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Mn Thi: ANH VN Khi D

THI THAM KHO Thi gian: 90 pht, khng k thi gian giao
Practice Test 4
Phn 1:
1. a. adve nture b. e mpty c. inve ntion d. passe ngers
2. a. e i gt b. e i gteen c. e igt d. !e i gt
". a. !as b. sure c. sugar d. send
#. a. dust b. must c. use$u% d. cut
&. a. sound b. compound c. account d. to uc
Phn II:
'. Mary and (on )))) absent yesterday.
a. !ere b. !as c. are d. is
*. +oo,- Te boy )) at te des, is Mary.s boy$riend.
a. stand b. stands c. standing d. stood
/. I ave not !ritten any %etters ome since I ))) ere
a. come b. came c. ave come d. !i%% come
0. 1urope and Asia ))).. a %ong tradition o$ teacing and %earning $oreign %anguages.
a. as ad b. !i%% ave c. ave ad d. ave
12. Tey ad a big party. Tey ))).. a %ot %ast nigt.
a. are singing b. !ere singing c. sang d. are going to sing
11. 3our eyes are red ))).. 4
a. 5o you cry b. 6i%% you cry c. 5id you cry d. Have you cried
12. In te ear%y 1/22s7 on%y 8ritain ).. toug te industria% revo%ution.
a. goes b. !ent c. as gone d. !ou%d go
1". He does not save as muc money as e ))) %ast year.
a. does b. did used c. did d. uses
1#. Tey ))) to 9apa ne:t o%iday.
a. !i%% go b. go c. are going to d. goes
1&. I don.t tin, %i$e )). better in te $uture.
a. !on.t b. !i%% be c. be d. is
1'. It.s te best $i%m )))) 3ou sou%d go and see it.
a. I ever sa! b. see c. never seen d. ever seen
1*. 9e)))) !i%e I !as coo,ing.
a. !as poning b. !i%% pone c. pones d. poned
1/. 9e can.t ta%, to you no!7 se )))).
a. study b. is going to study c. is studying d. !i%% studies
10. I ))) a ta:i so I came on te bus.
a. cou%dn.t $ind b. don.t $ind c. aven.t $ound d. I ave $ound
22. 6e !i%% send tese %etters to im !en !e ). in +ondon.
a. !i%% arrive b. arrive c. arriving d. ave arrived
21. ;6ere are te %etter and te postcard4< Tey )) on te tab%e.
a. !ere b. are c. is d. ave been
22. ))). eac o$ you ready $or te test4
a. Is b. Are c. Have d. 5o
2". Te 6or%d 6ar II )) in 10"0 and )) in 10#&.
a. begins= ends b. as begun= ended c. !as beginning= end d. began=ended
2#. 6e )) a %ot important scienti$ic discoveries in 22&2.
a. ave b. !i%% ave c. ad d. as ad
2&. 6e ))... $or our cars.
a. is %oo,ing b. ave been %oo,ing c. are %oo,ing d. is going to %oo,.
2'. 6at is your purpose ))).. %earning 1ng%is4
a. o$ b. to c. $or d. on
2*. Tere are more and more peop%e died )) AI59.
a. on b. $rom c. at d. o$
2/. 9ometing !ent !rong )).. my computer yesterday.
a. on b. !it c. at d. $or
20. Tobacco as bad e$$ects ))) our ea%t.
a. on b. $rom c. at d. o$
"2. I am %oo,ing $or!ard ))).. seeing you.
a. to b. $or c. on d. at
"1. >%ease pay attention ).. te %ecture.
a. on b. to c. about d. !it
"2. I ave ,no!n er ))). %ast year.
a. $or b. since c. $rom d. at
"". 9e is so busy. 9e a%!ays seems to be)). .a urry.
a. on b. at c. in d. troug
"#. ?an you turn )).. te radio4 It sounds too %oud.
a. on b. up c. do!n d. into
"&. A%% o$ te c%otes so%d in tis store !ere made )) and
a. in b. !it c. on d. by
"'. Te teacer to%d is student ))..
a. to stop %auging b. stopping to %aug c. stop to %aug d. to stop %aug
"*. It is a great $un )) o%iday summer by te sea.
a. spend b. to spend c. spent d. spending
"/. Tey $ound it is impossib%e ))) teir prob%ems.
a. so%ve b. to so%ve c. so%ved d. so%ving
"0. Mary as a %ot o$ ome !or, ))).. today.
a. $or doing b. !ic to do c. to do d. doing
#2. A$ter a %ong discussion7 !e decided )))). to Tuan ?au $or our o%iday.
a. to go b. going c. go d. $or going
#1. I ate im because e usua%%y ma,es me ))))..
a. crying b. to cry c. cry d. cries.
#2. 6e study 1ng%is )))))..
a. $or communicating b. communicate c. to communicate d. communicating
#". 6at made er ))))) %i,e tat4
a. do b. to do c. did d. doing
##. 6ou%d you %i,e ))..4
a. came b. coming c. come d. to come
#&. He used to )) !it is $riends on te $ie%d !en e !as sma%%.
a. p%aying b. p%ayed c. p%ay d. p%ays
#'. 9e didn.t ,no! o! ))).
a. using b. used c. uses d. to use
#*. 6e $ind it )))).. to do ouse!or,.
a. bore b. bored c. boring d. bores
#/. A%% areas o$ te !or%d are ))) to be a$$ected by g%oba% c%imate cange.
a. %i,e b. can c. ab%e d. un%i,e
#0. Tat car is ))).. e:pensive.
a. surprise b. surprised c. surprising d. surprising%y
&2. >assing te e:am !it ig grade !as my ))).
a. e:pect b. e:pectation c. e:pected d. une:pected%y
&1. Te pro@ect can.t be carried out because o$ )))). prob%ems.
a. $inance b. $inancia%%y c. $inancia% d. $inancier
&2. He is ).. ,ind man.
a. so b. suc a c. suc d. so muc
&". Te c%ub members became ))).. !en te cairman entered.
a. Auiet b. Auiet%y c. Auietness d. Auietist
&#. Bo!adays7 !omen ave more ))). to participate in socia% activities. a. $ree
b. $reedom c. $reeing d. $ree%y
&&. Appro:imate%y "&2 mi%%ion peop%e spea, 1ng%is ) teir $irst %anguage. a. as
b. %i,e c. $or d. in
&'. 6e ave to $igt against te ))). o$ our air and !ater.
a. poisonous%y b. poisonous c. poisoning d. poison
&*. I$ you )))).. in te morning you !ou%dn.t be a!a,e a%$ te nigt.
a. got up ear%ier b. !ou%d get up ear%ier c. !ou%d get up ear%ier d. get up ear%ier
&/. As soon as it stops raining7 !e )))
a. %eave b. %e$t c. !i%% %eave d. ave %e$t
&0. 9e ). to prison because se cou%d not pay er debt.
a. !as sent b. is sent c. sent d. !as send
'2. (ames is )).. drummer o$ te scoo% band.
a. te best b. te good c. an good d. te better
'1. )))) se !as an our %ate7 se didn.t apo%ogiCe.
a. 6i%e b. A%toug c. as soon as d. because
'2. I$ se ))... ta%%er7 se ))). ab%e to @oin te po%ice.
a. is= !i%% b. is= !ou%d be c. !as= !ou%d be d. !ere= !i%% be
'". Tey ))) tat te c%imbers got %ost.
a. is reported tat b. reported tat c. reports tat d. !as reported tat
'#. I$ e !or,ed arder7 e )))).
a. !i%% be promoted b. !i%% ave been promoted c. ad been promoted d. !ou%d be promoted
'&. Detirement age )). in te near $uture.
a. is e:pected to rise b. e:pects rising c. e:pects to rises d. to e:pect rising
''. I ave not made ))).. my mind yet.
a. to b. in c. up d. on
'*. He is so ,ind. He a%!ays ))... a $avor.
a. does b. e%ps c. ma,es d. ta,es
'/. It.s time !e )))).. ome.
a. go b. !ent c. gone d. going
'0. Ho! %ong does it )))you to get to scoo%4
a. get b. ma,e c. ta,e d. carry
*2. I )))))some sopping !en I !as in to!n.
a. !ent b. got c. ma,e d. did
*1. Te operation made (on $ee% ))).. tan e e:pected.
a. more !ea, b. as more !ea, c. !ea,er d. te most !ea,er
*2. ?ity %i$e is a%!ays ))).. country %i$e.
a. more e:pensive as b. more e:pensive tan c. more muc e:pensive as d. many more e:pensive tan
*". Tis boo, is ))..) tat one.
a. %ess interesting tan b. more interesting c. interesting tan d. more interesting as
*#. ?ar%es ?ap%in made many o$ te $unniest and )).. popu%ar $i%ms o$ is time. a. more
b. most c. te most d. te more
*&. Te tea !as ))))))
a. too ot to drin, it. b. too ot to drin, c. too ot $or drin,ing d. very ot to drin,
Phn 3:
*'. T e y7 in genera%7 d o e s not %i ,e c o m p %a i n i ng i n pub %i c.
a b c d
**. 6 ou % d y ou p %ea s e t y p e d t i s p a p e r4 I c a nnot rea d your and!riting. a b
c d
*/. 9e is t oo beauti$u% tat I c a n not s t op % oo , i ng a t e r a b
c d
*0. ( a ne a re going t o % e a v e $ or Be! 3or, n e :t ! e e ,. a b c
/2. T e ! e a t e r c on ti n u e s t o g e t !o rse a nd !o rs t.
ab c d
Phn !:
Tere is no !ay to measure te va%ue o$ reading7 but !e ,no! tat boo,s educate and bring great p%easure
to peop%e. Many boo, %overs even @oin discussion groups so tat tey can ta%, about te boo,s tey read.
A%toug boo,s are made
into movies7 te boo, version is muc better. 8oo,s are avai%ab%e to everyone at no cost. >ub%ic %ibraries are an
American tradition and every %ibrary as a %arge co%%ection o$ boo,s on every sub@ect. Deading can prepare you
$or an e:amination at
scoo%7 or7 i$ you are !riting a report7 you can gater $acts $rom a recent edition o$ an encyc%opedia. At your
@ob7 reading can e%ps you get a promotion to iger position.
I$ you %i,e mysteries7 you can read about te searc $or a sto%en treasure or a spy on a secret mission. I$
you %i,e
science $iction7 you can read about a spacecra$t trying to avoid a co%%ision !it a meteor or a dangerous
e:periment tat cou%d end in an e:p%osion tat !ou%d destroy te eart. I$ you %ong to trave% but cannot a$$ord to
do it7 reading a%%o! you to trave% !itout restriction in your imagination.
/1. Te passage is about )..
a. +ibraries b. readers c. boo, %overs d. reading and ,no!%edge
/2. According to te !riter)))).
a. !e can measure te va%ue o$ reading
b. reading o$$ers us no p%easure
?. most o$ te boo, %overs do not %i,e discussing boo,s.
d. some boo,s are made into te movies
/". Many boo,s @oined discussion group
a. to educate oter peop%e
b. to bring p%easure to oter peop%e
c. to ta%, about te boo, tey read d. to get a promotion
/#. 6ic sentence is not true4
a. I$ you %i,e mysteries7 you can.t $ind any boo,s about tem.
b. Tere are severa% boo,s on science $iction.
c. A %ibrary as a %arge co%%ection o$ boo,s on every sub@ect.
d. Tere are many pub%ic %ibraries in America.
/&. Deading ))).
a. can a%%o! you to trave% by p%ane
b. can e%p readers !iden teir ,no!%edge7 get promotion7 and entertain temse%ves
c. is a dangerous e:periment
d. can.t e%p readers avoid a co%%ision !it a meteor.
A boo, is a co%%ection o$ %eaves o$ paper7 parcment or oter materia%7 bound togeter a%ong one edge
!itin covers. A boo, produced in e%ectronic $ormat is ,no!n as eE boo,. In %ibrary and in$ormation science7
a boo, is ca%%ed a
monograp to distinguis it $rom seria% pub%ications suc as magaCines7 @ourna%s or
A boo, may be studied by students in te $orm o$ a boo, report. It may a%so covered by a pro$essiona% !riter
as a boo, revie! to introduce a ne! boo,. 6en !riting systems !ere invented in ancient civi%iCations7 c%ay
tab%ets or parcment
scro%%s !ere used as boo,s7 $or e:amp%e7 in te %ibrary o$ A%e:andria. 8e$ore te invention and adoption o$ te
printing press7 a%most a%% boo,s !ere copied by and7 !ic made boo,s comparative%y e:pensive and rare.
5uring te ear%y Midd%e
Ages7 !en on%y curces7 universities7 and ric nob%emen cou%d typica%%y a$$ord boo,s7 tere !ere o$ten
cained to a boo,se%$ or a des, to prevent te$t.
/'. A boo, )))..
a. as no covers
b. can.t be produced in e%ectronic $ormat
c. is never made o$ parcment d. is a%so ca%%ed a monograp
/*. A boo, revie! )).
a. is a%so a ne!spaper
b. is !ritten by students
c. introduces a ne! boo,
d. is a%so ,no!n as an eE boo,
//. In $ormer days7
a. peop%e use paper to print boo,s in te same !ay as !e do
no!. b. c%ay tab%ets or parcment scro%%s !ere used as
c. tere !ere no boo,s
d. te %ibrary o$ A%e:andria ad no boo,s
/0. According to te !riter))))
a. boo,s aven.t been printed
b. a%% boo,s ave been sti%% copied by and up to no!.
c. te printing press is not invented.
d. te printing press as been adopted.
02. In te ear%y Midd%e Ages))))))).
a. boo,s !ere ceap
b. everybody cou%d a$$ord boo,s
d. on%y curces7 universities and ric nob%emen cou%d a$$ord boo,s
1.5 2. ? ". 5 #. ? &. 5 '. A *. ? /. 8 0. ? 12. ?
11. 5 12. 8 1". ? 1#. ? 1&. 8 1'. 5 1*. 5 1/. ? 10. A 22. 8
21. 8 22. A 2".5 2#. 8 2&. ? 2'. A 2*. 5 2/. 8 20. A "2. A
"1. 8 "2. 8 "". ? "#. ? "&. 5 "'. A "*. 8 "/. 8 "0. ? #2. A
#1. ? #2. ? #". A ##. 5 #&. ? #'. 5 #*. ? #/. ? #0. 5 &2. 8
&1.? &2. 8 &". A &#. 8 &&. A &'. 5 &*. A &/. ? &0. A '2. A
'1. 8 '2. ? '". 8 '#. 5 '&. A ''. ? '*. A '/. 8 '0. ? *2. 5
*1. ? *2. 8 *". A *#. ? *&. 8 *'. 8 **. 8 */. A *0. 8 /2. 5
/1. 5 /2. 5 /". ? /#. A /&. 8 /'. 5 /*. ? //. 8 /0. 5 02. 5

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