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March 2 7 , 1 9 3 4 .

G _ J _ RANQUE 1 , 9 5 2 , 2 8 1
Filed Dec. 6 , 1 9 3 2 ' 3 Sheets-Sheet 1
1 , 9 5 2 , 2 8 1
3 She' etsq Sheet 2
i 1 I? , I
March 2 7 , 1 9 3 4 . a. J . RANQUE
Filed Dec. 6 , 1 9 3 2 .
Mai-ch 2 7 , 1 9 3 4 . " G J RAN-QUE 1 , 9 5 2 , 2 8 1
' Filed Dec. 6 . 1 9 3 2 3 Sheets-Sheet 3
fig. 1 3 6
2 0
3 0
3 5
4 0
4 5
5 0
5 5
Patented Mar. 2 7 , 1 9 3 4
1 , 9 5 2 , 2 8 1
1 , 9 5 2 , 2 8 1
G eorges J osep h Ranq ue, Montlucon, France, as
slgnor to La G iration Des . Fluides. Societe a
Resp onsab ilite Limitee, Montlucon, France, a
comp any of France
Ap p lication Decemb er 6 , 1 9 3 2 , Serial No. 6 4 6 , 0 2 0
In France Decemb er 1 2 . 1 9 3 1 I,
1 5 Claims.
The ob ject of my invention is a method for
automatically ob taining, from a comp ressib le
? uid (gas or vap our) under p ressure, a current
of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid,
that transformation of the initial ? uid
into two currents of different temp eratures
taking p lace without the help of any movab le
mechanical organ, merely through the work of
the molecules of ? uid up on one another.
The method according to my invention con
sists essentially in dividing the ? uid under p res
sure, which is admitted tangentially into a ves
sel having the shap e of a b ody of revolution,
into two coaxial sheets of ? uid moving with a
gyratory motion and reacting up on each other
so as to p roduce, under the action of centrifugal .
force, the comp ression of the outer sheet b y the
inner sheet which exp ands, this comp ression ab
sorb ing a certain amount of work, which is evi
denced b y a rise in the temp erature of the com
p ressed sheet at the exp ense of the other sheet,
which is thus cooled.
In a p ractical mode of carrying out this meth
od, the ? uid under p ressure is introduced tan
gentially into a vessel having the shap e of a
b ody of revolution p rovided with axial ori? ces
disp osed on either side of the ? uid inlet. Said
? uid is suitab ly guided so as to give it a helical
motion toward one of said ori? ces, the cross
section of which is suitab ly restricted so as to
p roduce a b ackward motion of a p ortion of the
? uid toward the op p osite ori? ce. This p roduces
two sheets of ? uids having op p osite axial mo
tions, the inner sheet exp anding and comp ress
ing the outersheet, thus sup p lying heat thereto.
A current of hot ? uid is thus received through
the ori? ce of restricted cross section, while a
current of cold ? uid is received through the op
p osite ori? ce. '
Another ob ject of my invention is to p rovide
an ap p aratus for carrying out the method ab ove
referred to. According to my invention, this
ap p aratus comp rises a chamb er having the shap e
of a b ody of revolution the middle p art of which
is p rovided with one or more tangential inlet
tub es for the ? uid under p ressure. Axial ori? ces
are p rovided at either end of said chamb er, one
of said ori? ces, toward which the liq uid, or ? uid
is directed through a suitab le guiding with a
gyratory motion, having a cross section smaller
than that of the sheet of ? uid, so that a p ortion
of the latter is driven b ack toward the op p osite
ori? ce in such manner that it is caused to ? ow
over the sheet of ? uid that is ap p lied against the
wall of the chamb er in q uestion.
(Cl. 6 2 -1 7 0 )
Preferred emb odiments of my invention will
b e hereinafter describ ed with reference to the
accomp anying drawings, given merely b y way of
examp le, and in which: .
Figs. 1 to 5 inclusive are diagrammatical views
illustrating the p rincip le of my invention,
Fig. 2 b eing a sectional view on the line 2 -2
of Fig. 1 ;
Fig. 6 is a diagrammatical view of an emb odi
ment of my invention;
Fig. 6 a is a sectional view on the line Sir-6 a
of Fig. 6 ;
Fig. 7 is a detailed view showing in axial sec
tion a p ractical emb odiment of my invention;
Fig. 7 a is a p ersp ective view of the helicoidal
Fig. 8 is a corresp onding p lan view on a smaller
scale; ,
Fig. 9 is a diagrammatical elevational view of
another emb odiment. of my invention;
Fig. 1 0 is an end view corresp onding to Fig. 9 ;
Fig. 1 1 is a diagrammatical view of another
emb odiment of my invention;
Fig. 1 2 is an end view corresp onding to Fig. 1 1 ;
Figs. 1 3 and 1 4 are diagrammatical views of
two other emb odiments of my invention. - '
The p rincip le on which my invention is b ased
is illustrated b y diagrammatic Figures 1 to 5 .
Sup p osing, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2 , . . that a
tub e A B is p rovided in its middle p art with a
tangential inlet p ip e 1 through which a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid (gas or vap our) under
p ressure is sent into said tub e, said ? uid is given
in said tub e a certain linear velocity p arallel
with the axis of said tub e, said rectilinear move
ment b eing comb ined with a gyratory movement
ab out the axis of the tub e. The ? uid ? ows to
ward b oth ends of the tub e.
As the ? uid is moving away from the inlet
p ip e, its rectilinear velocity, which is p arallel
with the axis as y of the tub e, increases, and its
angular velocity decreases, so that the ? uid
sp reads along the wall of the tub e so as to form
a sheet 2 having sub stantially the shap e of a
b ody of revolution ab out axis a: 1 / (Fig. 3 ). In
said sheet the molecules are sub jected to a p res
sure which is the higher as they are at a greater
distance from the axis of the tub e, due to the
action of the centrifugal force. At the same
time, the, ? ow of the ? uid p roduces a sub stantial
fall of p ressure in the central zone of the tub e,
so that the outer air, which is at the atmosp heric .
p ressure, is drawn toward the central zone of
the tub e, thus forming two axial currents 2 a
(Fig. 4 ). When the outer air reaches said cen
6 0
6 5
7 0
7 5
8 0
8 5
9 0
9 5
1 0 0
1 0 5
1 1 0
1 0
1 0
2 0
2 5
3 0
8 5
4 0
4 5
5 0
6 5
6 0
0 5
7 0
tral zone, it is driven b ack toward the outside
b y the ? uid moving with a gyratory movement,
thus forming streams 3 . '
If an annular diap hragm 4 , the free central
op ening 4 a of which has a diameter eq ual to the
minimum diameter of the zone in which a fall
of p ressure is p roduced, as shown in Fig. 5 , is
p rovided in the central p art of the tub e, on one
side of the tangential inlet p ip e, the ? uid moving
with a gyratory movement will ? ow only toward
ori? ce B, carrying along with it the atmosp heric
air coming from b oth ori? ce A and ari? ce B.
The method and the ap p aratus according to
my invention are b ased on the exp erimental facts
that have just b een stated.
In the emb odiment shown in Figs. 6 and 6 a,
the ap p aratus consists of a chamb er 5 having
the shap e of a b ody of revolution ab out axis a: y,
the middle p art 6 of said chamb er b eing of
restricted cross section and b eing p rovided with
a tangential inlet p ip e 7 for the ? uid (gas or
vap our) under p ressure. The inner wall of cham
b er 5 is p rovided, op p osite the op ening of said
p ip e, with a helical guiding surface 8 . The ori? ce
A of chamb er 5 is freely op ened, while the cross
section of ori? ce B is restricted b y a kind of
frusto-conical diap hragm or de? ector 9 , so that
the ? uid under p ressure, admitted through p ip e
7 , is only allowed to ? ow through an annular
ap erturelO, which is not su? icient for the amount
of ? uid fed thereto. The ? uid under p ressure
admitted through p ip e 7 and guided b y helical
surface 8 is simultaneously given a rectilinear
motion which causes it to move within chamb er 6
toward op ening 1 0 , and a rotary motion ab out axis
x y. The sheet of ? uid that is immediately ad
jacent the wall of the chamb er ? ows out through
said op ening 1 0 , while the remainder of the ? uid,
which is p revented from ? owing out b y diap hragm
9 is sub jected to the fall of p ressure existing in
the central zone of the chamb er and is given a
b ackward motion toward ori? ce A. I thus ob
tain, according to my invention, a ? rst sheet of
? uid 1 1 , moving with a gyratory motion along
the inner wall of the chamb er, from ori? ce 7 to
ward ori? ce B, and a second sheet of ? uid 1 2
moving with a gyratory motion along the inner
surface of the ? rst mentioned sheet in an op p osite
axial direction, said second sheet of ? uid consist
ing of the difference b etween the amount of' ? uid
admitted through p ip e 7 and the amount of ? uid
that is allowed to ? ow out through op ening 1 0 .
Said sheet of ? uid under p ressure 1 2 , which moves
with a gyratory motion not along the rigid wall
of chamb er 5 , b ut along the elastic surface of the
? rst mentioned sheet of ? uid, tends. on the one
hand under the action of the centrifugal. force,
and on the other hand under the e? ect of the
increase of velocity due to the exp ansion and to
the rotation that take p lace, to comp ress the
molecules of the ? rst mentioned sheet of ? uid.
That comp ression ab sorb s a certain amount of
work, which is evidenced b y a loss of heat from
the second mentioned sheet to the b ene? t of the
? rst mentioned one. Conseq uently, the temp era
ture of sheet 1 2 falls, while the temp erature of
sheet 1 1 rises. Finally, there is ob tained through
ori? ce 1 0 a current of hot ? uid, and through
ori? ce A a current of' cold ? uid.
The initial guiding of the ? uid toward one of
the ori? ces is necessary for p ractical p urp oses in
order to ob tain an accurate centering of the cen
tral zone of dep ression or fall of temp erature. In
the examp le ab ove describ ed, that guiding is
e? ected through helical inclined surface 8 . The
1 , 9 6 2 , 2 8 1
following descrip tion will show that the same re
sult could b e ob tained through other guiding
The adjustment of the cross section of the out
let ori? ce at B, which can b e ob tained through
any suitab le means makes it p ossib le, b y modify
ing the rates of ? ow at B and A, to vary the dif
ferences b etween the temp erature of the initial
? uid and those of the hot ? uid and of the cold
? uid escap ing through outlet ori? ces B and A
resp ectively.
If, for instance, the cross section of the ori? ce
1 0 through which the hot ? uid is allowed to ? ow
out is considerab ly restricted, the rate of ? ow
of the hot ? uid is diminished, b ut the rate of ? ow
of the cold ? uid is simultaneously increased so '
that the heat that is given out from one sheet to
the other one causes a considerab le rise of the
temp erature of the hot ? uid b ut a small fall of the
temp erature of the cold ? uid, as comp ared with
that of the initial ? uid.
Figs. 7 and 7 a show a p ractical emb odiment of
my invention.
This emb odiment comp rises a cylindrical cham
b er 1 2 in which the interchange of heat takes
p lace, and an annular distrib uting organ made
of two p ieces 1 3 -1 3 a which is p rovided with an
inlet p ip e 1 4 for the ? uid under p ressure. Said
distrib uting organ comp rises an inner cylindri
cal chamb er 1 5 connected with cylinder 1 2
through a frusto-conical surface 1 6 , and with an
nular conduit 1 7 of the distrib uting organ through
a tangential p assage 1 7 a. The guiding helical
surface 8 extends from one edge 1 7 b to the other
1 7 0 of the ori? ce of said p assage. The tangential
p assage 1 7 a and the guiding inclined surface 8
are p rovided in a sep arate p art 1 9 , p rovided with
conical surfaces 1 9 a1 9 b for the centering thereof
b etween p arts 1 3 and 1 3 a of the distrib uting or
gan. On the side op p osite to cylinder 1 2 said
distrib uting organ is connected with a cylinder 2 1
at the end of which the current of cold ? uid is
received, while the current of hot ? uid p assing
through the annular ori? ce p rovided around con
ical diap hragm 9 is received through tub e 2 2 .
Figs. 9 to 1 3 show other emb odiments of the
means for guiding the ? uid. In the emb odiment
of Figs. 9 and 1 0 , said guiding is ob tained through
several tangential p ip es ' 7 0 . " op ening into a frusto
conical chamb er 2 3 connected with the working
chamb er 1 2 . _
Inthe emb odiment of Figs. 1 1 and 1 2 , _ the guid
ing action is ob tained through several p ip es 7 a
op ening tangentially into chamb er 1 2 , b ut which
are inclined with resp ect to the axis :1 : y of said
chamb er.
It should b e well understood that it is not ab
solutely necessary, according to my. invention,
that the ? uid under p ressure should b e admitted
tangentially into a chamb er having the shap e of
a b ody of revolution in which the ? uid is divided
into two coaxial sheets one of which receives from
the other one mechanical work which is trans
formed into heat. What is necessary is to ob tain
an annular ? ow of the ? uid moving with a gyra
, tory movement and any means for ob taining that
result may b e ob tained according to my inven
tion. In p articular, I may use to this effect di
recting b lades disp osed for, instance in an inlet
conduit coaxial with the chamb er in which the in
terchange of heat takes p lace. -
Furthermore, instead of b eing p rovided on
either side of the inlet conduit, the axial ori? ces
through which the two sheets of liq uidv escap e
may b e disp osed on the same side of said inlet
1 0
1 5
2 0
2 5
3 0
3 5
4 0
4 5
5 0
5 5
6 0
6 5
7 0
7 5
1 , 9 6 2 , 2 8 1 , _
conduit, the annular ori? ce for the out? ow of
the hot ? uid surrounding the outlet ori? ce for
the cold ? uid. In such an arrangement, the two
sheets have p arallel axial movements in the same
direction, which may b e advantageous in some
cases for reducing their mutual friction.
Such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 1 3 in
which the ? uid is admitted at one of the ends A v
of the chamb er A B having the shap e of a b ody
of revolution and is given a gyratory movement
b y a p lurality of b lades 2 3 disp osed in an annu
lar tub e 2 4 . The other end B, of chamb er A B
is p rovided with two concentric ori? ces 1 0 and 2 5
disp osed in such manner that the outer ori? ce is
limited b y a diap hragm 9 so that the ? uid mov
ing with a gyratory motion from end A p ast b lades
2 3 cannot escap e entirely through said ori? ce 1 0 .
A p art of said ? uid is comp elled to escap e through
the inner ori? ce 2 5 , of smaller diameter, which
corresp onds to a zone of lesser p ressure.
This causes an exp ansion of that p ortion of the
? uid and it has b een ascertained exp erimentally
that said exp ansion starts as soon as the ? uid
leaves the directing b lades and is continued as
far as ori? ce 2 5 . According to the laws of gyra
tory ? ow, said exp anding sheet comp resses the
sheet that surrounds it and that ? ows out through
annular ori? ce 1 0 and tub e 2 6 . In order to avoid
p arasitic entrainments, it is advantageous to give
also to ori? ce 2 5 an annular shap e b y means of a
de? ector 2 7 , along which the inner sheet ? ows
b efore reaching tub e 2 8 . To sum up , tub e 2 8
serves to the out? ow of a p ortion of the ? uid that
is cooled b y exp ansion with p roduction of ex
ternal work and tub e 2 6 serves to the out? ow of
the remaining p ortion of the ? uid, which is heat
ed b y comp ression.
Finally, instead of extracting the initial energy
that is necessary for the working of the ap p aratus,
from a comp ressed air reservoir, it may b e neces
sary in some cases to make use of mechanical
energy for imp arting a gyratory movement to the
? uid and for giving it the sup erp ressure that is
necessary for its ? ow through the ap p aratus. To
this effect, I may disp ose, in concentric relation
with the stationary b lades that control the inlet
of ? uid, a p lurality of movab le b lades which are
mechanically actuated and are disp osed in the
same manner as the rotor of an air fan or of a
comp ressor.
-Such an arrangement is diagrammatically
shown in Fig. 1 4 in which the initial energy of
the ? uid is not due to a p reliminary comp ression
in a sep arate ap p aratus b ut is imp arted thereto
in the ap p aratus itself b y means of a rotor with
b lades 2 9 which is mechanically driven b y a
shaft 3 0 .
In this emb odiment all the other p arts are dis
p osed in the same manner as in the ap p aratus
of Fig. 1 , with the excep tion of de? ector 2 7 which
is rep laced b y an annular b ody 3 1 extending
along the whole length of chamb er A B, which
is p referab le when the diameter of the latter is
relatively large. .
While I have describ ed what I deem to b e p re
ferred emb odiments of my invention, it should
b e well understood that I do not wish to b e limited
thereto as there might b e changes made in the
arrangement, disp osition and form of the p arts
without dep arting from the p rincip le of my in
vention. It will b e understood that it is advan
tageous to reduce the interchanges of heat b e
tween the various p arts and b etween said p arts
and the outside b y means of suitab le heat in
sulating arrangements. Finally the adjustment
of the difference of temp erature b etween the hot
sheet of ? uid and the cold sheet may b e ob tained
b y modifying the ratio of the ? ows of the hot and
cold ? uids to the initial ? ow, which may b e p ro
duced b y modifying the sections or the inlet or
outlet p ressure of one of the three currents of
? uid. In p articular, in order to increase the
temp erature of' the hot sheet, I may restrict the
section left b y diap hragm 9 for the outlet of said
sheet or reduce the rate of ? ow b y means of a
valve disp osed on the outlet p ip e for the out? ow
of the heat ? uid, or increase the initial p ressure
of the fluid admitted into the ap p aratus or again
act on the section or the p ressure at the outlet of
the cold sheet.
What I claim is:
1 . A method of ob taining from a current of a
comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure a current of
hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid which com
p rises causing said comp ressib le ? uid to ? ow with
a gyratory helical motion along a surface of rev
elution, and dividing said ? uid into two coaxial
sheets moving along each other so that the outer
sheet is comp ressed b y the inner sheet and b y the
action of centrifugal force, whereb y the work thus
p roduced causes a rise in the temp erature of the
outer sheet and a fall in the temp erature of the
inner sheet. -
2 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure a current
of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a b ody of revolution, means for causing
a current of the said comp ressib le ? uid under
p ressure to form a sheet of ? uid moving with a
gyratory motion along the inner wall of said
chamb er, and means for causing a current of
? uid under p ressureto form another sheet of
? uid moving with a gyratory motion along the
inner surface of the ? rst mentioned sheet, with
a relative movement with resp ect thereto.
3 . An ap p aratus for ob taining, from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure, a current
. of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a b ody of revolution p rovided with axial
ori? ces at either end, means for introducing the,
said comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure tangen
tially into the middle p art of said chamb er,
means for helically guiding said ? uid toward
one of said ori? ces, and means for p artly stop
p ing the last mentioned ori? ce so as to leave
only an annular p assage for the out? ow of thc
? uid, the other ori? ce b eing op en to the atmos
p here. .
4 . An ap p aratus according to claim 3 in
which the last mentioned means are adjustab le
so as to make it p ossib le to vary the cross sec
tion of the annular p assage for the ? uid.
5 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure, a current v
of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a b ody of revolution p rovided with axial
ori? ces at either end, at least one tangential inlet
p ip e for the said comp ressib le ? uid under p res
sure op ening into the middle p art of said cham
b er, means for helically guiding said ? uid from
said p ip e toward one of said ori? ces, and a de
? ector for p artly stop p ing the last mentioned
ori? ce so as to leave only an annular outlet p as
sage for the ? uid, the other ori? ce b eing op en to
the atmosp here.
6 . An ap p aratus according to claim 4 in which
the means for guiding the comp ressib le ? uid
8 0
9 5
1 0 0
1 0 5
1 1 0
1 1 5
1 2 0
1 2 5
1 3 0
1 3 5
1 4 0
1 5 0
1 0
1 5
2 0
2 5
3 0
3 5
4 0
4 5
5 0
5 5
6 0
6 5
7 0
7 5
consist of a memb er having a helically inclined
surface located op p osite the op ening of said in
let p ip e into said chamb er.
' 7 . An ap p aratus according to claim 4 in which
the means for guidng the comp ressib le ? uid
under p ressure consist of a frusto-conical cham
b er coaxially connected with the ? rst mentioned
chamb er, the ap p aratus comp rising a p lurality
of ? uid inlet p ip es tangentially connected with
said frusto-conical chamb er.
8 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure a current
of hot ? ud and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a solid of revolution p rovided with an
axial ori? ce at either end, a p lurality of tangen
tial inlet p ip es for the said comp ressib le ? uid
under p ressure op ening into said chamb er, said
p ip es b eing inclined with resp ect to the axis of
said chamb er so astto guide the ? uid toward one
of said ori? ces, and a defector for p artly stop p ing
the last mentioned ori? ce so as to leave only an
annular outlet p assage for the ? uid, the other
ori? ce b eing op en to the atmosp here.
9 . An ap p aratus according to claim 4 in which
said chamb er has a restricted cross section b e
tween the op ening of the inlet p ip e and the last
mentioned ori? ce. , ~
1 0 . An ap p artus according to claim 4 in which
there is p rovided a disirib utlng organ made of
two p arts located op p osite sa' d inlet p ip e, the
guiding means consisting of a ring p rovided with
a tangential inlet conduit and with an inclined
helical surface, which ring is inserted b etween
said two p arts of the d' strib uting organ.
1 1 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure a current
of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a surface of revolution, an inlet p ip e for
introducing a comp ressib le ? ud into said cham- _
her, a p lurality of directing b lades located op
p osite said p ip e for imp arting to said ? uid a
gyratory motion along the inner wall of said
chamb er and means for dividing said ? u' d into
two concentric sheets so that one of said sheets
gives up a p ortion of its heat to the other sheet.
1 , 9 5 2 , 2 8 1
1 2 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le fluid under p ressure a current
of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a surface of revolution, means for caus
ing a current of the said comp ressib le ? uid under
p ressure to form a sheet of ? uid moving with a
gyratory motion along the inner wall of said
chamb er, and two annular ori? ces disp osed at the
same end of said chamb er for divid' ng said fluid
into two concentric sheets of ? uid so. that one of
them gives up a p ortion of its heat to the other
1 3 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid under p ressure a current
of hot ? uid and a current of cold ? uid, which
comp rises in comb ination, a chamb er having the
shap e of a surface of revolution an inlet p ip e
for introducing the said comp ressib le ? uid under
p ressure into said chamb er disp osed coaxially
with said chamb er at one end thereof, a p lurality
of direct' ng b lades in said chamb er disp osed op
p osite said inlet p ip e for imp arting to said ? uid
a gyratory motion along the inner wall of said
chamb er, and two annular ori? ces disp osed at
the op p osite end of said chamb er coaxially there
with for dividng said ? uid into two concentric
sheets one of which gives up a p ortion of its heat
to the other one.
1 4 . An ap p aratus for ob taining from a current
of a comp ressib le ? uid a current of hot ? uid and
a' current of cold ? uid, which comp rises in com
b ination, a chamb er having the shap e of' a sur
face of revolution, mechanical means for driving
said comp ressib le ? uid into said chamb er, direct
ing means for imp arting to said fluid a gyratory
motion along the inner wall of said chamb er,
and means for dividing said ? uid into two con
centric sheets so that one of them gives up a
p ortion of its heat to the other sheet.
1 5 . An ap p aratus according to claim 1 4 in
which the mechanical means consist of a fan dis
p osed op p osite the inlet end of said chamb er.
8 0
8 5
9 0
9 5
1 0 0
1 0 5
1 1 0
1 1 5
1 2 0
1 2 5
1 3 0
1 3 5
1 4 0
1 4 5
1 5 0

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