o(
legiti!a' o( the sai" govFt
"e *acto
+E%ten"e" &' the reogni8ing state wD &elieves that so!e o( re@)ire!ents (or reognition are
+Reognition is generall' provisional an" li!ite" to ertain *)ri"ial relations.
+Does not &ring a&o)t ()ll "iplo!ati intero)rse T "oes not give title to assets o( the state
hel"D sit)ate" a&roa"
"e 9ure
+E%ten"e" to govFt ()l6lling re@)ire!ents (or reognition
+when thereFs no spei6 in"iation, reognition is generall' onsi"ere" "e *)re
+relativel' per!anent
+&rings a&o)t ()ll "iplo!ati intero)rse T o&servane o( "iplo!ati i!!)nities, T
+on(ers title to assets a&roa"

+"iplo!ati relations
+right to s)e in o)rts o( reogni8ing state
+i!!)nit' (ro! *)ris"ition
+entitle!ent to propert' wDin the reogni8ing state
+retroative vali"ation o( the ats o( the reogni8e" stateDgovt, s)h as ats o( state an" th)s,
sovereign i!!)nit' overs past, present T ()t)re ats
1. =rgani8e" ivil govFt having trl T s)pervision over the ar!e" str)ggle
#. Serio)s T wi"esprea" str)ggle wD)nertain o)to!e
/. =)pation o( s)&stantial portion o( the natFl territor'
0. :illingness o( re&els to o&serve to o&serve r)les o( war
Responsi&ilit' (or ats o( re&els res)lting in in*)r' to nationals o( the reogni8ing state shall &e
shi(te" to the re&el govFtQ
Legiti!ate govFt reogni8ing the re&els shall o&serve the laws o( war in on")ting hostilities
Thir" states reogni8ing the &elligeren' shall !aintain ne)tralit', an"
Reognition is onl' provisional 3(or the ")ration o( the ar!e" str)ggle4 T onl' (or the p)rpose
o( hostilities
1. Revol)tion
#. Cni6ation
/. Seession
0. Assertion o( in"epen"ene
1. Agree!ent
ML | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
L. Attain!ent o( ivili8ation
State+ ontin)es as a *)risti &eing notwithstan"ing hanges in its ir)!stanes, provi"e"
onl' that s)h hanges "o not res)lt in loss o( an' o( its essential ele!ents
S)ession o( States S)ession o( Govern!ents
$onse@)enes + Politial laws are a&rogate"
while !)niipal laws re!ain
in (ore
+ Treaties are "isontin)e",
e%ept those "ealing with
loal rights an" ")ties s)h
as those esta&lishing
ease!ents an" servit)"es
+ All rights o( pre"eessor
state are inherite" &)t
s)essor state an ass)!e
an" re*et lia&ilities at its
+ Rights o( pre"eessor govern!ent
are inherite" &' s)essor
+ :here the new govern!ent was
organi8e" &' virt)e o( onstit)tional
re(or! rati6e" in a ple&isite, all
o&ligations o( the pre"eessor are
li;ewise ass)!e", however, where
the new govern!ent esta&lishe"
thro)gh violene, the new
govern!ent !a' law()ll' re*et
p)rel' personal or politial
o&ligations o( the pre"eessor, &)t
not those o&ligations ontrate" &'
it in the or"inar' o)rse o( o?ial
A. IN+)P)N+)NT
Bas (ree"o! to "iret T trl (oreign relations wDo restraint (ro! other states. Ma' &e-
Single $o!posite
Single entral govFt, wDpower over internal T
e%ternal aEairs
#D !ore sovereign states *oine" together to
onstit)te 1 international person, wD !a' &e-
Real )nion
#D!ore states sre
!erge" )n"er a )ni6e"
a)thorit' so that the'
(or! a single
international person
thro)gh wD the' at as
1 entit'.
The s'Jtates retain
their separate
i"entities, &)t their
respetive international
personalities are
e%ting)ishe" T &len"e"
in the new intFl person,
e.g., the (or!er Cnite"
Ara& Rep)&li, wDEg'pt
T S'ria.
2e"eral )nion
$o!&ination o( #D!ore
states wD )pon!erger,
ease to &e states,
res)lting in the reation
o( a new state wD()ll
intFl personalit' to
represent the! in their
e%ternal relations as
well as a ertain
"egree o( power over
their "o!esti aEairs T
their inha&itants.
A)thorit' over
international aEairs-
"ivi"e" &etween
(e"eral a)thorities T
the !e!&er+statesQ
A)thorit' over e%ternal
aEairs- han"le" solel'
&' (e"eral a)thorities
4. +)P)N+)NT
An entit' wD altho)gh theoretiall' a state, "oes not have ()ll (ree"o! in the "iretion o( its
e%ternal aEairs, s)h as a protectorate 3wD is esta&lishe" at re@)est o( wea;er state (or the protetion
&' a strong power4 or a su>erainty3res)lt o( a onession (ro! a state to a (or!er olon' thatFs allowe"
to &e in"epen"ent s)&*et to the retention &' the (or!er sovereign o( ertain powers over the e%ternal
aEairs o( the latter. E.g., 7)lgaria T R)!ania, &oth s)8erainties o( the S)ltan o( T)r;e' &' virt)e o(
Treat' o( Verlin4
$. N)<TRALIN)+
In"epen"ene T integrit' are g)arantee" &' an intFl treat' on the on"ition that s)h state
o&ligates itsel( never to ta;e )p ar!s against another 3e%ept sel(+"e(ense4, or to enter into an intFl
o&li. as wo)l" in"iretl' involve" it in war, e.g., Swit8erlan", A)stria
MK | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
%atican city J te Holy See
Bol' See+ has all onstit)ent ele!ents o( statehoo" 3people- less than 1... in"ivi")alsQ
territor'- 1.M.K aresQ govFt wDthe Pope as hea"Q T in"epen"ene &' virt)e o( Lateran Treat' o( 1<#<
wD onstit)te" Vatian as a territor' )n"er sovereignt' o( Bol' See4
It has all the rights o( the state, inl)"ing "iplo!ati intero)rse, i!!)nit' (ro! (oreign
*)ris"ition, et
+. $olonies J +ependencies
Depen"ent politial o!!)nit' onsisting o( a
n)!&er o( iti8ens o( the sa!e o)ntr' who have
!igrate" there(ro! to inha&it another o)ntr' &)t
re!ain s)&* o( !other state
Territor' "istint (ro! the o)ntr' in wD s)pre!e
sovereign power resi"es, &)t &elongs right()ll' to
it, Ts)&*et to laws T reg)lations wD sovereign
!a' presri&e.
). Territories under Int9l court # supervision
Non+sel(+governing territories plae" )n"er intFl s)pervisionDtrl to ins)re their politial, eo,
so T e") a"vane!ent.
E%. !an"ates wD are (or!er territorial possessions o( the states "e(eate" in :orl" :ar I T
plae" )n"er the ontrol o( Leag)e o( Nations. Man' o( these mandates &ea!e tr)st territories plae"
)n"er the tr)steeship o)nil o( the CN
'. Te <nited Nations
1. Bistorial "evelop!ent.
#. CN harter
+ $losest to $onsti. Governs relations o( intFl persons.
+Tehniall' a treat', a ontrat )n"er "otrine o( pacta sunct servanda altho)gh it at)all'
applies even to non+!e!&er states, at least in so (ar as H!a' &e neessar' (or !aintenane o(
international peae T se)rit'I
a. #D/ vote o( GA !e! T rati6e" &' #D/ o( CN !e!&ers.
&. General on(erene alle" &' !a*orit' vote o( GA T an' < !e!&ers o( Se)rit' $o)nil
3S$4, !a' propose a!en"!ents &' a #D/ vote o( the on(erene T shall ta;e eEet when
rati6e" &' #D/ o( CN !e!
P)rpose- Prevention o( war, !aintenane o( intFl peae T se)rit', "evFt o( (rien"l' relations
a!ong the !e!&ers o( intFl o!!)nit', intFl ooperation, har!on' o( ations o( nation
/. Me!&ership-
$lasses =riginal or Eletive
Me!&er !)st &e a state, peae loving, aept the o&ligation )n"er the harter an" &e
a&le an" willing to arr' o)t these o&ligations
A"!ission Deision o( #D/ o( those present an" voting in the GA )pon reo!!en"ation o( at least <
!e!&ers o( the Se)rit' $o)nil
Sa!e vote as a"!ission. S)spen"e" !e!&er annot partiipate in GA !eetings. $anFt &e
elete" to or ontin)e to serve in the Se)rit' o)nil, Eono!i an" soial $o)nil,
Tr)steeship o)nil &)t nationals !a' ontin)e the seretariat an" the I$> altho)gh a
!e!&er is still s)&*et to "isharge its o&ligation )n"er the harter. To li(t the s)spension,
a @)ali6e" !a*orit' vote o( the Se)rit' $o)nil is nee"e".
E%p)lsion #D/ vote o( those present an" voting in GA )pon reo!!en"ation o( @)ali6e" !a*orit' o(
S$ on gro)n"s o( persistentl' violating priniples in the harter
No provision on with"rawal, altho)gh there is at)all' no o!p)lsion (or ontin)e"
!e!&ership i( the !e!&er (eels onstraine" to with"raw ")e to e%eptional
0. =rgans-
A. (eneral Assem&ly+ onsists o( all !e!&ers o( organi8ation, eah o( wD is entitle" to sen"
not !ore than 1 representatives T 1 alternates. Eah !e!&er onl' has 1 vote.
1. Deli&erative
#. S)pervisor'
/. 2inanial
0. Eletive
1. $onstit)ent
MM | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
7. Security $ouncil + ;e' organ in !aintenane o( intFl peae T se)rit'.
. 2)ntions-
1. Maintain inFt peae T se)rit'
#. Investigate "isp)tes T all "isp)tants to settle their "iEerenes thro)gh peae()l !eans
/. Reo!!en" !etho"s o( a"*)st!ent o( "isp)tes
0. Deter!ine e%istene o( threats to peae, &reah o( peae, ats o( aggression, T !a;e
appropriate reo!!en"ations
1. Cn"erta;e preventive T en(ore!ent ations
Preventive action )nforcement action
Provisional !eas)res to prevent a onNit (ro!
Deplo'!ent o( air, sea, an" lan"
(ores, or in the
Instit)tion o( a &lo;a"e.

Do!esti *)ris"ition la)se + S$ !a' ta;e neessar' steps (or settle!ent o( "isp)tes
inl)"ing preventive or en(ore!ent ation. The onl' li!itation is that the "isp)te !)st &e
international, not "o!esti in harater.
$. )conomic J Social $ouncil
$o!pose" o( 10 !e!&ers elete" &' GA (or a /'r ter!.
Shall e%ert eEorts towar"s higher stan"ar"s o( living, on"itions o( eono!i T soial progress
T "evFt, sol)tions o( intFl eono!i, so, health T relate" pro&le!s
+. Trusteesip $ouncil
D)t' o( assisting S$ T GA in a"!inistration o( IntFl Tr)steeship s'ste!.
). Secretariat
$hie( a"!inistrative organ o( CN. Bea"e" &' se gen hosen &' GA )pon reo!!en"ation o(
S$. Se Gen+ highest rep o( CN T is a)thori8e" to at in its &ehal(Q his staE are also international ivil
servants, T anFt reeive instr)tions (ro! an' govFt or so)re o)tsi"e the CN. Be also en*o's right o*
political initiative
'. Int9l $ourt of /ustice
Prinipal *)"iial organ o( CN. $o!pose" o( 11 !e!, <'r ter!, !)st &e o( high !oral har T
possess @)ali(' re@)ire" in their respetive o)ntries (or appoint!ent to their highest *)"iial
>)ris"ition o( the $o)rt is &ase" on the onsent o( the parties in a"e wDthe optional
*)ris"ition la)se, T the o)rt !a' "ei"e on interpretation o( treaties, an' @)estion o( intFl law, the
e%istene o( (ats onstit)ting &reah o( intFl o&lig
(. 4elligerent $ommunities
H. International Administrative 4odies
$ertain a"!in &o"ies reate" &' agree!ent a!ong states, !a' &e veste" wD intFl personalit'
provi"e" the' are non+politial T are a)tono!o)s T not s)&* to trl &' an' state
]Cnli;e States wD possess gen o!petene, intFl org are governe" &' the principle o*
specialty, that is, the' are investe" &' the State" wD reate the! wDpowers, the li!its o( wD are
a ()ntion o( o!!on interest whose pro!otion those states entr)st to the!.
I. Individuals
+ =&*ets, not s)&*ets o( intFl law
+ Grante" a ertain "egree o( intFl personalit' )n"er a n)!&er o( intFl agree!ents li;e-
+ CN $harter provisions, Cniversal Delaration o( B)!an Rights provision on Hinherent
"ignit' T e@)al T inaliena&le rights o( all !e!&ers o( h)!an (a!il', so!e treaties li;e
Treat' o( Versailles, wD on(er on in"ivi")al the right to &ring s)it against States &e(ore
National or intFl tri&)nals
M< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
A. )6istence J Self- preservation
The !ost &asi T i!pt right. CN $harter- rt o( state to in"ivi")al T olletive SD i( an ar!e"
atta; o)rs against s)h state, )ntil the S$ has ta;en !eas)res to !aintain intFl peae T se)rit'.
Nee"s- lear showing o( grave T at)al "anger an" !)st &e li!ite" &' neessit'
/ggression$ )se o( ar!e" (ore &' a state agaist sovereignt', territorial integrit', or politial
in"epen"ene o( another state inonsistent wD CN harter. The 1
)se o( ar!e" (ore &' a state in
ontravention o( CN harter is pri!a (aie evi"ene o( an at o( aggression.
4. Rigt to sovereignty J independence
Sovereignty Independence
Totalit' o( powers, legal o!petene T privileges
o( a state arising (ro! )sto!ar' intFl law, T not
"epen"ent on the onsent o( another state
2ree"o! to on")t (oregn relations wDo o)tsi"e
Rt to in"epen"ene+ nat)ral aspiration o( people
&)t not an a&sol)te (ree"o!
Intervention- state inter(eres in the "o!esti or (oreign aEairs o( another state thro)gh )se
o( (oreD threat o( (ore
$. Rigt of ),uality
:hat is reall' g)arantee" is legal or sovereign e@)alit'. He@)al in law, rights o( sovereignt',
personalit', territorial integrit' T politial in"epen"ene respete" &' othersI.
/ct o* #tate "octrine
Ever' sovereign state is &o)n" to respet the in"epen"ene o( ever' other state, T the o)rts
o( 1 o)ntr' will not sit in *)"g!ent on the ats o( the govFt o( another, "one wDin its territor'. Re"ress
o( grievanes &' reason o( s)h ats !)st &e o&taine" thro)gh the !eans open to &e availe" o( &'
sovereign powers as &etween the!selves
"octrine o* #tate mmunity
As a onse@)ene o( in"epen"ene, territorial s)pre!a' T e@)alit', a state en*o's i!!)nit'
(ro! the e%erise o( *)ris"ition 3legislative, e%e)tive or *)"iial4 &' another state, )nless it has given
onsent, waive" its i!!)nit', or vol)ntaril' s)&!itte" to the *)ris"iation o( the o)rt onerne".
Neither !a' its p)&li propert' &e attahe" or ta%e", nor its p)&li vessels &e &oar"e", arreste" or
7ase" on the priniple o( par in parem non habet imperium.
&estrictive application o* the doctrine
This i!!)nit' however is reogni8e" onl' wDrespet to sovereign or p)&li ats o( the state, T
annot &e invo;e" wD respet to private or proprietar' ats.
mmunity e,tends to diplomatic personnel to the ?!, its organs, ' speciali>ed agencies, ' to
int<l organi>ations.
@aiver o* immunity
1. :hen state gives onsent at the ti!e the proee"ing is instit)te"
#. :hen it ta;es steps relating to the !erits o( the ase &e(ore invo;ing i!!)nit'
/. :hen, &' treat' or ontrat, it ha" previo)sl' given onsent
0. :hen &' law or reg)lation in (ore at the ti!e the o!plaint arose, it has in"iate" that it
will onsent to the instit)tion o( the proee"ings
A. Territory
2i%e" portion on earthFs s)r(ae on wD the State settles T over wD it has s)pre!e a)thorit'.
The o!ponents o( the territor' o( the State are the terrestrial, N)vial, !ariti!e an" aerial "o!ains.
4. Land Territory
"odes of ac,uisition
Disover' T
Presription $ession on@)est aretion
<. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Territor' not
&elonging to an'
State or terria
nullius is plae"
)n"er sovereignt'
o( the lai!ing
state. HDisover'I
alone, !erel'
reates an
inhoate rightQ
M)st &e (ollowe"
wDin a reasona&le
ti!e &' eEetive
o)pation T
A@)ire" thro)gh
ontin)o)s T
possession over a
long perio" o(
ti!e, *)st li;e in
ivil law. In
international law
however, there is
no r)le o( th)!&
as to the length o(
ti!e nee"e".
Grotius doctrine o*
prescription A
spea;s o(
possession going
&e'on" !e!or'.
Ma' &e vol)ntar'
thro)gh a treat'
o( sale, e.g., the
sale o( Alas;a &'
R)ssia to the CS,
or thro)gh a
treat' o(
Ma' also &e
invol)ntar' or
No longer
reogni8e" !o"e,
as CN harter
prohi&its )se o(
(ore or threat
against territorial
integrit' or
in"epen"ene o(
an' State.
VSti!son DotrineW
Inrease in lan"
area o( State
either thro)gh
nat)ral !eans or
thro)gh h)!an
$. "aritime Territory
1. Internal 3national4 waters
+ 7o"ies o( water wDin the lan" !ass s)h as rivers, la;es anals, g)l(s, &a's T straits
+ Rivers+ !a' &e natFl, &o)n"ar', or international
Thalweg "otrine+ (or &o)n"ar' rivers, in the a&sene o( an agree!ent &etween the riparian
States, the &o)n"ar' line is lai" on the !i""le o( the !ain naviga&le hannel
Mi""le o( the &ri"ge "otrine+ i( thereFs a &ri"ge over a &o)n"ar' river, &o)n"ar' line is the
!i""le or enter o( the &ri"ge
#. Arhipelagi waters
Vessels !a' &e allowe" innocent passage wDin arhipelagi waters, &)t this rt !a' &e
s)spen"e" a(ter p)&liation, in the interest o( intFl se)rit'. The oastal state !a' also "esignate
archipelagic sea lanes (or ontin)o)s, )no&str)te" transit o( vessels.
/. Territorial Sea
7elt o( sea &etween oast T internal waters o( oastal state on one han" T high seas on the
other, e%ten"ing )p to 1# na)tial !iles (ro! low water!ar; or in the ase o( arhipelagi states, (ro!
0. $ontig)o)s Xone
E%ten"s )p to 1# na)tial !iles (ro! territorial sea. Tehniall' not part o( territor' o( state.
$oastal state !a' e%erise li!ite" *)ris"ition over ontig)o)s 8one, to prevent in(ringe!ent o(
)sto!s, 6sal, i!!igration or sanitar' laws.
1. E%l)sive Eono!i Xone
E%ten"s )p to #.. na)tial !iles (ro! low water!ar; or &aselines, as the ase !a' &e.
L. $ontinental Shel(
Sea+&e" T s)&soil o( s)&!arine areas that e%ten" &e'on" its territorial sea thro)gho)t the
nat)ral prolongation o( its lan" territor' to the o)ter e"ge o( the ontinental !argin "oes not e%ten" to
that "istane. The oastal state also en*o's the right o( e%ploitation o( oil "eposits T other reso)res in
the ontinental shel(.
K. Bigh seas
Treate" as res communes or res nullius T th)s, are not territor' o( an' parti)lar State.
The tra"itional view is *reedom o* high seas
2ree"o! o( navigation re(ers to the right to sail ships on the high seas, s)&*et onl' to intFl law
T laws o( the Bag state.
#ettlement o* disputes arising *rom the ?! convention on the :aw o* the #ea
H2ailing a &ilateral settle!ent, Art. #ML provi"es that an' "isp)te shall &e s)&!itte" (or
o!p)lsor' settle!ent to 1 o( the tri&)nals having *)ris"ition.I
<1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
+. Air Territory
Air spae a&ove the lan" T waters o( the state
In the nternational 1onvention on 1ivil /viation 71hicago convention8
The ontrating parties reogni8e that ever' State has o!plete T e%l)sive sovereignt' over
the airspae a&ove its territor'I &)t "oes N=T inl)"e o)ter spae as it is onsi"ere" as res
communes. =ther States have no rt o( innoent passage over the air territor' o( another State.
C 3reedoms 7o* air transportation *or scheduled nternational services
1. To N' aross the territor' wDo lan"ing
#. Lan" (or non+tra? p)rposes
/. Lan" to p)t "own passenger, !ail, !ail, argo o( Nag territor'
0. Lan" to ta;e passenger, !ail, !ail, argo o( Nag territor'
1. To p)t "own passenger, !ail, T argo (ro! these territories
Outer space
R)les governing high seas appl' also to o)ter spae, wD is onsi"ere" as res communes.
Cn"er )sto!ar' intQl law, States have right to la)nh satellites in or&it over the territorial air spae o(
other states. P)rs)ant to =)ter Spae Treat' o( 1<LK, Ho)ter spae is (ree (or e%ploration T )se &' all
statesQ it annot &e anne%e" &' an' StateQ T !a' &e )se" e%l)sivel' (or peae()l p)rposesI
(heories o* where outer space begins
-lowest altit)"e (or arti6ial earth satellites to or&it wDo &eing "estro'e" &' (rition 3<.;!s
a&ove earth4
+theoretial li!its o( air Nights 3M0;!s4
+()ntional approah, i.e.. that the r)les shall not "epen" on the &o)n"aries set &)t on the
nat)re o( the ativit' )n"erta;en
). /urisdiction
PowerDa)thorit' e%erise" &' State over lan", persons, prop, transations T events.
7ases o( >)ris"ition
7niersality Passie
State !a' e%erise
*)ris onl' wDin its
E%eptionall', it
!a' have *)ris
over persons T
ats "one o)tsi"e
its territor'
"epen"ing on the
;in" o( *)ris it
No territorial li!it
over ivil !atters,
&)t the state, as a
GR, has ri!inal
*)ris onl' over
o!!itte" wDin its
territor' e%ept
a. $ontin)ing
&. ats pre*)"iial
to the national
se)rit' o( state
. )niversal ri!es
". oEenses
overe" &' speial
3altho)gh this is
now o&solete4
State+ wD*)ris over
its nationals
an'where in the
worl", &ase" on
the theor' that a
national is entitle"
to the protetion
o( the state
wherever he !a'
Applies to ivil
!atters. 3art11
N$$4 not to ri!
State+ wD*)ris over
ats o!!itte"
a&roa" 3&'
nationals or
(oreigners4 wD
are pre*)"iial to
its natFl se)rit'
or vital interests.
3see Art# RP$4
wD*)ris"ition over
onsi"ere" as
)niversal ri!es
regar"less o(
where o!!itte"
T who o!!itte"
threaten the intFl
o!!)nit' as a
whole T are
onsi"ere" ri!
oEenses in all
e.g. pira', *)re
genoi"e, white
slave tra"e, hi+
*a;ing, terroris!,
war ri!es.
State+ *)ris"ition
over ri!es
against its own
nationals even i(
o)tsi"e its
territor'. Ma' &e
resorte" to i(
other priniples
are not applia&le.
0,ceptions *rom jurisdiction$
a. "otrine o( state i!!)nit'
&. ats o( state "otrine
. "iplo!ati i!!)nit'
". i!!)nit' o( the CN, its organs, speiali8e" agenies, other intFl org T its o?ers
e. (oreign !erhant vessels e%erising the rt o( innoent passage^ or arrival )n"er stress^^
<# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
navigation thro)gh the territorial sea o( the state (or p)rpose o( traversing that sea wDo
entering internal waters, or o( proee"ing to internal waters, or !a;ing (or the high seas
(ro! internal waters, as long as it is not pre*)"iial to the peae, goo" or"er or se)rit' o(
the oastal state.
invol)ntar' entrane, !a' &e ")e to la; o( provisions, )nseaworthiness o( vessel,
inle!ent weather or other (ore !a*e)re s)h as pirate p)rs)it
(. (oreign ar!ies passing thro)gh or statione" in the territor' wD per!ission (ro! state
g. warships T other p)&li vessels o( another state operate" (or non+o!!erial p)rposes.
The' are generall' i!!)ne (ro! loal *)ris"ition )n"er the 6tion that the' are Noating
territor' o( the Nag state. Their rew !e! are i!!)ne (ro! *)ris"ition when onshore ")t' &)t this
i!!)nit' will not appl' i( the rew !e!&ers violate loal laws while on ()rlo)gh or oE+")t'
9urisdiction over maritime territory
a. over internal waters
Sa!e *)ris as over the lan" area, sine internal waters are "ee!e" assi!ilate" in lan" !ass. In
ase o( (oreign !erhant vessels "o;e" in a loal port or &a', the oastal State e%erises *)ris"ition
in ivil !atters, &)t ri! *)ris is "eter!ine" a"g to the-
I. English R)le
$oastal state shall have *)ris"ition over all oEenses o!!itte" on &oar" vessel, e%ept those
wD "o not o!pro!ise the peae o( the port
II. 2renh r)le
2lag state wD*)ris over all oEenses o!!itte" on &oar" the vessel, e%ept those whih
o!pro!ise the peae o( the port
&. over arhipelagi waters
Sa!e r)le as in internal waters, save (or innoent passage o( !erhant vessels thro)gh
arhipelagi sea lanes
. over territorial sea
$ri! *)ris over (oreign !erhant vessels shall &e "eter!ine" &' appliation o( either the
English r)le or 2renh r)le.
Innoent passage T invol)ntar' entrane are reogni8e" e%eptions, provi"e" that in ase o(
invol)ntar' entrane, the "istress on the vessels !)st &e real.
". over ontig)o)s 8one
$oastal State !a' e%erise trl neessar' to prevent in(ringe!ent o( its )sto!s, 6sal,
i!!igration T sanitar' reg)lations, T p)nish the sai" in(ringe!ent
e. over e%l)sive eono!i 8one
$oastal State has sovereign rts over EEX (or e%ploring T e%ploiting, onserving T !anaging the
nat)ral reso)res, whether living or non+living, o( the sea&e", s)&soil, T s)per*aent waters, as well as
pro")tion o( energ' (ro! water, )rrent T win". =ther States shall have (ree"o! o( navigation T over+
Night, to la' s)&!arine a&les T pipes, et.
(. over ontinental shel(
State en*o's right o( e%ploitation o( oil "eposits T other reso)res in s)h
g. over high seas
>)ris !a' &e e%erise" &' the State on the high seas over the E-
1. Its vessels
#. pirates
/. those engage" in illiit tra?
0. in the e%erise o( the rt to visit T searh
1. hot p)rs)it "otrine
9urisdiction over other territories 7e,tra-territorial jurisdiction8
A state !a', &' virt)e o( )sto!ar' or onventional law, e%ten" its *)ris"ition to territor' not
wDin its sovereignt' in the E ases-
a. assertion o( personal *)ris
&. thro)gh relations wDother states
. onse@)ene o( waiver o( *)ris"ition
". thro)gh priniple o( e%territorialit'
</ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
e. thro)gh en*o'!ent o( ease!ents T servit)"es
.ome &tatute of the Int>l !rim !ourt (I!!)
+A"opte" in >)l' F<M &' a on(erene o( states in ro!e
+$o)rt o!es into e%istene one L. States have rati6e" the stat)te
+Phils signe" I$$ on #M De #...
+As o( 1+0+.., 1#0 o)ntries signe" the stat)te altho)gh onl' #1 have rati6e" the sa!e.
+>)ris"ition o( the o)rt- li!ite" to !ost serio)s ri!es o( onern to the international
o!!)nit' as a whole.
- genoi"e, ri!es angst h)!anit', war ri!es, ri!es o( aggression
A. Rigt of legation
A.;.a. Hright o( "iplo!ati intero)rseI. This re(ers to the right o( State to sen" T rv "iplo!ati
!issions, wD ena&les the States to arr' on (rien"l' intero)rse. It is not a nat)ral or inherent right,
&)t e%ists onl' &' o!!on onsent. No legal lia&ilit' is in)rre" &' the state (or re()sing to sen" or
rev "iplo!ati rep. Governe" &' Dienna 1onvention on "iplomatic &elations
/gents o* diplomatic intercourse
a. Bea" o( state
&. 2oreign o?e
0stablishment o* &esident ;issions
States arr' on "iplo!ati intero)rse thro)gh per!anent !issions esta&lishe" in apitals o( other
states. Mission is o!pose" o(-
a. Bea" o( !ission
+a!&assa"orsD n)nios, envo'sD!inistersDintern)nios, harges "FaEaires
&. Diplo!ati staE
. A"!inistrative T tehnial staE
". Servie staE
+engage" in the "o!esti servies o( the !ission
"iplomatic corps
Do'en or hea" o( this &o"'+ Papal N)nio or ol"est a!&assa"or, or in a&sene o( a!&, the ol"est
!inister plenipotentiar'

/ppointment o* envoys
In Phils., it is the Presi"ent who appoints, sen"s T instr)ts the "iplo!ati T ons)lar representatives,
T his prerogative to "eter!ine the assign!ent o( o)ntr'Fs "iplo!ati rep anFt &e @)estione"
3unctions ' duties
a. Representing the sen"ing state in the rving
&. Proteting in the reeiving state the interests o( the sen"ing state T its nationals, wDin the
li!its allowe" &' intFl law
. Negotiating wDthe govFt o( the rving state
". Asertaining &' all law()l !eans the on"itions in the rving state T reporting these to the
sen"ing state
e. Pro!oting (rien"l' relations &et.the sen"ing state T rvng state T "eveloping their eo,
)lt)ral T sienti6 rel
"iplomatic immunities ' privileges
a. Personal inviola&ilit'
&. Inviola&ilit' o( pre!ises T arhives
. Rt o( o?ial o!!)niation
". I!!)nit' (ro! loal *)ris
e. E%e!ption (ro! ta%es T )sto!s ")ties
(. =ther privileges wD inl)"e the (ree"o! o( !v!t T travel in the territor' o( the reeiving
stateQ e%e!tion (ro! all personal servies T !ilitar' o&li
"uration o* immunities ' privileges
En*o'e" (ro! the !o!ent he enters the territor' o( rvng state T shall ease onl' the !o!ent he
leaves the o)ntr', or on e%pir' o( a reasona&le ti!e in wD to "o soQ altho)gh wDrespet to o?ial
ats, i!!)nit' shall ontin)e in"e6nitel'.
Availa&le even in transit) when traveling thro)gh a /
state on the wa' to or (ro! the reeiving state
<0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
@aiver o* mmunities
!a"e onl' &' the govFt o( sen"ing state i( it onerns the i!!)nities o( the hea" o( !issionQ in other
ases, the waiver !a' &e !a"e &' either the govt or &' the hie( !ission. :aiver o( this privilege "oes
not inl)"e waiver o( i!!)nit' in respet o( e%e)tion o( *)"g!entQ a separate waiver (or the latter is
(ermination o* "iplomatic mission
Death, resignation, re!oval or a&olition o( o?e, reall &' sen"ing state, "is!issal &' rvng state, war
&etween rvng T sen"ing state, or e%tintion o( the state
4. $onsular relations
$ons)ls+ state agents resi"ing a&roa" (or vario)s p)rposes &)t !ainl' in the interest o( o!!ere T
a. 1onsules missi-
Pro(essional T areer ons)ls, T nationals o( appointing state
b. 1onsules electi-
Selete" &' appointing state either (ro! its own iti8ens or (ro! a!ong nationals a&roa"
a. $ons)l general
&. $ons)l
. Vie ons)l
". $ons)lar agent
Letters patent
$o!!ere T navigation, iss)ane o( visa, et
2ree"o! o( o!!)niation in ipher or otherwise
Inviola&ilit' o( arhives &)t not o( the pre!ises where legal proesses !a' &e serve" T
arrests !a"e
E%e!pt (ro! loal*)ris"ition (or oEenses o!!itte" in the "isharge o( o?ial ()ntions
E%e!pt (ro! testi('ing on o?ial o!!)niations or on !atters pertaining to ons)lar
E%e!pt (ro! ta%es, )sto!s ")ties, !ilitar'D*)r' servie
Ma' "ispla' their natFl Nag in the ons)late
:ith"rawal o( e%e@)at)rQ e%tintion o( stateQ war
Treaty a. to the =>*> %ienna $onvention on te La5 of Treaties - an
international agree!ent onl)"e" &et States in written (or! an" governe" &'
international law, whether e!&o"ie" in a single instr)!ent or in two or !ore
instr)!ents, an" whatever its parti)lar "esignation.
=ther na!es (or international agree!ents- onvention, pat, protool, agree!ent,
arrange!ent, aor", 6nal at, general at, e%hange o( notes.
M)niipal Law onept- e,ecutive agreement is not a treat' 3$o!!ish o( $)sto!s
v. Eastern Sea Tra"ing4. International law stan"point- e@)all' &in"ing as treaties.
Art. : of te %ienna $onvention- treaties sho)l" &e in writing.
Art. ;F an )nwritten treat' "oes not aEet its legal (ore.
1<L< Vienna $onvention- onl' treaties e%e)te" &et States
<1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
1<ML Vienna $onvention on Treaties (or Internatl =rgs- treaties &et States an"
Intl =rgs
Re,uisites for validity.
a. Treat'+!a;ing apait'
&. $o!petene o( the repDorgan onl)"ing the treat'
. Parties !)st (reel' give onsent
". =&*et an" s)&*et !atter !)st &e law()l
e. Rati6ation in aor"ane with onstit)tional proesses o( the parties onerne"
+octrine of <ne,ual Treaties. Treaties whih have &een i!pose" thr)
oerion or ")ress o( an )ne@)al harater is V=ID.
+octrine of /us $ogens. $)sto!ar' international law has the stat)s o( a
peremptory norm o( international law, aepte" an" reogni8e" &' the
international o!!)nit' o( states as a r)le (ro! whih no derogation is
permitted. Treat' that ontravenes *)s ogens nor!s are invali".
Treaties and )6ecutive Agreements. Treaties re@)ire Senate on)rrene (or
vali"it'. The' re(er to a4 &asi politial iss)e, &4 hange in national poli', 4
per!anent international arrange!ents. E%e)tive Agree!ents "o not re@)ire
on)rrene an" re(er to a4 a"*)st!ent o( "etail arr'ing o)t well+esta&lishe"
national poliies an" &4 te!porar' arrange!ents.
a. 4ayan v. )6ec Sec. :e annot re@)ire the CS to s)&!it the V.2.A. to the CS
Senate (or on)rrene. It is inonse@)ential i( CS treats the V2A as a !ere
e%e agree!ent &e. )n"er international law, e%e)tive agree!ents are *)st
as &in"ing as treaties.
&. "emo $irc No. A>. :DN an international agree!ent is p)rel' an e%e)tive
agree!ent , !atter re(erre" to D2A Seretar' who shall !a;e the appropriate
reo!!en"ation to the Presi"ent.
c. )6cange of Notes. A reor" o( a ro)tine agree!ent si!ilar to the private
law ontrat. Agree!ent onsists o( the e%hange o( two "o)!ents, eah o(
the! signe" &' the rep o( the other. Signatories are either govern!ent
Ministers, "iplo!ats or "epart!ent hea"s. This tehni@)e is resorte" to &e
o( its spee"' proe")re an" to avoi" proess o( legislative approval.
:. Treaty-ma3ing Process.
a. Negotiation L reps )s)all' have the re"entials ;nown as pleine pouvoirs 3()ll
powers4 e!anating (ro! o!petent a)thorit' that "esignates a person to
represent. Representative an also either &e a4 the Bea" o( State, &4 Bea" o(
Govern!ent, 4 2oreign Minister, "4 hea" o( "iplo!ati !issions, or e4 rep
are"ite" to an international on(erene or organi8ation.
&. Signing of te treaty. Priniple o( alternat A or"er o( na!ing the
plenipotentiar' is varie". Eah part' is na!e" an" its plenipotentiar' signs !)na
his own op'.
c. Rati-cation. State e%presses its willingness to &e &o)n" &' the treat' thr)
on6r!ation. =)r Presi"ent rati6es the treat', s)&*et to the on)rrene o( #D/
o( all the !e!&ers o( the Senate. Presi"ent is veste" with a)thorit' to a4 "eal
with (oreign states, &4 e%ten" or withhol" reognition, 4 !aintain "iplo!ati
relations, "4 enter into treaties, an" otherwise e4 transat the &)siness o( (oreign
relations. Yahit signe" na &' the rep, Presi"ent still has the "isretion o( wDn to
rati(' a treat'. :itho)t his signat)re, the E%e Se or D2A Se !a' not &e
o!pelle" &' mandamus to trans!it op' o( the treat' (or Senate on)rrene.
d. )ntry into force. In the a&sene o( a provision that states when it shall ta;e
(ore, the treat' enters into (ore as soon as the onsent o( all parties to &o)n"
is esta&lishe".
Accession#Adesion , non+signator' State &eo!es a part' to a treat' )pon
invitation or per!ission o( the ontrating parties.
<L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Reservation L )nilateral state!ent where a State p)rports to e%l)"e or !o"i('
the legal eEet o( ertain provisions o( a treat'. I( the reservation is o!pati&le
with the o&*et an" p)rpose o( the treat', State re!ains a part'.
7en non-signatories may &e &ound &y a treaty. Pata tertiis noent ne
pros)nt. Treaties annot i!pose o&ligations )pon States not parties to the!.
E%eptions- a4 AessionDA"hesion an" &4 Most 2avore" Nation $la)se where a
ontrating State entitle" to the la)se !a' lai! the &ene6ts in a separate
Pacta sunct servanda, treaties !)st &e o&serve" in goo" (aith.
State !a' even !o"i(' loal laws to !a;e the! on(or! to the treat' an" avoi"
international e!&arrass!ent. In the Philippines, treaties !a' &e "elare" invali" i(
ontrar' to the $onstit)tion.
Re&us sic stanti&usH ontrating StateFs o&ligations )n"er a treat' ter!inates
when a vital or ()n"a!ental hange o( ir)!stanes o)rs. State is allowe" to
)nilaterall' with"raw (ro! a treat' &ea)se o( the H"isappearane o( the (o)n"ation
)pon whih it rests.I RCLE D=ES N=T =PERATE ACT=MATI$ALL9. Re,uisites for
valid invocation-
14 $hange is so s)&stantial that (o)n"ation o( the treat' has altogether
#4 $hange is )n(oreseen or )n(oreseea&le at the ti!e o( the per(etion o( the
/4 $hange was not a)se" &' the part' invo;ing the "otrine
04 Dotrine is invo;e" within a reasona&le ti!e
14 D)ration o( the treat' is in"e6nite
L4 Dotrine annot operate retroativel', i.e. it !)st not a"versel' aEet
provisions alrea"' o!plie" with.
Interpretation of Treaties !)st &e in goo" (aith, in aor"ane with the or"inar'
!eaning given to the ter!s in their onte%t an" in light o( its o&*ets an" p)rposes.
Amendment#"odi-cation re@)ire the onsent o( all parties, &)t i( allowe" &' the
treat' itsel(, two States !a' !o"i(' a provision onl' inso(ar as the' are onerne".
(rounds for Termination of Treaties
a4 E%piration o( ter! or :ith"rawal o( a part'
&4 E%tintion o( one o( the parties in a &ipartite treat' when the rights an"
o&ligations )n"er the treat' wo)l" not "evolve )pon the State s)ee"ing the
e%tint State
4 M)t)al agree!ent o( all parties
"4 Den)niation or "esistane &' one o( the parties 3Right o( Den)niation4
e4 S)pervening i!possi&ilit' o( per(or!ane
(4 $onl)sion o( a s)&se@)ent inonsistent treat'
g4 Loss o( the s)&*et !atter
h4 Material &reah or violation o( the treat'
i4 Re&)s si stanti&)s
*4 =)t&rea; o( war &etween the parties CNLESS the treat' preisel' relates to
the on")t o( war
;4 Severane o( "iplo!ati relations 3onl' i( in"ispensa&le (or appliation4
l4 Dotrine o( jus cogens or the e!ergene o( a new pere!ptor' nor!
Nationalit' an" Statelessness
Nationality. Me!&ership in a politial o!!)nit' with its ono!itant rights an"
<K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
=>;E Hague $onventionF
14 State "eter!ines who its nationals are )n"er its own law.
#4 An' @)estion as to wDn a person is a national o( a State shall &e "eter!ine" in
aor"ane with the law o( that State.
"odes of ac,uiring nationality
=C 4irt , *)s sang)inis 3&' &loo"4 an" *)s soli 3&' plae o( &irth4
:C NaturaliIation , thr) a4 !arriage, &4 legiti!ation, 4 optionDeletion, "4
a@)isition o( "o!iile, e4 appoint!ent to govt o?e, (4 grant on appliation. In
te Pilippines, nat)rali8ation is thr) 14 *)"iial proess, #4 legislative proess,
/4 eletion, or 04 !arriage. Bowever, there is no o&ligation on the part o( the
State to reogni8e a personFs newl' a@)ire" nationalit'. M)niipal law !a' een
prohi&it the ren)niation o( oneFs nationalit', i.e. the doctrine o* indelible
;C Repatriation L reover' o( nationalit' &' in"ivi")als who were nat)ral+&orn
iti8ens &)t have lost their nationalit'. RA A=@= on repatriation o( wo!en who
lost 2ilipino iti8enship &' !arriage to aliens an" repat o( (or!er N7+2ilipinos who
lost their 2ilipino iti8enship.
DC Su&0ugation
?C $ession
Loss of Nationality
14 Release e.g. Ger!an na8is
#4 Deprivation e.g. 2ilipinos entering into !ilitar' servie o( another State
/4 Ren)niation e.g. $.A. No. *;
04 S)&stit)tion, when (or!er nationalit' is ipso (ato lost &' nat)rali8ation a&roa".
"ultiple Nationality L !ore than one nationalit' &ea)se o( on)rrent
appliation o( the !)niipal law o( two or !ore States. In the Philippines, ")al
allegiane is ini!ial to national interest. Se. 1, Art. IV.
Solutions to multiple nationality in the 1</. Bag)e $onvention on the $onNit
o( Nationalit' Laws
a4 Person !a' &e regar"e" as its national &' eah o( the States
&4 In a thir" State, a person shall &e treate" as i( he onl' ha" one nationalit'.
Principle o* e-ective nationality$ either where he ha&it)all' an" prinipall'
resi"es or where he appears in (at to &e !ost losel' onnete".
4 Person !a' reno)ne one o( the! with the per!ission o( the reno)ne"
State. Per!ission shall not &e re()se" i( person has ha&it)al resi"ene
Statelessness - stat)s o( having no nationalit' as a onse@)ene o( &eing &orn
witho)t it, or as a res)lt o( "eprivation or loss o( nationalit'
=>?D $onvention Relating to te Status of Stateless Persons
Stateless Persons are grante", (or as long as it is (avora&le to that aor"e" to the
StateFs nationals-
a4 2ree"o! to pratie their religion
&4 Aess to the o)rts o( law
4 Rationing o( pro")ts in short s)ppl'
"4 Ele!entar' e")ation
e4 P)&li relie( an" assistane
(4 La&or legislation an" soial se)rit'
Also aor"e" treat!ent relative to
a4 A@)isition o( !ova&le an" i!!ova&le propert'
&4 Right o( assoiation in non+poli an" non+pro6t assoiations an" tra"e )nions
4 Gain()l e!plo'!ent an" pratie o( li&eral pro(essions
"4 Bo)sing an" p)&li e")ation other that ele!entar' e")ation
e4 2ree"o! o( !ove!ent
<M | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
Treat!ent o( Aliens
(eneral RuleH no State is )n"er o&ligation to a"!it aliens 3Nowing (ro! its right o(
e%istene an" as an attri&)te o( sovereignt'4. State has the power to reg)late the
entr' an" sta' o( aliens.
)6pulsion or deportation pre"iate" on the gro)n" that 14 the sta' o( the alien is
a !enae to the se)rit' o( the State, #4 his entr' was illegal, /4 per!ission to sta'
has e%pire", or 04 he has violate" an' li!itation or on"ition presri&e" (or his
a"!ission an" ontin)e" sta'.
Reconduction is the (ori&le onve'ing o( aliens &a; to their ho!e State.
Destit)te aliens, vaga&on"s, aliens witho)t "os, alien ri!inals, et !a' &e
reon")te" to the (rontier witho)t an' (or!alities.
+octrine of State Responsi&ility. State is )n"er o&ligation to !a;e reparations
to another State (or the (ail)re to ()l6ll its pri!ar' o&ligation to aEor", in
aor"ane with international law, the proper protetion ")e to the alien national o(
the latter State. State !a' also &e hel" lia&le (or in*)ries an" "a!ages s)staine" &'
the alien while in the territor' o( the State i(-
14 Te act or omission constitutes an international delin,uency ,
a!o)nting to an o)trage, to &a" (aith, will()ll neglet o( ")t' or ins)?ien'
o( govern!ent ation^
#4 Te act or omission is directly or indirectly imputa&le to te State ,
State "oes not !a;e reasona&le eEorts to prevent in*)r', or having "one so
)ns)ess()ll', (ails to repair s)h in*)r'.
a. Acts of (overnment .1cials , ats o( pri!ar' agents o( the State
give rise to direct state responsibility. I( o?er ats &e'on" his
a)thorit', it is an at o( a private in"ivi")al.
&. Acts of private individuals , !)st &e shown that there was an
at)al or tait o!pliit' o( the govern!ent in the at, either &'
"iretl' approving it or in the patent negligene in ta;ing !eas)res to
prevent in*)r'. $lai!ant has the &)r"en o( proving negligene.
;C In0ury to te claimant State indirectly &ecause of damage to its
OInternational Standard of /ustice L stan"ar" o( the Hreasona&le StateI
+octrine of ),uality of Treatment , laws are applia&le not onl' to aliens &)t to
nationals as well
)nforcement of Alien9s $laim
=C )6austion of local remedies L re@)ire!ent !a' &e "ispense" with i(
there are no re!e"ies to e%ha)st, the o)rts are orr)pt, there is no
a"e@)ate !ahiner' (or the a"!inistration o( *)stie, or the international
"elin@)en' res)lts (ro! an Hat o( StateI.
a. $alvo $lause , stip)lation &' whih an alien waives or restrits his
right to appeal to his own state an" agrees to li!it hi!sel( to the
re!e"ies availa&le )n"er loal laws.
:C Resort to diplomatic protection , a(ter e%ha)stion, alien !)st avail o(
assistane o( his state
a. Tie o( nationalit' !)st e%ist (ro! the ti!e o( in*)r' )ntil the ti!e lai!
is 6nall' settle".
&. CN !a' 6le a "iplo!ati lai! on &ehal( o( its o?ials
"odes of )nforcement of $laims
Negotiation, or i( this (ails, ar&itration or *)"iial settle!ent.
:hen responsi&ilit' o( State is esta&lishe", he !)st !a;e reparation thr)
restit)tion, satis(ation, o!pensation, or all three o( these together.
<< | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
)6tradition is the s)rren"er o( a person &' one state to another state where he is
wante" (or prose)tion or, i( alrea"' onvite", (or p)nish!ent. S)rren"er is !a"e
at the re@)est o( the latter state on the &asis o( an e6tradition treaty.
+eportation is the e%p)lsion o( an alien who is onsi"ere" )n"esira&le &' the loal
state. Deportation is the )nilateral at o( the loal state an" is !a"e in its own
In the a&sene o( an e%tra"ition treat', the loal state !a' grant as'l)! to the
()gitive. I( s)rren"er is !a"e, as'l)! is !erel' a gest)re o( o!it'.
'undamental principles of )6traditon
a4 7ase" on onsent , in a treat' or as an at o( goo"will
&4 Priniple o( speialit' , e%tra"ite" ()gitive !a' &e trie" onl' (or the ri!e
spei6e" in the re@)est (or e%tra"ition an" ri!e is inl)"e" in the list o(
oEenses in the e%tra"it treat'
HNon+listI t'pe o( e%tra"ition treaties , oEenses p)nisha&le )n"er &oth
states &' i!prison!ent o( one 'ear or !ore are "ee!e" inl)"e" in
the list o( oEenses.
4 An' person !a' &e e%tra"ite" , whether a national o( the re@)esting state or
the state o( re()ge
"4 Politial an" religio)s oEen"ers are generall' not s)&*et to e%tra"ition
Politial , # or !ore parties in the state, eah see;ing to i!pose the
govern!ent o( their own hoie on the other
/ttentat la)se , the !)r"er o( the hea" o( state or an' !e!&er o( his
(a!il' is not a politial oEense. Neither is genocide.
e4 =Eense !)st have &een o!!itte" within the territor' or against the interest
o( the "e!an"ing state
(4 At (or whih the e%tra"ition is so)ght !)st &e p)nisha&le in &oth the
re@)esting an" re@)este" states 3The R)le o( Do)&le $ri!inalit'4
Procedure for )6tradition
(overnment of Hong3ong v. .lalia , onstit)tional
right to &ail now applies to e%tra"ition proee"ings. The
worth o( the in"ivi")al person an" the santit' o( h)!an
rights is given pri!a'. 7oth "eportation an" e%tra"ition
are a"!inistrative proee"ings where the innoene or
g)ilt o( the "etainee is not in iss)e.
Standard in granting &ail , Hlear an" onvining evi"eneI that he is not a Night
ris; an" will a&i"e with all the or"ers an" proesses o( the e%tra"ition o)rt.
A&duction of te fugitive in the state o( re()ge is not allowe", as it onstit)tes a
violation o( the territorial integrit' o( the state o( re()ge. I( a&")tion is eEete"
with the help o( the nationals o( the state o( re()ge, the state o( re()ge annot later
"e!an" to ret)rn o( the ()gitive. Savar3ar case.
)6tradition treaties of te Pilippines
1<KL , In"onesia
1<MM , A)stralia
1<M< , $ana"a
1<M< , Swit8erlan"
1<<. , Mironesia
1.. | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
=C R)2<)ST
Ao!panie" with
neessar' papers to
"eter!ine i"entit' o( the
wante" person
State o( re()ge to on")t
investigation to asertain i( a4 ri!e
is overe" &' the treat', an" &4
there is a pri!a (aie ase against
the ()gitive aor"ing to its own
Ma"e thr) "iplo!ati
hannels to the state o(
Letters Rogatory , (or!al o!!)niation (ro! a o)rt in whih an ation is
pen"ing, to a (oreign o)rt, re@)esting that the testi!on' o( a witness resi"ing in
the (oreign *)ris"ition &e ta;en )n"er the "iretion o( the o)rt, a""resse" an"
trans!itte" to the o)rt !a;ing the re@)est. Parang international &onggang
"eposition\ Sec. =:H Rule :D.
Asylum , the power o( the state to allow an alien who has so)ght re()ge (ro!
prose)tion or perse)tion to re!ain within the territor' an" )n"er its protetion.
Priniples o( As'l)!
14 Territorial , e%ists onl' when stip)late" in a treat' or *)sti6e" &' esta&lishe"
)sage. Depen"s on the li&eral attit)"e o( the reeiving state, on the gro)n"
o( Hterritorial s)pre!a'I
#4 Diplo!ati , grante" within Hnarrowest li!itsI or when li(e or li&ert' o( person
is threatene" &' i!!inent violene
In the Philippines, "iplo!ati as'l)! annot &e grante" EP$EPT to !e!&ers o( the
o?ial an" personal ho)sehol" o( "iplo!ati representatives. Re()ge !a' &e
grante" however, to ()gitives whose lives are in i!!inent "anger (ro! !o&
violene 3h)!anitarian gro)n"s4
An' person who is o)tsi"e the o)ntr' o( his nationalit', or i( he has no nationalit',
the o)ntr' o( his (or!er ha&it)al resi"ene, ")e to a well+(o)n"e" (ear o(
prose)tion3RR Parang t'po4 &' reason o( his rae, religion, nationalit', politial
opinion. 7ea)se o( s)h (ear, he is )na&le or )nwilling to avail o( the protetion o(
his govern!ent or his (or!er ha&it)al resi"ene.
14 =)tsi"e the o)ntr' o( his nationalit' =R i( stateless, o)tsi"e ha&it)al
#4 La;s national protetion
/4 2ears perse)tion
Re()gee is "e *)reD"e (ato a stateless in"ivi")al.
Re()gee $onvention o( 1<11 "oes not "eal with a"!ission &)t with non-
foulement- no ontrating state shall e%pel or ret)rn a re()gee in an' !anner
whatsoever to the (rontiers o( territories where his li(e or (ree"o! is threatene".

Settle!ent o( Disp)tes
International "isp)te , at)al "isagree!ent &etween States regar"ing the on")t
to &e ta;en &' one o( the! (or the protetion or vin"iation o( the interests o( the
other. A sit)ation is the initial stage o( a "isp)te.
A. Pai6 or a!ia&le !o"es , 3art. / o( CN harter4 Parties to an' "isp)te, the
ontin)ane o( whih is li;el' to en"anger the !aintenane o( international
peae an" se)rit', shall 6rst o( all see; a sol)tion &'-
1. Negotiation , states settle their "iEerenes thro)gh an e%hange o( views
&etween "iplo!ati agenies
#. En@)ir' , Asertain!ent o( the pertinent (ats wan" iss)es in a "isp)te
/. Ten"er o( goo" o?es , where a thir" part' either alone or with others
oEers to help in the settle!ent o( a "isp)te an" aepte".
1.1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
0. Me"iation , A thir" part' oEers to help with a sol)tion )s)all' &ase" on a
o!pro!ise. =Eers a sol)tion not !erel' &ring the parties together as in
goo" o?es.
1. $oniliation , Ative partiipation o( a/r" part' whose servies are
soliite" &' the "isp)tants in the eEort to settle the onNit &)t the
oniliatorFs reo!!en"ations are not &in"ing.
L. Ar&itration , Sol)tion o( a "isp)te &' an i!partial thir" part' )s)all' a
tri&)nal reate" &' the parties the!selves )n"er a harter ;nown as a
K. >)"iial settle!ent + Si!ilar to ar&itration in the nat)re o( the proee"ings
an" in the &in"ing harater o( the rewar".
>)"iial Settle!ent Ar&itration
>)"iial &o"' is pre+e%isting A" ho
>)ris"ition is )s)all' o!p)lsor'
an" law applie" is in"epen"ent o(
the will o( the parties
Not so
Lo"ge" in the I$> An' /
M. Resort to regional agenies or arrange!ents , parties !a', on their own
volition, or at the instane o( the organi8ation itsel(, ass)!e the o&ligation
o( settling the "isp)te
<. =r other peae()l !eans o( their own hoie
7. Bostile Metho"s
1. Severane o( "iplo!ati relations
#. Retorsion , )n(rien"l' &' law()l oerive ats "one in retaliation (or )n(air
treat!ent an" ats o( "isri!ination o( another state 3 the lev' o( high
"isri!inator' tariEs on goo"s4
/. Reprisal , )n(rien"l' an" )nlaw()l ats in retaliation (or the reiproal
)nlaw()l ats o( another state. Reprisal !a' ta;e the (or! o(
a. 2ree8ing o( the assets o( the nationals o( the other state
&. E!&argo , (ori&le "etention or rse@)estration o( the vessels an" other
propert' o( the oEen"ing state
. Pai6 7lo;a"e , prevention o( entr' to or e%it (ro! the ports o( the
oEen"ing state &' !eans o( o!!)niation an" transportation
". Non+intero)rse , 3re(raining to engage in oit)s hehehe *o;e lang4
s)spension o( all intero)rse with the oEen"ing state parti)larl' in
!atters o( tra"e an" o!!ere
e. 7o'ott , 3less than /.A o( the st)"ents in a lass atten"e" *o;e lang
)lit4 , onerte" s)spension o( o!!erial relations with the oEen"ing
state with parti)lar re(erene to a re()sal to p)rhase goo"s
$. Role o( the Cnite" nations , when none o( the a&ove+!entione" !etho"s
s)ee"s in settling the "isp)te, the Cn !a' &e as;e" or !a' "ei"e on its
own a)thorit' to ta;e a han" in the settle!ent. A""resse" to the Se)rit'
$o)nil, &)t !a' &e ta;en over &' the General Asse!&l' )n"er ertain
1. Se)rit' $o)nil+ *)ris"ition to intervene in all "isp)tes aEeting-
a. International peae an" se)rit'Q
&. All "isp)te", whih altho)gh o!ing )n"er the "o!esti *)ris"iaiton
la)se have &een s)&!itte" to it &' the parties (or settle!ent
Ma' &e &ro)ght to Se)rit' $o)nil itsel(, General Asse!&l', Setretar'
General, an' !e!&er o( the CN or an' part' to the "isp)te.
1.# | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
i. Se)rit' o)nil will reo!!en" appropriate !eas)res
onsi"ering an' a!ia&le !eas)res alrea"' a"opte" &' the
parties or that the "isp)te &e re(erre" to the I$>
ii. I( )ns)ess()l, Se)rit' $o)nil itsel( !a' reo!!en" s)h
ter!s o( settle!ent as it !a' "ee! appropriate
iii. I( re*ete", the Se)rit' $o)nil !a' ta;e-
a. Preventive Ation
&. En(ore!ent ation
#. General Asse!&l' , i( the Se)rit' $o)nil, &ea)se o( la; o( )nani!it', (ails
to e%erise its pri!ar' responsi&ilit' to !aintain peae an" se)rit', the
General Asse!&l' shall onsi"er the !atter i!!e"iatel', with a view to
!a;ing reo!!en"ations to the !e!&ers (or olletive !eas)re, inl)"ing
the )se o( ar!e" (ores.
:ar an" Ne)tralit'
:ar+ the ontention &etween two states, thro)gh their ar!e" (ores (or the p)rpose
o( overpowering the other an" i!posing s)h on"itions o( peae as the vitor
pleases. :ar "oes not !ean the !ere e!plo'!ent o( (ore.
I( a nation "elares war against another, was e%ists, tho)gh no (ore has 'et
&een )se". =n the other han", in ase o( reprisal, (ore !a' alrea"' &e )se" &)t no
state o( war !a' 'et e%ist.
1. =)tlawr' o( :ar , on"e!nation o( war on an international sale
a. $ovenant o( the Leag)e o( the Nations , provi"e" on"itions (or the right
to go to war
&. Yellog+ 7rian" Pat o( 1<.# , General Treat' (or the Ren)niation o( :ar,
rati6e" &' L# states whih (or&a"e war as an instr)!ent o( national poli'.
1./ | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
. $harter o( CN , Artile # prohi&its the threat or )se o( (ore against the
territorial integrit' or politial in"epen"ene o( a state.
#. $o!!ene!ent o( :ar
a. Delaration o( :ar 3Bag)e $onvention o( 1<.K4
&. :ith the re*etion o( an )lti!at)! 3Bag)e $onvention4
. $o!!ission o( an at o( (ore regar"e" &' one o( the &elligerents as an
at o( war
/. EEets o( =)t&rea; o( :ar
a. Laws o( peae ease to reg)late relations &etween the &elligerents an"
s)perse"e" &' the laws o( war while thir" states are governe" &' the laws
o( ne)tralit' in their "ealings with the &elligerents
&. Diplo!ati an" ons)lar relations are ter!inate" an" respetive
representatives are allowe" to ret)rn to their own o)ntries
. Treaties o( a politial nat)re are a)to!atiall' anelle" e%ept those
inten"e" to operate" ")ring the war. M)ltipartite treaties "ealing with
tehnial or a"!inistrative !atters are !erel' s)spen"e" as &etween the
". In"ivi")als are i!presse" with ene!' harater
Nationalit' Test Do!iiliar' test Ativities test
I( the' are nationals o(
the other
the' !a' &e
I( the' are "o!iile"
aliens in the territor'
o( the other &elligerent
on the ass)!ption that
the' ontri&)te to its
eono!i reso)res
I( &eing (oreigners,
the' partiipate in the
hostilities in (avor o(
the other &elligerent
e. $orporations an" other *)ri"ial persons are onsi"ere" ene!ies where
the ontrolling sto;hol"ers are national o( the other &elligerent or i(
inorporate" in the territor' or )n"er the laws o( the other &elligerent, an"
!a' &e not &e allowe" to ontin)e operations.
(. Ene!' p)&li propert' (o)n" in the territor' o( the other &elligerent at the
o)t&rea; o( the war is s)&*et to on6sation, private propert' is s)&*et
to re@)isition.
0. Partiipants in :ar
a. $o!&atants , those who engage "iretl' in the hostilities
1. Non+privilege" , spies, who )n"er (alse pretenses tr' to o&tain vital
in(or!ation (ro! the ene!' ran;s, who when a)ght are not
onsi"ere" prisoners o( war
#. Privilege" , when apt)re", en*o' the privileges o( prisoners o( war.
a. Reg)lar Ar!e" 2ores
&. Anillar' servies
. Those who ao!panie" ar!e" (ores
". Levees en !asse
e. 2ran Tire)rsDg)erillas
(. =?ers an" rew o( !erhant vessels who (ori&l' resist atta;
Rights o( P=: , treate" h)!anel', no tort)re, allowe" to o!!)niate
with (a!ilies, reeive (oo", lothing, religio)s artiles, et.
&. Spies
. Merenaries
i. Speiall' rer)ite" to 6ght (or a parti)lar ar!e" onNit
ii. Ta;es "iret part in the hostilities
iii. Motivate" &' "esire to gain
1. $on")t o( Bostilities
1.0 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. Priniple o( Militar' Neessit' , 7elligerent !a' e!plo' an' a!o)nt
o( (ore to o!pel the o!plete s)&!ission o( the ene!' with the
least possi&le loss o( lives an" !one'
&. Priniple o( B)!anit' , Prohi&its the )se o( an' !eas)re that is not
a&sol)tel' neessar' (or p)rposes o( war
. Priniple o( $hivalr' , Prohi&its &elligerents (ro! the e!plo'!ent o(
per6"io)s or treahero)s !etho"s, s)h as the illegal )se o( Re"
$ross e!&le!s.
7elligerent o)pation , te!porar' !ilitar' o)pation o( the ene!'+s territor'
")ring the war. Maintains eEetive ontrol an" !ilitar' s)periorit' therein, &eing
a&le to sen" in ase o( atta;, s)?ient (ores to assert its a)thorit' within a
reasona&le ti!e.
1. EEets , no hange in sovereignt' &)t the e%erise o( the powers o(
sovereignt' is s)spen"e".
#. Rights an" ")ties o( &elligerent o)pant
a. Re+esta&lish or ontin)e the proesses o( or"erl' a"!inistration inl)"ing
enat!ent o( laws
&. A"opt !eas)res (or the protetion o( the inha&itants
. Re@)isition goo"s an" servies in non+!ilitar' pro*ets
". De!an" ta%es an" ontri&)tions to 6nane !ilitar' an" loal
a"!inistrative nee"s.
e. Iss)e legal )rren'
(. Cse ene!' propert', whether p)&li or private, &)t private propert' is
s)&*et to in"e!ni6ation or ret)rn at the en" o( the war.
/. Right o( Angar' , right o( a &elligerent state, in ases o( e%tre!e neessit' to
"estro' or )se ne)tral propert' on its own or on ene!' territor', or on the
high seas.
Non+hostile intero)rse
1. 2lag o( tr)e , :hite in olor, in"iates the "esire to o!!)niate with the
ene!', agent, alle" parlemetaire, en*o's inviola&ilit' an" is entr)ste" with
the ")t' o( negotiating with the ene!'.
#. $artels , agree!ents to reg)late intero)rse ")ring the war, )s)all' on the
e%hange o( prisoners o( war
/. Passport , written per!ission given &' the &elligerent govern!ent to the
s)&*et o( the ene!' to travel generall' in &elligerent territor'
0. Sa(e+on")t , Per!ission given to an ene!' s)&*et or to an ene!' vessel
allowing passage &etween "e6ne" perio"s
1. Sa(eg)ar"+ protetion grante" &' a o!!an"ing o?er either to ene!'
persons or propert' within his o!!an", )s)all' with an esort or onvo' o(
sol"iers provi"ing the nee"e" protetion
L. Liense to tra"e , per!ission given &' o!petent a)thorit' to in"ivi")als to
arr' on tra"e tho)gh there is a state o( war
S)spension o( Bostilities
1. S)spension o( Ter!s , te!porar' essation o( hostilities &' agree!ent o( the
loal o!!an"ers (or s)h p)rposes as gathering o( the wo)n"e" an" &)rial
o( the "ea"
#. Ar!stie , s)spension o( hostilities within a ertain area or in the entire
region o( war, agree" )pon &' the &elligerents, )s)all' (or the p)rpose o(
arranging the ter!s o( peae
1.1 | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
/. $ease+6re , )non"itional stoppage o( all hostilities, )s)all' or"ere" &' an
international &o"'
0. Tr)e , $on"itional ease+6re (or politial p)rposes
1. $apit)lation+ s)rren"er o( !ilitar' (ores, plaes, or "istrits, in aor"ane
with the r)les o( !ilitar' honor
Ter!ination o( :ar
1. Si!ple essation o( hostilities , Priniple o( )ti possi"etis, with respet to
propert' an" territot' possesse" &' the &elligerents, is applie"
#. $onl)sion o( a negotiate" treat' o( peae
/. De(eat o( one o( the &elligerents (ollowe" &' a "itate" treat' o( peae or
anne%ation o( on@)ere" territor'
Postli!ini)! , the revival or reversion to the ol" laws an" sovereignt' o( territor'
whih has &een )n"er &elligerent o)pation one ontrol o( the &elligerent
o)pant is lost over the territor' aEete"
1. Cti Possi"etis , allows retention o( propert' or territor' in the &elligerentFs
at)al possession at the ti!e o( the essation o( hostilities.
:ar $ri!es , ats (or whih sol"iers or other in"ivi")als !a' &e p)nishe" &' the
ene!' on apt)re o( the oEen"er
1. :ar $ri!inal , an' person, whether a ivilian or a !e!&er o( the ar!e"
(ores o( the state, who o!!its an at that violates a r)le o( international
law governing ar!e" onNits
Ne)tralit' an" Ne)trali8ation
Ne)tralit' Ne)trali8ation
Non+partiipation, "iretl' or in"iretl', in a war
&etween onten"ing &elligerents
The res)lt o( treat' wherein the on"itions o( the
stat)s are agree" )pon &' the ne)trali8e" state
an" other signatories.
E%ists onl' ")ring war+ governe" &' law o( the
E%ists &oth in ti!es o( peae an" war+ governe"
&' the agree!ent into &' an" &etween the
Non &elligeren' , !i"wa' &etween Ne)tralit' an" Ne)trali8ation. So!eti!es &een
)se" t "esri&e the stat)s o( a state whih "i" not ta;e part in !ilitar' operations &)t
whih "i" not o&serve the ")ties o( a ne)tral. Not reogni8e" in International Law.
R)les o( Ne)tralit' , Ne)trals have the right an" ")t' to-
1. A&stain (ro! ta;ing part in the hostilities an" (ro! giving assistane to either &elligerent
+ Sen"ing o( Troops
+ =?ial grant o( loans
+ $arriage o( $ontra&an"
$ontra&an" , goo"s, altho)gh ne)tral propert', !a' &e sei8e" &' a &elligerent &ea)se the' are )se()l
(or war an" are &o)n" (or a hostile "estination. The' an &e-
+ A&sol)te , g)ns or a!!)nition
+ $on"itional , 2oo" an" lothing
+ 2ree+ List , !e"iines
Dotrine o( )lti!ate ons)!ption , goo"s inten"e" (or ivilian )se whih !a' )lti!atel' 6n" their wa'
to an" &e ons)!e" &' &elligerent (ores !a' &e sei8e" on the wa'
Dotrine o( In(etion+ Innoent goo"s shippe" with ontra&an" !a' also &e sei8e"
Dotrine o( $ontin)o)s vo'age, Transport + Goo"s reloa"e" at an inter!e"iate port on the sa!e
vessel, or reloa"e" on another vessel or other (or!s o( transportation !a' also &e sei8e" on the &asis
o( "otrine o( )lti!ate ons)!ption.
#. Prevent its territor' an" other reso)res (ro! &eing )se" in the on")t o( hostilities.
Allowing territor' to &e )se" as the &ase o( operations
/. To a@)iesene to ertain restritions an" li!itations whih the &elligerents !a' 6n"
neessar' to i!pose s)h as-
1.L | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R
a. 7lo;a"e , hostile operation &' !eans o( whih vessels an" airra(t o( one
&elligerent prevent all other vessels inl)"ing those o( ne)tral states (ro! leaving
or entering the port or oasts o( the other &elligerent.
&. Pai6 7lo;a"e , applie" onl' vessels o( &lo;a"e" states not to those o( other
0. Ter!ination o( Ne)tralit' , ter!inates )pon onl)sion o( a treat' o( peae &etween the
&elligerents, or when the ne)tral state itsel( *oins the war.
1.K | P a h i n a L =9 = L A . R E 9 E S . V I 7 A N D = R

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