Blade Runner:: - How Is The City Depicted in The Movie?

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Blade Runner:

- How is the city depicted in the movie?

The image of the city seems to be an apocalyptic one, even from the first image when the
movie starts with several fires; then because of the dark colours and because of the general
lack of light, every place is a darkened one. The way of people are living their lives seems to
be chaotic; the city is dirty with piles of garbage and dirt everywhere. The atmosphere is a
very cold one, every time is raining; with a lot of humidity and cold colours.
- In what ways is the representation of the city associated to the issue of
Dystopia could be represented by the fact that in the footage human race is in its decline, and
the number of population is decreasing; we assume this because of the empty buildings,
without owners. Also this apocalyptic representation is given by the fact that people are
colonising the space and encourages the population to start a new life on other planets with a
flying commercial which often appears on the sky. Another clue about the end of the earth
could be that despite Los Angeles is an American territory, in the movie, the majority of
population is Asiatic (which indicate a certain massive migration/expansion of Asiatic
countries). Also this Asiatic presence, the fact that police is everywhere and the appearance of
a light from a lighthouse similar to those used in prisons to guard, may induct a communistic
atmosphere , where people are strongly controlled . Also, dystopia could be represented in the
movie by flying cars and artificial life which imitate everything , from animals to humans,
even with some better abilities.
- How would you relate Dreckard's psyche to the city?
Dreckard mental condition seems to be the same as the city, cold, hopeless, worried, restless,
confused. In a certain scene , Dreckard is dreaming a unicorn which is the symbol of purity
and is possible that he had doubts about his own purity , he may had a few suppositions that
himself could be a robot .In the beginning he looks like a lonely guy who didn.t had any debt
for anybody, he works alone and actually refuses to help Bryant, he refuses any connection
with that dirty society; this fact accentuate the solitary personality of himself. He has doubts
about his own purity, since on that planet were a lot of manufactured things, even animals (his
doubt is increased by Rachel who asks if he did the "Voight-Kampff" test for himself).
Another clue about his origins could be that at the end of the movie, Gaff left Dreckard a
origamy paper with a unicorn, this act is intriguing because if Gaff knows Dreckards
memories this could mean that Dreckard is also a replicant

Midnight Cowboy:
- How is the city depicted in the film?
In the movie the city looks like a place which offers riches, possibilities of all kinds but
actually offers slavery. The city is the protagonist of a large dehumanisation, where the main
preoccupation, interest and activity for everybody is finding money. New york in the movie,
as in the reality is the place where people are preoccupied of fashionable useless things, this
inspires them modernity and luxury; and of course, for them this means development. The
atmosphere in the town is one of a busy, crowded place where the candle is burning at both
- In what sense does the cityscape influence the two characters of the film?
We first observe what impact has the city upon Joe, who under the influence of Ratso (already
changed in a amateur thief) starts to do, more and more, illegal actions. From day to day he
began more violent and at the and he even makes a robbery in which we may suspect he killed
a man. We could say that Ratso had the same ruinous destiny, his father immigrated to
America to work hard for a few money and he died poor, this example made him to quit the
honest work in the favour of rip-offs, this actions didnt changed his material condition
- Would you say that Joe Buck's experience in New york is a descent into the
dark side of America?
Yes, for sure New York is not the most agreeable city in America. He came to this town to
become reach but he actually started to loose money even since from his arrival and in a very
short while he was broke. As we said earlier, we saw a lot negative aspects of New York,
modernity and evolution were understood wrong (with examples like drugs or liberty of
sexuality and sexual orientation). We actually have a image with a man felt down motionless
on the sidewalk who wasn.t helped by anybody although he was in a crowded place, each
person was busy to reach their job, their money.
- In what ways does the scenario add some kind of meaning to the film?, and to
the characters?
A certain meaning is given to the film since the moment when a friendship is made between
the two men. This friendship lead in the end to positive things since Joe started to influence
back Ratso and convince him that they could make honest money, without stealing, cheating
and the most important he realised that being a male prostitute was not the most natural
method of getting an income.
- Would you say that Joe Buck and "Ratso" Rizzo could have existed in any
other city?
Yes, I strongly believe that they werent totally guilty for the pickpockets they were, the city
is the one who changed them in evil intended persons. The city first lied to them promising a
better life but the only thing theyve got was desperation, and desperation brought them to
illegitimacy. As we said earlier, the city itself its dehumanised brute.

Stranger than Paradise:
- How is the city depicted in the film?
We have that typical pattern of America with a lot of industrial images and dangerous
neighbourhoods with empty and cold streets. Reticent sad people, having a life in routine
imprisoned by work, and at the opposite side we also have delinquents as our characters and
we can see the presence of drugs activity.
- In what sense does the cityscape influence the characters of the film?
For the characters of this film, the city is a favourable place for earning money from illegal
activities. Also the life of our characters is senseless, they loose much time just doing nothing,
watching TV and smoking cigarettes. In particular, William although is an immigrant, is not a
nationalist at all, and he is even disturber by his European origins refusing all the time to
speak Hungarian and when this subject is brought up into discussion he even feels irritated.
- Would you say that their American experience is positive or negative? To
what extent do the characters represent the immigrant experience in America?
In this movie, the three characters are presented as amateurish delinquents, being shown
several scenes with them committing illegalities. Eva steals food from the market, the boys
cheat on cards to win a large sum of money, and they even cheat the personal from the motel
even tough they had plenty of cash. This American medium is not the most suitable for their
moral straightening, it actually extends their only wrong wish, to loose time, to have fun. For
example, at Evas arrival in New York, We have a scene with her listening to Screamin Jay
Hawkins who made in that time a music for rebels, so I think this highlights what she was
expecting to find in America. At the end she ends up like every immigrant, doing the bottom
- What are the differences when compared to Midnight Cowboy?
In Midnight Cowboy the two friends were poorer and poorer while dreaming to get rich
without a hard work when in Stranger than paradise Willie and Eddie managed to earn pretty
good money from betting in sports (but also they werent rich anyway because they spent
randomly the money they won). Ironically, in the end, the girl who actually has a job at a fast-
food is the one who benefits of a big sum of money just from pure luck, this doesn.t mean
that she will be rich having a better life anyway. If in the Midnight Cowboy, those two man
steal from desperation, but getting not too much, in Stranger Than Paradise Willie and Eddie
cheat because they are used to, and they manage to live pretty well with their little scams. The
difference is also made by Joe from Midnight Cowboy who is aware of what he did and he
wants to straight up.

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