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II m Shri Paramtmaney Namah II

Paramsraddheya Swmiji
Shree Rmsukhdsji Mahrj:
A Brief Introduction
A Liberated, Self-Realized, and God-loving great Seer,
Paramsraddheya Swmj Shree Rmsukhdsj Mahrj was
born during the month of Flguna (Februrary/March) in 1904
(Vikram Samvat 1960) in a small village 'Mdhpur` of district
Ngor located in the state of Rjasthn. He was made sadhu
by his mother at the tender age of four. Ever-steadfast honoring
the duty of a sadhu, he stayed for a period of approximately
one hundred and two years on earth, living a life of complete
renunciation. For his entire life, he kept showering the nectar of
satsang, going from village to village and from city to city.
Rarely indeed any saint travelled so far and wide within India as
did Swmj.
Staying away from self-promotion and only for the sake
of spiritual welfare of the humankind, his main purpose in life
was to proclaim the Divine message occurring in the Bhagavad
Gt. Therefore, he always refrained from such things as
getting his picture taken, having his feet touched reverentially,
forming disciples, accepting gifts, amassing things like money
etc., building an asram, having a mob of followers, etc. In this
manner, neither did he associate himself with any person,
organization, tradition, asram, etc., nor did he make anyone his
disciple, promoter, or successor. Living solely on the alms for
all his life, by thought, word, and deed, he selflessly remained
steadfast in the spiritual welfare of the humankind.
How to obtain the highest spiritual welfare through the
easiest most methodthis alone was his goal and he devoted
all his life in its discovery. On this subject, he discovered many
novel and unique methods and brought those to person to
person through his discourses and writings. Not insisting on
any particular viewpoint, ism, sect etc., he verily proclaimed
what he experienced himself. He explained the most subtle, the
most intricate, and the most profound topics of the spiritual path
in a simple manner so that even an ordinarily educated person
could easily understand them and enshrine them in his or her
The very living embodiment of the Srmad Bhagavad
Gta, Paramsraddheya Shree Swmj Mahrj also wrote an
unparalleled commentary on the Gt entitled 'Sadhaka-
Saj1van1,` which is his unique gift to the spiritual world. In
addition, he has also composed several other wonderful sacred
texts such as G1ta-Darpan, G1ta Prabdhani, Sadhan-Sudha-
Sindhu, etc. These sacred texts are written on the strength of
personal experience, and not on the basis of scholarship.
This great glory of the spiritual world reverted back to
Godhead (tirobhava) on July 3, 2005 (Ashda Krishna 12,
Vikram Samvat 2062) on the bank of the holy river Ganges,
Gt Bhavan, Svaragshram (Rishikesh).
It was the special instruction of the utterly detached,
embodiment of renunciation, Paramsraddheya Shree Swmj
Mahrj, that no one should write his biography. This brief
introduction is written by way of shakha-chandra-nyaya,
(analogically pointing out the moon through the branch of a
tree), so that maximum number of people, by becoming familiar
with this great saint, may benefit from his teachings.

II m Shri Paramtmaney Namah II

Gita Prakshan: A Brief Introduction
The Gt-Prakshan was not established based on the
inspiration, desire, or efforts of any special person. At its very
core are [the blessings of] the infinitely Compassionate Lord
and the resolve of the Lord`s devotees. In the beginning, on the
auspicious occasion of the Gt Jayant 2010 (Vikram Samvat
2067) was published 'Saj1van1-Sudha based on
Paramsraddheya Swmj Shree Rmsukhdsj Mahrj`s
commentary on the Gt, 'Sadhaka-Saj1van1. Thereafter,
according to God`s will, other books also started getting
published; and, in this manner, the 'Gt-Prakshan` came into
The sole purpose of the 'Gt-Prakshan` is to
disseminate and publicize the celestial teachings of
Paramsraddheya Swmj Shree Rmsukhdsj Mahrj.
Benefitting from his experience-based teachings, any seeker
from any country of the world, any race, religion, sect etc., can
easily attain the supreme joy.

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