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International Christian Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 848

Lake Wales, Florida 33859-0848
Tel and FAX 941-676-6667
Delmar and Eileen Debault, Directors
Louise Carden, Sec'y and Treasurer
January 1996
When we were teaching in the NATIONAL BIBLE INSTITUTE in Guyana, South America,
January-April, 1988, we met a 15-year-oId orphaned lad who made a lasting impression on us. He
is multiracial, with mixed Amerindian, East Indian and black blood. He was a leader in the youth
group inthe Mara Church of Christ (interior of Guyana). His homelessness (never knewhis father)
strucka tender chordwithinus. He hadone knownrelative, anaginggrandmother (since deceased).
His warm personality and maturity far surpassed his grade school education.
I was withDennis againona missiontripto Guyana inFebruary, 1990. As some oftheroads were
impassable into the interior to the Mara church, we had to boat-raft part way up the Berbice River
with makeshift sails for power. Dennis, then 17, and another family were trying to save the Mara
church. He had matured in his faith and had survived in spite of no tangible means of livelihood.
As I was preparing to teach in the Windward Islands School of Evangelism, St. Vincent,
Grenadines, W.I., January-April 1993, what a joy it was when I learned that he was a student at
W.I.S.E. He askedmetobringhima goodstudyBible andconcordance. Hewouldreceive his Diploma
in Bible in April, 1993. We had come to love him in Guyana, but he became like a grandson to me
in the four months I taught at W.I.S.E. His sincerity and studious nature were endearing. He was
a student in three of my classes, where he made two B-'s and one C+. He had no money, except the
small allowance from the Windward Islands Mission, enough for his room and board and essential
school supplies. I confess we sneaked off to Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Pizza Hut a few times
(couldn't take the whole college). He sharedhis dreams and goals ofevangelisminhis home coimtry
with me. He told others that someday he would like to be a missionary like Brother Delmar. After
I hadgiven the Commencement address, I presented himwith his Diploma in Bible (fortimately no
Camcorder recorded our mutual tears).
He returned to Guyana in the spring of 1993 with no family, no money and no church to support
him. Guyana and Haiti are the two poorest coimtries in the Western Hemisphere. He was invited
to try to revive the Stanlejrtown Church of Christ in New Amsterdam. The church has adequate
facilities, but an unfortimate series of circumstances hadreduced the church to a handfull of people
Oessthem20). Theycouldoffer himnomorethan$10.00 (US)permonth. I promisedDennis wewoidd
do our best to raise hiTn $100.00 per month support for his basic needs. With the help of a church
inFlorida($50.00permonth) wehavesenthimSlOO.OOpermonthsince July, 1993. The Stanleytown
chvirch is now averaging 75 and had 90 for a special Christmas program.
Quotes from a letter from Dennis, December 12,1995:
"Brother Delmar; they have the Caribbean Youth Convention and Leadership Seminars coming
up inAugust next year which I would very much like to attend, but I have no money for the trip. The
cost will be $500.00 (US) for one month, which I cannot handleso I am askingyou ifyou can help me
raise the money. It is a large amount ofmoney, but I ampraying that you may be able to help me out.
I do not have anyone else on this earth apart from you. Take care ofyourselfand Sister Eileen. Say
hello to her for me, my love and respect to you all. Yours in Christ, Dennis"
This letter is to ask you if you can help us finance his trip to Jamaica in August, 1996. Dennis
needs $500.00whichis a prohibitive amount for him. Eileenand I have cancelledourplans to attend
the North American Christian Convention in Dallas, Texas, July 2-5,1996 for the sole purpose of
raising the funds for this project. We would enjoy the NACC, of course, but compared with the
blessings and benefit to his ministry from this experience inJamaica, the importance of the NACC
to us would be insignificant.
There are about 500 on the mailing list of INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIANMINISTRIES. The
question might be asked, "Why spend the money for printing and mailing this appeal for such a
nominal amount ofmoney?" The answeris simple. We don't have $500.00inpersonal funds andICM,
Inc. does not have any surplus in undesignated funds to pay for the trip to Jamaica. And we have
no other means to sendDennis the $500.00 unless it comes fromyou, our friends andfellowlaborers
inthemission. Themathematics are simple. Ifeachone sent$1.00, orhalfthemailinglist sent $2.00,
or a hundred would send $5.00, (and we still must pay for the mailing), then our goal would be met.
Ifyoufeel youcanshareinthis proj ect withus, please designatevour contributionFORDENNIS
BENDER, with checks made to International Christian Ministries -- not to us personallv.
James 1:27, Religion that GodourFatheraccepts aspureandfaultless is this: to lookafter widows
and orphans in their distress and to keep oneselffrom beingpolluted by the world." (NTV)
Serving, xmtil Jesus comes.
Revelation 22:10
His address: Dennis Bender
Church of Christ
50 Stanleytown
Berbice, Guyana, SA
Delmar D. Debault
PC Box 848
Lake Wales, FL 33859-0848

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