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Project Planning

Project planning involves estimating the several characteristics of a project which include
project estimation ,scheduling, staffing .Usually this project planning is carried out by software
project managers and it is carried out before the actual development of project starts .The
project planning consists of the following activities
Estimation :Estimation of project will have the following attributes
1.Cost :It is the total cost required to develop the software.
2.Duration:It is the total time needed to develop the software.
3.Effort :It is the total human effort needed to develop the software.
Scheduling : After estimation are made ,the schedules for manpower and other resources have
to be developed.
Staffing: Staff organization and staffing plans to be made.
Size is the most fundamental parameter based on which all other estimates are
made .Based on size estimation ,the effort required to complete the project and the duration of
the project are carried out. Based on effort estimation we can estimate cost. Using Effort and
duration estimates we can plan project staffing and scheduling .
Metrics for software project size estimation
Two metrics are popularly being used widely to estimate size
1. Lines of code (LOC)
2. Function point (FP)
The usage of each of these metrics in project size estimation has its own advantages and
Lines of Code (LOC):
LOC is the simplest among all metrics available to estimate project size. This
metric is very popular because it is the simplest to use. Using this metric, the project size is
estimated by counting the number of source instructions in the developed program.
Function point (FP):
This method overcomes the disadvantages of LOC metric. One of the
important advantages of using the function point metric is that it can be used to easily estimate
the size of a software product directly from the problem specification. The conceptual idea
behind the FP is a software product supporting many features would certainly be the large size
than the product with less features. There are five characteristics in Functional Point analysis
they are :
Number of inputs: Each data item input by the user is counted.
Number of outputs: The outputs considered refer to reports printed, screen outputs, error
messages produced, etc.
Number of inquiries: Number of inquiries is the number of distinct interactive queries which
can be made by the users.
Number of files: Each logical file is counted. A logical file means groups of logically related data.
Number of interfaces: Here the interfaces considered are the interfaces used to exchange
information with other systems.
The size of project can be estimated using the above five characteristics using the below
formula for adjustable functional point :

UFP = (Number of Inputs)*4 +(Number of Outputs)*5 +(Number of
inquiries)*4 + (Number of files)*10 +(Number of interfaces)*10

Once the unadjusted function point (UFP) is computed, the technical complexity factor (TCF) is
computed next. TCF refines the UFP measure by considering fourteen other factors such as high
transaction rates, throughput and response time requirements, etc. Each of these 14 factors is
assigned from 0 (not present or no influence) to 6 (strong influence). The resulting numbers are
summed, yielding the total degree of influence (DI). Now, TCF is computed as (0.65+0.01*DI).
As DI can vary from 0 to 70, TCF can vary from 0.65 to 1.35.Finally, FP=UFP*TCF.

Measurement factors Count Simple Average Complex
Number of user inputs
1.Registration Of Users
2.Polling Authority Login
3.Preparation Of EBallot
4.User Login
5.Searching Of User
6.Casting Vote
6 3 4*6 6 24
Number of user output
1.After Login Of Polling Authority
2.After Voter Login
3.Output Screen After search of User
4.After Casting Vote
5.Results Page
5 4 5*5 7 25
Number of user inquiries
1.Searching Of User
2.Duplicate Enquiry
3.Results Enquiry
3 3 4*3 6 12
Number of files
1. Any Identity Proof Of Voter
1 7 10*1 15 10
Number of interfaces
1.Network Interface Card
2.Server with Java Installed
3 5 7*3 10 21
UFP 97
Now we can calculate DI by using 14 factors as given below each having degree of influence
assigned from 0-6:

1. Will the application use data communications? 5
2. Are data or functions distributed? 4
3. Are there specific performance objectives that must be met? 3
4. Will the application run on a heavily used configuration requiring special design considerations? 3
5. Will the transaction rate of the application be high? 4
6. Will there be on-line data entry? 3
7. Will the application be designed for end-user efficiency? 5
8. Will there be on-line updates? 5
9. Is complex processing logic involved? 4
10. Is there an intent to provide usability for other applications? 1
11. How important are installation ease and conversion? 4
12. How important is operational ease? 5
13. Will the application be accessed from multiple sites? 6
14. Is there an intent with the design to facilitate change? 3
Total = 55
Therefore the total functional points can be calculated by using :
Language Factor For Java Assumed as :53
So Source Lines of Code (SLOC)=53*116.4=6169=6.169KLOC
We use cocomo model for estimating number of person months required to develop a
Type Of Development Programmer Productivity Development Time
Application PM = 2.4 * (KDSI)^
DM = 2.5 * (PM) ^

Utility PM = 3.0 * (KDSI)^
DM = 2.5 * (PM) ^

Embedded PM = 3.6 * (KDSI)^
DM = 2.5 * (PM)^

We are developing an application software so we bolded the application row in the above table
PM=2.4*(6.169)^1.05=16.21 Person Month
DM=2.5*(16.21)^0.38=7.2 Months
Man Power needed =PM/DM=16.21/7.2=2 Persons Approximately

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