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date: 12 january 2009

Paltalkroom: Ilmforall Know Islam

Speaker: Shaykh Mohammed Al Maliki (nickname :


Question 1

If the only job I can get now sales alcohol an cigarettes and I normally
sell gas but If I am there by myself I am told I have to sell these. Is
permissible since I have no other Job. Is doing this better than begging
the people?

Question 2

We have a weekly class which is the only salafi one in the city, it is
to our maktaba which is near a masjid. Do we have permission to form
after the class for salatul ishaa?

Question 3

None of the colleges that I know of (in the west) are for men only.
Therefore, one of the classes they offer that I want to take has 1
woman in it
and the rest are men to my knowledge. What do you say about this?

Question 4
When one comes up to the sujood tilaawah when praying, how should a
person perform it?

Question 5

I recently asked a question about wiping the face after completing

and you gave me some references, but I don't know where to check
them myself.
Could you please clarify the answer for me? And what if one does this
out of habit?

Question 6

Husband who has 2 wives and 10 children wants to make hijrah

One of his wives has a degree and some experience in teaching. Is it ok
for her to better her education (in a halaal means, i.e. online degree) in
an effort to help her husband by getting a job when they make hijrah?
She knows she will not be the main carer for her children as her co-
will not look after them. But she also knows that it is difficult for her
husband to make hijrah for all of them on just his job?
If she works also when they make hijrah they could make hijrah sooner?
Or should she leave this responsibility upon her husband alone?
What can she do to help him? Jazakallahu khayran wa barakallahu

Question 7

If someone had the intension of donating to a specific masjid and the

for the amount was sent by mail. However the check was never cashed
the masjid and it has been about 3 months. Is it alright to give that
to a different masjid since the imam that the check was made out to
from that area just now?

Question 8

I would like to know if adkaar has the same ruling as dua. Meaning that
is not answered do to sinning so will someone in case of the adkaar lose

Question 9

I work in a primary school and it does not have a place to pray. I found
a room
where i could make my salaah but it contains many pictures, books with
and dolls, is it better for me to pray on time in that room or to wait
and pray
at home after work?

Question 10

I am from a state that is majority sufi. The leaders of the masjid I

attend are
Zaid Shakir and Hamza Yusuf, they are both students of Num Keller.
There are
no masjids that are on the haqq. When we call the non muslims to islam
is it
permissible to advise them to go to class at the local masjid to learn
and do we warn them against the deviants?

Question 11

Do you have to pay zakah over your salary you saved the whole year?
for excample
I saved 5000 dollar the whole year should I pay zakaah over the 5000
or can I use it to go too hajj?
Question 12

I prayed Duhr prayer in a female jama'a next to the sister who lead
the prayer.
As I could listen her reading the Fatiha like a wisper I forgot to read it
I realized this after the Ruku'. Is my prayer valid?

Question 13

Is it permissible to watch news on TV if the news presenter is a women

without proper hijab?

Question 14

What does it mean when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
“the sorcerers can not memorize al-Baqarah?”

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