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Strawberry yogurt mousse cake


Looking for lighter strawberry cheesecake recipe?'s strawberry

yogurt mousse is a delicious option
This yogurt mousse recipe is lighter than traditional cheesecake and not as cloying. A
great way to use up the last of the seasons strawberries. Preparation time: !" minutes
plus chilling o#ernight
Serves 10 to 12
$ % &""g packet digesti#e biscuits or 'ob (obs
)""g *+o,- unsalted butter. melted
/""g *$lb )o,- strawberries. hulled
)tbsp lemon 0uice
+/g *!o,- caster sugar
& lea#es gelatine. softened
in cold water *or use & le#el tsp powdered-
)/"ml *1fl o,- 2reek yogurt
$ % )3&ml pot double cream
You will need
)!cm *1in- loose4bottomed springform cake tin
1 5rush the biscuits in a blender. add the melted butter and mi% well. Press the biscuit
mi%ture into the base of the springform tin.
2 Place the strawberries and lemon 0uice in a blender and pur6e until smooth. 2ently heat
the pur6e and sugar in a saucepan until the sugar dissol#es. 7emo#e from the heat.
89uee,e the e%cess water from the soaked gelatine lea#es and add them to the strawberry
mi%ture. 8tir well until dissol#ed. then cool.
3 When cold. whisk in the yogurt. Whip the cream until thick and fold into the strawberry
mi%ture. Pour o#er the biscuit base and chill in the fridge for : hours or o#ernight until
set. 8er#e with a spoonful of 2reek yogurt and strawberries.
Per serving: 540-460cals, 42-35g fat, 25-21g saturated fat, 40-33g carbohydrate
$ tablespoon gelatine
$;& cup orange 0uice
) % )/"g punnets strawberries
$;! cup sugar
$ tablespoon cream
) eggs. separated
$ $;& cups cream. whipped
To make Strawberry Mousse:
5ombine gelatine with orange 0uice in small bowl. 8tand bowl in hot water. 8tir until
mi%ture dissol#es.
Place $ punnet of strawberries. the sugar. gelatine mi%ture. cream and egg yolks in food4
processor bowl. <sing the pulse action. press button for )"s or until mi%ture is smooth.
Transfer mi%ture to a large mi%ing bowl. <sing a metal spoon. fold in whipped cream.
Place egg whites in small. clean. dry mi%er bowl. =eat with electric beaters until soft
peaks form. >old into strawberry mi%ture.
Pour mousse e#enly into prepared tin.
5o#er. refrigerate se#eral hours or until set.
the abo#e is instructions from the book ? it does sound like alot of work yes? but trust
me. the mousse really tastes fantastic@
oh and because i dont think the cake base is a good idea. heres an alternati#e A
ase :
$:"g digesti#e biscuits
3"g melted butter
$. 5rush biscuits and stir in melted butter when it is warm.
). Bi#ide and press onto the base of the a )"cm cake tin. 5hill for $/mins or until needed.
!. Prick base with the back of a skewer before pouring in the filling.
Bisclaimer A im estimating the amount of biscuits youll need for the base.
im thinking itll look like this e#entually A
doesnt take much imagination to #isualise a biscuit base right? i should#e 0ust posted
the original picture. re9uest that you #isualise it without the cake bit and sa#e me some
editing time

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