Description of Rod Lock Functions-Basic Operations

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All the Rod Locks models operate i !asicall" the same #a"$ The mai di%%erece is some
models ha&e a secod set o% rams #hich pro&ide the a!ilit" to seal o%% #ell !ore %l'ids i% the rod
stri( i o preset) #hat is termed as a !lid ram o tr'e BOP*s$ Operatio o% the rod lock
ser&es three %'ctios t"picall" i&ol&i( the %ollo#i( steps$
First ad primar" %'ctio is as a 'pstream mai%old ,composite %lo# tee-. D'ri( p'mpi(
operatio the #ell !ore %l'id #o'ld pass thro'(h the !ottom coectio ,attached to the #ellhead-
ito the rod lock$ The %l'id #o'ld pass !" the ope rams ad ito the mai di&erti( cham!er$
Compoets attached to the top coectio o% the rod lock) 's'all" a PC P'mp Dri&e /ead) shall
pre&et %l'id %rom escapi( ito the e&iromet$ The %l'id #o'ld the !e %orced to tra&el thro'(h
the side ports ito a s"stem o% pipi( determied !" the c'stomer$
The secod %'ctio ,lock o't clamp- is i% "o' are re2'ired to istall) remo&e or ser&ice a"
compoets ,p'mp dri&e head) etc$- a!o&e the rod lock "o' t"picall" are re2'ired to s'pport the
#ei(ht o% the rod stri() #hich r's thro'(h the rod lock$ The rod lock acts as a clampi( de&ice
to hold the positio o% the rod stri( #he the ormal s'pport method has !ee remo&ed$ This is
accomplished !" ma'all" scre# i the t#o lar(e rods o either ed #hich clamp rams a(aist
the rod stri() holdi( it %rom mo&i($
The third %'ctio to this compoet is that the clampi( %'ctio thro'(h desi( also acts to
isolate the #ell ad pre&eti( #ell !ore %l'ids %rom escapi( %rom the prod'ctio t'!i( #he the
other compoets a!o&e the rod lock ha&e !ee remo&ed ad o lo(er ser&e this %'ctio$ The
clamps ha&e a special seal that pre&ets potetial #ell %l'ids %rom mi(rati( pass the rod stri()
essetiall" acti( as a BOP ,Blo# O't Pre&eter Pipe Rams-) as #itho't this set 'p the #ell ma"
!e ope to atmosphere$ This %'ctio is ol" a sa%et" %eat're !eca'se t"pical these compoets
are 'sed o o3%ree %lo#i( #ells$ +he the do#hole PC P'mp is ot t'ri( there is o
press're) !'t sho'ld the #ell press'ri4e %or some reaso this #o'ld pre&et %l'id escapi( ito
the e&iromet$
Operating Parameters,
1a5im'm Sa%e +orki( Press're. 6788 psi ,#as 9888 psi as sho# o !roch'res-) this press're
#as chose to maitai a Press're Directi&e cate(or" II compliace) a!o&e this press're #o'ld
mo&e the prod'ct ito cat$ III$
T"picall" #orki( Press're. 'p to :888 psi)
Temperat're. am!iet
Operatio. ma'al applicatio
1a5im'm polish rod ,stri(- #ei(ht. &aries %rom model to model most are 6; 888 po'ds

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