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Spring 2008 / 01

WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE going to be a challenging year on the

training front as all the coaches and
Editor’s Piece 1
many helpers who assist during the
Brendan Moore 2 running of our courses get to grips with
the new award system. I'm sure all of
Pembrokeshire Paddle 3
you have heard about the change by
Ian Hodges' USK paddle 5 now, and some you might know a little
about it. But all of us will benefit from
Swimmerollathon & splosh sweep 8 reading AM's item on the introduction
Reaching for the stars 10 of the new awards. Reaching for the
stars provides us with the reasoning
Marsh to Marlow 11 behind the change and concentrates on
New Kit / AGM REPORT 12 the 1 & 2* awards, with links to the
BCU site for syllabi etc. Some
I like a sense of HUMOUR! 13 references to coach requirements are
BLAH BLAH BLAH! 13 also mentioned; new L1K's please take
Canoe Expo. 14 We also have a rerun of an 'old'
What's on and other events 15 favourite. Paul Griffins
'Swimmerollathon' is well on the way to
Committee / Contacts etc. 16 establishing itself as regular feature on
the club's first proper WW run of the
season. The AGM came and went, and
EDITIORS PIECE for those unable to attend I've thrown a
few words together so at least you
The sun's shining, the weathers'
know who won what. There's a trip
warming and bookings are beginning to
report or two including an account of a
arrive for this years 1* award courses.
holiday paddle around St. Brides Bay,
We must be due a deep depression any
with links to everything of note.
moment now. Seriously though, this is

Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and

lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath
you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.
A. A. Milne, Pooh's Little Instruction Book

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 1 Spring 2008 / 01

Canoexpo is the big thing this year. I first heard about MCC after going to a
Read my bit on what I thought of the KayakoJacko rolling clinic to sort out
show. I've spoken to Brookbank who what had gone form a reasonably good
are pretty sure it'll be on next year's to a useless roll which was making my
calendar. One final point, I'd like to try paddling very defensive and no fun. I’d
and dispense with postal delivery of been looking for a club in the area to
printed copies or at the very least make join and only come across Windsor who
a significant dent in the no's forwarded don’t really cover WW, but Jacko
this way. It'll be awkward for some mentioned the Gurnell pool session so I
but I'd really like to hear from members got myself down there where I met
who cannot get a newsletter any other Andy Hibbert and Shades who said they
way. My contact details are on the were from Marlow.
back page. The next big step in the That was in January 2005 but it took
evolution of the newsletter will be to go me until August to get down to the club
all e-mail. This will open up the on a Sunday morning, where I met Tim
possibilities of more pictures, unlimited T just as he was leaving to go and
size and possibly more issues. I'm check on a 1 star course running down
aiming to call time on my editorship in at the beach by Longridge. We sneakily
the next year or two and I'd like to sort ran the weir and trundled down to the
this out before I hand over the reins. group where I got roped straight in
Postal delivery will still be available, but demoing low braces!
as the newsletter moves from a 'book'
format to screen layout the printed and
posted copy may not be such a
'friendly' read in the hand. I will ensure
some printed copies are available within
the club for visitors etc.



For those not in the know, we've seen

Brendan gets 'big air' on the Dart
the last of Brendan Moore, moore's the
pity. I don't think I've ever seen
More coaching in Derbyshire kept me
Brendan at the club without him being
away from the club again until New
involved in a bit of ad-hoc coaching or
Years day when we did the St Patrick’s
advice for those in need. Brendan and
Stream trip- a chance to take out the
Helen are of to New Zealand, and I'm
lovely shiny new open boat my wife
sure (after the envy has settled) we'd
had treated me to for Christmas! And
like to wish them all the best for their
shortly after that a Dart trip was
future. As I'd seen relatively little of
irresistible too- and that’s where the
Brendan I asked him for a few words
infamous ‘flying’ photo comes from!
and got a few pages. Here's about
Bottom of Triple Step and not a drop of
10% of it.
water in the boat, unlike Andy Maxted,
who rather embarrassingly took a swim
on the grade 2 lower- how we giggled!

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 2 Spring 2008 / 01

Trips on the Barle, the top end of the A PEMBROKESHIRE PADDLE
Thames and up to the Nene centre
followed and I got my L2C and ran a When I watched Kate (Lip Gloss)
course with Tim in summer 2006 on Silverton doing her ultimate Wild Water
which were our very own JP, Debs and challenge on the BBC in August, I took
Mrs Goddard. All passed with flying more than a normal interest, as I had
colours, though I do have a very funny booked on a centre-based trip two
memory of JP also taking a swim- this weeks later, kayaking round St Bride’s
time in about 6 inches of water in front Bay, and finishing off at the Bitches. It
of a group of gawping teenagers as we suddenly looked hard. And we would
practiced low-braces in the little be carrying camping gear.
‘stream’ under the bridge on river-left a The trip was run by Twr-y-Felin: a
few hundred metres up from the club. centre set up about 25 years ago by
The Teifi tour in October 2006 was Andy Middleton. Andy was something
memorable, largely for Reza’s of a rodeo pioneer many years ago, and
swimming at every opportunity (and settled near the ‘Bitches’ to make a
sometimes where there didn’t even living.
seem to be an opportunity!), but most I remember going down to St Davids
of all for Debs being taken from the for a camping trip when the kids were
river on a spinal board after having an very young. We ‘happening upon’
OBE halfway down Cenarth Falls! She TYF, as one does when one has
even tried taking a bite out of the front planned a family holiday well, and I’d
of her boat as it landed on top of her at been able to squeeze in a day’s
the bottom of the falls, but her teeth paddling while the family played on the
definitely came off worse. Fortunately a beach. It was beautiful. But I’d not
trip to the local hospital showed no been able to get back since.
serious damage and we got her cosied
up in the front seat of JP’s car for an
uneventful trip home.
And that brings us to the end of my
paddling career with MCC, It’s been a
great fun ride and one not to miss. Am
I sorry to be going- not a bit, but I’ll
miss the friends I’ve made at MCC and
will be happy to wish them ‘Kia-Ora’
should any of them ever make it to

Brendan Moore NOV. 2006

The Twr y Felin centre used to be a
Brendan has promised to rub salt into windmill. The original windmill tower,
the wound by writing about G4/5 back up a spiral staircase, has a common
country Canyoning and a 140km G1/2 room at the top. As you sit there,
tour that he's heard of. Oh! I almost supping your pint, you have a great
forgot the bit about sea kayaking in view over the Pembrokeshire coast.
crystal clear waters and then there's It's a spectacular landscape of rugged
the………. It just goes on and on! cliffs, with sandy beaches; a very
inviting place for a sea kayaking trip.

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 3 Spring 2008 / 01

I expected the course to be full with to pick up the pieces, and course
last-minute bookings, but if anything it participants’ skills were unknown at the
was under-subscribed. So only six of beginning of the trip.
us made the trip. Conditions were
ideal. Weather forecast was good:
Sunshine, moderate seas, with
maximum wind speeds around Force 3-
The first day was inshore-based, just to
make sure that the group was
competent, and aware of safety drills;
but the rest of the trip involved 12-15
miles paddling per day, with occasional
open crossings, and plenty of time to
explore the caves and bays of the
On Day 2, we started from West Dale
Bay, in the south, and made a
circumnavigation of Skomer Island , a
nature reserve famous for its
population of Manx Shearwaters. We
went ashore for lunch and a walk
around, before recrossing Jack Sound, It was an excellent trip, with a very
when the tides were right, to camp at experienced guide, who knew the tides,
Martins Haven. the area and the campsites well. I
The following day we headed round to would recommend it to anyone who
the village of St Brides, where we had wants to do a bit more sea kayaking in
lunch as we again waited for the tide to a unique environment. The boats gave
turn, before being helped up the coast us the freedom to enjoy much of what
to the beachside pub at Broad Haven Pembrokeshire has to offer, while
and on to a spectacular cliff top avoiding the traffic and the paddling
campsite in the grounds of the was excellent. Course details can be
Druidstone Hotel found at the Twr-y-Felin website.
The penultimate day’s trip took us up Gear was provided. The kayaks were
the coast to Solva before camping at a mix of P&H Capellas; Valley
Porth Clais. This was an ideal starting Aquanauts and Avocets, of which the
point for our trip around Ramsey Capella was overwhelmingly the
Island, but the tides required us to be favourite. The centre also provided
up at 05:30 in order to get through the some camping gear…… (but my
Sound before the tide turned south advice is to take your own!)
again. As tidal experts will have
surmised from this, the tide was slack
as we went through the Bitches. A bit Photos of the trip can be seen on the
of a disappointment, or relief, web at:
depending on your point of view, but a
well designed safety feature in the d=465980&id=615226256
centre’s plan, as they did not have the
luxury of any ‘off-camera’ speedboats Richard Williams NOV.2007

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 4 Spring 2008 / 01

IAN HODGES USK PADDLE things started to speed up the waves
turned into small rapids to be
This was a particularly enjoyable trip navigated, with the occasional rock
despite swimming twice, I had been crunching the bottom of the boat. A
looking forward to getting on to real few wobbles here and there and a
white water for quite a while and now couple of groundings, but things were
finally the time had come. I had done going well. Unfortunately I don't
the usual arranging of lifts, sorting out remember the order of the features
times, etc. It turned out the Rod very well as I'm now writing this 4
(Edmonds) was looking to go on the weeks after the event, so I'll get on to
Sunday as well, we arranged to meet the big ones.
at the club and head down to Wales in Mill Falls, now I'd heard quite a bit
Rod's Fiesta (I felt it probably best to about this, having spent many a
leave my car behind due to its fuel summers evening talking with JP,
consumption and the fact that Rod Adrian and Dave G in the pub after a
knew where he was going). We turned Tuesday paddle. So here we were, our
up to find that shuttling had already leaders taking up various points along
begun (and we weren't late!), so we the feature ready to advise/rescue
hurried along the changing process wayward novices. The first drop
without too much faff (not sure about seemed straight forward enough after
the spelling, but have been accused of Brendan’s briefing, and the eddy was
this by certain members of the club, made safely, however, I was now a
you know who you are!). I was little confused as to which route to take
surprised to see so many paddlers, why next and the eddy was beginning to fill
I thought our club would be the only up with kayaks. Apparently we needed
people around baffles me now but to get across to the other side of the
there you have it. We had a quick river, where a man was standing with a
briefing, during which I had to ask throw line, so off I went, unfortunately
about the meaning of hand signals (I I was fully aware of how quickly the
wasn't there on Saturday so how was I current can take you downstream, the
to know), then we had a little warm up large rock I was attempting to cross
with throw line practice. This all above was now under the side of my
seemed very serious to me considering boat, I made it just! Now I was faced
the trips I'd been on previously and I with another problem, there was no
was beginning to get a tad concerned, eddy to rest in, I looked downstream to
but felt that there was enough see Paul C beckoning me back across
experience about to save me should I the river in order to get down the next
exit my boat in an ungainly fashion. drop. I managed to turn my boat and
paddle in that direction; however, by
We put on and paddled slightly now I was heading downriver on the
upstream just to have a little warm up, wrong side between very large rocks.
practicing break ins and break outs and Thankfully after bouncing between the
settling into the rhythm of things, then rocks and over the drop I made, not
we were off. Generally there was some the most orthodox route but I’d made
nice gentle paddling with the flow and it, and have to say felt a huge
the occasional wave to get excited adrenaline rush. We paddled on and
about, watching which routes our more stopped for lunch by a bridge where
experienced paddlers were taking. As there was plenty of space for everyone.

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 5 Spring 2008 / 01

After lunch we put in and made for the not sure who got my boat this time (but
central arch of the bridge, moving on thanks anyway), I was tired and cold
down river we picked our way through now and decided to have a couple of
boulder gardens and small un-daunting warming cups of coffee before
rapids, that was my second mistake of attempting to empty my boat, Paul G
the day, just as I crossed the small popped over to check I was okay which
drop to the left of a large rock, the back was much appreciated, then TT had a
of my boat was dragged down and little swim and came over to the bank
before I had time to react I was over, to join me. Meanwhile JP was over the
damn it, oh well let’s try my roll, oops! other side of the river boofing over the
went for air and that totally killed the feature on what looked like a far more
roll, now I was upside down pulling my straight forward route, I’m still
deck, not only was it cold but I’d wondering why we came over the other
dropped my paddle, I was not happy! route, answers on a postcard please!
Thankfully Rod and Paul C were at The rest of the paddle was a series of
hand to get me, my boat and my flatter stretches interspersed with small
paddle over to the side (not sure who rapids and boulder gardens, one of
got my paddle but a big thanks to which saw me on my side once more,
them). I was annoyed because it however, I was determined not to
wasn’t a big feature that had caught me capsize or come out of my boat again,
out and dropping my paddle was just and held myself up on the riverbed
silly, I was also a little shocked by the waiting for another rescue, this time
cold, however, after a cup of coffee I the front of someone else’s boat was all
was back on the river and warming up. that was required to hip flick back
Spuhler’s Folly, this looked more upright. By the time we reached the
complicated than other features and end of that days paddling I felt that I
our leaders all seemed to be looking at had picked some truly useful tips for
different routes over the feature, it was the novice that I would like to share,
time to get out and take a look at this they may not all be totally correct but I
from the bank. I didn’t really know will definitely be remembering lessons
what I was looking at, but with Rod learnt on the Usk.
perched on a rock in the middle of the
river guiding various paddlers down I 1) When following another paddler
thought I’d give it a go. The route on moving water make sure you are at
appeared to be, head towards Rod, turn least 5 boat lengths behind them, if
right before knocking him off the rock, they change direction quickly it usually
then straighten up as you dropped over means they’ve spotted something you
the edge, lots of people had gone over can’t see and you want to be ready to
and made it look doable so I decided to change direction yourself, also if they
go for it. All was going well I was don’t move and get stuck on a rock
paddling as I dropped over the edge, you’ve got chance to alter course and
then I felt that familiar sinking feeling go around them, rather than into them.
on the back of my boat, this time I
managed to put in a support stroke, but 2) When following another paddler
all too late, I was over again. This time through a boulder garden, make sure
I decided to exit quickly, but hold onto the person in front of you is heavier or
to everything. Big Dave took charge of at least lower in the water than you
my rescue and got me over to the side, (not easy in my case even with the

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 6 Spring 2008 / 01

large volume of my boat), I did find a breakfast just outside Bristol and we
couple of people but names are not made for Dartmoor.
important. On arrival we were greeted by heavy
rain and several of our group standing
3) If you do decide to follow some around trying to figure out the best
of our more experienced members, place for the get in. I have to say at
remember that they might in search of this point I was nervous, we’d seen a
“stonking” water and features, rather lot of kayaks heading away from the
than the easiest route, it is a good idea river on our way down, and after seeing
to ask why they want to go a different the river at the original get in, it was
way than everybody else, rather than clear to me that I was in need of a dry
assuming they are correct. suit and maybe even an aqualung. .
Several of the group who had
4) When navigating large features experience the Dart loop on the
make sure you know beforehand the Saturday had already decided to call it a
exact route you are expected to take, day and were heading for home.
you might not make it but at least you Thankfully Adrian had some local
know where you should have been contacts who suggested a get in below
aiming for, finding out you don’t know Buckfastleigh weir (I think), apparently
where you are going half way down a the lower Dart from here would be big
feature is exciting but could also be and bouncy but without any really big
downright dangerous. features to negotiate.
We kind of sorted out shuttles, and
5) Don’t look at an object you are found a spot to put in; the open canoes
trying to avoid hitting, it will only act as were further downriver due to the lack
a boat magnet, look where you want to of space in the lay-bys. There was a
go, not where you don’t. small stream running quite fast and
parallel with the main river, the get in
was one boat at a time (unless you
Sunday on the River Dart were Paul C with a high seal launch),
I’m getting to write this short report we all got on and broke into the main
due to being the first and I think only river, even from the start it was big and
person to swim on this particular day. bouncy and we made for the first eddy
The trip for me started on Saturday just past the open canoe get in. As we
night, I was supposed to be giving assembled and set off down river, there
Susan, Fraser and Rod a lift down to were plenty of big bouncy waves to
the Dart on Sunday morning, a call enjoy and I remembered Rod’s words
from Paul Griffin changed the plans of wisdom, “lean forward and keep
slightly, apparently everybody apart paddling”.
from Paul C and Kieron, had taken a It was all going well until Paul C
swim on the Dart loop on Saturday, so decided it was time for us to take a
Susan and Fraser had been advised to break and head for the eddy river left; I
give it a miss on Sunday. I awoke at totally missed it and ended up heading
5am in the morning. I was in a off down river despite paddling against
stopper. That was it I wasn’t getting the current. Everybody followed on
back to sleep. Rod and I left for the and Chris P pointed out that “Paul
Dart at 7am, a quick stop off for would probably be quite happy to let
me be river leader if I only asked” very

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 7 Spring 2008 / 01

funny now get out of my way I see a decided to get changed into some dry
tree ahead! Generally the paddle was clothing. Four of our party ran the loop
big and bouncy as stated, and a lesson again, whilst the other two (with some
in avoiding trees and punching through of the locals) ran the same stretch of
waves (great fun and no rocks), river we had run that morning. A very
unfortunately I had forgotten a couple enjoyable trip despite the swim, looking
of my on tips, 5 boat lengths apart, we forward to more fun in the new year.
were far too bunched up and I often
found myself back paddling when I IAN HODGES DEC. 2007
should have been forward paddling.
Don’t follow more experienced paddlers -------------------------------------------------
looking for stonking water, especially
when their name is Rezza! Ten 2nd ANNUAL MCC
minutes from the end of the paddle was SWIMMEROLLATHON
when it hit, a series of large waves,
nothing more than we had already been
through several times, unfortunately I
This year’s Swimmerollathon
hit the first one at the wrong angle, the
Spectacular was again held at Hell Hole
support stoke worked, the second one
on the Wye. The conditions were
turned me side on, now I was fighting
extremely different from last year and,
to get straight, too late! The next wave
at a guess, I would say that the water
started to tip me over and the forth one
level was at least 3 or 4 foot lower and
slapped the bottom of my boat just to
the flow was definitely reduced.
make sure I was done for. This time I
To add a bit of spice to the competition,
decided to try and stay in my boat,
last year’s most improved paddlers of
reaching up to tap the bottom of my
the year, Susan and Reza, had their
boat to signal I was in need of a
points rating doubled in recognition of
rescue, I soon realised that finding
their achievement meaning that the
someone else’s boat wasn’t going to be
maximum points on offer was 143.
very easy, I was struggling to find my
Given the more placid conditions, a lot
own boat. I knew there were a lot of
of estimates were in the low 30-40
trees in the river and so I got out, this
range however if there’s one thing
time my rescue took a little longer. I
certain in life it is the amazing ability of
had managed to hold onto both boat
paddlers worldwide to throw the form
and paddle, Paul C took control of my
book out of the window when
boat whilst Rod attempted to tow me to
presented with a nice bit of white water
an eddy. Swimming with a paddle is
and just push it one notch too far. In
something I need to practice (or
fact Dewter’s fifth law of motion (which
possibly staying upright in a kayak). At
I just made up) does try to link all of
the fourth attempt we made to the
these things together and implies that
bank, I took my time to compose
the probability of a successful descent
myself and empty the water out of my
is inversely proportional to the size of
boat. I was now totally convinced of the
the paddler’s ego combined with peer
merits of a dry suit and it is definitely
pressure and the number of Cumecs
going on my shopping list. Back on the
flowing – or to put it another way
water and paddling again I soon
grown men start salivating and a red
warmed up and with ten minutes we
mist descends whenever they near a
were at the get out. After lunch I
feature which could give them a good

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 8 Spring 2008 / 01

story to tell the boys on Monday Estimates ranged from around the
morning. minute mark up to over 4 hours by
Having taken up position early, I which time most people were almost on
watched several groups come through the M4 heading home.
before Marlow arrived and there was an Despite an admirable effort by some
equal split of paddlers taking a central people to extend the mid-paddle lunch
line or taking the more obvious route break to influence the result, fair play
down river right which involved a close almost prevailed and Dave Goddard
run with the bank, a decent cushion won the competition by successfully
wave and a nice big sticky boily bit at being the closest to guessing the time
the bottom ready to catch out the of his own swim. I wouldn’t for a
unwary / hungover which had moment suggest that the result was in
Swimmerollathon points written all over doubt but above the roar of the water I
it – marvellous! thought I heard him shouting “it’s in
On arrival some of our group decided to the bag” as he disappeared beneath the
go straight through without scouting waves.
and, judging from the resultant To complete the roll of honour the
carnage, some may wish to revisit this much sought after spot prizes of Curly-
approach next year….anyway it did Wurlys were awarded as follows:-
result in some excellent viewing for me Kelvin for the most spectacular exit I
and this year’s chief sneak Mr Brendan have ever seen from a Canoe. It would
Moore. not be stretching the imagination too
Out of 17 starters there were 5 much to compare it with a skydiver
successful swims, a refusal and a roll launching from a plane at 10,000ft –
which added up to a total of 66 points. except the distance between boat and
No point in wasting column inches on water was more like 1ft.
the roll of honour, you know who you Digger for damaging a National
are and what you did, and no doubt Monument with the bow of his canoe,
some will get reminded of what even above the noise of the water the
happened at the AGM anyway. thud was clearly audible as he ploughed
The prize of a very nice bottle of into the bank.
sparkling white wine was won by Richard for his blind optimism in
Brendan with a score of 66 with Tim expecting that someone would answer
and Susan not far behind. his call for an Eskimo rescue as he
The first Splosh sweepstake was always roared down Hell Hole upside down.
going to be tricky this year what with Rob for taking a sympathy swim to
the lower levels, the general make the car journey home with Dave
improvement in abilities since last year a lot more pleasant.
and no obvious rabbits in the field of And finally Reza for taking the mickey
runners. It is pleasing to report that, out of everyone who couldn’t roll in Hell
despite JPs amusing launch from the Hole by doing it, not once, but twice.
bank with his newly christened Piranha I am delighted to say that we raised
Dredger, nobody swam before reaching £40 from both events and this has been
Hell Hole although there were a couple sent to the Chiltern Air Ambulance.
of rolls and an Eskimo rescue on the
way. Isn’t it funny how fast people get Roll on next year!
to the scene when there is a prize at
stake? PAUL GRIFFIN JAN 2008

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 9 Spring 2008 / 01

REACHING FOR THE STARS – coaching most beginners tend to rely
THE NEW BCU PERFORMANCE on their arms to do all the work;
training for the new One Star
encourages paddlers to use their whole
bodies, translating the power from the
Last September saw the launch of the
paddle through their arms, backs and
new BCU Performance Award scheme
knees or legs to drive the boat past the
which gave the club the opportunity to
paddle. Paddlers are also encouraged to
run the last of its 2007 season
try the widest possible variety of boats
introductory courses to the new
on the One Star course and choose for
syllabus. The weekend proved a great
themselves what type of boat they wish
success and resulted in an amazing
to use for the assessment. On our first
fifteen members gaining the new One
One Star course last September
Star Award – making them among the
thirteen candidates chose kayaks, while
first in the country to do so.
two opted for open canoes. Candidates
The new scheme was developed
can also choose whether to take the
following wide consultation within the
assessment paddling solo or as part of
paddlesport community and is built
a crew.
around a new approach to coaching
While the One Star gives paddlers all
which is proving very effective across a
the skills they need to join in with
wide range of sports – Long Term
normal club sessions at Marlow, the
Athlete Development or LTAD.
new Two Star is an improvement
Developed by Hungarian/Canadian
award that helps paddlers develop
coach Dr Istvan Balyi, LTAD is based on
fundamental paddlesport skills and an
research that shows that the wider the
understanding into how the paddle,
base of activities beginners are
boat and water interact. The Two Star
introduced to, the more effective their
Award is gained by demonstrating skills
learning is in the longer term.
in both a kayak and a canoe and can
Translating the LTAP principles into
again be taken either paddling solo or
paddlesport (or LTPD) has resulted in
as part of a tandem crew in, for
the new Paddlepower scheme aimed
at introducing young paddlers (typically example, an open canoe or in a doubles
racing or touring boat. Importantly,
under 14) to the breadth of our sport
Two Star candidates need to show
and its many different disciplines –
racing, touring, freestyle, polo etc – in experience of paddling different craft in
as many different boats – long and different locations and have completed
two journeys of at least two hours
straight running, short and turny, sit ins
duration or have taken part in two
and sit on tops, canoes and kayaks. For
competitions (e.g. races or perhaps
older paddlers the equivalent first step
slaloms). We are planning to run at
on the ladder is the new Paddlesport
least two Two Star courses at Marlow
Start Award, designed to be
this season (see dates at end of this
presented at the end of an initial taster
article) and will include opportunities
session of a couple of hours, which can
then be followed by the new One to for members to log the required
journey experience.
Five Star Awards.
By the time they are ready for Three
The new One Star Award is designed
Star most paddlers will have developed
to reflect basic boat control on flat
a preference for one of the many the
water and a sound foundation in
paddlesport disciplines and it is here
forward paddling skills. Without

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 10 Spring 2008 / 01

that the new awards separate. There Further information: Details of the
are currently Three Star Awards new Level 1 and Level 2 Coaching
available in four disciplines – open awards can be downloaded from
canoeing, white water, sea and surf –
and further awards are planned in flat new-bcu-coaching-awards.aspx while a
water touring, slalom, racing and polo. list of coaching courses across the BCU
There will be an article on the new Southern Region is at
Three and Four Star Awards in a future
newsletter. =coaching. The full syllabi, trainer and
But before we finish here, a brief word assessor notes for the new Star Awards
about who coaches and assesses the can be found at
new awards because the BCU Coaching
scheme is also seeing some changes. bcu-1---3-star-tests-.aspx.
Coaching for the new One and Two Star
Awards should be delivered under the ANDY MAXTED JAN 2008
direction of a new Level 2 Coach (or
‘old’ Level Two who also holds the old A full list of all courses currently
Two Star Kayak and Open Canoe scheduled by the club can be found in
certificates) or higher; theses coaches the 'WHAT'S ON, WHEN & WHERE'
can also assess both of these awards. page inside rear cover.
The Level 2 will usually be assisted by
one or more Level 1 (assistant) coaches -------------------------------------------------
(or ‘old’ Trainee Level 2s) who may also MARSH TO MARLOW
assess the new Paddlesport Start
Award. Rod did a D.O. turn in January and took
Coaching can be rewarding experience us from Marsh to Marlow. This year we
and anyone with an interest whatever did not have to bother with the irksome
their level of paddlesport experience – trog down the lane! Was the water
even just watching from the bank - can fast, a little over 2 hrs. to Marlow inc.
train to become a Level 1 Coach. The the now customary tea stop is your
Level 1 course involves the equivalent answer.
of five days of training including safety
training or, for those who already hold
a Canoe Safety Test (CST) certificate,
the course can be completed over four
days. Five assessment tasks are set
during the course and on completing
these successfully candidates are
awarded the new Level 1 Certificate in
Coaching Paddlesport which is being
mapped to the national vocational
training framework and endorsed as
part of the cross-sport UK Coaching
Certificate (UKCC) scheme. A number
of centres, including Longridge, are
offering courses locally, generally over
two or three weekends although block
intensive courses are also available.

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 11 Spring 2008 / 01

NEW KIT As is the way with these things the
mundane stuff had to be sorted.
If you are looking for a new cag, but Someone's toying with the idea of being
like me, can't justify a SIDEWINDER top the new Deb's but other than that it's
then just maybe a PALM APEX pretty much as before. Alex has turned
(ELEMENT for ladies) will fit the bill. 18 so if there's anyone who would like
Same basic material but without the to take on his junior rep. role he say's
Kevlar reinforcement on the arms, and he won't oppose it.
no latex neck seal. At £40.00 cheaper So we get round to the awards. The
this will satisfy a lot of club paddlers. committee had previously laboured long
Try it out at any of the local dealers and hard deliberating who was worthy
listed on the back, (phone before of the various awards this year, and in
journeying) and don't forget to ask for no particular order they were;
your 10% off. If you want something Most improved paddler went to Mandy
lighter still then the PALM COBRA top Human who started late, plunged
might suit you. Velcro adjusters all headlong into a 2* and completed a
round, I'm reasonably pleased with the hectic month or so with a Wye trip
short sleeve version I bought. including Symonds Yat.
Newsletter item went to 'White
Feather' Briggs. You may recall Julie
John Norris DEC.2007
provided us with an account of the
------------------------------------------------- paintballing social event. It's nice to
read about non paddling events, which
2008 AGM REPORT keep the club together at times when
conditions prevent some members from
Oh dear! Where was everybody? AM
set up the room, the grub was laid on,
Volunteer of the Year award went to
but the turnout was poor. Only 17 or
Steve Williams, of Chiswick Pier
so were present + a latecomer or two
Canoe Club. Steve is responsible for
as the evening moved on.
maintaining the Gurnell pool sessions
I was one of the first there and saw
which many members have used to
Andy and Richard fiddling with the pc
improve on various skills throughout
and projector trying to get the
the winter months.
entertainment working. For a while it
The coveted 'swimmer of the year'
was not looking to good, but something
went to Dave Goddard, not for the
tweaked and the show was on. About
Scarface incident, but for an OBE at
that time the spread came in, an
Hell Hole.
assortment of sandwiches and several
Chris Porteous picked up the other
trays of chips (that's real chips, not
most improved paddler award. Not
crisps!) and they weren’t too bad. I
normally given to committee members,
didn't hear anybody complain anyway.
it was agreed that Chris had come a
The show started, probably about
long way in a short time and was most
20mins. on a very successful Alps trip.
worthy of the award.
The highlight for me was the way REZA
For the juniors, Doug Marsh was
dealt with most things. I understand
judged to be the most improved.
he's still good for an underwater
I'm well aware not all members can
excursion but surely not for much
make the meeting, but it would be nice
if next year we could get back to

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 12 Spring 2008 / 01

around 30 or so in attendance. True, and that' & some other utterances
the sandwiches would be a bit thinner, possibly found in modern street slang
but you'd be doing me a favour if you but not in the O.E.D. The talk centred
ate a few more! around some of Debs paddling exploits
and threw in a few bits of non paddling
John Norris 30/01/2008 info as well. It also jumped about it.
Debs interest in kayaks began on a
------------------------------------------------- family holiday to Bournemouth where
she first saw these boats on the sea.
To young to hire them at the time the
I LIKE A SENSE OF HUMOUR fun element stayed with her. Some
good fortune along the way and next
we hear about winning some
'competition' in New Zealand. There
may have been an additional sentence
or two in between but I didn't catch the
full text.
As with all people of this standard it
sometimes seems as though they are
always in the right place at the right
time. The years have taught me that
it's the hard work in between that gets
these people noticed. For Debs, this
came by way of (initially) hours spent
on a playwave adjacent a campsite in
France where she was working with
Sent to me by an anonymous source some youngsters on an adventure
(well, not that anonymous) so no cups holiday type camp.
of coffee for the first correct answer. In addition to paddling Debs has an
interest in photography, and is hoping
to further this side of her interests in
BLAH BLAH BLAH! the near future. Good photographs of
spectacular water will become truly awe
Rob & I went to a Riverside inspiring in future presentations should
presentation featuring Debs Pininnger. she apply the same determination as
A reasonable turnout and a good raffle she has to paddling.
earned some much needed spondoolies The evening ended with a raffle. Top
for the good folks at Riverside and the prize was a garishly decorated Robson
youth they work with. touring paddle retailing at £200.00+,
I wandered around and talked to a few yours for £1.00 and a lot of luck. I'd
people I'd not seen for a while whilst bought a 'few' tickets and enjoyed a
waiting for the presentation to start. good run of luck but not that good.
Debs was soon into her stride, Would I go again? I'm more radio 4,
delivering an informative talk if a little more David Attenborough, these days
disjointed but enjoyable none the less. but despite the criticisms mentioned
For us older types who had paper earlier I think I would. Debs had a few
dictionaries at school there was too notes around (I think) but often went
much reliance on 'blah blah blah'; 'this off at a slight tangent offering the

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 13 Spring 2008 / 01

chance to deliver the odd nugget of down to plastic. I've a few ideas for
trivia that's probably not worth knowing boats should the club invest in some
but occasionally surfaces from the basic sea stuff at a later date.
depths of the mind. Next time she's Lunch was scheduled for 12:00,
around give it some thought. It cost a sandwiches and the like looked a bit
fiver on the door at Riverside and you pricey (don't they always?) but at £6.50
won't get much for that these days. a pop both 'El Presidente' and myself
thought the hot meal was reasonable
John Norris Feb. 2008 value. There were plenty of tables in
the foyer and a newsstand where you
------------------------------------------------- could buy a sweetie or two. No-one
seemed to mind if you were eating your
own. Drinks were O.K., mainly vended,
CANOEXPO but I'd have happily paid a little more
for a decent coffee.
It's off to Coventry for the new show. I First thing after lunch was to purchase
half expected the NAC to be a smaller an open paddle of the correct size. I'd
NEC, but it turns out to be the National bought my first because I was 'allright'
Agricultural Centre. We (me, Rob, with Rob's paddle. A session last year
Chrisp, & El Presidente) rolled up under the tutelage of 'El Presidente'
around 9:40 and were sheperded in to pointed out the now obvious failings of
a free nearby carpark. A short walk to incorrectly sized paddles. Fortunately
the main hall, home printed tickets the man himself was on hand to advise,
scanned and we were in. Just 80 mins. and although his 'formula' was slightly
from Stokenchurch - much quicker than different to the man on the stand the
Birmingham. answer agreed.
Once inside, you can see all 4 walls of I went over to the Wolfson theatre for a
the hall at the same time, but when you travelogue on sea kayaking by Gordon
realise that it's ALL devoted to canoeing Brown. He's a big wheel in Scottish sea
topics it's probably more sq. footage kayaking and handy with a camera too.
than at the old show. A separate hall I got there a bit late and it was packed.
with theatre's and classrooms was El Presidente attended a lecture on
available for the many lectures and ropework by Franco Ferrero that was
demos offered. equally well attended. Not so the UK
I spent the morning looking at sea Universities 4 borders bash, but
kayaks and sea kayaking tuition. There reasonable photography and a video or
were a no. of providers of training, two was enjoyed by those that
including KAYAKOJACKO, who attended.
recommended a provider with a similar I'm sure it'll continue here next year,
ethos to himself, and with whom I'll be feedback was favourable from those I
in touch with later. I'll be looking into asked and for us it's a doddle to get
others in greater detail, some of whom too. If you go, check out the lectures
have offered a small discount should first and plan your stall crawling around
enough of the clubs 'interested' sea the ones you want to see. I'll probably
paddlers be interested. see you there.
Next up was the boats. Starting off
with nicely finished exotic material John Norris Feb. 2008
constructions and working my way

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 14 Spring 2008 / 01

The complete and authoritive guide to all that the club hopes to do in the
forthcoming months. Please note that at the time of going to press dates cannot
be guaranteed and that the programme is subject to changes.

APRIL 2008
MAY 2008
JUNE 2008


AC ADRIAN COOPER 01844 344580
AM ANDY MAXTED 07730 852760
DL DAVID LYDIATT 01753 887773
JN JOHN NORRIS 01494 483833
JP JOHN PARKIN 07973 820515
MP MARTIN PLAIN 01628 483252
TB TERRY BELCHER 01628 851001

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 15 Spring 2008 / 01

A list of those members who serve on the club's committee, their role and a
contact no. should you need to contact them.

ADRIAN 01844
COOPER 344580
ANDY 07730
MAXTED 852760
PAUL 08708
TIM 07833
ROD 01753
EDMONDS 671389
CHRIS 01628
MARTIN 01628
PLAIN 483252
VERNEY 640573
CANOES 425640

Please advise the editor if any contact details are wrong or if you wish to add an alternative no. / e-mail address to the list.

Marlow Canoe Club Newsletter Page 16 Spring 2008 / 01

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