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Behaviour Based Safety Workshop

Behavi our Based Saf et y Work shop

The workshop is designed to promote interaction between both the presenter and
delegates and involves several syndicate exercises.
Ai ms of t he Workshop
The aims of this course are to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills
required to positively change the behaviour of workers to prevent occupational
injuries and illness.
Obj ec t i ves
At the end of this course, delegates will have a good understanding of the term
behaviour based safety, its meaning, be familiar with the different programs
which focuses entirely on changing the behaviour of workers in health and safety and:
Understand accident causation theories
Be able to outline the principles of measuring health and safety performance
Understand the key factors that led to several international disasters
Be able to outline the methods and systems available to conduct risk assessment
Understand human failure; its causes and consequences
Understand the effects on behaviour at work of experience, excellence, education
and training
Understand organisation and management factors contributing to human failures
Understand factors that may promote a positive health and safety culture
Who shoul d at t end
The workshop is aimed at those with responsibilities for, or duties in relation to, prevention of human errors in the
Cont ent
What is Behaviour Based Safety? Effects on Behaviour at Work of
-Definition of behaviour based safety.
-Wide range of programs which focus on changing the
behaviour of workers.
-Overview of safety performance between 1974 and 2005.
-Education and training

Accident Causation Human Sensory Receptors
-Single cause Domino theories: Henrich
-Birds and Loftus
-Management systems
-Task based Risk Assessment
-5 steps to risk assessment
-Sensory defects and basic screening techniques
-Perceptual set (Mindset)
-Perceptual distortion
-Errors in perception caused by physical stressors
-Perception and the limitations of human performance
Contribution of Human Error to Major Disasters Understanding Human Failure
-Kegworth Air Crash, 1989
-Piper Alpha North Sea Oil-Rig Explosion
-Herald of Free Enterprise Ferry Capsize
-Human factors
-How do I know if these problems exist in my organization?
-Types of human errors
-Measuring safety culture; measurement techniques
Course Durat i on
3 days (24 hrs)
Course Ti mes
07:30 to 15:30 hrs
Course Fee : BD 528/-

RRC Mi ddl e East WLL
Tel: +973 17532027 Fax: +973 17532028
Part of the Rapid Results College Ltd UK group of Companies

Course Dat es
06.02.2012 08.02.2012
10.06.2012 12.06.2012
04.11.2012 06.11.2012

RRC Middle East is
ISO 9001 certified

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