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Dutchland Woods At Home October and November 2009

Dutchland Woods At Home

Because Home Is Where One Starts From
N e x t i s s u e d u e d a t e N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 9

The List of Service Providers Update

We have very few providers Providers that I’ve seen con- you would like to recommend.
TRICK OR yet. I’m running this again to sistently do a great job. These Many new neighbors don’t have
ask for your help so that I can providers are the ones I turn to
TREAT put a directory together for the for personal or business use
service providers yet and could
really benefit from your experi-
community. Do you have a and would be happy to recom-
October 31 skill that you would like to mend.

offer your neighbors? Do you When we add a service pro-

6-8 pm have a favorite service pro- A neighbor of mine called and vider to our list, we will send
vider such as a handyman, suggested that we create a a note or email to let the pro-
plumber, electrician, attorney, business directory or a busi- vider know of the referral to
tax accountant, painter, land- ness referral list for everyone the DW community.
scaper, interior designer, blue here in Dutchland Woods. We
max waterline repair, Realtor, would like to focus first on The list will be published in
piano teacher, Tai Kwon Do anyone who lives here and this same form and available
Instructor, hair designer, provides a service. We would on my web-site
seamstress, knitting instructor, like to know who you would
mechanic, family doctor, OB- recommend? Who is on your Click on the link
GYN, personal trainer, carpen- list? Word of mouth recom- Area Service Providers
ter, musician and DJ, loan offi- mendations are the best refer- Email your list to:
cer, insurance agent, veterinar- rals for service providers. The
ian… etc? best compliment any service
provider could get is a referral
I have a list that is on my web-site from a “raving fan”!
called Brenda’s Business List of
Service Providers. These are Please think about who you

Time Is Running Out For Tax Credit! Deadline Nov. 30th

If you haven’t owned a home in the past three years or are a first time homebuyer you could be eligible
for up to $8,000 in tax credits. The bad news… it all ends November 30th at midnight. If the buyer
doesn’t close by November 30, 2009 midnight, the tax credit will not be available. While there are a
lot of people talking about the possibility of an extension, I have no reason to believe that the govern-
ment will actually extend this. If you are a first time home buyer or you know someone who has been
thinking about taking advantage of this, time is rapidly running out. Please call me for more details on
7058 Vailsgate Ct this program.. but don’t wait. The clock is ticking!
Liberty Twp $309,999
SOLD! Your Neighborhood Realtor, Brenda Swigert Re/Max Unlimited 378-1461
D u t c h l a n d W o o d s A t H o m e
B e c a u s e H o m e I s W h er e On e S ta r ts F r o m
P a g e 2

Scott Lyle,
Mortgage Loan Originator
Contact Information
30 Fountain Square

“This is a fabulous time to refinance

your home. We have loans to help you
reduce your monthly payments! Call
me today… I have worked with Brenda
Swigert for years”!

Call Tracy @777 -1147

*Room special is for one coat (second coat $25), 14’x14’
room max, 9’ ceiling height max, and does not include ceil-
ing, trim, or cost of paint.
Dutchland Woods At Home Page 3

Moms' Morning Out-Now Registering!

Hopewell First Church of God 777-0190
or email

6 months – 24 months Beginning Oct 2009 --

1 day a week: $45/month Lunch Bunch $5/day
Wednesday: 9:30am–12:00pm Children bring lunch and eat
with friends.
Optional for all children
2-5 Year Olds Mon & Wed: 12:00pm-1:00pm
2 days a week: $90/month “Totally Optional Tuesday”
Advance Reservations Required
Mon & Wed: 9:30am–12:00pm Open to all members and Non
members of MMO
2-5 yr olds
1 day a week: $45/month Tuesday: 9:30- 12:00pm
Mon or Wed: 9:30am–12:00pm $ 25.00 / per day
D u t c h l a n d W o o d s A t H o m e
P a g e 4 B e c a u s e H o m e I s W h er e On e S ta r ts F r o m

Meet Your Neighbors

Meet the Flemmings of Silver Skate Drive

Dave, sales
Stephanie, music instruction
Dani, 18, senior
Lexi, 12, seventh-grade

How long have you lived in Dutchland Woods? 11 years

What do you like best about it? The neighbors

What was your most memorable house project? deck expansion

What is something your neighbors might not know about you?

My wife teaches piano.

What are your favorite family activities? hanging with the kids

Do you have a special tradition? Buckeye football

What is your favorite area/hangout/dinner/dessert spot?

Putters and The Cone

More Neighbors and Service Providers…

Jamie Cook

Private Tutoring for grades 1-8, most all subjects.

I have taught elementary school (grades 2-6) for 15 years in both the public and private sectors and am
currently staying home with my son as a “domestic engineer”. Anyone interested may call me at 777-

I am also potentially available for part-time weekday babysitting for parents who may work only a day
or two per week or who have a-typical schedules that make it difficult to use a daycare center. I cur-
rently babysit one day per week for another neighborhood family. I am a committed Christian in a
non-smoking, alcohol free home.

If you know of a service provider that you would like to recommend please
email me and I’ll add you to our list and will try to feature you as seen here!
F i r s t M o n d ay O f E v e r y M o n t h Page 5
i s Pa p a J o h n ’ s P i z z a N i g h t

Social and Rec Proudly Presents “Papa John’s Pizza Night”!

The First Monday of Every Month
Swing by the White House between 4:30 and 7:00 pm
Pick Up Your Choice of:
Medium Pepperoni or Extra Cheese Pizzas
Or Breadsticks! Any of these items are $6.00 each!
All proceeds benefits the Social and Recreation Committee’s Activities!
These fundraisers pay for the social and rec committee activities for the community! I challenge every resident
to leave $1.00 extra with their pizza next month! We can all come together and make a huge difference!
Brenda Swigert
For More information Please contact Jodi Strutz at 254-0301

Social and Recreation….

What’s Going on in Dutchland Woods!
Monster Mini Golf, Monday October 26, from 5-8:30 pm.
This is a private event provided for Dutchland Woods courtesy of Tony, the owner.
Anyone dressed in costume can be entered for a chance to win $1,000.00
(This promotion ends October 29) The cost per golfer will be $4.00 per person (regardless of age, no children's
rate). This Monster Golf is located next to FitWorks next to Walmart on Cincinnati Dayton Rd near I-75

There will be a Pre-Holiday Bazaar scheduled on the Sunday, November 1 from 12-5 pm. It will
be for all home based businesses in the area (Mary Kay, Candle Light, Tastefully Simple,
Avon...etc) More info to come from social and rec soon.
In December the social and rec are planning a Parent’s Shopping Night. Leave the kids at the White House so you
can get some shopping done for the holidays. More info soon.
Dan Remley with the DW Community Garden and Ohio State University Extension Office will be garden preparing
plots for next spring and would like to know if there are any other residents who would like to participate and
“rent” a plot. For more info call Dan at 513-887-3722
The Social and Recreation Committee is made up of Jodi, 254-0301 and Sharon 759-4160 and Shaun
Thank you to these generous neighbors for all they are doing and to Jodi for her participation as trustee!
Page 6
Bible Study Here In Pray For Our
Dutchland Woods Troops and Our
Come Join Your Women- Country!
Neighbors for Pray For Your
Fellowship and Great Neighbors too!
Devotional Time.
For more information Reach Out Lakota is a food pantry that serves the Lakota
please contact: district. Many families are in great need during this tough
economic time. Please consider buying some extra
Kim Rogers at: canned goods and contributing to this food pantry. You can drop items off at area schools and churches.
For more info 779-7515 Thanks!

Dutchland Woods Ponds and Green Space

Looks like there is room for a few more people to enjoy

our own lake, the picnic tables, fishing, or occupying
one of the many benches with a good book. Kids playing near the lake, and geese looking on. In a few
months, winter will be here, and the opportunity for such
activities will be over.

From Jack Lewis, Insurance Agent Call Jack Today for a quote on your car and
10 Most Stolen Cars based on info. reported by National
home! Neighborhood Referrals!
Crime Information Center: “Dave and I save money with Jack”! Brenda
1. 1995 Honda Civic
2. 1991 Honda Accord
Jack Lewis Insurance
8585 Mason Montgomery Rd
3. 1989 Toyota Camry
Mason, Ohio 45040
4. 1997 Ford F-150
Office: 513-229-8928
5. 1994 Chevrolet C/K 1500
Fax: 513-842-4361
6. 1994 Acura Integra
Cell: 513-505-7654
7. 2004 Dodge Ram Pickup
8. 1994 Nissan Sentra
Jack Lewis,
9. 1988 Toyota Pickup “Advice...not simply insurance” Agent
10, 2007 Toyota Corolla Auto-Home-Life-Health/Medicare-Business/
Page 7

Dutchland Woods Pig Roast August 29th

One of the most successful events in Dutchland Woods this year was pulled off by the DW Social and Recreation Committee, prin-
cipally Jodi Strutz and Sharon Pierce. Having raised money through cooperation with several pizza restaurants, they only needed
another $300 to break even on the gala dinner celebration. The event was advertised by taping flyers on every mail box in the sub-
Tickets for dinner that included roasted pig, hamburgers, hot dogs, sauces, potato salad, baked beans, cole slaw, soft drinks, tea,
sweet tea, and lemonade were only ONE DOLLAR per person. Beautiful weather encouraged MANY people to attend, and many
went back for seconds. Tables inside the White House, outside under the new covered patio, and at picnic tables on the lawn were
filled, and many ate sitting on blankets or the grass. People said “Hi” to DW residents they hadn’t seen for so long they couldn’t
remember their names, but were glad to visit, chat, reminisce and enjoy a great summer picnic. In addition to the food, catered by
Vondehaar, the layout providing easy access for diners with all the necessary tableware, cups, napkins, trash receptacles, etc. was
well arranged and maintained. It is comforting to know that we have persons willing and able to accomplish a festival of this mag-
nitude so well. However there was a drawback. Several persons, to remain unnamed, ate too much.

Forest Green Trash Collection

Forest Green collects trash in competition with Rumpke, and does it for less. I just signed on last month, received a nice new trash
container, receive good service, and am not bashful to recommend checking them out. Trustees should have all the information you
need. Rumpke was going to match their offer, but never confirmed it in writing. What’s wrong with competition? This is Amer-

What Do You Want in Dutchland Woods?

The Board is preparing a five year plan. If you have ideas for them to consider, let them know. How about a lighted fountain for
our lake, a proper rock lining for the lake, trees, bushes, flowers, park benches, more playground equipment, decorative lighting,
social events in the White House, pool and grounds, and . . . what else? Become involved, volunteer for a committee, attend Board
meetings, take an active interest, and be a good Wooder. What is anyone else doing that we could emulate? We have a great his-
tory, and we are still making history.

Want a Dog, Cat, or other Pet?

The Butler County “Animal Friends Humane Society,” located at 1820 Princeton Road, 513-867-5727, officially opened with a
well attended open house Saturday, August 22nd, from 11:00 to 5:00 PM. All the animals from the old Trenton shelter were moved
to the new shelter by Monday, August 10th. Three and a half times the space and brand new facilities provide a welcome atmos-
phere for people to drop off animals, look at the animals, or adopt pets. All animals are allowed including aggressive animals, dis-
eased animals, and pets that you wish to have euthanized. Adoption fees are as follows: Puppies $150, Dogs $125, Pure breds
$175, Kittens $100, and Cats $80. Euthanization is $50 for dogs, and $30 for cats. The facility is a non-profit 501(c)(3) operation.
Donations of money and supplies are welcome, and you may volunteer to work there, or apply for a paid position. When the facil-
ity becomes full, as many animals must be put down as arrive each day. Young and old need a pet or pets. Take a look. Save some
lives. I believe you can leave a message regarding the kind and type of animal you are looking for. Pets make great gifts too.

Graeme George

A new addition to our family!

We adopted a puppy who was born on July 4th, 2009.
Sammy is a lab mix and his big “sister”
Dodger, a terrier mix is getting happier
about sharing the home with Sammy!
Welcome Sammy Swigert to Dutchland Woods! Sammy

Page 8

"30th" Annual - 2009 DW Golf Outing Results

"30th Annual" - (2009) Dutchland Woods Golf Outing Results for next Newsletter:

Held: Saturday-9/26/09 at Pleasant Hills Golf Course.

(12 Teams / 48 Golfers) several extras for Steak Dinner & Refreshments at the White House after Golf...

1st Place Team: Score 62 (9 Under Par):

Kevin Klein, Chris Phillips, Bob Dander, Greg Salvati.

2nd Place Team: Score 64 (7 Under Par):

Buzz McDonald, Todd McDonald, Jim Bender, Frank Robinson.

3rd Place Team: Score 66 (5 Under Par):

Chuck Engelhardt, Jim Kindsvatter, Corky Breeden, Cody Breeden.

4th Place Team: Score 67 (4 Under Par):

Sue Keegan, Mike Biehle, Frank Biehle, Rob Haugland.

5th Place Team: Score 68 (3 Under Par):

Dave Whetzel, Cindy Whetzel, Rob Rait, Sue Rait.

Prize Winners:
Long Drive Men: Frank Biehle.
Long Drive Women: Sue Keegan.
Closest-to-Pin Winners: Men: Jim Bender & Mike Curran.
Women: Cheryl Lanham & Sue Rait.
Closest on Hole #16 (for all): Deb Kropp.

Shortest Drive: Jim Schwertman.

Most Lost Golf Balls: Cody Breeden...

Skins (2): Whetzel/Rait Team and Kevin Klein Team.

Thanks to all from the Golf Committee:

Linda & Mike Curran, Chuck Engelhardt & Ted & Colleen Thompson.

Next years Golf Committee for the 2010 Golf Outing:

A very warm welcome to The Whetzels & Raits who will join the Committee....
A special Thank you to Linda Curran for the many years of extraordinary
help & support with the Golf Outing.....we will truly miss you....

See you all next year.

Ted Thompson
P a g e 9

DW Board Meetings, By A Resident of Dutchland Woods:

Dutchland Woods Board meetings are on my list of things to attend, but they often lose out
because of other activities. That seems to be an often-used excuse.
The Board meeting Wednesday, August the 19th, was interesting with some frustrations,
good information, and revealed many actions and obligations that must be met by the Board so
the rest of us who live here can live in peace. For those of you who may wish to attend Board
meetings, the day has been changed to the third Tuesday each month, and they will begin at
6:30 PM. Ned Burris, president, asks that anyone who has something to bring up at a meeting
to please let him know ahead of time so he can be prepared. He will allot time, normally at the
beginning of the meeting, for whatever you want to say. That way you won’t need to stay for
the entire meeting. Last Wednesday’s meeting lasted from 6:30 until 9:00 PM, which is about
Finances are watched carefully, and expenditures are discussed before approval. We are in
good shape this year financially. Knowing the costs assessed other residential districts and
subdivisions, the $280 per year assessed in Dutchland Woods is low. I don’t know any other
subdivision that charges less, even when they have less to offer.
The Board is developing a five-year-plan. If you have any ideas, wants, desires, sugges-
tions, or criticisms, contact Ned Burris to let the Board know. Some items like maintenance to
the White House and grounds are necessary. Other items like the lighted fountain for the lake
are not, but should be on the five-year-plan. If expenses can be controlled, the fountain might
be provided next year. Maybe you would like to provide a memorial to someone, such as a
park bench by the lake, a picnic table, a tree planted, playground equipment, or the lighted
fountain. Ideas and suggestions from residents are welcome and should be encouraged.
Board members are paid nothing. Their reward is the satisfaction of doing a necessary job,
keeping in touch with the needs of the subdivision, and enjoying criticisms of residents who
are often disgusted with something or other. Personally, I think the Board should and can do a
better job of communicating with resident. Every communication from a resident should be an-
swered promptly and courteously, and criticisms should be accepted and acknowledged.

Am I repeating this? Yes. Maybe it is important. Let’s see if anyone is listening.

Submitted by Graeme George, a 12 year resident.

Graeme George
Do you have an opinion? Please send it to me for print. Do you have an announcement, a
birthday, a congratulations? Email me and
Would you like to be a trustee? Consider going to the meetings and getting I’ll add your news in the next edition! It’s a
a feel for how the homeowner’s association is run. During my time as a service I provide for each of you!
trustee, I learned a great deal about how many misconceptions are out there
in the community as to what trustees can or can’t do. People would call me
about neighbor squabbles! It was interesting but also very rewarding to help
our neighbors. I now have such a passion for our neighborhood and want
what’s best for all of us. The trustees need new faces with new ideas. So I
say stop complaining if you aren’t interested enough to get involved.!
Dutchland Woods At Home
P a g e 1 0

g{tÇ~áz|ä|Çz is just around the corner… what is your favorite family tradition for the holidays? Do you have a fa-
vorite prayer that you have shared with your family? Please send me some of your favorite moments. Take a picture or two and
share them with us!
Here’s a poem for you and yours…

Thanksgiving Five Little Turkeys

The year has turned its circle, 5 little turkeys standing by door,
The seasons come and go. One waddled off, and then there were 4.
The harvest is all gathered in 4 little turkeys under a tree,
And chilly north winds blow. One waddled off, and then there were 3.
Orchards have shared their treasures, 3 little turkeys with nothing to do,
The fields, their yellow grain. One waddled off, and then there were 2.
So open wide the doorway- 2 little turkeys in the noon day sun,
Thanksgiving comes again One waddled off, and then there was 1.
One little turkey better run away,
For soon will come Thanksgiving Day.

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Movie Date: Sat, Dec 12. 9:00 am

Each year between Thanksgiving and Christmas Re/Max Unlimited hosts a movie and pictures
with Santa. There is no charge for this event and there is certainly no sales pitch. This is a day to
invite those who we wish to thank for helping us grow our business each year. For me it is my
neighborhood as you have been so good to me.
We meet at Kings Island Showcase Theatre and those who want pictures with Santa line up and
get a picture and we email those to you! If you don’t want a picture, just grab one of our wonder-
ful baked goods or popcorn from the concession stand and go on into the theatre for the movie!
There’s no catch! I simply want to invite all who would like to come. The movie is always a new
release Christmas movie for the family.
I do have a limited number of tickets so please call me or email me if you are interested in com-
This year I’m making caramel popcorn for my guests! I hope you’ll join me!
Brenda Swigert 378-1461 or
Page 11
Brenda Swigert
Your Neighborhood Realtor®
Office: 759-4000
Res: 755-9597 7360 Liberty One Drive
Cell: 378-1461 Liberty Twp, OH 45044
I’m passionate about keeping our home val-
See this page in color…
MY LISTINGS & ues as high as possible. If you are consider-
ing a move please call me. I have a Fall spe-
Click on Dutchland Woods Newsletter SALES!! cial. Call me today then start packing!


6523 Hansbrinker Dr 7311 Chatham # C w/garage 6931 Rotterdam Ct

Liberty Twp, $159,899 $101,941 Liberty Twp $159,999


6584 Hansbrinker Drive 6658 Woodland Trace Ct. 6894 Willow Creek Run
Liberty Twp $155,000 Liberty Twp $169,000 Liberty Twp $350,000


6565 Tulip Lane 7807 Tances Drive 5917 Keystone Ct.

Liberty Twp $159,700 Madeira, OH $159,000 Liberty Twp $181,800

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