Mt. Kailash Mansarovar Yatra by Overland 3,9 & 16 Sept

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Mt. Kailash (6714m) is the most sacred mountain in Asia.

It is believed to be the
physical embodiment of the mythical Mt Meru, said to be the center of the universe
or navel of the world. Mt. Meru is depicted as a mandala, and its image occurs
throughout both Buddhista and Hindu parts of Asia. Mt ailas is holy to followers of
four religions. !o Hindus, ailash is the abode of "hiva and nearby Manasarobar
#a$e is the means or soul of Brahma. !ibetans call ailas ang %impoche. &ains
worship it as Mt Ashtapada, the pea$ from which the religions founder,
%ishabanatha, achieved spiritual liberation.
Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra ! "verlan# $ 1% &a!s
'ollowers of Bon()o, the ancient pre( Buddhist shamanistic religion of !ibet, revere
ailas as the soul of !ibet. Mt. ailash has long been an ob*ect of worship for four
Ma*or religious, for Hindu, it is domain of "hiva, It is also the abode of samvara(a
multiarmed, wrathful deity worshipped in the cha$rasamvara !antric cycle of
!ibetrian Buddhism. !he *oins of India also reverse the mountain as the site at which
the +rst of their saints emancipated. And in the ancient Bon religion of !ibet, ailash
was the secred nine storeys "wasti$a Mountain, upon which the Banpo founder
"henrab alighted from haven. !he ,- m. ailash circuit is the holist of all(Hindu as
well as Buddist pilgrimages and the beacon, which draws most traveller to western
!ibet. It is said that a single )ari$arma erases the accumulated sins of a lifetime,
while ./0 cicurmbulation will achieve "alvation.
'a(e Mansarovar: At an elevation of 1,./m, is more important to Hindus than to
Buddhists. Hindu pilgrims ma$e an 0,$m. circuit around Manasarovar that is made
longer and more di2cult by marshes and complicated stream crossings. !he
!ibetans, being more pragmatic, often ma$e a circuit of the la$e in the winter when
the streams are fro3en and the route is shorter. 4ear Manasarovar is another large
la$e, %a$shas !al, the 5emon #a$e that holds far less spiritual signi+cance.
"prawling below Mount ailash is the sacred la$e Manasarovar 61,./m7, where
ritual bath will deliver a pilgrim to brahm8s paradise and drin$ of its water
relin9uishes the sins of a hundred lifetimes.
&a! )1: Katman#u (1%)) mts.) *rrival: "ur representative will meet at
the airport and escort to the Hotel, )rogram brie+ng at the evening, dinner,
overnight stay in atmandu.
&a! )+: Katman#u: :arly morning optional Himalayan Mountain ;ight tour.
After brea$fast start to atmandu sightseeing including )ashupatinath and
,tinerar!: Kailash Mansarovar Yatra ! 'u-ur! .oach//eep $ 1%
Budha 4i$anth 5arshan, bac$ to hotel and rest of the day is free for shopping
and pac$ing, overnight stay in atmandu.
&a! )%: Katman#u to 0!alam (%7)) mts. $ 16)(ms.): !his is the +rst
day of the <atra. =ery early with pac$ brea$fast depart from atmandu to
>hina border by reserved tourist coach. It ta$es about /, hours. ?ur agent
will complete custom formalities and chec$ into !ibet ( an autonomous part
of >hina. After lunch drive to a small !ibetan town called 4yalam. ?vernight
stay at @uest House. Brea$fast and dinner in camp side and pac$ed lunch
will be provided prepare by our escorts.
&a! )4: 0!alam 1ull #a! acclimati2ation: 'ull day free for eAcursion of
4yalam city.
&a! )3: 0!alam to &on4a/ 5ar!an4 (43))mts. $ %73(ms): After
brea$fast drive from 4ylam to 5ongba for about /0B// hours. ?vernight stay
at @uesthouse.
&a! )6: &on4a/5ar!an4 (43))mts. $ %%3(ms) to MansarovarB After
brea$fast drive from 5ongba to Mansarovar /CB// hours. >onducting
Mansarovar )ari$rama by vehicle. !his is the +rst day stay at the ban$ of the
Manasarovar #a$e. !his is the +rst day stay at the ban$ of the Manasarovar
#a$e, ?vernight stay at @uesthouse.
&a! )7: Mansarovar to &archen (46))mts. $ 11)(ms.): De will choose
the special point to ta$e dip in Manasarovar #a$e and conducting )oo*a,
hawan and spiritual activities according to your tradition. 5rive around E.-/
hrs to 5archen and overnight stay at @uesthouse. Astapad eAcursion can be
done at eAtra cost.
&a! )6: &archen to &iraphu( (467)mts. $ 1+(ms.): !his is the +rst day
of ailash )ari$rama. De should start our *ourney after brea$fast as early as
possible. !his day we drive up to yumdwari and start wal$ing continuously
for about F to C hours. Horse can be hired at eAtra cost those who cannot
wal$. <a$ will carry the $itchen untensils and e9uipment. ?vernight stay at
mud house or tent on the basis of availability.
&a! )7: &iraphu( to 8hulthulphu( (477)mts. $ ++(ms.): !his day is bit
compleA *ourney and we have to pass 5olma(#a )ass, which is ,1// meter in
height, !he weather is unpredictable in 5oma(la )ass and at any time
snowstorm can fall. "o we try to start our *ourney as early as possible. In
route we can have 5arshan of @auri$und but it is very di2cult to go and
touch. ?vernight stay at mud house or tent on the basis of availability.
&a! 1): 8hulthulphu( to 5ar!an4: De will !re$ down to 5archen, catch
our vehicle and 5rive to Mansarovar +ll up spiritual *aal, later our tour starts
bac$ for athmandu following the same route and same system applies for
all sub*ects of our accommodation and meal ?vernight stay at guesthouse in
&a! 11: 5ar!an4 to 0!alam: 5rive bac$ to 4yalam, which is the last stay
in !ibet part.
&a! 1+: 0!alam to Katman#u: After custom formalities we will be pic$ed
up by 4epal side and continue drive to athmandu for about /,.// hours and
chec$ in at Hotel.
&a! 1%: Mornin4 chec( out hotel9 transfer to airport9 catch :i4ht for
ne-t &estination: ?ptions for early departure or you use your eAtra day for
Himalayan mountain ;ight, Mana$amana road trip, or Mu$tinath tour.
6>ontact "amrat !ours G !ravels for more information about option day trip at
additional cost7.
Tour Cost on Per Person Basis
13 Days Package by Deluxe Bus Safari
INR 10500000 for In!ian "ass"ort #ol!er
$SD 1%%000 for NRI & 'oreign "ass"ort #ol!er
(xtra cost)
Upgrade 5 star hotels on twin sharing basis. INR 550000 Per "erson
Extra days in Kathmandu on 3 star hotel (If INR *50000 Per "erson
5 star Hotel, ost will be extra.!
"irthapuri #isit INR +50000 Per "erson
$shtapada #isit INR *50000 Per "erson

M"&<' "1 5*YM<0=;
E/ days prior to tour departure date, .//H of the total cost should
reach "amrat !ours G !ravels )vt. #td account by teleA transfer with
the copy of passport of client.
=">? .*0.<''*=,"0 5"',.Y
All notice of cancellation must be sent to our o2ce in written. =erbal
cancellations will not be entertained.
E/ days before trip departure ./H of total trip cost.
., days before trip departure ,/H of total trip cost.
./ days before trip departure I/H of total trip cost.
/C days and less departure .//H of total trip cost.
,M5"?=*0= 5?<$&<5*?=>?< ,01"?M*=,"0:
>asual wears and comfortable wal$ing shoes are recommended to travel to
!ibet. Be sure to bring warm clothing as nights and early mornings can be
9uite chilly to downright cold. Indian woman )ilgrims strictly advisable no
"ari. Bring all the +lm, medicine, cosmetics, personal toilet items etc. that
you will need from home as these are di2cult if not impossible to obtain on
the way. A small +rst aid $it is also a good idea. Also 9uite useful to have a
route map, to $now where you are going and have been each day.
@hat to ta(e:
Dinter wearB @ore(!eA material though eApensive is highly recommended.
5own *ac$et, raincoat or windbrea$ers, thermal under wears, &ac$ets, warm
trousers G woolen shirts 6cotton will also do7, warm sweaters, woolen gloves,
sun hat, sun glass, comfortable shoes, light leather boots in case of snow,
woolen balaclava 68mon$ey cap87 G scarfJdust mas$ to protect your eyes G
nose from dust.
Arin4 with !ou:
"nac$s along the way. >hocolates, dry fruit, toKees, glucoseL 8nam$een8 etc.
"trong water bottle G water purifying tablets. )ersonal medical $it and
5iamoA tablet 6for high altitude7. "un glasses 6to protect your eyes from M=,
which is especially strong in high altitudes7. "un bloc$ or sun screen lotion,
wet tissues 6'resh(ones are eAcellent to wipe oK the dust7, clothes(lineJclips,
needle G thread, deo(spray 6handy for smelly bootsJfeet and for a round of
spray in the toilet tentN7, toilet paper, torch G spare batteries, daypac$ 6small
shoulder bag7, >amera G +lms, Binocular.
!his is one of the toughest high altitude road *ourneys on earth. <ou Must be
physically +t ( no two ways about that. @enerally patients with asthma G
heart problems have a problem acclimati3ing to high altitudes. In your
interests it is essential you should be eAamined by your doctor to $now about
your health condition and your ability to cope up with the rigors of high
altitude travel for days in 8no road8 conditions, eAtreme cold, dust, tre$$ing to
an altitude of .I,//ft during the )ari$rama, etc.
*ltitu#e ;ic(ness:
As you are traveling over high terrain, you are li$ely to eAperience symptoms
and discomfort of altitude sic$ness 6headache, loss of appetite, nausea,
eAhaustion, sleeplessness, breathlessness etc.7 until your body ad*usts to the
elevation. !his can ta$e a couple of days or more depending on an individual.
'or this reason alone, we have made it mandatory to stay E nights at 4ylam
6.E///ft7 before moving on to the higher altitudes. 5rin$ plenty of water, be
calm, and do not eAercise. 5o not drin$ alcohol or smo$e prior to and during
the tour. De also recommend you carry a strip of diamoA tablets. 5o consult
your physician on the dosage. De provide @amow bag 6a special e9uipment
to prevent sic$ness from high altitude7 on this tour.
!he unit of >hinese currency is <uan. M"5 . O F.// <uan. . <uan O I4% ././/
approA, Money can eAchange at Ban$ of >hina at Phangmu or from the locals
at Phangmu or odari. :Achange all your remaining <uan at the end of the
trip at Phangmu itself before re(entering 4epal.
?is(s C 'iailit!:
"amrat !ours G !ravels )vt. #td and its associates will put every eKort to
ma$e your *ourney smooth and pleasant. However, all the tours in !ibet are
conduct strictly under the rules G regulation of !ibet !ourism Bureau 6!!B7.
!herefore, "amrat !ours G !ravels )vt. #td and its counterpart shall not be
responsible for any change and alteration in the program due to unavoidable
circumstances such as landslide, road bloc$age, ;ood, snow, political unrest,
cancellation of ;ight, delay arrival, delay issue of permit and visa, sic$ness or
accidents. Any eAtra cost incurred thereof shall be borne by the clients on
the spot.
;amrat =ours C =ravels 5vt. 't#.
@)? BoAB E/IF., @airidhara, athmandu, 4epal.
!elB QICC(.(1C//-IC, 1C/.-,. J ,E J ,-
>ellB QICC(I0,./-/,F1 6>4 )andey7
>ellB QICC(I0,./-E0FC 6%a*aram !iwari7
.ontact us

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