Growth Assessment

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Oh, the Places Youll Go!

Heidi Ackerman
EDUC 52! Ca"stone in Di#ital $eachin# and %earnin#
&atthe' Hi(son
APU &urrieta )e#ional Center
, 0ul/ 21+2
Section I:
Ei#ht /ears a#o, as a 3reshman .e#innin# their 4ourne/ in colle#e, 5 'ould ne6er
ha6e ima#ined m/sel3 o.tainin# m/ 7in#le 7u.4ect $eachin# Credential, let alone a
&asters de#ree- Ho'e6er, God sometimes has a much di33erent, .etter "lan 3or our li6es-
And thus last summer 5 3ound m/sel3 enrolled in the &asters "ro#ram 3or Di#ital
$eachin# and %earnin# at A8usas satellite cam"us in &urrieta- $here 'ere se6eral
3actors that led me to enroll in this s"eci3ic "ro#ram- 9irst, a3ter 3or a /ear 5
reali8ed 5 trul/ did desire to .ecome a teacher and this "ro#ram seemed es"eciall/
rele6ant 3or the current #eneration and direction o3 education- 7econd, m/ hus.and had
com"leted his 7in#le 7u.4ect $eachin# credential at this cam"us and 'as hi#hl/
im"ressed 'ith the "ro3essors and curriculum- :ith "ra/er and the "re6ious reasons
3loatin# around in m/ head 5 3ound m/sel3 takin# summer classes last summer in the
&asters "ro#ram 'ith m/ hus.and-
%ast summer as 5 .e#an the &asters "ro#ram, a.out hal3 'a/ throu#h the classes
5 had .een .lessed to si#n a "art;time teachin# contract at %in3ield Christian in $emecula-
7o, 5 .e#an the "ro#ram "re"arin# 3or m/ 3irst /ear o3 teachin# 3our sections o3 En#lish 5
<one= 'ith ei#ht/;3i6e 3reshmen students- Durin# the duration o3 m/ 3irst /ear o3 teachin#
5 com"leted the credential "ro#ram and one other &asters class- And 3inall/, this
summer 5 am com"letin# m/ last cou"le o3 classes- $his "ast school /ear it 'as a
'onder3ul e("erience to .e#in to inte#rate the technolo#ies 5 had .een learnin#
throu#hout the "ro#ram into m/ classroom 'ith m/ students-
$here 'ere se6eral #oals 3or "ursuin# m/ &asters de#ree in Di#ital $eachin# and
%earnin#- 9irst, 5 desire to .ecome the .est "ossi.le educator 5 can .e- 5 trul/ .elie6e ./
consistentl/ inte#ratin# technolo#/ into the classroom settin# then 5 can .e#in to make
meanin#3ul connections 'ith m/ students- 7econd, 5 .elie6e that this de#ree 'ill also
make m/sel3 more marketa.le in the com"etiti6e educational 3ield- $hird and lastl/, 5 'ill
.e the 3irst one in m/ 3amil/ to recei6e a &asters de#ree!
Personal Growth
$hrou#hout hi#h school and e(tendin# into m/ colle#e /ears, learnin# has al'a/s
come 6er/ easil/- 5 am a 6er/ detailed and or#ani8ed indi6idual 'ho stri6es constantl/ 3or
"er3ection- Ho'e6er, the "ro#rams at APU ha6e challen#ed and stretched me, 'hich 5
ha6e #reatl/ en4o/ed- &/ or#ani8ation and 'ork ethic ha6e de3initel/ aided in m/
4ourne/ throu#hout the educational "ro#rams at APU- >ecause o3 m/ 'illin#ness to ha6e
m/ 'ork done in a timel/ manner, the deadlines ha6e .een easil/ met- Ho'e6er, 5 ha6e
learned an e(tensi6e amount o3 in3ormation re#ardin# m/ learnin# st/les, es"eciall/ in
re#ards to Ho'ard Gardners theor/ o3 multi"le intelli#ences- $his has hel"ed me to learn
to dra' more on m/ stren#ths and learn techni?ues to stren#then areas that ma/ not .e
m/ stron#est-
$o .e honest due to the hectic schedules and 3ast;"aced "ro#ram 5 did not e("ect
to 3orm man/ meanin#3ul relationshi"s- $hank3ull/, 5 'as com"letel/ 'ron#- $hrou#h
this "ro#ram 5 ha6e .een a.le to connect 'ith se6eral o3 m/ 3ello' "eers and "ro3essors
in a conse?uential manner- 5 .elie6e this "ro#ram has hel"ed me to not onl/ o.tain the
necessar/ in3ormation .ut also to net'ork 'ith "ossi.le co'orkers someda/- $he
"ro#ram encoura#es a 'arm, 'elcomin# en6ironment and this encoura#es the 3ormation
o3 im"ortant relationshi"s-
Yes, there ha6e .een se6eral si#ni3icant entries that ma/ .e recorded on m/
s"iritual timeline- 7ince m/ senior /ear in hi#h school, m/ relationshi" 'ith God has
al'a/s .een essential- $hrou#hout the /ears God has molded me and continues to mold
me in the ima#e He desires me to .e- And no' he is 'orkin# 'ith me to .ecome the .est
Christ;3ollo'er and educator 5 can "ossi.l/ .e- One hu#e notch 3or m/ s"iritual timeline
'ould .e com"letin# m/ 3irst /ear o3 teachin#- $hrou#h this "ast /ear, 5 ha6e
encountered man/ e(hilaratin#, ins"irin# e("eriences 'ith m/ students, co;'orkers and
"arents- On the other hand, 5 ha6e also 3aced e(tremel/ discoura#in#, de"ressin#
e("eriences, 'hich God, m/ hus.and, 3amil/ and 3riends ha6e aided me to see throu#h-
Another monumental moment this "ast /ear 'ill .e the com"letion o3 .oth m/ 7in#le
7u.4ect $eachin# Credential and m/ &asters in Di#ital $eachin# and $echnolo#/- >oth
o3 these "ro#rams ha6e re?uired much time and e33ort- Ho'e6er, it has all .een
e(ceedin#l/ 'orth it! God, as al'a/s, has .een e(tremel/ "atient and 3aith3ul 'ith me
throu#hout this /ear-
$his de#ree is e(tremel/ s"ecial to m/sel3 on a 6ariet/ o3 le6els- 9irst, as 5 ha6e
"re6iousl/ mentioned, no one in m/ immediate 3amil/ has e6er/ com"leted a &asters
de#ree- Additionall/, >rett 'ill .e the 3irst in his immediate 3amil/ to com"lete his
&asters de#ree- 7econd, >rett and 5 ha6e com"leted our >achelors de#ree to#ether and
this summer 'e 'ill .e 'alkin# 3or the second time to#ether to recei6e our &asters
de#rees- $hird, 5 .elie6e this 'ill "ro6ide an e(am"le 3or m/ students- $his "ast /ear m/
students 'ere a'are o3 m/ educational endea6ors and 'ere e(tremel/ su""orti6e- 5t is
m/ desire to model a "ositi6e attitude in re#ards to education- >/ com"letin# this
&asters and ne6er ceasin# in m/ educational endea6ors, m/ #oal is to ins"ire m/
students to "ursue education also-
Professional Growth
As 5 'ill onl/ .e a second /ear teachin# this ne(t school /ear, 5 consider m/sel3 to
ha6e "lent/ o3 room 3or #ro'th as an educator- $his "ro#ram at APU has aided in
"ro6idin# me 'ith a "lethora o3 tools and techni?ues to more 3ull/ reach m/ students- 5
'ould consider m/sel3 a di#ital nati6e ho'e6er 5 ha6e learned and "olished m/ use o3
technolo#/ and ho' to inte#rate it into the classroom- 5 ha6e #reatl/ en4o/ed this
"ro#ram .ecause it has .een "ractical, rele6ant and interestin#- >ecause o3 this "ro#ram, 5
trul/ .elie6e m/ students 'ill #reatl/ .ene3it 'ith m/ understandin# o3 ho' to
incor"orate technolo#/ into the classroom-
5t 'as so 3ascinatin# to re3er .ack to the So What-Who Cares "a"er, .ecause 5
ha6e not 6ie'ed this "a"er since last summer- Ho'e6er, 5 can honestl/ sa/ nothin# has
.een altered and 5 can more 3irml/ stand ./ 'hat 'as "re6iousl/ 'ritten- 9or e(am"le, 5
"re6iousl/ stated, @$echnolo#/ is the current lan#ua#e o3 our societ/ and our students-
$here3ore, 5 .elie6e it is im"erati6e to learn ho' to incor"orate it seamlessl/ into m/
curriculum to ins"ire and moti6ate m/ studentsA <Ackerman=- $hese t'o statements
throu#h the course o3 this "ro#ram has .ecome a 6er/ 6ital "art o3 m/ educational .elie3s-
7ince .e#innin# m/ &asters in Di#ital $eachin# and %earnin# last summer, there
ha6e .een a 3e' de6elo"ments in m/ "ro3essional li3e- 9irst, this s"rin# 5 'as asked to
si#n m/ 3irst 3ull;time teachin# contract- &/ "rinci"al and mentor teacher 3ou#ht 3or me
to .ecome a 3ull;time em"lo/ee .ased on m/ 'ork ethic and "assion as an educator- 5 am
immensel/ #rate3ul to .oth o3 them 3or this 'onder3ul o""ortunit/ this comin# school
/ear- %ast school /ear 5 'as teachin# 3our 3reshmen En#lish classes- $his ne(t school
/ear 5 'ill .e teachin# the same amount o3 En#lish classes, ho'e6er 5 'ill also .e
teachin# t'o 7"eech and De.ate classes 3or seniors- A co;'orker and 5 are currentl/
re6am"in# and desi#nin# the curriculum 3or the class this summer- Additionall/, 5 ha6e
.een asked ./ a seasoned teacher at m/ school to take o6er a clu. that she had "re6iousl/
led- $he clu. is called 5nteract and its a student led, ser6ice .ased clu.- $his ne(t school
/ear 'ill .e 3illed 'ith man/ ad6entures and o""ortunities-
$hrou#hout this "ro#ram 5 ha6e had the o""ortunit/ to im"lement man/
techni?ues*strate#ies and tools 3rom a 6ariet/ o3 instructors to incor"orate technolo#/
into m/ classroom- 9irst, in En#lish class 'e read a lot o3 literature and short stories-
Ho'e6er, a3ter takin# &r- $em"les EDUC 5+2 class the summer "rior to the start o3 the
school /ear 5 de6ised a "ro4ect 3or m/ students to create their o'n 6ideo illustratin# a 3e'
stories that 'e had read in class that /ear- $hese 6ideos 'ere sho'n and a hu#e success
on >ack $o 7chool Bi#ht- All o3 the students 'ere ea#er to sho' their "arents their #rou"
3ilm "ro4ect- 7econd, Dr- )odri?ue8 ins"ired me in EDUC 522 to incor"orate the .lo#
3ormat 3or m/ students to utili8e as the/ read throu#h To Kill a Mockingbird.
Additionall/, in EDUC 5+2 &r- 7ulli6an 'as a hu#e aid in com"letel/ understandin# the
iPad- $his 'ill come in es"eciall/ hel"3ul this ne(t school /ear as the hi#h school 5 am
em"lo/ed has 4ust "urchased iPad minis 3or each teacher-
As this Action )esearch Pa"er is .ein# com"leted o6er m/ summer 6acation, 5
ha6e chosen to challen#e m/sel3 on a "ersonal le6el- 5n 5 'ill .e com"letin# m/
3irst 5C- 5 am 6er/ e(cited and ha6e .e#un to train earnestl/ to "re"are 3or this small
race- &/ #oal 3or the da/ o3 the race is to com"lete the race in a.out ,1;,5 minutes- 5n
the "ast 5 ha6e reall/ stru##led 'ith m/ asthma- 7o 3or the "ur"ose o3 this stud/ and 3or
m/ marathon 5 ha6e chosen to 3ocus on increasin# and .uildin# m/ stamina and time- >/
the end o3 this class, 5 'ill ho"e3ull/ .e easil/ runnin# 2 miles in a.out 21 minutes- $his
'ill lea6e 'ith enou#h time to "ractice runnin# ,-5;2 miles in a.out ,1;,5 minutes and
.e "re"ared 3or the race-
Technical Growth
Prior to .e#innin# this "ro#ram, 5 3elt 6er/ 3amiliar 'ith technolo#/- Ho'e6er, as
5 am ra"idl/ a""roachin# the end o3 this "ro#ram 5 3eel e6en more con3ident 'ith
technolo#/ and es"eciall/ ho' to utili8e it in m/ classroom- One area that 5 had no
e("ertise in 'as in the creatin# and editin# o3 6ideos- Ho'e6er, a3ter &r- $em"les
EDUC 5+2 class 5 can no' easil/ create and edit m/ o'n educational 6ideos 3or the
classroom- $his "ast /ear 5 "urchased m/ 3irst iPad- Due to 'orkin# closel/ 'ith the iPad
in &r- 7ulli6ans EDUC 5+2 class 5 am e(tremel/ 3amiliar 'ith a""s and the iPad- Dr-
)odri#ue8 has ins"ired me to understand students .etter ./ .ecomin# .etter ac?uainted
'ith the 6ariet/ o3 &ulti"le 5ntelli#ences and ho' students learn in those intelli#ences in
EDUC 522- %astl/, &r- )ounds has sho'n me ho' e33ortlessl/ /et "o'er3ul creatin# a
', .lo#, and utili8in# Ado.e Doice can .e in EDUC 5+5-
Life Long Learning Plan
$hrou#hout the course o3 this "ast /ear 5 ha6e com"leted m/ teachin# credential
and the &asters in Di#ital $eachin# and $echnolo#/- 5 de3initel/ 3eel more con3ident
#oin# into this ne(t /ear o3 teachin#- >ecause o3 these "ro#rams, 5 .elie6e that 5 'ill .e
more "re"ared to aid in the education o3 all o3 m/ students- Ho'e6er, as 5 am still ne' to
the educational 3ield 5 still ha6e "lent/ o3 room 3or #ro'th and de6elo"ment- $o 3urther
de6elo" m/sel3 in the realm o3 education 5 'ill "artici"ate in the 3ollo'in#! #ro'th and
de6elo"ment in m/ P%B, "ro3essional de6elo"ment da/s at 'ork, colla.oratin# 'ith m/
co;'orkers and "ersonal readin#s o3 educational techni?ues and tools es"eciall/ in
re#ards to technolo#/-
O6er the course o3 this "ro#ram 5 ha6e reali8ed one essential 3act, 'hich 'ill
dri6e m/ teachin# and "ersonal academic #oals- $echnolo#/ ne6er sto"s de6elo"in#-
:ith this in mind, it means that 5 should ne6er sto" de6elo"in# in the area o3 technolo#/,
m/ su.4ect matter or e6en educational teachin# techni?ues- 9or the sake o3 m/ students it
is im"erati6e that 5 kee" m/sel3 u";to;date and educated in the ne'est technolo#ies and
techni?ues- 5 .ecame an educator to make a di33erence in m/ students li6es and ./
com"letin# the "re6iousl/ mentioned #oals, God 'illin#, ho"e3ull/ 5 'ill!
5ts e(tremel/ hard to think a.out 'hat the ne(t 3i6e;ten /ears 'ill hold- $hinkin#
.ack to the "ast 3i6e /ears, so man/ e6ents ha6e occurred- 5n those 3i6e /ears the
3ollo'in# ha6e .een accom"lished! com"letion o3 m/ >achelors de#ree, tra6el to the UC
and 7outh Corea, en#a#ement and three /ears o3 marria#e, three mo6es, a career chan#e,
t'o teachin# contracts and com"letion o3 m/ teachin# credential and &asters de#ree-
&ost o3 these e6ents 'ere not m/ "lannin# .ut rather Gods- 5 ha6e 3ound that o3ten God
leads us to 'here He 'ants us, not to 'here 'e ha6e care3ull/ "lanned- Ho'e6er, God
'illin#, o6er the ne(t 3i6e;ten /ears the 3ollo'in# are ma4or #oals that >rett and 5 are
'orkin# to'ards- :e 'ould like to "urchase a home, .e#in careers in "u.lic school 4o.s,
com"lete our >$7A, tra6el to 5tal/, .e#in a 3amil/, and continue our educations- One da/
5 'ould like to com"lete a &asters in En#lish and teach at the colle#e le6el- >rett 'ould
like to com"lete a &asters in &ath and also teach at the colle#e le6el- :ith that said, 5
am e(cited to see ho' God 'orks, 'here He allo's us to #o and 'hat He allo's us to
Section II:
History of Course Work and Course Evaluation
Course Course Bame 5nstructor $erm Com"leted
EDUC 5++ Essentials in Educational
$echnolo#/ and %earnin#
7ummer 21+,
Ce/ %earnin#! %i6e >inder, :ordle, Goo#le Han#out, Po'erPoint
Commentar/! %ast summer this 'as one o3 the 3irst three classes 5 .e#an m/ &asters
'ith- $his class 'as a 'onder3ul introductor/ course to the "ro#ram- &r- Potter #a6e us
o""ortunities to e("erience Goo#le Han#out, 'hich is later used 3or se6eral classes later
in the "ro#ram- Additionall/, 5 created m/ o'n %i6e >inder 'hich is 'here 5 su.mitted
all o3 m/ assi#nments 3or this course- All o3 the assi#nments 'ere rele6ant and later
e("lained in other classes in 3urther detail-
Course Course Bame 5nstructor $erm Com"leted
EDUC 5+2 5nstructional A""lications o3
Producti6it/ 7o3t'are
7ummer 21+,
Ce/ %earnin#! iPad, A""s, :e.Euests, A""le $D, etc-
Commentar/! Pro3essor 7ulli6an 'as e(tremel/ enthusiastic and kno'le#ea.le in re#ards
to in3ormation tau#ht in this class- Alon# 'ith kno'in# the in3ormation, he also 'as a.le
to "ro6ide a histor/ o3 the technolo#ies- 5n this class, 'e took a 3ield tri" to the A""le
store and recei6ed instruction 3rom an em"lo/ee at the A""le store- 5 'ould consider this
a crash course on the iPad- E6en thou#h 5 did learn a 3e' ne' as"ects o3 the iPad, much
o3 the in3ormation 'as more o3 a rein3orcement o3 'hat 5 alread/ kne'-
Course Course Bame 5nstructor $erm Com"leted
EDUC 5+2 Di#ital Dideo in the
7ummer 21+,
Ce/ %earnin#! Pinnacle 7tudio, i&o6ie, You$u.e*Dimeo, editin# <rule o3 thirds, rules o3
com"osition, li#htin#, music, etc-=
Commentar/! $his course "ro6ided me 'ith a the kno'led#e and tools to e?ui" m/sel3 to
create educational, 3un 6ideos 3or m/ classroom- 5 learned ho' to create a mo6ie on the
iPad in a short amount o3 time and ho' to edit it in such a 'a/ to create interest and
en#a#ement- Additionall/, 5 leared ho' to utili8e Pinnacle 7tudio to create short,
educational ho';to 6ideos 3or students that ma/ .e a.sent or need to 6ie' the 6ideo later-
Course Course Bame 5nstructor $erm 5n Process
EDUC 5+5 E6ol6in# Educational
7ummer 21+2
Ce/ %earnin#! >lo#s, 9li""ed Classroom, Goo#le <Dri6e, 9orms, sur6e/s, etc-=, Ado.e
Doice, :ee.l/
Commentar/! $his 'as de3initel/ one o3 m/ 3a6orite, i3 not m/ 3a6orite classes in the
entire "ro#ram- &r- )ounds is do'n;to;earth, clear in his e("ectations, and "ractical- $he
in3ormation that he "resents is 'ell or#ani8ed and e(tremel/ rele6ent 3or the classroom- 5
ha6e learned ho' to create m/ o'n ', 3inall/ .e#an a .lo#, learned ti"s and
techni?ues on ho' to 3li" m/ classroom, and e("lored a "lethora o3 a""s and sources that
can inte#rate technolo#/ in a meanin#3ul 'a/ into m/ classroom-
Course Course Bame 5nstructor $erm
EDUC 522 %earnin# in the 2+
Centur/ %- )odri#ue8 7"rin# 55
Ce/ %earnin#! >looms ta(onom/, multi"le intelli#ences, tailorin# o3 lesson "lans,
.uildin# o3 unit "lan, Ado.e Connect, and 6ideo-
Commentar/! As Dr- )odri#ue8 li6es out o3 state, this course is o33ered in an online
settin# 'ith a 3ace;to;3ace meetin# o33ered throu#h Ado.e Connect- 5 .elie6ed this 'as an
interestin# 'a/ to meet e6er/one in class- Ho'e6er, it did .ecome 3rustratin# .ecause a
3e' students in the class did not understand ho' to connect to the class- Dr- )odri#ue8 is
e(tremel/ "assionate a.out meetin# the needs o3 all learners throu#h the use o3 >looms
ta(onom/ and Gardners $heor/ o3 &uli"le 5ntelli#ence- $his 'as en3orced throu#h
lectures, home'ork and e6entuall/ the si#nature assi#nment- $his course 'as #reat not
onl/ 3or the &asters "ro#ram .ut as a com"liment to 'hat 5 had .een learnin# in the
teachin# credential "ro#ram-
Course Course Bame 5nstructor $erm 5n Process
EDUC 52 Ca"stone
E("erience in
$echnolo#/ and
&- Hi(son 7ummer 21+2
$his course is the 3inal class in the &asters "ro#ram- >asicall/ it 'ra"s u" e6er/thin#
that has .een e("lored in all o3 the classes- 5 ha6e "articularil/ en4o/ed the 3reedom and
3le(i.lit/ this class o33ers- &r- Hi(sons strai#ht 3or'ard, "atient and calm demeanor
makes this ca"stone eas/ to com"rehend- He is 6er/ clear in 3inal e("ectations and is
'illin# to hel" in 'hate6er 'a/ he can-
Evaluation of the I!act of the "igital Teaching and Learning Progra
$here are so man/ instructional tools and strate#ies that 5 "lan on im"lementin#
into m/ classroom .ased u"on m/ Di#ital $eachin# and %earnin# course acti6ities-
Ho'e6er, 5 .elie6e reall/ anal/8in# the iPad, its a""lications and usa#e in the classroom
'ill .ecome most .ene3icial durin# this ne(t school /ear- At the end o3 the "re6ious
school /ear, m/ school had "urchased and "ro6ided iPad minis 3or each o3 the teachers-
Cno'in# ho' .ene3icial the iPad trul/ is in the educational settin# 5 .elie6e this 'ill .est
aid in m/ students #ro'th- Bot onl/ 'ill 5 .e a.le to reach the students ./ creatin#
en#a#in# lessons in the En#lish content area, 5 'ill .e a.le to connect 'ith them throu#h
the inte#ration o3 technolo#/ into the lesson "lans and their home'ork-
Progra Evaluation
:hen 5 3irst .e#an lookin# into the credential "ro#ram at the &urrieta cam"us,
Dr- 9reeman encoura#ed me to consider the &asters "ro#ram in Di#ital $eachin# and
$echnolo#/- $his 'as de3initel/ an e(citin# "ros"ect at the time .ecause it seemed not
onl/ interestin# .ut also e(tremel/ a""lica.le- Ho'e6er, 5 had no idea 'hat the "ro#ram
'ould entail- 5t has trul/ .een a "leasure to e("erience the 6ast arra/ o3 "ro3essors,
"artici"ate in the home'ork assi#nments, and colla.orate 'ith m/ "ro3essors and "eers-
Additionall/, the en6ironment at the satellite cam"us in &urrieta is e(ce"tionall/ 'arm
and in6itin#- E6er/one 3rom Derrick #reetin# me at the door e6er/ class "eriod to
)achels 3riendl/ smile at the o33ice "ortion has make attendin# classes 'eekl/ 3or o6er a
/ear an en4o/a.le "rocess-
$here are so man/ more "ositi6es than ne#ati6es to this "ro#ram- Ho'e6er, the
t'o areas that 5 'ould sa/ could use some re3inement are the 3ollo'in#- 9irst, in EDUC
5++ 5 had no idea 'hat the 3inal ca"stone*thesis 'ould in6ol6e- 5t 'ould .e nice to ha6e a
more clear understandin# or e(am"le dis"la/ed o3 'here students are headin# in the
"ro#ram- As a 6er/ or#ani8ed, detailed indi6idual 5 'ould ha6e a""reciated
com"rehendin# 'hat all the classes culminated to'ards- 5t 'asnt until this 3inal ca"stone
class that 5 understood 'hat m/ ca"stone*thesis 'ould .e- 9urthermore, thin#s ha6e .een
a .it muddled .et'een classes, "ro3essors and the e6olution o3 this "ro#ram in re#ards to
the 3ormat o3 the culminatin# "ro4ect- 5n 5++ 5 .elie6ed 'e 'ould .e com"letin# a %i6e
>inder 3or the duration o3 the "ro#ram- $hen in 522 Dr- )odri#ue8 asked us to
assi#nments on $askstream 3or the 3irst time in the "ro#ram- And 3inall/ in the ca"stone
class 'e 'ere in3ormed 'e 'ere creatin# a ' $o ha6e all "ro3essors and the 3inal
#oal ali#ned 'ould create a more uni3ied and cohesi6e 6ision- 7econdl/, 5 trul/ en4o/ed
meetin# online 3or se6eral o3 the classes throu#hout this "rocess- Ho'e6er, in each class
there 'ere se6eral indi6iduals 'ho did not understand ho' to o"erate in an online class
settin#- Bearin# the end o3 the "ro#ram, 5 .elie6e #raduate students should .e "ro3icient
in this re#ards- >ut "eo"le did not kno' ho' to #ain access online hal3 'a/ throu#h class
semester- Peo"le did not kno' ho' to s"eak, ho' to utili8e their cameras, etc- $his
.ecomes a time consumin# and 3rustratin# "rocess 3or all in6ol6ed- 5t mi#ht .e nice to
im"lement an introductor/ and ?uick crash course on the online class 3ormat in 5++- $his
'a/ the students kno' ho' to access Goo#le Han#out and Ado.e Connect- $hese are m/
onl/ t'o criti?ues o3 the "ro#ram-
A#ain, o6erall 5 trul/ ha6e #ained insi#ht, techni?ues, and resources to .e#in to
im"lement technolo#/ 3luidl/ into m/ classroom 'ith m/ students- As educators, 5
.elie6e, 'e should .e 3luid in the lan#ua#e ours students s"eak- And 3or the most "art our
students 3luentl/ s"eak technolo#/- $here3ore, 5 .elie6e this "ro#ram has e?ui""ed me 3or
'hat 5 need to kno' to .e an e33ecti6e educator in the educational s/stem-
Heidi Ackerman EDUC 52;Gro'th Assessment Pa#e +2
&urrieta )e#ional Center 7ummer 21+2 F*21+2

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