Complete Internship - Report HIRA

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The Bank Of Punjab 1

(Shahdara Branch, Lahore)

Submitted By
Hira Zafar
D/o Zafar Iqbal
Bs.Honors Economics
The Bank Of Punjab 2

~Read the name of Lord, Who created man from a clot of blood.
Read! Thy Lord is most Bounteous Who taught by pen.(96:1-4)
May His mercy be upon us in this World and in Here after.
The Bank Of Punjab 3

Charged ith the strength of !a"istan consortium and under the leadership of His
Highness #harif brothers$ the ban" has already made significant contributions in building
and strengthening both corporate and retail ban"ing sector in !a"istan.
%he &an" of !un'ab aim to be an organi(ation that is founded on groth through
creation of sustainable relationships ith its customers$ prudence to guide business
conduct$ a national presence ith a history of contribution to its communities.)t shall
or" to meet e*pectations through Mar"et+based solutions and products and create ,alue
for all sta"eholders.
Assessment of the needs and ants of the customers is an ongoing process at &an" of
!un'ab$ hich helps to continually de,elop ne products and ser,ices. %o continuously
offer courteous$ professional and ad,anced ban"ing solutions$ the team of ban" has
recently been re'u,enated by going though training programs ith a focus on information
%o ma"e their ban"ing solutions become accessible to more and more people$ they ha,e
embar"ed upon a rapid e*pansion program$ aiming to pro,ide a netor"ing that ma"es
the ser,ices a,ailable to any of their customers in all the ma'or urban centers of !a"istan+
ith a ,ie to go international in the near future.
The Bank Of Punjab -

%he pre+re.uisite of internship program is to ma"e the students of &s.honors economics
aare of the practical e*pertise and to ac.uaint them ith the real management process.
With an intention of grooming the best e*ecuti,es of the future$ /ahore College 0f
Women 1ni,ersity has organi(ed a comprehensi,e internship+training program. All of us
ere placed in leading organi(ations of business arena to gain first hand "noledge and
insight into their management and or"ing. #o$ hen ) as gi,en the chance of selecting
an organi(ation$ ) opted for %he &an" of !un'ab.
2etting a chance of or"ing in &an" of !un'ab pro,ed to be ,ery beneficial for me. )
thin" that ) gained comprehensi,e insight into the or"ing of a ban". &ut nothing could
ha,e been possible ithout the co+operation and guidance of the officers of &an" of
After the completion of internship program$ internship report has been prepared 'ust in
accordance ith the practical e*posure.
) ha,e strong belief that this report ill guide and ease the readers to understand the
operations of ban"ing system and more prominently ha,e good "noledge about &an" of
!un'ab$ one of the most trusty and leading ban"s in !a"istan.
3ear readers$ ) hope that you ill appreciate my report and sense that reading my report
is not li"e to aste the time in any respect.
The Bank Of Punjab 4

Countless than"s to Almighty Allah (%he most merciful the most beneficial). %he only
creator of uni,erse ho enabled me to complete this report$ in spite of ,arious
difficulties. All respects to the Holy !rophet (!.&.1.H) ho enable us to recogni(e our
greater and hose spiritual teaching guides us in e,ery matter of the life.
) ould li"e to e*press my gratitude to the Lahore College Of Women University for
gi,ing me the opportunity and arranging such an e*tensi,e internship program.
) ould also li"e to ac"noledge my debts to those officers of &an" of !un'ab ho ha,e
been e*tremely helpful for me.
5irst of all Asma 2ul$ #he has been a permanent source of encouragement and guidance.
Her helpful nature did not restrict me to the premises to the branch but e*tended to any
place and any matter ) needed her support on.
) ould also ac"noledge my debt to Mr. Adnan 6afi.ue 2human$ for the "noledge he
pro,ided in a ,ery fran" and casual manner. 3ue to his gift of ittiness$ the time of my
The Bank Of Punjab 7

internship that as spending ith him as the most interesting and memorable one for
)n short$ ) ould alays be than"ful to all the managers and officers$ for their courteous
and compassionate treatment gi,en to me.
Hira Zafar
)ntroduction 0f 6eport
History 0f %he 0rgani(ation
Management 0f %he 0rgani(ation
5ield 0f Acti,ities
6etail &an"ing
Consumer &an"ing
8lectronic &an"ing
%reasury And )n,estment
Wor" 3one And /earned &y Me )n &0! A# %rainee
The Bank Of Punjab 9

5or de,eloping administrati,e capabilities and gi,ing practical touch to the studies$ a
program of si* ee"s has been introduced as part of our &s.Honors 8conomics studies.
5or this !urpose e entirely depend on the acti,e cooperation of ell+established and
reputed organi(ations. %he students prepare internship report on the basis of this training
and ta"e ,i,a ,oce+e*amination.
) ha,e di,ided my report in the some parts. %he ma'or part of my internship report is
based on my or"ing in the ban". %he names and brief introduction of these parts is as
When the &an" came into being; )ts brief History$ its Mission$ its <alues$ and hat
ser,ices it pro,ide to its customers$ is discussed in this part.
%he list of names of management personnel$ management hierarchy and 0rganogram of
&0! #hahdara &ranch /ahore is described here.
The Bank Of Punjab =

)n hat fields$ &0! deal. %he main fields of acti,ities are 6etail &an"ing$ Consumer
&an"ing$ 8lectronic &an"ing$ Correspondent &an"ing$ and %reasury and )n,estment.
)t is the main part of my internship report. )t consist on the detail of the or" that ) ha,e
done there as an internee. )n &0!$ ) or"ed in Account opening$ 6emittance$ Clearing$
Credit$ 5oreign %rade and Accounts 3epartment. %he detail of my or" in each
department is described in this part ith all possible details.
)t consists on hori(ontal analysis$ ,ertical analysis and financial ratios of &0! and pros
and cons of this analysis.
%he ban" of !un'ab as established in pursuance of the ban" of !un'ab act$
1>=> and as gi,en status of scheduled ban" by the state ban" of !a"istan
on #eptember 1>$ 1>>-. %he ban" is listed on /ahore$ ?arachi and
)slamabad stoc" e*changes. %he ma'ority shares of the ban" are held by the
go,ernment of the pro,ince of the !un'ab. %he ban" has fully oned
subsidiary M@s !un'ab modarba ser,ices (!,t) /td$ hich is profitably
managing a modarba company.
6ecogni(ing the role of technology in effecti,e@efficient operations of
financial sector. %he ban" has computeri(ed all its branches hich are
interconnected ,ide online real time system. &an"As customers are facilitated
by shared netor" of online A%Ms in all ma'or cities of !a"istan.
The Bank Of Punjab >

&an" en'oys substantial share in economic groth$ especially of agricultural
and #M8 sectors. !enetration into Agri+economic as made possible
through strategic positioning of branches and introduction of a number of
Agri+based financing schemes alloing the ban" to play a pi,itol role in
strengthening this sector of our economy.
Vision Statement
Vision Statement
~%o be a customer focused ban" ith ser,ice
The Bank Of Punjab 1B

Mission Statement
Mission Statement
%o e*ceed the e*pectation of our sta"eholders by
/e,eraging our relationship ith the go,ernment of
!un'ab and deli,ering a complete range of professional
#olutions ith a focus on programmed dri,en products
And ser,ices in the agriculture and middle mar"ets
%hrough a moti,ated team.

Our customers As our first priority
The Bank Of Punjab 11

Profitability 5or the prosperity of our sta"eholders
%hat allos us to constantly in,est$
)mpro,e and succeed
Corporate %o enrich the li,es of community here
Social responsibility e operate
Recognition and reward 5or the talented and high performing
Excellence )n e,ery thing e do
Integrity )n all our dealings
Respect 5or our customers and each other
The Bank Of Punjab 12

!un'ab 2o,ernment ishes to state that being the ma'or sta"e holder in the &an" of
!un'ab it has full faith in the ne management and operations of the &an". %he
go,ernment further pledges its une.ui,ocal support to the &an" and firmly belie,es that
the affairs of the &an" are sound and its financial health robust.
Finance Depa!"en! G#$en"en! #% !&e P'n(a)*
Excellence Award by the Central Board of Revenue (CBR):

The Bank Of Punjab 13

The Central Board of Revenue presented "Excellence Award" to
the Bank of Punjab in recognition of the contribution ade b!
the bank towards "overnent exche#uer$
Kissan Time Awards:
%n recognition of Bank&s contribution in developent and growth
of agricultural sector' the Bank honored with "Top Bank for
Agriculture (oans" and "Best Bank Crop %nsurance" under )rd
*issan Tie Awards !ear +,,-$
Best Corporate Report Award:
Annual Report of the Bank for the !ear +,,. won .th position
for "The Best Corporate Report Award" for the financial sector'
adjudicated jointl! b! the %nstitute of Chartered Accountants of
Pakistan and the %nstitute of Cost and /anageent Accountants
of Pakistan$
Bolan Excellence Award:
The Bank was awarded Best Bank Award under Bolan
Excellence Awards distributed in +,,-$
1) 6etail &an"ing
2) Consumer &an"ing
3) 8lectronic &an"ing
-) Correspondent &an"ing
The Bank Of Punjab 1-

5) %reasury and )n,estment
1- Retail Banking
). Account 0pening 3epartment
)). 6emittance 3epartment
))). Clearing 3epartment
)<. Cash 3epartment
<. Accounts 3epartment
%his department is responsible for the opening and closing of accounts. )n consideration
of &an" of !un'ab$ opening and@or continuing to maintain any account$ the Account
Holder@3epositor or )n,estor ould be bound by the terms and conditions ritten on the
account opening form.
%he first part establishes the preference regarding the type of account to be maintained.
%he ,arious choices offered in this regard are:
o Current Account
o #a,ing@ !/# Account
o %erm 3eposit Account
o &asic &an"ing Account
Current Account
%he current account is the most common account and the most preferred amongst
business concerns. %here is no restriction on the amount of ithdraal. Current account
enables the client to do cash transactions in a more efficient manner.
The Bank Of Punjab 14

Current Accounts can be opened in the &0! ith the sum not less than 6s.1BBBB@+
Co !rofit
Co deduction of Da"at
Account close charges 6s.3BB
#er,ice charges for maintaining minimum balance 6s.4B
0nline Charges 6s.19-
Saving / PLS Account
)n !a"istan (!/#) sa,ing account as introduced in Eanuary 1>=2. )ndi,iduals ho ish
to in,est their money in order to get profit maintain this account.
%he minimum balance re.uirement for opening the account is 6s.1BBBB.
%here can be profit or loss on the in,estment of the CustomerAs funds deposited
ith the ban" and this amount shall be acceptable to the Customer. %he profit is
paid half yearly.
3eduction of Da"at
With holding ta* on profit 1BF
Co #er,ice Charges to close the account
#er,ice Charges for maintaining minimum &alance 6s.4B
0nline Charges 6s.14B
Term Deposit Account
A term deposit is a deposit that is made of a certain period of time. At the end of specific
period the customer is alloed to ith dra the principal amount.
The Bank Of Punjab 17

5i*ed !rofit
%he longer the period for hich the amount is "ept higher is rate of interest.
%erm 3eposit usually for the period of three months$ si* months$ 0ne year$ and
fi,e years.
3eduction of Da"at and ithholding %a* 1BF.
Basic Banking Account
&asic &an"ing Account is opened is &0!. %he minimum amount deposit in this account
is ,ery small as compared to other accounts.
Minimum 3eposit amount is 6s. 1BBB
to transactions is free of cost
Bank can close the Account after six onth if balance is 1ero$
Meaning Of Remittance:-
GRemittance is transfer of funds from one place to
another or from one person to another.H
A 6emittance is an important ser,ice pro,ided by ban"s to customers as ell as non+
customers. #ince it is not a free ser,ice it is a source of income for the ban".
Parties Involved In Remittance
5our parties in,ol,ed in remittance:+
The Bank Of Punjab 19

)ssuing &an"
!aying &an"
0ne ho initiates$ or re.uests for a remittance. %he remitter comes to the issuing or
originating branch$ as"s for a remittance to be made$ and deposits the money to be
remitted. %he ban" charges him a commission for this ser,ice. He may or may not be the
branchAs customer.
A remittee is also called the beneficiary$ or the payee. %he person in hose name the
remittance is made. A remittee is also the one ho recei,e the payment.
Issuing Bank:-
%he ban" that sends or effects the remittance$ through demand drafts$ telegraphic
transfers$ or Mail %ransfers.
Paying Bank:-
!aying &an" also "nos as the draee branch. %he branch on hom the instrument is
dran. )t has to ma"e the payment (usually located in a different city country).
Kinds Of Remittances
%ransfer ithin the branch
%ransfer from one branch to another
%ransfer from one ban" to another ban" in the same city
%ransfers from one ban" to another ban" in to cities.
The Bank Of Punjab 1=

Instruments Used In Remittances
3emand 3raft (33)
!ay 0rder (!0)
!ay #lip
Call 3eposit 6eceipt (C36)
%elegraph %ransfer
6upees %ra,eler Che.ue (6%C)
Cancellation of !0$ 33 I C36
Ad,ance %a* against 6emittances
Meaning Of Clearing:-
%he ord clearing has been deri,ed from the ord GclearH and is defined as:
~A system by which banks exchange cheques and other
negotiable instruments drawn on each other within a
specific area and thereby secure payment for their
clients through the Clearing House at specified time in
an efficient way.
&y clearing means sometimes the account holder of &an" of !un'ab$ present che.ues$
hich is not dran on &an" of !un'ab but the person$ has an account in &an" of !un'ab.
)n this case ban" accepts this che.ue in clearing department and later on collets the
amount from ban" on hich che.ues is dran through clearing house. %his function is
called clearing.
Clearing House:-
The Bank Of Punjab 1>

)t is a place here representati,es of all ban"s sit together and interchange their claims
against each other ith the help of controlling staff of C)5%.
)t is one of the ser,ices pro,ided by C)5% to other commercial ban"s. C)5% acts as a
clearinghouse. 3ifferent ban"s are the members of the clearinghouse. A representati,e of
each ban" represents his ban" in the clearinghouse.
8ach ban" has collected che.ues as behalf of their customer but these che.ues are not
dran on their on ban" so in the clearinghouse$ they hand o,er these che.ues to
respecti,e ban"s on hich these che.ues are dran. #imilarly each ban" recei,es
che.ues from other ban"s if any.
Instruments To Be Presented In Clearing
3emand 3rafts
!ay 0rders
There are four types of clearing:-
1. )nard Clearing
2. 0utard Clearing
3. )ntercity Clearing
-. #ame 3ay Clearing
Inward Clearing:-
%hose Che.ues and other negotiable instruments hich are dran on &0! #hahdara
&ranch /ahore$ sent by other ban"s$ constitute the inard clearing of &an" of !un'ab.
After ha,ing all the stamps and dates of che.ues confirmed$ the concerned draerAs
accounts are debited in &0! #hahdara &ranch /ahore.
The Bank Of Punjab 2B

Inward Return:-
Return may be of any reason:-
!resentation 5la e.g. Clearing stamp not affi*ed or rong discharge gi,en by
collecting ban"er.
3efect in the Che.ues i.e. !ost dated che.ues$ unauthori(ed cutting.
)nsufficient &alance
Outward Clearing:-
When che.ues and other negotiable instruments dran upon other ban"s li"e City &an"$
MC&$ H&/ or As"ari &an" of the same city (/ahore) are presented in &0! #hahdara
&ranch to deposit them in the respecti,e payeeAs accounts$ these instruments are lodged
in outard clearing of &0! #hahdara &ranch.
Outward Return:-
Che.ues return ill be treated as inard che.ues.
)n case the che.ues is returned because of rong presentation e.g. clearing stamp
not affi*ed or rong discharge gi,en on the che.ues etc. it should be relodged in
the ne*t day clearing after rectification of the mista"e.
)f the che.ues is returned for any other reason then
8nter the che.ues in che.ues return register$ mentioning the reason as appearing
on the che.ues return memo recei,ed from the paying ban".
Ad,ice the customer about fate.
6eturn the che.ues to the customer after getting sign on the register.
Collect the che.ues return charges as per #.0.C (#chedule of charges).
Inter City Clearing:-
%he che.ues that are presented in inter city clearing are of another city and recei,ed by
air. )n this type of clearing the ban" confirm at that time that the che.ues are clear or not
and gi,e to the rider.
The Bank Of Punjab 21

Same Day Clearing:-
%he che.ues that are presented in same day clearing are the local che.ues and these
che.ues are clear in same day. &asically it is the benefit that are pro,ided to customer.
%he cash department is the most important department of the ban". )t recei,es cash from
customers and then deposits it into the accounts of the customers and maintained their
%he officers in this department are called teller and there ere four tellers at the counter.
%his department in,ol,es in to acti,ates:+
3eposit cash in customerAs account
Ma"e payments from customerAs account
Deposit Cash In Customer`s Account:-
When the customer ant to deposit amount in his account at opening of account or after
that then he has to fill a deposit slip that shos the amount and the account in hich the
cash ill be deposited. %hen teller ill recei,e amount and credit the customerAs account
that shos increase in customerAs ban" account.
Make Payments From Customer`s Account:-
When the customer dras a che.ue on the ban" to pay a certain amount then teller ill
debit the customerAs account that shos reduction in his account balance.
%here are to main types of che.ues that are
0pen Che.ues
Crossed Che.ues
Open Cheques:-
The Bank Of Punjab 22

0pen Che.ues are those che.ues$ hich are paid across the counter of the ban". 0pen
che.ues may be
&earer Che.ues
0rder Che.ues.
Bearer Cheque:-
)f the draer orders the ban" to pay a stated sum of money to the bearer$ it is
called a bearer che.ue. Any person ho lafully possesses a bearer che.ue is entitled to
recei,e payment of that che.ue.
Order Cheque:-
%he amount of this che.ue is payable to the person hose name is ritten on the face of
the che.ue. %he amount is paid at counter after identification of that person.
Crossed Cheque:-
%he amount of this che.ue is not paid at counter. %he amount of this che.ue is transferred
to the personAs account hose name is specified on the che.ue. %o parallel trans,erse
lines are dran across the face of the che.ue.
Kinds Of Crossing:-
/egally there are to "inds of crossing
2eneral Crossing
#pecial Crossing
General Crossing:-
)n case of 2eneral Crossing the payment can only be deposited into the payeeAs account
Special Crossing:-
The Bank Of Punjab 23

)n case of #pecial Crossing the payment can only be made to ban" named therein the
Che.ue 8ncashment are made in four steps$ these are:+
6ecei,ing 0f Che.ues
<erification 0f #ignature
Computer %erminal !rocess
!ayment 0f Cash
Receiving Of Cheques:-
%he cash is paid against the che.ue of the client. %he folloing points are "ept in mind
hile recei,ing the che.ue from the client.
Che.ue is dran on &0!
Che.ue is not post dated.
Amount in ords and figure are same.
)t should be a bearer che.ue so the ord bearer should not cross.
Verification Of Signature:-
After recei,ing the che.ue the che.ue the officer ,erify the signature of the account
holder and the signature on the che.ue. )f the signature is not same it is returned bac"
otherise forard to computer terminal.
Computer Terminal Process:-
%he che.ue is recei,ed in computer terminal$ here the computer operator chec"s the
balance of the account holder. %he operator also sees the stop payment instructions are
recei,ed from account holder or not. After considering these points computer operator
post the che.ue in account holder ledger and returned bac" to the officer.
The Bank Of Punjab 2-

Payment Of Cash:-
After posting the che.ue the officer cancelled the che.ue and returned bac" to cashier.
%he cashier enters the che.ue in cash paid registered and pay against the second signature
of recei,er on the bac" of the che.ue.
)f the payment is of 6s. 24BBB the cashier can ma"e it on its on. )f the amount is greater
than 6s. 24BBB to 6s. 1BB$BBB the cashier and cash deposit )ncharge ill ,erify the chec"
and ill sing it.
%hen the payment ill be made. &ut$ if the amount is greater than 6s. 1BBBBB to
6s. 1BBB$BBB the manager operation ill also ,erify the chec" and sign it so that the
payment can be made. )f the amount is greater than 6s. 1BBB$BBB the &ranch Manager
ill also ,erify the chec" and sign it. 0therise the payment ill not be made.
) did my internship in Bank of Punjab Shahdara Branch Lahore. %his internship
started on 2>
Eune and ended on 17
August. )t is not a ,ery big branch but only a small
retail branch of big giants...
)t is a ne branch and or"ing there for the customers.
5irst day$ ) reported to the Manager of the branch Mr.Adnan Rafique Ghuman ho
ga,e me brief introduction about the management and or"ing of the branch$ he also
chec" my "noledge about ban"ing by ta"ing a little test and inter,ie. He has also
ta"en a Computer %est from. %hen he introduced me to the other employees.
The Bank Of Punjab 24

#taff of the branch consists of 2B members:
&ranch Manager B1
0peration Manager B1
Credit Manager B1
0fficer 6ange ) B2
0fficer 6ange )) B2
0fficer 6ange ))) B2
Cashier B-
#ystem Administrator B1
%elephone 0perator B1
2un Man B2
!eons B3
Learning from A/c Opening Department
%his &ranch is ha,ing about 9BBB accounts but there as only one officer$Mr. 2hulam
Mustafa 6ashid to handle this tough or". He has to deal different people.
My e*perience in this department as really ,ery good. ) learnt ho to handle different
customers$ ho to fill Account 0pening 5orm$ hat are the re.uired documents that
should be ith you in order to open an account$ hat types of account &an" of !un'ab is
offering to the customers$ hat are the facilities that an account Holder can en'oy and
hat are the profit rates &an" of !un'ab is gi,ing to its customers.
) ha,e learnt the procedure that an Account 0pening 0fficer has to follo in order to
open and maintain an Account.
Procedure of Opening an Account
The Account Opening Form:-
The Bank Of Punjab 27

When a client comes to the ban"$ and ma"es a re.uest for opening of an A@C. %he officer
says that first fill up a prescribed application form.
Completion of The Form:-
%he name$ occupation$ and complete address of the person opening the account are
ritten in the columns that are pro,ided in the form. #ignatures are obtained from the
customer here it is re.uired. %hese signatures should be usual signatures and he ould
operate the account ith them.

%he introduction of a current account holder is accepted for the opening of either a
current account or a sa,ing account. %he introducer should be Account Holder. %he
signature of the account+holder introducing the account is obtained at the place pro,ided
for in the account opening form.

Specimen Signature Card, Cheques Book Requisition, Online Form:-
%he signatures of the client are obtained on a specimen #ignature card che.ueboo"
re.uisition and online form. %hese specimen signature cards are obtained in duplicate
ith to signatures on each card from the customer. 8,ery time a Che.ue is recei,ed for
a payment from the client$ the signature on the Che.ue are ,erified by comparing them
ith the #pecimen #ignature Card.
Signature Difference Form:-
%he signature of the client is obtained on a signature difference form if his @ her signature
differs from the computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card.
Vernacular Form:-
%he signature of the customer is also obtained on the ,ernacular form if he @ she signs in a
language other than 8nglish.
Account Number:-
The Bank Of Punjab 29

When all the formalities are completed then the final appro,al of account has to be ta"en
from the &ranch Manager. After obtaining appro,al of the branch manager an account
number is allotted to the customer all the information is entered into the computer. %hen
that account number is rite on the Che.ue &oo"$ #pecimen #ignature cards and account
opening form.
Send the form to Head Office:-
After fulfill all the re.uirement and ,erify the form from operation manager the account
opening form send to Head 0ffice ?arachi and ma"e re.uest to issue the printed che.ue
Issuance Of A Cheque Book:-
After opening an A@C ith the ban"$ the A@C holder recei,e a letter of than"s from Head
0ffice ?arachi then after recei,ing this letter client come to ban" and ma"es a re.uest in
the name of ban" for the issuance of a Che.ue boo". %he A@C holder mentions title of
A@C$ A@C number$ sign it properly. Cormally &0! issues a Che.ue boo" ha,ing 24 lea,es
for #a,ing Account and 4B lea,es Che.ue &oo" to Current Account Holder. 8,ery
Che.ue boo" also contains one leaf that is used for another issue of a Che.ue boo".
Entry Of A Cheque Book:-
&efore issuance of a Che.ue boo"$ the employee performs certain functions. %hey
#tamping re.uisition slip that is in che.ue boo".
8nters it in the Che.ue boo" issue register.
Chec" hether or not a senior officer has ,erified the signatures$ if not then first
gets them ,erified.
After entry in the manual register$ the employee issues the Che.ue boo" to the A@C
holder ith his@her signature on the register.
1. Accounts Of General Customers
Minor Account
)lliterate !erson Account
The Bank Of Punjab 2=

Eoint Account
2. Accounts Of Special Customers
)ndi,idual Account
!roprietorship Account
!artnership Account
/imited CompanyAs Account
Account of Club #ocieties and Association
%rust Account
Minor Account
Account Opening Procedure:-
%he natural guardian ho signs both Account 0pening 5orm and #pecimen #ignature
Card can open account in the name of minor.
Title Of Account:-
%he title of account should clearly indicate both the names of minor as ell as guardian
in the folloing manner:+
Amir 6afi.ue ( minor) Muhammad 6afi.ue (2uardian)
Special Instructions:-
%he guardian ill continue to operate the account e,en if minor attains the age of
Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card of 2uardian
5orm G&H of minor
The Bank Of Punjab 2>

)n case guardian is appointed by the court of la then attested copy of
guardianship certificate be obtained and placed on record.
Illiterate Person Account
&efore opening such account the illiterate person should be informed that he @ she cannot
issue che.ues in fa,our of any other person.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
Came of account holder should be ritten in bloc" form.
Special Instructions:-
!ersonal Withdraal
Copy of Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card
%o attested photographs to be obtained for pasting on A05 and other on
#pecimen #ignature Card.
%humb )mpressions
Male ++++++++ /eft Hand %humb )mpression
5emale +++++++ 6ight Hand %humb )mpression
1oint Account
The Bank Of Punjab 3B

%hese are the account of to or more persons ho are neither partners nor trustees.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
%itle of account holder should mention the names of all the 'oint account holders.
Special Instruction:-
At the time of opening the account clear and specific instructions should be obtained
regarding operation of the account and payment of the balance at the death of one or
more 'oint account holders in the folloing manner:+
%he account shall be operated by any 'oint account holders singly.
&y either or sur,i,or singly
&y any to or more 'oint account holders or by any to or more sur,i,ors 'ointly.
&y all the 'oint account holders 'ointly
&y all the sur,i,ors 'ointly.
%hese instructions as far as possible should be obtained in handriting of the parties
concerned$ under the signature of all the 'oint account holders.
Computeri(ed national )dentity Card of all the 'oint account holders.
Mode Of Signature:-
All 'oint account holders are re.uired to sign as applicant and in the column of
special instructions.
#pecimen #ignature of only those 'oint account holders are re.uired ho are
authori(ed to operate the account.
Individual Account
The Bank Of Punjab 31

When a single man or oman opens an account in his or her on name and has the right
to operate$ it is called indi,idual A@C.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
%itle of Account should mention the name of the person ho operates the account.
Special Instructions:-
At the time of opening the account clear and specific instructions should be obtained
regarding the nominee of the account holder means after the death of the account holder
ho ill operate the account.
Computeri(ed national )dentity Card.
!roof of )ncome if he @ she is a salaried person then the pay slip or salary
certificate of that person.
Proprietorship Account
When the oner of the firm operating singly$ open an account in his firm name.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
%itle of account must be in the name of the proprietorship concern.
Special Instructions:-
)n case of proprietorship concern$ the special instruction should co,er the style of the
account and the name of the person ho ill operate the account as sole proprietor. 5or
The Bank Of Punjab 32

e*ample$ if the account to open is in the name of G)slamabad Cloth #toreH$ the person
ho is the sole proprietor should declare as such.
Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card (CC)C) of proprietor.
3eclaration for proprietorship concern.
!roprietorship #tamp
/etter of re.uest to open the account on the letterhead of proprietorship.
%hird party Mandate$ in case any other person has been authori(ed by the
proprietor to operate the account.
Cational %a* Cumber (C%C) but it is optional.
Partnership Account
G!artnershipH is a relationship beteen persons ho ha,e agreed to share profits of a
business carried on by all or any of them acting for all.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
%itle of account must be in the name of the firm as declared by the partners.
Operational Instructions:-
0perations on the account must be alloed strictly in accordance ith the
instructions gi,en in partnership mandate and 3eclaration (!art )))) in terms of
section 24 of !artnership Act 1>32.
According to !artnership deed$ if gi,en.
The Bank Of Punjab 33

Copy of Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card of all the partners.
Copy of registration Certificate (if a registered firm)
/etter of re.uest to open the account on the letterhead of partnership.
!artnership #tamp
!artnership 3eed
%hird !arty Mandate$ if third party is authori(ed to operate the account.
C%C (optional)
Limited Companies Account
#ection 2 of the Companies Act$ 1>13$ defines companies as:+

~An association of individuals for the purpose of profit,
possessing a common capital contributed by the members
constituting it, such capital being commonly divided into shares,
of which each possess one or more and which are transferable by
the owners.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
%itle of account should be e*actly in the same name and style as mentioned on the
memorandum and article of association.
Special Instructions:-
All the special instructions should be gi,en to the ban" in the form of 6esolution of
&oard of 3irector.
The Bank Of Punjab 3-

Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card (CC)C) the entire 3irector
attested by company C80.
6esolution of &oard of 3irector passed under CompanyAs seal to
open account.
Memorandum and Article of Association
Certificate of )ncorporation 5orm 2> (&) (/asted Copy). Company
secretary ill certify all these copies.
/ist of 3irectors and authori(ed signatories.
Certificate of Commencement of &usiness (for !ublic limited companyAs only).
Trust Account
According to section 3 of %rust Act$ 1==2:
~A trust is an obligation annexed to the ownership of
property and arising out of a confidence proposed in and
accepted by him for the benefit of another, or of another or
Account Opening Procedure:-
&ranches are alloed to open the %rust Account sub'ect to the prior appro,al of Area
Manager$ after scrutiny of the legal documents by the legal ad,isor.
Title Of Account:-
%he account should be opened in the name of the trust. Hoe,er$ if the account is opened
in the name of the trustees$ the account should not be treated as a 'oint accountJ rather it
should be treated as a trust account.
Special Instructions:-
The Bank Of Punjab 34

%he &an"er should e*amine the trust deed ,ery carefully. !articular attention should be
paid to the borroing poers$ status of account in case of death of any trustee or
signatory$ and pro,isions for the appointment of ne trustees.
Attested photocopy of Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Cards (CC)C) of all the
Attested copy of Certificate of 6egistration.
Certified copy of )nstrument of %rust @ %rust 3eed
Mode of Signature:-
All the trustee are re.uired to sign the account opening form$ #pecimen #ignature Card$
and che.ue boo" re.uisition slip in their official capacity.
Clubs, Societies and Associations Account
%hese are non+ trading @ non+ profit organi(ation and are formed for the promotion of
culture$ education$ recreational acti,ities and charitable purpose etc.
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
Account must be opened in the name of organi(ation in the folloing manner:+
e.g. )slamabad Cric"et Association
Operational Instructions:-
All the parties must be in accordance ith the clauses of the resolution.
)n case of death of office bearer$ account should be bloc"ed until ne resolution is
The Bank Of Punjab 37

Copy of bye+ las @ regulations.
/ist of members of managing @ e*ecuti,e Committee.
Copy of certificate of 6egistration (if registered)
Copies of CC)Cs of the members of 8*ecuti,e Committee.
/ist of names of officials authori(ed to sign on behalf of the organi(ation along
ith the #pecimen #ignature under the signature of the #ecretary of the club @
Agent Account
Account Opening Procedure:-
Title Of Account:-
Account must be opened in the name of agent.
Special Instructions:-
Manager should ensure compliance of contract beteen principle and agent.
Agent cannot delegate poers to third party.
%ransfer beteen principle and agent account should be in accordance to
The Bank Of Punjab 39

)n case of death @ insol,ency @ insanity of principle agency transactions are
automatically terminated.
Attested photocopy of Computeri(ed Cational )dentity Card (CC)C) of the agent.
Certified copy of !oer of Attorney.
Learning in Remittance and Clearing
%here ere to officers in this department one as Mr.6i(an and the other as
Mr. Hafi( Mubshir..
Mr.Hafi( Mubshir as handling inard clearing and 0utard Clearing. While issuance
of other negotiable instruments li"e !ay 0rder$ 3emand 3raft$ !ay #lip etc$ ere handled
by Mr. 6i(an.
)n these departments ) sa the clearing process and negotiable instrument that transfer
the money.
Clearing Process
i. Stamps Put On the Cheques:-
When the che.ues are presented in &0! &ranch to be deposited in their respecti,e
payeeAs accounts$ different stamps are put on che.ues before their lodgment in outard
ii. Crossing the cheques:-
Crossing means to parallel lines$ dran across the face of the che.ues ith or ithout
ords ritten in beteen them. Crossing may be general or special. )n clearing$ che.ues
are crossed specially. Che.ues are stamped ith ban"As name beteen to parallel lines
The Bank Of Punjab 3=

to constitute special crossing. After the che.ues ha,e been crossed specially$ the holder
cannot recei,e payment e*cept through the ban"er named on the che.ues crossing sa,es
the instrument to go it in illegal hands. )f$ crossed che.ues is lost or stolen$ there is no
ris" in,ol,ed. #o it is an effecti,e means of minimi(ing the ris" of loss.
iii. Clearing Stamp:-
After the che.ues ha,e been crossed specially$ clearing stamp is put on the che.ues and
other instruments$ ith the ne*t date$ so these che.ues ould ha,e to be presented in
their concerned draee ban"s on the subse.uent day.
i,. Endorsement Stamp:-
%he ord endorsement means anything ritten or printed on the bac" of an instrument.
#o endorsement stamp has to put ith ords G!ayeeAs account Credited in &an" of
!un'ab$#hahdara &ranch$ /ahoreH.
,. National Institutional Facilitation Authority:-
After putting these three stamps on che.ues I other negotiable instruments$ they are sent
to NIFT. C)5% after segregating the che.ues of different ban"s deli,ers them to their
concerned ban"s.
vi. Send Report To The Bank:-
After deli,ering the che.ues to different ban"s C)5% send report to &0! ?asuri %oer
&ranch /ahore$ then the ban"As staff tally the amount of that report for its on record.
vii. Delivered Cheques To Respective Banks:-
Ce*t morning$ these che.ues are deli,ered to the respecti,e ban"s beteen >:BB to
1B:BBAM. )n the same manner$ other ban"s present their clearing dran on &an" of
!un'ab %otal number of che.ues and their amount deli,ered to other ban"s and recei,ed
from them are ritten on the Clearing House schedule branch for their payment.
The Bank Of Punjab 3>

After proper scrutiny of che.ues$ ,erification of signatures and confirmation of
balance in the account$ the 0fficer Clearing 3epartment 3ebit the customer Account. )f
any che.ue is not passed due to insufficient balance or any other reason$ 0fficer Cash
3epartment returns the same che.ue by attaching a che.ue return memo containing
reason for return.
,iii. Credit The Customer Account:-
)f the che.ues are clear then the &0! #hahdara &ranch /ahore credits the customer
Account. )f the ban" recei,es the outard return due to any reason then this che.ue is
entered into the che.ue returned register and ban" charges are deducted according to the
schedule of charges.
%hen send the outard and return inard as )&3A ()nter &ranch 3ebit Ad,ise) to Main
&ranch /3A !la(a. And /3A !la(a sends outard return and inard to &0! #hahdara
&ranch$ /ahore.
Procedure Of Settlement
Assume that &0! got the che.ues hich are dran on H&/$ C&!$ and MC& for amount
6s.4B$ BBB@+$ 6s.3B$BBB@+$ 6s.14$BBB@+ respecti,ely$ its total being 6s.>4$BBB@+. )t means
that this amount is to be credited to &0! account ith C)5%. 0n the other hand the
che.ues dran on &0! are from H&/$ C&! and MC& of 6s.14$BBB@+ 6s.94$BBB@+$ and
6s.3B$BBB@+ respecti,ely$ its total being 6s.12B$BBB@+. )t means that this amount is to be
debited from &0! account . %he difference beteen 6s.>4$BBB@+ credit and 6s.12B$BBB@+
debit is 6s.24$BBB@+ debit$ hich means the house is against &0! for 6s.24$BBB@+.
Settlement Sheet:-
)n clearing department this sheet is prepared and contain detail amount of che.ues
recei,ed$ amount of che.ues ill be paid and balance of these accounts.
Demand Draft
3emand 3raft is a negotiable instrument$ hich is dran by one branch to another
branch of the same ban". )n case of agency arrangement 3emand 3raft can also be issued
The Bank Of Punjab -B

by one branch of the ban" payable to other branch of the other ban" e.g. 33 issued by the
&0! payable by 1&/.
)f any person ants to ma"e payment from one city to another city then he can ma"e
payment through demand draft. &an" charges a commission for performing this "ind of
ser,ice according to ban" rate schedule$ hich is re,ised after 7 months. 3emand draft
may be issued or paid. %here are to ays to issue 3emand 3raft:+
1. )ssue of 33 against cash payment
2. )ssue of 33 against 3ebit of the account
The current rate schedule of DD is as follows:-
1p to 6s. 1B$BBB B.2BF or 6s.4B
Which e,er is higher
6s.1B$ BB1 to 6s. 1BB$BBB B.14F or 6s.1BB
Which e,er is higher
6s. 1BB$BB1 to 6s. 4$ BB$BBB B.1BF or 6s.2BB
Which e,er is higher
6s. 4$ BB$BB1 to 6s. 1B$ BB$BBB B.B94F or 6s.4BB
Which e,er is higher
Abo,e 6s. 1B$ BB$BBB B.B4BF or 6s. 94B
Which e,er is higher
Process of the Issuance of DD:-
When a customer re.uests &0! &ranch$ /ahore to pro,ide him a 33 made on his
account or against cash payment for a particular city li"e )slamabad. %hen$ after ha,ing
the total amount including commission demand draft is issued in fa,or of the specified
person in that city and is dran on &op$ Ce Muree &ranch. #o$ hen payee in any ban"
The Bank Of Punjab -1

presents this demand draft$ it constitutes the inard clearing of &an" of !un'ab$ Ce
Muree &ranch.
When BOP receive the Demand Draft then it pass the following entry:-
3r. Head 0ffice Account ith %reasury
Cr. 3emand 3raft !ayable Account
When BOP issue the Demand Draft then it pass the following entry:-
3r. Customer Account
Cr. %ransit Account
3r. %ransit Account
Cr. Head 0ffice Account ith %reasury
At the end of day the %ransit Account ill be (ero (nil).
Entry Of Commission that BOP Received From Customer:-
3r. Customer Account
Cr. Commission on 6emittances Account
Entry Of Excise Duty that BOP Recovered From Customer:-
3r. Customer Account
Cr. 8*cise 3uty 6eco,ered Account
Pay Order
The Bank Of Punjab -2

!ay order is a negotiable instrument made by the ban"$ on account of a customer$ to pay
on order the specified amount to the directed person (payee).
Use Of Pay Order:-
!ay orders are used to ma"e payment or to transfer money$ ith in the same city. !ay
order is alays dran on the ban" that has issued it. %he main ad,antage of pay order is
that it cannot be dishonored by the ban". !ay order
Can be endorsed if it is not crossed. %he payee may present pay 0rder for payment either
o,er the counter for cash payment or the payee may transfer credit to his account.
%he current rate schedule of !ay 0rder is as follos:+
)ssuance of !ay 0rder 6s. 117@+ for a@c holder
6s. 3-=@+ for non+a@c holderK
Cancellation 6s. 117@+ for a@c holder
6s. 3-=@+ for non+a@c holder
3uplicate )ssuance 6s.3-=@+ for a@c holder
6s. 3-=@+ for non+a@c holder
When BOP issue the Pay Order:-
3r. Customer Account
Cr. %ransit Account

3r. %ransit Account
Cr. !ay 0rder )ssued Account
The Bank Of Punjab -3

When BOP receive the Pay Order:-
3r. %reasury Account
Cr. !ay 0rder !ayable Account
Entry Of Commission that BOP Received From Customer:-
3r. Customer Account
Cr. Commission on 6emittances Account
Entry Of Excise Duty that BOP Recovered From Customer:-
3r. Customer Account
Cr. 8*cise 3uty 6eco,ered Account
Pay Slip
~It is a negotiable instrument like cheque issued by
the bank on its own account to pay a specified
amount to the directed person.
Use Of Pay Slip:-
!ay #lips are used to ma"e payment by the ban" itself against certain e*penses incurredJ
li"e furniture purchased by ban"$ electricity charges.
Issuance Of Pay Slip
&an" issue a pay slip in fa,our of person$ to hom payment is made.
Affi*es payeeAs Account only stamp.
6e,enue stamp pasted on it.
8ntry in ban" smart.
The Bank Of Punjab --

)f ban" has purchased furniture (fi*ed Asset) costing 6s. -B$BBB from a company then a
pay slip in the name of that company is made and$ instead of riting the issuing date on
pay slip$ date of encashment (reali(ation) is ritten hen it is presented in ban".
Call Deposit Receipt (CDR)
&an" of !un'ab also issues Call 3eposit 6eceipts (C36).
~It is an instrument like Cheque issued by the bank on
account of a customer & in favor of a person, to pay the
specified amount.
C36As are issued to ma"e payments$ especially hen a company goes for some tenders
or for purchase of go,ernment securities. %he ban" en'oys the benefit of "eeping funds
deposited until the payment is not made.
Cancellation of PO, DD & CDR
After issuance of !ay 0rder$ 3emand 3raft or Call 3eposit 6eceipt by &an" of !un'ab$
#hahdara &ranch$ /ahore$ if any one of these has to be cancelled by the customer$ it is
returned in the ban". %hen$ after deducting the cancellation charges of 6s.3-= for !0 and
6s. 3-= for 33$ the remaining (net) amount is paid to the customer.
Advance Tax against Remittances
Ad,ance %a* is deducted on issuance of !0 I 33 from customers e*cept those ho
ha,e ta* e*emption form and credited in %a* on !0 I 33 account. %a* deducted has to
be paid to #tate &an" of !a"istan (#&!) ith in one ee" of issuance of these
The Bank Of Punjab -4

All the che.ues under collection are called che.ues under Collection in &an" of !un'ab.
%here are to types of bills for collection:
0utard &ills for Collection (0&C)
/ocal &ills for collection (/&C)
Outward Bills For Collection
Meaning Of OBC:-
~When an instrument is drawn on a bank, which is
located outside the city, its proceeds can be collected
through a mechanism called Outward Bills for
Collection (OBC).
%ransfer of funds beteen cities
Collecting &an" or" as an agent
Collecting &an" is the holder in due course
All the che.ues are recei,ed on one counter along ith the paying slips duly filled in
properly containing particulars of che.ues and account holder. Counter folio of paying
slip is handed o,er to the customer by putting stamp for Gche.ue recei,ed for collection
for &an" of !un'abH on it duly signed by officer. %hese che.ues are scrutini(ed and
che.ues for local clearing are separated from 0&Cs. Che.ues for local clearing are
entered in Clearing 6egister$ hereas che.ues for collection are entered in 0&C register.
0&C number is allotted to the che.ue from 0&C register. #pecial crossing and ban"
endorsement stamps are affi*ed on the che.ue.
The Bank Of Punjab -7

Date OBC
Title Of

0&C schedule is attached ith the che.ue and dispatched to the main branch of
that city for collection. )f they do not ha,e any branch in that city$ then che.ue ill be
sent to the Collecting Agent of &an" of !un'ab for that city$ and if they do not ha,e any
collecting agent e,en$ then che.ue can be sent directly to the draing branch.
)nstructions are gi,en on the 0&C schedule for the payment of that che.ue.
Contra+liability ,ouchers are also posted in the system. When 0&C is reali(ed$ collection
ban" pays the amount through )&CA if it is the same ban" or through 33 if it is another
ban". )f 33 is recei,ed against 0&C$ it is presented in the clearing for collection.
)f )&CA is recei,ed from the branch for the payment of 0&C$ certain ,ouchers are
posted in the system.
Commission Postage Net Amount Date Of
Initial Remarks
The Bank Of Punjab -9

Lodgment Entries:-
3r. Customer /iability
Cr. &an"er /iability
Realization Entries:-
3r. &an"er /iability on 0&C
Cr. Customer /iability on 0&C
(6e,ersal of the Contra /iability)
3r. M.0 Account
Cr. Customer Account
(5or the amount of the instrument)
3r. Customer Account
Cr. !ostage Charges
Cr. Commission on 0&C
Local Bills For Collection
)f any other ban" sends a che.ue of &an" of !un'ab$ it is )nard &ill for Collection. &an"
of !un'ab remits money after chec"ing the balance of the customer account.
%he process of collection starts hen the che.ues of &an" of !un'ab. Are recei,ed from
other ban"s. %hen these che.ues are sent to the Head 0ffice ?arachi$ hich sends the
che.ues to #&! for clearing and get the confirmation of che.ue and credit ad,ice. Main
The Bank Of Punjab -=

acti,ity of clearing is performed by Head 0ffice$ hich contacts other ban"s through
3r. H .0 Account
Cr. Customer Account
)t as an interested e*perience to do internship in Bank of Punjab. %he staff as highly
cooperated and due to their help ) learned big deal about modern ban"ing.
) suggest that such an internship program highly integrati,e for the students of commerce
education so that the students should be en.uired ith the "noledge of practice orld .)
do summari(e that it ould be a great help to me in selection of 'ob or future field of
Here ) am putting some suggestions$ hich ill enable the ban" to compete ith other
ban"s more effecti,ely I efficiently.
)t is obser,ed that the employees ere o,erburdened so they ha,e to stay at
branch till late at night. )n this ay their efficiency is affected and hiring more
employees can reduce their or".
%he employees should be signed 'obs for specific period and than they should
shifted to other department so that they gain "noledge of other 'obs.
The Bank Of Punjab ->

&an" of !un'ab should properly ad,ertise and Communicate to public about the
ser,ices pro,ided by it$ so that more customers ill be attracted.
%he ban"As management should gi,e more incenti,es and pay scale of officers
should be re,ised I impro,ed.
#ystem and operations should be more defined and organi(ed.
)% dra bac"s should be impro,ed.
Administration drabac"s should be impro,ed by the strict control of general
#ome employees ai,e the ban" charges (#tatement charges$ che.ue boo"
charges etc) that decrease the income of the ban".
/oc"ers$ A%M$ all these facilities should be pro,ided to attract more customers.
8*penditures must be control$ hich are ,ery high.
)f ) ha,e to e*press my e*perience of internship in &an" of !un'ab #hahdara &ranch
/ahore ) ould briefly say:
&an" of !un'ab is a good 0rgani(ation in the ay that anybody can 'oin it for his@ her
long+term career. 0,erall or"ing en,ironment is comfortable. Management of branch
cares a lot of its employees and considers them as the Asset of ban". &eha,ior of senior
e*ecuti,e of ban" is ,ery polite and they are caring about the indi,idualAs career and their
Hoe,er management is ,ery demanding about the targets but good reard at the
achie,ement of assigned targets is aarded.
The Bank Of Punjab 4B

8mployees at &an" of !un'ab are .uite efficient. As #hahdara &ranch is a ne one$ its
employees ha,e to bring their ban" among the list of good ban"s. %herefore$ they or"
more than their or"ing hours and it is all according to their ill. )t also shos their
loyalty$ commitment to organi(ation.
8mployees are gi,en the benefits li"e bonus$ gratuity funds$ loans$ increments$ and
All the customers are entertained indi,idually. #ame "ind of beha,ior and attention is
gi,en to all the customers. 2etting ideas for impro,ement from customer side is a ne
idea and that is or"ing ,ery ell in &an" of !un'ab. All the customers are as"ed to fill a
suggestion form and the standards of the ban" are impro,ed through them.
!rioriti(ing its product portfolio in line ith its corporate and consumer needs and
ants the ban" is committed to de,elop products that gi,e more ,alue to its customers in
both the sectors.
)n ban"$ all the or" is done on computers. All the entries are made in computer. &alance
are fed into the computer. %his increases efficiency of the ban".
3uring my internship training ) gathered information regarding ho a successful ban"
operational aspect decorticated ith the practical.
) found my internship training at &an" of !un'ab #hahdara &ranch /ahore to be a ,ery
rearding e*perience. %he training as beneficial because it helpful me to aare a real
life or"ing en,ironment.
The Bank Of Punjab 41

#o far my learning is concernedJ all the employees at branch ere .uite cooperati,e.
%hey helped me to understand the acti,ities of a ban" to possible e*tent. %heir good
attitude ga,e me more confidence to learn more and to as" if ) ha,e any .uery in my
mind. &esides their e,er going acti,ities they ne,er get irritant by my .uestioning. ) had
made an honest efferent to present the or"ing I operation of &an" of !un'ab #hahdara
&ranch /ahore in simplest ay.
) feel pleasure that ) ha,e really gained a lot during 7 ee"s I en'oyed or"ing ith
e*perienced cooperati,e I intelligent staff.
Mr. Adnan 6afi.ue 2human
&ranch Manager
Mr. 2hulam Mustafa 6ashid
0perations Manager
The Bank Of Punjab 42

Mr. Muhammad 6i(an
)ncharge Account
Mis. Asma 2ul
6emittances 0fficer
Written notes and 8*tracts from ban"ing literature of &0!.
By Searching
. bop .com

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