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Over 900 British Police Have Witnessed UFOs
Epoch Times
WASHINGTONBritish police of f icers have been personally involved in at least 430 UFOs sightings, including
one that was three times the size of a f ootball f ield, a hearing of six f ormer members of the United States
Congress heard on Thursday.
Gary Heseltine, a serving police of f icer in the United Kingdom, is the creator of PRUFOS a police database
[www.pruf] he maintains in an unof f icial capacity. The database, which he launched in
January 2002, caters to serving and retired of f icers who have been involved in British UFO police sightings.
Sightings have been taking place the length and breadth of Britain at all times of the day, he told the six
member committee.
Heseltine said when he started the database 11 years ago he had records of six cases involving 11 police
of f icers. Today he has 430 reported sightings of UFOs involving over 900 police.
Heseltine said about 70 percent of the cases he had on his database involve multiple witnesses. In one case,
24 police of f icers observed one object, he said.
Many police have observed structures or craf t of large proportions Heseltine said. He described one report in
Middlesex in March 1984, where of f icers described a silent black object the size of three f ootball f ields.
In another report, three policemen witnessed a mothership the size of one f ootball f ield that was accompanied
by smaller ships. The mothership was sending a beam to the ground when the ship and all the surrounding
smaller objects suddenly disappeared so f ast it was like turning out a light bulb, Heseltine said.
Heseltine said British police of f icers were seeing actual structured craf t, physical in nature.
Many of f icers have seen objects that appear to move in ways that def y physics, he said.
Heseltine said that British authorities f ollowed the same policy of denial as the United States. That lef t
members of the British police unsupported and of ten distressed, unable to of f er the public acceptable
The time is now to lif t the veil, on the subject of UFOs he said, adding that was important that people be
able to disclose their experiences without the risk of ridicule.
Heseltine was speaking at the Congressional-style Citizen Hearing on Disclosure which is taking public
testimonies f rom international researchers and f ormer members of the U.S. military on extra terrestrial
encounters, at the National Press Club, April 29- May 3.
The aim of the week long hearing is to pressure the United States government to open its f iles on documented
encounters with extraterrestrial lif e and UFOs.

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