Settings IIS 7 Vs Domino 851

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Setting IIS 7.5 and Domino 8.5.

Windows server standard 2008 R2, 64bit

IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1, EN, 64bit

Installation IIS: (


1. Start > Administrative Tools > Server Managers

2. Action > Add Roles > Web Server (IIS)
3. Contrary to standard installation is necessary to install the following service:
a. Application Development \
i. ISAPI Extensions
ii. ISAPI Filters
b. Security\
i. Windows Authentication
c. IIS 6 Management Compatibility\
i. IIS 6 Management Console
ii. IIS 6 Scripting Tools
iii. IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
iv. IIS Metabase compatibility

4. Start IIS

Installation WAS plug-in:

1. I downloaded the plugin from IBM, Passport Advantage
IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Supplements (1 of 2) for Windows on x8664 bit (IBM HTTP Server, Web Server Plug-ins and Update Installer) Multilingual
2. Create the directory structure:
a. mkdir C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin
b. mkdir C:\WebSphere\AppServer\config
c. mkdir C:\WebSphere\AppServer\etc
d. mkdir C:\WebSphere\AppServer\logs
3. Copy plug-inu iisWASPlugin_http.dll to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin


4. Create the file C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin \plugin-cfg.loc

a. The file content is the way to configure plug-in

5. Copy this plugin-cfg .xml do C:\WebSphere\AppServer\config


6. Create the new registers key HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\ Web server Plug-ins for IBM
WebSphere Application Server\
a. Add key InstallLocation - C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin

Configuration IIS:
topic=/ )

1. Create the new local account for communication between IIS and Domino server
iisDomino, group Users
2. Create a virtual folder
a. For Default Web Site

b. Add Virtual Directory sePlugins

c. Path to plug-in: C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin

d. Connect as ... iisDomino
e. Test Settings ... >> OK

Open Handler Mappings

g. Double click to Edit Feature Permissions (in action pane) and select:

i. Scrtipt
ii. Execute
h. For Default Web Site setting ISAPI filtr


Set ISAPI or CGI Restrictions Allow extension path to execute


Security settings
i. On Default Web Site, select Authentication and Windows
Authentication enable.

ii. Advanced Setting Accept and mark Enable Kernel-mode


Open link: > OK, but in log file:
C:\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\native.log is error Failed to connect to app server on host
'', OS err=10061
[Wed Mar 17 15:03:50 2010] 000017f0 00001aa4 - ERROR: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to connect to app server on host '', OS err=10061
[Wed Mar 17 15:03:50 2010] 000017f0 00001aa4 - TRACE: ws_common: websphereGetStream: socket 760 closed - failed to connect
[Wed Mar 17 15:03:50 2010] 000017f0 00001aa4 - DEBUG: ws_common: websphereGetStream: socket 760 connected to
[Wed Mar 17 15:03:50 2010] 000017f0 00001aa4 - DEBUG: lib_stream: openStream: Opening the stream

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