Piercing The Corporate Veil: Deny, Deny, Deny!

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32 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 www.antishyster.com adask@gte.

net 972-418-8993
The prevIous artIcIe reported
how one researcher was usIng a
Freedom oI nIormatIon Act
(FOA) request to "compeI" gov
ernment (and especIaIIy the RS)
to precIseIy IdentIIy ItseII. How
government wIII answer that re
quest remaIns to be seen. The
strong probabIIIty Is that, one
way or another, government wIII
not precIseIy IdentIIy ItseII or the
The next artIcIe essentIaIIy
descrIbes another strategy to
Iorce government to IdentIIy It
seII. However - rather than ask
"Who th` H are you guys!"
and waIt poIIteIy Ior an answer -
thIs strategy sImpIy denIes that
varIous governmentaI entItIes
even exIst. And based on that
denIaI, those government entI
tIes cannot proceed untII they
prove they do exIst. That prooI
wIII necessarIIy IncIude enough
IdentIIIcatIon InIormatIon that
constItutIonaIIsts wIII be abIe to
precIsIy D the the "masked ma
rauders" we`ve come to accept as
ThIs artIcIe opens wIth an
emaII recentIy receIved:
Some IoIks down In the
southern States seem to be hav
Ing extraordInary success by III
Ing a sImpIe aIIIdavIt. The par
aIIeI statue Ior Texas Is Iound In
the Texas ruIes oI Court, CIvII
Procedure, RuIe #52. eIow Is
what was sent me.
Comments are apprecIated.
ChrIstopher Stephen, oI
My IIrst comment Is that thIs
artIcIe conveys Important In
sIghts Into the constItutIonaIIsts`
growIng apprecIatIon Ior the
strategy oI denIaI.
To save space, `ve edIted the
artIcIe to remove text that strIkes
me as unnecessary.
The orIgInaI text Is In brown.
`ve Inserted my own comments
(In bIue) wherever thought they
mIght cIarIIy the authors` opIn
Re: Corporate Scam
CorporatIons were orIgInaIIy
estabIIshed Ior unIawIuI pur
poses - prImarIIy to escape per
sonaI punIshment Ior crImes by
pIacIng the bIame on a IIctIonaI
organIzatIon responsIbIe to no
"PIercIng the Corporate VeII"
Is a IegaI term whIch sIgnIIIes the
process where a court removes
the protectIon provIded to IndI
vIduaI members oI a corporatIon
Ior crImInaI actIvIty, and makes
those members responsIbIe Ior
theIr own actIons.
The "UnIted States" govern
ment jumped on the corporate
bandwagon In the T870`s by de
cIarIng ItseII a separate entIty
Irom ConstItutIonaI government.
The Iact that the ConstItutIon
had aIready estabIIshed a "UnIted
States" was InconsequentIaI to
those traItors In Congress.
CorporatIons are IegaI IIc
tIons. That Is , they do not exIst
except In the mInds oI men. y
ItseII, a corporatIon cannot thInk,
act, or even communIcate wIth
naturaI men. CorporatIons have
no weIght or coIor and thus can
not be seen, tasted or touched.
ecause corporatIons are
ImagInary, they must have some
reaI person (typIcaIIy a Iawyer) to
speak and act Ior them.
That, Is, sInce corporatIons
don`t actuaIIy exIst, they must be
"represented" by a IIesh and
bIood person who does exIst.
Such "representatIon" Is man
dated by Iaw In aII AmerIcan
Some peopIe suspect that
today`s courts onIy recognIze ar
tIIIcIaI entItIes IIke corporatIons
and trusts. ThIs suspIcIon tIes
cIoseIy to the theory that aIIup
percase names (IIke "ALFRED")
IdentIIy artIIIcIaI entItIes whIIe
capItaIIzed names ("AIIred") sIg
nIIy naturaI, IIesh and bIood per
Whether the courts actuaIIy
presume that aII "partIes" to a
IawsuIt to be artIIIcIaI entItIes
remaIns questIonabIe. However,
there Is IIttIe doubt that most oI
the government entItIes that "ap
pear" to sue us In court are cor
Piercing the
Corporate Veil
Deny, deny, deny!
AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 www.antishyster.com adask@ gte.net 972-418-8993 33
For exampIe, under TItIe 28
oI the UnIted States Code, sec
tIon 3002(T5)(a) decIares that the
term "UnIted States" means "a
FederaI corporatIon". AIthough
thIs corporate IdentIty may have
been created by Congress just aI
ter the CIvII War, thIs corporatIon
Is not the same "UnIted States"
that was created by the ConstI
The resuItIng conIusIon be
tween the "UnIted States" Repub
IIca and the "UnIted States" cor
poratIon has aIIowed the corpo
rate "UnIted States" to Intrude
Into the AmerIcans` IIves whIIe
masqueradIng as the constItu
tIonaI "UnIted States" RepubIIc.
ThIs deceptIon has been oppres
sIve sInce the corporate "UnIted
States" Is not dIrectIy bound by
the ConstItutIon and thus not
obIIgated to respect the AmerIcan
peopIe`s "unaIIenabIe RIghts". As
a resuIt, the corporate "UnIted
States" Is hugeIy empowered In
court whIIe the rIghts oI AmerI
cans IacIng that corporatIon are
hugeIy dImInIshed.
AIter years oI research, a Iew
peopIe have Iound, what we be
IIeve to be that "out" Irom corpo
rate jurIsdIctIon: denyIng corpo
rate exIstence. We`ve had great
success wIth thIs strategy, and
the shocked Iooks and IrenzIes
oI judges presented wIth thIs
procedure show us that we are
on the rIght track.
As wIth aII other "sure"
thIngs, however, we can`t rest on
our IaureIs and smugIy assume
thIs strategy Is IooIprooI. We
have to remember that It took
the IegaI proIessIon many years
to devIse theIr gImmIcks, and
they won`t sImpIy IaInt away as
we proceed to break up theIr
pIayhouse. We know Irom expe
rIence that they can pIay rough.
There Is nothIng compIIcated
about the procedure oI dIscIaIm
Ing corporatIon exIstence. The
dIIIIcuIty IIes In overcomIng our
own habItuaI beIIeIs based on a
IIIetIme oI corporate propa
ganda. We who work wIth thIs
procedure went through the
same agonIzIng process beIore
we reaIIzed that It reaIIy works
We were IookIng Ior the compII
cated when the answer to our
probIems was rIght under our
noses aII the tIme.
You wIII IInd that some pros
ecutors and judges just haven`t
got the pIcture yet, and wIII ask
your source oI InIormatIon when
you go beIore them. Thus, you
may need a IIttIe background to
keep Iorm beIng embarrassed.
AgaIn, try not to read dIIIIcuIty
Into a perIectIy sImpIe procedure
whIch Is outIIned beIow.
Not havIng access to Iaws oI
other states, can onIy quote
Irom those whIch are avaIIabIe to
me In LouIsIana . We`ve aIso trIed
thIs system In AIabama and
FIorIda, and know It works there
(we dIdn`t even research the Iaw
books In those states beIore act
Ing) and we assume It wIII work
natIonaIIy, sInce the "corporate
veII" extends over every nook and
cranny oI the natIon. ecause
the government`s corporate ju
rIsdIctIon Is so extensIve, we
can`t yet see where a generaI
wIthdrawaI Irom corporate jurIs
dIctIon Is possIbIe. Thus, every
case must be decIded on Its own.
That Is, every appIIcatIon oI cor
porate jurIsdIctIon must be IndI
vIduaIIy and successIuIIy denIed
untII the cumuIatIve weIght oI
those denIaIs Iorces government
to admIt that corporate jurIsdIc
tIon no Ionger works.
PIease read the IoIIowIng sec
tIons Irom the LouIsIana CIvII
Codes, and LouIsIana RevIsed
Statutes careIuIIy. DIssect them
word by word and the message
wIII come out Ioud and cIear.
Civil Codes of Louisiana
Art. 445. The statutes and
reguIatIons whIch corporatIons
enact Ior theIr poIIce and dIscI
pIIne, are obIIgatory upon aII theIr
respectIve members who are
bound to obey them, provIded
such statutes contaIn nothIng
contrary to the Iaw, to pubIIc IIb
erty, or to the Interest oI others.
Fascinating . . . More insight in
a few pages than a months
reading of the Washington Post.
. . . a text to rekindle the
timeless laws and unique
heritage of this great and
once-Christian nation.
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DR. GENE SCHRODER, author of
Emergency War Powers.
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34 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 www.antishyster.com adask@gte.net 972-418-8993
Louisiana Revised Statutes
Art. 429. Corporate exIst
ence presumed unIess aIIIdavIt
oI denIaI IIIed beIore trIaI. On
trIaI oI any crImInaI case It shaII
not be necessary to prove the
IncorporatIon oI any corporatIon
mentIoned In the IndIctment,
unIess the deIendant, beIore en
terIng upon such trIaI, shaII have
IIIed hIs aIIIdavIt specIIIcaIIy de
nyIng the exIstence oI such cor
poratIon. [Emph. add.]
The prevIous two, sImpIe
paragraphs say It aII.
AccordIng to ArtIcIe 445 oI
the LouIsIana CIvII Code, II one
Is a member oI a corporatIon he
Is bound by corporate ruIes and
reguIatIons. mpIIcItIy, those
outsIde those corporatIons are
not subject to theIr jurIsdIctIon.
Thus, II you can prove you are
not part oI a partIcuIar corpora
tIon, you wIII not be subject to
Its ruIes.
Under ArtIcIe 429 oI the LouI
sIana RevIsed Statutes, the cor
porate status oI an IndIvIduaI en
terIng the court Is automatIcaIIy
presumed by the court unIess
they have notIce to counter such
presumptIon. An aIIIdavIt spe
cIIIcaIIy denyIng a corporatIons
exIstence seems to deIeat thIs
Corporate government
AII oI the socIaIIstIc pro
grams and the grab oI power at
aII echeIons oI government are
corporate "enterprIses". One
cannot escape oppressIon by cor
porate authorIty untII he has re
moved hImseII Irom the
corporatIon`s jurIsdIctIon. I we
"pIerce the corporate veII," we
can remove ourseIves Irom that
corrupt jurIsdIctIon and regaIn
the status oI naturaI men wIth
"unaIIenabIe RIghts".
We can vIew modern govern
ment as a system oI InterIInked
corporatIons, where the ConstI
tutIon Is mereIy a byword, Con
gress Is the board oI governors,
the presIdent Is the corporate
CEO, and the "courts" - IncIud
Ing the U.S. Supreme Court (but
not the Supreme Court oI the
UnIted States) - are mere corpo
rate arbItratIon boards.
The government corpora
tIons oI greatest concern are:
aII ar AssocIatIons
every state
every county, parIsh oI
every corporate state.
Every cIty, town, munIcI
paIIty or other corporate subdI
Every member oI corpo
ratIons - IncIudIng you - untII
those corporatIons` exIstence Is
eIIectIveIy denIed by aIIIdavIt.
Every department oI na
tIonaI, state, county, cIty, etc. -
IncIudIng sherIII departments,
poIIce departments, judges,
prosecutors and aII other munIcI
paI oIIIcers and empIoyees, the
RS, and state and cIty tax depart
Affidavit of Denial of
Corporation Existence
Here`s an exampIe oI how the
aIIIdavIt denyIng corporate exIst
ence has been appIIed:
]ohn Preston HIckman has
just been stopped by a Tarrant
CIty, AIabama poIIce oIIIcer by
the name oI WIIIIam C. HenIy, Ior
doIng 45 In a 35 MPH zone. AI
ter the normaI procedures oI
checkIng drIver`s IIcense, Insur
ance, etc., HenIy gIves HIckman
a tIcket, wIth an appearance date
oI ]une T5, 2000, In cIty court.
]ohn does It rIght by not ar
guIng wIth the oIIIcer, and ac
ceptIng the and even sIgnIng the
tIcket as ordered. Then ]ohn
goes home and prepares hImseII
an aIIIdavIt, whIch reads some
thIng IIke thIs:
, ]ohn Preston HIckman, a IIv
Ing, breathIng man, decIare In my
own handwrItIng that the IoIIow
Ing Iacts are true to the best oI
my knowIedge and beIIeI.
hereby deny that the IoIIow
Ing corporatIons exIst: UNTED
I any man or woman desIres
to answer thIs aIIIdavIt, pIease
answer In the manner oI thIs aI
IIdavIt, wIth notarIzed aIIIdavIt,
usIng your ChrIstIan or IamIIy
name Ior sIgnature, and maII to
the beIow named notary, address
provIded, wIthIn IIve (5) days or
deIauIt wIII be obtaIned.
JsJ ]ohn Preston HIckman
T02PROM 5k
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rcw .cL=
civiL s
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AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 www.antishyster.com adask@ gte.net 972-418-8993 35
On the 25th day oI ]une,
2000 A.D., a man who IdentIIIed
hImseII as ]ohn Preston HIckman
appeared beIore me, a notary,
and attested to the truth oI thIs
aIIIdavIt wIth hIs sIgnature.
JsJ WIIson R. NImbIy, Notary
PubIIc T423 FaIrnon DrIve,
Tarrant CIty, AIabama 352T7
Four copIes oI thIs aIIIdavIt
shouId be (preIerabIy) handwrIt
ten; one copy Iorwarded to the
Tarrant CIty PoIIce Department In
tIme to gIve them IIve days to
respond. One copy shouId be
kept on you when you go to
court. ThIrty mInutes beIore you
enter the court, take the remaIn
Ing two copIes, IIIe one In theIr
court, have the cIerk stamp the
other and keep It wIth you In
court In case the prosecutor and
judge have not receIved theIr
n our experIence - once the
poIIce and court have been notI
IIed by aIIIdavIt oI the denIaI oI
corporate exIstence - when the
"deIendant`s" name Is caIIed In
court, he stands and answers,
and the judge asks the prosecu
tor to state the charges. Then the
prosecutor (speakIng In Iow
tones) repIIes that the evIdence
Is IackIng Ior prosecutIon, or
somethIng sImIIar, and the judge
dIsmIsses the case.
The aIIIdavIt`s use seems IIm
Ited onIy by the ImagInatIon. For
exampIe, the aIIIdavIt strategy
has worked In a state tax case,
where the state was requIred to
return the money taken Irom the
bank accounts oI a husband and
wIIe, wIth the tax "debt" beIng
cIeared Irom the records.
have personaIIy used thIs
strategy to pIace a $T50,000 IIen
agaInst a Iawyer In IrmIngham,
AIabama whIch has been there
Ior severaI years. He brought
suIt In HS court to have the IIen
removed, to no avaII. never
answered hIs IrIvoIous suIt be
cause had aIready IdentIIIed
myseII as a IIvIng man, and not
one oI hIs IIctIons.
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aIso used the aIIIdavIt to
stop my phone company Irom
addIng AT&T charges Ior theIr
socIaI engIneerIng, and a coupIe
oI other mInor purposes; aII were
stopped coId.
The amount oI wIns In thIs
area, wIth no Iosses, convInces
us that thIs procedure, set up In
T925 by the state IegIsIature oI
LouIsIana, Is a very vaIId process
and shouId be eIIectIve Ior any
and aII reason, agaInst any cor
poratIon, pubIIc or prIvate, wIthIn
the UnIted States. There Is a case
pendIng agaInst the SocIaI Secu
rIty admInIstratIon or InvoIvIng
socIaI securIty, and the resuIts
wIII be reported when IInaI.
The aIIIdavIt oI denIaI aIso
works agaInst tax IIens. The RS
Is a corporatIon, and the Iact that
It operates wIthIn thIs natIon
makes It IIabIe to the aIIIdavIt.
Covernment response
One man was hesItant to use
the aIIIdavIt oI denIaI strategy be
cause "judges just waIk aII over
those who chaIIenge theIr jurIs
WeII, wIth the aIIIdavIt we are
most certaInIy chaIIengIng theIr
jurIsdIctIon, but not In generaI.
What we need to get straIght Is
the Iact that they DO have jurIs
dIctIon In theIr corporate capacI
tIes, but that doesn't mean they
can brIng any noncorporate cItI
zens Into that jurIsdIctIon -
whIch Is exactIy what they`ve
done - through IrauduIent pre
AII we`re doIng wIth the aIII
davIt Is showIng them that theIr
presumptIon that "aII men are
created corporate" and are thus
a part oI theIr scheme Is mIs
taken - and that we have the Iaw
on our sIde that shows them to
be wrong.
The bottom IIne oI the aIII
davIt In denyIng the exIstence oI
corporatIons Is that It pIerces the
corporate veII by an IndIvIduaI on
a case by case basIs. t pIerces
that veII Ior purpose to expose
36 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 www.antishyster.com adask@gte.net 972-418-8993
IrauduIent actIvItIes oI the courts
and expose government actors
to personaI IIabIIIty.
Covernment`s use oI IaIse
presumptIons to bypass the Con
stItutIon and our unaIIenabIe
RIghts has to stop, and mean
to do everythIng wIthIn my power
to heIp It stop soon.
AccordIng to the emaII re
ceIved, the author oI the
unedIted versIon oI thIs docu
ment Is "Ray" at
Editor's comment
ConsIstent wIth the prevIous
author`s assumptIon, the strat
egy Ior denyIng a corporatIon`s
exIstence seems to be aIso sup
ported In Texas. AccordIng to
the T993 Dorsaneo & SouIes`
"Texas Codes and RuIes," RuIe 52
oI the Texas RuIes oI CIvII Proce
dure reads:
Rule 52.
Alleging a Corporation
An aIIegatIon that a corpora
tIon Is Incorporated shaII be
taken as true, unIess denIed by
the aIIIdavIt oI the adverse party,
hIs agent or attorney, whether
such corporatIon Is pubIIc or prI
vate corporatIon and however
Source: Art. T999
* See Texas LItIgatIon CuIde
by WIIIIam V. Dorsaneo , Ch. T2,
"PIeadIng the PartIes," and Ch.
70, "Answer".
OK - It seems undenIabIe
that we can use aIIIdavIts to deny
the exIstence oI any corporatIon,
IncIudIng government corpora
tIons. And judgIng Irom reports,
thIs denIaI strategy seems to be
enjoyIng some success.
However, have two con
cerns: T) the corporatIons exIst,
and 2) the aIIIdavIts are there
Iore IaIse.
FIrst, It appears to me that
most government corporatIons
are "reaI". That Is, just as It reads
In TItIe 28 oI the UnIted States
Code, sectIon 3002(T5)(a), the
term "UnIted States" can truIy
mean "a FederaI corporatIon".
aIso know that vIrtuaIIy aII
IocaI ar assocIatIons In Texas
(and probabIy across the natIon)
are estabIIshed as 50T(c)(3) charI
tabIe corporatIons under TItIe 26
(nternaI Revenue Code).
am IIkewIse conIIdent that
there are records and statutes
that conIIrm that the STATE OF
and the other 48 corporate
"states" are, In Iact, Incorporated.
assume that sImIIar evIdence oI
IncorporatIon must be avaIIabIe
Ior vIrtuaIIy aII oI the other "cor
porate" departments oI cIty, state
and natIonaI governments.
ThIs teIIs me that the govern
ment corporatIons do, In Iact,
exIst. I so - and II the "aIIIdavIt
oI denIaI oI corporate exIstence"
strategy Is workIng as reported
- It appears to me that the strat
egy must be workIng Ior reasons
whIch were not made cIear In the
prevIous artIcIe.
t appears to me that II the
aIIIdavIt denyIng a government
corporatIon`s exIstence actuaIIy
works, It does so not because the
government corporatIon doesn`t
actuaIIy exIst (It does), but be
cause government Is reIuctant to
pubIIcIy admIt or prove that It Is
operatIng In a corporate capac
ut just because govern
ment may be a IIttIe too embar
rassed to admIt It`s operatIng In
a corporate capacIty, that doesn`t
mean that government abso
IuteIy can`t make that admIssIon.
Yes, the corporate STATE OF
TEXAS mIght not want to make
that admIssIon Ior a sImpIe traI
IIc tIcket, but II that STATE were
Iaced wIth a very serIous tax or
crImInaI Issue, In theory, It mIght
make the admIssIon and submIt
suIIIcIent documentatIon to
prove the STATE OF TEXAS Is a
ThIs suggests that the aIII
davIt oI denIaI strategy Is not re
IIabIe. t mIght work, but Is not
guaranteed to so Ior reasons so
Iar expIaIned.
My second concern wIth thIs
strategy Is that my spIrItuaI be
IIeIs render me reIuctant to sIgn
my name to an aIIIdavIt oI Iacts
whIch beIIeve to be IaIse. Hav
Ing seen 28 USC 3002(T5)(a) de
cIare that "UnIted States" can
mean a "FederaI corporatIon,"
am not about to take an oath In
whIch deny that corporatIon`s
And II your spIrItuaI vaIues
don`t prevent you Irom sIgnIng
your name to IaIse aIIIdavIts, you
mIght want InvestIgate your
state`s cIvII and crImInaI penaI
tIes Ior perjury.
Wheels within wheels?
So. s the denIaI oI corporate
exIstence strategy bogus!
don`t thInk so. suspect the
strategy Is IundamentaIIy good,
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AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 2 www.antishyster.com adask@ gte.net 972-418-8993 37
but there are more Iayers to thIs
onIon whIch remaIn to be dIscov
suspect the denIaI strategy
works - not because the corpora
tIons don`t exIst - but because gov
ernment doesn`t want to taIk about
them. n other words, aIthough the
denIaI aIIIdavIts may not be tech
nIcaIIy correct, they raIse an Issue
the government does not want to
debate In pubIIc.
Why - II government couId
prove the exIstence oI the varI
ous corporatIons - wouId It
choose not to do so!
Two reasons come to mInd:
poIItIcaI IIabIIIty and IegaI IIabIIIty.
The poIItIcaI IIabIIIty Is based
on the assumptIon that even II
government corporatIons have
been IawIuIIy created and are
technIcaIIy "constItutIonaI," they
are nevertheIess dependant on
a massIve poIItIcaI deceptIon.
What wIII ]oe SIxpack say II he
IInds out he`s been payIng hIs
Income taxes aII these years to
some corporatIon rather than the
IawIuI government! No bureau
crat wants to precIpItate that dIs
cussIon; no poIItIcIan wants to
Iace that Issue In pubIIc.
However, suspect the
deeper reason Ior the aIIIdavIt`s
reported success may be that
government corporatIons are vIo
IatIng other IundamentaI Iaws
governIng corporatIons. For ex
ampIe, corporatIons doIng busI
ness In Texas are requIred to
regIster wIth the Texas Secretary
oI State. Has the CTY OF DAL
LAS regIstered wIth the Secre
tary! I not, It may have no IegaI
capacIty to do busIness In Texas.
The same Is probabIy true Ior any
other government corporatIon -
perhaps IncIudIng the RS and
even the STATE OF TEXAS, ItseII.
Other questIons oI corporate
procedure IncIude who Is the
corporatIon`s regIstered agent!
Do poIIce oIIIcers or other agents
oI the corporatIon have the IegaI
authorIty to sIgn documents on
behaII oI the corporatIon! Must
a corporatIon IdentIIy ItseII as
such on It`s oIIIcIaI paperwork!
ut even II the corporatIon
does exIst, Is properIy regIstered,
and aII oI Its agents are IawIuIIy
empowered to act on the
corporatIon`s behaII - what`s
that got to do wIth you! Where
Is the contract that subjects you
to the corporatIon`s authorIty!
`d bet that the Iast thIng gov
ernment wIII reveaI Is precIseIy
whIch documents "trIcked" us
Into corporate jurIsdIctIon. They
must know that II they dare pub
IIcIy IdentIIy these "nexus" docu
ments, the news wIII spread over
the Internet and wIthIn days, that
document and aII the authorIty
It generates wIII be vaporIzed.
Deny your own existence?
Perhaps the reaI power oI the
denIaI strategy may be Iess In de
nyIng the exIstence oI the gov
ernment corporatIons than In
denyIng your own "corporate
exIstence". t may be much
Strandring 102
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easIer and more truthIuI to deny
the exIstence oI the ALFRED
ADASK corporatIon than the
STATE OF TEXAS corporatIon.
t`s possIbIe that the reaI rea
son the prevIous denIaI strategy
has worked Is not that It denIed
the exIstence oI the government
corporatIon but that It denIed the
deIendant`s exIstence as a cor
poratIon. guarantee that am
not an artIIIcIaI entIty, and have
no probIem swearIng to that Iact
on an aIIIdavIt or a stack oI
t`s possIbIe that some oI our
courts can onIy admInIster over
corporatIons. I so, once prove
by aIIIdavIt that `m not a corpo
ratIon, that court`s jurIsdIctIon
may dIsappear.
Whatever the reason, the aI
IIdavIts oI denIaI oI corporate
exIstence seem to work. ut no
one shouId absoIuteIy reIy on
these denIaIs untII more research
reveaIs why they work.

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