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More than 1 billion people live in extreme poverty, on less than $1.25 a day. More than 6.5 million
children die each year from causes that people in much of the world dont even think about, like diarrhea,
malaria, and tuberculosis. Such levels of poverty and disease cause immense human suffering and
contribute to astonishing inequity around the world. Some might say the only response to these problems
is despair. In fact, we believe the best response is helpingand determined optimism.

As the largest, most interconnected, most technologically sophisticated generation in human history,
Millennials have an enormous opportunity to help create long-lasting changebut so far we havent found
enough ways to tap into their (or better yetyour) creativity and skill to address the biggest problems in
the world. This competition is an attempt to do exactly that. The global creative community has the ability
to make Millennials feel connected to global health and development problems in imaginative ways weve
never seen before.

Propose an innovative communications concepta new tool, platform, producta brilliant storytelling
ideathat inspires Millennials to be part of the generation that eliminates global health and development
problems for good. Include a clear call to action and a way for Millennials to get involved in these urgent
These are the types of behaviors your concept should promote among Millennials:
Contributing commentary and content about global health and development to fuel existing conversations
and inspire new ones
Discussing opportunities for change with peers and communities (on and offline)
Donating to and volunteering for organizations and projects related to global health and development
goals (including but not limited to fundraising)
Initiating new communities and networks dedicated to addressing global health and development

Our Audience
Socially engaged Millennials ages 18-34 in U.S., UK, France, or Germany. These nations provide the
biggest investments in global health and development around the world and are therefore, places where
increased support for development is critical. We invite multiple or single-country concepts.

Measures of Success
Successful concepts will show promise as a way to:
Shift Millennial attention to global health and poverty issues, and to their potentially transformative role in
helping address these problems in their own lifetimes.
Cause measurable increases in the behaviors stated in the brief, above. (The Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation tracks these actions along with perceptions of global health and development among the
public in the U.S., UK, France and Germany, twice a year.)

What is global health and development?
We define this broadly as: public health and development projects aimed at improving the lives of the
poorest and most vulnerable people in the world. Background on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations
global health and development initiatives is available here. This brief treats global health and
development as a holistic concept. To help people lift themselves out of poverty, we need to build support
for health programs, agricultural development, family planning, better financial services for the poor, and
more. It is important for the public to understand that these interventions are all interconnected.

We will not consider concepts that are:
Pieces of content without an engagement strategyfor example: stand-alone info-graphics, films, or
advertising concepts
Dependent on assets, such as celebrities or media partnerships, that you cannot secure on your own
Dependent on the participation of Bill and/or Melinda Gates or Gates Foundation brand (winning concepts
will not be branded as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation content)
Projects focused on raising donations or emergency relief funds
Projects focused on influencing legislation or political campaigns for public office

A set of winners will be selected within the next few months.
Winners will be eligible to participate in a grant funding project with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
If they choose to participate, the winners will have approximately six months to develop and pilot their
ideas in order to show proof of concept, which is required for phase two funding consideration. Criteria
The execution of your idea is realistic and achievableyou will need to present a prototype of your
Your idea has the scope to affect public perception on a broad scale
Your team has the capabilities, assets and talent needed to execute the proposed idea successfully

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