Improvisation Games 1

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gvisatio,, Games for ss Classical Musicians A Collection of Musical Games with Suggestions for Use For Performers, Instrumental Teachers, Music Students, Music Therapists, Bands, Orchestras, Choirs, Chamber Music Ensembles, Conductors, Composers, Pianists, Percussionists, and Everybody Else (even Jazz Players!) Jeffrey Agrell GIA Publications, Inc. Chicago Epigraph... Foreword by Charles Rochester Young . Preface Part I Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION: THE WHO, WHY, AND HOW OF IMPROVISATION INTRODUCTION: WHY IMPROVISE? 0... 626.6208 SUE i ae EG ae oh 1 WHO SHOULD Use Tus Book? Performers ....... Music Educators Music Students .......22.- Bands, Orchestras, and Choirs Chamber Music Ensembles Music Therapists... Pianists .. Percussioninsts . Theory and Composition Teachers Jaze Players ......eecceeeeee Everybody else SUGGESTIONS FOR USE AND SAMPLE LISTS OF GAMES 1. Semester Course: Introduction to Improvisation for Classical Musicians 2. Instrumental Teachers 3. Professional Musicians 4. Music Students .. Games for One Player Games for Two Players. General Music Teachers . Band and Orchestra . Choirs and Singers... Chamber Music Ensembles 9. Music Therapists 10. Piano (and other keyboards) . 11. Percussionists 12. Theory and Composition... 13. Jazz Players 3 14. Everybody Else: Games for the Rest of Us! . enaw MUSICAL TRAINING FOR IMPROVISATION... 20.000 o co ctrescerneneeracatD. In Search of Melody en moro es on th on am 5 2910) Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Part I Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians Learning Goals . Aural Abilities Generating Ideas Creating Melodies Form: Contrast and Memory « Roles: Foreground and Background . . Drama and Expression . . Summary TECHNICAL TRAINING FOR IMPROVISATION Introduction ..... Aural Approach the Eyes Don't Have It Shorthand: Chord Symbols and Scale Degrees Less Is More Variation and Repetition Working with a Partner Getting Rhythm Rule of Relaxation Improvisation and the Study of Technique Approaches to Scale Study. Scales Length: Variable Scale Drill; Basie Seale Drill Pitch Scale Type Patterns Intervals Diatonic vs. Cycle Study Daily Arkady ‘Two Kinds of Practice Integrated Musical/Technical Practice: Familiar Tun THE ART OF ACCOMPANIMENT IN IMPROVISATION ‘Accompaniment Do's Accompaniment Don'ts Alternating Roles IMPROVISATION GAMES INTRODUCTION TO THE GAMES Where's the Music? : Improv Games: Why Not Just Play? Why “Games”? .. Practicing Improvisation Using the Games IMPROVISATION GAME TECHNIQUES . . Percussion Helps - 30 » ae 30 31 3 a wl ae see oe oe | 35 odd Table of Contents Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Sing Sing . Dark Music Hands Up! Specialized Cells ... Memory Technique . Do the Rest . Go For It! 00... Different Strokes . Change It) oe... eee eee eeeeeseeeeeeeeees Motivic DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES Repetition 2.2... .0ccccceeceeee Mode Change . . Ornamentation Transportation . Sequence Subtraction .. Addition Augmentation Diminution . . Retrograde Inversion Displacement ..... . . Motivic Development Combination Games... . QuICK-START IMPROVISATION GaME FAVORITES Games for One Player World = Percussion Offbeat Metronome . . Poet Lariat Swing Ie . Transformation Scale Accents Rainbow Scales . Far Out. ..ccccccces Familiar Tune ........ Play It Again, Sam... Fanfare . veces Ditge oo. 0.ccccceceeeeeeeeeeeeees Holiday Time ....... Shower Music . : Duet for One ....e.eeeeeeeee ition Games for Classical Musicians Games for Two Players .....2...000ceeeeeceee : 2.56 Warm-Up Long Tones o....2 000 cccccccceeeeeceeceeeeeeeeees 1 56 Ostinato . What's ina Name ...... Son of Glacier Music .. Drone ....... Pulsed Drone « Third Time’ Old and New Tension/Release . Crunch Time One Four Five .. Oom Pah March... Call-and-Response: Basic Squigele Quartet ...... X-Tech Ostinati Guess the Machine News Story . Location, Location Free Play Game No. 1 Fancy Twinkle... Timing Is Everything Games for Three Players Hold/Move Chamber Music Try to Remember Scat! . The King’s Challenge .. America, the Beautiful Askew March . Salieri’s Test .. ABAC Individual Stories This New Old Man Games for Four Players Tension/Resonance .. The Big Machine .. Bebo wero os a wo EE Versatilit Charm Contrast Game Round Robin oe Nontraditional Score] ..... Freeform Conducting Feelings . NUT Table of Contents Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 POE racers corecnomsn ae sieaeeoe: Size Matters Games for Five or More Players . Accents I... Accents Il... Conducting a Chorale Floating Duet Bricolage .. Once upon a Time . Teddy's Funeral. Dragon Tale Elegy s+ -eeeeeeeeee Games for Large Groups . Universe Symphony. . Emotional Symphony Ritual . Cave Celebrations . Combination No. I Combination No. 6 «. Warm-Up Games... SSE RRR MGA AG TE HG SR we eas we TL RHYTHM GAMES .... aise cna SVAN TODAS Be GOH ATs Sin A oe Oe Hb A eeeseolt ACG GAMES tswesa ears oe ia, Pe 5 24-10% DNAMICE GANS oceccrnnounce wenn es oF en 1 oo . a 109 POY GAS ema Oe oe Oe aia. FORMERS cesesicscsccme sus 10:0 0 4 1 Be nes da ne cote REECE sora HARMONY GAMES ons 00 ces os vaca ue ou oa ea ed aa ee ee oka Ca ae’ 1 BASS LB GAMER cece cennias ews oe 08 4s On Em on On Sr en eEREESEE RENTS 155 AurAL GAMES - P00 0 oe Se RE eee 159 NONTRADITIONAL SCORE GAMES ......- 5.000 eeeeee ee eeeee eee eeeeeeeeeee 171 CONDUCTING GAMES 2 oa WY Ha HS ee eS A Reece Rare 177 ERRRROMGDIANIES 6 os 0 ce we oe er et es en encemaarnnainecemCnNEN ++ 183 TRIG OMS 266 Gos OO «+ 187 “TAAERESIANEED 6 os 0 us 0 0 cx cr enews mawememen NCES RSNA EE 13: COMPOSITION GAMES «455.464 sdb ee esaeeeeeese ina em ae ace nimi Nige 199 DSICTION GAMES 0. eer ce cree cs eresesesnieereieneesnenneenerennans 205 TECHNIQUE GAMES 22 enue ce seus ae noranewnemmnmaenr rune eRneE 213 ACCOMPANIMENT GAMES ... 242400000 eeeeeeeeee areca mci acm NCR 217 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Part IIL Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Chapter 42 Chapter 43 Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Chapter 46 Chapter 47 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Part IV Index A Index B Index C Index D Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians STYLE GAMES . TEXT GAMES 620. se ee eee e eee e cece ee STORYTELLING GAMES ...--..000eee eee MISCELLANEOUS GAMES ....-.2-000000005 IMPROV SETUPS 6.0.00 00sec eee ee eee ee eee EXTENDED COMBINATION GAMES RESOURCES IMPROVISATION PRINCIPLES « 6 0.200 c eee IMPROVISATION BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND LINKS CONSTRUCTING IMPROVISATION COMPOSITIONS (COMPREHENSIVE MUSICIANSHIP CHART ......-20002000005 SOUND-PAINTING GESTURES: THE BASICS... . . . (CHORD SYMBOLS REFERENCE LIST .......-.- + SCALE TYPES: STUDY GROUPS.........6.400005 SCALE AND CHORD CHART... 2.000000 2 006 . VARIANTS PATTERNS AND SCALES ....- 2000-00 +seeeeeeee CYCLES .... FAMILIAR TUNES . .. . D ditemaanneeean MUSICAL STYLES AND FORMS ........--2200005 IMPROV STARTER GENERATOR (CREATIVE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS ....... 6+ . GAME INDICES GAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ........ 20.505 GAMES BY CHAPTER GAMES BY NUMBER OF PLAYERS ......--. 000005 ALL Games BY CHAPTER AND NUMBER OF PLAYERS ....... 8 He Oh * eo nite cee ee ee esesrenscosromreacot ED Sencar ressanri +237 macnn 245 gents trmtoe sarebsenraonnsnaer si 259 267 a he 315 SS HB GG wena 323 84S 6G Hee sons

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