Phop Iv: Akademikciamik 2010

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AkademikCiamik 2010 Page 1

1. Occupational health problems in developing
countries face some additional challenges, problems
in rural area mostly one of the following challanges:
a. Export of hazards
b. Inadequate infrastructure and human
c. Transnational problems
d. Economic development
e. Relationship between the workplace and the
home environment

2. Occupational health and safety is everyone
responsibility. The right to know about occupational
and enviromental hazards, particularly conducting
the need assessment of evaluating the hazards and
side effects is on the shoulders of:
a. Owners and employers
b. Physicians who are employed by the
c. Community
d. The government
e. Supervisor

3. Important science discipline related to occupational
health in human factor engineering to provide a
satisfactory environment in which the worker can
undertake the task required without undue physical
or mental strain is specialization of:
a. Anthropology
b. Toxicology
c. Epidemiology
d. Ergonomic
e. Sociology

4. Occupational health and safety act require everyone
in the workplace have to work together to identify
and control the hazards. One of the factors which
can decrease productivity and related with family
support is:
a. Work related disease
b. Nutritional conditional
c. Work environment
d. Mental/psychological condition
e. Supervision

5. To solve occupational health problems, we need
multi-disciplines approach. What is the important
science related to group surveillance program?
a. Epidemiology
b. Toxicology
c. Law
d. Ergonomic
e. Enviromental engineering

6. Workers in airport will expose to a certain physical
hazard which is not predictable by workplace
monitoring only. Which of the following hazards can
cause the disease after cumulative exposure?
a. Noise
b. Temperature
c. Dust
d. Humidity
e. Illumination

7. Workers in transportation such as drivers or
construction workers are potentially exposed to:
a. Heat
b. Cold
c. Dust
d. Vibration
e. Illumination

8. Effect of extreme pressure most commonly
encountered in a diving setting is:
a. White finger syndrome
b. Rashes
c. Chilblains
d. Air embolism
e. Immersion foot

9. Extreme temperature at stroke among the workers,
one of the first aid we suppose to do is:
a. Do not give any fluid
b. Lift down the feet
c. Have the person to sit down.
d. Apply the cold compresses.
e. Take of the clothes and shoes.

10. A worker is recently dianosed having cataract. He
notes to the physicians that two workers in his shop
had developed cataract over the last 5 years.
What kind of potential hazards in his work?
a. Non ionizing radiation
b. Vibration
c. Hyperbaric situation
d. Chemical substan
e. Electric and magnetic transmission

11. Midwives will contact with patients body fluid
during delivery, what kind of appropriate protictive
equipment should be used by workers to protect
splashes to their body?
a. Masker
b. Plastic gown
c. Goggle
d. Double gloves
e. Full face masker

12. Working in hot climate above 41
C may caused
unconsciousness such as the following situation:
a. Heat cramps
b. White finger
c. Heat stroke
d. Heat rashes
e. Heat exhaustion
13. Occupational disease which is potential to be found
in textile industry or agriculture due to prolog
exposure to dust is
a. Tubercolosis
b. Asthma
c. Chronic bronchitis
d. Emphysema
e. Pneumoconiosis

AkademikCiamik 2010 Page 2

14. Sewer and canal workers may contaminate with
smudged and dirty water which possible transmit
the following
a. Yellow fever
b. Ankylostomiosis
c. Brucellosis
d. Leptospirosis
e. Antrax

15. Health care workers with high pressure condition
like in emergency/ operation room might higher risk
to get occupational injury.
Which of the following water borne disease is
preventable by immunzation?
a. Hepatitis B
b. Hepatitis A
c. HIV
d. Citomegalo virus infection
e. Syphilis

16. Behavioral and psychosomatic disorder disorders
among factory labors working in the night shift with
low wages and overload capacity might be
happened caused by:
a. Environmental and
b. Environmental and
c. Physical stressor
d. Individual psychosocial factors
e. Social support stressor

17. Manifestation of work stress which needs
immediate investigation to prevent further episode
a. Mental illness
b. Accidents
c. Disease
d. Loss of productivity
e. Low morale

18. Ergonomic factors affecting workers health working
in warehousing or heavy engineering mostly due to:
a. Posture
b. Movement
c. Repetitive work

19. Prevention of occupational accidents can be done by
management staff which is also administrative
control is:
a. Designing a comfortable equipments
b. Designing warning sign
c. Designing ergonomic machines
d. Conducting accident investigation
e. Evaluating the mechanic of human gait

20. The most common health effect of lifting and
handling excessive objects among workers is:
a. LBP
b. Osteoporosis
c. Carpal tunnel syndrome
d. Osteoarthitis of hip
e. Lower limbs pain

a. Physical Hazard
b. Chemical hazard
c. Biological hazard
d. Phychological hazard
e. Ergonomic

21. Workers who are expected to operate machines
with poor control, sited at inappropriate heights or
distances; in uncomfortable environment is problem
22. Inter individual relationship at work
23. The hazard of a given exposure depends on the
toxicity of the substance and the duration and
intensity of contact with the substance
24. Hand washing is one of general control in the
workplace to prevent the hazard
25. Increase in accident or injuries, absenteeism,
turnover of employees, poor product quality,
customer complains, increase in overtime and
presence of cumulative trauma disorder are
indicators od the problem

For number 26 to 30
a. Direct cause of accident
b. Indirect caused of accident
c. Root caused of accident
d. Human factor
e. Environmental factor

26. Poor lighting condition
27. Using medicines or drugs
28. Smoking in prohibited area
29. Insufficient procedures and safety training for
normal and emergency situations
30. Poor insulation, high voltage at the workplace
31. Many accidents are caused by multifactorial and
difficult to sumerize. Important factorwhich cause
accident due to human factor is:
a. Work load
b. Time of work per day
c. Experience
d. Industrial relations
e. Type of work

32. Toxicity of materials as the product from an industry is
influenced by:
a. Duration of Exposure to the material
b. Illumination during the process
c. Combination of the row materials
d. Mixing process
e. Heating process


AkademikCiamik 2010 Page 3

33. Wrong position for sometime like in the picture can cause
the following condition:
a. Tension Type headache
b. Low back pain
c.Carpal tunnel syndrome
d. Eye disorder
e. Arthritis
34. Polyethylene terephthalate commonly abbreviated PET of
PETE is a thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyster family and
is used in synthetic fibers; beverage, food and other liquid
containers. PET has resin identification code to identify the
material. Which of the following PET code is used as soft drink
35. Which of the following workplace hazard is not suitable for
this type of
a. Physical

b. Biological

c. Chemical
e. Ergonomics problems and accidents

For questions number 36 to 40, refer to the options below:
a. Occupational disease
b. Work related disease
c. Occupational medicine
d. Occupational hygiene
36. Healthcare personnel should use appropriate mask in taking
care tuberculosis patients in hospital (Occupational Hygiene)
37. Asthmatic patients can be exacerbated during work hours
particularly if there is no dust control in the work place (Work
related disease)
38. Applied science concerned with identification,
measurement, appraisal of risk and control to acceptable
standards of workplace (Occupational Hygiene)
39. A branch of medicine concerned with the prevention and
treatment of occupational disease and primarily a branch of
preventive medicine, with some therapeutic functions
(occupational medicine)
40. lead intoxication can cause health effect to the workers and
also the surrounding community.


AkademikCiamik 2010 Page 4

1. The most dangerous occupation wich often must be
done in extreme heat or cold, in windy, rainy,
snowy, or foggy weather, or at night. Intermittent
and seasonal work with episodic employment and
frequent change employer is :
a. Agriculture
b. Construction site sector
c. Transportation sector (Land, Water and Air)
d. Petroleum, gas and mining sector
e. Industrial sector
2. Human carcinogen which is dealing with lifestyle is
a. Hepatitis B
b. UV
c. Tobacco
d. Coal Tar Ointment
e. Radium
3. Dermatophytoses or dermatitis among animal
handlers or ranches can be avoided by preventive
measure such as
a. personal hygiene
b. immunization
c. antitoxin
d. dust control
e. identification of infected animal
4. Transportation sector has a big risk for injury and
accident. The main cause of transportation accident
is :
a. Inconsistency in application of regulation
b. Undisciplinary of operator in
transportation sector
c. Ignore the occupational health and safety
d. No Punishment for undisciplinary people
e. Quality of human resources
5. The best and cost effective prevention of rabies for
vertenarians, hunter people handling wild or
identified animal is
a. prophylaxis is antibiotic
b. universal body substance precautions
c. sanitary disposal human feces
d. immunization to human contact and
certain animal species
e. personal hygiene
6. anthrax infection amongs hide skinners or
veterinarians, have existed for many years,
escalating concern about the use of anthrax as
weapon for mass destruction (bioterrorism) based
on the fact that :
a. no effective vaccination is avaiable
b. It can cause suddent death
c. Antitoxin and treatment is not existing
d. Anthrax spore remains for a long period
e. Identification of infected animal is very
7. What should be the proper medical test as a routine
surveilance among textile industry labors?
a. X-ray
b. Blood pressure
c. Lung function test
d. ECG
e. Lipid level
8. Musculoskeletal disorders among construction
workers can be prevented by:
a. Working in comfortable temperature
b. Using appropriate ppropriate gown
c. Ensuring the lighting is good
d. Avoiding manual handling and use
mechanical aids like lifting devices
e. Using protective device such as helmet
9. War illnes in military personals with symptoms like
tiredness, headache, and lack of concentration,
memory loss and numbness might be due to :
a. Chronic fatigue syndrome
b. Multiple chemical sensitivity
c. Neurasthenia
d. Psychological distress
10. A doctor in oil company should aware before many
accident happened in the field area. What is the
responsibility of an oil company doctor?
a. Asses the environmental condition of
b. Provide labels and warning sign
c. Provide protective equipment
d. Preparing for a comfortable working
environment and safe
e. Provide health insurance
11. The most important part to identify the medical
problem related to occupational work is:
a. The occupational history
b. History taking
c. Physical examination
d. Chest x-ray
e. Pulmonary function test
12. There are many strategies to prevent occupational
disease among health care workers. Personal
protective equipment is required for this strategy:
a. Hands or skin should be washed
immediately and carefully if blood
contact occurs
b. Contaminated surfaces should be
disinfected with 5% sodium hypochlorite
c. Aseptic technique and sterilization
d. Mucous membrane, including the eyes
and mouth should be protected
e. Health education concerning
transmission of blood borne infections
13. Workers with mainly physical work are potential to
acquired compression on median nerve at the wrist
leading to numbness in finger, this type of
occupational disease known as:
a. Neurological of occupational caused by
physical factors
b. Occupation related compressive
c. Occupational spasm
d. CTS
e. Neuroborelliosis
14. Health care workers should assume that the blood
and body substances of all patients are potential
sources of infection, regardless of the diagnosis, or

AkademikCiamik 2010 Page 5

presumed infectious status. The statement is the
main principle of?
a. Patients savety
b. Standard or universal precaution
c. Occupational health and safety program
d. Infection control
e. Nosocomial prevention
15. Every effort to replace carcinogenic substance and
agent for non-carcinogenic and less harmful
alternatives is part of:
a. a. engineering control
b. b. medical control
c. c. management control
d. d. community control
e. e. ergonomic
16. Working with tractors or other farm equipments in
agriculture such as motor vehicle and sharp tools for
cutting and pruning can cause following health
a. Musculoskeletal disorder
b. Respiratory disorder
c. Traumatic injury
d. Toxification
e. Dermatitis
17. One of the nosocomial infection with long
incubation period which clinical onset usually occurs
after the patient discharged from the hospital is
a. Cancer
b. Stroke
c. Broncopneumonia
d. Hepatitis B
e. HIV
18. Medical student injured by a hollow needle will get
higher risk toward blood borne infection compare to
solod needle because :
a. Difference on duration of exposure
b. Device was visibly contaminated with
c. The tickness of the needle
d. Viral load of the source
e. Different in quantity of blood or body
fluid exposed
19. Control and prevention of occupational TBC strategy
intend to examine latent TB infection among
vulnerable population can apply one of the following
a. a. sputum examination
b. b. test tuberculin
c. c. vaccinated by BCG if tuberculin test
d. d. periodic x-ray
e. e. health education
20. Which of the disease is not preventable by
a. Hepatitis A and B
b. Malaria
c. Rubella
d. Tetanus
e. Influenza
21. A 6 years old child hospitalized because of dengue
fever, after 3 days the patient start a new
complaints such as cough & dyspnea with
probability of bronchopneumonia. Which of the
following type of transmission is the most possible
way as the transmission od nosocomial infection?
a. Blood borne transmission
b. Water borne spread
c. Common-vehicle spread
d. Air borne spread
e. Vector borne spread
22. Health professional working in operating theater got
sick building syndrome, karena
a. Poor indor air quality
b. Volatile organic compound
c. Air condition
d. Outgassing of Building material
e. Improper exhaust ventilation
A. Sporadic
B. Endemic
C. Hyperendemic
D. Epidermic
E. Outbreak
23. an increase rate occurence but not at level seroius
epidemic= E
24. specific geaographic area and over defined time
period= B
25. definited increase of disease above expected
endemic occurrence= D
26. appear take gradual increase in area benyond the
expected number of case= C
27. case occurs occasionalling an irregulary without any
specific pattern= A
28. what should be the respone if you get needle stick
injury after taking blood from pasient
a. report to your supervisor
b. do lab testing
c. find out the potential riskof patient
d. take a prophylaxis related drug
e. clean up to injured wih soap and water
29. which following group not get nasocomical ?
a. member of medical staff
b. visitor
c. heath volunter
d. adm. Officer
e. cleaning service
30. potential occupational hazard to a surgeon is
a. violence threat
b. restructing
c. antineoplastic drug
d. waste anasthetic gas
e. ionizing radiation such as lasers
31. Child labors are susceptible group, what is the main
hazard toward children working in family farm?
a. Pesticide ingestion
b. Fatal farm accident
c. Falls victim to drowning
d. Repetitive trauma
e. Helminthitiasis
32. Proper personel protective equipment for farmers in
order to avoid pesticide ingestion is :
a. Eye protector
b. Rubber protective boots
c. Apron
d. Gloves

AkademikCiamik 2010 Page 6

e. Respirator
i. Legislative control
ii. Management control
iii. Medical control
iv. Engineering control
v. Government
33. Creating and enforcing the standards of health and
safety in workplace
34. Conducting a regular medical check up for all
35. Providing helmet and thick glove for constructing
36. Implementing regulations and laws related to
occupational health and saety programme
37. Ensuring the implementation on the standard of
catering supply/food in the office canteen always in
good condition and not contaminated
38. Designing a machine: smooth, comfortable, time
efficient motions
39. Evaluating the mechanics of human gait to
determine forces acting between the floor surface
and the sole of the shoe
40. Designing warming sign

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