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Vol. 13, No.

3 : The University Community's Feature Paper: October 14,1991

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Kay WalkingStick, Is That You? 1,1989

I I -- · I ' I I ·I TICI - - I -r II II


A Professor Inside Judging

What Lurks Inside the Bush
comments on the unfit Judge Thomas
p.2 I , -
science can lead to social misery although
Capitalist) exploiting or condemning the
the initial error was based on a helpful
down-trodden (read minorities or women
or labor). It is also a mistake to believe that intent. it is difficult for us today to believe
because so many eras and so many people that in the early 1700's masturbation was
were mean-spirited to others, that we considered a cause of human biological
should not do any thing about that and mental degeneracy, including the
deplorable attitude. masturbator's children. It is even more
Native Americans, like indigenous difficult to imagine a physician in 1899
people everywhere who have been believing that vasectomy could be a
conquered, were often exploited and treatment for the prevention of
treated as an inferior people with bad masturbation thereby restoring the
habits that legitimized their oppression or consumptive masturbator to good health
neglect. We know that such beliefs are (and as an alleged side benefit, helping
usually based on ignorance, deception, and society by cutting off the flow of
error. The best corrective to such prejudice degenerate sperm from the masturbator's
is education and that includes: past practice). Yet it was this idea, by
an appreciation of human diversity; the physician Harry Clay Sharp at the
universality among all ethnic, racial, and Jeffersonville Prison in Indiana that led to
religious groups of a common chromosome his successful campaign between 1902 and
number; a single species identification; the 1907 to get the State of Indiana to pass the
prevalence of cultural over biological first compulsory sterilization law and to
determinants of human behavior; and the campaign for nation-wide adoption of such
recognition that all races and ethnic groups laws. Some 33 states eventually passed
are dynamic and not static collections of these laws and they were uphed by an 8-1
heredities that slosh about across the vote of the Supreme Court in 1927 with
generations. Our ideas do not come from one of the most liberal justices, Oliver
our genes. They are learned, and what Wendell Holmes Jr., writing the majority
four generations to cleanse the ottense or divides us as a people and makes us one opinion!
Why do we do this to one another? the original wrongdoer. People have been group manipulate another is primarily While there may be no "lessons of
victimized because they were of the wrong what we learn. history" and one certainly cannot condemn
A special guest faculty commentary by: race, nationality, religion, political I have just written a book, not yet liberals for bad judgements that were
Distinguished Teaching Professor Elof philosophy, or social class. They have published, that treats this theme of "the abused largely by racists and uncaring or
Axel Carlson been accused of being degenerate or unfit" and it bothers me that contrary to my selfish people later on in this century (what
Department of Biochemistry and Cell immature or inferior or parasitic or wishes , it is not the bad guys vs the good we would call reactionaries), we must
Biology; Master, Honors College depraved by virtue of their birth in one of guys, the reactionaries vs the liberals, the arouse in our consciences the constant
these categories of allegedly dysfunctional bigots vs the martyrs that characterizes this question of how we are treating our fellow
people. The "unfit" as they were called in history. Instead I have learned that people human beings. Anytime we attribute to
Humans have scapegoated other humans the 19th and early 20th centuries included of good will, reformers what we call groups a biological or genetic basis for the
for as long as recorded history. The Old the insane, the retarded (then called the liberals, scholars, and physicians, were differences in our behaviors and theirs,
Testament reveals how the Amalekites feebleminded), paupers, vagrants, and often among those whose ideas and watch out- it is a largely unproven, based
hectored the Jews as they fled Egypt and repeated criminals. approaches lead to what later became the on shallow methods that are often indirect,
how God reminded Moses to exterminate The path of injustice from antiquity to eugenics movement. It is a sobering and may reflect unexamined prejudices
the Amalekites down to their last child. the present is by no means direct or casual, finding because it supports Hannah against "others" that reside within our fears
What we would consider to be the innocent but each generation has its own reasons Arendt's idea of "the banality of evil" but and ignorance.
generations of the future were condemned and traditions for singling out people who unlike the non-ideological paper-pushing
when children born of forbidden unions are victimized. This is true today of left- Eichmanns of our times, these progressive Ed. note -Thanks to Prof. Carlson and a
(mamzerim) and their children in turn were wing and right-wing states, of Christian, and idealistic contributors largely without special thanks to Phyllis in the Office of
excluded from good standing in the Jewish, Hindu, or Islamic people. The poor malice laid the basis for what became our University Publicationsfor supplying the
community for 10 generations or more. can be as vindictive as the rich can be compulsory sterilization laws and asylums photo of Prof.Carlson.
Frequently, those who transgressed the oppressive. It is a mistake to believe that and restrictive immigration laws. Even
traditiorp of that society were punished fpr this bias is exclusively the privileged (read more disturbing to me is the way errors of

s~u~a~~ I2VEh% Ula~Hrl";r~ES *

by MJXII exists in "the land of the free." temperatures in the classrooms. The barely receives ah education worth $2,900.
He spins his tale beginning with the science and art departments have little or Over the course of 13 years, the difference
"Every year in February we are told to poor, primarily black, victims of racial no supplies. is clearer-$38,000 spent on the black
read the same old speech of Martin Luther inequality who live and go to school in But besides listing the horrible children, over $100,000 spent on the white
King. We read it every year. 'I have a East St Louis. The setting these children conditions that exist in the poor urban ones.
dream...' It does begin to seem-what is the face daily as they trudge to filthy, schools, he contrasts them with the wealth In the Public Schools of New York, the
word?" The 14-year-old girl with the black overcrowded, segregated schools is bleak. that exists sometimes only a few miles racism is just as persistent, just as
curly hair pauses for the right word which The skyscape is muddied with the away, where the white people live. He damaging. Black males in the educational
is 'perfunctory.' disgusting outpouring of smokestacks, contrasts the poor children of Chicago's desert of New Yorks inner-city have more
"We have a school here in East St. Louis belonging to the Pfitzer and Monsanto Du Sable High with New Trier's wealthy of a chance of being shot, or going to jail,
named for Dr.King. The school is full of chemical plants. Children on their way to "gifted" children of Anglo-Saxons. The then they do of graduating. Kozol tells of
sewer water and the doors are locked with school breathe this filth and now have one kids of Du Sable are crammed into a dingy poor schools under noisy elevated public
chains. Every student in that school is of the highest rates of asthma in the poorly lit, poorly kept building. The transit lines, next to morticians offices,
black. It's like a terrible joke on history." country. They walk to school past open children in New Treir have 27 acres of built into an old roller-skating rinks.
It may seem odd that a young girl living garbage pits always smouldering, infested fields for sports and buildings where they Windowless places whose capacity is 900,
in this kind of squalor would be capable of with rats. Always there exists the threat of attain one of the most thorough and but that cram 1300 in, places where
such insight. And it very well may be true chemical spillage on the lead-infused soil. esoteric educations in the country. Kids in carpets are torn and worn, where no
that in these conditions insight like this is When they get to school, often they go urban schools in Illinois drop out, barely encyclopedias or reference materials exist
rare, but Jonathan Kozol, in his new book unsupervised in overcrowded classrooms, graduate reading on a sixth-grade level, or in a library of only 700 books. "We don't
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's as the state will not spend enough money are simply unprepared for college. Kids a have encyclopedias in classrooms," says a
Schools, manages to capture poignant and to hire enough teachers. They eat in dirty few miles away end up in Yale or Harvard. teacher in North Bronx, "That is for
startling accounts, such as the one quoted lunchrooms. If the bathrooms are working The state spends an average of $7,800 on a suburbs."
above, with an impelling style that makes and not overflowing with sewage, the heat white, elementary school age child for
the reader reevaluate the balance of power, isn't. If the heat is working, it works their education, whereas a black child Continued on page 11
the real gut-wrenching inequality that overtime supplying one-hundred degree segregated into a neighboring district

The Stony Brook Press page 2

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by Shari Nezami "reservations." Even many of these
reservations were taken back from Native
Americans, their living conditions made
worse and worse.
ociologist Geoffrey Fox was
Today, many Natives still live with the
one of several guest lecturers
fear that what little land they do have now
who appeared at the Staller
will once again be taken from them. Due to
Center as part of the
this fact, some reservations, such as the
Distinguished Lecture Series
Shinecock on Long Island, will not even
sponsored by the Office of
permit outsiders from visiting the grounds.
the Provost and Newsday. On Wednesday
Recently, I spoke to a Shinecock woman
October 2, 1991, Fox spoke on a series of
and asked her why this policy was
topics relating to the experiences of Native
instituted. She informed me that the only
Americans on this hemisphere since the
reason Shinecock people still exist and live
arrival of Europeans. He started with the
on Long Island is due to the fact that they
general history of Native American peoples
will not allow visitors. She went on to say
since their subjugation by European
that in the past there have been many cases
"explorers." Fox brought to light the
in which an outsider would visit the
general misconceptions painted by
e.'-r-!- • •A ° TT- reservation claiming interest in Native life
Europeans of Native Americans. He style. Later on, it would be discovered that
showed slides depicting paintings of a
this "interested visitor" was merely a
naked woman who represented the "new
greedy developer who would soon be
world." Next to the woman was usually a
instrumental in influencing the government
portrait of one of the European "explorers."
to "relocate" the Natives so that his
This picture represented the European
company could build condos on Native
belief that the "new world", like a woman,
grounds. The Shinecock woman I spoke to
was to be exploited and raped by European
said that the Shinecocks have avoided not
only this, but also government programs
Fox contends that America itself was a
which wish to strip Native people of their
European invention. He states that "the
heritage, culture, and right to self-
Europeans invented this fantasy about a
determination and self-government. In
promised land, something that belonged to effect, through cutting themselves off from
them, and they made it come true." Prior to the outside world, they have been able to
the crossing of the oceans by Columbus,
stay aiive and maintain they're traditional
Europeans thought themselves to be the
center of the universe. At first, to believe in
Marc Michaels, an activist for the Native
a "new world" at all was blasphemous. The
American Council of New York, has
first world maps drawn by Europeans
repeatedly urged New Yorkers to help halt
consisted only of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
the building of a hydro-electric power plant
This belief was perpetuated by
in James Bay. The construction, which will
Christianity, which viewed Jesus as a
be undertaken by a Canadian firm will
universal savior whose existence was
force out the Native people who have been
acknowledged by the entire world. To Geoffrey Fox living in that area for thousands of years. If
believe that there were other people "out time to adjust to the savage European Clearly Europeans did not believe in any the project goes through, the largest
there" who had never heard of nor believed tactics of sneak attacks and ambushes. The such warnings nor did they care about purchaser of the electricity will be New
in Jesus Christ was felt to be contradictory sparing Native women or children.
I York State. While many New Yorkers may
to the teachings of the Bible. Therefore, the Fox contends that the colonization of the feel that they may get a cheaper deal here,
discovery of this "new world" contends
Fox, destroyed the European world.
"...the Europeans Americas did not establish a "new world"
it merely destroyed a people and a culture.
there's no proof that this will happen, and
with LILCO and ConEd doing the
Fox spoke in depth on the horrid
experiences of Native Americans during
invented this The entire philosophy, language, and purchasing, New Yorkers will be getting
religion of the Native peoples was ripped off as usual. The Council urges New
the beginnings of American colonization. fantasy about a destroyed by the European settlers. The Yorkers to get involved by calling their
He stated that at first European explorers world of the Native Americans was turned
did not understand the customs of the promised land, upside down by these conquerors, their
electric company and stating that they're
opposed to the project. This may be our
Native peoples. For example, Cortes felt
that the gifts sent to him by the Mayan king something that identity, self-respect, dignity, and
homeland was stolen from them. Despite
only chance to help right some of the
wrongs done by our "fore fathers" to
Moctezuma were a sign of fear, however
this was merely Native hospitality. Cortes, belonged to them, the images we have been taught to believe,
Fox believes that we must recognize
Native people. Michaels further states that
while Columbus Day celebrations are an
in exchange for the gifts, cut off the hands
of the Natives who had brought them to
and they made it Native Americans for what they were and
are, a selfless people who opened their
insult to what happened to Native peoples
at the hands of explorers like Columbus,
him in order to show that he was not afraid
of them. This is just one of the many
come true." arms and their homes to discoverers and the Quincentenial is however, a good
examples of the misunderstandings that
I. I settlers only to be raped and murdered by chance for the Council to bring some of the
European imperialists. The Native people concerns of Native Americans to the public
were caused by the differences in the two "Indian" war cries that many of us may of this hemisphere incorporated the true eye.
cultures. While European culture is one remember seeing in movies was really a meaning of the word human in their lives
dominated by war and aggression, Native way to warn your enemy that you were everyday. They cherished the Earth, they
American culture was just the opposite. attacking him, thus allowing him ample shared it, they loved it, today these same
The Natives did not believe in domination time to secure his women, children, and the people are forced to live in destitute living
nor aggressive warfare, it took them some elderly and prepare to defend themselves. conditions on detention camps disguised as

October 14, 1991 page 3

I I-
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Political World
Acting Treasurer David Greene,
by David Suarez
Getting the Job Done
Ths R&agaj& by Josh Gazes
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Bush Plan The frantic flow of students rolling in

and out of the Student Union, the

For everyday routine of thousands of stressed

individuals in a perennial rush, create a
static hum of voices and of sneakers
squeaking on the union floor. I escape
the trampling onslaught through quick
maneuvering, between passing waves, by
scurrying up the stairs adjacent to the
fireside lounge. My senses temporarily
dulled by this sudden shock of madness,
I wander aimlessly until I find myself in
T@waard the Polity suite. Suddenly I am once
again attacked by busy bodies darting
across the room of offices. What can be
so important, and how can anyone work
under these conditions?
The importance is that these people are
Diminishing aid to education, the closing of
responsible for $139 paid by each
hospitals, crumbling bridges, growing numbers of
student, and although this does not seem
homeless people, and other calamities, constitute a
to be an atmosphere conducive to work,
vital part of a cynical equation which features a small
it has not been an obstacle for acting
but growing elite exempt from the growing hardships
Polity Treasurer David Greene. He has
being experienced by the majority of Americans.
already begun to make Polity more
Democrats contend that another, quite different
effective. Updating the Polity financial
socio-economic scenario, would currently be in place
system, and conducting a workshop for
had the electorate rejected the Republican candidates
Polity organizations on what they have to
for Chief Executive in the last three elections. That
do and how to properly use Polity money
they did not do so is a tribute to Republican
and get the most out of it, is only the
campaign advisers, who rightly guessed that the
electorate was more attracted by simplistic appeals
Perhaps the serenity of his office helps But what of the other key way in improving Polity,
such as "1,000" points of light" and the imagined
benefits of the "trickle down" theory. Other enable him to concentrate on the pressing matters at hand. making it accessible? David Greene sets an example for
One would hardly know that anyone uses the office, this in the way he conducts his own agenda. He is not a
Perceptions were also at work. For example, dirty,
unkempt panhandlers would be seen by many voters judging by how organized it appears. In actuality though, person who would turn away another individual.
six assistants to Mr. Greene, as well as David Greene Somehow, in his busy schedule, he will find time. This
as loafers who rejected the virtues of an honest day's
work, obviously the product of a bankrupt himself and all of the students and faculty that line up to summer, when he first started as treasurer, he had the
meet with him every day, march in and out of this home opportunity of running into many incoming freshmen,
Democratic philosophy. In contrast, S & L criminals
away from home all the time. A typical day for David who were lost both externally and internally. He faults the
were less odious, both literally and figuratively. Not
Greene ends after 11:00 P.M., though not all of that time university for not having the proper programs to inform
only was a voter less likely to bump into one, but at
is spent in his office. He is always attending scheduled freshmen of what they have to look forward to and how to
least these miscreants were well-turned out, scrubbed
meetings and the meetings of Polity organizations. prepare. He is presently constructing a program with
and not hard on the eyes in their three-piece suits.
Certainly, many would argue that these are the Senior Representative Manny Nunez, modeled after a big
Never mind that their crimes placed a burden on
requirements of an elected Polity official, and the long brother type program, where seniors and other students
taxpayers which would be borne by their offspring
hours demanded of that individual are a necessity to would be involved in preparing freshmen for their new
for generations to come. There may be some hope as
performing the job. These people would get no argument life. David Greene does have actual experience as a
a growing number of the solid middle class citizens
from David Greene. In fact, Mr Greene loves the work he member of the Big Brother Association, and perhaps this
are faced with the loss of their homes, and the
does. He willingly surrenders all of the time that is asked has contributed to his grace in interacting with other
realization that being deprived of that third skylight is
of him, and considers it to be of the utmost importance.
not nearly as vexing as worrying about that third people. His door appears to be always open, and he is in
He makes it quite clear too, that the individuals favor of an "I love Polity" type of event to let students
daily meal.
responsible for running Polity do a tremendous job that know that Polity is accessible to all of them.
Our President claims to be the "education
has tremendous responsibility, and he feels committed to For David Greene, the social life of being in college is
President" as well as the leader of a "kinder, gentler
at least maintaining the level of work that has been done. even more vital than much of the work that is done in the
nation," not to mention the guardian of Boston
As already stated, he is working to make Polity more classroom, and he feels that the university is again at fault
Harbor and the "terminator" of a revolving door
successful. Not content with maintaining the status quo for not recognizing this. He sees it as being very
prison system. Erroneous perceptions often die hard
(although he believes that Naala Royale, last year's important that the students see their student fee being
(at least we hope) yet who knows? A charismatic
treasurer, did an excellent job) he seems driven to returned to them every day through Polity funded events.
Democratic contender might be in the wings, ready to
improving Polity. The two ways he cites as being He cites apathy as being a major cause for lack of student
galvanize voters who realize that evaporation cancels
pertinent to bring about positive change, is making Polity participation and hopes that Polity pages in the campus
out any "trickle down" benefit, and a "thousand
effective and accessible. He uses the term effective as any medias, and a proposal to advertise on WUSB for events,
points of light" is no substitute for bona-fide social
programs. businessman would, and in fact he has both a background will go part of the way to changing that. Certainly his
in business as an accounting assistant and an policy seems to be educating the students on what goes
administrative assistant, and aspires to start his own on. Being that this is an academic atmosphere, it would
business after law school. In his own words, this seem to follow that education would be an effective
background has helped to make him "meticulous, means of getting people involved.
aggressive, and truly knowledgeable of the business Luckily, David Greene sees his work as a challenge,
LIBERATE YOURSELF arena." For Polity events and organizations to be effective
it will take proper planning, and David Greene has had
and refuses to fail at the challenges he takes on. He
attributes this to his heritage. One of his two majors here
extensive experience in such work. As an assistant to at Stony Brook is in Africana Studies, and quite clearly
Weiss Dawid Fross Zelnick and Lehrman, P.C., he was the obstacles of his ancestors, and their determination and
responsible for designing a program that would project

VOT departmental income, calculate fiscal service charges,

print all client bills, and advise all attorneys on fiscal
struggle throughout history are a source of pride and
inspiration for David Greene. There is nothing that he can

continued on page 8

The Stony Brook Press page 4


I 9
Forum Held On Whether or not to Arm Public Safety
"The community relations squad is prohibited from responding to calls
definitely not in touch with the arming involving weapons. The current procedure
issue." for responding to calls involving weapons
Bidderman criticized the forum as having is to call Suffolk County police and meet
little value saying, "The decision has been them at a central point on campus.
made, they do want to arm Public Safety. Lang pointed out that there is a definite
This type of forum is an 'after the fact' kind time factor in having to call in the county
of thing." police. He stated, "All of this time the
Polity President Dan Slepian said, "I person who is a victim remains a victim
have a real problem with the whole way without help." He stated that many people
this issue has come up, the way this issue is come to this campus just to commit crimes,
discussed, and the way it is being decided." and also said that the campus is an entirely
Slepian pointed out that the University
Senate committee on arming was not
present at the forum.
"1feel very strongly that
Speaking of the recent Langmuir brawl, these peace officers
Slepian said, "If the situation were to remain as peace
happen again in Langmuir or any other
building and someone were shot and killed, officers."
are we prepared to deal with that?" -John Nolan GSO President
by Joe DiStefano campus safety other than arming Public John Nolan, President of the Graduate
Safety. He suggested several measures Student Organization, spoke out against different place at night.
Whether Public Safety should be armed or such as placing guards at every entrance, arming. Referring to the Langmuir incident "We are not convinced and have not seen
not is an issue which is once again in the and setting up electronic surveillance he said, "There's no guarantee that arming evidence to convince us that there is a
spotlight here at Stony Brook. Although equipment in the campus parking lots. these Public Safety officers would have serious enough crime problem to justify
the issue has been under consideration by He added, "I hope that everyone will prevented the beatings they received." arming," said Al Jordan Associate Dean for
the powers that be since last semester, it respect them just as the population of Nolan als disclosed the contents of a Student Affairs at HSC and President of
has taken on greater urgency in light of the London respect their bobbies, they're not confidential report from the SUNY the Black Faculty Association (BFA). "We
Langmuir brawl earlier this semester. The armed at all." Environmental Science and Forestry are concerned that there is and has been a
University Senate sponsored an open George Bidderman, a graduate student School in Albany. According to the report, general insensitivity to cultural difference,"
forum to discuss the issue of arming on and editor of the GSO News and Blues in 1981, a disgruntled campus police he stated. He added that the BFA will not
October 7. said, "The mentality that says I need a gun officer at the school shot and killed the support arming until Public Safety force
Around forty people showed up during to be respected scares me." He also force's director, and then turned the gun on itself reflects the campus's cultural
campus lifetime to express their views on mentioned that he and some friends once himself. diversity. "We have people from all over
the arming issue, and to learn more about managed to get into every dormitory on Nolan said, "I feel very strongly that the state, the nation, and the world. The
the issue. One student present, Rodrigo campus, even though they were supposed these peace officers remain as peace composition of the force simply doesn't
Pocius was appalled at the low student to be locked. He said, "If we're concerned officers." At present, Public Safety officers reflect this."
about safety and protecting our students, are classified as peace officers. As peace Todd Stephens, Stony Brook's SASU
presence at the event. Pocius is opposed to
arming and suggested a guardian angel we should not be talking about guns. We officers, they receive the same training as delegate and President of the Residence
type unit made up of concerned students should be talking about securing our New York Sate Police, except they receive Hall Association said, "I do not feel Public
buildings, and increasing Public Safety no training in firearms. However, they Safety has proven itself mature enough to
should be formed.
He said, "The answer to fighting crime is presence on campus so that acts as the receive additional training in sensitivity be armed." Stephens is also an RA in
not to arm Public Safety. The answer is to deterrent, not being shot." when dealing with people from culturally Tabler Quad and was present at the
Bidderman noted that the reactivation of diverse backgrounds. shootings. Despite this he remains opposed
fight student apathy."
Public Safety's community relations squad Lang said, "While they're on campus to arming Public Safety. He added, "There
Frank Shih, an academic advising
came on the heels of the reopening of the they have the same powers and are too many instances where they have
counselor said, "We're not discussing
gun issue. He criticized this as a blatant responsibilities as any police officer." He mismanaged their authority."-
safety. We're discussing arming as
synonymous with safety." Shih feels that public relations maneuver. Jim Lang, also said that under General Order Number
other measures can be taken to insure Assistant Director of Public Safety stated, 5 of Public Safety's contract, officers are


members. Nehring states that not only will Halpin." Nehring points to 1989, Halpin's (which takes in Stony Brook University),
by Dave Suarez "will be an obstacle to rebuilding Suffolk
the College Republicans be "actively second year as County Executive, where
promoting and actively participating in Suffolk homeowners saw their county County and will not represent a solution
weeks local campaigns," but will also be portion of the property tax increase because he's part of the problem." To
With Election Day only three
financially rebuild Suffolk, Robert
away, many Suffolk county Republicans "attempting to maximize the number of anywhere from 50% to 174%, depending
on campus through on where they lived in the county. Nehring Gaffney, if elected, In Nehring's opinion,
can hardly wait. Their enthusiasm largely registered Republicans
that a voter registration drive. contends that high property taxes restrict would need to "have a legislature that is
derives from the fact that polls indicate
Executive, Nehring believes that his organization student's availabilities to live here and that fiscally conservative to work with him."
Democratic incumbent County "over 2J,000 jobs have left Long Island,"
vehicle for Englebright in Nehring's estimation, is
Patrick Halpin, trails the GOP challenger, provides an excellent
primarily to the fiscal anything but fiscally conservative and the
Robert Gaffney, by better than ten conservative-oriented students to get which he attributes
is involved in politics, stating that the policies of Halpin. In Nehring's opinion, College Republican president cites
percentage points. Republican optimism
get in Robert Gaffney (who the College Englebright's support of the property tax
also fueled by the realization that their experience College Republicans
local campaigns is "the type of experience Republicans endorsed before his primary hike in 1989 as evidence. Thus, Nehring
majority in the Suffolk legislature could be
several that can't be obtained in a classroom." victory over Patrick Vecchio Sept. 12) strongly recommends that voters in the 5th
built upon in this year's elections as
be the superior choice for County district support the candidacy of
Democratic incumbents in western Suffolk Furthermore, he maintains that the College would
make a difference in political Executive this year because "he has a Republican Anthony Moncayo, who made
are believed to be vulnerable. Among Republicans
races and "provide opportunities for their proven record of a conservative fiscal an unsuccessful run for Englebright's seat
those Republicans who are looking ahead
membership in the political process." philosophy and ideas" and "can rebuild in 1989.
optimistically to November 5th, are the
Stony Brook based College Republicans. Commenting on this year's County Suffolk county."
Nehring contends that Steven Continued on Page 11
Ron Nehring, the president of the Executive race, Nehring remarks that
Stony Brook students have been "short Englebright, the Democratic incumbent
College Republicans, says that the
has thirty active changed by the recklessness of Pat who represents the fifth legislative district
organization currently
October 14,199 page
MIy kingdom For Some Busines:s
Industrialism In Saudi Arabia, an Outgrowth of the War
t.-< aciAU
, are
by Josh Gazes all favorite
As the United Nations pats itself on the back for a job Certain
well done in preserving the freedom of Kuwait, and companies
Mikhail Gorbachev joins George Bush in what has been I i k e
recognized as an incredible arms reduction initiative, Saudi Colgate-
Arabia is embarking on a new business frontier. It seems Palmolive,
the country has high hopes for itself as a world industrial General
leader, part of which will be in military manufacturing, foods and
and it has the Gulf War to thank. Proctor
A five-page advertisement that appeared in a recent New Gamble, and
York Times states, "the war, which may well turn out to be Pepsi-Cola,
the most expensive PR campaign for the kingdom (Saudi are already
Arabia), is having some good effects." produced
Apparently the rebuilding of Kuwait was expected to be locally.
a big money maker, raising $100 billion in business, but Two
has only been able to make $20 billion. But that is O.K. for m a j o r
the folks in Saudi Arabia. They still see what they refer to industrial
as "a number of benefits for the kingdom" due to the war. cities have
It appears that American businessmen, as well as developed
international businessmen, have seen the Gulf region in a with the
new light. The region is no longer appealing to just oil help of
companies; other companies are now looking to get in on Mobil ,
the action. The one thing the country can clearly offer is a Exxon, and
market of one billion people. Britain and Japan have a few other
already been established in the area, and now the United b i g
States wants a piece of the pie, a big piece. A senior companies.
American military officer was cited in the advertisement as The two cities, Jubail and Yanbu, were partly developed July of last year, the the U.S. had announced military sales
stating that strong bilateral relations between the U.S. and by U.S. design and engineering firms, which according to totaling $18 billion to Saudi Arabia, $10 billion of which
Saudi Arabia were an absolute necessity for an effective EngineeringNews Record, has caused these cities to be the were agreed to after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. As the ad
deployment of the Gulf war. This relationship has been leading region for international activity over the past says, "more are on the pipeline." What else is in store for
founded on commerce, and the success of the war has fifteen years. Why has the U.S. chosen to take such an the U.S. is anybody's guess.
created a surge in business. As the ad says, "the active role in this particular region of the world, a region
pragmatism inherent in business has been a critical factor known to be unstable? Perhaps it is because (as the ad
in the smooth prosecution of events during the past year." says) of "the availability of high quality oil and gas
Once again, in the world of money, the ends justify the feedstock, power, and labor that makes the choice of
means. Saudi Arabia a logical one."
It seems that there has been a sudden interest in things Another reason might be, that the Saudi's have recently
American all over the lult region. You may not believe in become interested in U.S. technology and military
deja vu, but do you believe in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The everyday consumer in Saudi Arabia has gone
Hollywood. Products from companies including Schick
and Gillette, Pillsbury and Betty Crocker, Hewlett-Packard
and IBM, J.I. Case and John Deere, Kenworth and
products and systems. The different Gulf governments are
attempting to adopt a joint defense strategy, including a
multi-state armed force. Saudi Arabia plans to spend $15
billion by itself on defense, which includes developing an
aerospace program. Since

desires. The next night, at the Staller run from November 2nd through
Homlessness and Hunger in Center is the play Blood Knot by South Mills Pond House is where it's December 1st. For more information call
the Union... African author Athol Fugard, that will the Gallery at 862-6575.
also expose suppressed feelings. The play
Although "From the Streets,"an Depictions of battle the fields of
centers on two brothers living together in
installation piece art exhibit by graduate
a Shanty Town on the edge of a lake Pittsburgh, conversations with Rebel and Judge Clarence Thomas
student Maureen Palmieri that asked the Union soldiers, discussions of slavery, Opposed Again...
polluted by toxic waste. The play will be
viewer to look at the spirit and humor of medical practices, and numerous towns, The United States Student Association,
performed on October 20 at 7 p.m.
the people of the streets, is leaving the people and incidents along the the oldest and largest student organization
Union Art Gallery, "Art in the Service of Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee Rivers in the country, is in strict opposition to
the Community"opens on October 18 and A nursing home on campus...
during the Civil War summer of 1862, are the confirmation of Judge Clarence
keeps the theme alive. This exhibit After twelve years of waiting, a all part of a dramatic reading that will be Thomas. Students from all over the
coincides with Hispanic Heritage month. committee of veterans from Nassau and given at the Mills Pond House on country, 3.5 million students from 350
Paintings and photos from the Nicaraguan Suffolk counties can finally celebrate the November 20, by Peter Josyph an actor- colleges and universities, voted
Cultural Alliance's Quest for Peace opening of a 350-bed nursing home on director. The reading comes from a book overwhelmingly on August 17, 1991,
program are included and proceeds of campus grounds. Governor Cuomo will titled, The wounded River: The Civil war against Judge Thomas being confirmed.
Quest for Peace T-shirts and greeting speak at the opening day ceremonies on Letters of John Vance Lauderdale, MD. USSA President Tajel Shah said this on
cards, on sale during the exhibition, will Monday, Oct. 28 at 11 a.m. A military Lauderdale was a young New York the matter: "Through his speeches and
go to benefit this organization and Heifer band, color guard procession from all doctor, who was sent to Pittsburgh three writings, Judge Thomas has indicated his
Project International. For more branches of the armed services, speeches weeks after the Battle of Shiloh was. opposition to many remedies which have
information call 632-6822. and a military "fly-by" are all planned for fought. Also coming to the house, is a been introduced to assist with the
the day. Holiday crafts Boutique, and if you autonomy of women, the elderly, and the
A Midsummer's Night in should happen to be a crafty person, you historically disenfranchised. This position
October... Bombed Again... might want to enter an exhibit. "Babes in is counter to the students' dedication to
The Fillmore Real Estate Company, Toyland" by Theatreworks USA, will be the principles of expanding access to
That's right, one of Shakespeare's finest
mentioned in the article "Crown Heights: making an appearance at the house on higher education for all regardless of race,
will be performed on October 19, with
A Pattern of Racial Injustice" from Vol. December 14, tickets are $5 for children gender, and age." To express opposition
original music (composed just for this
13 No.1 of the Press, is once again in the and $6 for adults. Finally, do not miss the to Judge Thomas, USSA will be
performance) and a set inspired by 15th
news. The Canarsie company was Smithtown Township Arts Council's 16th organizing various activities and letter
century Flemish painter Hieronymus
attacked for the fifth time just weeks ago, annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibit, that will writing campaigns.
Boch. Director Joe Dowling attempts a
when an M-80 explosive was thrown in

I iF ) 0
non-traditional presentation that centers
on sensual discovery of suppressed
through an office window.
I U: ~i

The stony urooK Press page t

I I · I _ I _ L III


by Robert V. Gilheany rights and liberties being rolled back passed away in 1989 and it brought back a film that was shown. One person said that
affects all minority communities lot of memories of good times we all had "white culture has permeated all aspects of
Lesbians, gays, and bisexual organized adversely. She said "all the brothers and together. It also brought back the native life," and homophobia is an
a week of activities that include speakers, sisters who died in the Civil Rights memories of when I found out he got example. When asked if homophobia
workshops, and a dance. The Lesbian, Movement would have died for nothing if AIDS that summer afternoon when I came across with the Christians he said
Gay, Bisexual Alliance (LGBA) is the we let them take our rights back." stopped by his old house to check how he "yeah."
d.. i4.,;.,,, ..,,-,
oldest group on Long Island whose focus was uutl• gt aiu Cross dressing was talked about by
is the liberation of non-straight peoples. his mother told Kelly Corcoran, who is a female who
LGBA was formed in the fall of 1973. me he had cross dresses to look like a man. She
This year's was awareness week,which passed away. demonstrated technique of cross dressing
featured a number of programs including But I always from make-up to walking techniques. She
an openly lesbian mother who was a smile when I made herself up and showed everyone
member of the Black Panthers, a remember my how cross dressers deal with the
discussion group on bisexuality, films on old friend. differences in fat deposits. She also
gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, homo and Bisexuality demonstrated walking techniques for cross
bisexuality in native American cultures, a was the focus of dressers of both persuasions.
discussion on cross dressing, and a dance. a workshop The reasons why people cross dress was
Sojorner Machuly, an openly lesbian discussion discussed. They are pre-op trans-sexuals
mother who was a member of the Black group. who are in the process of getting a sex
Panther party, spoke at the Fireside Bisexuality is change operation. There are transvestites
Lounge to kick off LGBA Awareness the ability to who just cross dress at home, you have the
week. Her talk, entitled "we are family" have sexual drag queens and kings who do it for
focused around the LGBA family. She relations with entertainment. Then you have skag-drags,
stated that lesbians, gays, and bisexuals
_ ___ ___ _ ___ hnth cexes_ The fairie drags, and gender fucks who
must function as a family. She stated that Sojourner Machuly has two sons and a discussion focused around where bisexuals combine elements of male and female
"we are an interconnecting people from all 15 year-old daughters. She said that fit in to the gay and lesbian community. A drag.
over who share the pains of homophobia." "nobody can tell them anything that they prevailing attitude in the straight Kelly Corcoran is a performer who
She felt that the community must support don't already know", speaking of how she communities is either you are straight or dances and lip-sings. She says that she
and nurture itself and criticized what she raised her children to be aware of all you are a queer. Bisexuals face a problem dances in gay bars and expects to get
sees as a "generation gap" in the aspects of sexuality and how it relates to in the gay and lesbian community because groped, so she has to make her "weeny"
community. She said that "back in the old the social surroundings. Other young kids people put pressure on them to make up feel real not just look real, she uses
days, we used to have coming out parties come to her for advice and condoms their minds. People who see the bi-friend condoms filled with corn oil. The problem
where people who 'came out' would listen because she gives condoms to sexually fall into a straight relationship sometimes is oil breaks down condoms. She said that
to what others had to say about their active kids in the neighborhood. feel like they lost one of their own to the when she was dancing in Rochester, she
experiences." In this way, an oral tradition During the custody hearings for her straight community. One fellow spoke of was afraid that her dick was going to burst.
was passed down and "the community's children, the judge questioned her stability losing a gay lover to a woman and it Men who cross dress as women can
heritage was preserved." as a role model for her kids, being an devastated him. People asked if he would wear dresses and skirts so they don't to
Machuly compared homophobia to openly lesbian mother. She said that her have felt any better if he would have felt worry about the crotch, unless they are
racism by pointing out that "us and our daughters can talk about anything with any better if you lost him to another guy, running around in shorts. She suggested
history is laughed at, negated, or just her." "heart break is heart break." The general pushing the testicles up to the canals,
explained away and trivialized." She The topic of "women and AIDS" was consensus in the discussion group is that where the balls descend into the scrotum,
described this phenomenon as touched on also, Ms. Machuly informed the people need to define for themselves then taking the dick and push it back into
institutionalized racism. She went on to the audience that "if you want information their orientation. the crack in the ass and taping it there.
talk about the importance of trust and on women and AIDS, the C.D.C. ( Center Homosexuality in native American Then the sack falls in a way that it looks
working with people and groups, for Disease Control ) doesn't have it, cultures was talked about by members of like nice pussy lips. Someone asked how
commenting that"coalition building is the illustrating the fact that the government the We Wah and Bar chee ampe, "two- much pubic hair the adhesive tape takes
key to correct political work." She said decided to leave women out of the AIDS spirited" native Americans groups of New off she said she takes it off very slowly.
that "in the 60's there existed a situation crisis. York city. This event took place at the Members of a Long Island based group
where one group wouldn't work with Being a former Black Panther, an Langmuir Lounge. The tradition in many of hetero-sexual cross dressers talked
African American Liberation group that native American cultures on gays, briefly. Kelly addresses a problem viz-a-
another group, or such and such group said
this thing or that thing, and this weakened came under attack from various lesbians, and bisexuals, is that they are vis cross dressers and the gay, lesbian, and
government agencies during the sixties two-spirited peoples which refers to bisexual communities. She pointed that
the general movement for liberation." She
claimed that she herself had overcome and seventies, she was asked about the having both male and female aspects to each community inadvertently lends to the
counter-Intelligence program the FBI used who they are. The speaker said "in backlash to the other community by
racism through trust she had gained in
to disrupt groups like the Panthers and European cultures you are either male, lending to negative stereotypes to each
other people during a sit-in in college.
other left of center groups and how the female, gay, or straight. We respect all group. She said each group should be
During this action she had her baby with
counter-intelligence programs is now aspects of a person in the community. supportive of the other.
her. After a few days of sit-in the cops
apparently being used against Act-Up ( Two-spirited people were honored in The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Awareness
busted in swinging knight sticks
Aids Coalition to Unleash Power ). She native cultures. They were the medicine Week ended Saturday night with a dance
indiscriminantly. At this point a woman
said "the FBI hasn't changed since they men, healers, and negotiators for tribes at the Fannie Brice Theater. It was
grabbed the baby and got it safely out of
are still up to their dirty tricks." She also and nations. Over 90% of native cultures LGBA's 18th birthday which will be
the building. She was a white woman who
is now a political prisoner of war in the
Ms. Machuly remembered when AIDS
expressed reservations about becoming a
leader because she doesn't want to be a
recognize two-spirited people in their
Native and two-spirited people lead the
celebrated with music dancing and

was referred to as GRIDS (Gay Related The Long Island AIDS Quilt Project had gay pride march in N.Y. City last year.
Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and not various quilts displayed in the Union Art One of the original controversies
GAllery. The Quilt Project is an artistic surrounded the term two-spirited. The
many people talked about it. "As long as it
expression of the tragedy of the AIDS "official" gay community felt that the
was killing gays and lesbians, it was
alright." Machuly described the attitude ol crisis. The Quilt is made up of thousands terms gay,lesbian, and bi-sexual were the
a lot of government and straight people. of panels that commemorate a victim of proper terms to use because of the history
She said that "if the president's son had it the crisis. The Union Gallery had of the liberation struggle has come down
or if enough sons of senators had it a approximately 50 panels on display. The to these terms that are the best able to
individuality of each panel expresses the represent the diversity of the community.
miraculous cure would appear." It is now
individuality of each of the victims. Its a But these are not the terms of the native
spreading faster in the heterosexual
community and the cat is out of the bag. very moving thing to see and the art work community and the two-spirited native
that goes into making each panel and the Americans are also working hard on
All people who work for human dignity
over all quilt project is a testimony from keeping the native cultures alive he said
and liberation should support each other
all involved. While I was up there, I came "we are Indians first."
"We are living in times when a presiden
across a quilt commemorating an old high Homophobia in the native community
can veto a Civil Rights Bill," states
school friend and drinking buddy who was discussed and explained during the
Machuly. She felt that the "climate" of
October 14, 1991 page 7
3 1 II I
I I I _I_ _ _ r _ I I
Continued from page 2 Acting
Treasurer up
for Election
These are primarily schools where the liver
and tooth abscesses, the neurological Continued from page 4
disorders and other medical problems are
caused by the rich white people in power,
see himself doing, that will ever be in
the mentally or physically disadvantaged
children are black, and for this reason their
needs are seldom addressed. Some children
must travel as much as three hours to get to comparable to the hardship endured by
a racially segregated school, when a white African-Americans throughout history. In
school is much closer. The white people addition, David Greene uses the work he
have the money and they simply do not does as a learning experience. Every job he
want the blacks in their school. Neither are has had, and the work he does now, he
they willing to sink the money needed to feels has better prepared him for life than
make the separate schools equal. anything he will ever learn from sitting in
The schools of Camden, New Jersey, and a classroom and regurgitating the words
Washington D.C. are no different. Kozol from a book. It is also his hands on
tells the cruel joke of the final resting place knowledge, and his experience this
of Walt Whitman, where he wrote the final summer as Polity Treasurer, that he sees as
manuscript of Leaves of Grass. Camden being his biggest advantage over all other
schoolchildren scarcely know who Walt candidates. Simply put, if students want
Whitman was, nor of the liberation and things done right away, David Greene is
freedom he wrote about. Washington, the wise choice; he will not have to spend
where our sick, fat politicians make the any time getting acquainted with the job
laws and budget the money that keep our and its responsibilities.
children racially segregated, the children There is nothing that David Greene does
are viciously disparaged. Kozol continues that he takes lightly-not his work as a
to paint a grim picture of savage inequality student, or as Polity Treasurer. Perhaps it is
in San Antonio. Throughout his book, he a result of his personal philosophy. He has
poses philosophical questions that reach to love everything that he does. To do this,
deep and poke at all of our biases, our he approaches many tasks with the mind of
taboos, our sensibilities. His attempt to an artist. He decorates his office and room
remove the blinders of the white man, to to represent his openness to cultural
take up the cause of the children, the black diversity. He listens to all music for what
children is one of the most admirable and pleasure he can derive from it. He even
successful this century. considers cutting hair as serious and artistic
Students and faculty alike would benefit work, so do not be surprised if you see him
from picking up this award-winning working in Campus Cutters. Perhaps what
educator's newest book. Who knows the is most important to him though, are his
prejudices that would melt away upon friends, and his approach to them is with
turning each and every impelling page. even more dedication than everything else
he does. Stony Brook students should be
C"ol;,Vr Al r ;, B
n o /. d N
IJ Ut»/CO•LCC lffL
C happy to know, that they have a friend in
me her copy of Savage Inequalities. She is uaviao reene.
coratal enough to seek out, and would be I I . _
delighted to show you to the attractive
display Barnes and Noble has of this book.
Jonathon Kozol The
Croatian Update I
Are Coming!

by Darko Mrakovcic

The Serbian Continued from page 5

aggression of Croatia
has entered its final
phase in a way that A race Nehring is closely involved in this
seemed inconceivable to year is the contest for Brookhaven
most western observers. Supervisor, between Republican
The post cold war councilman John LaMura and Democrat
Europe, so confident Richard Blakeslee, who lost narrowly to
about becoming a then incumbent Henrietta Acampora in
paragon of the almost 1989 for the same seat. Nehring argues that
utopian new world Blakeslee's defeat two years ago indicates
order, prosperity and that "people clearly...didn't want him
social justice is now running for town government," and that the
faced with a real large Democrat "has no executive experience
scale genocide taking and hasn't demonstrated leadership or
olace within
- -- 300
_ vision." On the other hand, LaMura, in
starving children and many reporters that Croatian defences Croatian cities. From the I
kilometers from Vienna or Nehring's estimation, "will provide
Venice. Since the Last issue of more civilians are seeking would melt like butter, no military aspect the crucial
economic opportunity and protect the
The Press, the Croatian tragedy refuge from the incessant heavy major Croatian town has been moment the army high
environment in Brookhaven." Nehring
has assumed even greater bombardment by the frenzied taken. But, of course, the command accepted the Croatian
adds that the Brookhaven town board,
proportions. The battle of "federal" i.e. Serbian army. "federal " army did manage to offer of a cease fire indicates
which of course LaMura is a member of,
"Croatian Stalingrad" (i.e. the That is how the latest cease fire inflict heavy losses on the that the army has reached such
has "preserved thousands of acres of land
city of Vukovar) has now also looks like in many towns of civilian population by using a conclusion. But it is also
to preserve water."
Eastern Croatia. Before the even the forbidden cluster possible that the army is again
become reminiscent of the Nehring encourages any Republican who
cease fire the army had bombs and according to just regrouping and trying to
siege of Lenningrad: in the might be interested in getting involved in a
launched an all-out attack Croatian sources, napalm deblockade by negotiations its
shelters and cellars of this campaign to attend a College Republicans
across Croatia. In spite of the bombs in their indiscriminate huge potential in the barracks
obliterated city at least 2000 meeting. The club meets every Thursday at
predictions of many western bombardment of many besieged besieged by Croatians.
The Stony Brook Press page 8
Singing in the Rain
Will this year's Homecoming be an event to remember, or will it be another disaster?
T'- " ..... 1•r _- -%a
S11e Danncr iraraae residence hall that a delegation of even
will serve as the kick- half-conscious residents would be much
off for the weekend. appreciated. Adding to the fun is a $100
On Oct.16, during prize bonanza for Lhe best banner. "You
campus lifetime, have to be in the Banner Parade on the
representatives of 16th and the pre-game Float Parade on the
dozens of campus 19th to win the award," Mr. Leoniak
clubs, teams, explains, but $100 is still a reasonably
residence halls, and hefty bribe for spray painting something on
organizations will a bed sheet, and it is all in the spirit of
gather next to Javits, campus unity. And if it rains? "If it rains
and will from there we'll just move every thing inside to the
march through the Sports Complex."
academic mall and So it looks like some actual planning has
past the Union to the gone into this year's Homecoming, and
Staller Center Plaza you do not see good planning on this
and a pep-rally. Each campus every day. The football team has
group will proudly even won a few games, hasn't it? Could we
bear their own home- be on the verge of witnessing one of Stony
made banner, and Brook's favorite disasters turn into some
each, upon their sort of success?
entrance into the I do not know, but it would be nice to see
Staller Plaza, will be a real live homecoming, because real
by Fiona MaCLeod Island Railroad tracks and whole chunks of warmly greeted by Mr. Leoniak-who will schools have homecomings and really get
25-A. Why should this year be any act as Master of Ceremonies-and a rousing into it, and I would be sort of curious to see
You can just tell that it is Homecoming different? chorus of welcome from the Stony Brook what one looks like. Of course, I would
Weekend again. Whole swarms of excited, "The guy who did the schedule this year Kickline. They will then be treated to a few also sort of like to see what a real school
peppy, Stony Brook students can be checked the Farmer's Almanac," explains inspirational speeches from such people as, looks like, like a Notre Dame or a Harvard
observed everywhere, avidly discussing the this year's Banner Parade Coordinator, Mr. SamKornhauser (an official personage or something, but let us take one thing at a
scheduled festivities and how best to avoid John-Eric Leoniak, "And it's not supposed of some description), Mr. Dan Slepian time. It might be sort of fun to pretend we
them. Because, as all students know, to rain." (Polity president), and Stony Brook's own are not at SUNY, even if it is just for one
Homecoming Weekend is one of the The slightly defensive note in Mr. beloved Pretzel Man (he sells pretzels) weekend, and if for some bizarre reason I
school's favorite running jokes, a Leoniak's voice as he answers the question who is probably the most devoted fan of just happen to be passing by Staller Plaza
perennial, unqualified failure, an annual is understandable. Mr. Leoniak (who, when the Stony Brook athletic teams, rarely on the 16th, I might even pause to briefly
disaster of stunning proportions. he isn't busily coordinating banner missing any of the games, or so I hear. listen to the roar of the crowd and the
Remember last year? One lonely parades, makes his living as the RHD of 'There are two main reasons behind the cheers of the cheerleaders and the pep of
automobile crawling around campus Eisenhower College) has been at Stony Banner Parade, and Homecoming the pep rally...I might watch the colorful
through a torrential downpour, frantically Brook since he was an undergraduate, and Weekend in general," says Mr. Leoniak- banners snap in the crisp autumn breeze,
honking its horn like a wounded albatross he is keenly aware of Homecoming "One is to show support for the football and I will feel a tear come to my eye, a tear
and making far more noise than necessary Weekend's less than impressive track team. The other is to create some sense of that I did not have the foresight to pump up
for an event taking place on a Saturday record. He also knows that the weather is community, and maybe to start something my body with enough steroids to earn an-
morning that nobody cared about anyway? only one reason why Homecoming always of an annual tradition, something we can athletic scholarship to a school like Notre
I do not recall what happened the year falls on its face. Even if the sun shone like all look forward to." He has already lined Dame.
before, except I know it rained, and I do the sun shines in Acapulco, most students up support from a rather impressive array It might actually be pretty neat to see
not recall the year before that, except I would not touch Homecoming with of organizations, each of whom have what real school spirit looks like, so even
know it rained, and before that I think someone else's ten foot pole simply agreed to march. This includes a passel of though I am not usually the type to get all
Homecoming was still Fallfest, it rained. It because they do not give a damn. He puts it fraternities and sororities, the Stony Brook gushy about homecoming-ish events, I
always rains for Homecoming. It always more diplomatically than that, of course. Child Care Center, and various Quad would still like to see things work out this
rained for Fallfest. Last year, it rained so The particular spark that he is Councils, the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual- year. The rain has gotten to be a bit of a
much that the drainage sump next to Kelly responsible for is the "Banner Parade," a Alliance, the football team and the bore.

overflowed and washed out the Long novel feature in the Homecoming agenda. Kickline, and RHA has alerted each

A Failure of 'Paramount'
with Bob Beakman
Then again, a case of Piels fills me with awe, as well as The Czar's evil mind play drives home a deeper, more
\ hen I was young, the only thing more vile
than the flavor of Robitussin, was any
other neat organic feelings. What is truly amazing though,
was that not only was I there, but so was Barry Manilow,
hard hitting message-"you must sing along with Barry
Manilow."-A seemingly harmless act, yet a cause for fear.
television special starring the Mandrell sisters. In fact, performing that is. Mr. Manilow (who has released an I thought I had seen some amazing fights in the blue seats
most of those Bob Hope-esque specials were in no way, album of show tunes, nothing but show tunes), though a at Madison Garden during Ranger games, but I was
shape, or form entertaining. At the time, I believed only delicate fellow, is not high on my list of pop greats. In wrong. The melees that ensued over the battle to sing
eighty year-old people could be entertained by shows of fact, under ordinary circumstances I would rather hear my along with Barry were rivaled only by World War II in
the like, yet for reasons unknown, my mother felt dog howl. Still, I felt compelled to be there. Was this a magnitude. The most genetically deficient mammals on
obligated to watch every one ever produced. Always, it romantic maneuver to make myself look like a caring the face of the planet were fighting about fa la la'ing with
would be the same; mother would spew an array of softie in my girlfriend's eyes???? I think not. I would the king of the twinkle toes club of America. This is cause
comments centering around how the stars looks have have to say that this was a direct result of my exposure to for alarm. When 5,000 screaming menopausal women
grown nearer death since the last gala special. I never the evil work of Norman, the variety show czar. He coalesce (aside from there being a tremendous collection
imagined that other than nausea, would there be any long bombards young minds with subliminal and not so of gelatinous flesh) we are presented an unruly force to be
lasting effects of my exposure to this atrocity. subliminal messages aimed at making us believe that we reckoned with. Just remember, the next time you are
This brings me to the other night. I found myself sitting are destined to endure life on this pig pen of a planet long forced to choose between Metallica and Wayne Newton,
in the newly renovated Paramount theater. A truly enough to turn into George Burns. It doesn't end here moshing might be safer.
beautiful new place, the Paramount filled me with awe. though.

October 14, 1991 page 9




by Paul Kangas businessmen, led by a wealthy group of
personal friend of Bush." force the government to release the records named John Kennedy. It would be an easy reveals that Nixon always used code words Barker and Rafael Quintero.Quintero has and seen by 15 witnesses. But the media
A newly discovered FBI document reveals Then "officially" Rodriguez claims he quit about the Bay of Pigs invasion. Why are businessmen, led by Preston Bush, the father victory for Nixon. The polls had Nixon when talking about the 1963 murder of aid publicly that if he ever told what he turned a blind eye to photos, and for 25
that George Bush was directly involved in the CIA in 1976, just after he was sent to those documents still secret ? Why are they of George Bush. They wanted a young winning by a landslide. Besides, Kennedy JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always knew about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, "It years the world has been searching for the
the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. prison for his role in the Watergate burglary. locked in the National Archives along with malleable candidate to run for Congress. was a Catholic, and Americans would no refer to the assassination as "the Bay of would be the biggest scandal ever to rock truth. On the day JFK was murdered,
The document places Bush working with the However, according to Rolling Stone all the photos from [ the ] Dallas Nixon applied for the position and won the more elect a Catholic president than they Pigs." the nation." Nixon, Hunt, and some of the Watergate
now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, reporters Kohn and Monks ( 11/3/88 ), assassination of JFK ? Why are the 4000 job. Nixon became a mouthpiece for the would elect a woman, a black or a jew. On that transcript we find Nixon Meanwhile, in 1960, Preston Bush was crew were photographed in Dallas, as were
recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the Rodriguez still goes to CIA headquarters5rs hours of Watergate tapes in which Nixon is Bush group. ( Source: Freedom Magazine, This was 1959. discussing the role of George Bush's
1986, L.F. Prouty ). In fact, Preston Bush is running Nixon's campaign. Nixon was sent a group of Cubans, one holding an
invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to monthly to receive assignments and have his babbling about the mysterious connections Nixon told Pepsi, Standard Oil, and other partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the to South Vietnam to assure the French- umbrella up, like a signal, next to the
organize the Cuban community in Miami for blue 1987 bulletproof Cadillac serviced. between the Bay of Pigs, Dallas and credited with creating the winning ticket of corporations who lost property given back Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes connection government there that if France President's limo just as Kennedy was shot.
the invasion. The Cubans were trained as Rodriguez was asked by a Rolling Stone Watergate also being sealed in the National Eisenhower-Nixon in 1952. ( Source: to farmers of Cuba, that if they would help Nixon keeps referring to the "Cubans" and pulled out, the U.S. would step in to protect The Cubans can be seen holding up the
marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time reporter where he was the day JFK was shot, Archives ? Is it because all three incidents George Bush, F. Green, Hipocrene, 1988). him win, he would authorize an invasion to the "Texans." The "Texans" were Bush, the the drug trade from the Golden signal umbrella in the Zapruder film and
lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to and claims he can't remember. are connected ? Yes. We must demand the Newly discovered FBI documents prove remove Castro. To further impress Mosbacher, and Baker. This is another link Triangle. (Source: Frontline, 1988, "Guns, dozens of stills taken during the
Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 George Bush claims he never worked for secret files on these 3 cases be released now. that Jack Ruby has been an employee of contributors to his campaign, then Vice between Bush and evidence linking Nixon Drugs, and the CIA,"; Alexander assassination. After the murder they can be
recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion. the CIA until he was appointed director by For a copy of the petition to release the files, Richard Nixon since 1947. That that [sic] President Nixon asked the CIA to create and Bush to the Kennedy assassination. Cockburn. "Cocaine, the CIA and Air seen calmly walking away.
That is how he met Felix Rodriguez. President Jerry Ford, in 1976. Logic please write to : Paul Kangas, private FBI document Ruby is listed as working as a Operation 40, a secret plan to invade Cuba, in the same discussion Nixon links "the
You may remember Rodriguez as the Iran- suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, " "*1um
%-U iaiiL , LJI
America,"SAN FRANCISCO Examiner,
Fed. 2,1991)
Nixon denied he was in Dallas that day,
but new photos and stories could prove he
contra CIA agent who received the first Bush has a company duty to deny being in Texans," "Helms," In 1959, Vice President Nixon was flying was there. Nixon claimed to the FBI he
phone call telling the world the CIA plane the CIA./ The CIA is a secret organization. "Hunt," "Bernard all over the world acting just like couldn't remember where he was when
flown by Gene Hasenfus had crashed in No one ever admits to being a member. The Baker," Robert presidential material. It was an easy race JFK was killed. ( Source: FBI memo, Fed.
Nicaragua. As soon as Rodriguez heard the truth is that Bush has been a top CIA official "Mosbacher" and for Nixon. Congressman Jerry Ford was 23,1964, published in Coup d'etat in
plane had crashed, he called his long time since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, "the Bay of the doing a great job fundraising for Nixon. America, Weberman & Canfield ). Bush,
CIA supervisor, George Bush. Bush denied working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may Pigs." Over and The media picked up every bone Nixon too, claims he can't remember where he
being in the contra loop, but investigators deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but over on the tossed out to them. The biggest problem was. Jack Anderson did a TV special in
recently obtained copies of Oliver North's there are records in the files of Rodriguez Watergate tapes, was that Nixon was afraid to speak openly 1988 proving beyond any shadow of doubt
diary, which documents Bush's role as a and others involved in the Bay of Pigs these names come of his plan to invade Cuba. The plan was a that two of the tramps arrested in Dallas
CIA supervisor of the contra supply invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role. up around secret. No sense in alerting Cuba to the behind the grassy knoll were Hunt and
network. The corporations would not put somebody in discussion of the coming invasion. But Kennedy was taking Sturgis.
In 1988 Bush told Congress he knew charge of all the state secrets held by the photos from Dallas a harder line on Cuba than Nixon, because After the murder, former Vice President
nothing about the illegal supply flights until CIA unless he was experienced and well that Nixon was Kennedy was not aware of the Nixon asked President Lyndon Johnson to
1987, yet North's diary shows Bush at the trained in the CIA. ( Source : Project trying to obtain corporate?CIA planned invasion. appoint Nixon's friend, former FBI agent
first planning meeting August. 6,1985. Censored Report, Fed 1989, Dr. Carl Jensen, when he ordered Nixon lost the 1960 race by the smallest Jerry Ford, to run the Warren Commission.
Bush's "official" log placed him somewhere Sonoma State College ). the CIA to margin in history. At first Bush, Nixon, Nixon also asked LBJ to appoint Nixon's
else. Such double sets of logs are intended to Recently I interviewed former CIA liaison burglarize the Cabel, and Hunt decided to just go ahead long-time supporter, Judge Earl Warren, to
hide Bush's real role in the CIA; to provide officer L. Fletcher Prouty. He is a consultant Watergate. ( with the invasion with out informing lead the Commission. LBJ agreed. Ford
him with "plausible deniability." The for the excellent new movie on how the CIA Source: Three men President Kennedy. Then, at the last interviewed all the witnesses and decided
problem is, it fell apart because too many killed JFK, being made by Oliver Stone. He and a Barge", second, 4 a.m., just two hours before the which ones would be heard and which ones
people, like North and Rodriguez, have kept told me that one of the projects he did for the Teresa Riordan, invasion was set to go, General Cabel eliminated. It is no coincidence that Nixon
records that show Bush's CIA role back to CIA was in 1961 to deliver US Navy ships Common Cause called Kennedy and asked for permission selected Ford as his Vice President after
the 1961 invasion of Cuba. ( Source: The from a Navy ship yard to the CIA agents in magazine. to provide for U.S. air cover for the CIA Spiro Agnew was ousted. When Nixon
Washington Post, 7/10/91 ). Guatemala planning the invasion of Cuba March/April 1990 invasion. Kennedy said no. himself got busted in the Watergate
That is exactly how evidence was He said he delivered three ships to a CIA and San Francisco The CIA was furious with jfk but decided scandal, Earl Warren offered to set up a
uncovered placing George Bush working agent named George Bush, who had the 3 Chronicle, May to go ahead with their private invasion special commission if it would help get
with Felix Rodriguez when JFK was killed. ships painted to look like they were civilian 7,1977, interview anyway. Due to poor intelligence, the CIA him out of trouble again. Ford, of course,
A memo from FBI head J. Edgar Hoover ships. The CIA agent then named the 3 ships with Frank Sturgis landed at the worst possible beach. A pardoned Nixon for the Watergate burglary
was found stating'that, "Mr. George Bush of : Barbara, Houston, and Zapata. Any book in which he stated swamp. The invasion failed. The CIA lost but Nixon is still not out of the woods.
the CIA had been briefed on November 23, on the history of the Bay of Pigs will prove that "the reason we 15 of its best men, killed, with another There are 4000 hours of Watergate tape.
1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban the names of those three ships. Again, this is burglarized the 1100 in Cuban prisons. ( Source: F.Howard On June 23, 1972, discussions with John
exiles in Miami to the assassination of more finger prints of George Bush's Watergate was Hunt, Give Us This Day.) Ehrlichman and Haldeman there is clear
President Kennedy. ( Source : The Nation, involvement in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Yet because Nixon Bush, Nixon, and Hunt blamed Cabel for evidence that Nixon is "confessing" to
8/13/88). Bush denies his role in this great adventure. investigator, POB 422622, SAN spy and hit man for Nixon. On Novembel just as soon as he won. was interested in stopping news leaking asking Kennedy and blamed Kennedy for hiring Hunt to kill JFK. That is why the
On the day of the assassination Bush was Why would Bush be so shy about his role in FRANCISCO, Ca 94142. Thanks to Oliver 22, 1963 Ruby was seen by a woman who The CIA put Texas millionaire and CIa related to the photos of our role in the saying no. They were livid with anger. Watergate "investigation" went into secret
in Texas, but he denies knowing exactly this war ? What is the secret ? Is there Stone's blockbuster new film on JFK there knew him well, Julian Ann Mercer, agent George Bush in charge of recruiting assassination of President John Kennedy.") Nixon's corporate sponsors ordered JFK to session after Congress heard some of the
where he was. Since he had been the something dirty about this war that Bush and is now sufficient national movement to approximately an hour before the arrival of Cuban exiles into the CIA's invasion army. After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, make any deal necessary to recover the tapes. This is why only 12 hours of 4000
supervisor for the secret Cuban teams, Nixon don't want the public to know ? reopen all these cases. The White House JFK's motorcade, unloading a man carrying Bush was working with another Texas he knew he had to centralize all power into 1100 CIA agents imprisoned in Cuba. JFK hours have been released to the public.
headed by former Cuban police commander Answer : Yes there is. The same people fears Stone's new movie so much that they a rifle in a case at the Grassy Knoll from his oilman, Jack Crichton, to help him with the the White House to keep his faction in did. Once the CIA had its well trained Did Congress realize that Nixon and
Felix Rodriguez, since 1960, it is likely involved in the Bay of Pigs were the people have hired more CIA journalists to slander car. Ruby later seen on national TV killing a invasion. A fellow Texan, Air Force power, not only to hold power, but to CUbans back, they decided to continue the Bush had openly discussed killing JFK for
Bush was also in Dallas the movie and Stone. witness who could link Nixon and Bush to General Charles Cabel, was asked to prevent the media from digging into how invasion of Cuba just as soon as they could stopping the air cover for the Bay of Pigs
in 1963. Several of the SDon't fall for it. the killing of JFK: Oswald. (On the Trail of coordinate the air cover for the invasion. he secretly shot his way into the White get rid of that S.O.B. Kennedy. invasion of Cuba ? Remember, Nixon
Cubans he was
supervising as dirty-tricks public ever realizes how
"'if the Every
Assassins, Garrison, p xiii ).
Richard Nixon was Vice President from
Most of the CIA leadership around the
invasion seems to have been people from
House, just like Hitler shot his way into
control of Germany. The first thing Nixon
The 1964 election was fast approaching.
Nixon was running again. Bush, Ford, and
taped virtually every discussion he had
with anyone in his inner circle, including
teams for Nixon, were Nixo agrees that Oswald 1952 until 1960. In fact, Nixon was given Texas. A whole Texan branch of the CIA is did was to demand signed resignations of Nixon knew they had to rid of JFK now, or Bush, in order to blackmail people later.
photographed in the i o Inand Bush shot their way did not shoot JFK. credit for planning Operation 40, the secret based in the oil business. If we trace Bush's his entire government. "Eliminate else the Kennedy clan, with Robert and There is a photo of Bush reporting to
Zagruder film. In
N spark That James Earl Ray 1961 invasion of Cuba, during his 1959 background in the Texas oil business we everyone," he told John Ehrlichman about Ted in the wings, could control the White Nixon in the White House in 1968. It will
In 1959 Rodriguez was into pc )mwer it could set offSsp rk did not shoot Dr. campaign for President. After Batista was discover his two partners in the oil-barge reappointment, "except George Bush. Bush House until 1984. They decided not to wait be interesting to see what they were talking
a top cop in the Cuban t - Martin Luther King kicked out by the starving people of Cuba, leasing business: Texan Robert Mosbacher will do anything for our cause." (Source: until '84 to get back in the White House. about on that day, when the full 4000 hours
government under that wi ould destroy their fr 3 Ile and that Sirhan and Fidel Castro came to power, Castro and Texan James Baker. Mosbacher is now Pledging Allegiance, Sidney Blumenthal.) The Cuban teams of "shooters" began are finally released. The key to unlocking
Batista. When Batista r uv Sirhan did not shoot began telling American corporations they Secretary of Commerce and Baker is The reason why Bush will "do anything" following Kennedy from city to city the secrets behind the 1963 murder of JFK
was overthrown and fled fraudC ?nd land them in jail Robert Kennedy. would have to pay Cuban employees Secretary of State, the same job Dulles is looking for a window of opportunity to is hidden in 3988 hours of unreleased
to Miami, Rodriguez These cases must be decent wages. Even worse, Pepsi Cola was held when JFK was killed. ( Source: because his hands have as much of shoot from. They came close in Chicago, White House tapes.
went with him, along reopened so that told it would now have to pay world market Common Cause magazine, 3/4/90 ). Kennedy's blood on the as do Nixon's, but couldn't get the cooperation of Mayo Bush was in Dallas the day Reagan was
with Frank Sturgis and , Sirhan and Ray can prices for world sugar. On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, Hunt's, Sturgis's, Felix Rodriguez's, and Daley. shot. ( Source: George Bush, F. Green,
Rafeal Quintero. be set free. The only Pepsi, Ford Motor Co., Standard Cil and referred to in the media as the "smoking Gerald Ford's. This White House gang But in Dallas they had an ace. The mayor 1988.) That must have been a flashback to
Officially, Rodriguez didn't join the CIA iinvolved in the Watergate burglary. Why bar that keeps Sirhan in prison is the Mafia drug dealers decided Fidel had to be gun" conversation, Nixon and his Chief of fears that if the public ever realizes how was the brother of General Cabel, whom November 22, 1963.
until 1967, after the CIA invasion of Cuba, was the Watergate burglarized ? The CIA tremendous anti-arab racism in Americans : removed since his policies of requiring Staff, H.R. Haldeman, discussed how to they shot their way into power it could set the CIA blamed for the failure of the
in which he participated, and the ,was trying to plug up a possible news leak. in both blacks and whites. corporations to pay market wages was stop the FBI investigation into the CIA off a spark that would destroy their fragile invasion. The general prevailed on his THE ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN By PAUL
assassination of JFK. But records recently They were trying to stop the Democrats According to a biography of Richard hurting their profits. So the corporation Watergate burglary. They were worried fraud and land them in jail. brother, Earl, and the motorcade was KANGAS FOR THE REALIST.
uncovered show he actually joined the CIA 1from publishing the photos of Hunt and Nixon, his close personal and political ties asked then Vice President Nixon to remove that the investigation would expose their Other famous Watergate members of the changed to pass the grassy knoll at 7 m.p.h. The views, representedin this article are
in 1961 for the invasion of Cuba when he % Sturgis under arrest for the murder of JFK. with the Bush family go back to 1941 when Fidel. Nixon promised he would, just as connection to "the Bay of Pigs thing." CIA invasion that Bush recruited were Hunt and Sturgis shot JFK from the grassy solely those of the aurthor,and do not
Nixon claims he read an ad in an LA soon as he'd won the 1960 elections against Haldeman, in his book The Ends of Power, Frank Sturgis, E. Howard HUnt, Bernard knoll. They were arrested, photographed, necessarilyrepresent the opinions of the
was recruited by George Bush. That is how ]May 7, 1977, SAN FRANCISCO Chronicle.
Presently, there is a law suit attempting to newspaper, placed by a wealthy group of some underdog, an unknown Democrat stony Brook Pressor it's editorialstaff.
Rodriguez claims he became a "close
October 14, 1991 page 11
The Stony Brook Press page 10
The Stony Brook Press
John Sealy
October 14th is a day of celebration to less than 40 men." This was Columbus' appalling by the Europeans, especially the
many in this country. There are the attitude. He came here with one mission - Church ( but who can blame them, imagine Managing Editor
Dave Suarez
Columbus Day parades and sales, the plays to conquer everything, the people, the land, bathing everyday.) There was also the
in grammar schools all over the country, the resources, basically whatever he could European introduced idea of male Associate Editor
and the general remembrance and get his grubby little fingers on. This voyage domination of women. Although we tend Shari Nezami
commemoration of our hero Columbus. was based on the psychological and to think of the European conquests as men Business Manager
Yet there are those few individuals in our commercial needs of Europe to expand conquering men, we have failed to take Jeff Alter
society who, in these times of gay NOT to figure out whether the world was into account the assault of European men
News Editor
merriment, understand the truth about this flat or round, or to get spices. Let's be on native women, native women have long Josh Gazes
day and the man to whom it is dedicated. serious would you travel halfway across been portrayed as sensual, overly sexed
Many of these individuals are the native the world for some oregano ? The mere women, running around naked, just waiting Arts Editor
Americans whose lives were destroyed by notion that most Europeans even believed for a white man to come and have sex with
Columbus and other "explorers." in 1492 that the world was flat is an them. The reality however, of the plight of Copy Editor
native women has been one of rape, Joe DiStefano
The myth surrounding Columbus' outrageous lie. Historical facts imply that
discovery of the Americas begins with just while the this was the official view of the violence, and continued oppression under Photo Editor
that, his "discovery." Columbus did not Church, most Europeans knew that the European rule. Rape and forced Greg Forte
discover America, in the first place there world was round ! This takes us back to the cohabitation were not a consequence of Production
were people here already. To say that point that this voyage was set upon to lack of European women, but rather a show Jerry Garcia
Columbus discovered America in 1492 is fulfill the European need for exploitation of of arrogance, a way to demean the native
Paste Up
equivalent to saying that Spain was new peoples and resources. This was the woman, to show her who's boss. Very Robert V. Gilheany
discovered in 218 B.C. by the Roman motivation of Columbus and the other often, the clergy would force native women
legions. Furthermore, it is a known fact conquerors, to conquer. into bed with them under the pretext of
that the Vikings had landed in North It is estimated that when Columbus saving their souls, of course this was just STAFF
Bob Beakman, Valerie'Berke, Walter Chavez,
America at least 200 years prior to finally landed on this hemisphere there part of the process of "civilizing" the Daniel Glasner, Fred Mayer, Laura
Columbus. According to Ivan Van Sertima were as many as 75 million native natives. Rosenberger, Robert Rothenburg, Jean
in They Came Before Columbus there is Americans here. Within a century the The list of atrocities against native people Rousseau, Trepp, Scott Warmuth
documented evidence that Africans had majority of this population had been on this hemisphere is so long and so bloody
been here since 700 B.C. and influences of murdered. The conquest of the Americas that if the Press dedicated an entire year, The Stony Brook Press is published bi-weekly during
the Academic year and intermittently during the sumner
African culture and civilization can be seen stretched further than just a question of nay decade, of issues to covering this session by The Stony Brook Press Inc., a student run
in native American agriculture, technology, territorial sovereignty. The Europeans tragedy, all the stories could not be told, all and student funded not-for-profit corporation. Advertising
policy does not necessarily reflect editorial policy.
and some languages. wished to, once and for all, get rid of the the horror could not be written. The mere
So, now that we know Columbus didn't savages. The initial problem of European fact that we dare to celebrate the man who (516) 632-6451
Sute 020, Central Hal
discover America, let's take a look at the "exploration" and "settlement" was that of started the "American Holocaust" simply SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2790
man we are all so ready to call "our hero." a clash of two incompatible cultures. While shows the continuing arrogance and feeling
In some of Columbus' earliest writings in
memoirs and letters he speaks of the
natives he encountered. He describes them
as peaceful people who have weapons but
cannot comprehend the idea of using them
to hurt other human beings, he goes on to
European culture was based on domination
by the male upper-class, many native
American tribes, including the Iroquois and
the Guarani, elected their chiefs in open
meetings where men and women voted as
equals. This practice along with others
of sick superiority that we still hold when
dealing with native Americans. We can no
longer allow this "celebration" to continue,
this day should be looked upon as a day to
celebrate the heritage of the native people,
a day for us, as human beings, to remember
better way to honor the Indians, the first
comment that "I feel certain that we could such as bathing every day and permitting the environment, the animals, and the other
enslave the entire Island with an army of homosexuality were found absolutely humans we share this Earth with.there is no
Therefore, the previous assumption is any of us with reasonable minds supposed Why don't we broaden affirmative action
Affirmative Action wrong. But for people who believe such an
assumption, think about this. If a minority
to believe employers and schools would
accept minorities without affirmative
mandates to include people with limited
financial security too ?
To Everyohe: is unqualified, is there not a need then for action mandates ? The past record of To terminate affirmative action is to
affirmative action programs to qualify acceptance is absolutely deplorable. I also close our eyes to the past and the present.
What is it about affirmative action that them ? Any way you analyze the do not see too many places going beyond For it is only when we allow everyone the
makes so many of us have such strong argument, it comes down to being a the minimal number of affirmative action right to exist together fairly and equally
feelings about it ? hypocrite unto itself. mandates now. I would call these labeled will true equality come into being. The
Assailants of affirmative action condemn Now let's talk about this quota thing. Are quotas instead a balance of equality for all. minority and the majority are both entitled
it as establishing quotas; and of to this equality. As a society we need to
discriminating against the majority. I have remember where we've been, where we are
even had friends of mine try to convince and where we want to go.
me of this by stating that "people more rsE-natE mjsw^-^mwiZi+- _ Christopher Martin Caro
qualified and intelligent are overlooked in
preference for minorities, in order to fulfill 199112827B0T U 1992 229BH3IB(H)
quotas." This statement directly suggests SBART b
Z 3t ( l El
Irf- A 8%
-L P9
A60 t O
S 033Z r, 9nM i 1 0 s
9AV a Z .' If,
3zOik o*11 * join the press!
that affirmative action recipients are Stz t9-t- - R otM,4a t
ý4ý=p 9 t
unqualified, and are not as intelligent as the S t: a -A-jx = i& 6f .0L :t+ 3-"*-e
P /,
majority ( usually white males ). For a
second let's assume that's true. Why 28
10 -1 i -> i
l-T t

K "

OTA meeting every
would a so-called minority person be less
qualified or intelligent than a so called
-t 08
L9 9
5 4
•t |
monday night
majority person ? Could it be present
discrimination making them unqualified ? ft a^ 1 t 12»
W <T(T rn a m
at 8:00 pm.
in room 042 of
21 1
Could it be self induced ? Could it be the iz iL, m3
eA ' 1Ha T"
2 kO a ^ d' 4
a ;t .-

way our society and government has

treated minorities amongst us, hundreds of
years of slavery, decades of segregation,
countless lynchings and violent acts,
immigration restriction laws;containment
camps during WWII for Japanese-US

fAzTATh ^
, iga-ijnit
-a»A n
ff. 89ZA$ff^^?;±T-c
*ttn= i-t
it -t) ffli£ges aTat n
TEL 1 800-537 2186 (Toll Free Dial)
TEL 0800-89-5404 (Toll Free Dial)
citizens, or the dispersal and genocide of
countless native American societies ? What

, renes),

^ iA*^flt

(~ - 9:00 A.M.-5:30P.M. B*"lM)
tL,-?-i---U.S.A. New YorkOffice titf/;IJII
7 )'JJt-•-y,:b TEL 1-800-344-7241 (Toll Free Dial)
Wear old
do you think ?
I have met an innumerable number of
students here at students here at Stony
- aL^t a
(f-• 9:00A.M.-5:00P.M. N.Y. Time)

Brook who are capably qualified people.

The Stony Brook Press page 12



395 years. Then, as part of the Emancipation for the higher training of the Negro. A few years later,
By John DeCosta
Proclamation, Lincoln told the freed slaves they were to be Plessy vs. Ferguson became "law." (See: The Souls of
The Constitution says, "We hold these truths to be self- given 40 acres and a mule, which they never got because Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois Ph.D). This 1895 Booker
evident that all men are created equal." Self-evident is the the politicians at the time would not go to his buddy, the T. speech at an Atlanta Exposition (in Up From Slavery )
basis for the principle of natural law. Clarence Thomas land owner, to divide his land between slaves whose free gave him clout and many donations to the Tuskegee
embraces this law and is only part of a backwards trend of labor had kept him rich. All African-Americans do not yet Institute, that grew, producing many black teachers in the
niddle-class blacks who are blowing along with the have Clarence Thomas "nmeri•" erough Ph.D. degrees or South, b ut wit him "higher" education was not necessary.
establishment. Booker T. Washington_ Clarence
Before Judge Thomas, the main Thomas and Michael Williams were
champions of the Aristotelian doctrine of not appointed and approved of by
"natural law," have been slave holders, African-Americans. They were
racists, fascists, and Nazis. For example, appointed and approved of by white
before and after Reconstruction (1865-76) Americans to represent African-
white supremacist argued that in the natural Americans (you see the problem.) The
arrangement of things, blacks were innately intellectual genius WEB DuBois,
inferior because God had made them simpler though born and bread among upper
and more bestial. The old slave masters were class whites, was not of the same
fond of quoting the Bible as evidence of opinion as these. He did not 'sell out'
God's approval of slavery. In the 1857 Dred on his own race like Judge Thomas.
Scott vs. Sanford case, Scott, a slave, was Using a real judge, and his only witness
found not to possess the civil rights that other Albert Einstein, the United States
citizens enjoyed. Again in 1896, in Plessy vs. government lost a case against DuBois
Ferguson, the court reinforced the "separate whom, they claim was an unregistered
but equal" doctrine. This enforced segregation spy. DilBois' historical recordings, now
in public places and institutions and became classic texts, are the evidence for a
firmly entrenched in America for 50 years. need to struggle for unalienable rights.
Though Brown vs. Board of Education in No forty acres and a mule means no
1954 struck down the "separate but equal" economic equality for blacks- no true
doctrine as inherently unequal, we find representation in the Supreme Court or
ourselves today facing a regression into otherwise any political calibre, means
similar racist terrain in the Clarence Thomas nomination. other puffed up means because he knows it was illegal for no political power of constitutional equality.
When Judge Thomas says he is against "affirmative these enslaved people to know how to read and write (it This situation in America is reflective of apartheid
action," he is one of those helping to justify George would mean capital punishment). Besides, by some South Africa. The black people's land was taken away by
Bush's pen when he vetoes the 1990 Civil Rights Bill. The estimates, it has only been 100 years that blacks in legislation and kept away by President De Klerk's
North fought the South in the 19th century because America were permitted to have an education. Booker T. exploitative government, who have the military might to
freedom for slaves meant the South would lose their Washington, founder of the Tuskegee Institute, in effect maintain this suppression. Black politicians are put in jail,
economic basis. The North also wanted the industrial told the Negroes that they were wasting their time trying to and without purchasing power, affirmative action, or
revolution to spread wealth into these states. The Civil pursue a formal education ( the theory connected with a inclusion in South African social programs, inequality
Rights Movement of the 20th century was a continuation skill other than manual labor). Booker T also assured persists.
of the Civil War in principle because blacks in the 60's white businessmen and politicians that he would try to Clarence Thomas' almost-guaranteed appointment to the
remained underprivileged. Malcolm X and Martin King keep the freedman calm, putting a cap on the struggle for Supreme Court is a long planned Republican conspiracy.
were both shot fighting a white government who had self determination and equality. "In answer to this, it has He stymies the fight against racism, has divided the Black
equality for its own race but could not see it fit to bestow, been claimed that the Negro can survive only through Community, will try to reverse Roe v. Wade (he is a
not privileges, but rights to African-Americans. submission. Mr. Washington distinctly asked that people Christian,but it would be a blow to pro-choice women and
A black man, Michael Williams, the Vice-Secretary for to give up at least for the present time three things: first, the Democratic platform). He will cancel affirmative
Education, told George Bush that he should not use federal political power, second, insistence on Civil Rights, and action (equal opportunity for the disadvantage example -
money for minority scholarships. Every one knows why third, higher education of Negro youth. This helped in EOP, AIM etc....,) much of the civil rights legislation hard
minorities (blacks, women ...etc.) do not have money to result of the disenfranchisement of the Negro, the legal fought for to death by some, and he will drive home the
pay for education. Black enslaved people were broke, and creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority for the wishes of George Bush like a butler. He will surely do his
are broke today, because they did not get a pay check for Negro, and the steady withdrawal of aid from institutions job as an unappreciative, conservative - Republican fool.

LETTERS CONTINUED final price offer of $11,352; white women, means that the potential job pool for Chief Daryl F. Gates suggested that blacks
$11,504; black men, $11,783; and black whites has decreased. and Latinos, "instead of white officers",
women, $12,237. Affirmative action programs have forced sent many of the racist messages.
THE NEW RACISM In the workplace, most white males police departments to hire and promote But the best evidence which the typical
Because of affirmative action and civil- behave publicly in a manner which is race- thousands of minorities and women, black working class woman or man
neutral. Virtually no one openly calls partially in an attempt to respond to the perceives about the pervasiveness of white
rights reforms, nearly all whites follow a
hypocritical racial "etiquette" in the African-American employees or changing urban demographics of race. But privilege is found in daily life. When inner
supervisors "niggers." But millions of many whites have never reconciled city blacks or Latinos return home from
presence of Blacks, which disappears
whenever they are only among whites harbor deep resentment against themselves to these policy changes, which work in the downtown district, they watch
themselves. This is the basic premise of black and Latino co-workers, who they they perceive as an erosion of "standards" the striking changes in the allocation of
the new film "True Identity", in which a believe have been unfairly advanced and and professionalism. This anger and commuter buses and trains, which shuttle
receive excessively high wages due to alienation is projected on black and Latino upper class whites in comfort to their
black man who dons white make-up
discovers that whites act differently with affminative action and equal opportunity citizens, who are generally assumed to be suburban enclaves. They feel the actual
programs. In one recent survey of several guilty rather than innocent in any worthlessness which the white
each other.
There's abundant evidence supporting thousand white males corporate confrontation situation. For example, a establishment perceives them, when
employees, only ten percent expressed the public commission reviewing the Los waiting for grafitti-scarred, filthy trains in
this thesis. Earlier this year, a study of the
American Bar Association, published in opinion that "women were getting too Angeles Police Department reported urine-stenched stations. They feel the
much help" through affirmative action. several months ago that it found over anger held in check, when they see crack
the Harvard Law Review, indicated that
But fifty percent stated that blacks and seven hundred racist, homophobic, and cocaine merchants at their street comers,
car dealers charge African-Americans and
women higher prices than white males. Hispanics unfairly gained "too much" of sexist remarks typed by officers into the while police cars casually drive by, doing
an advantage by affirmative action. department's car communications system nothing. Everything in daily life tells them
Male and female researchers, black and
Conversely, fifty-five percent of all Latino over the previous eighteen months. that, to those with power and wealth
white, presented themselves as "middle-
and black employees polled stated that Typical of the statements included: within the system, African-American life,
class car shoppers" at ninety metropolitan
"too little was being done for them" "Sounds like monkey-slapping time"; and property, beliefs and aspirations mean
Chicago car dealerships. They used
through corporate affirmative action "I would love to drive down Slauson", a nothing.
identical negotiation styles, and bartered
efforts. Many whites perceive the presence street in a black neighborhood, "with a
for an automobile which had a price list of
of people of color in their workplace as a flamethrower. We would have a Dr. Manning Marble is Professorof
$11,000. The car dealers' offers to the
"zero-sum game"; the additional barbecue." When challenged with these PoliticalScience and History, at the
consumers followed pattern of gender and
appointment of any single black person examples of police bigotry, Los Angeles University of Colorado,Boulder.
racial inequity. White males received a
October 14, 1991 pagle 1
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I,I I· I I I I· I · I I_ _______VIEWPOINT
READING UP ON JEFFRIES world? Is our view accurate & reflective of all that the
world actually comprises? Ours is a sad state of being
by Dr. Louis Rivera of one lawyer (Jewish), one columnist (African refused full access to the real deal side of our genuine
humanity, our genuine worth, faults, warts, and all. Sadder
American), one editor (Euro-American), and one
If we estimate no less than 75% of the books in still is the fact that even Jeffries' defenders who do know
publisher (African American); and (3) so-called white
classrooms and major bookstore chains are published by their history have yet to critique both content and context
politicians (i.e., D'Amato and Cuomo) and academics,
less than 8% of all actual publishers in this country (i.e., of the Jeffries speech. The defenders have, on behalf of
along with the Jewish Defense League, criticized the
out of roughly 15,000 publishers, only 1,100 control the keeping things simple, minimized the fullest discussion
official recommendations for a new Curriculum of
market), and if it is understood that the 8% group is Inclusion we can have on both the Jeffries speech and the real issue
mostly owned by multinational corporations whose of a much needed and most accurate new curriculum. The
(for which committee Jeffries acted as a consultant) and
primary concern is controlling markets and profits (see argument goes that since Jeffries and the proposed
took strong opposition to Jeffries' July remarks while
West, the PassionatePerils of Publishing), and if we can curriculum are both under attack mostly by the ignorants,
African American students from CCNY organized in
agree that our intellect (our perspective) is shaped by the defense of Jeffries, both by way of his person and right to conservatives and reactionaries among us, the better
kind of information we receive (by the quality of our voice his views. action would seem to be to defend both, rather than cloud
experiences), then it would stand as given that a true Now here's the problem: either issue with accuracy.
minority of vested interests control, heavily influence the and here's where the trick comes in:
(1) none of the major media have really done anything
bulk and quality of information that goes into our near giving us an accurate evaluation of the content and (1) for the rest of us to depend on media representatives
thinking. the context of his speech. All of them, including Like It Is, who don't know what they're talking about borders on
By extension, then, it also stands that much of what we focused mostly on the supposed intent of but one aspect of intellectual suicide;
are likely to read, much of what we think and believe to (2) for all of us to be in a situation where the issue (in this
Jeffries' speech: the part that was obviously in reference
be true is actually shaped, even manipulated, by those to rich Jews'; (2) though all the major mediaNew York case, what and how Jeffries says it) takes Priority over the
(a curriculum that is honest) is distortional to.the
same vested interests. After all, both the word, controlling, Times, Newsday, Post, Lv. news, etc., jumped on the anti- principle
and the phrase, vested interests, mean just exactly what Jeffries wagon, not one has actually taken time to truth;
in mass media for the genuine
they imply(!): (a) that someone is in charge, is deciding genuinely critique his entire statement, much less to offer (3) for there to be no room
what quality of information will be offered; and (b) but a documentably balanced assessment of what he said; critique that could very well help us to clear away the
and racism and ignorance
mostly to make fast and vast profits which, in turn, keep instead, for the most part, the so-called white media rotgut stench of lies and poverty
that same someone, along with his heirs, in that same and illiteracy and our need for truth is socio-culturally
simply dissed both Jeffries and his speech (out of hand, as
position of power. genocidal. While throughout much of his speech Jeffries
they say) and, in accusing Jeffries of bigotry, they also
Since our minds (how we think, what we think) are dismissed the validity of both the Report for a Curriculum does make historically solid points that can be easily
his tendency to toss needless salt on a solid body
shaped by what we experience (and read and believe of Inclusion and any other genuinely African point of verified,
we've learned), then we need to understand that how a view or interpretation of history that might follow; [Mind of pepper here and there takes away from his own
book gets to us is just as open to question, just as subject strength. His use of questionable (let's blame it all on
you, now, if there is an European view of history, which is
to criticism, just as important to our mental and social what we are all expected to study, then there must also be melanin, not tribal greed that grew into racist imperialism)
health as our need to question and critique anything we or silly ("ice people vs. sun people") hypotheses merely
other ways to see that same -and other- history, which
are required to read. In short, we must be openly willing reflects a cynical ego that stops his intellect from growing
is what is meant by a Curriculum of Inclusion: taking
metaphors. In his speech, for example,
to question everything, even what we think is true, if for those other views and events -Asian, Latin American, beyond his focused
no other reason than the fact that the way we get books Caribbean, and African--equally into account, male and you can count the several times he uses the
"rich Jew, but only once does he take time out to name the
and information is actually manipulated by a small female alike.] (3) only a few African-American politicians
other metaphoric culprits, i.e., Muslims and Catholics and
number of people who own and therefore control the here and some of the students at CCNY have been wise
Protestants (he omits Quakers); in so doing, he leaves the
production and dissemination of books (ideas). In other enough to ask for a public debate on the content of the
own argument open to hostile and
words, we are all objects of propaganda (the Jeffries speech; (4) except for Bill Tatum (Amsterdam solid parts of his
narrow criticism. At times he can sound more vindictive
dissemination of information, facts, aspirations, rumors, News), most of those who have been commenting on the
when he is on solid footing
individual perspectives and out-and-out lies). Jeffries controversy sounded as if they know absolutely than scholarly, particularly
(when he knows what he is talking about); his way of
The more we each read the better each of us grow in our little about history, outside of some awfully "white"
wording takes advantage of that fact, which, in turn,
capacity to avoid the con, to fully understand how and disinterpreted tidbits of what the European has done to
the uncreatively leads his sense of phrasing into other places.
why and when we are being lied to, manipulated, directed, (excuse me, for) the rest of us; in other words, most of
But these are personality traits and minor forms of
enlightened or inspired. folks we've been hearing from ain't studied enough to be attitude and style you'll find among the clearest majority
Most of what I read, I evaluate on several levels: (a) the in a position to critique what Jeffries did say. The real
undereducated Eurocentric
content, meaning the experience that is being reflected; difference between Jeffries and his detractors is that he of the "white and sorely
faculty to whom we entrust the education of our
(b) the context, meaning the historical point of accuracy has read a few books! The little bit that his detractors may
look! Does anybody rich really want us
and the social setting being reflected; (c) the craft, have read, based upon their comments, is only that which children. I mean,
to know the pain of human truth? Can anybody poor
meaning how well the writer handlesIlanguage; (d) the the manipulating pimps of the publishing world have
genuinely learn it?
intent, meaning the why of it, as in what and where it is pushed as the truth (that Eurocentric or so-called "white
You see, developing your style, like reading, like
the writer leads me to see-consider-accept. In isolating point of view).
teaching, like the
and carefully critiquing these four elements (content, But check out, God, Jews and History, for beginners,
right to speak what is on your mind, carries a
context, craft, intent), I am best able to accurately judge where you can't help but note that during the beginning of
corresponding sense of responsibility which we must all
the usefulness and relevance and beauty and reasons European involvement in the slave trade, most Christians
learn to embrace, and, like it or not, seems to take too
behind whatever I am reading. There are reasons for and still thought it against religious principles to be directly
many people here (most professors included) years to
agendas in every point of view. There's a grain of truth engaged in banking; many of them wouldn't permit
fully understand, much less to implement improvements
and lie and limitation inside every book, as it is in every Muslim merchants to practice banking in Europe, so they
upon. I read and teach and write because I care to know
event. After all, the only difference between writer and left the problem of finance capital, or money lending (go
and share as best as I can exactly what happened. That is
reader is the fact that there is a book between them. research Mercantilism) up to the few rich Jewish
my reason for reading and for insisting that you too do
Take the latest Leonard Jeffries controversy, for merchant-traders among them to serve as front men for
your own reading: to keep abreast of what really happened
example. Professor Jeffries, Chair of the Black Studies financing, among other things, overseas trading ventures,
in order to protect our spirits from falling for both the
Department at CCNY, had participated in a cultural which means the slave trade; and whenever those few rich
distortions that keep racism alive and the con-games that
program up in Albany, last July, where he delivered a one Jews became too powerful or were owed too much
keep our mutual abuse of each other on the basis of class
hour speech. Since then, many of his remarks were taken money, those Christian authorities and silent partners
and caste and gender distinctions in perpetual motion,
out of context by would find a reason to strip those rich Jews of their wealth
even while the system we survive through is on the edge
most major media (beginning with and practically on a and debtor notes, which process eventually translated into
of bankruptcy.
daily basis, the New York Post) in order to (a) show us Christians openly becoming their own bankers, too -- key
Through the Jeffries controversy, we could make good use
how biased he is towards people of Jewish extraction; and points that Jeffries omits from his apparently
of televising public forums that would include all three
(b) by extension, downgrade the valid need for extemporaneous speech, and because his remarks were
elements at work: the two who are in contention now as
implementing a new Curriculum of Inclusion. off the cuff, he often relied on metaphors that made him
well as those who, like myself and other artists, reach
Once the Post got hot with its August push against both sound like he was picking on the ancestors of those
beyond the momentary issue into the principle of a
Jeffries and the newly proposed curriculum changes, who've picked on him; his detractors appear not to have
Curriculum with Integrity.
others responded: (1) New York Newsday, in between studied even their own (i.e., European) history; thus they
More importantly, however, is our need for a whole
columns and articles that for the most part appeared to react instead of respond. Many of them have yet to know
series of publicly televised forums around both history
condemn better. Consequently, when someone like Jeffries jumps
and education that must include the most excluded among
Jeffries, did finally run the entire text of his July speech, on their case, they don't know how to handle him. They
us: our cultural workers (poets, artists, dancers,
as did the can't argue against him intelligently; they can only call
musicians, etc.), people who have studied our history
pro-Jeffries Amsterdam News; (2) several Sunday news him names dismissively. But you cannot simply dismiss a
seriously because we take our vocation seriously;
programs joined in the fight on August 25th by focusing point of view without offering up solid argument, without
because we all need to offer ourselves & our youth in
their attention only on the anti-semitic charges that, on the giving the contended view some form of honest/concrete
school an honest and accurate accounting of our past,
surface, appeared inherent in Jeffries' remarks, with Gil evaluation. The really sad part about the Jeffries issue is
baring even the pain of it just like it lays without regards
Noble's Like It Is offering the most balanced discussion- that it is but a distraction from a greater issue: What is it
to manipulation.
to-date on this subject of bias with a panel that consisted that truly constitutes our perspective? How do we see the
October 14, 1991 page 15
I " -·I I i I I I _ __ , i II Ir - I

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LA A b


* *
October 14, w191 page 16
I·I a II · I , MIMIllll


we were treated to. Many in the tape, this time a pretty interesting percussion, from the hugest bass
Welcome to the musicians of audience giggled as the talented and sounding series of vocal tracks of drum, to concert toms, blocks, gongs
machinery. Welcome to the squeals, strikingly lovely Olga Gross tickled two physics majors discussing some and cymbals. But someone should
and whirrs of the talented people in the keys and mimicked Enrico's theorem or another and ending with a have reminded the composer of Cort
Stony Brook's machine music strangely manipulated voice in sample of the Simpson's theme Lippes words "...electronic music
program. The combination of accompaniment on the piano. A song. Will someone tell the world the should sound electronic...", which I
computer conductors who follow composition by Charles Dodge, this Simpson's just aren't funny feel it did not. Yet Mark Gibbons is a
strange cyberscores, MIDI violins piece gave a fresh new respectability anymore? Why not make computer genius and needs only to interface a
interacting with feelingless to the idea of sampling, and showed music out of Teenage Mutant Ninja bit more with the circuits of his
semiconductors, produce a synthesis how a little life can be breathed into Turtles, or Barbie? computer counterparts.
of humanity and electric noise. an old standard. The best was saved for last. All in all, I would have liked
If you were present at the The next selection called The audience may have noticed an to see more composition and original
Staller Center 7:00pm on Sunday, Featherhead , was also just a unobtrusive man in the corer of the work by members of the Music
you would have been welcomed- recording (why was so much of this auditorium who was mixing the Department. And what was with all
warmly? Perhaps, if computers are not live?), and was not as fresh of an sound for the show. That was Mark the tape? Surely, with the
warm, but somehow their human idea, but was compositionally Gibbons, the composer of the last technologies that the musical
counterparts made them warm, and interesting. The recording consisted piece occuring at some distance. He instrument industry has to offer,
the cool circuits came alive in the of birdlike computer calls, and assembled a dozen musicians and there could have been more live
most human of applications. samples of actual bird calls. The idea well over two-score instruments for a performance. Maybe with campus
Opening up was a truly of taking sounds from nature and great abstract piece. The only support, the Computer Music
exciting piece by Rob Constable, digitally manipulating them is pretty criticism I had was that there were Department can grow to the point
Gnomon, featuring the very gifted old, but this composition was really almost no electronics involved, where more of a live performance is
Todd Reynolds accompanying a DAT well done, and the range of tambres although compositionally the piece possible. I don't completely know of
recording of synthetic piano sounds. was quite remarkable so I enjoyed captured much of the elements of an all of the logistical obstacles, and it
The arrangement seemed random this piece and everyone else seemed electronic composition. We were was really enjoyable, but the
and esoteric, the piano and violin to enjoy Sam Lowry's trip into a again treated to Olga Gross, who Computer Music on this campus has
abstracted each other, but a definitive bitmap birdhouse. played the harp, as well as the a long way to go.
sense of continuity evolved as Todd's This Time, This was the next brilliant percussionists Danny
playing became more erratic, and the piece we were treated to, and was it Tunick and Karen Phenpimon, who
scope of the randomness and cool! Todd Reynolds stole the show played an extraordinary range of MJXII
Sdistortion of the piano stimulated the again with a violin fitted with a ,

sensuality of the piece. The noises special MIDI interface, which -I -,wt. -
-coming from both instruments were enabled him to interact with a
tense and even hostile, but the computer. MIDI stands for Musical HURRY IN! SKIS BOOTS BINDINGS »
freshness of the work made it InstrumentDigital Interface, and is a

successful. way for one instrument to digitally RAICHLE
Then, a breathtaking work "talk" to another instrument. Thus,,
from 1983 was presented. It too was Todd's musical nuances were
on a DAT recording and the audience
was encoraged to close their eyes, as
translated through a series of black
boxes to a computer and two FM
there were no performers. The work
was called Tapewalk I, and was
composed by Cort Lippe. It
synthesizers. All of his motions and
his plucks were translated into
tumbling electronic noises controlled
From $99O ro$199 0
contained the coldest low-end by the computer and the composer
oscillators I've ever heard. A Daniel Allen Weymouth, who
flashback to the ancient analog
dinosaurs,the quick pace, and the
followed a strange looking "score",
and who manipulated the mysterious
quick succession of different tambres buttons and dials which spat out the SKI GORE/KILLINGTON
159 "Raesp, 169 ' SKI WHITEFACE
made this piece a mindgame of respondent bleeps and whirrs * 25 tlr. Open
Bar* Free
based on four (4)to a roo
SkiRentals * Free Horseback Riding
based on four (4)to a room RAMADA INN
* 1 Hr. Open Bar * Free Ski Rentals * 2 Nights
swelling and receding, twisting and impelled by Todd. * 2Nfghts * 2 leakfasls/lDnners * Transportation * Taxes * 2 Breakfasts/1 Dinner * Transportation * Taxes
flexing, waning and waxing musical After a short intermission, SUGARBUSH s129 Rates per 139 aesper HUNTER MT.
textures. David Kennedy, stepped up in front STOWE VERMONT based n four (4)on
b p
to aI roombased person NEW YORK
on four (4)to room SKI HUNTER MT.
The art of lifting someone of his marimba, which is sort of a ANCHORAGE INN. 2 Night Free Si Rentas FRIAR TUCK RESORT 2 Nights Free Ski Rentals
2 Beakfastsi Dinner Tranporan Taxes 2 Breakfasts/Dinners * Transportation * Taxes
else's recording and using it in the xylophone, and played along with
context of your own composition, is
called sampling , and has been the
yet another recording, (I was getting
a little tired of recordings) called for
F Daysl7
i Nights
flBElfle SPRING BREAK '92 8Days/7 Nights
subject of mush litigation in the past Marimba and Tape, but all was Ft. LauderdalelDaytona Beach NASSAU FREEPORT
few years. Many musicians feel that
this practice does not count as real
forgiven when the playing started.
The composition was primitively
$139. Ocean Front 39. Ocean Front s419.
Transportation Options
music, and musicians whose music rhythmic, almost danceable, and in Motorcoach $109.00Jet Flights $199.00 AIR + HOTEL Quad Occupancy
has been lifted, straddle both sides of more than one passage I found MEXICO 8 Days/7 Nights JAMAICA 8 Days7 Nights
the fence, some flattered, and some myself tapping my toes. Martin CANCUN ACAPULCO Montego Bay Negril
who sue. Who knows how Enrico Wesley Smith must have envisioned
Caruso would have felt knowing an a talented player like David when he
$299. Downtown •509. ocean
AIR/HOTEL/Quad Occupancy-
ront s469. Standard $479. Deluxe
AIRIHOTEL/Quad Occupancy
original wax cylinder recording of composed this piece, and if he didn't, SCtyV INFORMATION and RESERVATIONS:
one of his arias was lifted and surely he would have pleased at the if
Jf-ln1(1 New m
71m York City
3 38nn Long22Islandcmn
516 Westchester
9jri 9I of NY State
manipulated by a computer to life David blew into it.
produce Any Resemblance is purely Michael Martin composed CaIQOfVJ 252-26 Northern Blvd.*Little Neck, NY 11363
the next piece, which was another SAve vacaons, PRICES & AVAILABILITY ARE SUBJCT
Coincidental, the next composition < nAclvve Vacations. 1991 TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

I II II r~ 1 I I"'--r , _ I-· I II I -, -- *

October 14, T page 17

- I aU IUV

I'ULI I Y_ _______
UY ASLSign Laanuage)
reter wbe
wil pnwded a
varn evLts ANevwa

- Sab Activity Bus
MnARCH ride the
"34-7 EXPRESS"
I l?Z7
`i. f•, every THURSDAY 9pm - 3:47 am
,· free buses leave UNION and shuttle non-stop to:

a ' Carrington's
Mrs. Pokey's Billiard Garden
SAB McDonald's
C 0 Lowes Movie Theater
T A Stony Brook Bowl
V D Red Lobster
The Student Activity Board (SAB) is a
I programming cub, funded by the Student TCBY
Polity Association, Open To everyone. SAB
T programs a wide variety of events, activities a Cooky's Steak Pub
Y and concerts for the USB community.
Fitness Connection
Miniature Golf
North P Lot

This is only a partiallisting of the many campus-wide events planned for Homecoming, so be sure to check out all the details!
Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday
SPIRIT PARADE 6:30 PM * Carnival Booths 2 PM Sponsored by Undergraduate REGISTRATION
Academic Mall * Clowns Admissions ISC/Lobby
Food Vendors Startingat SB Union/Lobby
SLive Bonds & DJs 0)- 9"45 AM WALKERS & PHYSICALLY
* Comedian Joey Kola Noon Starting at Tabler Quad Parking Lot In front of ISC (Rain or Shine)
OCTOBER 17 (between ISC & SB Union)
Rain Location: ISC Arena
6:30 PM Some as Fdday plus:
* Crafts, Art & Antiques Fair
In front of ISC (Raln or Shine)
* Caricaturist & Artists 10 AM - PANCAKE BRUNCH
SB Union/Ballroom Sponsored by SAB Center Drive SB Unlon/Patlo
Grassy area (between ISC &SB Union) Rain Location:
between Physics & Center Drive Rain Location: ISC/Arena SB Union/Ballroom
7 PM Center Drive Street Fair 4 PM * USB Patriots vs. Wesley Wolvarines
Rain Location: Dining Halls * Halftime Show
SKing & Queen Crowning Ceremony
Sponsored by SAB
ISC/East Wing Gym To be announced
For the latest information regarding Homecoming events and other campus events, cal
The Voice of Student Activities
(a 24 - hour service )
632 - 6821
O0ctober 16 -20, 19!i1

1 -
BRrtn, kIArI
PlwAe. o 4f


I ' I ' I I --------------~------------- ·

BY ERIC PENZER very well. A string section augments the

acoustic guitar sound, and DiNizio sings
One could always count on the native the lyrics with a certain flair that is unique
East Coast rockers, the Smithereens for to him. From this point, the album picks
straight-forward rock music. As their three up a bit. "Get A Hold Of My Heart" is a
prior studio albums and two studio Ep's standard Smithereens song, but the sound
reflected, The Smithereens' music always is still fresh and new. Another Smithereen-
sounded just as energetic on vinyl as it did styled song, "Now And Then" works just
live, that is, until the release of their new as well. Even though the lyrics are still a
record, Blow Up (Capitol). Although this bit childish, the song's heavy
instrumentation proves to be just what is
album has some nice songs, the production
needed to carry this song through.
shows that you can definitely over-produce
The next couple of songs also sound very
a band.
similar. "Girl In Room 12" is a story of a
Although The Smithereens' songs tend to
woman waiting for a guy who doesn't
be simplistic in nature, they usually keep
know exactly why he can't go to this
my interest up. However, the new record's
woman. One of the nicest songs on the
first song, "Top Of The Pops" is as boring
record is the last tune, "If You Want The
as any song I've ever heard. The chorus is
Sun To Shine." Although a bit more
a simple, and annoying, repeat of, "top,
mellow than the more rocking songs on the
top, top of the pops...." The next song,
record, it's a nice way to end the collection.
"Too Much Passion" is also weak; it seems
I'm not quite sure how the guys in the
like Pat DiNizio is just trying too hard to
band went about recording this record.
make a rhyme, as reflected in these
Roughly half of the material is very good,
mundane lines: "When I kiss your lips, I
and the other half is just boring. Surely it
just don't want to behave/ My passion runs
would have been worth waiting for the
deeper, and girl I'm not afraid/ To bare my
boys to write some more interesting songs.
heart and soul, and let it all tumble out/ But
If you are a die-hard Smithereens fan,
if you say the word, you'll have me talkin'
you'll probably find this album worth the
about...." Did Pat's grammar school
money. If you are just curious about one of
teacher ever teach him that poetry doesn't
the best rock bands around, try one of their
always have to rhyme? I guess not.
earlier records, like Green Thoughts or 11.
Thank goodness for a little number called
Sorry guys, but I've come to expect more Ut tM P LBY
"Evening Dress." This song is a ballad and
from you than this truly mediocre effort;
is simply beautiful. The band tries
maybe next time.
something a little different, and it works 1. I I



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For more informationcall: (518) 465-2406
October 14, 1991 page 19
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-- ,ART


brought to you by Trepp necessary to
ecstatic state
the "If it feels
Last Tuesday, Limelight was once again host to an 808
associated with
STATE with special guest MOBY. It seems the Limelight
has once again been deemed Mecca of New York's raves.
real, then do
nocturnal activity, at least as far as clubs go. Most of the
real ravers have banned all clubs to attend the few raves
that have been occurring out there. However, the Limelight hand in hand w y
has been exposing a lot of people to Techno music, as well with the groups f
as, getting the ravers in their club to see artists like 808 music to create a
m e n t a I
The Limelight is not the only New York club currently atmosphere
playing Techno; however, it seems they are beginning to which few artists
catch a clue. That is, they are realizing that the slam are capable of
festivals that they have been prondoting thus far are not achieving live, especially when performing for New York
appealing to people who want to have a good time. Many crowds. There was a huge obstacle placed before the group
ravers have banned the Limelight because of the hostile which interfered with the attainment of their end, a hostile
crowd that frequents the club. At the show, there were crowd.
efforts on the securities behalf to stop the violence on the As already stated, many of the individuals who frequent
dance floor, keep up the work guys. Let's face it people the Limelight are excessively aggressive. True, Techno is
eating elbows all night is not fun. an intense music; however, the music's intensity aims to
MOBY started the evening off with a brief set that hit bring the individual to an ecstatic point which will
the crowd hard. Basically, the man is hardcore. MOBY's enhance their bodily expression. Whether or not these
energy level is intense. His set was without a moment of individuals are deliberately trying to be assholes is not
silence, hardcore techno in your face relentlessly. MOBY known at this point, but if this is what they are expressing
raves as hard as anybody, and he does it while he is something is wrong.
performing. If you like Techno and you have not been The message 808 STATE delivered was clearly positive.
exposed to the man-shame on you! "If it feels real, then do what you feel," as the MC
MOBY's set was followed by an excessive break, but repeated. The atmosphere 808 STATE created was so
808 STATE was well worth the wait The group put some overwhelming that it enabled many people to overlook the
serious effort into the creation of the intense atmosphere negative energy which thankfully was not prevalent. 808 ML 900 FT JESUS
STATE live, something to be xxperienced.
I I 1. I

Miles Davis
is Dead.
Welcome to bit on him and DJ Zero in Keyboard magazine, and I had
the first album. It pays to educate yourself. I got some
really good feedback from the man on his technique, like
the fact that he actually played live trumpet on the album,
and that most of the album was performed by live
MC 900 Foot Jesus musicians. He gave us some insight on his live show and
that "it is unsettling to be the focus of that much
attention." He thinks of himself as a "visionary of modem
can't get along with music", and made quite a few references to moder art as
an influence upon his music. This is seen on the track
his neighbors. "Dali's Handgun", where some Maynard congas back
MC 900 as he surrealistically gives a Beatnik recital.
At one point he became quite animated as he discussed
Miles Davis monumental work "Bitches Brew" and how
he wished to create the same caliber of success in his
Last Tuesday the city was particularly oppressive. I was II work. I feel he succeeded. Just when the huge beats of
in Trepp's car and we were in a really heated argument PE, MBM, Consolidated, the ludicrous speed of Ministry,
over the meaning of the term 'down' as a measurement of the vomit of Skinny Puppy, turns your brain into
someone's perceived hippness (as in "Yo, that MJXII marmalade, you turn the comer of cyberpunk, rap, and
seems to be under the mistaken impression that he is noisy industrial, and you get the Jazz beat of MC 900
'down'...). There was no parking anywhere and the more Foot Jesus. Instead of James Brown, you hear John
we couldn't find parking the more heated the argument Coltrane. Instead of "Happy Nightmare" you're hearing
got. We were listening to MC 900 Foot Jesus' new IRS CD101. He feels a kinship to bands like Ministry and
release "Welcome To My Dream", we argued about that (I Consolidated, and was surprised how much he had in
liked it, Trepp wasn't sure about it). We were on our way common with them. But his music comes from "a
to a Press conference, which started at 5, and already it mixture of styles that are really prevalent in the
was 6, at IRS records on Broadway in Manhattan. Southwest." In fact "Killer Inside Me" was mixed down
We got to the building and the closer we got to "MC by Meat Beat Manefesto's Jack Dangers. But a spiritual
nine-oh-oh" the more positive we got It was as if the new existential mood prevails on his new album, not the
found introspection on his new album was a psychic aura crazed sample-happy DJ that appeared on "Hell with the
that magnetically interfered with our negative energy. I Lid Off", the first album. A calmer more innovative 9-0-0
walked into IRS and was greeted cordially by Todd the emerges, and this new Beatnik persona laid some vinyl
Publicist for the thriving record company (it was weird
how he never met me before but knew who I was as soon
Jesus that is perfect for calming down two heated arguing
members of the Stony Brook Press stuck in Midtown
as I walked in-who says the MJXII is not 'down'?). He Manhattan in rush-hour traffic.
ushered me into the room where MC 900 Foot Jesus was
tirelessly answering a bunch of lame questions from
Donalds who asked things like "Duh MC 900 Foot Jesus,
uh, do you think your new album reflects anything of your
Turn em off. At least I heard the new 9-0-0. I had read a
inside his dreams M

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