Security Watch: This Week at ISN Our Weekly Editorial Roundup

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ETH Zurich
International Relations and Security Network
This Week at ISN Our Weekly Editorial Roundup
30 June 4 July 2014 JUMP TO Security Watch | Blog | Video
/// Security Watch
This week, our hard power-centered Security Watch (SW) series asks how the emergence of convergent and dual-use
technologies might impact the global balance of power; how the strategic direction of Chinas Peoples Liberation Army
Navy has evolved over the course of the 21st century; how the rapid militarization of Eurasia poses a threat to regional
security; if we are witnessing the Balkanization of cyberspace; and how Bosnia-Herzegovina should tackle the politically-
charged subject of police reform. Then in our second, more wide-ranging SW series, well ask if the post-ISAF Afghan-Tajik
border will soon experience an upsurge in militant and criminal activity; whether the EU can become a bona fide global
peacemaker; if popular protests make the spread of democracy increasingly likely; whether an independent Quebec could
alter the global security landscape; and if ISIS current offensive is contributing to the re-emergence of infectious diseases
in Iraq. More
Convergent Technologies, Dual-Use Weaponry and the Global Balance of Power
30 June 2014
Convergent and dual-use technologies could match or surpass the capabilities of existing nuclear and conventional
arsenals within the next 20 years. For Robert McCreight, the dangers these technologies pose must be taken seriously,
especially since states are almost sure to use them. More
Tajik, Afghan Officials Play Down Border Security Fears
30 June 2014
Do communities on either side of the Afghan-Tajik border fear a post-ISAF rise in militant activity and drug trafficking? Not
entirely, reveal Hilvatshoh Mahmud and Hafizullah Gardesh. There are local officials and others who insist that the
potential for greater insecurity has been exaggerated. More
The History of the Twenty-First-Century Chinese Navy
1 July 2014
The strategic direction of the Peoples Liberation Army Navy has evolved rapidly since the end of the Cold War and
Chinas rise as an economic power. Yet, as Bernard Cole reminds us, the Chinese Navy being built today may owe as
much to its past as to its future. More
The EU as a Global Peacemaker
1 July 2014
After helping create a broad and largely durable peace within Europe, should the EU finally become a bona fide global
peacemaker? Steven Blockmans believes so, provided that Brussels acquires the capabilities it needs to be a viable first
responder. More
The Galloping Militarisation of Eurasia
2 July 2014
Russias barely hidden support of the secessionists operating in the eastern part of Ukraine continues to preoccupy the
media. Neil Melvin warns us, however, that there is a far wider and more disturbing story thats not being told its the
sweeping militarization of Eurasia. More
The Rising Threat of Revolt in Autocracies
2 July 2014
Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Erica Frantz have no doubts the popular protests that swept away authoritarian regimes in
the Middle East are not an anomaly. They also believe that, if nurtured properly, this form of political opposition could
reinvigorate the spread of democracy. More
Who Leads? Avoiding the Balkanization of Cyberspace
3 July 2014
With the control of electronic information becoming part of the geopolitical high ground, is the Balkanization of cyberspace
possible? Chris Bronk thinks so. Its primary stakeholders, after all, have failed to provide the broader, beyond-infrastructure
leadership thats needed on this issue. More
The Quebec Wars
3 July 2014
How would an independent Quebec change the global security landscape? In todays what if article, Daniel Matthews
outlines the possible fallout of a Canada-Quebec split, including the latter developing a strategic alliance with China or
Russia. More
The Politics of the "Unfinished Business": Bosnian Police Reform
4 July 2014
After the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-95), police reform became a top priority within the country. So whats
happened over the years? According to Branka Marijan and Dejan Guzina, the countrys divided communities politicized
the reform process, thus leaving themselves without a standardized force. More
Violence and Displacement Stretch Iraq's Health Services
4 July 2014
Those who analyze the costs of a war typically dont consider the negative impact violence and the displacement of people
have on public health. Thats too bad, says IRIN, because ISIS offensive in Iraq is already contributing to the re-
emergence of infectious diseases such as polio and perhaps even cholera. More
/// Blog
The Modi Moment for China and India?
30 June 2014
Will Indias relations with China experience a Nixon moment under Prime Minister Narendra Modi? The answer,
according to Alice Han, will depend on two factors whether the rapprochement is based on more than mere economics,
and how the US responds to the possible emergence of Chindia. More
Are Security and Energy Concerns Moving Turkey and Israel Toward Reconciliation?
1 July 2014
Growing concerns over regional stability and a desire for greater energy security are prompting Turkey and Israel to mend
their diplomatic relations. Margaret Williams warns us, however, that the near- to mid-term collaboration between Ankara
and Tel Aviv will remain rocky. More
Hacking Defense: Changing How DoD Innovates
2 July 2014
Will the Better Buying Power Initiative revitalize the Pentagons approach to technological innovation? Adam J ay Harrison
and Stephen Rodriguez have their doubts. They believe US planners need to eschew traditional forms of development
and look at what the global high-tech economy has to offer. More
Mediation Perspectives: Security Arrangements Key to Justice
3 July 2014
Mediators typically have little influence over the content of a peace agreement, particularly where security arrangements
are concerned. Nevertheless, Laura Davis believes that they can contribute to an agreements durability by highlighting its
potential pitfalls and encouraging a more inclusive negotiating process. More
Acting Time; or, Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict
4 July 2014
Will the action plan recently developed at the Global Summit on Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict ever be implemented?
Paul Kirby has his doubts. Governments will find reasons to circumvent it quickly and get back to business as usual.
/// Video
Creative Disruption: Strategy, Technology, and the Future Defense Industry
In this video, two experts do indeed discuss the complex relationship that exists between strategy, technology and the
future trajectory of the US defense industry. More
Democracy Vital for Security and Stability in Africa with Dorina Bekoe
In this video, Dorina Bekoe discusses the problems with African elections, which include persistent violence and the use of
technology to misinform or intimidate voters. In response to these problems, Bekoe urges African policy makers to focus
their conflict prevention efforts on the periods just before elections occur. More
A View from Turkey: Current Regional Issues and the Way Forward
In this video, Turkey's President Abdullah Gl addresses a variety of global and regional issues, including the ongoing
troubles in Ukraine, Syria and Egypt. More

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