Will After Death

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This will is made ana executed here at New Delhi on thisBy:.

(hereinaT~er called the Testator) of. the orie .part
"II ' 1 "". 11
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ij""" "'" 'I I' I"" II II I II"" If""'" "0" I ' , , '.,.,' 1 "',i:,
(hereinaf~.er called the executo'r) of the other part.
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(Hereinafter called the propepty
1. willingty make this wijl that after my death my rights, shares,
interests~ liens,' and titles in the'said flat and the land
thereunder be acquired possessed and inherited by the executor
who may then get the same mutated/substituted in the records of
the D.D.A+, M.C.D., D..V.B., or any other Goncerned authorities on
the basi~.i of the will or its certified true copy.
That.! further declare that if' the said executor predeceases me,
then my tights interests, liens, and titles in the said flat be
, ,
acquired ~ossessed and inherit~d by the legal heirs of the execu-
tor who m$y then get the same mutated and transferred in his/her
own name $s owner and ,lessee in the records of the D.D.A. M.C.D..
& NDMC.D.f:B. ~nd ~ny othe~ co~cerned authorities ,on th~ basis
of th1;s ~lll wlthout any obJectlon by me, by my legal helrs and
successor$.' '
rights to
I h~reby declars that my others legal heirs have nb
interfere in this will and this is my/our self acquirsdflat.
That I f lJrther declare that this is my first and last will in
~espect 0 thes~id flat and the land be~eath the same and ith~s
been exec~ted by me of my own consent, wlthout any force, fraud"compulsiom.
coercion or allurement fr9m any corner whatsoever"
while in iPosses~ion of sound health and disposing mind.
2 -
This will, has-been made specifically in resp.ect of the said
only and!. this wi.ll shall not extend to or relate to any
other .flait in any manner whatsoever.
ln witness whe1'eof~ I 'the Testator have put my hand on this will
on the date, month and ,year herein above first mentioned, in the
presence of the followi ng wi,tnesses:-
II II ..." ""
II...". II "" ,""'" if""" ,."""
,,1ft, ,.II" if "" .:::~ :.:::::;10 :,:::::10 II:::: :,;::::10 ::::
---n"- iE::::: ~~:::::;i; "1r-" II!~::~!II ---n-- 11:::::11 II:::;!:
2. ~

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