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6 www.mountainastrologer.

Feature Articles
The Single Eye:
Vision, Learning, and
the Astrological Sun
by Raye Robertson
The faculty of seeing involves far more
than physical eyesight. Vision also includes
mental understanding, creative and spiritual
insight, and psychic ability, or second
sight. This eye-opening article explores
all the facets of seeing as it relates to the
astrological chart with emphasis on the
stellar role of the Sun. Among the examples
are the blind, the autistic, and the visionary.
Bringing the Moon down
to Earth: An Astrological Guide
for Gardeners
by Pam Ciampi
Dont plant during an eclipse or on the day
of a New Moon. Plant during a waxing
Moon. Harvest crops at the Full Moon. These
are pieces of gardening advice offered
by this astrologer/gardener,
based on the Moons
phase, sign, and element.
Here, she follows the
Moon for the entire
month of May 2006
and provides a daily
calendar suitable for
timing garden activities
with the heavens.
Issue #126 April/May 2006
40 A Druid Looks at
Plants and Planets
by Sarah Fuhro
Did you know that yellow
owers are associated
with the Sun; red owers,
with Mars? This author
uses ower essences in her
astrological practice to help
her clients change how they react to a given
transit. Flower essences connect us to the
vibrational energy of the plants.
An Interview with Greg Bogart
by Kate Sholly
Greg Bogart is an astrologer, author,
teacher, and therapist who integrates
astrology with his psychotherapy practice.
His work focuses on spiritual awakening.
In this conversation, he shares stories
and insights drawn from his wealth of
Know Your Nakshatras
Part 1 of 4
by Linda Johnsen
Vedic astrology emphasizes the Moon
and its mansions, the nakshatras.
Part 1 of this series introduces us to
the rst seven nakshatras, relates their
mythology, and opens a door to their
multilayered meanings.
April/May 2006
The Mountain Astrologer 7
The Hot Chart Wheels of 2006
by David Kesten
Saturns Reign in Leo:
A Tale of Three Queens
by Donna Cunningham
Newsmaker Chart: Bono
by Pat Taglilatelo
Saturn Opposite Neptune
by Marcia Starck
Bolivia: The Dawn of a New Day
in Latin America
by Maya del Mar
2 Artists Showcase
featuring Ben Wright
5 Editors Letter
and Announcements
8 Letters to the Editor
62 Astrology News
by Gloria Star
72 Ask Astro-Coach
by Nicki Michaels
77 Book Reviews
compiled by Mary Plumb
81 TMA Professional Directory
103 Classied Ads
104 Humor:
Aries Disappears
by Nathan Elderkin
106 Poem: Soul Work:
A Prayer of Thanks
by Elizabeth Spring
106 Advertisers Index

85 Wheres That Moon?
86 Apr/May Forecast Calendar
by Jeff Jawer
95 New and Full Moon Reports
Libra Full Moon
Taurus New Moon
Scorpio Full Moon
Gemini New Moon
by Stephanie Austin
99 Astro*Carto*Graphy Maps
100 Apr/May Declination Graph
TMA Departments
Forecast Section
Cover art and article illustrations (except
where otherwise noted) by M. Tara Sanders
The Well-Tempered Astrologer:
Using an Ancient System in
Modern Astrology
by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum
The four temperaments choleric, sanguine,
melancholic, and phlegmatic are reected, in
varying strengths, in the birth chart. Which blend
were you born with?
Forecasting for the Year:
Profections and the Solar Return
by Maria J. Mateus
Ancient astrology has many techniques for
understanding our times in a broader context. Here
are two that we can use to enrich our predictions.
Feature Articles in Mercury Direct

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