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Important note:

Not all the components that are listed below will actually get installed. The installation is fully customizable,
meaning you can choose exactly which components get installed. Some components are deselected by
default and are only installed if you explicitly select them. There are also some cases where you must
choose between two (or more) components that serve a similar purpose.
Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) [version!
This is a fullfeatured player with many useful options. !e recommend using this player for video playbac".
#t has internal $%&' decoders for (.)*+ and &,- video.
"irect#$o% video decodin& 'ilters:
''ds$o% [version 1..()1!
This decoder supports a large number of video formats.
#t also contains several options for postprocessing the decoded video.
*+, ,ideo [version -.)7-11-&-.c/d1!
This decoder supports a large number of video formats.
0n. ,P7 [version 7.-.1-.-!
.or decoding &/0 video. This format is not very common.
"#caler) MP12-. decoder [version -.-.6.-! [I,3C mod!
.or decoding 1/23) $&$ video.
4nly selectable on !indows %/.
"irect#$o% a4dio decodin& 'ilters:
''ds$o% [version 1..()1!
This decoder supports a large number of audio formats.
#t also contains several options for postprocessing the decoded audio.
*+, +4dio [version -.)7-11-&-.c/d1!
This decoder supports a large number of audio formats.
"irect#$o% so4rce 'ilters:
Haali Media #plitter [version!
This splitter supports multiple video file formats.
*+, #plitter [version -.)7-11-&-.c/d1!
This splitter supports a large number of audio and video file formats.
"C-5ass #o4rce Mod [version 1.)..!
Source filter with integrated decoder for the following audio file types5
4ptim.643 (.ofr .ofs)
T'7 (.ta")
Trac"er (.it .mo8 .mtm .s8m .umx .xm)
#t also supports S(49Tcast streams (icyx5::) in 1/8:&orbis:'', format.
"irect#$o% s46title 'ilter:
"irect,o6#46 [7y-,#8ilter version .-.-..11!
$irect&obSub is a filter for displaying subtitles. #t supports all common formats such as S6T, SS':'SS,
/3S, and &obSub.
;our subtitle file should have the same filename as your video file. #t should also be in the same folder as
your video file. Then the subtitles will automatically be loaded and displayed during playbac".
2xample5 1ovieName.avi <
0t$er 'ilters:
mad,9 [version -.86.1!
2xcellent video renderer that can be used as an alternative for the video renderers that !indows offers.
6ecommended for expert users with highend graphics cards.
Haali ,ideo 9enderer [version!
3ood video renderer that can be used as an alternative for the video renderers that !indows offers.
:-*ite Codec 3%ea; 3ool [version ).6.(!
This tool is essential for the management of codecs and settings. #t has many useful features such as5
= $etect and fix several common problems
= 6eset settings
= >ac"up and restore settings
= ,onfigure preferred splitters
= 2nable:disable any of the installed codecs and filters
= 1anage thumbnail settings
= 3enerate detailed log with system information and list of installed codecs
= ,onfigure preferred decoders on !indows 0:?
= Twea"s to disable 1edia .oundation and certain other 1S codecs on !indows 0:?
MediaIn'o *ite [version -.7.6!
This tool can analyze a media file and show detailed information about it.
2rap$#t4dio<e7t [version -.6.-..-6!
3raphStudioNext is a tool for constructing, analyzing, testing, and benchmar"ing $irectShow filter graphs.
17plorer s$ell e7tensions:
#f you want get thumbnails on a *+bit version of !indows, then you should also install the *+bit version of
the 7lite ,odec /ac".
Icaros 3$4m6nailProvider [version ..... 61!
This shell extension is used for generating video thumbnails in !indows 2xplorer. #t supports all common
video formats.
Icaros PropertyHandler [version ..... 61!
This shell extension allows displaying file properties such as duration, width, height, and framerate in
2xplorer. #t supports .m"v, .ogm, .flv, .flac, .mpc, and .ape files.
6e@uires 1icrosoft .N2T .ramewor" + ,lient /rofile. This is part of !indows ? by default. &ista and
!indows 0 users can download it from !indows 9pdate.

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