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MultiGreen: Cost-Minimizing Multi-source Datacenter

Power Supply with Online Control

Wei Deng1 , Fangming Liu1 , Hai Jin1 , Chuan Wu2 , Xue Liu3

Services Computing Technology and System Lab, Cluster and Grid Computing Lab
School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
{wdeng, fmliu, hjin}, 2, 3


Power Control Unit

Faced by soaring power cost, large footprint of carbon emission and unpredictable power outage, more and more modern Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) begin to mitigate these
challenges by equipping their Datacenter Power Supply System (DPSS) with multiple sources: (1) smart grid with timevarying electricity prices, (2) uninterrupted power supply
(UPS) of finite capacity, and (3) intermittent green or renewable energy. It remains a significant challenge how to operate among multiple power supply sources in a complementary manner, to deliver reliable energy to datacenter users
over time, while minimizing a CSPs operational cost over
the long run. This paper proposes an efficient, online control algorithm for DPSS, called MultiGreen. MultiGreen is
based on an innovative two-timescale Lyapunov optimization technique. Without requiring a priori knowledge of
system statistics, MultiGreen allows CSPs to make online
decisions on purchasing grid energy at two time scales (in
the long-term market and in the real-time market), leveraging renewable energy, and opportunistically charging and
discharging UPS, in order to fully leverage the available green
energy and low electricity prices at times for minimum operational cost. Our detailed analysis and trace-driven simulations based on one-month real-world data have demonstrated
the optimality (in terms of the tradeoff between minimization of DPSS operational cost and satisfaction of datacenter
availability) and stability (performance guarantee in cases of
fluctuating energy demand and supply) of MultiGreen.


Smart Grid with


Grid Tie


On-Site Wind /
Solar Energy

Power Demand

Figure 1: An illustration of the datacenter power

supply system (DPSS).
and $36M [31]. (2) Serious environmental impact, as
IT carbon footprints can occupy 2% of the global CO2
emissions reportedly [18]. (3) Unexpected power outages, e.g., Amazon experienced an outage in October
2012 in its US-East-1 region, which was triggered by a
series of failures in the power infrastructure [17].
To address these challenges, modern CSPs begin to
equip their datacenter power supply systems (DPSS)
with multiple power sources in a complementary manner, as illustrated in Fig. 1. First, modern datacenters
obtain their primary power from a smart grid. Smart
grids typically provide different pricing schemes at different timescales, such as a long-term-ahead pricing market and the real-time market [1,15,19,21,37]. Next, datacenters are equipped with uninterrupted power supplies (UPSs) to guard against possible power failures.
The supply of UPSs may mostly keep a datacenter running for 5 30 minutes upon a power outage [36]. Finally, CSPs are also starting to green their datacenter
operations by integrating on-site renewable energy, such
as solar and wind energies [8, 10, 2224, 35, 41]. The
renewable energy is connected to the grid via a gridtie device, which combines electricity produced from
the renewable sources and the grid on the same circuit for power supply [4, 10]. The amount of renewable
energy produced could vary significantly over time [18].
UPS can be used to store energy during periods of high
levels of renewable energy generation and/or low electricity prices in the grid markets. When the renewable energy is insufficient or prices from the grid are
high, the UPS battery can be discharged to provide


The proliferation of cloud computing services has promoted massive, geographically distributed datacenters.
Cloud service providers (CSPs) are typically facing three
major power-related challenges: (1) Skyrocketing power
consumption and electricity bills, e.g., Google with over
1, 120GW h and $67M , and Microsoft with over 600GW h

The Corresponding Author is Fangming Liu ( The research was supported by a grant
from The National Natural Science Foundation of China
(NSFC) under grant No.61133006.

Power Demand d(t)

power [1113, 20, 36, 38].

An important problem faced by CSPs is how to minimize the long-term cost of running their datacenters.
Several key decisions need to be made in an online
fashion when operating such a DPSS. (1) How much
power to be purchased from the grids long-term market and the real-time market, respectively? (2) How to
efficiently utilize the available renewable energy? (3)
How to opportunistically use the UPS battery to store
excess power generated/purchased and supply power
when needed? It is challenging to optimally utilize the
multiple sources to reliably power a datacenter, while
minimizing its operational cost. On the demand side,
power demand in a datacenter is time-varying, due to
variant resource usage of different applications running
in the datacenter; on energy supply side, the grid may
offer long-term prices and real-time prices, which change
over time; further, the unpredictable nature of renewable energy adds onto the supply uncertainties.
There have been a number of works investigating datacenter power supply in cases of varying power demand,
renewable energy supply and electricity prices from smart
grids. These work may either assume a priori knowledge of the power demand [1, 19, 20, 37], or require a
substantial amount of statistics of the system dynamics, in order to predict the future demand based on different forecast techniques [10, 15, 21, 41]. Some only optimize single-day or single-household power supply [14,
21], while others do not consider the interactions among
renewable energy usage, multi-timescale grid power purchasing and energy storage from the prospective of a
datacenter operator [14,19,20,27,29,30,33]. In contrast,
we seek to design an efficient online control strategy for
long-term cost minimizing operation of the DPSS under
dynamic power demand and uncertain renewable energy supply in a synergetic manner, without requiring
a priori knowledge or stationary distribution of system
Specifically, based on a stochastic optimization model
that characterizes time-varying power demand and renewable energy supply, finite UPS capacity and twotimescale grid markets, we derive an online DPSS control algorithm MultiGreen by applying a two-stage
Lyapunov optimization technique [9,26,39]. MultiGreen
decides the amount of energy to purchase from the grids
long-term market in intervals of longer periods of time,
as the basic energy supply to address demand dynamics
and real-time price fluctuations in the future interval;
MultiGreen also decides the amount of energy to purchase from the real-time market, as well as the amount
of energy to store into or discharge from the UPS batteries, in shorter time scales. The online decisions are set
to best utilize the available renewable energy produced
over time and the periods with low electricity prices, in
order to minimize the operational cost in the long run

Power supply at time
slot to meet demand
Long-term-ahead power purchase
ybef(t) in each fine-grained time slot


ybef(t) ybef(t) ybef(t) ybef(t) ybef(t)


Figure 2: An illustration of the system model.

Each coarse-grained time slot is divided into
NT = 5 fine-grained time slots.
of the datacenter.
A salient feature of MultiGreen is that, even without requiring any a priori knowledge of the system dynamics, it can arbitrarily approach the optimal offline
cost which is computed with full knowledge of the system over its long run within a provable O(1/V ) gap.
The algorithmic parameter V serves as a control knob,
by adjusting which CSPs can control the tradeoff between the minimization of the DPSS operational cost
and satisfaction of the constraints of datacenter availability and UPS lifetime. We analyze the performance
of our online control algorithm with rigorous theoretical analysis. Further, we demonstrate the optimality
(in terms of the tradeoff between minimization of DPSS
operational cost and satisfaction of datacenter availability constraint) and stability (performance guarantee in
cases of fluctuating power demand and supply) achieved
by MultiGreen, using extensive simulations based on
one-month worth of traces from live power systems.



As illustrated in Fig. 2, we consider a DPSS system

operating in a discrete-time model. Time is divided
into K(K N+ ) coarse-grained slots of length T in
accordance with the interval length of grids long-term
market, e.g., days or hours [21]. Each coarse-grained
time slot is further divided into NT (NT N+ ) finegrained time slots, e.g., NT = 5 in Fig. 2. Empirically,
each fine-grained time slot is 15 or 60 minutes long per
which the datacenter can adjust power control strategies
in a more prompt fashion [19, 39].


Online Control Decisions

We assume that datacenter energy demand d(t) and

renewable energy generation g(t) are random variables.
We dont assume they follow any specific probability
distribution functions. We assume a datacenter provider
can buy electricity from the grids long-term contracts
or buy electricity in spot markets . The operation of
DPSS includes four key control decisions in two timescales:

This is a realistic assumption. In fact, Google formed a

Google Energy LLC, and get approval to buy and even sell
electricity 3 years ago [16]. In the future, more datacenter



Long-term-ahead Energy Purchase

At the beginning (the first fine-grained time slot) of

each coarse-grained time slot t = kT (k = 1, 2, ..., K),
the DPSS observes the energy demand d(t) and renewable energy g(t) generated during time slot t. Then,
the DPSS makes a decision on how much energy ybef (t)
to be purchased at a price plt (t) (with an upper bound
price Pmax ) in the long-term market. The DPSS averagely schedules energy ylt (t) = ybef (t)/NT to be used in
each fine-grained time slot in this coarse-grained time
slot. For example, if the DPSS decides to purchase
100KW in the day-ahead grid market according to the
observation of the current demand and renewable energy production, it will schedule 20KW for each finegrained time slot in the next day when NT = 5.


Online Control Constraints

There are a series of constraints that the above decisionmaking should satisfy:


In practice, the price of electricity in the grids realtime market tends to be higher on average than that in
the grids long-term market, i.e., Eprt ( ) > Eplt (t) [1,
21, 37], as upfront payment is associated with cheaper
contract prices in the long-term market. Hence, when
procuring energy in the two-timescale markets, the DPSS
should make the best tradeoff between procurement accuracy and power cost. Additionally, we assume that
the maximal amount of power that the datacenter can
draw from the grid at each time is limited by Pgrid :
0 ylt (t) + yrt ( ) Pgrid .

Real-time Energy Balancing


Since the primary costs for renewable energy generation are construction costs such as deploying solar panels and wind turbines, their operational cost is negligible [35], and we focus on operational cost minimization
in this paper. Thus, the renewable energy is assumed
to be harvested free after deployment, and we preferentially use it. When the renewable energy is generated
during time slot t, we use it to meet energy demand as
much as possible. If there is excess renewable energy,
we use the battery to store it.
Specifically, at each fined-grained time slot [t, t +
T 1], the actual energy demand d( ) and available
renewable energy g( ) can be readily observed by the
DPSS. If the long-term-ahead purchasing and the renewable energy are enough to meet the current energy
demand, i.e., ylt (t) + g( ) d( ), then no real-time energy discharging/purchasing is needed. Otherwise, the
DPSS has to make a decision on whether to discharge
energy D(( )) from the battery. If the discharged
power is still not enough, the DPSS decides how much
additional energy yrt ( ) to be purchased from the grids
real-time market at the real-time price prt ( )( Pmax )
to fulfill the current demand. Any superfluous energy
is used to charge the battery R( ). Thus, we have:
ylt (t) + yrt ( ) + D(( )) + g( ) R( ) = d( ),

Balancing procurement accuracy and cost


Guaranteeing datacenter availability

Let m( ) denote the UPS energy level at time .

We assume that the efficiencies of UPS charging and
discharging are the same, denoted by [0, 1], e.g.,
= 0.8 means that only 80% of the charged or discharged energy is useful when charging or discharging.
The dynamics of UPS level m( ) can be expressed as:
m( + 1) = m( ) + R( ) D(( ))/.


We assume that under any feasible control algorithm,

the UPS battery always reserves a minimum energy
level Mmin , to guarantee reliable datacenter operation
in case of power outage. For instance, the energy buffer
eBuff [11] always retains five-minute-worth of reserved
energy in UPS to ensure datacenter availability. We assume that UPS has a capacity of MU P S , thus we have:
Mmin m( ) MU P S .


Typically, Mmin can power the peak demand of a datacenter for about a minute, while MU P S can for 5 30
minutes [36].


UPS lifetime and operational cost

In practice, UPS is constrained by the maximum amounts

of energy for recharge and discharge per time:


0 D(( )) Dmax , 0 R( ) Rmax ,

where D(( )) denotes the amount of UPS energy discharged at the depth-of-discharge (DoD) level of ( )
(( ) [0, 1]). DoD is a measure of how much energy
has been withdrawn from the battery, expressed as a
percentage of the full discharging capacity. For example, let Dmax denote the maximum energy that we can
discharge per time, then D(( )) = ( )Dmax . The
battery is either charged or discharged or not in use at
each time slot, i.e., R( ) D(( )) = 0.


where Dmax and Rmax are the maximum energy that we

can recharge and discharge UPS per time, respectively.
It has been practically shown that the UPS lifetime is
a decreasing function of DoD and charge/discharge cycles [11]. The cost of operating the battery is a function
of how often/much it is charged and discharged. We
assume that the costs of each recharging and discharging operation are the same, denoted as Cr . If a new
UPS costs Cups to purchase and it can sustain Lups
total cycles of charging and discharging at the maximum DoD, then Cr = Cups /Lups . If the lifetime of the

providers will participate in electricity markets, as cloudscale datacenters grow rapidly and can draw tens to hundreds of megawatts.

UPS is Lif eups , then the maximum allowable discharging and charging number over the long run [0, t 1]
where t KT is Nmax = Lups LifKT
eups . Nmax satisfies:


a( ) Nmax ,

Lemma 1. In every optimal solution of the optimization problem P1, it holds , yrt ( ) 0 or prt ( ) 0.
The above lemma implies that real-time energy purchasing is unnecessary in the optimal solution, where
all the future statistics are known in advance. Thus,
solving the optimization problem P1 is equivalent to
solving K single time-slot problems P2 as follows, t
[0, 1, ..., KT ], at the first fine-grained time slot of each
coarse-grained time slot over the long horizon KT .


where a( ) denotes whether the UPS is used in time

slot or not, that is a( ) = 1 if D( ) > 0 or R( ) > 0,
a( ) = 0 otherwise. Hence, at time slot t, the operational cost of UPS operation is a(t)Cr .


Stochastic Cost Minimization Formulation

ybef ,D(),R

At each fine-grained time slot , the DPSS operational cost is the sum of costs for grid energy purchasing
and UPS charging/discharging. Therefore, Cost( )
ylt (t)plt (t)+yrt ( )prt ( )+a( )Cr . We seek to design an
online DPSS control algorithm that can systematically
make online decisions by solving the following stochastic
cost minimization problem P1:


ylt (t)plt (t) + a(t)Cr


ylt (t) + g(t) + D((t)) R(t) = d(t),

0 ylt (t) Pgrid ,
t : constraints (4)(5)(6).

P2 only includes linear terms, and hence can be solved

in polynomial time using standard linear programming
techniques, e.g., interior point methods [3].


ybef ,yrt ,D(),R



E[Cost( )](7)
lim inf
t t


Now we develop an online algorithm to achieve nearoptimal solution without a priori knowledge of power
demand and renewable energy generation.

t : constraints (1)(2)(4)(5)(6).

Since the battery can be charged to store energy or

discharged to serve demand, the current control decisions are coupled with the future decisions. For example, current decisions may leave insufficient battery
capacity for storing renewable energy produced in the
near future, or overuse the battery and threaten datacenter availability. To solve this optimization problem, the commonly used dynamic programming technique and Markov decision process suffer from a curse
of dimensionality and require significant knowledge of
the demand and supply over the long term [2, 15]. In
contrast, the recently developed Lyapunov optimization
framework [9,26] is shown to enable the design of online
control algorithms for such constrained optimization of
time-varying systems without requiring a priori knowledge of the future workload and costs. In particular, our
above two-timescale power delivery model fits well the
two-stage Lyapunov optimization framework [39], that
enables us to perform two levels of control strategies
at two levels of time granularity. Therefore, we design
our online control algorithm based on the two-timescale
Lyapunov optimization technique.




A Lyapunov Optimization Solution

To guarantee datacenter availability and deliver reliable energy to datacenter power demand, we should
guarantee constraint (4) of battery level. We use an
auxiliary variable X(t) to track the battery level, defined as follows:
X(t) = m(t) V Pmax /T Mmin Dmax /,


where V 0 is a control parameter to be specified

later, which affects the distance to the optimal value
and is related to the battery capacity. The intuition behind X(t) is that by carefully tuning the weights V for
decision-making, we can ensure that whenever charging/discharge the battery, the energy level in the battery always lies in the feasible region [Mmin , MU P S ].
Recall that m(t) is the actual battery level in time slot
t and evolves according to Eq. (3). The dynamics of
X(t) is given as:
X(t + 1) = X(t) + R( ) D(( ))/.

An Optimal Offline Algorithm


In Theorem 2, we will prove that for any time slot t,

the battery level m(t) is always in the safe range, since
X(t) is deterministically lower and upper bounded.
With the queue, we transform the inequality constraint (4) into a queue stability problem [26]. As a
scalar measure of the queue length, we define a quadratic
Lyapunov function as:

Now we present a polynomial-time optimal offline solution for problem P1 as a benchmark for comparison.
In the theoretically optimal scenario, DPSS knows all
future system statistics including energy demand d(t),
renewable energy production g(t) and grid energy prices
plt (t), prt (t), t [0, 1, ..., KT ]. First, we present the
following straightforward Lemma 1 about the optimal
real-time energy purchasing without proof for brevity.


1 2
X (t).


where B1 = 12 max{Rmax
2 , Dmax
/ 2 }. Summing the
above inequality over [t, t+1, ..., t+T 1], we obtain
the following inequality:

This represents a scalar metric of queue congestion in

the system. To keep the system stable by persistently
pushing the Lyapunov function towards a lower congestion state, we introduce the T -slot conditional Lyapunov
drift as:


E[L(t + T ) L(t)|X(t)].


B1 T + E{


t+T 1

X( )[R( ) D(( ))/]|X(t)}

t+T 1

Then following the Lyapunov drift-plus-penalty framework [9], we add a function of the expected operational
cost over T slots (i.e., the penalty function) to (12)
to obtain the drift-plus-penalty term. Our control algorithm is designed to make decisions on ybef (t),yrt (t),D((t))
and R(t) to minimize an upper bound on the following
drift-plus-penalty term in every time frame of length T :

(t) + V E{

t+T 1

Cost( )|X(t)},


where the control parameter V is chosen by the CSP to

tune the tradeoff between DPSS cost minimization and
datacenter availability (battery level). For instance, if V
is set to be larger and more emphasis is put to cost minimization, then UPS will be overly used for certain times
and thus datacenter availability only achieves a weak
satisfaction. A key derivation step is to obtain an upper bound on this term. The following Theorem 1 gives
the analytical bound on the drift-plus-penalty term.

(t) + V E{

B1 T + V E{
where B1 =


t+T 1
t+T 1

Relaxed Optimization Problem

The key principle of Lyapunov optimization framework is to choose online control policies to minimize
the right-hand-side (RHS) of (14) in Theorem 1, i.e.,
an upper bound of the drift-plus-penalty framework in
(13). However, to minimize the RHS of (14), the DPSS
needs to know the concatenated queue backlog X(t)
over future time frame [t, t + T 1]. The queue
X(t) depends on UPS battery level m(t), the energy
demand d(t) and available renewable energy g(t). The
highly variable nature of energy demand, renewable energy and electricity prices has been a major obstacle
to make accurate decisions. In practice, system operators can use forecast techniques to predict the future
statistics. However, the 90th percentile forecast error for
1-hour-ahead prediction of the renewable energy can be
as high as 22.2% [10]. For a 25% penetration of wind
energy in a smart grid, the day-ahead forecast error of
wind energy generation can result in an additional operational cost of $4.41 per MWh for the operator [40].
Therefore, we instead approximate near-future queue
backlog statistics using the current values, i.e., X( ) =
X(t) for t < t + T 1. This significantly reduces
the computational complexity and eliminates the need
for any forecast technique in our algorithm, while only
bringing a slight loosening of the upper bound on
the drift-plus-penalty term, as proved in Corollary 1.
For this approximation, we will show that our algorithm can still approach the optimal performance with
a proven bound in Theorem 3 in Sec. 4 and simulations
in Sec. 5.3.

Cost( )|X(t)} (14)

Cost( )|X(t)}

2 , Dmax
/ 2 }.

Proof. Let t = kT (k Z+ ) and [t, t + T 1].

Squaring the queue update Eq. (10) yields: X 2 ( +
1) = X 2 ( ) + 2X( )[R( ) D(( ))/] + [(R( )
D(( ))/]2 . As D(( )) [0, Dmax ], R( ) [0, Rmax ],
we obtain:
[X 2 ( + 1) X 2 ( )]/2
D(( ))
D(( )) 2
= [R( )
]X( ) + [(R( )
] /2

D(( ))
X( )[R( )
] + max{Rmax
2 , max

Taking expectations over d(t), g(t), plt (t) and prt (t), conditioning on X(t), we get the 1-slot conditional Lyapunov drift 1 (Q(t)):

Cost( )|X(t)}

Remarks: Our control algorithm is then constructed

following the minimizing drift-plus-penalty principle
of the Lyapunov optimization technique: at every time
slot, choose a set of feasible energy purchasing and UPS
battery charging/discharging actions to minimize the
right-hand-side (RHS) of (14). The parameter V is chosen to enforce different weights to time-averaged operational cost Costav and queue drift T (t) for the CSP to
tune the tradeoff between DPSS cost minimization and
datacenter availability. The operational cost achieved
can be smaller if datacenter availability is just weakly
satisfied, e.g., slightly overcharge the UPS battery.


Theorem 1. (Drift-plus-Penalty Bound) Let V > 0

and t = kT (k Z+ ). Considering the quadratic Lyapunov function Eq. (11), we assume that E[L(0)] < .
Under all possible energy management actions to ensure
the constraints in problem P1, the drift-plus-penalty of
the cloud datacenter system satisfies:

Adding the operational cost V E{ =t

to both sides, we prove the theorem.

Corollary 1. (Loosening Drift-plus-Penalty Bound)

Let V > 0 and t = kT for some nonnegative integer k.

(t) B1 + E{X( )[R( ) D(( ))/]|X(t)},


Replacing the concatenated queue X( ) with X(t), the

drift-plus-penalty satisfies:

(t) + V E{

t+T 1

Cost( )|X(t)}

Algorithm 1: The Online Algorithm MultiGreen.

1) Long-term-ahead Energy Planing: At each
coarse-grained time slot t = kT (k Z+ ), the DPSS
decides the optimal power procurement ybef (t) in
the grids long-term market to minimize the
following problem P3:


t+T 1

B2 T + E{

X(t)[R( ) D(( ))/]|X(t)}


t+T 1

where B2 = B1 + T (T
B1 is given in Theorem 1.

/ 2 ]/2,


t+T 1

Proof. According to Eq. (10), for any [t, t + T

1], we can get that:




t+T 1
t+T 1
t+T 1
t+T 1

X( )[R( ) D(( ))/]

[X(t) + ( t)Rmax ]R( )
[X(t) ( t)Dmax /]D(( ))/
X(t)[R( ) D(( ))/]

min V yrt ( )prt ( ) + X(t) R( )

( t)[Rmax R( ) 2 Dmax D(( ))/ 2 ]


D(( ))


3) Queue Update: Update the actual and virtual

queues using Eq. (3) and Eq. (10).

X(t)[R( ) D(( ))/]

+ T (T 1)[Rmax
2 Dmax
/ 2 ]/2.
Therefore, by defining B2 = B1 + T (T 1)[Rmax
Dmax / ]/2, substituting the above inequality into (14),
we prove the theorem.



2) Real-time Energy Balancing: Then the DPSS

averagely schedules energy ylt (t) = ybef (t)/NT to be
used for each fine-grained time slot [t, t + T 1].
The DPSS decides real-time energy procurement
yrt ( ), and UPS battery discharging D(( )) and
charging R( ) to minimize the following
optimization problem P4:

Therefore, recalling each term in Eq. (14), we have:

t+T 1

X(t)[R( ) D(( ))/]|X(t)}


X(t) ( t)Dmax / X( ) X(t) + ( t)Rmax ,

t+T 1

V ylt (t)plt (t) + yrt ( )prt ( ) |X(t)}

min E{

Remarks: MultiGreen is computationally efficient.

Each time it only needs to solve two linear programs
with four variables (ybef (t), yrt ( ), D(( )), R( )) and
four linear constraints in (1)(2)(3)(5)(6). We can easily
solve the two sub-problems P4 and P5 using classical linear programming approaches, e.g., interior point
methods [3]. MultiGreen makes online control decisions
ybef (t), yrt ( ), D(( )) and R( ) solely based on the
current available statistics at each time slot, including
queue statistics, energy demand, volume of the available renewable energy, energy prices and UPS energy
level. These statistics typically only require a few bits
to store, and take very little time to calculate and transmit. Besides, interior point methods have a low computational complexity (usually polynomial time) in practice [3]. Though advanced prediction techniques can
complement MultiGreen to make more accuracy decisions, a tradeoff exists between the benefits of decision
accuracy and complexity of implementing the forecast
techniques. Note that, MultiGreen is more suitable for
delay-sensitive energy demand than delay-tolerant demand. That is, MultiGreen seeks to address energy
demand when it is generated immediately. No energy
demand should be delayed to a future time to address.
We leave it as the future work to design a smart power
supply system for mixed workloads.

Two-timescale Online Control Algorithm

Comparing RHS of (14) with RHS of (15), we can

see that the RHS of (15) gives a larger upper bound
than the RHS of (14). We seek to minimize the RHS
of (15), to derive the online decisions. The control
decision ybef (t) should be made at the beginning of
each coarse-grained time slot while yrt ( ), D(( )), and
R( ) are made at each fine-grained time slot. Thus,
we can separate the problem into two independent subproblems P3 and P4 as given in our MultiGreen Algorithm 1, to make decisions in the two timescales, respectively. At each coarse-grained time slot t = kT , MultiGreen decides how much energy ybef (T ) = NT ylt (t)
to be purchased from the grids long-term energy market. The decision should make sure that the current
energy demand is met and the battery stores enough
energy for the future need. At each real-time slot
[t, t + T 1], MultiGreen decides real-time market procurement yrt ( ), and UPS battery discharging D(( ))
and charging R( ) to supply energy when needed or
store additional energy, so as to match the power demand and supply. At the end of each time slot, MultiGreen updates its queue statistics.



In this section, we analyze our MultiGreen algorithm

in terms of performance bound and robustness.


Performance Bound

We first analyze the gap between the result achieved

by MultiGreen, if accurate knowledge of X( ) in the
future coarse-grained interval is employed rather than
our approximation. We assume that the theoretical offline optimal objective function value is opt of the cost
minimization problem P1.
Theorem 2. (Performance Bound): The time-averaged
cost CostGreen
achieved by the MultiGreen algorithm
based on accurate knowledge of X( ) in the future coarsegrained interval satisfies the following bound with any
given control parameter V (V > 0):
(1) The time-average cost CostGreen
achieved by Multiav
Green satisfies the following bound:


lim inf

E[Cost( )] opt +
, (16)
t =0

where B2 is given in Corollary 1.

(2) The UPS battery level m(t) is always in the range
[Mmin , MU P S ]. Datacenter availability is satisfied.
(3) All control decisions are feasible.
Proof. (1) Let t = kT (k Z+ ) and [t, t+T 1].
From the optimal offline policy in Sec. 2.4, we know
that there is an optimal solution opt . Since MultiGreen
minimizes the RHS of Eq. (15), plugging the policy
into the RHS of Eq. (15), we have:
(t) + V E{

t+T 1

B2 T + V

Mmin Dmax /, Mmin m(0) MU P S , we know that

V Pmax /T Dmax / X(0) MU P S V Pmax /T
Mmin Dmax /.
Now we first consider 0 < X(t) MU P S V Pmax /T
Mmin Dmax /, then R(t) = 0. Since there is no battery recharging and the maximum discharged energy is
Dmax / each time, we have: V Pmax /T Dmax / <
Dmax / < X(t + 1) X(t) MU P S V Pmax /T
Mmin Dmax /.
Next, suppose V Pmax /T < X(t) 0, then D((t)) =
0. The maximum charging and recharging energy each
time are Rmax and Dmax /, respectively. Thus we
obtain: V Pmax /T Dmax / < X(t + 1) X(t) +
Rmax MU P S V Pmax /T Mmin Dmax /.
Finally, we consider the case of V Pmax /T Dmax /
X(t) V Pmax /T . Since X(t) < V Pmax /T , D((t)) =
0. Then V Pmax /T Dmax / X(t) X(t + 1)
V Pmax /T V Pmax /T + MU P S Mmin Dmax /.
Then, from Eq. 9, we have: V Pmax /T Dmax /
X(t) = m(t) V Pmax /T Mmin Dmax / MU P S
V Pmax /T Mmin Dmax /. It is easy to see that
Mmin m(t) MU P S .
(3) Since MultiGreen makes decisions to satisfy all
the constraints in problem P3 and P4, combining the
constraints together, all the constraints of problem P1
are satisfied. Therefore, MultiGreen control decisions
are feasible to problem P1.
Remarks: MultiGreen can approach the optimal solution of problem P1 within a deviation of B2 /V . As
CSPs increase the value of V , they can push the average cost to be arbitrarily close to the minimum value,
according to a desired tradeoff between DPSS cost minimization and datacenter availability. The length of time
slot T decides how frequently MultiGreen performs energy procurement and battery charging and discharging. We will carry out detailed evaluations in Sec. 5.2.2
to show that even infrequent actions can still achieve
significant cost reduction.

( )|X(t)}

Taking the expectation of both sides and rearranging

the terms, we get:
E{L(t + T ) L(t)} + V T E{CostGreen
B2 T + V T opt .


Robustness Analysis

Since MultiGreen approximates future queue backlog X( ) using its current level, an important question
remained to be answered is: is the performance still
bounded if MultiGreen makes its decisions based on an
approximated queue backlog X( ) that is different from
the actual value X( )? The dynamic UPS energy levels reflect the variation of energy demand and renewable
energy supply. The following Theorem 3 demonstrates
the robustness of MultiGreen in its performance to uncertainties of energy demand and supply.

Summing the above over t = kT, k = 0, 1, 2, ...K 1,

using the fact that L(t) > 0, and dividing both sides by
V KT , we obtain:
KT 1
( )} opt +
Taking the limit as K , we complete the proof.
(2) We first observe that subproblem P4 has the following properties related to battery operation:

Lemma 2. If X(t) > 0, then R(t) = 0; if X(t) <

V Pmax /T , then D((t)) = 0.

Theorem 3. (Robustness): We assume that the estimated virtual battery level X( ) and its actual level
X( ) satisfy |X( ) X( )| . Then, if we use this
approximated UPS battery level in the MultiGreen algo-

We first prove that V Pmax /T Dmax / X(t)

MU P S V Pmax /T Mmin Dmax /. We prove the result using induction. Since X(0) = m(0) V Pmax /T

1 4 0

1 6 0 0

1 2 0

1 4 0 0

1 0 0

1 2 0 0

8 0

1 0 0 0

6 0
4 0

8 0 0

2 0

6 0 0

Day-Average Cost ($)

1 8 0 0

P ric e ($ /M W H r)

P o w e r D e m a n d (in re d ) a n d
S o la r E n e rg y (in g re e n ) (K W )

S o la r E n e rg y
E n e rg y D e m a n d
E le c tric ity P ric e

4 0 0

-2 0

2 0 0
7 2

1 4 4

2 1 6

2 8 8

3 6 0

4 3 2

5 0 4

5 7 6

6 4 8

Offline Optimal





V (T=24)



Figure 4: Impact of parameter V .

-4 0


7 2 0

T im e (H o u r)

We evaluate MultiGreen through trace-driven simulations with realistic parameters and one-month data
on datacenter energy demand, renewable energy production and electricity prices.

Figure 3: Energy demand, renewable energy levels and energy prices in January 2012.
rithm, we can obtain:




, (17)
lim inf
E[Cost( )] opt +
t t

Real-World Traces: To simulate the intermittent availability of renewable energy, we use solar energy data
from the Measurement and Instrumentation Data Center (MIDC) [25]. Specifically, we use the meteorological
data from Jan. 1st , 2012 to Jan. 31th , 2012 from central
U.S.. To simulate the varying electricity prices, we use
the electricity prices in central U.S. between Jan. 1st ,
2012 and Jan. 31th , 2012, from the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) [28]. Similar to [38], we
use the energy demand from a Google Cluster including Web search and Webmail services. We regulate the
data to our assumed datacenter by removing demand
peaks above Pgrid . The traces are shown in Fig. 3.
System Parameters: According to results in recent
empirical studies, we assume that the limits of UPS
charging and discharging rates are Dmax = Rmax =
0.5M W , and charging/discharging costs are Cr = Cd =
0.1 dollars [36]. The minimum battery level Mmin is
5-minute worth of energy of the UPS [11]. The maximum number of UPS charge/discharge cycles is LU P S =
5, 000 with a 4-year lifetime constraint [11]. The efficiency of UPS charging/discharging is = 0.8 [20]. We
set the grid energy limit as Pgrid = 2M W [36].
Algorithms for Comparison: We compare MultiGreen
with the offline optimal algorithm (Optimal ) and an online algorithm Green that solely leverages renewable energy production, without exploiting time-varying electricity prices. The Green algorithm also tries to maximize the usage of renewable energy, i.e., leveraging UPS
battery to store excess renewable energy production for
future need. However, the Green algorithm ignores the
two-timescale grid markets, and does not store grid energy in UPS when the electricity prices are low and
supply energy when the electricity prices are high.

where B = B2 + T (Dmax + Rmax + MU P S + Mmin )

and B2 is given in Corollary 1. Here, Dmax and Rmax
are the maximum amounts of UPS energy that we can
recharge and discharge, respectively; Mups and Mmin
are the maximum and minimum UPS energy levels, respectively.
Proof. Let X (t) = X(t) X( ), that is a function
of the variation of demand d (t) and renewable supply
g (t). Given X(t) and X (t), when minimizing the RHS
of Eq. (15), we try to minimize f (X(t)) defined as below:
f (X(t))
= f (X( )) +

t+T 1
t+T 1

X(t)[R( ) D(( ))/]

X (t)[R( ) D(( ))/]

f (X( )) + T (Rmax + Dmax /)

Substituting the above result into the inequality (15),
we know that (15) holds with X( ) replaced by X(t),
and B2 replaced by B = B2 + T (Rmax + Dmax /).
The rest of proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.
Remarks: Comparing (16) in Theorem 2 and (17)
in Theorem 3, we can see that the upper bound in (17)
is looser, i.e., V needs to be set to a larger value when
the future demand and supply are estimated, in order
to obtain the same time-averaged operational cost as
when the accurate future information is known. The
larger the uncertainty is, the larger V should be. This
implies that the robustness of MultiGreen in cases of
inaccurate future information, can be achieved at the
cost of weaker datacenter availability.


Real-World Trace and Experimental Setup


Analysis of Sensitivity on Critical Factors

From Theorem 2, we note that the performance of



Green Algorithm

Green Algorithm



Total Cost ($)

D a y -A v e ra g e C o st ($ )

1 5 0 0
1 0 0 0
G re e n
M u ltiG re e n
O fflin e O p tim a l

5 0 0







2 4

4 8

7 2
9 6
T (V = 1 0 )

1 2 0

= 0.5MWh


= 0.5MWh


= 1MWh


Offline Optimal



Offline Optimal Algorithm

= 0.25MWh





1 4 4








Day (V=10,T=24)

Figure 5: Impact of parameter T .

Figure 6: Impact of battery capacity and grid
market structure. Two MarketsTM, RealTime MarketRTM, No BatteryNB.

MultiGreen depends on parameters V and T , battery

capacity and the energy prices in the two-timescale grid
markets. We conduct sensitivity analysis on these critical factors to characterize their impact on the DPSS
operational cost.


ates within [9.7%, +8.5%]. This corroborates Theorem 3 that, even with infrequent decisions of the DPSS
operations, MultiGreen can still achieve significant cost

Impact of Control Parameter V

As shown in Fig. 4, to simulate a 1-day-ahead power

market, we fix T to be 24 time slot and each fine-grained
time slot is 1 hour, i.e., NT = 24. We conduct experiments with different values of V , which show that
as V increases from 0.5 to 100, MultiGreen achieves a
time-averaged cost that becomes closer to the optimal
solution. This quantitatively confirms Theorem 2 that
MultiGreen can approach the optimal solution within a
diminishing gap of O(1/V ). In contrast, the Green algorithm has a constant cost that is irrelevant with V . Interestingly, the crossover between cost curves of MultiGreen and Green clearly captures the tradeoff between
the average operational cost and constraint satisfaction.
When V < 7.48, MultiGreen has a higher cost and a
higher level of constraint satisfaction than Green. On
the other hand, when V > 7.48, due to more frequent
battery charging/discharging, MultiGreen has a lower
cost and a lower level of constraint satisfaction than
Green. By choosing an appropriate value of V , e.g.,
V = 10, MultiGreen can achieve a significantly lower
cost compared with Green while guaranteeing acceptable satisfaction of constraints on datacenter availability and UPS lifetime.



Impact of Battery Capacity and Grid Markets

In Fig. 6, we compare the time-averaged total cost under different battery sizes (MU P S {0, 0.25, 0.5, 1}M W h)
over the 31-day period with V = 10 and T = 24. It
shows that the time-averaged total cost decreases with
the increase of the UPS battery capacity. The rationale
is that an UPS with larger capacity can store more superfluous renewable energy generated, or more energy
purchased from the grid when the price is low, to serve
the demand, resulting in lower overall costs.
In Fig. 6, we also compare the case with energy purchase in two-timescale markets with the case where only
the real-time market exists, both with V = 10, T =
24, MU P S = 0.5M W h. We can observe that the existence of the grids long-term market can bring in additional cost reduction. The reason is that DPSS can
purchase certain amount of energy beforehand in the
grids long-term market with relative lower prices
In addition, we can observe that even without the
UPS battery, the MultiGreen algorithm with the twotimescale markets can reduce the cost by 10.06%, compared to the Green algorithm. With two markets, when
we increase the battery size from 0 to 1M W h, the average operational cost reduction ranges from 10.06% to
34.21%. The benefit brought by energy storage is higher
than that of exploiting the two markets. When the battery size is large enough, MultiGreen can approach the
optimal offline algorithm.

Impact of Coarse-grained Time Frame T

In Fig. 5, we fix V to be 10 and vary T from 3 time

slots (3 hours) to 144 time slots (6 days), which is a
sufficient-long range for exploring the impact of different
timescales of the grids long-term market. We observe
that T has relatively less impact on the cost of operating the DPSS. The fluctuation of the time-averaged
cost is more notable when T becomes longer. The rationale is that the term B in Theorem 3 is proportional
to T , which means that the uncertainties of energy demand and renewable energy increase with the increase
of T . Nevertheless, the time-averaged cost only fluctu-


Characterizing Algorithm Robustness

As mentioned in Sec. 3, our MultiGreen algorithm

approximates the future queue statistics as the current
values. Now we explore the influence of approximation errors on the performance of MultiGreen. We add
a random approximation error to the datacenter energy

D iffe re n c e in O p e ra tio n a l C o s t (% )


1 0

2 0

3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0
C o n tro l P a ra m e te r V

9 0 1 0 0

Figure 7: DPSS operational cost at various levels of renewable energy penetration and energy
demand variation.

Figure 8: The impact of approximation errors in

operational cost reduction.

demand, solar energy generation and energy prices, e.g.,

uniformly distributed 50% errors [39]. We let MultiGreen make all the control decisions based on the data
set with such random errors under different values of
V . In Fig. 8, we show the differences in percentage
between the DPSS operational costs achieved with approximated values and the results we obtained using
the original traces. We observe that the difference fluctuates within [1.3%, 2.1%] for all values of V . Thus,
MultiGreen is robust to inaccurate future information.
Further, we study the impacts of renewable energy
penetration (the percentage of renewable energy in the
total datacenter energy supply) and the variation of datacenter energy demand on the total cost. In Fig. 7,
x-axis represents renewable energy penetration in the
range of [0,100%]. Y axis represents the standard devia

KT 1
[d(t) E( d )]2 pd(t) ,
tion of the demand, i.e.,

where E( d ) is the expectation of the series of demand

d(t) over time length t [0, KT ], and pd(t) is the distribution probability of d(t). We assume that the random
variable of the datacenter energy demand is uniformly
distributed (pd(t) = 1/KT ). As expected, Fig. 7 shows
that with the increase of penetration of renewable energy, the DPSS operational cost decreases significantly.
The rationale is that renewable energy is harvested costfree (we do not consider the construction cost). In contrast, as the variation of demand increases, the operational cost increases slightly. The rationale is that intensive variation incurs large approximation errors.

24,41] or carbon footprint is low [7]. However, these approaches require prediction of renewable energy production when scheduling workload, or sacrifice performance
to avoid wasting renewable energy. Other works supply
renewable energy to deferrable loads to align demand
with intermittent available renewable energy [27,29,30].
But they are from the prospective of renewable energy
providers and do not consider energy storage and multiple markets in the smart grid.
The second category of works is leveraging energy
storage in datacenters. Recently, UPS shows its benefits
to reduce electricity costs in datacenters [1113, 36, 38].
Datacenters can store energy in the UPS when energy
prices are low and discharge UPS when prices are high,
to reduce the power drawn from the grid [13,36]. Moreover, UPS can shave peaks [11, 12]. During periods of
low demand, UPS batteries store energy, while stored
energy can be used to temporarily augment the grid
supply during hours of peak load. However, these works
focus on studying the benefits of UPS battery for power
cost reduction, and no renewable energy and grid markets are considered. On the contrary, we leverage UPS
to study how to manage multiple power supplies of a
datacenter in an integrated way.
Third stream of works is on multiple timescale dispatch, pricing and scheduling in smart grid. Nair et
al. [1] studied the optimal energy procurement from
long-term, intermediate, and real-time markets under
intermittent renewable energy supplies. Jiang et al. [19]
proposed an optimal multi-period power procurement
and demand response algorithm without energy storage.
Risk-limiting-dispatching is proposed in [37] to manage integrated renewable energy. However, the above
three approaches assume that the demand can be known
ahead. Jiang et al. [21] solved the optimal day-ahead
procurement and real-time demand response problem
using dynamic programming, while He et al. [15] formulated the multi-timescale power dispatch and scheduling problem as a Markov decision problem. Both these
approaches need substantial system statistics and are
computationally expensive. We mitigate these disad-



In this secton, we discuss the research most pertinent

to this work as follows. The first category of works is
exploiting renewable energy in datacenters. Many large
IT companies recently consider greening their datacenters with renewable energy [7, 8, 10, 2224, 35, 41]. However, the intermittent nature of renewable energy poses
significant challenges to make use of them. Some works
make the traffic follow the renewables to execute workload when/where renewable energy is available [10, 22

vantages by applying two-stage Lyapunov optimization

that makes online control decisions without a priori
knowledge or any stationary distribution of energy prices,
demand and supply. Recently the authors in [13, 32, 33,
39, 41] distributed requests across multiple data centers
to reduce electricity costs by leveraging both time diversity and location diversity of electricity prices in the
smart grid. In contrast, we study how to reduce the
operational cost in a datacenter powered by multiple
power sources rather than how to distribute requests
across datacenters.
In addition, interest has been growing in power management in smart grids and datacenters using Lyapunov
optimization [5, 6, 9, 26, 42]. On smart grids, several
works have proposed optimal power management based
on single-stage Lyapunov optimization. However, they
either focused on managing individual household demand [14] or did not consider the interaction between
renewable energy and energy storage [14, 19, 20, 27]. In
contrast, we manage the uncertain datacenter demand
and multi-source energy supply in a systematic fashion using two-stage Lyapunov optimization. Although
[34, 39] have used two-stage Lyapunov to design a twotimescale algorithm and a T -Step Lookahead algorithm,
both of them study how to schedule jobs or distribute
requests in solely grid-powered geographical datacenters rather than how to supply multi-source energy in a
datacenter with uncertain demand.


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In this paper, we study an important problem of how

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