Gay Men Choosing Parenthood Through Assisted Reproduction - Medical and Psychosocial Considerations

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Gay men choosing parenthood through assisted

reproduction: medical and psychosocial considerations
Dorothy A. Greenfeld, M.S.W., and Emre Seli, M.D.
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University School of Medicine, NewHaven, Connecticut
Objective: To medically and psychologically assess gay men seeking parenthood through assisted reproduction
and to provide guidelines for the assessment.
Design: Qualitative observational study.
Setting: Academic medical center.
Patient(s): Thirty gay males (15 couples) presenting for assisted reproduction using an oocyte donor and a gesta-
tional carrier.
Intervention(s): Semistructured interview and medical evaluation.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Determination of psychological and medical eligibility for treatment.
Result(s): The average age of men was 38.4 years. All couples were in a committed relationship and had been
together for an average 6.4 years. All met medical and psychological criteria for acceptance.
Conclusion(s): Gay men increasingly choose fatherhood through assisted reproduction. Counseling these couples
on the medical and emotional demands of invitro fertilization with a gestational carrier and an oocyte donor is a vital
component of pretreatment preparation. (Fertil Steril

2011;95:2259. 2011 by American Society for Reproduc-

tive Medicine.)
Key Words: Fatherhood, gay men, gestational surrogacy, homosexuality, in vitro fertilization, oocyte donation,
psychological assessment
In the past 30 years, the gay rights movement has increasingly en-
couraged gay men and women to be open about their homosexuality,
open about their relationships, and, more recently, to be open about
choosing to have children within the context of those relationships
(1, 2). This phenomenon has resulted in rising numbers of gay
persons seeking parenthood through assisted reproductive
technology (ART). Lesbians are routinely treated in fertility
centers, and there is an emergent literature on the medical and
psychological demands of their experience (36) as well as on the
developmental and psychological well-being of their children
conceived through donor insemination (710). Unfortunately, the
same is not true for gay men. Although gay men increasingly seek
parenthood through assisted reproduction using an oocyte donor
and a gestational carrier (11, 12), they are not always welcomed
by fertility centers (13) despite the call for nondiscrimination of
gay persons by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
(14). So far, the literature is lacking in reports describing the medical
and psychological aspects of treatment unique to gay men and
studies on the developmental and psychological well-being of their
children conceived through assisted reproduction. We describe the
medical and psychological experience of a cohort of gay men who
presented for treatment in a university-based ART program and
describe a protocol for medical and psychological assessment of
gay men choosing to become fathers through assisted reproduction.
Patients participating in the study were recruited from Yale Fertility Center,
New Haven, Connecticut. All gay male couples seeking gestational
surrogacy and oocyte donation between January 2006 and February 2009
(n 15 couples) have been included in the study. Institutional review board
approval was obtained.
All patients were medically and psychologically screened. The purpose of
the psychological interview is both educational and evaluative. It gives the
couple a thorough overview of the program and the essential medical and
psychological implications of ARTwith gestational surrogacy and oocyte do-
nation. Psychological criteria for patient acceptance or rejection are the same
as those for heterosexual couples. These include the ability to understand and
tolerate the stress of the treatment, the ability to give consent, the quality and
stability of the relationship, and the absence of severe or disabling
Each couple met with the programs mental health counselor for a 60-
minute interview. During that meeting, the process was explained, and a semi-
structured interview was completed. This interview was specically
developed for patients entering fertility treatment (15). Additional questions
addressed issues pertinent to gay male couples using an oocyte donor and
a gestational carrier. These included how the couple came to the decision
about who would provide the sperm; their understanding of the female repro-
ductive system and pregnancy; their coming out history and how it may
have impacted family and social relationships; and whether family and
friends supported their decision to have children. The interviewalso included
Received February 5, 2010; revised May 10, 2010; accepted May 13,
2010; published online July 19, 2010.
D.A.G. has nothing to disclose. E.S. has nothing to disclose.
Reprint requests: Dorothy A. Greenfeld, M.S.W., Department of Obstetrics,
Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University School of
Medicine, 150 Sargent Drive, New Haven, CT 06511 (FAX:
203-785-7134; E-mail:
0015-0282/$36.00 Fertility and Sterility

Vol. 95, No. 1, January 2011

doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2010.05.053 Copyright 2011 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
questions about the couples decision to use a known or anonymous oocyte
donor, donor characteristics, their relationship with their gestational carrier,
and their plans for disclosure to offspring about the nature of their
Medical screening included a meeting with the primary physician, who ob-
tained the medical history of both partners and provided an explanation of the
procedures involved in ARTusing oocyte donation and gestational surrogacy.
Medical screening also included the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) mandated communicable disease testing for the partner or partners
providing sperm, who also underwent a semen analysis. A description of
the medical screening is presented in Table 1.
The average age of the men in this study was 38.4 years.
Twenty-seven men (90%) were Caucasian, three were Hispanic.
Twelve couples from the United States, two couples from
Europe, and one couple from Canada came specically for this
All couples lived together, were in a committed relationship, and
had been together for an average of 6.4 years. However, their histo-
ries and specic circumstances varied considerably (cases illustrat-
ing some of these differences are included in Table 2). Six couples
(40%) had been joined in a civil union, which was recognized in
the states of Connecticut, NewHampshire, NewJersey, and Vermont
(16). Two couples had been married in countries where same-sex
marriage is legal (in this case the Netherlands and Canada), and
one other couple was in the process of being married in the state
of Connecticut, which has recently legalized same-sex marriage
(17). In the United States, laws regarding same-sex marriage are
currently in ux, but as of this writing, gay marriage is legal in
Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and
the District of Columbia (18).
All the men met the medical and psychological criteria for accep-
tance. One individual had bipolar disorder, which was controlled by
medication and in remission for many years. He chose not to be the
sperm donor for that reason. Another man had a history of panic
attacks during adolescence. Five men had sought psychological
Medical evaluation of male same-sex couples undergoing
assisted reproduction treatment using donor oocyte(s)
and a gestational carrier.
Medical evaluation of the
sperm donor(s)
Medical evaluation of the
partner who does not
provide sperm
Health history and physical
Health history and physical
Semen analysis
Laboratory testing for
transmissible diseases
(required by the FDA as of
January 1, 2010)
Laboratory testing for
transmissible diseases (not
required by the FDA as of
January 1, 2010)
Hepatitis B surface antigen Hepatitis B surface antigen
Hepatitis B core antibody Hepatitis B core antibody
Hepatitis C antibody Hepatitis C antibody
RPR with reex syphilis IgG RPR with reex syphilis IgG
Gonorrhea and chlamydia
urine cultures
CMV antibody
Note: Based on U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations,
a donor eligibility determination must be made for male member(s)
of the gay couple providing sperm (24), but the use of reproductive
cells or tissue from an ineligible directed donor is not prohibited
(24). Similarly, neither quarantine of the directed donor semen nor re-
testing of the directed donor is required (24). CMV cytomegalovi-
rus; HIV human immunodeciency virus; HTLV human
T-lymphotropic virus; IgG immunoglobulin G.
Greenfeld. Gay men and ART. Fertil Steril 2011.
Examples of male same-sex couples seeking parenthood
through assisted reproduction.
Case 1: A and L
The couple has been in a committed relationship for 6 years.
They live together with As two teenage children from
a previous heterosexual relationship. L has no children
but always wanted to be a father. The couple worked
with a private agency to recruit the carrier and used an
anonymous oocyte donor through our program. The
couple chose to have Ls sperm fertilize the oocytes
because he had never biologically fathered a child. They
requested that the donors physical characteristic match
those of the nonbiological father. The carrier gave birth to
a baby girl. Two years later, the couple came back with
the same carrier and had a frozen embryo transfer
resulting in the birth of a baby boy.
Case 2: B and K
The couple has been in a committed relationship for 5 years.
B says that he dreamed of being a father his whole life
and that when he and K became a couple having children
together was their goal. The couple reports that they both
come from large, supportive families who have
encouraged them to become parents. They pursued
adoption only to learn that gay men are at the bottom of
the heap in the adoption process. Subsequently, they
were encouraged by gay friends who became parents
through assisted reproduction. They were matched to
a carrier and an anonymous oocyte donor through
a private agency. They decided that B would provide the
sperm because he is older and the one who always had
the dream. Their carrier gave birth to twin girls. They
hope to have more children in the future using Ks sperm.
Case 3: G and J
The Hispanic couple has been together for 10 years. In the
course of their relationship they have been foster parents
to eight children and have two adopted sons, ages 8
and 9. When a 2-year-old they had fostered from birth
and hoped to adopt was returned to his biological
mother, the couple decided to pursue parenthood
through assisted reproduction. A family member agreed
to carry the pregnancy, and they used an anonymous
oocyte donor from our program. After the medical
consultation, the couple elected to have half of the
oocytes fertilized with Gs sperm and half with Js sperm
with the understanding that the two best embryos would
be transferred regardless of inseminator. The couple
explained that they would both like a chance at being
the biological father and would disclose true paternity to
the offspring. As it turned out, two embryos were
transferred, one from each partner, and the carrier gave
birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
Greenfeld. Gay men and ART. Fertil Steril 2011.
Greenfeld and Seli Gay men and ART Vol. 95, No. 1, January 2011
counseling as young men regarding coming out about their sexual
orientation. All denied current psychiatric symptoms. The men
appeared to have a good understanding of the demands of assisted
reproduction using a gestational carrier and an oocyte donor.
In terms of family support, one individual reported that his family
had disowned him when he came out at age 21 and that he has not
had a relationship with them since. His partner and all other partic-
ipants in this study reported that their families supported them when
they came out, supported their same-sex relationships, and sup-
ported their decision to have children through assisted reproduction.
Twelve couples (80%) chose one of the partners to provide the
sperm and inseminate the oocytes. This was a clear choice on their
part, and how they came to the decision fell into the following cat-
egories: six couples agreed that the older partner should donate (the
average age of the inseminating partner was 40.3 years, and the non-
inseminating partner 36.3 years); two couples had a partner who had
children from a previous heterosexual relationship, and they agreed
that the other partner should have a chance to father a child; two cou-
ples chose the partner who had the greater desire for biological fa-
therhood; and two couples felt that the partner with better genes
should donate. The remaining three couples, who had equal desires
for biological fatherhood, chose to inseminate equal numbers of oo-
cytes to transfer an embryo from each partner. In all cases, implica-
tions of transferring more than one embryo, including the risks
associated with multiple pregnancy, were discussed in detail with
the couples. Special emphasis was given to the morbidity and mor-
tality associated with preterm birth in ART-related multiple preg-
nancies. A maximum of two embryos were transferred per cycle.
Most of the participants, 12 couples (80%), worked with an
agency to nd a gestational carrier; two couples had a friend who of-
fered to carry the pregnancy; and one couple had a carrier who was
a family member. Twelve couples chose an anonymous oocyte
donor, two chose a friend as donor, and one other couple asked
the sister of the noninseminating partner to donate. Donor character-
istics most commonly requested were that the donor be tall, attrac-
tive, educated, and bear resemblance to the noninseminating partner.
Treatment outcome thus far is as follows: after the initial psycho-
logical consultation, two couples chose not to proceed for nancial
reasons and were not medically screened, one couple dropped out of
treatment when their gestational carrier (a friend) decided she was
not comfortable proceeding, and three couples are waiting to be
matched to a gestational carrier. Nine couples completed treatment,
and all successfully achieved pregnancy. Babies have been born to
seven couples: four sets of twins and three singletons. Two couples
have carriers with ongoing pregnancies, one with a singleton preg-
nancy and the other with a twin pregnancy. Of the three couples
who chose to have each partner inseminate half of the oocytes and
transfer an embryo from both, one couple has 3-year-old twins
(who are in fact half-siblings), one couple has a singleton, and the
third couples carrier is currently pregnant with twins (who will be
Common issues emerge from these cases that are instructive for cli-
nicians counseling gay men planning to become fathers through
ART. In our experience, participants are in a committed relationship
and have given the idea of becoming fathers and having a family
together a great deal of thought. They are equally attentive to the de-
cision as to who will provide the sperm. It may be that one is older,
and both agree that he should be rst; it may be that one feels more
strongly than his partner about being biologically related to the off-
spring; it may be that both agree that one has better genes; and/or
it may be that one has children from a previous heterosexual rela-
tionship and feels that his partner should have a chance to father
a child. For those couples who choose to have half the oocytes
fertilized by one partner and half by the other, counseling should in-
clude considerations of treatment outcome. For example, does the
Treatment considerations and questions specic for gay men who are using an egg donor and a gestational carrier.
Treatment considerations Specic issues to be addressed
Relationship Assess couples relationship to determine stability and their commitment to becoming parents through
assisted reproduction.
Treatment education Ensure participants understanding of the medical, legal, nancial, and emotional demands of ART with
a gestational carrier and an oocyte donor.
Familial and social support Explore whether there is a network of family and/or friends who support their intention to become
Sperm decisions Typically, couples have made this decision before entering treatment, but it is a subject that warrants
careful medical and psychological counseling.
Shared sperm cycle Discuss the importance of embryo quality in making this decision. Discuss the fact that such a cycle
may result in twins who are biological half-siblings.
FDA regulations Inform the couple that the sperm provider needs to be retested within 7 days of the transfer.
Legal contract Counsel couples about the importance of a legal contract and that state laws vary regarding surrogacy
and adoption. These include the laws of their home state, the laws of the carriers home state, and if
different, the laws of the state in which the carrier delivers (16).
Oocyte donor Discuss decision-making process regarding an anonymous or nonanonymous oocyte donor. If
nonanonymous, determine whether there will there be future contact between donor and offspring.
Gestational carrier Explore the couples relationship with the gestational carrier, particularly whether they have a trusting
and open relationship with her and what her future relationship (if any) will be with their children.
Disclosure to offspring Discuss their plans for talking to children about the nature of their conception and the circumstances of
their birth.
Greenfeld. Gay men and ART. Fertil Steril 2011.
Fertility and Sterility

couple have a clear understanding that though an embryo from each
partner is being transferred, a singleton pregnancy may result, mean-
ing that one partner is the biological father? Conversely, a discussion
of such a transfer should include the possibility of having twins who
share the same maternal genetics but have different paternal genetics
For the most part, gay men in our program came from families
who were supportive when they came out, supportive of their gay
relationship, and supportive when they announced their plans for
having children. However, this is often not the case. Gay men and
women often face family dissolution, social stigmatization, and
even violence (19). Because potential gay fathers may not always
have encouragement or support from their families of origin, an
assessment of the couples social support and any alternative
family structures is important (19).
In our experience, gay male couples using an oocyte donor and
a gestational carrier require more education and counseling about
the female reproductive system than heterosexual couples partici-
pating in the same program. The latter often come to us with a history
of infertility and are sophisticated about its treatment (11). For gay
men the process is usually entirely newand unfamiliar. Because they
will ultimately become very closely involved with the process of
ART with donor oocyte and gestational surrogacy, and ultimately
if all goes well, will be closely involved in the carriers pregnancy,
it is crucial that they have a clear understanding of the demands of
treatment and pregnancy.
Within the duration of the study, we have observed that gay male
couples who have successfully conceived in our program have
a close relationship with their gestational carriers, one that is often
ongoing after the birth of the children. They appear to appreciate
the carriers input, defer to her on aspects of the pregnancy, and
value her female presence.
All participants are required to have a legal contract, and, depend-
ing on what state they come from and what state the carrier delivers
in, they may or may not be able to have the names of both partners on
the birth certicate. The study was conducted in Connecticut, which
is one of nine states in the United States that has a statute allowing
for two-parent adoptions. Therefore, in Connecticut, both fathers
can be listed on the birth certicate. At the other end of the spectrum
are the states of Arkansas and Florida, where adoption by gay per-
sons is prohibited (16). Gay male couples need to be very clear about
the surrogacy laws of their home state and the laws of the gestational
carriers home state, and should they be different, the laws of the
state in which she delivers. Because surrogacy is prohibited in
Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New
York, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, and the District of Columbia (16),
and because these laws are always changing, this informationis crucial.
Fertility programs offering ART to gay men need to be respectful
of same-sex relationships and to demonstrate an appreciation of the
challenges unique to gay men seeking parenthood through ART
(20). In addition to general American Society for Reproductive
Medicine guidelines for intended parents using oocyte donation
and gestational surrogacy (21, 22), we follow guidelines issued by
the American Psychological Association for counseling same-sex
couples (23), and we recommend the treatment considerations
unique to the assessment of gay men seeking parenthood through
ART summarized in Table 3.
In addition to the psychological assessment, the medical evalua-
tion and its documentation are a key component of ART treatment
for male gay couples. It is noteworthy that the medical assessment
of gay men is essentially the same as the medical assessment of het-
erosexual men attempting parenthood though oocyte donation and
gestational surrogacy. In the United States, gamete donation and
gestational surrogacy are regulated by the FDA, which requires
sperm and oocyte donors to be thoroughly tested. When an anony-
mous donor (sperm or oocyte donor who is not known to the gesta-
tional carrier or recipient intended parent) is found to be positive for
an FDA-mandated infectious disease test, he or she becomes ineligi-
ble to donate and an alternate donor must be found. However, if
a gestational carrier is involved in an ART cycle (with or without
an oocyte donor), the male partner (whether he is gay or heterosex-
ual) providing the sperm is considered a directed donor, as he is
known to the gestational carrier (24). Based on FDA regulations,
a donor eligibility determination must be made for male member(s)
of the gay couple providing sperm (24), but the use of reproductive
cells or tissue from an ineligible directed donor is not prohibited
(24). Similarly, neither quarantine of the directed donor semen nor
retesting of the directed donor is required (24). Therefore, although
a number of tests are required by the FDA from gay men who desire
to provide spermin an ART cycle, those who are found to be positive
for one or more transmissible diseases are not prohibited from un-
dergoing ART treatment. Therefore, positive results for FDA-
mandated infectious disease tests need to be carefully evaluated
by the physician and discussed in detail with all parties involved.
In addition, the overall health of gay men who intend to be parents
needs to be carefully evaluated, similar to the evaluation performed
for heterosexual intended parents seeking parenthood through
oocyte donation and gestational surrogacy.
Gay men increasingly choose fatherhood through assisted reproduc-
tion. Counseling these couples on the medical and emotional
demands of ARTwith a gestational carrier and oocyte donor is a vital
component of pretreatment preparation.
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