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Contact: Chief Weitzel 708.447.2127 - Follow RPD on Twitter @pdriverside

Former RBHS Student Who Phoned in Threat Pleads Guilty
Former student also ordered to pay restitution to the Riverside Police Department for overtime
On Wednesday July 2, 2014, Brookfield resident, Nicholas Sikorski, pled guilty to one count of misdemeanor
disorderly conduct that was related to an incident that had taken place on February 21, 2014 in which Riverside-
Brookfield High School was put in a soft lockdown.
Mr. Sikorski was originally charged with two count of felony disorderly conduct for transmitting a false report of a
violent act to the police department. The second count of felony disorderly conduct was for transmitting a false
report of a violent act which required a police response.
Mr. Sikorski pled guilty in front of the Cook County Circuit Court Judge Geary Kull who accepted the defendants
plea which was reduced from felony disorderly conduct to misdemeanor disorderly conduct. As part of his
sentence, Mr. Sikorski was placed on two years of supervision, ordered to pay $2,500.00 in restitution to the
Village of Riverside, and $254.00 in associated court costs. Riverside Police Chief Thomas Weitzel had requested
via the Cook County States Attorneys Office and the court system that the police department be reimbursed for
all overtime associated with the initial police response and case follow-up. Judge Krull granted Chief Weitzels
request, and Mr. Sikorski was ordered to pay $2500.00 in overtime restitution to the Riverside Police Department
as part of this agreement.
Riverside Police Chief Thomas Weitzel stated, I am extremely gratified that Judge Kull ordered the restitution for
overtime. The initial report required police response from Riverside, Brookfield, Lyons, North Riverside and other
police agencies. Additionally, police spent numerous hours on follow-up which ultimately led to the arrest of Mr.
Sikorski. All of that time put in by investigators is now being reimbursed so that the taxpayers of Riverside do not
have to absorb the burden of what is and was a blatantly false report of a violent act.
Chief Weitzel stated that every time an arrest is made where an individual falsely reports a crime, the Riverside
Police Department will seek reimbursement for any and all overtime associated with the police response and
follow-up investigation.
31 Riverside Road, Riverside, IL 60546

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