What Humor Can Do ?

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Lighten Up:

Lighten Up:

s Not THAT
s Not THAT
Donna Fryman
Donna Fryman
Fleming County Extension Agent for Family & Fleming County Extension Agent for Family &
Consumer Sciences Consumer Sciences
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension
Service Service
Humor is a
great thing
-Mark Twain
Fake it till you make it!!!
Can Laughter
really Improve
your health?
Lets get Physical
Physical Health Benefits
Physical Health Benefits
Stronger immune system
Improved cardiovascular
Reduced stress hormones
Reduced pain
Muscle relaxation
And more!
Laugh the weight away
Laugh the weight away
10 to 15 minutes of laughter can
burn 50 calories. This equals: 2
chocolate Kisses
Mental Health Benefits
Mental Health Benefits
Less stress
Reduced anger, anxiety
Increased joy, aliveness
More positive, optimistic mood
Sense of control
Increased emotional intelligence
And more!

s a new disease:
s a new disease:

s Wrong with Americans?

s Wrong with Americans?
We only use 14 of our 16 vacation days
Italians get 42 days
French get 37 days
Germans get 35 days
Avg. Americans work a 49 hour week
That adds up to 350 hours/year

s Wrong with Americans?

s Wrong with Americans?
Sandwich Generation is the workforce
Grandparents raising grandchildren
Everyday Stressors:
Traffic, money worries, kids, hectic
schedules, GAS PRICE$.
a choice?
a choice?
Sometimes you can control the situation
Sometimes you CANNOT
Control the situation
Remember what can humor
Remember what can humor
do for you
do for you
Weight control More energy
Self-confidence Improved sleep
Healthier appearance
Lower risk of: diabetes, heart disease,
high blood pressure, cancer, stroke.
Did you ever wonder why?
Did you ever wonder why?
You can get a pizza delivered to your
house faster than an ambulance.
Drug stores make the sick walk all
the way to the back of the store for
medicine while healthy people can
buy cigarettes and candy at the front
Did you ever wonder why?
Did you ever wonder why?
We have answering machines to
screen our calls and then have call
waiting so we dont miss a call from
someone we didnt want to talk to in
the first place.
Banks leave both doors open and
chain the pens to the counter.
Did you ever wonder why?
Did you ever wonder why?
We leave cars worth thousand of
dollars in the driveway and put our
useless junk in the garage.
Why dont you ever see the headline,
Psychic Wins Lottery!?
Did you ever wonder why?
Did you ever wonder why?
The man who invests your money is
called a broker.
Doctors call what they do a
Lemon juice is made from artificial
flavoring and dish soap is made with
real lemons.
Did you ever wonder why?
Did you ever wonder why?
When a dog food is new, improved
and better tasting who tests it?
If con is the opposite of pro is
Congress the opposite of progress?
Ask yourself:
What can I do
right now?
Say Cheese
Say Cheese
A study by Hewlett Packard found
that seeing a smile made people
happier than eating chocolate,
shopping or being given cash. So
Adding humor to YOUR day. . .
Adding humor to YOUR day. . .
Do you remember happy, good natured
Humor is a common thread among top
It levels the playing field, breaks the ice
and cuts intimidation.
The shortest distance between two people
is a smile.
It is never to late to
live happily ever after.
What can you do?
What can you do?
Keep a joke book in your desk.
Create a humor journal
Be around uplifting people.
Challenge yourself to uplift others.
Laugh at yourself.
See the absurdity in situations.
Do what you enjoy.
Take time for yourself.
Working with others gives you a
unique opportunity to add fun &
happiness to the world.
Make the most of it!

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