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There's a bunch of reasons parents have it easier nowadays than parents 50,60,70 years ago.

Medicine alone is reason to thank od. Think of how !any childrens' lives were spared because
of penicillin.
"ut let's face it. The #$st century has thrown parents today so!e curve balls. %nd here's seven
reasons parenting is harder nowadays.
$& Television '(et's face it. )ven when the television show itself isn't bad, the co!!ercials are
practically soft core porn. Thank goodness for the *+, so you can fast forward co!!ercials. "ut
also, every father is portrayed as a boob which is e-actly opposite of how they used to be
portrayed. .o!pare the way fathers today are portrayed with !en like ,obert /oung fro! 01ather
2nows "est.0 The disrespect shown to fathers on 3ust about every television show can't help
#& 4nternet ' The internet is great for !any reasons. 5ey, 4'! a blogger so 4've gotta' like it but let's
face it, it can be like drilling a peephole into 5ell and you've got to !onitor the kids constantly
even when they're doing a pro3ect. 5ey, you never know what's going to co!e up when they're
working on a paper on the 1rench writer 0"al6ac0 or !aybe a paper on 07ranus.0
8ever !ind 9ebM* which can !ake you think your kid's contracted beriberi when they've
actually 3ust got a cold.
:& ;eat "elts '"ack in the old days if the station wagon got too loud all !y *ad had to do was
sla! on the brakes and we'd all go flying around and hold on to each other for dear life. The kids
in the cargo space in back would find the!selves upside down in the back seat and kids fro! the
back seat would be cru!pled on the floor. My poor little sister who was sitting on the ar!rest
<which was really 3ust a vinyl baby catapult& would be changing the radio station with her ear. "ut
hey, it was 3ust a way for !y *ad to reshuffle the deck. .an't do that any!ore. 8owadays, kids are
all buckled in.
=& .an't punish other people's children ' 8obody see!s to punish their kids any!ore. 4 do. 4n fact,
!y oldest asked !e why was it that she was constantly punished at ho!e but never in trouble at
school. 4 told her that it was because she was constantly punished at ho!e that she didn't get in
trouble at school.
"ut when 4 was a kid it was assu!ed that neighbor's parents had the ability to punish you. 4
re!e!ber one wo!an who lived behind !y parents tackling !y brother >atrick. <4t was
aweso!e?& 4 think a little fear in a kid that hey, if 4 act up that lady who's watering her flowers
!ight take !e down !e and drag !e ho!e to !y !other is a good thing. /eah, 4 said it, fear can
be healthy.
5& /ou can't 3ust send kids out to play any!ore.' 9hen 4 was a kid we ran out the door at $0 a.!.
and !aybe ca!e back to throw a sandwich in our !ouths at lunchti!e and then we disappeared
again until dinner. 4f !y parents even asked !e where 4 was 4'd probably 3ust say 0all over0 and
leave out the fact that a lady with a watering can had chased us.
8owadays, you 3ust can't let your kids out like that. 4 don't know if the nu!ber of creepy dudes in
un!arked vans is increasing but we sure know about the! !ore so we don't let our kids out of our
sight. That !eans a lot !ore work for us, !ore organi6ed activities, and play dates.
6&*ual inco!es. ' 4f everyone around you is earning dual inco!es, it !akes it a lot harder for
parents to stay ho!e with their children. ;o if you do stay ho!e, it's a bit econo!ically tougher
than it would've been a few decades ago.
%nd you've got !any parents working double 3obs 'one in the office and then trying to fit all their
nurture@bonding ti!e into little incre!ents between dinner and bedti!e with their kids. That's
tough !ainly because parents who only get to spend an hour or two with their kids don't want to
spend that hour punishing their kid so they overlook a lot in order to have a nice Auiet night.
7& Too !any parenting books. ' 9ay too !any parenting books. ;o you've got all sorts of parents
reading these things and over thinking every situation so !uch that they lose their co!!on sense.
%lert to parents ' ;o!eti!es a kid being a brat isn't a cry for help. 4t's 3ust a kid being a brat.
>unish the!. *on't try to be their friend. "e their parent. 4t's harder for you but it's better for the!.

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