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1. Defne Mechatronics.
The term Mechatronics is the combination of Mechanical engineering,
Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Software engineering,
Control engineering, and Systems Design engineering in order to design and
manufacture useful products. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary feld of
2. What is a syste! "i#e an e$a%&e.
A system can be considered as a bo, which has an input, and an
output and where it is not concerned with what goes on inside the bo but
only the relationship between the output and the input. Eample! A motor
may be thought of as a system, which has as its input electric power and as
output the rotation of a shaft.
'. What is a eas(reent syste!
The word system in mechatronics refers to a group of physical
component connected or related in such a manner as to form as entire unit
for performing a specifc tas". #or eample an electric heater may be
thought of as a system which has, as its input electric power and as output
). Write a*o(t the sensor an+ ,i#e an e$a%&e.
A sensor which responds to the $uantity being measured by gi%ing as
its output a signal and which is related to the $uantity. Eample! A
thermocouple is a temperature sensor. The input to the sensor is a
temperature and the output is an e.m.f. which is related to the temperature
-. Write a*o(t the si,na& con+itioner!
A signal conditioner ta"es the signal from the sensor and manipulates it
in to a condition, which is suitable for either display, or in the case of a
control system, for use to eercise control.
.. What are the t/o *asic 0ors o0 the contro& syste an+ /hat are
the a+#anta,es an+ +isa+#anta,es!
The two basic forms of the control systems are,
a. &pen loop control system.
b. Closed loop control system.
Type Ad%antage Disad%antage
&pen 'oop
a. (t is being relati%ely
simple inaccurate since there is no
b. 'ow cost correction of error
c. )ood reliability
Closed 'oop Accurate in matching the a. More comple
Actual to the re$uired
%alues. b. More costly
c. )reater chance of
as a conse$uence of the
number of components.
1.What are the e&eents o0 the c&ose+ &oo% contro& syste!
The %arious elements of a closed loop control system are,
Comparison element, Control element, Correction element, *rocess
element, and Measurement element
2.What are the t/o ty%es o0 0ee+*ac3 &oo%!
The two types of feedbac" loop are,
a. *ositi%e feedbac" loop
b. +egati%e feedbac" loop.
,The feedbac" is said to be negati%e-positi%e feedbac" when the
signal. which is feedbac", subtracts-adds from the input %alue. (t is re$uired
to control a system. The control elements decide what action to ta"e when it
recei%es an error signal,
4. What are the ty%es o0 contro& e&eents!
There are two types of control elements. They are /ard 0 wired
systems and *rogrammable systems.
15. What are the #ario(s e&eents o0 a c&ose+ &oo% syste 0or a
%erson contro&&in, the te%erat(re!
The %arious elements of a closed loop system are,
1.Controlled %ariable
2.Comparison element
3.Error signal
4.Control unit
5.Measuring de%ice #or eample,
Controlled %ariable 6 The room temperature 7eference %alue 8The re$uired
room temperature9. Comparison element 6 The person comparing the
measured %alue with the re$uired %alue of temperature. Error signal 6 The
di:erence between the measured and re$uired temperatures. Control unit 6
The person Correction unit 6 The switch on the fre *rocess 6 The heating by
the fre. Measuring de%ice 6 A thermometer.
11.Write a*o(t the Mechatronics a%%roach in a icro6%rocessor 7
contro&&e+ /ashin, achine!
(n the microprocessor6controlled washing machine, a mechanical system
has become integrated with electronic controls. As a conse$uence, a bul"y
mechanical system is replaced by a much more compact microprocessor
system, which is readily ad;ustable to gi%e a greater %ariety of programs.
12.What is the &ar,er sca&e a%%&ication o0 Mechatronics!
A larger scale application of Mechatronics is a #leible Manufacturing
engineering System 8#MS9 in%ol%ing computer 0 controlled machines, robots,
automatic material con%eying and o%erall super%isory control.
1'.8ist soe o0 the a%%&ications o0 Mechatronics!
1. /ome Appliances! <ashing machine, =read machines etc
2. Automobile! Electrical fuel in;ection, Antiloc" bra"e system
3. Aircraft! #light control, +a%igation system
4. Automated Manufacturing
1). What are the co%onents o0 Mechatronics Syste!
1. Actuators and Sensors
2. Signal Conditioning units
3. Digital control de%ices
4. Software data gaining system
5. )raphical Displays
1-.What are the ain a%%&ications o0 echatronics!
<ashing machines, dish washers, micro o%ens, cameras, camcorders,
robots, automatic con%eyors, computer6controlled machines
11. Dra/ the *&oc3 +ia,ra o0 eas(reent syste.
(nput System &utput
12. O*tain the *asic 0(nctions o0 contro& systes.
1. To minimi>e the error between the actual and desired output
2. To minimi>e the time response to load changes in the system
14. 8ist +o/n the re9(ireents o0 contro& systes.
25. "i#e an e$a%&e 0or o%en &oo% syste an+ c&ose+ &oo%
Closed loop system 0 Automatic water le%el controller
open loop system 6 Electric fre
22. Co%are o%en &oo% contro& syste an+ c&ose+ &oo% contro&
&pen loop systems Closed loop systems
(t is suitable where accurate
positioning of the tools is not re$uired
System is %ery simple
The feedbac" signal controls the
table position accurately
(s used almost in all automation
Electric /eater
(t is suitable for rough wor"s
Error is not currently chec"ed and
(t is not suitable for rough wor"s
Error is currently chec"ed and
2'. What are the *asic e&eents o0 0ee+*ac3 syste!
#orward path #eedbac" path
Error detecting de%ice
Amplifer and Compensating networ"
2).What is eant *y se9(entia& contro& /hat are the t/o o+es in it!
A system operating with se$uential control is one where a set of
prescribed operations are performed in se$uence. The modes are,
E%ent 0 based mode Time 0 based mode
2-."i#e an e$a%&e 0or e#ent6*ase+ an+ tie7*ase+ se9(entia&
Time based water heater
E%ent based domestic <ashing machine
2.. What is the %(r%ose o0 a sensor!
Sensor is used for an element which produces a signal relating to the
$uantity being measured. (.e., an electrical resistance temperature element,
the $uantity being measured is temperature and the sensor transforms an
input of temperature into a change in resistance.
21. Defne trans+(cer!
The term transducer is often used in place of the term sensor.
Transducer is defned as elements that when sub;ect to some physical
change eperience a related change. Thus, sensors are transducers.
22. What are the ters that +efne the %er0orance o0 the
1. 7ange and span 2. Error
3. Accuracy 4. Sensiti%ity
5. /ysteresis error ?. +on 0 linearity error
@. 7epeatability - reproducibility A. Stability
B. Dead band - time 1C. 7esolution
11. &utput impedance.
24. What are the ters that yo( can fn+ 0ro the +ynaic
1. 7esponse time.
2. Time constant.
3. 7ise time
4. Settling time.
'5. What is a +is%&aceent sensor!
Displacement sensors are concerned with the measurement of the
amount by which some ob;ect has been mo%ed.
'1. What is a %osition sensor!
*osition sensors are concerned with the determination of the position of
some ob;ect with reference to some reference point.
'2. What is a %ro$iity sensor!
*roimity sensors are a form of position sensor and are used to
determine when an ob;ect has mo%ed to within some particular critical
distance of the sensor.
''. What are the t/o *asic ty%es o0 the +is%&aceent an+ the
%osition trans+(cers!
The two basic types are,
1. Contact sensors
2. +on contact sensors.
'). Write a*o(t the strain 7 ,a(,e+ e&eent!
The electrical resistance strain gauge is a metal wire, metal foil strip, or
a strip of semiconductor material, which is wafer 0 li"e and can be stuc" onto
surfaces li"e a postage stamp.
'-. Write a*o(t the ,a(,e 0actors 0or +i:erent ty%es o0 strain
The gauge factor of metal wire or foil strain gauges with the metals generally
used is about 2.C. Silicon p 0 and n 0 type semiconductor strain gauges ha%e
gauge factors of about E 1CC or more for p6 type silicon and 0 1CC or more for
n 0 type silicon.
'.. Defne 8;DT!
The 'inear Fariable Di:erential Transformer consists of three coils
symmetrically spaced along an insulated tube. The central coil is the primary
coil and the other two are identical secondary coils, which are connected in
series in such a way that their outputs oppose each other.
'1. Deterine the /or3in, <rinci%&e o0 8;DT!
<hen there is an alternating %oltage input to the primary coil,
alternating e.m.f.s are induced in the secondary coils. <ith the magnetic core
central, the amount of magnetic material in each of the secondary coil is the
'2. What are the (ses o0 8;DT!
The uses are as follows.
a. <idely used as primary transducers for monitoring displacements.
b. Also used as secondary transducers in the measurement of force, weight
and pressure.
'4. Write a*o(t in+(cti#e %ro$iity s/itch!
(nducti%e proimity switch consists of a coil wound round a core. <hen
the end of the coil is close to a metal ob;ect is inductance changes. This
change can be monitored by its e:ect on a resonant circuit and the change
used to trigger a switch. (t can only be used for the detection of metal ob;ects
and is best with ferrous metals.
)5. What is an enco+er!
An encoder is a de%ice that pro%ides a digital output as a result of a
linear or angular displacement.
)1. What is an increenta& enco+er!
An incremental encoder is used for the measurement of angular
displacement. A beam of light passes through slots in a disc and is detected by a
suitable light sensor. <hen the disc is rotated, the sensor produces a pulsed
output with the number of pulses being proportional to the angle through which
the disc is rotated. /ence, the angular position of the disc is determined.
)2. Write a*o(t a*so&(te enco+er!
An absolute encoder is used for the measurement of angular displacement.
This gi%es an output in the form of a binary number of se%eral digits, each such
number representing a particular angular position. The rotating disc has three
concentric circles of slots and three sensors to detect the light pulses.
)'. What are the (ses o0 %hotosensiti#e +e#ices!
*hotosensiti%e de%ices can be used to detect the presence of an opa$ue
ob;ect by it brea"ing a beam of light or infrared radiation, falling on such a
de%ice or by detecting the light reGected bac" by the ob;ect.
)). Write a*o(t Ha&& E:ect sensors!
<hen a beam of charged particles passes through a magnetic feld, forces
act on the particles and the beam is deGected from its straight line path. A
current Gowing in a conductor is li"e a beam of mo%ing charges and thus can be
deGected by a magnetic feld.
)-. Why the si,na& con+itionin, is re9(ire+!
Signal conditioning of analogue signals re$uires components such as
amplifers flter circuits and digital signal microprocessor.
1. Defne Act(ator.
An actuator is an output de%ice which performs useful wor"s
2.C&assi0y act(ator *ase+ on otion.
1. 'inear motion
Single acting cylinder
Double acting cylinder
2. 7otary Motion
7otary actuators
3. #low Control %al%e
'.When is casca+e contro& Nee+!
The need for cascade control will occur when a fnal control element
eperiences signal o%erlap i.e. when a trip %al%e mechanism is still held
down , but the output signal has to been used and re$uires remo%al
).Write +o/n the %rinci%&es o0 casca+e contro&.
A simple design procedure to determine the minimum number of
groups in the circuit
E%ol%e separate supply bus for each group
Arrange selector %al%es to di%ert the supply to whiche%er is the
acti%e group
-.Mention the #ario(s co%onents o0 a hy+ra(&ic syste.
*ressure 7egulator
Control Fal%e
*iston and cylinder
..What is ca&&e+ a %ne(atic syste!
System using gas for power transmissions are called pneumatic systems
and industrial system are usually based on air.
1.8ist +o/n the co%onents o0 %ne(atic syste.
Motor dri%en compressor
Air recei%er
Directional control
*neumatic cylinder
2.What is the %(r%ose o0 (sin, f&ters in the hy+ra(&ic systes!
#ilters are used to pre%ent dirt or dust entering important elements of
hydraulic system li"e %al%es, seals, etc. #ilters are used to remo%e %ery fne
4.What are the ty%es o0 %(%s (se+ as ener,y so(rce in a hy+ra(&ic
Centrifugal *ump8/ydrodynamic *umps9
*ositi%e displacement pump
1. )ear *umps 2. Fane *umps
15. What are the 0actors to *e consi+ere+ 0or se&ectin, co%ressors!
The type of air compressor is selected dependent on $uality of air,
pressure and cleanliness
11. State the %(r%ose o0 %ro#i+in, air +ryers.
The aim is to reduce the temperature of the air to a dew point which
ensures that the water in the air condenses and drops out easily.
12. State the 0(nction o0 a contro& #a&#e.
The primary function of the control %al%e is to direct and regulate the
Gow of Guid from an energy source to %arious loading de%ices. +ormally the
control %al%es are used for the purpose of sensing, processing, and controlling.
They are used for!
Allowing the passage of air-Guid and directing it to a loading line
Cancel the signal by bloc"ing its passage
Alert or generate the signal
7elease the air to atmosphere or return the Guid to tan"
1'. 8ist the +i:erent contro& #a&#es.
Directional control %al%e +on return %al%es
#low control %al%es *ressure control %al%es
Solenoid %al%es
1). Defne the ter +e,rees o0 0ree+o.
The minimum number of independent displacement re$uired to specify
the system completely is called degrees of freedom
1-. Defne 3ineatic %air.
The two lin"s or elements are ;oined together to form a pair. (f the
relati%e motion between them is completely or successfully constrained, the
pair is "nown as "inematic pair.
1.. When is casca+e contro& nee+e+!
The need for cascade control will occur when a fnal control element
eperiences signal o%erlap ie. when a trip %al%e mechanism is still held down,
but the output signal has been use and re$uires remo%al.
11. 8ist the 0eat(res o0 synchrono(s otor.
(t operates at a current speed from no load to full load
*ower factor of the motor can be controlled easily
12. What is a ste%%er otor!
A stepper motor is a rotating machine which con%erts a DC %oltage
pulse into a series of discrete rotational steps. Each step position is an
e$uilibrium position without further ecitation. this ma"es it ideally suitable
for the use with digital control
14. What is ser#ootor!
The motors used in automatic control systems or in ser%omechanism
are called ser%omotors. They are used to con%ert electrical signal into angular
25. What are the 0actors to *e consi+ere+ 0or se&ectin, so&enoi+s!
a. The si>e of the mechanical load.
b. The mo%ement distance of plunger.
c. The type of electrical connections.
d. The type of %alue of current and %oltage.
21. What is the %rinci%&e o0 re&ay!
7elay is used for many control functions and essentially an electro6
mechanical switch. (t uses basic switching principles and solenoid actuation.
22. Nae three o(t%(t characteristics o0 transistor conf,(ration.
Saturation region Acti%e region
Cut6o: region.
1. What is a microprocessor?
A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock driven, registers
based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called
memory, accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those
instructions, and provides results as output.
2. What are the o!r compo"e"ts o a pro#ramma$%e machi"e?
A typical programmable machine can be represented with four
components. a. Microprocessor b. Memory c. Input d. Output.
&. 'ei"e the terms. a( )!s $( R*M c( ROM.
A group of lines used to transfer bits between the microprocessor and other
components of the computer system.
"andom Access Memory. #ata is stored in a read $ write memory.
"ead only Memory. A memory that stores binary information permanently. %he
information can be read from this memory but cannot be altered.
+. What the t,pes o %a"#!a#es !se-?
%he types of languages used are,
a. Machine language
b. Assembly language
c. &ow level language
d. 'igh level language.
.. What is a machi"e %a"#!a#e?
%he binary medium of communication with a computer through
a designed set of instructions specific to each computer.
/. What is a assem$%, %a"#!a#e?
A medium of communication with a computer in which programs are
written in mnemonics. An assembly language is specific to a given computer.
0. What is %o1 2 %e3e% %a"#!a#e?
A medium of communication that is machine dependent or specific to a
given computer. %he machine and the assembly language of a computer are
considered low level languages. (rograms written in these languages are not
transferable to different types of machines.
4. What is a hi#h 2 %e3e% %a"#!a#e?
A medium of communication that is independent of a given computer.
(rograms are written in )nglish lie words, and they can be e*ecuted on a
machine using a translator +a compiler or an interpreter,.
5. 'iere"tiate a compi%er a"- a" i"terpreter?
-ompiler A program that translates )nglish like words of a high level
language into the machine language of a computer. A compiler reads a given
program, called a source code, in its entirety and then translated the program
into the machine language, which is called an ob.ect code. Interpreter A
program that translates the )nglish like statements of a high level language
in to the machine language of a computer. An interpreter translates one
statement at a time from a source code to an ob.ect code.
16. What are the t1o parts o a" i"str!ctio"?
An instruction has two
parts. Opcode
Operation to be
performed. Operand
%he operand can be data +/ or 01 bit,, address, or register, or it can be
implicit. %he method of specifying and operand +directly, indirectly, etc.,, is called
the addressing mode.
11. What are the t,pes o $!s?
%he types of bus are,
a. Address bus
b. #ata bus
c. -ontrol bus.
12. 'ei"e the term 7 'ata )!s7 *--ress $!s7 Co"tro% )!s
a. *--ress )!s
A group of lines that are used to send a memory address or a device address
from the M( to the memory location or the peripheral and is unidirectional. %he
/2/3 microprocessor has 01 address lines.
$. 'ata $!s
A group of bi4directional lines used to transfer data between the M( and
peripherals and is bi4directional. %he /2/3 microprocessor has eight data lines.
c. Co"tro% $!s
!ingle lines that are generated by the M( to provide timing of various
1&. Write a$o!t the 1/ 2 $it re#ister o a 464. microprocessor?
%he /2/3 has two 01 bit register.
a. %he program counter
b. !tack pointer %he program counter is used to se5uence the e*ecution of a
program. %he stack pointer is used as a memory pointer for the stack memory.
1+. What are the t1o t,pes o memories?
%he two types of memories
are, a. !tatic memory +!"AM,
b. #ynamic memory +#"AM,
1.. Write a$o!t the SR*M?
a. %his memory is made up of flip flops, and it sores the bit as a
voltage. b. )ach memory cell re5uires si* transistors.
c. %he memory chip has low density, but high speed.
d. More e*pensive, and consumes more power.
e. Also known as cache memory.
1/. What are the a-3a"ta#es o 'R*M?
%he advantages of #"AM are,
a. %his memory is made up of MO! transistor gates and it stores the bit as a
b. It has high density.
c. &ow power consumption
d. -heaper than static memory
e. )conomic to use when the system memory si6e is atleast /7 for
small systems.
10. What are the -isa-3a"ta#es o 'R*M?
%he disadvantages of #"AM are,
a. %he charge +bit information, leaks.
b. !tored information needs to be read and written again every few milliseconds
this is called refreshing the memory.
c. "e5uires e*tra circuitry, adding to the cost of the system.
14. What is %ash memor,?
%he flash memory must be erased either in its entirely or at the sector
level. %he memory chips can be erased and programmed at least a million
times. %he power supply re5uirement for programming these chips 8was around
089, but now chips are available that can be programmed using a power supply
as low as 0./ 9. 'ence, this memory is ideally suited for low power systems.
15. What are the i"teraci"# -e3ices?
%he bus drivers increase the current driving capacity of the buses, the
decoder decodes the address to identify the output port, and the latch holds
data output for display. %hese devices are called interfacing devices. %he
interfacing devices are semiconductor chips that are needed to connect
peripherals to the bus system.
26. Write a$o!t $!er?
%he buffer is a logic circuit that amplifies the current or power. It has one
input line and one output line. %he logic level of the output is the same as that of
the input, logic 0 input provides 0 output. %he buffer is used primarily to increase
the driving capability of a logic circuit. It is also known as driver.
21. 'ei"e %oopi"#?
%he programming techni5ue used to instruct the microprocessor to repeat
tasks is called looping. A loop is set up by instructing the microprocessor to
change the se5uence of e*ecution and perform the task again. %his process is
accomplished by using :ump instructions.
22. What are the t,pes o %oops?
&oops can be classified in to two groups. %hey are,
a. -ontinuous loop
b. -onditional loop.
2&. Write a$o!t the co"ti"!o!s %oop?
A continuous loop is a set up by using the unconditional .ump instruction.
A program with a continuous loop does not stop repeating the tasks until the
system is reset.
2+. Write a$o!t the co"-itio"a% %oop?
A conditional loop is set up by the conditional .ump instructions. %he
instructions check flags +;ero, -arry etc.,, and repeat the specified tasks if the
conditions are satisfied. %hese loops usually include counting and inde*ing.
2.. What are the i"str!ctio"s o a 464. i"str!ctio" set or -ata tra"ser
rom memor, to the microprocessor?
%he /2/3 instruction set includes three memory transfer
instructions. %hey are, a.MO9 ",M < Move from Memory to "egister
b.&#A= B$# < &oad Accumulator Indirect
c.&#A 01 bit < &oad Accumulator #irect
2/. What are the i"str!ctio"s o a 464. i"str!ctio" set or -ata tra"ser
rom microprocessor to the memor,?
%he /2/3 instruction set includes three memory transfer instruction. %hey
are, a. MO9. ",M < Move from Memory to "egister b. !%A= B $ # < !tore
Accumulator Indirect c. !%A 01 bit < !tore Accumulator #irect d.
M9I M, / bit < &oad / bit data in memory.
20. What are the opco-es re%ate- to rotati"# the acc!m!%ator $its?
%he opcodes related to rotating the accumulator bits are,
a. "&- "otate Accumulator &eft through -arry
b. "A& "otate Accumulator &eft
c. ""- "otate Accumulator "ight through -arry
d. "A" "otate Accumulator "ight
24. What is -,"amic -e$!##i"#?
After the steps have been completed in the process of static debugging,
and if the program still does not produce the e*pected output, attempt is made
to debug the program by observing the e*ecution of instructions. %his is called
dynamic debugging.
25. What are the too%s !se- or -,"amic -e$!##i"#?
%he tools used for dynamic debugging are,
a. !ingle step
b. "egister e*amine
c. Break point.
&6. Write a$o!t si"#%e step?
%he single step key on a keyboard allows to e*ecute one instruction at a
time, and to observe the results following each instruction. >enerally, a single4
step facility is built with a hard4wired logic circuit. ?hen the single step key is
pushed, addresses and codes are observed as they are e*ecuted.
&1. What are the a-3a"ta#es o si"#%e step?
?ith the single step techni5ue, it is able to
spot, a. Incorrect addresses
b. Incorrect .ump locations for loops
c. Incorrect data or missing codes.
&2. Write a$o!t re#ister e8ami"e?
%he register e*amine key allows to e*amine the contents of the
microprocessor register. ?hen the appropriate keys are pressed, the monitor
program can display the contents of the registers. %his techni5ue is used in
con.unction either with the single step or the break point facilities. After
e*ecuting a block of instructions, the register contents at a critical .uncture of
the program and compare these contents with the e*pected outcomes.
&&. Write a$o!t the $rea9 poi"t?
In a single board computer, the break point facility is a software routine
that allows e*ecuting a program in sections. %he break point can be set in a
program by using "!% instructions. ?hen the e*ecute key is pushed, the
program will be e*ecuted until the breakpoint, where the monitor takes over
again. If the segment of the program is found satisfactory, a second breakpoint
can be set at a subse5uent memory address to debug the ne*t segment of the
&+. What are the a-3a"ta#es o the $rea9 poi"t?
?ith the break point facility,
a. Isolate the segment of the program with errors.
b. Isolated segment can be debugged with the single step facility.
c. -heck out the timing loop.
d. -heck the I$O section
e. -heck the interrupts.
&.. :o1 1i%% ,o! i"terace the I;O -e3ices?
I$O devices can be interfaced using two techni5ues. %hey are,
a. (eripheral mapped I$O
b. Memory mapped I$O.
&/. Write a$o!t periphera% mappe- I;O?
In peripheral mapped I$O, a device is identified with an / bit address
and enabled by I$O related control signals.
&0. Write a$o!t memor, 2 mappe- I;O?
In memory mapped I$O, a device is identified with a 014bit address and
enabled by memory related control signals.
&4. What is *;' a"- ';* co"3erter?
%he electronic signal that translates the analog signal into digital signal is
called analog to digital +A$#, converter. %he electronic signal that translates the
digital signal into analog signal is called digital to analog +#$A, converter.
&5. What are the t,pes o ';* co"3erters?
#igital to analog converters can be broadly classified in three categories.
%hey are,
a. -urrent output
b. 9oltage output
c. Multiplying type
+6. Write a$o!t the three t,pes o ';* co"3erters?
-urrent output It provides current as the output signal. 9oltage output
Internally converts the current signal into the voltage signal. It is slower than the
current output #A- because the delays in converting the current signal in to the
voltage signal. Multiplying type Its output represents the product of the input
signal and the reference source and the product is linear over a broad range.
+1. What are the e%eme"ts re<!ire- or ';* co"3erter?
A #$A converter circuit re5uires three elements. %hey are
a. "esistor network with appropriate weighting
b. !witches
c. "eference source.
+2. What are the t1o tech"i<!es i"3o%3e- i" *;' co"3ersio"?
%he techni5ues involved in A$# conversion are,
a. -omparing a given analog signal with the internally generated e5uivalent
signal. %his group includes successive appro*imation, counter, and flash type
b. -hanging an analog signal into time or fre5uency and comparing these new
parameters to known values. %his group includes integrator converters and
voltage to fre5uency converters.
+&. What are the app%icatio"s o *;' co"3erters?
%he A$# converters are used in applications such as data loggers and
instrumentation, where conversion speed is important. %he integrating type
converters are used in applications such as digital meters, panel meters and
monitoring systems, where the conversion accuracy is critical.
++. What are the !"ctio"s o a microprocessor to $e i"terace- 1ith a"
*;' co"3erter?
%o interface an A$# converter with the microprocessor, the microprocessor
a. !end a pulse to the @!%A"%A pin. %his can be derived from a control signal
such as write +?",
b. ?ait until the end of the conversion. %his period can be verified either by
status checking +polling, or by using the interrupt.
c. "ead the digital signal at an input port.
+.. What is a =LC?
A programmable &ogic -ontroller +(&-, is defined as a digital electronic
device that uses a programmable memory to store instructions and to implement
functions such as logic, se5uencing, timing, counting and arithmetic in order to
control machines and processes.
+/. What is mai" a-3a"ta#e o =LC?
(&-As have great advantage that it is possible to modify a control system
without having to rewire the connections to the input and output devices.
+0. What are the eat!res o =LC as a co"tro%%er?
%he features of (&- as a controller are,
a. %hey are rugged and designed to withstand vibrations, temperature, humidity
and noise.
b. %he interfacing for inputs and outputs is inside the controller.
c. %hey are easily programmed and have an easily understood
programming language.
+4. Write a$o!t the architect!re o a =LC?
It consists essentially of a central processing unit +-(,, memory and
input$output circuitry. %he -( controls and processes all the operations within
the (&-. It is supplied with a clock with a fre5uency between 0 and / M'6. It
also has a bus system, memory and input$output units, a system "OM for
permanent storage, "AM for the users program and temporary buffers.
+5. What is %a--er pro#rammi"#?
%he ladder programming involves each program task being specified as
though a rung of a ladder. %hus such a rung could specify that the state of
switches A and B, the inputs, be e*amined and if A and B are both closed then a
solenoid, the output is energi6ed.
.6. :o1 are pro#rams e"tere-?
(rograms are entered into the input $ output unit from a panel, which can
vary from small keyboards with li5uid crystals to those using a visual display
unit +9#, with keyboard and screen display. Alternatively, the programs can be
entered into the system by means of a link to a (-.
1. Write a$o!t the i"p!t ; o!tp!t cha""e%sB
%he input$output channels provide signal conditioning and isolation
functions so that sensors and actuators can be generally directly connected
to them without the need for other circuitry. -ommon input voltages are 3 9
and 8C9. -ommon output voltages are 8C 9 and 8C2 9.
2. Write a$o!t the re%a,?
?ith the relay type, the signal from the (&- output is used to operate a
relay and so is able to switch currents of the order of a few amperes in an
e*ternal circuit. %he relay isolates the (&- from the e*ternal circuit and can be
used for both #.-. and A.-. switching. "elays are, however, relatively slow to
&. What are opto iso%ators?
Opto isolators are used with transistor switches to provide
isolation between the e*ternal circuit and the (&-. %hey are also used to
provide isolation.
116. What are the metho-s !se- or i"p!t ; o!tp!t processi"#?
%here are two methods used for input $ output processing. %hey are
a. -ontinuous updating
b. Mass input$output copying.
+. What is co"ti"!o!s !p-ati"#?
%his involves the -( scanning the input channels as they occur in the
program instructions. )ach input point is e*amined individually and its effect on
the program determined. )ach input is scanned with a D ms delay, before the
program has the instruction for a logic operation to be e*ecuted and an output
to occur. %his process is called continuous updating.
.. What is the -isa-3a"ta#e o co"ti"!o!s !p-ati"#?
Because of the D ms delay in the continuous updating on each input, the time
taken to e*amine several hundred input$output points can become
comparatively long.
/. Write a$o!t the mass i"p!t;o!tp!t cop,i"#?
%o allow a more rapid e*ecution of a program, a specific area of "AM is used as
a buffer store between the control logic and the input$output unit. At the start of
each program cycle the -( scans all the inputs and copies their status into the
input$output address in "AM. At the end of each program cycle all the outputs
are transferred from "AM to the output channels. %he outputs are latched so
that they retain their status until the ne*t updating.
0. What is a L*TC: circ!it?
%he term latch circuit is used for the circuit used to carry out such an operation.
It is a self maintaining circuit in that, after being energi6ed, it maintains that
state until another input is received. It remembers its last state.
4. 'ei"e the term poi"t a"- -e%a,2o"?
%he term point is used for a data point and so is a timing, marker +internal
relay, or counter element. %hus, the 01 points for timers means that there are
01 timer circuits. %he term delay on is used to indicate that this type of timer
waits for a fi*ed delay period before turning on.
5. Write a$o!t timer circ!it?
A timer circuit is specified by stating the interval to be times and the conditions
or events that are to start and $ or stop the timer. %hey are commonly regarded
as delays with coils which, when energi6ed, result in the closing or opening of
input contacts after some preset time.
16. Write a$o!t i"ter"a% re%a,s?
%he term internal relay, au*iliary relay or marker is used for what can be
considered as an internal relay in the (&-. %hese behave like relays with their
associated contacts, but in reality are not actual relays with their associated by
the software of the (&-. Internal relays are often used when there are programs
with multiple input conditions.
11. Write a$o!t co!"ters?
-ounters are used when there is a need to count a specified number of contact
operations. )*ample where items pass along a conveyor into bo*es, and when
the specified number of items has passed into a bo* the ne*t item is diverted into
another bo*.
12. What is a" !p co!"ter?
An up counter would count up to the preset value i.e., events are
added until the number reaches the set value. ?hen the set value is reached
the counters contact changes state.
1&. What is a -o1" co!"ter?
#own counter means that the computer counts down from the preset
value to 6ero i.e., events are subtracted from the set value. ?hen 6ero is
reached the counters contact changes state.
1+. Write a$o!t shit re#ister?
%he term shift register is used because the bits can be shifted along
by one bit when there is a suitable input to the register.
1.. What are the i"p!ts o shit re#ister?
%here are three inputs of shift register. %hey are,
a. One to load data into the first element of the register +O%,.
b. One as the shift command +!E%,.
c. One for resetting +"!%,.
1/. What the operatio"s that are carrie- o!t 1ith a =LC o" -ata 1or-s?
%he operations that are carried out with a (&- on data words
are, a. Moving data
b. -omparison of magnitudes of data
c. Arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction
d. -onversions between binary coded decimal +B-#,, binary and octal.
10. What is the criteria "ee- or the se%ectio" o a =LC?
%he criteria needed for the selection of a (&- are the
following. a. Input$output capacity is re5uired.
b. %ypes of inputs$outputs are re5uired.
c. !i6e of memory re5uired.
d. !peed and power is re5uired for the -(.
14. What are the "!m$ers o sta#es i" the -esi#" process?
%he design process can be considered as a number of stages. %hey are,
a. %he need
b. Analysis of the problem
c. (reparation of a specification
d. >eneration of possible solutions
e. !elections of a suitable solution
f. (roduction of a detailed design
g. (roduction of working drawings.
15. What are the a-3a"ta#es o the microprocessor co"tro%%e- s,stem?
%he microprocessor controlled system can cope easily with giving
precision and programmed control. %he system is much more fle*ible. %his
improvement in fle*ibility is a common characteristic of Mechatronics systems
when compared with traditional systems.
26. What is the a-3a"ta#e o !si"# =LC so%!tio" o3er mecha"ica% so%!tio"?
A (&- solution could involve the arrangement with the given ladder
program. %his would have the advantage over the rotating cam of having off and
on times which can be ad.usted by purely changing the timer preset values in the
program whereas a different cam is needed if the times have to be changed with
the mechanical solution.
21. What are the a8es o a pic9 a"- p%ace ro$ot?
%he robot has three a*es about which motion can occur.
a. "otation in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction of the unit on its base.
b. Arm e*tension or contraction and arm up or down.
c. >ripper can open or close.
22. :o1 -o the mo3eme"ts o ro$ot ta9e p%ace?
-lockwise rotation of the unit might result from the piston in a cylinder
being e*tended and the counter clockwise direction by its retraction. &ikewise
the upward movement of the arm might result from the piston in a linear
cylinder being e*tended and the downward motion from it retracting, the
e*tension of the arm by the piston in another cylinder e*tending and its return
movement by the piston retracting.
2&. What is the !se o =LC i" a!tomatic car par9 s,stem?
An illustration of the use of a (&- in the coin operated barriers for a car
park. %he in4barrier is to open when the correct money is inserted in the
collection bo* and the out barrier is to open when a car is detected at the
car park side of the barrier.
2+. :o1 -oes a car par9 $arrier 1or9s?
?hen a current flows through the solenoid of valve, the piston in a
cylinder moves upwards and causes the barrier to rotate about its pivot and rise
to let a car through.
2.. Write a$o!t the e"#i"e spee- se"sor?
%he engine speed sensor is an inductive sensor and consists of a coil for which
the inductance changes as the teeth of the sensor wheel pass it and so results in
an oscillating voltage.
2/. :o1 is the 3o%ta#e pro-!ce- $, the o8,#e" se"sor?
%he o*ygen sensor is generally a closed end tube made of 6irconium o*ide
with porous platinum electrodes on the inner and outer surfaces. Above about
-, the sensor becomes permeable to o*ygen ions with the result that a
voltage is produced between the electrodes.
20. >i3e some app%icatio"s o microprocessor.
%he e*amples of the microprocessor are,
a. Microprocessor -ontrolled %emperature !ystem +M-%!,
b. !tepper motor control
c. %raffic light controller.

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