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Update: March 27, 2013: We've reached past our stretch goal of $50,000, earned a

$5,000 matching grant which is on its way to public television, and strive onwar
d to make The Gettysburg Story the best it can be. Please join us.Update: March
24, 2013DONATE NOW and your pledge is DOUBLED!Wow! Our Gettysburg Story Kickstar
ter campaign has passed $46,000! We are striving to reach our Stretch Goals. We j
ust found out that a backer has offered a very generous incentive in honor of my
dad, historian Gabor Boritt. EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR donated to our campaign, will
be MATCHED up to $5,000. This means dollars contributed in these final critica
l days will go twice as far! If we can raise $5,000 it will double to $10,000!
Please tell your friends: DONATE NOW and your pledge is DOUBLED!Update March 10,
2013:Less than 17 hours after sending out our first Gettysburg Story group emai
l our backers have taken us to our initial minimum goal and beyond. Every dolla
r is important. Just as important is building a passionate, engaged audience exc
ited for The Gettysburg Story. Together we are well on our way. Please join us!N
ow we want to keep the momentum going and keep spreading the word. In the first
week we raised $25,000. Now we introduce our....STRETCH GOALSIf we raise a total
of:$50,000 - We will increase the depth and detail of the geo-locational maps s
howing troop movements during the battle. We will also be able to significantly
expand publicity for The Gettysburg Story launch and release a Blu-Ray disc vers
ion of the film allowing backers the choice of a DVD or Blu-Ray.$75,000 - We wil
l be able to expand publicity for The Gettysburg Story nationally in partnership
with Public Television, investing in many more public screenings and other dist
ribution opportunities across the country.$100,000+ - We will do all of the abov
e expanding publicity and marketing, improving the maps, launching the Blu-Ray d
isk, partnering with Public Television to grow the audience, invest in many more
public screenings and distribution opportunities and reach out to schools to ge
t The Gettysburg Story to the next generation.Now lets go. Please share with all
who may want to join us!The Gettysburg StoryJuly 2013 marks the 150th anniversar
y of the Battle of Gettysburg. This three-day battle changed the course of Ameri
can history. In 1863 George Meade's Union army defeated Robert E. Lee's Confeder
ate army in the bloodiest battle in American history. Four months later Abraham
Lincoln dedicated the National Cemetery by delivering his Gettysburg Address cal
ling for "a new birth of freedom."'The Gettysburg Story' dramatically tells the
history of the greatest battle fought in the Western Hemisphere. The stories of
characters who experience the battle come alive through dynamic, innovative imag
ery that captures the historic battleground as you have never seen it before.Over
the last 150 years, the Battle of Gettysburg has become the stuff of legend, to
ld and retold using contemporary technologies of each generation: from glass pla
te negatives to woodcut prints, black and white silent films, bestselling novels
and TV miniseries.Now, using cutting edge technologies including high definitio
n radio control aerial drone cinematography, motion control time-lapse footage,
dynamic digital geolocation graphic maps, and more we are bringing the story of
Gettysburg alive for the latest generation.
This film captures Gettysburg a unique, timeless American place in a new way. Th
rough years of preparation and close cooperation with the National Park Service,
we have been granted unprecedented access to the 6,000-acre battlefield. And th
e latest imaging and editing technologies allow the presentation and reinterpret
ation of the timeless Civil War narrative, capturing the iconic landscape of the
town and battlefield, for a new generation of viewers.
The Gettysburg Battlefield: Cemetery Ridge with the Round Tops beyond.
Narrator: Stephen LangAcclaimed actor Stephen Lang who is best known as Colonel
Quaritch in James Camerons Avatar narrates the film. Civil War buffs know "SLang" f
or his roles as General Pickett in 'Gettysburg' and as Stonewall Jackson in 'God
s and Generals.'
Stephen Lang as Colonel Quaritch in the movie Avatar
Aerial CinemaTo tell this story we are using an array of innovative technology in
cluding radio-controlled helicopters equipped with electronic gyro stabilization
and mounted with high definition cameras. We worked with West Coast-based FreeF
ly Cinema, a pioneer in this rapidly evolving field, and Pennsylvania based Flyi
ng Media. We captured the battlefield in stunning clarity from never before seen
vantage points. The high-resolution imagery captures battle sites from 400 feet
in the air to inches above the ground. Aerial drones allowed us to follow the f
low of battle over the exact ground men fought and died on 150 years ago.We also
shot gyro-stabilized footage with a full size Bell JetRanger helicopter and with
a 5K Red Epic digital camera to capture the storied landscape in rich colors an
d unparalleledresolution.Time-Lapse CinemaUsing technology at the vanguard of the
industry for motion control time-lapse cinematography we are capturing the land
scape in a new and dramatic fashion. To do this we shoot with state of the art f
ull sensor DSLRs. We are also working with companies like Dynamic Perception and
cinematographers that are spearheading this new art form, including Cameron Mic
hael, Shawn Reeder and Jay Burlage. In fact, one of the very unique aspects of t
his project is that it marks the first time the National Park Service has permit
ted a film crew to shoot on the battlefield at night. The amazing low light capa
bilities of the latest cameras allow us to capture the ethereal beauty of the ba
ttlefield as billions of stars pass overheard. We are producing imagery, never s
een before, from the soldiers perspective that transfixes the viewer.Below is an e
xample of an astro time-lapse shotof the4th New York Independent Battery monumentat
Devil's Den.
Time-lapse: Shawn Reeder with Canon 5DMiii,Canon EF14mm f2.8L.What do we need the
funds for?Our goal is to have the film broadcast for the 150th anniversary of t
he battle of Gettysburg in July 2013, which is less than 5 months away. While Ma
ryland Public Television (mpt) has agreed to distribute the film nationally, we
need to raise funds to complete it. In 2012, we secured $150,000 which enabled u
s to finish principal photography. We shot for over a year on the battlefield an
d have dozens of hours of footage which we are now editing. Your contributions w
ill also fund precise animated digital maps using geo-locational technology that
will reveal troop movements during the battle over time and geography.Now your
contributions will help us take all the footage that we've shot: time-lapse, aer
ials,create maps,record and mix the music, and combine everything to get the finis
hed film out to you, the audience.
We really want you to be a part of this project and to that end we have created
some amazing rewards for all levels of contribution. Please check out our reward
s and together we can make 'The Gettysburg Story' a reality and have it broadcas
t on public television in 2013, the 150th anniversary of the battle.The History o
f the Battle
In June 1863 the United States and its beleaguered President Abraham Lincoln are
being torn apart by Civil War between North and South. Robert E. Lee's seemingl
y invincible Confederate army is ready to win the war by crushing the Union army
in Northern territory. Lee's men advance into Pennsylvania. On June 28 Lincoln
names George Meade his new Commanding General. Three days later Meade will lead
his men into the greatest battle ever fought in North America.
First Day
The battle begins on July 1 as both sides race to the crossroads town of Gettysb
urg. The Rebels gain the advantage and the Union forces retreat in panic. It app
ears Lee will gain the decisive victory he desires on Northern soil. Most of Get
tysburg's civilians hide in their cellars but Jennie Wade offers water and bread
to Unions. African-Americans flee the oncoming Confederate army. Union General
Hancock arrives and rallies Union men on Cemetery Hill. Then, despite protests f
rom his best general, James Longstreet, Lee makes plans to attack the Union posi
Second Day
On the second day of battle Confederates attack the Union flanks. The Rebels tak
e Devils Den, the Peach Orchard and charge onward. Fierce fighting by Joshua Cha
mberlain's 20th Maine Regiment and others barely holds the high ground of Little
Round Top. A young private named Isaac Taylor with his First Minnesota regiment
, outnumbered 5 to 1, charges into advancing Confederates hoping to stall the ma
ssive force and allow Union reinforcements to save their position. Soon Rebels a
ttack the opposite end of the Union line, crucial positions on Culps and Cemeter
y Hills. The foresight of 62 year old General George Greene to build entrenchmen
ts allows 1,500 Union men to hold off 5,000 Confederate soldiers as fighting rag
es into the night. The Union barely hold their ground and Lee believes one more
attack will force them to retreat. Meade's generals, their men battered, decide
to stand their ground.
Third DayOn the third day, following the largest cannon bombardment in American
history, 13,000 Confederate soldiers march across open fields to charge upon the
Union center: Pickett's Charge. Under constant fire, only 250 of them will make
it across to Bloody Angle. At the High Water Mark Rebel General Lewis Armistead
falls, yards from his best friend, the Union General Hancock. The Union repulse
s the great charge and win the battle.
Stephen Lang narating an excerpt from Pickett's charge
Gettysburg Battlefield: Sunset at the Bloody Angle.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
In the days that follow the battle Lee's crippled army escapes back to Virginia,
prolonging the war. Now nearly 10,000 rotting bodies lie on the fields, in what
is the greatest manmade disaster in American history. Four months after the bat
tle, Abraham Lincoln, standing over fresh graves in Gettysburg, explains to the
nation why the brutal war must go on. In his Gettysburg Address Lincoln redefine
s American democracy expandingfreedom.
Jake Boritt - Writer/Producer/Director/Camera:Raised on a Civil War farm in Getty
sburg, his films include 'Adams County USA' (2002), 'Budapest to Gettysburg' (20
07) and '759: Boys Scouts of Harlem'(2010). He wrote and produced 'The Gettysburg
Story: Battlefield Auto Tour," a bestseller.
Stephen Lang -Narrator:An actor of rare transformative power, "SLang" is "Stonewal
l" Jackson in 'Gods and Generals,' George Pickett in 'Gettysburg,' Ike Clanton i
n 'Tombstone,' Nathaniel Taylor in 'Terra Nova,' and Colonel Miles Quaritch in '
Avatar' the biggest film of all time. His Broadway credits include 'Beyond Glory
,' 'A Few Good Men,' 'Death of Salesman' and many others.
Andrew Mambo - Co-Producer: After beginning his career with the BBC and nearly a
decade in Africa working in development for the United Nations, Mambo returned t
o production working for WNYC and "The Gettysburg Story."
Ira Meistrich - Editor:has worked in documentary film for more than forty years.
His work has aired on all three major networks, as well as PBS, Discovery, and A
&E, among others. His work has received one Emmy Award and five Emmy nominat
Ravi Kittappa - Composer: has written works for solo instruments, chamber ensembl
es, and orchestra, as well as electronic works. He is currently a Ph.D fellow in
music composition at University of California, Berkeley.
Gabor Boritt - Historical Consultant:is a leading expert on Abraham Lincoln and t
he Civil War. Founder of the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College, recipien
t of the National Humanities Medal, he helped create the Gilder-Lehrman Institut
e and the $50,000 Lincoln Prize. He has published 18 books and given battlefield
tours to luminaries including the President of the United States. He is the fat
her and a close friend of the filmmaker.
FreeFly Cinema:FreeFly Cinema (Tab Firchau and Hugh Bell) specializes in low alti
tude aerial filming from remote helicopters. Freefly's work includes feature fil
ms, action sports, commercial campaigns, as well as extensive work for National
Geographic. Freefly combines highly experienced pilots, the latest film and vide
o equipment, and cutting edge stabilization technology to ensure smooth footage
and accurate flight patterns.
Cameron Michael: Creator of "The Manhattan Project" and many soon to come emotion
ally evoking pieces of mixed multimedia. A professional commercia/fashion photog
rapher, DP, advanced motion control Time-lapse shooter.
Jay Burlage: Anarchitect turned HDR and time-lapse filmmaker and innovator. An ac
complished HDR photographer and filmmaker he and his partner Chris Church are th
e brains behind Dynamic Perception, a leader in motion-control time-lapse cinema
Shawn Reeder:A Yosemite, CA based destination Photographer, Timelapse Cinematogra
pher, & Filmmaker
who loves creating beautiful, natural, intense, compelling images, timelapse, &a
mp; video.
Flying Media:Lancaster, PA based companyspecializes in Aerial Photography, and Aer
ial Videography.
Production Assistants:
Jared Frederick: is a lifelong student of history, having operated his own small
publishing business and serving as a seasonal ranger with the National Park Ser
vice. He is currently an instructor of History at Penn State Altoona.
Mike Plunkett: isa recent graduate of Gettysburg College and is currently working
on a novel about collective mis-memory set during the American Civil War.

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