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The entrance examinations for degree programme in international business will be arranged on
Monday 28 April 2008 at 10.00am in Vaasa !inland in the premises of Vaasa "ni#ersity of Applied

The entrance examination has been designed to measure the applicant%s mathematical &nowledge language
s&ills and logical thin&ing. The exam consists of a written assignment mathematical'logical test and an
inter#iew. All applicants must pass all the parts of the entrance examination in order to get admitted.

Please study carefully the fll!"#$ %re&read"#$ 'ater"al fr the e#tra#ce e(a')

T()M) 1* +urrent topics in ,lobal -usiness
A selection of articles on .M! !inance and /e#elopment 0$eptember 20012

The "rban 3e#olution
+hina%s )xport -oom
(elping ,lobal )conomy $tay in $hape

T()M) 2* +opyrights in ,lobal -usiness
/ifferent aspects on copying and copyrights. .ncludes one main article with four sub'themes.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6

T()M) 4*
!inland in ,lobal -usiness

M7nh m8i 9i thi #: 9: th7 m7nh &o nh8 nh7u ph;n to<n c= 16 c>u th?i ho@n to@n l@ trAc
nghiBm C C./o #Dn 9: thEi gian m7nh chF tGc &H th?i &o ghi lIi full 9: 9c sorry nha C C
1. A-+ chi nhau 1 ph;n lJi nhuKn A l@ 2L6 - l@ 1L5 + nhKn 9c 4600 hMi A nhKn 9c bao
2. -an 9;u gi< tNng 12O sau tNng thPm 6O hMi tQng cRng tNng bao nhiu O
4.Shat is the price of which 11O account for T1.4UV
5.!ind the single O increse or decrease eWui#alent to a 26O increase followed by a 26O
6. 9iXm 9c chia theop tF lB sau * 9iXm thYc h@nh l@ 50O 9iXm cuGi &h=a l@ U0O hMi nZu
9iXm thYc h@ng l@ U5 9iXm th7 9iXm cuGi &h=a l@ bao nhiu 9X 9c tQng cRng l@ 60 9iXm
U. 6O increas in the price of petrol decreased consumption by 2O. (ow many O and in
what direction did the sales returns change
1. t7m sG &Z tHp * 1124681421V
8.t7m sG &Z tiZp *15164041U2U4V
[.t7m sG &Z tiZp *8'52'1V
11. tNng 216O r^t g_nV
12.02x]22b7nh phu`ng '5x0x]22 *r^t g_n
15., a V in#ested in the stoc&. , earned T 1600 on an in#estment of T1600. !ind the
return on V%s in#estment if he earend twice as much as , relati#ely. V in#ested T10000V
16. 1 c?ng #iBc do 16 ngbEi l@m trong 28 ng@y hMi c;n bao nhiu nh>n c?ng 9X l@m hZt
c?ng #iBc 9= Ht h`n 8 ng@yV
c= l@ ph;n to<n cdn ph;n )ngs th7 c= mDy ph;n thZ n@y*
1. Vocabulary * ph;n n@y th7 9ba ra 1 loIt te giGng giGng nhau m7nh t7m 1 te thi& hJp rfi
tic& #@o. (g em &o nh8 9c sorry nha chF nh8 c= te l@ in#est th7 phhi.
2.structure* ph;n n@y di chF hMi tih2 th?i tag juestion nka
4.reaction* nhkng c>u hMi t7nh huGng m7nh 9ba ra c>u trh lEi thi& hJp* &hi m^n 9ba g7 cho
ai 9= th7 m7nh n=i g7V TrPn xe bus 9?ng ng che ch lGi ra nZu bIn m^n xuGng bIn sl n=i
g7 V 1 ng hMi bIn 9g 9Zn bbu 9iBn bIn &o bi& 9g th7 n=i g7V9Ii loIi #Ky #a 2 ng ta 9ba cho
m7nh nhkng lYa ch_n 2
5.h7nh nhb cmng #oca lun hay sao < * hMi nhkng c>u 9Ii loIi nhb 1 ng 9i te nh@ 9Zn c`
wan th7 g_i l@ g7V bird flu is............ 0 c<i n@y bi& chZt l7n2
6.3eading &h< &h= mRt 9oIn d@i 2 mnt a5 trh lEi true false. sau 9= #iZt dYa theo b@i 9=
0n=i #: #iBc 9;u tb #@o india #@ sY ph<t triXn n@y n_2 #iZt essay #: mGi Wuan hB hJp t<c
WuGc tZ gika Vo #@ pn 9R trong tuong lai.

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