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Have you ever wondered how life was in the home of Adam and Eve after they were

banished from Eden?

From the bible we were told very little of how they fared. Because they were human like we
are, we can draw some conclusions from assumptions, recreate what could have possibly
occurred and in the process, create some comic relief for ourselves.
This rendition of the possible life after Eden is based on the information from the bible. From
the bible we see that Adam blamed Eve and she blamed the snake. If we assume that they
moved into their new home with this attitude and that Adam was unforgiving, then we can
create the following scenario.

Adam comes home late from work.
Eve asks her husband, Why are you returning home at such an ungodly hour?
Adam walks towards the kitchen, You can ask that forbidden fruit you brought me; I believe
it has all the answers.
Eve sits in the living room and shakes her head in disbelief, not out of surprise but for
realization that her dream of Adam ever letting go of what happened in Eden was a mirage in
a very hot desert.
Adam walks into the living room, anger conspicuously brewing on his face, Hey woman!
Where is my dinner?
Dinner? Its already morning; you should be asking for breakfast, if you should be asking
for anything at all. Eve doesnt even look at him.
Dinner, breakfast or whatever you decide to call it bears no significance to me. All I demand
is the whereabouts of my food. Adam glares at her, restraining himself from tearing her
I gave your dinner to Cain and Abel when it became evident that you werent returning
early. She still didnt look at him.
Woman, do you know what I asked God for the last time I prayed? Adam sat gently by her
What did you ask for? this time she looked at him.
I begged him to delete you from this world as the atonement for the trouble you caused in
Eden. He smiled at her.
Delete me? She stood up from beside him and sat in another sofa; perhaps out of fear for
her life, Adam. Why cant you just let bygones be bygones? Is this the reward I get for
loving my husband and sharing my discoveries with him?
Sharing your discoveries? Dont you mean misfortunes? He chuckles, If you hadnt gone
nosing about, we would have been basking in the pleasures of Eden instead of languishing in
this hellhole and waking up to endless torture tilling land that have been cursed!
Adam, Im sorry. If you should blame anybody, its that blasted snake that should get it.
Tears run down her pretty face.
Oh dont cry. Adam moves to where Eve is seated. Im not blaming you. Im only saying
that, if God hadnt created you, I would have had a full set of ribs, I would have still been
enjoying life in Eden and I wouldnt have worked a day in my life; I wouldnt have had a
care in the world.
He touches her cheek gently and walks into the bedroom.
Are you blaming God now? Eve shouts after him.
Adam stops, turns to face her and just before he walks into the bedroom he says, No. Im
only saying, next time you go eating forbidden fruits, remember not to bring me some.

David Asare Gyamfi

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