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date: 27 october 2008

Paltalkroom: Ilmforall Know Islam

Speaker: Shaykh Mohammed Al Maliki (nickname : ilmforall1)

Question 1

My family does not care that much about mahram and non-mahram
issues. So, for example, whenever I want to meet my grandmother,
uncles or male cousins at their home, I will see my non-mahram family
members there sitting with us in one room instead of going to another,
separate one.
What should I do? I do not expect them to change their attitude. They
are Muslims alhamdulillah, but this thing is common among them and
sadly also in many Muslim families nowadays.

Question 2

I am within a kaffar househhold..most of family kaffar.Is it in my best

interest to make hijrah for the sake of practicing my Deen or staying to
help change them?

Question 3

Is it permissible to do dzikr while your eyes are closed?

Question 4

Sheikh, nowadays even really small transactions have big contracts that
you have to agree to when buying.For example, even installing simple
computer programmes like Paltalk requires you to agree to a contract
when installing it and often these contracts say like "In case of dispute
the case will be referred to American court or law" . What should we

Question 5

Yaa Shaykh my son is 7 years old he has been praying for one year. He
makes serious mistakes in his prayer. I correct him while he prays. How
should I be with him regarding his prayer? and if he knows his entire
prayer can he lead me in salah?
Should I fuss at him or punish him for his mistakes?

Question 6

A brother just reverted to Islam but he lives with his girlfriend should
we tell him that it is haram now or how do we advice him?

Question 7

I want to make hijra with my family soon, but my family might come
back to this country. Should I then stay there by myself?

Question 8

I went to a Janaza the other day and they brought the deseased sister
on the woman side after the prayer before the burial so that we may
see her. Her face was uncovered and the family (sisters) and I saw her.
Is this permissible?

Question 9

Somebody bought a gun long ago to keep in his house for protecting
himself for bouglars. What should I advise him? Is this permissible?

Question 10

If a man has a long hair, he cannot tie his hair while doing salah? is this
correct? how about for a woman?

Question 11
A sister has an amount of money she wishes to split between her
children. but 2 of her sons are not responsible 9 one is not mentally
stable) what should she do with their protion of the money? She worries
that she may fall under the one who gives to the irresponsible person.

Question 12

Is it ok for a women to touch the deceased when on her period even

after the deceased has been washed and clean? and is there a daleel to
weather if its ok or not?

Question 13

Some people studied with the scholars in KSA and make ijtihaad and say
its ok to unite with the people of innovation and not to speak about them
in public for the benefit of muslims. Is this a mistake that doesnt take
them out of the manhaj? Can we take knoweldge from them because
they still call to Allah and motivate us to be better muslims?

Question 14

Can I take a fatwa from shaygh Khaled Anbari? Do you know something
about green lane masjid and salafi mosque in Birmingham?

Question 15

In our country we have scouts, whos idea is to bring children together

to teach them about the religion and their how to treat others (whecher
it be christian, muslim or jewish or other). can we take this idea to
propagate dawah to the youth, or is this imitating the disbelievers?

Question 16

Can women bleach their eyebrows?

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