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Environmental Impact Assessment Blog #1

Should economic development trump environmental assessment the example of the Port-Daniel-
Gascons Cement Plant.
By Roman Hawryluk

On September 3
2013 the Premier of Quebec, Pauline Marois, announced that the Port-Daniel-Gascons
cement plant would not have to be submitted to an environmental review by the Bureau daudiences
publiques sur lenvironnement (BAPE), allowing construction of the near billion dollar project to begin by
the end of the year (Haroun, 2013). The PQ government and the proponent of the plant, McInnis
Cement, state that the project will meet all environmental regulations and be a model of
environmental performance (McInnis Cement, 2013). More importantly its construction and operation
will create 400 to 600 direct and indirect jobs over the next 2 years in a chronically depressed area of
the province. Local ecologists are dismayed at the decision to exclude this project from the BAPE as it
will be responsible for more than 2 million tons of Green House Gas emissions per year once in
operation (Haroun, 2013), increasing Quebecs GHG emissions from industry by 10% alone.
Yet again the role of the environmental assessment process has been misunderstood by Quebec
politicians and the business community for short-lived regional economic development and short-term
political gain. While it is true that this project was submitted to the government for approval before
June 22, 1995, when the environmental rules governing such developments were strengthened (Haroun,
2013), the magnitude of the impacts of this project should have played a more important role in the
decision making process.
Environmental assessment is a crucial part of the decision making process for the carrying out of a
project. It is a process that is supposed to identify and predict the impacts of a project, find ways to
minimize or avoid negative impacts, enhance and create positive impacts, and ensure that the
environmental consequences of development decisions are fully understood (Noble, 2008). It is a tool
for a sustainable future, not a hindrance to development. In Quebec, for over 30 years the BAPE has
been tasked with conducting public reviews of projects that have significant impact on the environment
(BAPE, 2009). The BAPE procedures for public consultation are regarded as some of the best in the
world both impartial, and fair to all parties involved.
One may ask why the Port-Daniel-Gascons cement plant should be reviewed by the BAPE, as it appears
to have met all legal requirements for its approval and construction. First, it will be the largest cement
plant in Quebec and one of the largest in the world. Second, it will use fuels that will lead to a significant
increase in CO
emissions for the whole province contrary to Quebecs policy on GHG emission
reduction (Ministre du Dveloppement durable, de lEnvironnement, de la Faune et des Parcs, 2013),
and in the future they may use alternate fuels, such as tires, that will have more environmental impacts.
While the project proponent states that it meets all requirements for emissions they omit the fact that
those limits are voluntary (CCME, 1998).
Environmental Impact Assessment Blog #1

Cement kilns, the heart of any cement plant, need a large supply of high energy content fuel to maintain
the very high temperatures required for the conversion of limestone into the intermediate product that
becomes the primary component of Portland cement (Chen et al, 2010; Van Oss & Padovani, 2002).
Every ton of cement produced needs approximately 1.25 tons of limestone, 1/3 ton of clay, 200 litres of
water, and 450 kg of petroleum coke (the proposed fuel) (Chen et al, 2010). The process produces
significant emissions of particulates (dust and smoke) and gases with CO
having the largest impact (Van
Oss & Padovani, 2002). In the case of the Port-Daniel-Gascons plant, the source fuel that McInnis has
chosen, petroleum coke has a significant environmental impact of its own. Petroleum Coke, or Petcoke,
is a by-product of the refining process of petroleum (IUPAC, 1997). It is high in carbon content making it
a suitable fuel for the high temperatures (1450 to 1500 degrees Celsius) needed inside a cement kiln.
Alternative fuels for cement plants include: coal, oil, natural gas, and various waste products such as
tires. The same high temperatures allow for the destruction of hazardous waste both biological
(medical and animal processing), and chemical (Van Oss & Padovani, 2002).
The impacts of the GHG emissions alone should have warranted a review of the project, the economic
and social impacts should not be overlooked. The Port-Daniel-Gascons cement plant proposal is not
new it was first proposed in 1990, and had an abortive start to construction in the late 1990s. Despite
the best efforts of successive provincial governments the project has not been started as the economic
situation in the United States has been the main driver of the project (McInnis Cements, 2013). Such a
large cement plant cannot function economically within the Quebec economy exporting to the world
market is the only option for a viable operation. With the current global financial and trade situation
reliance on exports is a path fraught with uncertainties that offers no guarantees for the long term
operation of the plant. Might it become another Gaspsia fiasco? For the sake of the Gaspe region one
hopes not, but it is one aspect that a full BAPE review would put to rest. Who will take responsibility for
the environmental, economic, and social impacts after the political gains have long since disappeared?
Lets hope the government sees the error of its ways and sends this project to a full review to the BAPE
so that it can build a solid environmental legacy when other levels of government are failing to do that.
Audio-visual content:

Environmental Impact Assessment Blog #1

Bureau daudiences publiques sur lenvironnement (BAPE). (2009). Plan stratgique 2008-2013, Qubec,
Bureau daudiences publiques sur lenvironnement. Retrieved from:
CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment)(1998). National Emission Guideline for
Cement Kilns. PN 1284. Winnipeg, Manitoba :CCME
Chen, C., Habert, G., Bouzidi, Y., & Jullien, A. (2010). Environmental impact of cement production: detail
of the different processes and cement plant variability evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(5),
Haroun, T. (2013, September 3). Port-Daniel-Gascons - Un projet de cimenterie dun milliard chappe au
BAPE. Retrieved from :
IUPAC ( 1997). Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book"). Compiled by A. D.
McNaught and A. Wilkinson. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
McInnis Ciment (2013). Retrieved from
Ministre du Dveloppement durable, de lEnvironnement, de la Faune et des Parcs (2013), Inventaire
qubcois des missions de gaz effet de serre en 2010 et leur volution depuis 1990, Qubec, ministre
du Dveloppement durable, de lEnvironnement, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction des politiques de la
qualit de latmosphre, 20 p.
Noble, Bram. (2008). Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment: A Guide to Principles and
Practice, Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press
Van Oss, H., & Padovani, A. C. (2002). Cement manufacture and the environment. Journal of Industrial
Ecology, 6(1), 89-106.

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