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Ashley Brenon Jowett
!02"3#2"40#1 ext. 212
Long Trail School Students Exhiit at E!uinox "illage
All are invited to view the International Baccalaureate Visual Arts Exhibit at 5:30
p.m. on Thursda! "arch #$
$his s%ring, the &allery at 'quinox (illage will )eature seven young artists who
use their wor* to ex%ress very +i))erent thees. ,oe %ieces are tranquil an+
a++ress nature, )aily, youth - chil+hoo+. .thers a++ress to%ics li*e societal
%ressures, )einis an+ con)lict.
$he e+ia are as varie+ as the sub/ects. $he artists have create+ %hotogra%hy0 %ieces with %en -
in*, collage, gra%hite an+ colore+ %encil0 acrylic, oil, watercolor an+ gouache0 chal*, charcoal
an+ %astel0 an+ even ,har%ie ar*er.
1hat these artists have in coon is that they are all stu+ents o) 2ong $rail ,chool3s
4nternational Baccalaureate 5rogra in the (isual Arts.
$he 4B (isual Art ,eniors are 'ily An+erson o) 6hitten+en, (t.0 2ina Bergaini o) 1est 5awlet,
(t.0 Jill Broo*s o) 1est 5awlet, (t.0 Angela 7rieg o) 8ebron, 9.:.0 2ars 2un+ o) 5awlet, (t.0
6atie .wen o) 5awlet, (t.0 an+ .livia ,toehr o) ;anby, (t. $hese stu+ents have wor*e+
intensely )or two years buil+ing their artistic *nowle+ge an+ s*ills.
4n their )irst year o) the 4B Art %rogra, stu+ents ex%erient with a variety o) e+ia an+ ex%lore
art an+ artists )ro a variety o) tie %erio+s in or+er to +ee%en their learning. 2ong $rail
,chool3s Art ;irector Anhara+ '+son %rovi+es stu+ents with one"wor+ %ro%ts< i+entity, )aily
heritage, +reas, etaor%hosis. $he %rogra is rigorous0 one assignent tas*e+ stu+ents with
creating ten canvases in ten +ays. ;uring the secon+ year stu+ents +evelo% a thee base+ on the
+irection that their wor* has ta*en the. $hey are ex%ecte+ to *ee% u% with the +ea+lines an+
%ro+uce high quality wor*, but their ex%loration is sel)"otivate+, rather than assigne+ by the
=4t has been a great honor to wor* with this talente+ grou%. $hey have so any interests within
an+ outsi+e o) art,> coents '+son. ='ach stu+ent is very unique, an+ 4 thin* visitors to this
exhibit will be able to see their artistic s*ill, interests an+ in+ivi+uality through their wor*.>
A secon+ co%onent o) the 4B Art %rogra is the investigative wor*boo*, which is li*e an art
/ournal in which the stu+ents ust research art an+ artists, %lan their %ieces, ex%erient be)ore
they actually a*e the wor*, an+ re)lect throughout the %rocess. 4n the s%ring o) their senior
year, stu+ents are assesse+ )or their stu+io wor* as well as their investigation, not /ust by '+son
but by a re%resentative )ro the 4nternational Baccalaureate %rogra in 6ar+i)), 1ales.
=4 a excite+ about the exhibit, an+ 4 thin* it will be )un to see two years worth o) artwor* a+e
by y classates an+ e, all hanging u% together,> sai+ Jill Broo*s.
='quinox (illage is +elighte+ to o%en our s%ace an+ to give 2ong $rail3s stu+ents a %ro)essional
gallery ex%erience,> says 'quinox (illage3s 'xecutive ;irector 7irt ,a%son. =4t is )un )or us
here to see what young artists are thin*ing about an+ all they are able to acco%lish.>
$he &allery .%ening 'vent will be co"hoste+ by 'quinox (illage an+ the &reater ?anchester
Arts 6ouncil at @<30 %.. on $hurs+ay, ?arch 2A at 'quinox (illage in ?anchester 6enter, (t.
$here will be live usic by 2ong $rail ,choolBs 4B ?usic stu+ents, an+ re)reshents by the
'quinox (illage *itchen. Cree an+ o%en to the %ublic. 7in+ly D.,.(.5. to E!02F 3#2"40#1 by
$hurs+ay, ?arch 20. $he show will be on +is%lay G a.. H @ %.. +aily )ro Cri+ay, ?arch 2!
until ?on+ay, ?ay 12.
'quinox (illage is a vibrant in+e%en+ent living counity situate+ on eleven %ristine acres in the heart o) the &reen
?ountains3 rich cultural an+ recreational o%%ortunities. Desi+ents en/oy %rivate, s%acious a%artents with exquisite
views an+ )ine +ining in the counity3s )ull"service white"tablecloth restaurant. 1ell"a%%ointe+ coon areas
%rovi+e i+eal %laces to eet )aily an+ )rien+s an+ to %artici%ate in cultural events, health an+ wellness %rogras,
an+ e+ucational o%%ortunities. 'quinox (illage was )oun+e+ in 200# by brothers ;r. Ji Dussell an+ John Dussell.
$hey lea+ a tea o) caring %ro)essionals to o))er the %reier in+e%en+ent living ex%erience in the region.

2ong $rail ,chool in ;orset, (t. creates li)elong learners who as%ire to reach their in+ivi+ual %otential in an
engaging, su%%ortive counity. 2ong $rail ,chool is the only school in (eront to o))er the 4nternational
Baccalaureate 5rogra, which enco%asses six +isci%lines o) stu+y< 'nglish, 84story, Biology, Coreign 2anguage,
?atheatics, an+ an Arts class Estu+ents choose $heater, ?usic or (isual ArtF. ,tu+ents also ta*e a 5hiloso%hy
course calle+ $heory o) 7nowle+ge an+ are require+ to +o a counity service activity. $he 4B %hiloso%hy is that
stu+ents will becoe li)elong learners as they are not only encourage+, but require+ to )in+ areas o) stu+y within
each +isci%line which ignite their curiosities an+ challenge the to create eaning)ul wor* at a higher level.

$he &reater ?anchester Arts 6ouncil, 4nc., a regional arts organiIation, is coitte+ to engaging counity in
creative %artnershi%s that enhance li)e"style an+ long"ter econoic stability. $heir ai is to %rovi+e abun+ant
o%%ortunities )or the counityJartists, writers, %er)orers, e+ucators, resi+ents an+ visitorsJto becoe involve+
with the arts. $hey s%onsor an+ %roote the ,outhern (eront Arts $rail, the ?anchester an+ the ?ountains 5oets
an+ 1riters 1ee*en+, an+ any %artnershi%s throughout the region.

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