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Long Letter Version

Re: Cover Letter for Loan Application

February 12, 2008
Business Loan Officer
Greater Newark Financial
4921 S !es "laines #$e
Newark, N% 09&'8
!ear Business Loan Officer(
)nclose* +lease fin* an a++lication for a loan for t,e Newark-base* Occu+ational .ealt,
/nc / belie$e t,at we ,a$e +ro$i*e* all t,e infor0ation an* references you nee* to
confir0 t,at our co0+any is an e1cellent can*i*ate for a co00ercial loan fro0 your
/ woul* like to +oint out t,at we own our office buil*in2 at &92 3 4ay St an* t,at our
financial ,istory is $ery soun* / belie$e in bein2 fiscally conser$ati$e bot, wit, our
continue* 2rowt, an* wit, our cas, reser$es
Once you ,a$e looke* o$er our a++lication, +lease let 0e know if you nee* 0ore
infor0ation / woul* be ,a++y to 0eet wit, you in +erson or you can call 0e at
/ ,o+e to ,ear 2oo* news about t,e loan soon
!aniel % 5ak
6,ief Financial Officer
wwwsocratesco0 "a2e 1 of & B6104-2 7 5e$ 1080'
)-4ail 9ersion
!ear Business Loan Officer(
#ttac,e* +lease fin* an a++lication for a loan for t,e Newark-base* Occu+ational .ealt,
/nc "lease confir0 t,at you ,a$e recei$e* it an* can o+en t,e attac,0ent
/ belie$e t,at we ,a$e +ro$i*e* all t,e infor0ation an* references you nee* to confir0
t,at our co0+any is an e1cellent can*i*ate for a co00ercial loan fro0 your bank
/ woul* like to +oint out t,at we own our office buil*in2 at &92 3 4ay St an* t,at our
financial ,istory is $ery soun* / belie$e in bein2 fiscally conser$ati$e bot, wit, our
continue* 2rowt, an* wit, our cas, reser$es
Once you ,a$e looke* o$er our a++lication, +lease let 0e know if you nee* 0ore
infor0ation / woul* be ,a++y to 0eet wit, you in +erson or you can res+on* to t,is
/ ,o+e to ,ear 2oo* news about t,e loan soon
:e-0ail si2nature, inclu*in2 na0e, title, co0+any an* contact infor0ation;
wwwsocratesco0 "a2e 2 of & B6104-2 7 5e$ 1080'
S,ort Letter 9ersion
February 12, 2008
Business Loan Officer
Greater Newark Financial
4921 S !es "laines #$e
Newark, N% 09&'8
!ear Business Loan Officer(
)nclose* +lease fin* an a++lication for a loan for Occu+ational .ealt, /nc / belie$e t,at
we ,a$e +ro$i*e* t,e infor0ation an* references necessary to confir0 t,at our co0+any
is an e1cellent can*i*ate for a co00ercial loan
3e own our office buil*in2 at &92 3 4ay St, an* our financial ,istory is soun* / belie$e
in bein2 fiscally conser$ati$e bot, wit, our continue* 2rowt, an* wit, our cas, reser$es
Once you ,a$e looke* o$er our a++lication, +lease let 0e know if you nee* 0ore
!aniel % 5ak
6,ief Financial Officer
wwwsocratesco0 "a2e & of & B6104-2 7 5e$ 1080'

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