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Navida Khatoon

SAP-XI/PI Consultant

Over all 8 years of IT experience in SAP XI/PI, MDM and J! "P pro#ects incl$de "P PI%&'
(nhance Pac)', PI%&*, XI +&* "P,, "P'-, "P'., "P'/, "P'% and "P', 0ith the responsi1ility of
SAP XI/Developer/Administrator ,"$pport, Tro$1le shoot 23" /&-*4 5 "ol$tion Mana6er
Experience in "PNet0eaver pplication Inte6ration, sol$tion pproach, Technical rchitect$re
and "D89 delivery $sin6 ASAP, SPCA(SAPs Process Component Arc!itect"re# $ R"n
SAP Methodolo6y&
(xpertise in providin6 architect$re sol$tions and road 7aps for EAI, A%A and &%& for (DI
$sin6 7iddle0are co7ponents li)e "P PI, 3e1 7ethods, Ti1co Prod$cts 5 Oracle&
(xpertise in cond$ctin6 'it/(ap Anal)sis to 1rid6e the space 1y hi6hli6htin6 0hich
re:$ire7ents are 1ein6 7et and 0hich are not 7et for Inte6ration re:$ire7ents&
;ands on experience 0ith SAP R'C, &API, ID*C, Reports, &ADI $sin6 <P pro6ra77in6&
I7ple7ented vario$s scenarios s$ch as 'ile+,*+ID*C, ID*C+,*+'I-E,.,,P+,*+ID*C, 'ile+
,*+/D&C, R'C+,*+'I-E, 'I-E+,*+R'C and 'I-E+,*+'I-E .,,P + ,o + 'I-E, 'I-E + &PM +
'I-E ,R'C+,*+S*AP in SAP XI0
(xpert to 9reate in "yste7 8andscape Details 2Technical "yste7, <$siness syste74&
(xpert in creatin6 the Interfaces 1ased on (xternal "che7as 0hich incl$des X"Ds and 3"D8s&
Developed interfaces to call Net0eaver 0e1 services fro7 XI inte6ration server&
9reated Inte6ration "cenarios, ctions, Inte6ration Process and 9o77$nication channel
Te7plates in Inte6ration =epository&
9reated Messa6e Mappin6 O1#ects $sin6 >raphical and X"8T techni:$es&
9onfi6$ration of dapters 2ID*C dapter, 'ile dapter, R'C dapter S*AP dapter, ;TTP
>ood )no0led6e and experienced on X'? (DI transactions sets of
123/1%3/143/144/145/667/663 and EDI s"8s)stems0
(xtensive )no0led6e and hands on in confi6$ration of client and server proxies $sin6 <P
and Java& (xpertise in "O environ7ent and experience 0ith 9e8 services cons$7e and
p$1lish on "P PI/XI&
9reated 9onfi6$ration "cenarios $sin6 Inte:ration Scenarios in Inte6ration Directory&
9reated "cenarios $sin6 the 0i@ard and 0itho$t $sin6 0i@ard&
Involved in the Testin6 of the co7plete scenarios 1y si7$latin6 the real ti7e environ7ents
$sin6 S*AP/.,,P 9lients to tri66er the 7essa6es&
Developed =A9 loo)$ps $sin6 the Java $ser defined f$nctions in the <PM transfor7ation steps&
>ood )no0led6e on Partner Connectivit) ;it 2P9K4&
;ave very 6ood co77and over the In1o$nd and O$t1o$nd <P proxies&
;ave a 6ood Tro$1le shootin6 expertise $sin6 the =$nti7e 0or)1ench and transaction li)e
(xpert in deplo)in: and "n deplo)in: the XI <$siness content in the inte6ration =epository&
(xpert in $sin6 the confi6$ration 0i@ard to create the scenarios in the Inte6ration Directory&
9reated =A9 Destinations, Port and Partner Profiles to $pdate the <ac)end "P "yste7&
;ave a 6ood )no0led6e on XI Post+Installation "teps&
9reated =A9 Destinations, Port and Partner Profiles in =/+ and XI&
;ave a very 6ood )no0led6e to find 7onitorin6 in =$nti7e 3or)1ench&
Navida Khatoon
SAP-XI/PI Consultant
(xcellent Oral and 3ritten co77$nication s)ills and a 7otivated, or6ani@ed tea7 player 0ith
hi6h aptit$de for learnin6 and i7ple7entin6&
!ery >ood experience 0ith OnBsite/OffBshore 7odel&
(xperienced in XM8 develop7ent, X"8T 7appin6 and "OP over ;TTP protocols&
"tron6 in 1$siness syste7s confi6$ration s)ills s$ch as ro$tin6 r$les, colla1oration profiles and
colla1oration a6ree7ents&
(xperience in cross co7ponent &PM and &PE trace 7onitorin6&
(xperience in <P Proxies for interfacin6 in 3" /&?&
(xperience in alert 7echanis7s and r$nti7e 0or)1ench 7onitorin6&
(xperience in (DI desi6n, develop7ent, and i7ple7entation, 7appin6 and testin6 and
ID*C/EDI/&API/&DC and R'C in "P =/+Interfaces&
,EC.=ICA- S;I--S
Operatin6 "yste7sC IX, Mainfra7es Dnix/;P Dnix, 3indo0s XP/NT/?**+, DO"
8an6$a6esC "P <P/-,JDK '&-, J?((,;TM8, XM8, X"D, X"8T, DM8, Java
"cript, !<"cript, "E8, P8/"E8, 9, 9FF, "hell "cript&
Middle0are ToolsC SAP+ =et>eaverXI?03/PI703/702 2(xchan6e
Infrastr$ct$re/Process Inte6ration4
See 8"r:er &IC MD $ Messa:e ,rac@er ,MDM
,I&C* &"siness >or@s 40x, ,I&C* EMS A0% , ,i8co &E?03
Data Sta:e ,X(Mercator 504#
See &e)ond eB(ateA04
>e8 sp!ere Messa:e &ro@er C703
Technolo6iesC "P MDM.&./%&' "P*+,"P <PI 5 IDO9, 8(,"P=/+
-&/c/-&%,"P (99/&*,"P <3,"P "ol$tion Mana6er%&*, "P
9=M%&*, "P "=M, Infor7atica Po0er9enter 8&.
Data1asesC I<M D<? 8&', Oracle 8i/,&x/'*&x , M" "E8 "erver %&+, M" ccess
Modelin6 ToolsC M" !I"IO, =TION8 =O"(, M" Office, M" P=OJ(9T, M" (xcel
"D89C "P, =$n "P
pplication "erversC "P 3" /&-*, I<M 3e1sphere , <( 3e1lo6ic , To7cat,
ID( ToolsC (98IP"( +&', 3"D .&'&', =D /&*, ID( and JDeveloper
OthersC Microsoft Pro#ect Plan, Test Director, 9ontivo , XM8 "py
'"Dits", ;ansas Cit), M* /"l+2? to till Date
RoleE SAP+XI/PI Cons"ltant
=eplicated Interfaces fro7 "7ithfield Aoods "P to Aar7land Aoods&
3or)ed on develop7ent effort of interfaces for SAP PI tea7 on the pro#ect&
Involved extensively in the confi6$ration of SAP PI 0ith Microsoft syste7 and three (99
syste7s 1$y $sin6 latest "$1/P$1 concept&
Developed interfaces 1et0een SAP ECC 503 syste7s and their le6acy syste7s to validate,
1loc) and release the 7aterials&
9onfi6$red ports/1indin6s/endpoints in S*AMA=A(ER for cons$7er and provider proxy
Navida Khatoon
SAP-XI/PI Consultant
Developed operation 7appin6s, 7essa6e 7appin6s, service interfaces, interfaces 7appin6s,
Java 7appin6s and 7essa6e types 1$y $sin6 (D,
"et$p 3e1 "ervices 7essa6e 1ased co77$nication 1et0een "P PI and "P (99 for
validatin6 7aterial, 1loc) 7aterial and release 7aterial&
9reated R'C Destination, -o:ical connection, ,CP/IP connection 1/0 SAP ECC syste7s
and "ap PI&
9onfi6$red vario$s adapters li)e R'C, 'ile, S*AP, /D&C, /MS and >e8 Services dapters
for 1oth o$t1o$nd and in1o$nd interfaces&
9onfi6$red S*AP adapter to post XM- data to a 0e1 service&
Involved in confi6$ration of PI Inte6ration Directory thro$6h 1$ilt in scenarios and 6eneratin6
ne0 7appin6s and confi6$ration of S)stem -andscape Director) 2"8D4&
Involved in all aspects of pro#ect life cycle fro7 cost 1enefit analysis, proposals draftin6 to
plannin6, ris) 7ana6e7ent, and pro#ect exec$tion&
Interactin6 0ith the 1$siness areas i7pacted 1y the pro#ect fro7 1oth plannin6, as 0ell as a
testin6/i7ple7entation perspective&
9onfi6$ration of XI +&* server alon6 0ith confi6$rin6/activatin6 9M" "ervice in the
Inte6ration <$ilder&
Involved in confi6$ration of XI Inte6ration Directory thro$6h 1$ilt in scenarios and 6eneratin6
ne0 7appin6s and confi6$ration of S)stem -andscape Director) 2"8D4&
9onfi6$ration of the 9entral Monitorin6 "yste7 and confi6$red the 99M" alert 7onitor for XI&
8ead the develop7ent tea7 to help confi6$re the adapters + ID*C, R'C, .,,P and 'ile&
EnvironmentC "PXI+&* "P'? +*G=(8, Inte6ration <$ilder, I=, ID, "8D and Messa6e
Monitorin6, XM8, JD<9, IDO9, "E8 "erver?***, X"D, XM8, Java? =$nti7e '&-&?G*%
SSA&, -isle, I- *ct+2% to /"n+2?
RoleE SAP+XI/PI Cons"ltant
3or)ed 0ith <$siness Tea7 for $nderstand (DI transaction sets for stac) train, carta6e and
retail i7ple7entations&
3or)ed 0ith =I< to (PI9O= syste7 =I< to (PI9O= HOK to PayH interface to transfer
invoice line data II to incl$de vendor code Hone to 7anyH loo)$p and (PI9O= data1ase
selection lo6ic&
3or)ed on See &"r:er <I9 Mapper,3or) 1ench, Messa6e Trac)er and splitter 7od$les&
Involved/coordinated 0ith fro7 offshore tea7 of P(=D for 0ritin6/$nderstand h$6e n$71er&
Involved Transport re:$ests assi6n on S*-MA= and coordinatin6 the transports 0ith <asis
Developed an inte6ration process $sin6 &PM to ena1le co77$nication thro$6h XI 0ith =A9s&
3or)ed 0ith !alidations on =A9Js loo)$p ta1le&
Involved in ,ransport Mec!anism for D(! to !8 to P=OD in "P XI&
Done Messa6e Monitorin6, <P( 7onitorin6, Process Monitorin6 and (vent Monitorin6 $sin6
"XM<GMONI and cache delete $sin6 "XIG99;( Transaction codes&
9onfi6$red cc&PM, lert Mana6e7ent, (7ail, Messa6e E$e$e, Trace and dapters&
Dsed X"8T,X"D and XM8 te7plates&
EnvironmentE "P XI, PI 2%&*, %&', %&+4, "P'%,"P (99/&*, "P <P/-, 8(, IDO9, <DI,
Monitorin6, XM8, JD<9, IDO9, "E8 "erver?***, X"D, XM8, Java? =$nti7e '&-&?G*%
*FFiceMax, =aperville, I- *ct +23 to Sep+2%
RoleE SAP+XI/PI Cons"ltant
Navida Khatoon
SAP-XI/PI Consultant
3or)ed 0ith <$siness Tea7 for $nderstand (DI transaction sets for stac) train, carta6e and retail
3or)ed and $nderstand X'? (DI Transactions sets of
%3A/%23/%2A/?%%/663/A3A/A23/1%A/667/661 for tr$c)in6 and rail ro$te&
Prepared the PI technical desi6n and architect$ral approach doc$7ents 1ased on <$siness
9onfi6$red In8o"nd/*"t8o"nd scenarios 0here <$siness needs the X'? (DI 7essa6es
and also f$nctional ac)no0led67ents&
3or)ed on See &"r:er <I9 7apper, 3or) 1ench, Messa6e Trac)er and splitter 7od$les&
Involved/coordinated 0ith fro7 offshore tea7 of P(=D for 0ritin6/$nderstand h$6e n$71er
of DDA f$nctions, 7essa6e 7appin6s and adapter 7od$le develop7ent vs deploy7ent alon6
0ith Aile 9ontent 9onversions 2A994&
Involved ?-/% s$pport of 7onitorin6, fixin6 the iss$es 0here 7essa6es has failed to process
in PI&
Involved Transport re:$ests assi6n on S*-MA= and coordinatin6 the transports 0ith <asis
Involved and helped testin6 tea7 in developin6 Master Test Plan, Test "cenarios, and Test
)no0led6e of A&AP Prox) de8"::in:& Did <P Proxy for interfaces involvin6 &API, CI',
XM- data so$rces and for c$sto7 loo)$ps&
Did hi6hBend data $pload fro7 flat file to data so$rce in PO 0ith splittin6 of files in NT
environ7ent and creatin6 control and data records for a$ditin6 p$rposes&
9reated vario$s "cenarios and $sed the &PM tool in the Inte6ration <$ilder to 1$ild 1$siness
Desi6ned and Tested vario$s co77$nication channels $sin6 /D&C, ID*C, R'C, XI, S*AP
and 'ile adapters for this pro#ect&
9onfi6$red colla1oration profiles, ro$tin6 r$les etc in Inte6ration Directory&
9onfi6$red cc&PM, lert Mana6e7ent, (7ail, Messa6e E$e$e, Trace and dapters&
Dsed X"8T, X"D and XM8 te7plates&
Up:radin: From SAP PI702 to PI70?
3or)ed on SAP PI 70?, 7od$les and A&AP 2for XI/PI interfacin64 in different phases of
pro#ect i7ple7entation fro7 desi:n, development, "nit testin:, inte:ration testin:,
UA,, (o+ -ives and post implementation s"pport&
Desi6n, Develop7ent and I7ple7entin6 (nd to (nd Inte6ration sol$tions $sin6 "P
Net0eaver PI%&'/PI %&+&
Involved in (ndBtoB(nd i7ple7entation, "$pport, Dp6rade Pro#ect&
Proposed desi6n $tili@in6 all 7a#or feat$res in PI %&+ incl$din6 extensive $se of ( in the
desi6n for hi6h "8 interfaces
Developed effective 9or@in: relations!ips 0ith client technical tea7s to $nderstand
s$pport re:$ire7ents, res$lt oriented pro1le7 solvin6, tactical and strate:ic plans to
i7ple7ent technolo6y sol$tions, and to effectively mana:e client expectations&
9ond$ct a sta)e holderJs assess7ent 0or)shop 0ith "P <$siness partners
EnvironmentE "P XI, PI 2%&*, %&',%&+4, "P'%,"P (99/&*, "P <P/-, 8(, IDO9, <DI, 9han6e
pointers , PI MDM adapter, AI8(/ATP adapter, (r0in data7odeler%&+, "P (P, N3DI
CeriGon, ,X Sep+31 to Sep+23
RoleE SAP XI Cons"ltant
Define "8D O1#ects for "P =/+ and "P XI&
Define Inte6ration =epository O1#ects li)e Data type, Messa6e Type, Messa6e Interface,
Messa6e Mappin6 and Interface Mappin6&
Navida Khatoon
SAP-XI/PI Consultant
Define Inte6ration Directory O1#ects li)e 9olla1oration Profile, 8o6ical =o$tin6 and
9olla1oration 6ree7ent&
Developed an inte6ration process $sin6 &PM to ena1le co77$nication thro$6h XI 0ith
Developed XM8 Data "tr$ct$res in the Inte6ration =epository as In8o"nd and O$t1o$nd
Developed and tested the vario$s Mappin6s also $sed Mappin6 Te7plates and Dser Defined
Desi6ned and tested 9o77$nication 9hannels $sin6 'ile, ID*C, R'C adapters for this
9onfi6$red 9olla1oration Profiles, =o$tin6 =$les in Inte6ration Directory&
(xtensively $sed R"ntime >or@8enc! for End+to+End Monitorin: and lert 9onfi6$ration&
Involved in ,ransport Mec!anism for D(! to !8 to P=OD in "P XI&
Done Messa6e Monitorin6, <P( 7onitorin6, Process Monitorin6 and (vent Monitorin6 $sin6
"XM<GMONI and cache delete $sin6 "XIG99;( Transaction codes&
Environment E "P 3e1 " /&-*, "P XI +&* "P'? and "P =/+ -&/9 AI/9O, MM, "D4,
<3 -&*9, 9rystal =eports&
Delp!i Corporation Inc, Detroit, USA Dec+37 to A":+31
Role E SAP PI Cons"ltant
9reated data types, 7essa6e types messa:e mappin: and Messa:e InterFaces in the
Inte6ration =epository&
9onfi6$ration of S-D and added all SAP 1asis o1#ects&
Dnderstandin6 the Clients reH"irements and desi:ned the inte6ration of different
<$siness syste7s 1y $sin6 XI&
Involved in channel and Interface deter7ination, sender/receiver a:reements and
confi6$ration of daptor&
9reated <P proxies to co77$nicate CRM 9it! XI& Tri66ered the proxy 1y exec$tin6
the <P report&
>enerated <P client proxies to co77$nicate the XI 0ith <3 syste7 and transferred
the data in delta :$e$e of <3
Developed different scenarios to connect SAP CRM, 8ased on >AS 50% 0ith a third
party application 1y installin6 addBons
Dsed =$nti7e 0or) 1ench to 7onitor the 7essa6e flo0 for 1atch processin6 and $sed the
perfor7ance 7onitorin6
Involved in S*AP Adaptor confi6$ration to connect the XI to third party application
EnvironmentE "P XI +&*, "P 3" /&-, "P =/+ -&% and <3 +&* and "P 9=M -&*
C!emetall 'oote, '-0 Dec+35 to =ov+37
RoleE SAP PI Cons"ltant
;ands on "P interface 0or) incl$ded &API, ID*C, A-E confi6$ration, $ser exit, c$sto7 =A9
pri7arily in PP, PP+PI $ MM 7od$les&
;ands on "P 3or)flo0 develop7ent incl$ded 0or)flo0 set$p confi6$ration, $se of standard
Navida Khatoon
SAP-XI/PI Consultant
error handlin6 for A-E/ID*C, creation of c$sto7 or6ani@ational str$ct$res and creation of
c$sto7 1$siness o1#ects 5 7ethods for event notifications 0ithin $ser exits via 7$ltiBstep
te7plates 2pri7arily 0ithin MM and "D4&
Develop7ent of "ap <$siness 9onnector flo0 services to s$pport these interfaces&
3or)ed 0ith end $sers, 1$siness analysts and 7ana6ers to develop "P sol$tions&
3rote "P/=+ <P/- pro6ra7s in the MM, 'I/C* and .R 7od$les test and transported to
test and prod$ction syste7s&
3rote data conversion pro6ra7s $sin6 &DC process&
9reated doc$7entation, specifications, test plans and 0or) flo0s related to pro#ects&
Mapped le6acy syste7 EDI for7ats to SAP ID*C and &API type for7ats so le6acy syste7s
co$ld interchan6e transaction, 7aster data and control data 0ith "P in a realBti7e fashion&
EnvironmentE "P =/+ -&/D, ;TM8<, <DI, "E8 "erver, 3indo0s&
/ava SoFtec!, India0 Mar+34 to =ov+35
RoleE /ACA Developer
Participated in the desi6n, develop7ent, doc$7entation, and testin6 of the pro#ect&
"ec$rity privile6es also i7ple7ented and also involved in data1ase desi6n for sec$rity&
Developed the front end $sin6 /Script and .,M-&
3rote stored proced$res for validations of data and to send data 1ac) to the data1ase
$sin6 P8/"E8&
JD<9 is $sed to esta1lish connectivity to the data1ase&
Developed the 1ac)end $sin6 Servlets, /ava &eans and /D&C&
/MS 7essa6in6 7ethod is $sed for co77$nication 1et0een soft0are co7ponents or
(xtensively $tili@ed XM- and S*AP for the data transfer 1et0een the 0e1 clients and the
Dsed E/&s and applied facade pattern for transaction 7ana6e7ent& =edesi6ned and
coded the stored proced$res and i7proved data1ase access $sin6 data access fra7e0or)&
Dsed -o:A/ to ena1le lo66in6 in a distri1$ted environ7ent $sin6 XM8 for7at, this
infor7ation can 1e $sed later for de1$66in6 and a$ditin6&
EnvironmentC Java, JDK, J"P, JM", JNDI, JD<9, "tr$ts'&', "ervlets, (J<, ;TM8, nt, XM8,
"OP, DM8, P8/"E8, pache To7cat, , DM8, DNIX 2"olaris4, Oracle, Data Modelin6 ,9!"&
(d$cational <ac)6ro$ndC
Os7ania Dniversity fro7 &P, India
<9 in <achelors Of 9o7p$ters pplication in ?**-&

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