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Frequently Asked Networking Interview Questions and answers

1) What is a Link?
A link refers to the connectivity etween two devices! It includes the ty"e of cales and
"rotocols used in order for one device to e ale to co##unicate with the other!

$) What are the layers of the %&I reference #odel?
'here are ( %&I layers) *hysical Layer+ ,ata Link Layer+ Network Layer+ 'rans"ort Layer+
&ession Layer+ *resentation Layer and A""lication Layer!

-) What is ackone network?
A ackone network is a centrali.ed infrastructure that is designed to distriute different
routes and data to various networks! It also handles #anage#ent of andwidth and various

/) What is a LAN?
LAN is short for Local Area Network! It refers to the connection etween co#"uters and
other network devices that are located within a s#all "hysical location!

0) What is a node?
A node refers to a "oint or 1oint where a connection takes "lace! It can e co#"uter or device
that is "art of a network! 'wo or #ore nodes are needed in order to for# a network

2) What are routers?
3outers can connect two or #ore network seg#ents! 'hese are intelligent network devices
that store infor#ation in its routing tale such as "aths+ ho"s and ottlenecks! With this info+
they are ale to deter#ine the est "ath for data transfer! 3outers o"erate at the %&I Network

() What is "oint to "oint link?

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It refers to a direct connection etween two co#"uters on a network! A "oint to "oint
connection does not need any other network devices other than connecting a cale to the NI4
cards of oth co#"uters!

5) What is anony#ous F'*?
Anony#ous F'* is a way of granting user access to files in "ulic servers! 6sers that are
allowed access to data in these servers do not need to identify the#selves+ ut instead log in
as an anony#ous guest!

7) What is sunet #ask?
A sunet #ask is co#ined with an I* address in order to identify two "arts) the e8tended
network address and the host address! Like an I* address+ a sunet #ask is #ade u" of -$

19) What is the #a8i#u# length allowed for a 6'* cale?
A single seg#ent of 6'* cale has an allowale length of 79 to 199 #eters! 'his li#itation
can e overco#e y using re"eaters and switches!

11) What is data enca"sulation?
,ata enca"sulation is the "rocess of reaking down infor#ation into s#aller #anageale
chunks efore it is trans#itted across the network! It is also in this "rocess that the source and
destination addresses are attached into the headers+ along with "arity checks!

1$) ,escrie Network 'o"ology
Network 'o"ology refers to the layout of a co#"uter network! It shows how devices and
cales are "hysically laid out+ as well as how they connect to one another!

1-) What is :*N?
:*N #eans :irtual *rivate Network+ a technology that allows a secure tunnel to e created
across a network such as the Internet! For e8a#"le+ :*Ns allow you to estalish a secure
dial;u" connection to a re#ote server!

1/) <riefly descrie NA'!
NA' is Network Address 'ranslation! 'his is a "rotocol that "rovides a way for #ulti"le
co#"uters on a co##on network to share single connection to the Internet!

10) What is the 1o of the Network Layer under the %&I reference #odel?
'he Network layer is res"onsile for data routing+ "acket switching and control of network
congestion! 3outers o"erate under this layer!

12) =ow does a network to"ology affect your decision in setting u" a network?
Network to"ology dictates what #edia you #ust use to interconnect devices! It also serves as
asis on what #aterials+ connector and ter#inations that is a""licale for the setu"!

1() What is 3I*?

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3I*+ short for 3outing Infor#ation *rotocol is used y routers to send data fro# one network
to another! It efficiently #anages routing data y roadcasting its routing tale to all other
routers within the network! It deter#ines the network distance in units of ho"s!

15) What are different ways of securing a co#"uter network?
'here are several ways to do this! Install reliale and u"dated anti;virus "rogra# on all
co#"uters! >ake sure firewalls are setu" and configured "ro"erly! 6ser authentication will
also hel" a lot! All of these co#ined would #ake a highly secured network!

17) What is NI4?
NI4 is short for Network Interface 4ard! 'his is a "eri"heral card that is attached to a *4 in
order to connect to a network! ?very NI4 has its own >A4 address that identifies the *4 on
the network!

$9) What is WAN?
WAN stands for Wide Area Network! It is an interconnection of co#"uters and devices that
are geogra"hically dis"ersed! It connects networks that are located in different regions and

$1) What is the i#"ortance of the %&I *hysical Layer?
'he "hysical layer does the conversion fro# data its to electrical signal+ and vice versa! 'his
is where network devices and cale ty"es are considered and setu"!

$$) =ow #any layers are there under '4*@I*?
'here are four layers) the Network Layer+ Internet Layer+ 'rans"ort Layer and A""lication

$-) What are "ro8y servers and how do they "rotect co#"uter networks?
*ro8y servers "ri#arily "revent e8ternal users who identifying the I* addresses of an internal
network! Without knowledge of the correct I* address+ even the "hysical location of the
network cannot e identified! *ro8y servers can #ake a network virtually invisile to e8ternal

$/) What is the function of the %&I &ession Layer?
'his layer "rovides the "rotocols and #eans for two devices on the network to co##unicate
with each other y holding a session! 'his includes setting u" the session+ #anaging
infor#ation e8change during the session+ and tear;down "rocess u"on ter#ination of the

$0) What is the i#"ortance of i#"le#enting a Fault 'olerance &yste#? Are there
A fault tolerance syste# ensures continuous data availaility! 'his is done y eli#inating a
single "oint of failure! =owever+ this ty"e of syste# would not e ale to "rotect data in so#e
cases+ such as in accidental deletions!

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$2) What does 19<ase;' #ean?
'he 19 refers to the data transfer rate+ in this case is 19>"s! 'he word <ase refers to ase
and+ as o""ose to road and! ' #eans twisted "air+ which is the cale used for that

$() What is a "rivate I* address?
*rivate I* addresses are assigned for use on intranets! 'hese addresses are used for internal
networks and are not routale on e8ternal "ulic networks! 'hese ensures that no conflicts are
"resent a#ong internal networks while at the sa#e ti#e the sa#e range of "rivate I*
addresses are reusale for #ulti"le intranets since they do not AseeB each other!

$5) What is N%&?
N%&+ or Network %"erating &yste#+ is s"eciali.ed software whose #ain task is to "rovide
network connectivity to a co#"uter in order for it to e ale to co##unicate with other
co#"uters and connected devices!

$7) What is ,o&?
,o&+ or ,enial;of;&ervice attack+ is an atte#"t to "revent users fro# eing ale to access the
internet or any other network services! &uch attacks #ay co#e in different for#s and are
done y a grou" of "er"etuators! %ne co##on #ethod of doing this is to overload the syste#
server so it cannot any#ore "rocess legiti#ate traffic and will e forced to reset!

-9) What is %&I and what role does it "lay in co#"uter networks?
%&I C%"en &yste#s Interconnect) serves as a reference #odel for data co##unication! It is
#ade u" of ( layers+ with each layer defining a "articular as"ect on how network devices
connect and co##unicate with one another! %ne layer #ay deal with the "hysical #edia
used+ while another layer dictates how data is actually trans#itted across the network!

-1) What is the "ur"ose of cales eing shielded and having twisted "airs?
'he #ain "ur"ose of this is to "revent crosstalk! 4rosstalks are electro#agnetic interferences
or noise that can affect data eing trans#itted across cales!

-$) What is the advantage of address sharing?
<y using address translation instead of routing+ address sharing "rovides an inherent security
enefit! 'hatDs ecause host *4s on the Internet can only see the "ulic I* address of the
e8ternal interface on the co#"uter that "rovides address translation and not the "rivate I*
addresses on the internal network!

--) What are >A4 addresses?
>A4+ or >edia Access 4ontrol+ uniquely identifies a device on the network! It is also known
as "hysical address or ?thernet address! A >A4 address is #ade u" of 2;yte "arts!

-/) What is the equivalent layer or layers of the '4*@I* A""lication layer in ter#s of %&I
reference #odel?

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'he '4*@I* A""lication layer actually has three counter"arts on the %&I #odel) the &ession
layer+ *resentation Layer and A""lication Layer!

-0) =ow can you identify the I* class of a given I* address?
<y looking at the first octet of any given I* address+ you can identify whether itDs 4lass A+ <
or 4! If the first octet egins with a 9 it+ that address is 4lass A! If it egins with its 19 then
that address is a 4lass < address! If it egins with 119+ then itDs a 4lass 4 network!

-2) What is the #ain "ur"ose of %&*F?
%&*F+ or %"en &hortest *ath First+ is a link;state routing "rotocol that uses routing tales to
deter#ine the est "ossile "ath for data e8change!

-() What are firewalls?
Firewalls serve to "rotect an internal network fro# e8ternal attacks! 'hese e8ternal threats
can e hackers who want to steal data or co#"uter viruses that can wi"e out data in an
instant! It also "revents other users fro# e8ternal networks fro# gaining access to the "rivate

-5) ,escrie star to"ology
&tar to"ology consists of a central hu that connects to nodes! 'his is one of the easiest to
setu" and #aintain!

-7) What are gateways?
Eateways "rovide connectivity etween two or #ore network seg#ents! It is usually a
co#"uter that runs the gateway software and "rovides translation services! 'his translation is
a key in allowing different syste#s to co##unicate on the network!

/9) What is the disadvantage of a star to"ology?
%ne #a1or disadvantage of star to"ology is that once the central hu or switch get da#aged+
the entire network eco#es unusale!

/1) What is &LI*?
&LI*+ or &erial Line Interface *rotocol+ is actually an old "rotocol develo"ed during the early
6NIF days! 'his is one of the "rotocols that are used for re#ote access!

/$) Eive so#e e8a#"les of "rivate network addresses!
19!9!9!9 with a sunet #ask of $00!9!9!9
1($!12!9!9 with sunet #ask of $00!$/9!9!9
17$!125!9!9 with sunet #ask of $00!$00!9!9

/-) What is tracert?
'racert is a Windows utility "rogra# that can used to trace the route taken y data fro# the
router to the destination network! It also shows the nu#er of ho"s taken during the entire
trans#ission route!

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//) What are the functions of a network ad#inistrator?
A network ad#inistrator has #any res"onsiilities that can e su##ari.e into - key
functions) installation of a network+ configuration of network settings+ and
#aintenance@trouleshooting of networks!

/0) ,escrie at one disadvantage of a "eer to "eer network!
When you are accessing the resources that are shared y one of the workstations on the
network+ that workstation takes a "erfor#ance hit!

/2) What is =yrid Network?
A hyrid network is a network setu" that #akes use of oth client;server and "eer;to;"eer

/() What is ,=4*?
,=4* is short for ,yna#ic =ost 4onfiguration *rotocol! Its #ain task is to auto#atically
assign an I* address to devices across the network! It first checks for the ne8t availale
address not yet taken y any device+ then assigns this to a network device!

/5) What is the #ain 1o of the A3*?
'he #ain task of A3* or Address 3esolution *rotocol is to #a" a known I* address to a
>A4 layer address!

/7) What is '4*@I*?
'4*@I* is short for 'rans#ission 4ontrol *rotocol @ Internet *rotocol! 'his is a set of "rotocol
layers that is designed to #ake data e8change "ossile on different ty"es of co#"uter
networks+ also known as heterogeneous network!

09) =ow can you #anage a network using a router?
3outers have uilt in console that lets you configure different settings+ like security and data
logging! Gou can assign restrictions to co#"uters+ such as what resources it is allowed
access+ or what "articular ti#e of the day they can rowse the internet! Gou can even "ut
restrictions on what wesites are not viewale across the entire network!

01) What "rotocol can e a""lied when you want to transfer files etween different
"latfor#s+ such etween 6NIF syste#s and Windows servers?
6se F'* CFile 'ransfer *rotocol) for file transfers etween such different servers! 'his is
"ossile ecause F'* is "latfor# inde"endent!

0$) What is the use of a default gateway?
,efault gateways "rovide #eans for the local networks to connect to the e8ternal network!
'he default gateway for connecting to the e8ternal network is usually the address of the
e8ternal router "ort!

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0-) %ne way of securing a network is through the use of "asswords! What can e considered
as good "asswords?
Eood "asswords are #ade u" of not 1ust letters+ ut y co#ining letters and nu#ers! A
"assword that co#ines u""ercase and lowercase letters is favorale than one that uses all
u""er case or all lower case letters! *asswords #ust e not words that can easily e guessed
y hackers+ such as dates+ na#es+ favorites+ etc! Longer "asswords are also etter than short

0/) What is the "ro"er ter#ination rate for 6'* cales?
'he "ro"er ter#ination for unshielded twisted "air network cale is 199 oh#s!

00) What is netstat?
Netstat is a co##and line utility "rogra#! It "rovides useful infor#ation aout the current
'4*@I* settings of a connection!

02) What is the nu#er of network I,s in a 4lass 4 network?
For a 4lass 4 network+ the nu#er of usale Network I, its is $1! 'he nu#er of "ossile
network I,s is $ raised to $1 or $+97(+10$! 'he nu#er of host I,s "er network I, is $ raised
to 5 #inus $+ or $0/!

0() What ha""ens when you use cales longer than the "rescried length?
4ales that are too long would result in signal loss! 'his #eans that data trans#ission and
rece"tion would e affected+ ecause the signal degrades over length!

05) What co##on software "role#s can lead to network defects?
&oftware related "role#s can e any or a co#ination of the following)
; client server "role#s
; a""lication conflicts
; error in configuration
; "rotocol #is#atch
; security issues
; user "olicy and rights issues

07) What is I4>*?
I4>* is Internet 4ontrol >essage *rotocol! It "rovides #essaging and co##unication for
"rotocols within the '4*@I* stack! 'his is also the "rotocol that #anages error #essages that
are used y network tools such as *INE!

29) What is *ing?
*ing is a utility "rogra# that allows you to check connectivity etween network devices on
the network! Gou can "ing a device y using its I* address or device na#e+ such as a
co#"uter na#e!

21) What is "eer to "eer?

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*eer to "eer are networks that does not re"ly on a server! All *4s on this network act as
individual workstations!

2$) What is ,N&?
,N& is ,o#ain Na#e &erver! 'he #ain function of this network service is to "rovide host
na#es to '4*@I* address resolution!

2-) What advantages does fier o"tics have over other #edia?
%ne #a1or advantage of fier o"tics is that is it less susce"tile to electrical interference! It
also su""orts higher andwidth+ #eaning #ore data can e trans#itted and received! &ignal
degrading is also very #ini#al over long distances!

2/) What is the difference etween a hu and a switch?
A hu acts as a #ulti"ort re"eater! =owever+ as #ore and #ore devices connect to it+ it would
not e ale to efficiently #anage the volu#e of traffic that "asses through it! A switch
"rovides a etter alternative that can i#"rove the "erfor#ance es"ecially when high traffic
volu#e is e8"ected across all "orts!

20) What are the different network "rotocols that are su""orted y Windows 33A& services?
'here are three #ain network "rotocols su""orted) Net<?6I+ '4*@I*+ and I*F!

22) What are the #a8i#u# networks and hosts in a class A+ < and 4 network?
For 4lass A+ there are 1$2 "ossile networks and 12+(((+$1/ hosts
For 4lass <+ there are 12+-5/ "ossile networks and 20+0-/ hosts
For 4lass 4+ there are $+97(+10$ "ossile networks and $0/ hosts

2() What is the standard color sequence of a straight;through cale?
orange@white+ orange+ green@white+ lue+ lue@white+ green+ rown@white+ rown!

25) What "rotocols fall under the A""lication layer of the '4*@I* stack?
'he following are the "rotocols under '4*@I* A""lication layer) F'*+ 'F'*+ 'elnet and

27) Gou need to connect two co#"uters for file sharing! Is it "ossile to do this without using
a hu or router?
Ges+ you can connect two co#"uters together using only one cale! A crossover ty"e cale
can e use in this scenario! In this setu"+ the data trans#it "in of one cale is connected to the
data receive "in of the other cale+ and vice versa!

(9) What is i"config?
I"config is a utility "rogra# that is co##only used to identify the addresses infor#ation of a
co#"uter on a network! It can show the "hysical address as well as the I* address!

(1) What is the difference etween a straight;through and crossover cale?

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A straight;through cale is used to connect co#"uters to a switch+ hu or router! A crossover
cale is used to connect two si#ilar devices together+ such as a *4 to *4 or =u to hu!

($) What is client@server?
4lient@server is a ty"e of network wherein one or #ore co#"uters act as servers! &ervers
"rovide a centrali.ed re"ository of resources such as "rinters and files! 4lients refers to
workstation that access the server!

(-) ,escrie networking!
Networking refers to the inter connection etween co#"uters and "eri"herals for data
co##unication! Networking can e done using wired caling or through wireless link!

(/) When you #ove the NI4 cards fro# one *4 to another *4+ does the >A4 address gets
transferred as well?
Ges+ thatDs ecause >A4 addresses are hard;wired into the NI4 circuitry+ not the *4! 'his
also #eans that a *4 can have a different >A4 address when the NI4 card was re"lace y
another one!

(0) ?8"lain clustering su""ort
4lustering su""ort refers to the aility of a network o"erating syste# to connect #ulti"le
servers in a fault;tolerant grou"! 'he #ain "ur"ose of this is the in the event that one server
fails+ all "rocessing will continue on with the ne8t server in the cluster!

(2) In a network that contains two servers and twenty workstations+ where is the est "lace to
install an Anti;virus "rogra#?
An anti;virus "rogra# #ust e installed on all servers and workstations to ensure "rotection!
'hatDs ecause individual users can access any workstation and introduce a co#"uter virus
when "lugging in their re#ovale hard drives or flash drives!

(() ,escrie ?thernet!
?thernet is one of the "o"ular networking technologies used these days! It was develo"ed
during the early 17(9s and is ased on s"ecifications as stated in the I???! ?thernet is used in
local area networks!

(5) What are so#e drawacks of i#"le#enting a ring to"ology?
In case one workstation on the network suffers a #alfunction+ it can ring down the entire
network! Another drawack is that when there are ad1ust#ents and reconfigurations needed
to e "erfor#ed on a "articular "art of the network+ the entire network has to e te#"orarily
rought down as well!

(7) What is the difference etween 4&>A@4, and 4&>A@4A?
4&>A@4,+ or 4ollision ,etect+ retrans#its data fra#es whenever a collision occurred!
4&>A@4A+ or 4ollision Avoidance+ will first roadcast intent to send "rior to data

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59) What is &>'*?
&>'* is short for &i#"le >ail 'ransfer *rotocol! 'his "rotocol deals with all Internal #ail+
and "rovides the necessary #ail delivery services on the '4*@I* "rotocol stack!

51) What is #ulticast routing?
>ulticast routing is a targeted for# of roadcasting that sends #essage to a selected grou" of
user+ instead of sending it to all users on a sunet!

5$) What is the i#"ortance of ?ncry"tion on a network?
?ncry"tion is the "rocess of translating infor#ation into a code that is unreadale y the user!
It is then translated ack or decry"ted ack to its nor#al readale for#at using a secret key or
"assword! ?ncry"tion hel" ensure that infor#ation that is interce"ted halfway would re#ain
unreadale ecause the user has to have the correct "assword or key for it!

5-) =ow are I* addresses arranged and dis"layed?
I* addresses are dis"layed as a series of four deci#al nu#ers that are se"arated y "eriod or
dots! Another ter# for this arrange#ent is the dotted deci#al for#at! An e8a#"le is

5/) ?8"lain the i#"ortance of authentication!
Authentication is the "rocess of verifying a userDs credentials efore he can log into the
network! It is nor#ally "erfor#ed using a userna#e and "assword! 'his "rovides a secure
#eans of li#iting the access fro# unwanted intruders on the network!

50) What do #ean y tunnel #ode?
'his is a #ode of data e8change wherein two co##unicating co#"uters do not use I*&ec
the#selves! Instead+ the gateway that is connecting their LANs to the transit network creates
a virtual tunnel that uses the I*&ec "rotocol to secure all co##unication that "asses through

52) What are the different technologies involved in estalishing WAN links?
Analog connections H using conventional tele"hone linesI ,igital connections H using digital;
grade tele"hone linesI switched connections H using #ulti"le sets of links etween sender and
receiver to #ove data!

5() What is one advantage of #esh to"ology?
In the event that one link fails+ there will always e another availale! >esh to"ology is
actually one of the #ost fault;tolerant network to"ology!

55) When trouleshooting co#"uter network "role#s+ what co##on hardware;related
"role#s can occur?
A large "ercentage of a network is #ade u" of hardware! *role#s in these areas can range
fro# #alfunctioning hard drives+ roken NI4s and even hardware startu"s! Incorrectly
hardware configuration is also one of those cul"rits to look into!

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57) What can e done to fi8 signal attenuation "role#s?
A co##on way of dealing with such a "role# is to use re"eaters and hu+ ecause it will
hel" regenerate the signal and therefore "revent signal loss! 4hecking if cales are "ro"erly
ter#inated is also a #ust!

79) =ow does dyna#ic host configuration "rotocol aid in network ad#inistration?
Instead of having to visit each client co#"uter to configure a static I* address+ the network
ad#inistrator can a""ly dyna#ic host configuration "rotocol to create a "ool of I* addresses
known as sco"es that can e dyna#ically assigned to clients!

71) ?8"lain "rofile in ter#s of networking conce"t?
*rofiles are the configuration settings #ade for each user! A "rofile #ay e created that "uts
a user in a grou"+ for e8a#"le!

7$) What is sneakernet?
&neakernet is elieved to e the earliest for# of networking wherein data is "hysically
trans"orted using re#ovale #edia+ such as disk+ ta"es!

7-) What is the role of I??? in co#"uter networking?
I???+ or the Institute of ?lectrical and ?lectronics ?ngineers+ is an organi.ation co#"osed of
engineers that issues and #anages standards for electrical and electronic devices! 'his
includes networking devices+ network interfaces+ calings and connectors!

7/) What "rotocols fall under the '4*@I* Internet Layer?
'here are / "rotocols that are eing #anaged y this layer! 'hese are I4>*+ IE>*+ I* and

70) When it co#es to networking+ what are rights?
3ights refer to the authori.ed "er#ission to "erfor# s"ecific actions on the network! ?ach
user on the network can e assigned individual rights+ de"ending on what #ust e allowed for
that user!

72) What is one asic require#ent for estalishing :LANs?
A :LAN requires dedicated equi"#ent on each end of the connection that allows #essages
entering the Internet to e encry"ted+ as well as for authenticating users!

7() What is I*v2?
I*v2 + or Internet *rotocol version 2+ was develo"ed to re"lace I*v/! At "resent+ I*v/ is eing
used to control internet traffic+ utis e8"ected to get saturated in the near future! I*v2 was
designed to overco#e this li#itation!

75) What is 3&A algorith#?
3&A is short for 3ivest;&ha#ir;Adle#an algorith#! It is the #ost co##only used "ulic key
encry"tion algorith# in use today!

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77) What is #esh to"ology?
>esh to"ology is a setu" wherein each device is connected directly to every other device on
the network! 4onsequently+ it requires that each device have at least two network

199) what is the #a8i#u# seg#ent length of a 199<ase;FF network?
'he #a8i#u# allowale length for a network seg#ent using 199<ase;FF is /1$ #eters! 'he
#a8i#u# length for the entire network is 0 kilo#eters!

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