Questionslist Q&A Sessiion 13-01-2009

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date: 13 january 2009

Paltalkroom: Ilmforall Know Islam

Speaker: Shaykh Mohammed Al Maliki

Paltalk nickname : ilmforall1

Question 1

Today during the tafseerclass you mentioned that sooratu l-faatihah is

ruqyah. You then asked how this ruqyah should be performed and
it was said that it is by reciting it and spitting slightly. I wanted to
isn't it by reciting it seven times while touching the place that hurts?

Question 2

Is watching videos on the computer haram? What is the difference of

watching on the computer and the television?

Question 3

Can a son fix the television remote and dvd player, and other things
related to
it when the parents ask him to fix it? Or would this be helping them in

Question 4

My mom wants money from me, but I don not want to give her, because
I know she will spend it on things that are not necessary like clothes
and food
and we have a lot of clothes and food. Am I sinning or is it beter to
give my mom money?

Question 5

I am in the middle of a law case and I was dealing with a female

solicitor, but now
they have tranfered my case to a male, should I change solicitors in the
middle of
this case, or can I finish this case with this male solicitor?

Question 6

What are the signs that a child needs roqya? And if there are signs is
any recorded roqya cd's that can be played in the childs room every

Question 7

Many young muslims are spreading hatred on the internet and calling
those who
love and respect shaykh rabee' al-madhkhalee as "madhkhalees" and
splitting within the salafiyyeen in the West. They do the same with the
who support shaykh rabee'. How should we approach these people and
this fitnah bi idhnillaah?

Question 8

It is permisible for the husband to say to his wife that he does not
any more children?

Question 9
If someone offers to pay for me to go and perform hajj am I obliged to
accept the offer? would my hajj be accepted insha Allah?

Question 10

A little while ago I heard you say that a sister must be represented by
a wali and not a wakeel. I was married last year and was represented
a wakeel not a wali. What is the ruling on my marriage?

Question 19

What if your muslims wali has abandoned you and refuses to have
to do with you for 15 years?

Question 20

There is a new practising sister. She wants to travel to the muslim lands
introduce herself to studying of deen for 2 months to increase in
What should I advise her knowing that a woman should not travel
mahram considering that this maybe a good opportunity for her to learn
correct knowledge.

Question 21

Is it allowed to receive ar-ruqya by phone? It is also allowed to go to

for ruqya because she feels someone needs to get the jinn out?

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