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List of Seminars / Workshops

Department f Ar!hite!t"re
The department has been convening national level and state level symposiums /
workshops on topics of current issues relevant to the profession. The following are
the topics:
Y"kta #$%
Theme& A national level workshop focusing on Vedic architecture Vaastu Shastra.
The three day workshop was presented on the basis of the research work based on
eo!bio energy studies.
E'perts& A team of e"perts including #r. $rabhat %umar $oddar& 'hairman& Ahash
(ducation ) *esearch Trust& $ondicherry& $rof. +.#. 'hayya& +.,.#& 'onservation&
S$A& -ew #elhi& Ar. %erry $reas& Australia.
Drish(a )$*
Theme& A convention of .onal -asa having its theme as /A search for identity0.
Students from the south 1one participated in full strength on all the three days. The
convention was inaugurated by the 'ouncil $resident& Ar. $.*. 2ehta ) Ar.
*a3agopalan& $resident 44A was the chief guest.
E'perts& Ar. #. *amakrishna *ao& Ar. Srivatsan& ) (r. 5enny %uria %ose& Ar. (lias
%oshi ) Ar. -arayana *ao spoke on the theme topic.
Maar+ #$$
Theme& A state level seminar with focus on sustainable development. 4t dealt with
issues of sustaining ) development of craftsmanship in the construction industry.
6ocus was on the construction methodologies and use of sustainable building
E'perts& The e"perts were from / 5uild 'ollective0& represented by Ar. Sudhir&
Ar.Vishnupriya ) Ar. -i1ar.A.Sathar.
Ar!on ,---
Theme& This two day state level symposium deliberated upon the relevance and
details of 'onstruction 2anagement. The issue of Sustainable #evelopment which
was deliberated during the 2aarg seminar was further developed in detail. The focus
of the symposium was to create a conductive institute industry interaction.
E'perts& The construction management team had e"perts from ('' 7)T and other
related institutions. The Sustainable #evelopment issue was handled by 2r. .
#attari& 'onsultant& Sustainable 'hennai $ro3ect& 8-'+S along with his team.
.arampara #-/
Theme& The focus of paramapara 9::; was on <conservation= an emerging area in
architecture. >ith the large inheritance of heritage buildings in our country and
recognition of the central ) state overnments on Tourism development the field of
conservation has been getting into prominence. +ence in this conte"t the department
shows to emphasi1e on the issue of conservation in architecture to bring the
awareness of the same.
E'perts& The symposium was addressed by #r. 2athews& +eritage conservation in
earth?uake prone areas& Ar. %alpana& techni?ues and materials employed in
conservation& #r. Srivatsan& case studies on conservation.
Y"+am #-,
Theme& The @A
Annual 'onvention was held in our campus from 9B
to 9C
#ecember 9::9. The 'onvention was titled <Dugam= A desire to recollect& with the
theme as conservation.
E'perts& 2r. S. 2uthiah& 2r. . #attatri& 2r. 5enny %uriakose& Ar. Vikas #ilawari&
Ar. 5alkrishnan& 2r.$oddar& Ar. -alini Thakur& Ar. Sathyaprakash& Ar. -imesh $atel&
2r. (lango were some of the resource persons who addressed various sub themes of
conservation Ar. Satprem& Ar. Anupama %undoo along with artisans from #akshin
'hitra conducted workshops during the convention.
Mon0ia1 -2
Theme& ,n the theme of lobali1ation & a two day regional convention was held on
) ;9
6eb 9::@ .
E'perts& The resource persons who delivered lectures were ! Ar. Suresh
%uppuswamy. $rofessor& School of Architecture ) $lanning& 'hennai& Ar. 2ahesh3
Visiting faculty3 School of architecture ) $lanning& 'hennai&
Ar.Venkatesh 7& $racticing Architect& '. -. -arayana *ao& 'hennai.
Ar. 'heralathan ) Ar. Eothiram presented their works.
Ver+a1 -4
Theme& To look at the branches on which the Architectural profession takes its
strength& the symposium in 9::A titled <Vergal= F meaning *oots in Tamil G held on
) ;I
2arch looked at the influences ) contributions of $ainting& Artistry&
7ighting& Animation in Architecture.
E'perts& Trotsky 2arudhu Art #irector ) 4llustrator spoke on the interdependence of
various profession for enrichment. 2s. 6ow1ia 6athima& 'inematographer spoke on
how Architecture ) lighting affects cinematography. Ar.A.*aghuram dealt on how the
training imparted in architectural education can be utili1ed on the Animation )
2odeling field& the scope for the same. Ar. Sai Shankar discussed the importance of
conceptual designs in Architecture and presented a few of his works.
NATURE 5Inspirations for 0esi+n 5!to6er ,--7
Theme& J>hen one tugs at a single thing in nature& he finds it attached to the rest of
the worldJ E,+- 284*The world of nature is absolutely diverse& mobile& mutable
and is surprisingly miscellaneous. 4t demonstrates to us a fancy carnival of a
diversification and originality of creative combinations. 4n tact& nature turns out to
be an enormous wellspring of ideas. (ven everyday devices may benefit from nature!
inspired improvements.,f all the artists that we know& nature is by far the most
colorful. -atureKs bright colors and e"citing patterns have been copied by artists
since the days of the cave dwellers.
The workshop aims to e"pose the participants to some of the immense ways nature
has inspired artists& architects& designers& scientists and researchers to come up with
an endless variety of patterns& forms& materials and methods to better our lives. 4t
aims to invigorate the thinking process with the endless inspirations from nature.
letting nature be great teacher.
The Seminar was conducted in association with 44A Tamilnadu 'hapter
("perts: 2istry Architects& 5angalore
Ar .%ishore %umar 5hatia& Auroville
Ar. *oshanara& S*2 8niversity
6eb 9::H
A -ational Seminar on <8rban 'ontemporary 4ssues= was held at our 8niversity
from ;Ith 9:th 6ebruary 9::H.
Theme& ,ver the last three decades& 8rbani1ation has shown unprecedented rates of
growth& devastating the physical form of our cities which have been unable to deal
with the swelling numbers. >hile this compression of people in a limited space
symboli1es optimism and is characteri1ed by many positive attributes& it has spelt
doom for the ?uality of urban life in our cities.The 'onference aims at
interdisciplinary approach to e"plore spatial& demographic& political& social& physical&
economic and ecological aspects of contemporary urban life.
The ob3ective of this seminar is to help students improve their analytical skills to
better understand contemporary urban issues& the urban environment and government
policy and how these shape our understanding of urban conditions and e"periences.
Various theories of relations between such fragments and their significance as
enclaves were discussed.
("perts: $rof. S.*avi& #ean& SA$ 'hennai
$rof. Suresh %uppuswamy& SA$ 'hennai
#r. Sachithanandan& #ean& 2(AS4 Academy of Architecture& 'hennai
$rof.2ohammed +arris F retd.G#irector& SA$& 'hennai
#r.Sultan A 4smail& $rof ) +ead& -ew 'ollege 'ampus& 'hennai
>,*7# +A54TAT #AD '(7(5*AT4,-S ! 9::H
#epartment of Architecture of Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai in collaboration with
the 4ndian 4nstitute of Town $lanners Association& T- 'hapter and 8- +A54TAT
celebrated the >orld +abitat #ay at Sathyabama 8niversity on ;:th ,ctober 9::H.
The 8nited -ations has designated the first 2onday in ,ctober every year as >orld
+abitat #ay to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right to
ade?uate shelter for all. 4t is also intended to remind the world of its collective
responsibility for the future of the human habitat. ,ur +onorable #irectors Thiru
2arie Eohnson and 2aria1eena Eohnson were kind enough to support the happening
of this occasion. Apart from the host college students& there were fifty students from
various city colleges who participated in the workshop followed by the <on the spot
competitions= on the theme.
$*,E('T 2A-A(2(-T Training $rogramme 5 I
!;:th ,ct 9::H
A certified $ro3ect 2anagement Training $rogramme was organi1ed 3ointly with
-orth American 5usiness 4nstitute F-A54G for $ students.
2r. $artheepan #irector -A54 held technical sessions for three days. The topics
covered include S2A*T goals& >ork 5reakdown Structure& Activity 'rashing&
'reating >5S& 2S $*,E('T etc.
E8HDEM ,--% 9 ,*
9 :-
No; ,--%
<('+#(2 9::H=& is an 4nternational 'onference and ("hibition on <(merging
'hallenges in #esign and 2anufacturing Technologies=& ,rgani1ed during 9Ith to
L:th -ovember 9::H at Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai. The 'onference is 3ointly
organi1ed by Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai and 'ombat Vehicles *esearch and
#evelopment (stablishment& #*#,& overnment of 4ndia& 'hennai.
4ndia has become an important strategic destination for 4nternational 4ndustries in the
area of #esign and 2anufacturing Technologies. The main theme of the 'onference is
to focus the latest trends in the fields of Aeronautical& Architecture& 'ivil& 2echanical
and $roduction (ngineering.
'A#& 'A2 and '42
'6#& #6A and 6(2
*obotics and *apid $roto!typing
2odern 2anufacturing $rocesses
Advancements in Automobile Technologies
2odeling and Simulation
Aerospace 2aterials and 2easuring Systems
>ater *esources and >aste 2anagement
Seismic and Tsunami *esistant Structures
4ntelligent Transport System
Smart and 4ntelligent 5uilding #esign.
4-V4T(# S$(A%(*S
$rof. V4EAD. %. S,+,-4& $resident& 'ouncil of Architecture& -ew #elhi.
#r. %. *A2A74-A2& *egional ("ecutive #irector& Airport Authority of
4ndia& 'hennai.
#r. %. '+A-#*AS(%A*A-& #ean& *2% (ngineering 'ollege& %avarapet&
#r. %. V(-8,$A7& 'hief Scientist& 'entre for >ater *esources&
Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai.
#r. E,5 %8*4A-& +ead of the #epartment& Aeronautical (ngineering& 44T!
2adras& 'hennai.
#r. A. 2. E8-A4# 5AS+A& Scientist <6=& Eoint #irector& 'V*#(& 'hennai.
#r. %. 7A%S+2A-A-& #irector& S(*'& 'S4* 'ampus& 'hennai.
#r. A. V(7AD8#+A2& Scientist <(=& 'V*#(& 'hennai! B:: :A@.
#r. . S(%A*A-& +ead& #epartment of (nvironmental (ngineering& '7*4&
#r. A. *A2(S+& $rofessor ) +ead& 4' (ngines 7aboratory& 44T 2adras&
$rof. 7. V4EADA*A+AVA-& $rofessor& #ivision of 2anufacturing
(ngineering& 44T 2adras& 'hennai.
$rof. S8*(S+ %8$$8S>A2D& $rofessor& School of Architecture )
$lanning& Anna 8niversity& 'hennai.
2r. %. -. %*4S+-A28*T+D& eneral 2anager& Ashok 7eyland& 'hennai.
#r. V. 5A7AS85*A2A-4A-& $rofessor& #ept. of 2anufacturing
(ngineering& Annamalai 8niversity.
#r. V. T+A24.+A*ASA-& $rofessor) +ead& Transport (ngineering
#ivision& 44T 2adras& 'hennai
#r. %.V. %AS4V4S>A-AT+A-& Associate #irector& roup for *emote
+andling *obotics& 4'A*& %alpakkam.
2r. A. S+A-28A2& 'ontroller of Air worthiness& #irector eneral of
'ivil Aviation& 2eenambakkam&'hennai.
ESSTA ,--* 9 /:
9 /4
No; ,--*
<(SSTA 9::I=& is an 4nternational 'onference and ("hibition on <(merging
scenarios in Space technology and Applications !9::I=& ,rgani1ed during ;Lth to
;Ath -ovember 9::I at Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai. The 'onference is 3ointly
organi1ed by Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai and 4ndian Space *esearch and
,rganisation& 4S*,& 5angalore& 4ndia.
Space systems across the globe are playing significant role in various developmental
efforts benefiting the humanity. +aving demonstrated its potentials for improving the
life on (arth& the international space community is currently engaged in many
e"citing missions including the planetary e"ploration. Technology developments to
achieve cost effective space transportation system and efficient use of space assets for
the benefit of society and mankind are attracting a lot of attention in recent time.
lobally there have also been many initiatives from the academic community towards
e"ploiting the potentials of space science& technology and applications including
development of space systems themselves. Similarly space commerce has attracted
wide attention from the industries as well.
To provide opportunity for all the stake!holders including providers and users from
national space agencies& industries& academia& government and younger generation& to
discuss the technological developments& achievements and future directions&
Sathyabama 8niversity& 'hennai 3ointly with 4ndian Space *esearch ,rganisation
F4S*,G& #epartment of Space& ovt. of 4ndia is organsing (SSTA 9::I ! 4nternational
'onference on (merging Scenarios in Space Technology and applications at 'hennai
during -ovember ;L!;A& 9::I.
The emerging scenario in Space technology development& covering both launch
vehicle ) the spacecraft systems& and the supporting ground system elements as well
as the associated benefits for the humanity in terms of communication& natural
resources management& disaster management& etc are being addressed in this
'onference. This 'onference will provide ideal platform to address and deliberate all
the achievements and broadly define the future directions& particularly for the
academic community in their ?uest for research in this advanced technological field.
Space Science ) ("ploration
(arth System studies such as climate change
Space life sciences including microgravity e"periments ) space medicine
$lanetary sciences Solar system ) beyond
Spin!offs: Space Transportation& Space Tourism& etc.
$rof. 8.*. *ao& 6ormer 'hairman& 4ndian Space *esearch& ,rganisation
F4S*,G ) 'hairman& $*7 'ouncil& 5angalore
#r. Sang +. 'hoi& -ASA 7angley *esearch 'entre& 8nited States of America
Vi3ay %. Varadan& #istinguished $rofesor& 8niversity of Arkansas& 8nited
States of America
$rof. Eaehwan %im& $rofessor& 4-+A 8niversity& %orea
#r. 5. -. Suresh& #irector& 4ndian 4nstitute of Space Science and Technology
F44STG& Thiruvananthapuram
#r. %.-. Shankara& Sathish #hawan $rofessor& 4S*, +ead Muarters&
#r. *.*. -avalgund& #irector& Space Application 'entre FSA'G& 5angalore
#r.%.*adhakrishnan& #irector& Vikram Sarabhai Space 'entre FVSS'G&
#r. *.V. $erumal& #istinguished $rofessor& A8!6* 4nstitute for 'A#/'A2&
Anna 8niversity& 'hennai!9A
#r. Surendra $al& Associate #irector& 4S*, Satellite 'entre F4SA'G& 5angalore
#r.E.-. oswami& #irector& $hysical *esearch 7aboratory F$*7G& Ahmedabad
#r. $.S. -air& Sathish #hawan $rofessor& 4S*, Satellite 'entre F4SA'G&
Shri. A. 5haskaranarayana& Scientific Secretary& 4ndian Space *esearch
,rganisation F4S*,G& 5angalore
#r. V. Eayaraman& #irector& -ational *emote Sensing 'entre F-*S'G&
#r. %.*. Sridhramurthy& ("ecutive #irector& Antri" corporation 7td.& 4S*,
+ead Muarters& 5angalore
#r. %. 5alaveera *eddy& 6ormer Vice ! 'hancellor& Visvesvaraya
Technological 8niversity& 5elgaum
#r. %.-. -inan& (". #y. #irector& $'2& Vikram Sarabhai Space 'entre
FVSS'G& Thiruvananthapuram
#r. A. Eayaraman& #irector& -ational Atmospheric *esearch 7aboratory
F-A*7G& Tirupathi
Shri. '. Varadara3an& Associate #irector& S'$,& 4ndian Space *esearch
,rganisation F4S*,G& 5angalore
#r. V.S. +egde& #irector& (arth ,bservation Systems& 4ndian Space *esearch
,rganisation F4S*,G& 5angalore
2r. #VA. *aghavamurthy& $ro3ect #irector& Small Satellites& 4ndian Space
*esearch ,rganisation F4S*,G& 5angalore
#r. S. $arameswaran& #y.#irector& 2aster 'ontrol 6acility& 4ndian Space
*esearch ,rganisation F4S*,G& 5hopal.
E.8H -$
A -ational 7evel Symposium on 5uilding services and construction 2anagement was
organi1ed by the #epartment of Architecture on 2ar ;9
and ;L
& 9::C. The focus of
the symposium was towards the state of the art facility and technology advancement
in the services and management disciplines. 7eading ("perts from varying service
backgrounds like air conditioning& electrical& acoustics& lighting made presentations on
integration of services in the buildings.
2r. *amesh -air& 2anaging director& Eones 7ang la Selles 2eghra3& 'hennai
and +yderabad.
2r.6aisal& *egional business head for the Assist Services Ffacilities and
property managementG&'5*( for %erala and Tamilnadu
2r.*a3esh 5abu& 'hief consulant of *('S group
2r.5ose& advisor of civil pro3ect management
2r.%.5alasubramanian director of pro consulting engineers Fpvt ltdG.
2r.2onsoor E 5havanaagarwala& president elect.Ashrae.
2r.2anivannan of conserve consultants
2r.$alaniappan &'(, & $A7 designs
2r.Abdul -a1ar & director of omega sanitation
2r.-.*amachandran & president of future lighting
. #r.S.%andasamy & '(, of $S Associates.
This 1onal level -ASA convention was hosted by the department from ;L
September 9::C.

A two workshop was inaugurated on the world environmental day on ;A
.The celebrations were based on the theme <2A-D S$('4(S& ,-( $7A-(T& ,-(
68T8*( 54,#4V(*S4TD& ('',SDST(2 2A-A(2(-T A-# T+( *((-
(',-,2D <. T+( $*,*A22( was conducted by the #epartment of
Architecture in association with 4nstitute of Town $lanners & 4ndia! Tamil -adu
*egional 'hapter F4T$4!T-*'G and the 4ndian 4nsitituteof Arcitects !Tamil -adu
chapter. The two day workshop comprised of Technical presentation by ("perts &
8rban (nvironment ("hibition and 'ompetitions for students. A souvenir was also
released to mark the event.
2r. Aminur *ahman & Australian 'onsul eneral
#r. S. 5ala3i& 4.6.S.& 'hief 'onservator of 6orests & overnment of Tamil -adu
2r. 2.5. -irmal & 6ounder 'hairman& ("nora
reen architecture for residential building was a one day seminar which focused on
Sustainable Architecture for *esidential buildings on 9C
September& 9:;:. the focus
of the seminar was towards smart and sustainable buildings. 7eading e"perts from
various service backgrounds made presentations on the necessity of green
Ar. 'hitra Viswanath& 5iome (nvironmental 'onsultancy& 5angalore
Ar. Anupama 2ohanram& reen *evolution Architectural 'onsultancy &
2r. Anand& Senior 'ounsellor& 4ndian reen 5uilding 'ouncil F45'G&
Ar. Varsha $. Eain & 'hief Architect& 'reative Architects ) 4nteriors & 'hennai
RSTS ?88 5,-/-
An 4nternational 'onference on *ecent Advances 4n Space Technology Services
)'limate 'hange F*STS )''!9:;:G was hosted from ;L
-ovember& 9:;:.
The event was marked as the first ma3or 4nternationalconference on 'limate 'hange
in the southern part of 4ndia . The conference provided an avenue through an
innovative & annual face to face interaction on the 'limate 'hange among the
members of this knowledge community which include academics& educators&
administrators& policy makers& consultants& researchers and research students
e"pressing insights on technology transfer to developing countries and to enhance the
scope for cooperation on research and development.
As a part of conference schedule & a space bridge was arranged through which the
pioneers on climate change addressed through video conferencing to the core group of
attendees during the schedule .
',-6(*(-'( S85 T+(2(S
Science of climate and climatic change
'limate change parameters and observational tools
'limate change impacts
$aleoclimate and india in the past
'limate predicton
Sustainable cities
'limate change policies
Sun!earth system processes
#r.V.S. +egde& Scientific Secretary /#irector & 4ndian Space *esearch
,rganisation F4S*,G
#r. A. Eayaraman& #irector& -ational Atmospheric *esearch
7aboratoryF -A*7G& 4S*,
'ouncil ,f Architecture F',AG through its academic unit -ational 4nstitute ,f
Advanced Studies in Architecture F-4ASAG is organi1ing an <A>A*#S
$*,*A22( 6,* (N'(77(-'( 4- A*'+4T('T8*A7 T+(S4S= for students
who submitted their thesis& in the undergraduate courses& this academic year& from
colleges of Architecture in 4ndia. This is an annual event conducted to identify the
best thesis pro3ects in 4ndia. The awards programme showcases the best architectural
design concerns by becoming a public event. Stalwarts from the field of Architecture
are involved in choosing the winners& in a public 3ury attended by the general public&
including students and faculty from all regional 'olleges of Architecture& eminent
citi1ens and the media. The programme simultaneously acts as a public awareness
event& to promote the sub3ect of Architecture.
This year& the department of architecture & sathyabama 8niversity proudly hosted the
<Awards for ("cellence in Architectural Thesis 9:;;=& <archesis 9:;;=& for the 1one
V& which was held on the 99
& 9L
& and 9@
September 9:;;.Along with this a
technical session was held by Ar. #eepa *ani from the (nergy 'ell 7)T on
<5uilding (nergy Analysis And $erformance=
Ar. Su3ata Shankar
Ar. Tara 2urali
Eury 2embers Ar. Ayan Sen
Ar. Eaimini 2ehta
Ar. Savita $unde
$unarnava! reinventing the past& 9:;9 was a 9 day seminar held on L
and @
of Euly&
9:;9 which revolved on a wide range of topics related to +eritage and 'onservation.
The seminar focused on topics related to the preservation and conservation of
historical sites& latest trends in conservation and revitali1ation of degraded sites and so
7eading e"perts from various service backgrounds made presentations on heritage and
conservation and revoked the passion for the protection of the heritage among the
2rs. Sathyabama 5adrinath& Superintending Archaeologist& AS4& 'hennai
$rof. #r. 2. S. 2athews& #epartment of 'ivil (ngineering& 44T!2& 'hennai.
Ar. Navier 5enedict& 2/s Anameka Architects ) #esigners& 'hennai.
#r. T. Satyamurthy& *(A'+ 6oundation& 'hennai.
#r. 'hitra 2adhavan& +istorian& 'hennai.
Ar. Sumam $an3ikaran& *esearch Scholar& SA$& Anna 8niversity& 'hennai.

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