Debault Delmar Eileen 1993 USA&World

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International Christian Ministries.

Damob, M.P., India, upon the commemoration of the

10th anniversary of the incorporation of Mid-India
Christian Mission in July, 1969, in Oklahoma.
Second Trin to Australia, Oct. 6-31
AninvitationbytheAustralianbrethrenhas beenaccepted
to deliver the annual "STEPHEN CHEEK RESTORATION
LECTURES" in Brisbane, Queensland, Oct. 10-24. Stephen
Cheek, a leader amongthe Churches ofChrist inScotland, first
introduced the Restoration Movement in Australia 140 years
ago. The All-Southern Pacific Christian Convention, meeting
in Toowoomba, Queensland, has invited me to address the
convention and to lead a workshop in "Missions."
Dr. Vijai Lall at the microphone
recording a Gospel message in
Hindi which will be broadcast by
short-wave radio via FEBC,
subcontinent" of India. "RADIO
MID-INDIA" is directed by David
Lall, the oldest son of Vijai and
Pushpa Lall.
9th Trio to the PhilipDlnes,
Nov. 30 - Apr. 15
I will fly to the Hiilippines Nov. 30 to teach the second
semester inthe Cebu Bible Seminary. Eileenwill joinmein
theFhilippineNational Convention, andtheAnnual Ameri
can Missionary Fellowship in April. (Must be home for the
Kiamichi Men's Clinic in Oklahoma, May 2-5,1994).
Arriving in Vienna, Austria, gateway to Haus Edelweiss
and the two-month Bible conference with TCM.
After a Sundaymorning worship service in the front of TCM's Haus Edelweiss,
Austria. (L.toR):DDD; Dr. Barbara Curie, Lincoln (IL) Christian Churchstaff;
Eileen; Vera and Dr. Marion Henderson, Professor, New Testament, Lincoln
Christian College. DDD, Barbara end Marion were the Bible instructors for the
August conference with Christian leaders from Poland, Hungary and
St. Vincent
Eileen with Jean Robinson, Haitian
student in the Windward Islands School
of Evangelism, St. Vincent, in March,
1993. Jean, a very zealous student with
a serious language (English) problem,
has a burning desire to return to Haiti
upon graduation as an evangelist. He
often did his "practice preaching" from
his French(Creole) Bibleup anddownthe
street or upon the roof tops.
The closing session of the 1992
PhilippineNational Convention, Manila,
had an attendance of 5,000 people
largest gathering of New Testament
Christians anywhere in the world
outside oftheNorthAmericanChristian
Convention. (L to R): Terry Knippers,
Missionary; Jack Howard, Minister,
West Burlington(lA) ChristianChurch;
Crispin Millendez, Minister,
Katarangan Church of Christ, Bohol;
Luz Castellano; DDD; and Jul
Castellano, Minister, ChristianChurch,
Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines.
Spearheaded by leaders from the Marion (IN)
Christian Chiirch, Rick Jett, Minister, a work crew
assembled fi-om Texas, Ohio and Indiana spent two
weeks in February, 1993, working on the new multi
purpose building of the Windward Islands School of
Evangelism, St. Vincent. Amid lots of sweat (perhaps
some blood and tears), this jolly crew was able to make
notable progress in the concrete work and roofing on the
buildings. AHtheconcretewas hand-mixedandconveyed
by bucket brigade up the hill to the concrete finishers.
Hebrews 4:11a, "Let us, therefore,
make every e^ort to enter that rest
..." But could it be this Scripture is
taken out of context to describe this
scene? Nonetheless, a hammock in
the shade inthetropics shouldnever
be passed up anytime. (Guyana,
South America)
Jack Howard, Bimlington, lA, minister, baptizing in Pacific
Ocean waters. Island of Leyte, not far from the famous landing
site of Gen. Douglas (I shall return) MacArthur in October 1944.
Jack Howard, Burlington, lA,
minister; Jul Castellano, Filipino
evangelist; and Dan Aquino for Dan's
first ever visit to a McDonald's in
Bocolod, Negros Occidental. Dan is an
orphaned child, the son of Daisy
Aquino, our maid and helper in the
Cebu Bible Seminary until her death
froma stroke inSeptember, 1988. Oiir
daughter, Lucinda, andhusband, Jack
Craig(Atlanta), are sponsoring Danin
the GreenPlains Chi^tian(boarding)
School in Bocolod.
Mrs. Amparo
Knippers, Filipina,
wife of Terry Knip
pers, missionaries oh
Bohol, Fliilippines, on
a visit to the USA
pickingoranges inthe
back of the home of
DDD and Eileen, 412
E. Tillman Avenue,
Lake Wales, FL.
Dr. Alex Bogacheve, Ph.D.
(Physics), formerly with the Russian
Institute of Science in Moscow,
following a session of Bible study in
June, 1992. Dr. Bogacheve was a
member of the original class of 102
in May, 1992, for the purpose of
certifying Russian school teachers to
teach the Bible in the curriculum of
the Department ofMoral andSpiritual
Education, now an official part of the
Russian educational system.
Roman Naz-
arov, translating
in the "LIFE OF
CHRIST" seriesof
Bible studies in
Moscow, June,
DDD with three Babushkas (Grandmas) in Moscow, following
the morning worship service in the Technical College where the
first Bible classes were being held. The Babushka on the right
informed me (through an interpreter) that her father/preacher had
beenkilledby Russian Police in 1930 whenshe was a small girl and
this was the first communion service she had participated in in 62
ARussianschool teacher, amember
of the first class in Bible in the
Department of Moral and Spiritual
Education, presentingredroses to her
Professor in "LIFE OF CHRIST' on
the closing day of classes, Jime 26,
1992. The lovely roses were too
beautiful to throw away so the Prof,
decided to "smuggle" them through
customs and immigration.
The professor's "lady in waiting" at
the Orlando, Florida, airport smiles with
thegiftofthesmuggledroses. Theywere
still lovely 4 days later, June 30th, for our
51st wedding anniversary.
Newls^veds, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craig (nee Lucinda
Debault), in the kitchen ofTCM'sHaus Edelweiss, listening
as Dr. Barbara Curie reads for thema special poemwritten
in honor of their wedding the daybefore in the chapel of the
l,000year-oldcastleLiechtenstein(ViennaWoods, Austria).
One of the most welcome sights in the
more than 50 countries where our
missionary travels have taken us is always
the emblem of the old USA (Georgetown,
Ul aSi IHliU
Walt rVevost, Missionary in the Hiilippines, preaching, as young
Filipino evangelist, Arnold Corsiga, translates for him.
"OVER THE TOP' -- one of the great blessings in a Faith
Pmrnisft Missionary Rally is to see the "thermometer" exceed the
goal. Revis Brazel, DDD and an elder in a church in Indiema.
SixteenYears, Going On Seventeen
It was June, 1977, when we began serving in our first DVBS programs, Christian Service Camps, and missions rallies as
full-time short-termMissionaries. I celebrated my 60thbirthdayina DVBS at First Christian Church, Council Bluffs, lA, June
10, 1977. We were Field Representatives for Mid-India Christian Mission, Damoh, M.P. India, with ihe headquarters and
Forwarding Agent in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Eileen Said, "We Will Try It One Year"
Inthefall of1976, we resignedtheministryofFirst ChristianChurch, Dunedin, FLtopromoteMid-India ChristianMission.
We stored our furniture eind roamed the globe for 5 years without a home. We had our little cabin in the Kiamichi Mountains
in Oklahoma; my parents were still living in Mason, IL, and Eileen's mother was (and still is) living in Lake Wales, FL. Plus,
wefelt"athome"withmysiblingsandwithdearfriendsinTulsa, Illinois andFlorida. Wehadnosalarynorassuranceoffinancial
support fix>m any source. It was (and is) truly an "ADVENTURE EN FAITH." By the end of 1977, we had spread the message
of the work of Dr. Vijai L.all and Mid-South Christian Mission in scores of chiirches, camps, conventions and rallies across the
We had lived, paidour bills andsavedenough moneyfor a missiontrip to India andthe Orient. Our first two visits to India
in 1971 and 1973 were sponsored by members of the Osage Hills Christian Church in Tulsa. FromNewYears, 1978, through
April, we had "missioned" in India, Assam, Burma, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan andJapan. After that first mission trip, we
never looked back. An international ministryloomedbefore us, but we couldnot havepossiblyrealizedthemagnitude of it. God
opened doors and we simply walked Ihrough them by faith. We tried it for "ONE YEAR" and we liked it!
Now, Page Two, The Next 15 Years
We have served in well over 100 weeks of DVBS and 100 weeks of church camps, mission rallies, conventions and mission
emphases in more than 20 states across the coimtry. The "ONE YEARTRIAL RUN" has led us into every continent (over 50
countries). Our ministry expanded immediately from preaching and ministering with fellow missionaries into leadership
training, teaching in Bible college^^nstitutes and seminaries in other lands. We found time to teach a termin BluefieldCollege
of Evangelism, WV, andmy Alma Mater, LincolnChristianCollege, Illinois. Ahighlight was a month inMoscow, Russia, June,
1992, training Russian school teachers to teach the Bible in the public schools of Russia. My dream, my goal is to minister in
the Gospel of Christ on the soil of Red China.
Even A Wild Goose Goes South for the Winter
My first 15 weeks of 1993 were spent on the island of St.
Vincent, teaching in the Windward Islands School of Evange
lism (WISE). It is a beautiful tropical island setting in the
Grenadines, West Indies. Eileen spent a month with me in the
middle of the term. Now I must arrange a schedule to fill the
invitations toreturntoteach inWISE andtheLower Caribbean
Christian College, Barbados, with Leadership Training Semi
nars on Antigua. Youmay be assured the invitations will all be
filled in the winter time (it's a tough life)!
"In The Kiamichis, What A
Wonderful Time"
The four finest out-door cooks inthe world (if you dont believe it, ask anyone
of the four). DDD, Drew Mowdy, Charles (Chick) Debault, and Jack Howard.
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Delmar and Eileen Debault
News of
International Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 848
Lake Wales, Florida 33853
Tel (813) 676-6667
July 15,1993
A wise man once said, "The higher the privilege, the greater the responsibility." The Master said it best
in the parable of the talents in Matthew25:29, "For to everyone who has shall more hegiven, and he shall have an
abundance: but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away."
EileenandI realize more andmore the incomparable privileges that seemto increase witheveryexperience
we have inour internationalmissions ministryofleadershiptrainingandevangelism. Sinceour last general appeal
for travel funds inearly1992, Godhas "privileged" usto travel andministerinthePhilippines, Russia, andtheWest
Indies. We have triedto be good and faithful stewards - good stewards of the finances you have provided for our
necessarytravel andfaithful stewards oftheWordandtheMaster's Message of Redemption. Withinone year, your
prayers and financial imdergirding put us on three continents in a ministry almost divergent in nature - from
remote primitive Philippine Island villages to the Philippine National Convention in a modemconvention center
in Manila ~ in Moscow, Russia, training educational leaders in the Bible who have rejected the Marxist atheistic
system. Classroom lecturing in the fall of 1992 in Lincoln Christian College and walking the hallowed halls of
theological academia - a full teaching load in the Bible college on St. Vincent, West Indies in the spring -1count
it all both an honor and certainly the highest of privileges.
We are not OTsJ SAT ,ARYfrom any of the areas of service (eveninLCC). We paid our ownway andour own
ejqjenses. Our Social Security (mine from 1982 andEileen's from 1987) maintainour cottage home inLake Wales,
FL, plusthe monthly "essentials." Wecouldfoldourtents,quietlyretire, andjoinranks withour fellow "snowbirds"
and watch tiie world go by...
... as long as those invitations keep comingfrom around the world to "come over into Macedonia and help
us" (Acts 16:9). I amblessed with good health and, so far, the stamina to withstand the rigors of "away from the
old US cultural comforts," and as much brains as I ever had (never claimed to have had much). So we can't quit
and will not until it is impossible to continue, then like General Douglas MacArthur's "old soldiers never die," we
will just fade away.
Two invitations have been accepted, with our faith in God andtrust in our loyal partners that we wiU have
the money for the travel. I am honored to be asked by a number of Australian brethren and churches to deliver
the Annual "Stephen CheekRestoration Lectureship," andpreachin a two-week evangelistic crusade inBrisbane,
Queensland. Following the lectureship and crusade, the south Pacific Christian Convention, meeting in
Toowoomba, Queensland, October 27-31, has invited me to address the convention and to conduct a leadership
workshop. I plan to leave Orlando, FL, October 8 and return November 3. The Australian brethren will provide
for my travel and accommodations while in their fellowship.
After spending November in Florida, I wiUleave for the Philippines November 29 to teach the winter term
in the Cebu Bible Seminary and return April 16. Eileen plans to join me in Cebu February 19 for the remainder
ofthePhilippinetrip. Thefour anda halfmonthPhilippinesojoumwill consist ofa full teachingloadintheSeminary
(with a couple of night classes to make up for the weeks I will miss in November). Almost every weekend will be
spentoninter-islandpreachingmissions, theYouthAnnual ChristianConference (Christmasweek), preachingand
teaching in the Visayan Christian Convention in Cebu, graduation and Commencement in the Seminary, the
Philippine National Conventionin April, and the Annual American Missionary Fellowship (a little bit of heaven
on earth).
I have been able to find discounted airfares to the Philippines witii China Airlines (Taiwan). Our roimd-
trip fare, Orlando - Manila - Cebu will be $1275.(X) for each ofus. I will have one trip from Cebu to Manila at the
endofJanuaryto secure anextensionofmy59-daytourist visa(a necessity), round-tripcost of$125.(X). I will make
another flight to Manilato meet EileenFebruary 19($125.00roundtrip). Inter-island air fares are quitenominal
with an anticipatedtotal of $200.00. We must rent living quarters in Cebu for the first time (we hadlived inthe
Mission house previously, but it burned in March, 1989). The housing expenses will be $200,00 per month, for a
total of $800.00.
Round-trip Orlando - Manila - Cebu ($1275.00 x 2) $2,550.00
Round-trip Cebu - Manila ($125.00 x 2) 250.00
Visa extension fee 200.(X)
Inter-island air fare^ship travel 200.00
House rent and service 800.00
TOTAL $4,000.00
As of this writing, we do not have one dollar intravel funds. We can live and not gowithout any help,
but we cannot go and live without help. Ifwe go, the funds must be suppliedbyyou, God's people, our fidends
who know us and believe in what we are doing. These are actual figures, the expenses are realistic, not
exaggerated. We must have $4000.00 or we cannot go.
We are inour SEVENTEENTHYEARof full-time short-termmissionaryservice. We have neverhad
to cancel a trip because we failed to receive the funds
for the ministry. We walk in faith that our God will
supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.
We are asking for your help. International
Christian Ministries is a tax-exempt non-profit mis
sionaryincorporationfor your IRS records. Our faith
ful secretarj^easurer, Mrs. Louise Carden, who lives
in Lake Wales, FL, will acknowledge your gifts made
to the mission for our ministry "down imder" and
across the Pacific. We would earnestlylike to have the
full $4,(X)0.00before I leave for Australia, October 8, so
that both our tickets to the Philippines can be pur
chased to avoid anticipated increases in airfare.
Gk>d Bless and keep you. I hope to see a few of
you personallythis summer andfall, but ifnot, keep us
in your prayers always. Jesus said, "And I will he
with you always." My prayer is that He will also be
with us "low and high, even at 38,(X)0feet in a B-747."
Serving Jesus,
Delmar & Eileen
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