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Onion Face Pack

Take an onion and get the juice.

Add equal amount of onion juice and honey.
Mix it well.
Apply it on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it.
This will remove the aging and all blemishes from the skin.
Onion and Lemon Juice - remedy for hair loss
Take equal quantity of lime juice and onion juice.
Mix it well.
Apply the juice on the scalp.
Leave it for 20-30 minutes.
Wash your hair with shampoo.
Onion as a remedy to hair loss
Take a fresh onion. Get the juice of the onion by grinding it in mixer.
Apply the juice directly on the scalp.
Leave it for 1/2 and hour.
Wash your hair with shampoo.
This will help in restoring the hair follicles and helps in hair growth.
Hair Glow and Hair Growth
Take an onion and mince it.
Add the minced onion in the shampoo of your brand.
Leave this for 10 days.
Apply the shampoo and give a glow to your hair.
Sulphur in onion will help in hair growth.
Rughe e borse sotto gli occhi:
Fare una maschera utilizzando la polpa di mela ed il rosso d'uovo.
Frullare tutto insieme ed applicala nelle parti interessate!
Onion is rich in sulfur which is one of the essential nutrients in promoting hair growth. So, if you are facing a lot of hair
fall problems or have developed any bald patches on your head, try onion. It stimulates hair growth. It is also beneficial
for people who want to increase the length of their hair.
Add minced onion to your shampoo. Let stand for fifteen days and use the shampoo regularly. Not only will it
accelerate hair growth but it will give your hair glacial shine.
Dear The condition alopecia is believed to be the primary cause of both early male and female hair can
promote healthy hair growth, and possibly even re-growth, with a simple homemade remedy featuring onions. can apply freshly-squeezed, raw onion juice directly onto the scalp, massage deep into the scalp and hair roots.
Left on the scalp for about half-an-hour prior to shampooing. Do these treatments everyday. In most circumstances,
regular onion treatments will result in dramatic improvement of hair thickness within just a number of months.
Considering that onion juice restores hair follicles and improves scalp circulation, it will support to promote the
powerful-hair growth.
2.Garlic can stimulate the flow of blood to the scalp, thereby nourishing the hair, and thus encouraging hair to grow and
strengthen, rather than falling out, breaking off, and leaving us bald or balding.
Garlic can also help remove any harmful toxins, which is an important consideration in caring for the growth of our hair
and in helping to prevent hair loss.60 minutes before you go to sleep, crush up a garlic clove and then rub the clove into
the area of hair loss. It is important that the juice of the clove is smeared over the area fully and firmly.Do NOT rub the
the crushed clove too hard against the scalp, or you may cause traction alopecia baldness caused by pulling on
hair.Leave for 60 minutes and then apply olive oil, gently rubbing the olive oil into the scalp.For sleeping, you will need
to wear a shower cap or something similar.When you awake the next day, the first thing you should do is shampoo your
3.Make a paste by mixing olive oil, 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Apply and
massage on the scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and repeat it for 3-4 times a week.
4.Combine 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of raw honey, and then massage the scalp with the mixture every
5.Mix one tablespoon honey with one small glass of brandy or vodka and onion juice; rub mixture into the scalp every
night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning.
for more home remedies check this web site
women.html Hope this helped.
fatma says:
February 28, 2012 at 5:13 pm
hi. wont the hair smell when onion is mixed with shampoo?
admin says:
March 13, 2012 at 3:56 pm
Dear you can dilute the shampoo and add 2-3 drops lavender oil in it to get rid pungent odor of onion or you can mix
equal quantity of lime juice and onion juice.Apply the juice on the scalp.Leave it for 20-30 minutes.Wash your hair
with shampoo and then use conditioner that smells good.
1. Massage virgin olive oil on our face, and neck to treat wrinkles at home .Olive oil will lighten your skin and impart
youthful glow to your skin.
2. Egg white is the best home remedy for wrinkle cure .Apply egg white on your skin for 30 minutes to treat wrinkles
and sagged skin .Do not laugh or talk when this pack is on your face to reduce fine lines, and laugh lines as well .Eggs
will tighten your skin instantly.
3. Apply a slice of lemon on your face to treat wrinkles , and age spots .Lemon is very good home remedy for wrinkle
treatment, and it also lightens you skin tone and scars.Use lemon for delaying aging/premature aging and retaining
4. Massage your face and neck with ripe papaya to treat wrinkles naturally .You can apply papaya for brightening and
whitening your complexion at home also as a home remedy.
5. Apply castor oil on your face ,areas under your eyes ,forehead, and all parts where you have signs of aging .This
home remedy will treat wrinkles naturally and help in delaying aging also .Use this home remedy.
6. Apply pineapple' s core on your face for the 10-15 minutes as a home remedy to cure wrinkles and premature aging.
7. Drink carrot juice daily for 2 weeks to see immediate results in delaying aging and wrinkles .It is very nice home
remedy to get youthful complexion.
8. Apply the juice of cucumber all over your face to cure wrinkles around your eyes, lips and forehead. This home
remedy is very good treatment for treating dark circles also at home naturally.
9. Make a mixture at home taking 2 spoons of yogurt,1/2 spoon of honey, and 3 vitamin E capsules .Apply this
preparation on your face with cotton pads for 10 minutes to cure wrinkles and aging naturally.
10. Take 1/2 cup of rosemary leaves; boil in 2 liters of water, for 30 minutes. Mix half cup of brandy, and leave it for 15
minutes for mixing. Strain this preparation, and store in a refrigerator .Apply twice a day. You must use this home
remedy at home for delaying wrinkles and treating wrinkles naturally.
11. Wear sunglasses to avoid wrinkles around eyes (crow's feet).By doing so, you can delay aging and prevent
premature aging.
12. Never sleep with your belly on the bed and face on the pillow. You are inviting aging and premature aging.
13. Massage with coconut oil to treat wrinkles naturally at home .Coconut oil can be applied at bedtime for lightening
your skin, and scar treatment. Try this easy home remedy.
14. Almond oil with honey can do wonder for treating wrinkles and delaying aging .Try this home remedy for getting
soft ,fair and youthful skin at home.
15. Apply milk cream with lemon juice as a home remedy at home to cure wrinkles.
16. Coconut oil mixed with castor oil is very good home remedy for delaying aging and wrinkles. This is a wonderful
wrinkle treatment at home naturally.
17. Take 2 spoons of fine flour with olive oil; apply on your skin .Leave this mixture for 30 minutes. Wash off with rose
water after that.
18. Take 2 spoons of refined flour, 1 beaten egg, and 1 spoon milk powder to apply on your skin in an upward motion
.This face pack is excellent treatment for tightening your face and neck .It treats wrinkles and delays aging effectively.
You must use this home remedy if you suffer from premature aging.
19. You can apply egg white with pure honey as a home remedy for wrinkle treatment and delaying aging/premature
20. Paste of turmeric mixed with juice of sugarcane makes your skin wrinkle free. This home remedy has a power to
slow down the loosening and aging of skin .You must do it when you are 30-35 to treat wrinkles naturally.
21. Eat apples daily to ease out fine lines and delay aging/premature aging.
22. Avoid sunlight as much as you can, Sunlight is major factor in causing premature aging. Before steeping out of your
home, wear sunscreen (+20) to delay aging and maintain youthful look for years.
23. Take Thompson seeds grapes , and crush these seeds to apply on your face as a home remedy to treat wrinkles at
home naturally .Wash off with lukewarm water. You must use this home remedy to retain youth and delay
aging/premature aging.
24. Make a concoction with 1/4 cup of witch hazel, 10 drops of patchouli essential oil, and comfrey infusion (1/2 cup).
Dab on our face with a tampon .Store this preparation in an air-tight bottle .You can use this home remedy for getting
wrinkle free and youthful skin at home.
25.For men's forehead wrinkles ,you must apply the puree of raw papaya and banana .Papaya contains papain an
enzyme that speeds up new cell renewal process in your skin .Banana has the vitamins that have the power to
rejuvenate your skin and treat wrinkles/ premature wrinkles .You must try this easy home remedy at home for treating
26. You can make a nourishing cream at home for treating wrinkles, with few spoons of cream, 1 slice of avocado and a
handful of flaxseeds ,and 1 tea spoon of honey .Mix all ingredients in a blender to make a cream at home that is rich in
vitamins and minerals for wrinkle cure and treatment. Try this wrinkle treatment for soft and youthful skin naturally.
27. Avocado has many fats and high soluble vitamins that slow down aging and treat wrinkles naturally at home .Apply
it or eat avocado as a treatment of wrinkles for delay aging and aging/premature aging.
28. 1 spoon of orange juice, 1 spoon of olive oil, 1 egg yolk with 2 spoons of oatmeal powder to scrub your skin to
make it wrinkle free and glowing.
29. 2 spoons of vodka.1 spoon of fennel seeds , a half teaspoon of honey .Boil, and keep them in the fridge to apply
with cotton balls , and wash off with lukewarm water .Try this home remedy to treat wrinkles naturally.
30. Grind onions ,and apply on your face to cure wrinkles naturally .You can use this wrinkle treatment easily at home.
31. Onion with honey also acts as a home remedy for wrinkle cure at home.
32. Chew a spoon of shredded ginger with honey in morning to delay aging/premature aging naturally.
33. Milk with honey when mixed is an excellent treatment for fine lines cure at home naturally. Use this home remedy
daily for soft and glowing skin.
34 Make a face pack at home mixing olive oil, milk cream, honey to treat wrinkles and aging/premature aging naturally.
35. Grind some almonds which have been soaked up in raw milk overnight. Apply in the morning to treat wrinkles
naturally and getting rid of dark circles around eyes .If you use this home remedy daily , you can delay aging and retain
young look for long.
36. Facial exercise can treat wrinkles .Make an exaggerated E of O position with your mouth , and hold for 30 seconds
.You can move your lips in all directions to relax facial muscles. You can cure wrinkles by making mouth as if you
were chewing a chewing gum.
37. Make a paste by grinding edamame (made from the pods of soybean) to make a mask to treat wrinkles naturally
.Soy face pack is very nice treatment for wrinkles cure and delaying aging/premature aging at home.
38. The juice of green pineapple is excellent cure for fine lines and cracked skin .You can use this home remedy for
treating wrinkles naturally.
39. Do not let the sweat stay on your face for long time as it dehydrates and steals the glow of your face.
40. Always wash your face with neem and turmeric face wash to retain your youthful charm for long.
41. Milk cream(malai) is very effective home remedy for getting soft and youthful skin at home .Apply fresh cream as
home remedy to massage your skin to induce blood circulation and relax muscles of your skin Use milk cream as a
wrinkle cure and skin softener.
42. Massage almond oil on your face to delay aging and premature aging. You can use this home remedy to treat
wrinkled, and dark skin naturally. Almond oil is a very good skin treatment for dry and dull skin.
43, Apply shredded cucumber on face to iron out wrinkles naturally at home.
44. Apply lemon juice with amla (Indian gooseberry) on your face to treat wrinkles and delay aging naturally.
45. When you get up in the morning, fill out your mouth with water ,and then splash fresh water on your face and eyes
.This home remedy is helpful in delaying aging and wrinkles naturally.
46. Mash a ripe banana for applying on your wrinkled face to cure wrinkles naturally .Try this home remedy.
47. Take a half spoon of yoghurt, ghee (clarified butter), milk, and honey each to make a face pack for wrinkle
treatment at home.
48. Mix two drops of honey, glycerin, and olive oil each to massage your skin for fighting wrinkles and delaying aging
naturally .You can retain your youth by using this home remedy at home.
49. Take the juice of 1 lemon, 1 spoon almond powder, 1 spoon honey for massaging your skin to fight wrinkles .This
home remedy is excellent for eliminating dead cells and tightening the sagged skin.
50. Take the core of a peeled apple, and mash it to apply .Wash off with warm water thrice a week to retain your youth
and treating wrinkles.
Diet- You must take a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed, fish (salmon, mackerel, and albacore tuna) to
retain youth for years. You must take protein rich diet such as pulse ,skinless chicken ,turkey breast, beans, eggs ,milk,
etc .Apart from these ,you must have spinach,olive,leafy vegetables ,amla, tomatoes, kale, ,goziberries, red pepper,
avocado in your diet. You must take a vitamin D supplement to look 5 years younger. Chewing 2 almonds daily,
drinking amla juice, and taking milk with saffron can go a long way in treating wrinkles/premature aging .Drinking a lot
of water is necessary to maintain your youthful complexion for long.
Other tips-Massage increases circulation and retains tone of muscles .So, have a facial massage once a month .Avoid
frowning, squinting, and lifting your eyes to keep wrinkles at bay .Smile your way to get a great skin.
55 Home Remedies for Treating/curing Blackheads at Home Naturally-blackheads Cure and
1. Apply groundnut oil mixed with 1 spoon of lemon juice on your face to check the formation of
blackheads .Try this effective home remedy to treat blackheads naturally at home.
2. Grind drumsticks pods, and leaves together . Mix this paste with lemon juice to apply on your
blackheads as a home remedy to cure them naturally at home.
3. Grind fenugreek leaves, and keep on your face for 15 minutes at night. This home remedy is an
excellent treatment for curing acne on your face too.
4. Apply the paste of radish seeds on your face as a home remedy to treat blackheads, and pimples
at home naturally.
5. You can use the scrub of green tea to loosen your blackheads easily at home.
6. Mix 5 gms of red sandalwood with 5 grams of turmeric ,and apply with milk. This home remedy
will treat blackheads naturally.
7. Apply the paste of neem(margosa) leaves mixed with turmeric ,and apply this mixture on your
face to treat all eruptions like blackheads, acne , and acne marks .This home remedy is very
effective as both ingredients have anti-bacterial properties.
8. Grind 4 almonds in rose water to make a scrub at home for scrubbing away the dirt ,and
blackheads naturally .This home remedy will give you light ,and smooth skin too.
9. You can use the juice of undiluted lemon on your face to cure blackheads naturally at home.Use
this treatment 2-3 times in a day.
10. Apply mint juice with turmeric as a home remedy for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
11. Steam your face to clear the grimes embedded into your skin which lead to blackheads . Boil
plain water ,you can add herbs like rosemary ,chamomile, basil leaves ,lemon, or peppermint to
enhance the effect .Let the water cool down a bit ,then put your face directly over the steam, and
drape towel around your head to escape the steam from drifting away. Do this for 15 minutes to
unclog the blocked pores. Use this home remedy to clear the debris of your skin's surface caused by
pollution and make up.
12. Try 1 spoon of lemon juice , and 1 spoon of cinnamon powder to treat blackheads naturally at
home .
13. Mix oatmeal powder in rose water to scrub your face after keeping on your skin for fifteen
14. A poultice of grated potato is a great blackheads cure at home naturally .You can apply the juice
of a raw potato also.
15. Apply warm honey on your face for 10 minutes. Wash off after mild scrubbing .This home
remedy will moisturize your skin also.
16. Apply rice flour mixed with curd / milk to exfoliate your skin thrice a week. This home remedy
is highly beneficial for treating blackheads at home and revealing clear skin naturally.
17. Take 3 spoons of honey with 1 spoon of cinnamon powder ,and keep this mixture overnight on
your face. Use this home remedy for curing blackheads, acne and ,acne marks twice a week.
18. Apply an egg white on your face. Wash it off after scrubbing the blackheads. This home
remedy is very good for easing wrinkles on your face .Egg is a natural skin tightener .Eggs can be
used with honey also for blackheads treatment.
19. Apply 2 spoons of lemon juice with 1 spoon of sugar. Scrub on your face till sugar granules
melt completely. This home remedy eradicates all stubborn blackheads you hate. Use this treatment
for curing blackheads at home naturally.
20. Apply grape pulp on your face for maintaining the acid balance of your face. Try this treatment
for blackheads cure at home naturally.
21. You can use Indian plum(jamuna) on your blackheads. This home remedy will work as a magic
for treating blackheads at home naturally.
22 . You can apply vinegar, and cornstarch as a treatment for blackheads cure at home naturally.
23. Grind strawberry leaves to apply on your blackheads. Strawberry leaves' alkalinity relieves
swelling and cleans the blocked pores.
24. Wash your face with salt water twice a day. Apply a toner with niacinamide after this.
25. Apply fuller's earth in rose water to absorb the excess oil from the surface of your skin to
minimize the chance of appearing blackheads on your face.This treatment is good for oily skin.
26. Apply aloevera juice to fight all imperfections like blackheads, acne, scars, and wrinkles on
your face.Follow this home remedy twice a day.
27. You can apply lemon juice mixed with rose water on your blackheads to cure them naturally at
home. Keep this mixture on your face for 1/2 hour .You will see the results in 15 days.
28. Grind cloves ,and garlic together to apply on your face as a treatment for blackheads cure at
home naturally.
29. Take 4 cups of warm water, and 2 spoons of soda bicarbonate. Dip a towel in this preparation,
and place it on your blackheads, and rub slowly to remove them.
30. Apply the paste of cucumber on your blackheads to cure them naturally at home.
31. Make a face pack at home with 2-3 spoons of curd, 2 spoons of oatmeal powder, and lemon
juice to scrub your face. This home remedy is very effective.
32. Apply sandal wood with rose water to absorb the excess oil from the skin's surface to prevent
blackheads from forming.
33. Prepare a mixture by mixing lemon juice, cinnamon, turmeric, and coriander leaves to apply on
your blackheads. Use this effective treatment for blackheads cure.
34. Mix 2-3 drops of lemon juice in 1 spoon of milk to apply on your face for 5 minutes. This
home remedy is good for treating blackheads at home naturally.
35. Take 1 spoon of salt, 2 drops of lemon juice, 1 /2 spoon of honey, and rub on your face to
extract blackheads.
36. Mix 2 spoons of boric powder in 1 cup of warm water . Dip a napkin in this solution, and rub
your face with this napkin to banish your irritating blackheads.
37. Take 1 spoon of black pepper, and 2 spoons of curd ,it works as a great scrub for eradicating
deep-rooted blackheads. Try this home remedy to cure blackheads .This is one of the best
treatments for blackheads cure.
38. Mix calamine , kaolin, and rose water together to treat blackheads at home naturally.
39. You can make a scrub at home by grinding orange or lemon peels with water to rub on your
blackheads .This home remedy is a great treatment for blackheads cure naturally.
40. Take 1/4 cup of water,1 spoon of Epsom salt, and 2 drops of iodine to apply on your face to
treat blackheads naturally.
41. You can apply neem oil on your blackheads directly to cure them at home.
42.Make a face pack by mixing an egg white ,avocado , and oatmeal to scrub your face to remove
43. You can apply milk of magnesia directly on blackheads for their treatment.
44.Apply magnesium citrate powder with water for the fast removal of blackheads at home.
45. You can apply lemon juice ,salt ,and pepper on your face as a home remedy to treat blackheads
naturally at home.
46. Apply white glue (Elmer's) on your blackheads .Blackheads will pull off with white glue when
pull out the glue.
47. Apply tomato juice on your nose( where blackheads strike first) to cure blackheads naturally.
48. Apply cinnamon ,cloves, and honey mixed together as a home remedy on your blackheads to
treat them naturally.
49. Apply the banana pulp, and skin to clear away the deep-seated dirt ,and blackheads at home.
50. Apply a pinch of glycerin soap, and a pinch of salt to scrub your face to reveal your skin free of
51. Take the leaves of brooklime ( 30 gm), and boil these in 300 ml of spring/mineral water, and
add sodium bicarbonate in this mixture. Apply with cotton balls .This treatment is a good cure for
treating pimples, and blackheads.
52. Pour lemon juice in the boiled milk to make a mixture at home.Wash your face with this to
eradicate and minimize the chance of recurring blackheads. Use home remedy daily.
53.Apply toothpaste on the blackheads to disappear them completely in 15 days after regular
54.Apply clay mask on your skin to treat blackheads naturally .Wash off after 30 minutes with
warm water .This home remedy will absorb the excess oil from the skin's surface.
55 .Make a face wash at home mixing 1-2 ml of each witch hazel, tea tree , and sweet fennel
essential oils. You can add essential oil of geranium for women, and rosewood for men.Mix them
with 300 ml of water. Store this prepration well so that oil will float over the water .Shake well
when you use it. Wipe your face with this anti-bacterial lotion to treat blackheads . Try this
effective home remedy 2-3 times a day .
Other important tips- Always wash your face with salicylic acid based scrub to clears away the
blackheads .Wash your face with an oil free face wash. Never try to remove blackheads at home as
it can result into more inflammations leading to developing redness and causing pain.You must
change your pillow case regularly to avoid transferring oil through the pillow case. You must take
regular care of your skin like cleansing, toning ,and moisturizing daily to drive away your
blackheads .Always go to sleep after removing all traces of make-ups .Go to a good beauty parlour
to get blackheads extracted with the help of a comedone extractor.
Diet-You must avoid oily, and fried foods to prevent blackheads. You should stay away from
chocolate ,sugar ,bread, junk foods as these foods will exacerbate your condition .Eat fruits ,green
vegetables ,fruits juice ,spinach ,pulse ,milk, eggs ,fish, etc. Always stay away from processed ,stale
,left -overs, and frozen foods as these foods attribute to fungal infections. Always eat fresh organic
foods .You should drink a glass of wheat grass juice daily to keep blackheads at bay. You need to
take vitamin B complex, and zinc supplements to build your skin's resistance to blackheads
naturally . You must drink a lot of water to get blackheads free, and flawless skin.
Sources of this article are:
40 Home Remedies to Treat /cure Dark Circles Naturally at Home-dark Circles Cure and
Dark circles are the dark blemishes around the eyes .People of all age groups suffer from this most
common problem .The skin under the eyes is much thinner than the other parts of your face that
makes the blood flow under the your eye's vein very prominent that is termed as dark circles. Your
eyes reveal your inner condition when you are sick ,tired or sleep-deprived. Before using any home
remedy ,you must ascertain the real cause of dark circles as dark circles are the results of some
internal problems. The main reasons of dark circles are: anaemia, lack of proper sleep,
stress,menopause, spending too much time on computer ,inadequate nutrition, hereditary, aging
,weight loss, blocked nose, sinusitis, water retention ,etc. You must take a healthy diet, and proper
sleep to keep dark circles away from you. Home remedies are very helpful in getting rid of dark
circles ,but you must remember that a healthy diet, and proper sleep are very important for treating
under-eye circles .You can use these home remedies for curing dark circles around eyes.
1. Apply cucumber or potato juice on the areas around your eyes .Keep cotton-balls dipped in the
cucumber or potato juice to apply on your dark circles .You can use a slice of potato or cucumber
on your dark circles as a home remedy to treat dark circles naturally at home.
2. You can apply lemon juice mixed with tomato juice on your dark circles for 30 minutes to cure
them naturally at home.
3. Make a face pack at home mixing1 spoon of tomato juice,1/2 spoon of lemon juice, a pinch of
turmeric, and 2 spoons of gram flour to apply on your dark circles to treat them naturally. Use this
home remedy daily at home to get rid of ugly dark circles..
4. Apply coconut oil, and almond oil in equal amount to apply on your affected areas for 20
minutes ,Wipe off with a moist cotton ball ,you will see result of this home remedy in 10 days.
5. Grind mint leaves to apply on the areas where you have dark circles .Wash off after 20 minutes.
This treatment is a wonderful dark circles cure at home naturally.
6. Soak up a few cotton balls in cold rose water ,and apply these on your dark circles to soothe your
puffy eyes .This home remedy is very helpful In soothing tired eyes and curing dark circles around
7. Make a tonic at home to drink by mixing tomato ,mint leaves ,lemon juice ,and salt .This home
remedy will work from within to treat dark circles naturally.
8. Pour a pinch of turmeric in pineapple juice to apply on your dark circles to cure them naturally at
9 .Apply creams with vitamin E and C on the delicate areas around your eyes to prevent the under
eyes ares from darkening. You can crush few vitamin E capsules, and apply them directly on your
dark circles to cure these ugly circles naturally at home ,use this home remedy to get sure results.
10. Put used teabags in the refrigerator to keep on your eyelids. This home remedy will give you an
instant relief to your tired and sleep deprived puffy eyes. Tea bags are good treatment for swollen
eyes as tea contains caffeine(it contains in many under eyes creams) to reduce puffiness and water
retention around eyes.
11. Grind nutmeg in raw milk, and apply it on your dark circles to treat them naturally.This home
remedy will give your eyes a cooling and refreshing relief.
12. Grind 4 almonds, which have been soaked up in raw milk overnight .Apply this mixture on
your affected areas daily .This home remedy will give you results in 7 days .This treatment is
helpful in eradicating wrinkles around your eyes also.
13. Mix lentil (masoor daal) ,lemon juice ,turmeric ,and tomato to make a face pack at home for
treating dark circles naturally .Use this home remedy for 15 minutes daily.
14 .Apply mashed banana on your dark circles to banish them naturally.
15. Do pranayama for 10 minutes to get healthy , thand sparkling eyes free of dark circles.
16. Massage castor oil on your affected areas to cure dark circles .You can apply castor oil on your
eyelids, and eyebrows to get thick, and black eyebrows. Try this treatment.
17. Do a practice of acupressure by pressing the mount of our palm's index finger. This practice is
very good for your vision.
18. Apply avocado on your eyes to treat dark circles naturally at home.
19. Apply corn flour with yogurt in equal quantity on your dark circles. Use this home remedy
20. Crush rose-petals in raw milk to apply on your areas around eyes to treat circles. You can apply
this face pack on your whole face to get a rosy glow .Use this home remedy to cure dark circles at
home naturally.
21. Crush parijat flower (night jasmine) in curd to apply on your under-eyes circles for 10 minutes
to get sure results. This home remedy is a sure-fire remedy .
22. Apply malai (milk cream) with castor oil to get rid of those pesky dark circles around eyes.This
treatment can be used on your whole face.
23. You can try a treatment in which you have to apply castor oil on the soles of our your feet.
Castor oil stimulates the pressure point of eyes which is being located on the soles of your feet.
24. Apply cream which contains vitamin K as vitamin K is very good for treating dark circles ,puffy
eyes ,redness, and eye bags which give you a sick look .Vitamin K restores the strength and stability
of the blood vessels of eyes to give them a healthy look.
25. Apply orange juice mixed with glycerin to cure dark circles at home naturally.
26. Apply papaya pulp on your dark circles for 10 minutes for treating ugly circles naturally .You
can use papaya as a home remedy to lighten your skin tone.
27. Apply a half spoon of almond oil, and a half spoon of honey to apply at bedtime to cure dark
circles .Use this home remedy daily.
28. Boil a half cup of milk , and boil it to produce milk cream. Mix 5-6 drops of lemon juice in this
mixture .Apply this preparation as a home remedy to cure under-eye circles naturally at home.
29. Apply retinol on your dark circles .It is very good treatment for erasing fine lines ,and wrinkles
naturally at home.Try this home remedy.
30. Apply green tea mask on your under-eyes circles to get rid of those stubborn dark circles
naturally at home. Green tea helps in constricting the eye's capillaries to lighten dark circles
naturally at home .Use this home remedy. You can put cold green teabags on your eyes also to get
31. Take a few q-tips, and dip both ends in water ,and freeze them. Roll the q-tips(frozen) around
your eyes to treat dark circles ,puffy eyes at home naturally .Use this treatment daily.
32. Massage your under-eyes areas with pea-nut oil to cure dark circles.This home remedy is very
33. Apply aloe vera gel on your eyes to treat dark circles naturally.You can mix vitamin E capsules
in the aloe vera gel to enhance the effect.This home remedy will remove your dark circles surely.
34. Soak up the tea bags of chamomile tea in hot water ,then rinse them in cold water .Apply these
tea bags on your puffy eyes to fight dark circles ,redness and sore eyes. Chamomile has anti-
inflammatory properties that help in reducing the swelling of your eyes's tissues.
35. A regular practice of sarvangasana is very good yogic posture for treating dark circles naturally
at home .An ancient practice of jalneti, a practice which involves flushing of nose with salted water
to cure mucus,sinus,cough and allergy which lead to dark circles .But all yogic posture must be
followed under the supervision of a good yoga practitioner.
36. Put a spoon in your freezer or refrigerator .Keep it for 15 minutes. Put this spoon on your under-
eyes ares to relieve your puffy and tired eyes.
37. Apply an under eyes cream containing vitamin K ,C, alpha hydroxyl acids, aloe vera.
38. If your work profile demands working on computer for long time ,then put chilled ice cubes of
cucumber or rose water while working.This treatment will help you.
39. Always apply a cream with at least SPF 20, under your eyes before stepping out of home.
40. Apply lemon juice,cucumber juice,lanolin cream, and apply on your eyes for 15 minutes o treat
them naturally.
Diet-Remember , all these home remedies are useless if you do not take a healthy diet, and proper
sleep. Dark circles are usually attributed to calcium or iron deficiency.Deficiency of vitamin K
(improper anti oxidants) can also be responsible for dark circles under your eyes. Lack of vitamin
B12 also causes dark circles .Your diet must contain milk, dairy products ,spinach, cabbage ,fruits
,sprouted grains ,all leafy vegetables, fish, eggs, cod liver oil, pulse,
carrots,mango,buttermilk,curd,beans, etc. You must reduce the intake of salt to avoid water
retention in the areas around your eyes. You must drink a lot of water to keep the body hydrated and
blood circulating properly. .You can take a calcium supplement if your dark circles refuse to go
.You can drink cranberry juice a day for 2 weeks to get results. Check out if you suffer from
allergies that cause deficiency of B12,B6 ,and vitamin K .People with chronic allergies problem
must take a multivitamin supplement, and they must take proper medication for allergies. Eat
strawberry , blueberry, cranberry ,parsley that contain anti oxidants pigments to fight dark
circles.Avoid losing too much weight quickly.If you are overweight, then lose your weight slowly
to avoid dark circles.
One important tip-Never let the stress mount your head as stress causes dark circles.Be happy, and
stress-free to get beautiful, and sparkling eyes infused with beauty.
Source of this article are:
61 Tips for Getting Fair and Glowing Skin at Home Naturally: Home Remedies for Smooth
and Glowing Complexion
1. Apply banana with milk on your face, and neck . Try this home remedy as a beauty tip to get fair
, smooth ,and glowing skin naturally.
2. Apply honey for 15 minutes. Honey can be used with curd, liquorice, or lemon also for getting
soft, fair, and glowing complexion .Follow this beauty tip daily to replenish moisture in your skin
naturally at home.
3. Apply bread crumbs with malai(milk cream) to get fair , and smooth skin which glows from
4. Potato or tomato alone is a good bleach for your skin. Use this beauty tip daily.
5. Soak up sunflower seeds(chirongi) in raw milk overnight ,and grind them . Apply with a pinch
of saffron, and turmeric . This home remedy as a beauty tip makes even dark person fairer, and
glowing naturally if used for a long time.
6. Lentil, curd/milk, lemon juice, and rice mixed together become a great scrub for getting fair,
soft, and glowing skin naturally. Follow this beauty tip on alternate days.
7. Apply an egg white , and honey for 20 minutes to tighten your skin .This home remedy will give
soft skin and help to retain youthful glow to your skin.
8. Boil cabbage/cumin seeds in the water to make you fair . Wash off your face with this water to
get incandescent glow in your complexion. Follow this easy beauty tip for getting facial like glow .
9. Mango peels mixed with 1 spoon of milk can be applied on face, and neck to impart healthy glow
to your face.
10. Mix 1 spoon of sugar in the juice of 1 lemon. Scrub on your face, and body till sugar melts
completely. This home remedy is very useful beauty tip for getting soft, and fair skin for all over
the body.
11. Apply the mixture of corn flour, and egg white to get glowing, and fair complexion naturally at
12. Massage your face with 3 spoons of baby oil , and 2 spoon of sugar daily .Follow this beauty
tip for getting baby soft skin ,and glow.
13. Apply malai/milk cream with lemon juice daily .Use this home remedy to get irresistible
smooth, fair, and glowing skin naturally at home.
14. Use 1 spoon of milk ,1 spoon of honey, and 1 mashed papaya to get glowing, and fair skin at
home naturally. Follow this beauty tip.
15. Mix 1/4 part of an orange and ,1 spoon of curd to get soft, and glowing skin naturally at home
.This home remedy is really effective as curd has lactic acid to make you fair, and orange contains
AHAs with vitamin C to nourish your skin.
16. Apply 1/2 spoon of cinnamon with 2 spoons of honey to get fair, and smooth skin naturally.
17. Apply raw milk/milk cream to get smooth, and fair skin. Mix a pinch of saffron to enhance the
effect of this home remedy .Follow this beauty tip for cleaning your face with cotton balls naturally.
18. Rub lemon on your face to get glowing ,and fair skin. You can add a pinch of turmeric in lemon
juice as a beauty tip. Lemon has ascorbic acid ,which bleaches the skin naturally to make it fair at
home .This home remedy will remove the tan also.
19. Rub orange peels with curd/milk as a home remedy to get fair, soft ,and glowing skin naturally
at home.
20. You can massage you face with almond oil , coconut oil, jojoba oil ,mineral oil, or olive oil as a
beauty tip to get fair, smooth, and glowing skin naturally at home .Add a pinch of saffron in the oil
you chose. Try this easy home remedy.
21. Apply aloe-vera juice for getting soft, and glowing skin naturally.
22. Apply the mixture of 2 spoons of rose water, 1/2 spoon of glycerin ,sunflower oil ,and sugar to
get soft ,and glowing skin naturally at home.
23. Apply the mixture of banana ,honey ,potato ,Bergamot essential oil for 20 minutes to remove
pigmentations, and all marks from your face.Potato is a natural fairness agent.
24. Steam your face mixing mint leaves ,lavender ,peppermint or chamomile in 2 cups of water to
get dirt-free, and glowing skin naturally.Follow this beauty tip once in 15 days.Try this home
remedy surely If you have acne on your face.
25. Apply gram flour or fuller's earth(multani mitti) with neem(margosa), and liquorice to clean up
your face daily .Mix all ingredients with milk cream(for dry skin), or cucumber for oily skin.Try
this beauty tip daily for cleaning your face.
26. Apply corn flour/ oatmeal with cucumber juice to tighten the pores .Follow this beauty tip.
27. Apply 2 spoons of barley flour, 1 spoon of curd, and a pinch of turmeric to scrub your face.
This home remedy will give you fair,soft, and glowing skin like never before.
28. Apply curd ,and turmeric as a beauty tip for fair, and glowing skin naturally .This beauty tip
will reduce the tan.
29. Apply almond powder ,milk cream, and rose petals together to get rose like glow, and softness
in your complexion .Follow this home remedy to get fair skin regularly.
30. Apply 1 spoon of clay powder with 1 spoon of honey on your face .Wash off with warm water
to get smooth ,and glowing skin naturally at home.
31. Apply tomato ,and honey on your face for getting fair ,soft ,oil-free, and glowing skin naturally
at home .Follow this beauty tip for getting flawless complexion for 20 minutes.
32. Take 250 gms of milk powder,1/2 cup of almond oil ,and any essential oil of your choice to
mix in the water you take bath .Soak up in this water to look soft ,and glowing .
33. Use milk, peeled almonds ,a pinch of barley flour , a pinch of turmeric, and 1 spoon of honey
to get glowing ,and wrinkle free skin naturally at home.
34. Apply lemon, and cucumber daily to get oil free, fair, and glowing complexion.
35. Apply cucumber,and curd as a home remedy for 20 minutes for glowing, and oil free skin
36 . Mix 1 spoon of buttermilk with 1 spoon of radish juice to reduce wrinkles, and roughness of
skin . Try this beauty tip.
37. Apply sandal wood with milk as a home remedy to get glowing, smooth ,and fair skin at home
naturally.This beauty tip is helpful in curing sunburn also.
38. Apply raw milk with lemon juice to tighen the open pores.
39. Apply 2 spoons of soy flour with1/1/2 spoons of curd, and 1/2 spoon honey to rejuvenate even
wrinkled ,and dull skin .Follow this effective beauty tip for tightening the sagged skin.
40. Rub watermelon for getting soft, glowing ,and fair skin naturally.
41. Take 2 spoons of barley flour,1 spoon of honey, and and 1/2 cup of ripe papaya as a beauty
tip for getting soft, fair ,and glowing complexion naturally.
42. Take cabbage juice,1/4 spoon of barley flour, and 1 spoon of honey as a home remedy to
apply on your face to get fair ,smooth, and radiant skin naturally at home.
43. Rub pears mixed with 1/4 spoon of lemon juice ,and tomato juice to get beautiful, and fair skin
naturally at home.
44. You can use the powder of 2 almonds.1 spoon of carrot juice, and 1 spoon of orange juice for
15 minutes to remove all scars , and pigmentations. This home remedy will help you in giving fair,
smooth, and glowing skin.
45. Apply apple juice with lemon juice(1/4 part of apple juice) to get glow in your skin.Try this
beauty tip at home.
46. Use amla oil(Indian gooseberry oil) mixed with glycerin as a beauty tip for soft, and glowing
complexion naturally at home.
47. Apply black gram( urad daal )with the powder of 4 almonds as a natural bleach to make your
complexion fair, and soft.
48. Apply the juice of ripe pineapple to clean your face and combat aging .Try his home remedy.
49. Apply carrot juice with 1 spoon of honey to brighten your complexion. Wash off with the
water mixed with soda. You can add papaya in this mixture too.
50. Dab on 1/2 spoon of almond powder,2 spoons of barley flour, and rose water to rejuvenate the
dull ,and pale skin.
51. Apply curd, and walnut powder as a home remedy to get glow in your face naturally at home.
52. Apply 2 spoons of honey with 2 spoons of lemon juice, and powdered almonds for 1/2 hour to
get fair, glowing, and soft skin naturally at home.
53. Use the mixture of an egg yolk ,2 spoons of almond oil, and 1 ripe banana for getting soft ,fair,
and glowing skin naturally at home.
54. Apply fuller's earth with sandal wood as a beauty tip for getting fair ,smooth, and glowing skin.
55. Apply gram flour with curd/milk and ,lemon juice to get smooth ,fair and glowing skin
naturally at home.
56. Mix malai with 1 spoon of walnut powder ,honey, and lemon juice to scrub your face for 20
minutes. Follow this home remedy as a beauty tip for getting soft ,fair, and glowing skin naturally
at home.
57. Turmeric mixed with orange juices works as a great scrub at home.Use this home remedy for
20 minutes to get fair, and glowing complexion naturally .
58. Rub papaya or avocado for 15 minutes to get radiant, and glowing complexion. Follow this
easy home remedy as a beauty tip to get soft ,and glowing skin.
59. Mix banana ,lemon juice ,honey, and margarine together to make mask at home. Leave
overnight on face, hands and ,feet.Follow this home remedy as a beauty tip to get fair, and glowing
skin naturally.
60. Cucumber with coconut water is a great skin lightening home remdy for getting fair, soft, and
glowing skin naturally .Follow this beauty tip to remove all scars (even chicken pox scars) from the
61. Boil orange peels in the water to use as a toner.
Diet-You must drink a lot of water to get fair ,smooth, and glowing complexion from within. Drink
fruit juice to clear your blood. Eat apple, guava ,pears, green vegetables ,fish,
eggs,nuts,oatmeal,melons , carrots ,etc. Drink milk with a pinch of saffron ,and drink amla juice
daily .Take blood purifier daily.
One important tip-All home remedies are useless if you do not apply sunscreenF(SPF30) before
stepping out of home.Always wear sunscreen(SPF15) even at home.
Sources of this article are:
51 Home Remedies for Treating Pimples and Acne
1. Apply the juice of raw papaya to dry up acne and pimples soon .Use this home remedy to get sure results.
2. You can make an excellent pimple cure at home by roasting a few pods of cloves in a pan ,grind it after roasting. Mix
with curd to apply on your acne/pimples .This home remedy will give you an instant result.
3. Apply a ripe tomato on your face to treat pimples and acne naturally at home .Tomato will tighten open pores and
reduce oiliness of your skin. This home remedy is best for oily skin.
4. You can try this easy home remedy, apply toothpaste on your affected area .You can try this treatment when pimples
break out suddenly , and you want pimples to vanish fast.
5. Make a paste mixing 3 tea spoons of honey,1 spoon cinnamon powder. Do use this home remedy at bedtime daily
,for 2 weeks. You will see that this treatment will diminish your acne/pimples.
6. Make a mask at home with grated apple and honey to apply on the face to treat acne and pimples at home naturally
.Wash off with lukewarm water, then with cold water.
7. Make a paste of cucumber to apply on the face for 30 minutes , it will help in curing acne and its marks naturally.
8. Pour lemon juice in the boiled milk to use as a face wash. This easy home remedy can be used for treating pimples
,black heads ,and whiteheads naturally at home .
9 .Apply honey on the spot where you have an inflammation. Cover this with band-aid for 2 days . Remove band-aid
after 2 days. You see that pimple will disappear. Use this effective home remedy for treating pimples fast naturally at
10. Grind neem/margosa leaves to mix with turmeric to treat pimples, and severe acne .This home remedy is excellent
for lightening pimple/acne marks naturally.
11. Apply sandalwood paste with lemon juice to treat pimples ,and acne marks at home naturally.
12. Apply fuller's earth with a pinch of camphor ,powdered cloves(3-4) ,and rose water .This home remedy is a sure
shot treatment for pimple/acne cure at home naturally. Use this preparation when your acne leaved behind ugly marks.
13. Apply orange peel powder with curd to remove acne and its scars naturally.
14. Grind nutmeg with raw milk to apply, keep for an hour on your face to dry up acne.This treatmnet removes scars
naturally at home .This home remedy is good for treating severe acne on your face.
15. Boil basil leaves with neem leaves. Wash your face several times a day , with this mixture to cure and prevent
pimple .This home remedy is good for curing every pimple spot you have.
16. Apply honey with garlic (2-3 bulbs ) to treat pimples at home naturally. Garlic has healing properties that cure acne
naturally. You can eat garlic also as a pimple cure.
17. Apply honey and apple together to cure pimple and acne marks as a home remedy.
18. Make a preparation at home with 2 spoon of oatmeal powder, 2 spoon of olive oil,2 spoon of yoghurt, and the juice
of 1 lemon .Keep it on your skin for 15 minutes. Use this home remedy on a regular basis on your skin to treat acne and
pimples fast at home.
19. Apply a slice of lemon on your face to reduce the oiliness of skin and tightening pores naturally. Lemon is a good
cure for acne and its scars.
20. Grind the leaves of fenugreek ,and apply on your face before sleeping. Leave this pack overnight .This home
remedy is wonderful treatment for acne ,pimples scars,and blackheads at home.
21. You can take hot Epsom salt bath twice a week to keep pimples away from you.
22. Take a spoonful of coriander leaves with a pinch of turmeric to apply on your face to treat acne naturally.
23. The paste of sesame seeds is wonderful acne/pimple cure .Use this home remedy to fight the attack of acne
naturally at home.
24 Apply lemon and rose water mixed in equal amount for 30 minutes to treat acne and its scars.
25. Roast the skin of pomegranate, and grind it, use it with lemon juice .This home remedy cures pimples , acne marks
,blackheads, and whiteheads naturally at home.
26. Drink wheatgrass juice daily to counter the attack of break-outs on your face.
27. Apply mint juice on your face for combating acne and pimples. Mint juice has anti- bacterial properties that make it
an excellent treatment for treating pimples, eczema, ,scabies , insects sting and ,all infections you suffer from.
28. Rub the spot where you have pimples with vinegar in which salt had been added . Wash off with lukewarm water
after this to cure acne and pimples.
29. Grind drumsticks pods with lemon juice to apply on your affected area for diminishing acne spots and curing
pimples naturally at home.
30. Rub garlic on acne and its marks as a home remedy to treat acne/pimples naturally at home.
31. Take 1 spoon of ground nut oil with 1 spoon of lemon juice for eradicating acne and its marks.
32. Make a toner at home mixing a pinch of camphor in a bottle of rose water. Wipe your face with this skin tonic
several times a day. Use this home remedy for minimizing the chances of eruption of pimples on your face.
33. Mix 1 spoon of lemon juice with 1 spoon cinnamon powder to make a face pack for treating acne and pimples at
home. This home remedy is not for sensitive skin
34. Shredded radish works good on pimples and blackheads.
35.You must use orange peel as a cure for pimples /acne, and scars pimples leave behind .Orange peel powder can be
used with fuller's earth also .It is wonderful skin lightening agent.
37. Boil 50 gm of raspberry with strawberry or blackberry leaves in 1.5 liters of water for 3 minutes to treat acne and
pimples .This home remedy is good if your pimples give you itching sensation .This acne treatment will soothe your
skin naturally.
38. Mix oatmeal with curd to make a face pack at home to apply on your face for 30 minutes .Wash off with warm
water. Apply anti-bacterial lotion after that.
39. Apply an egg yolk daily on your skin to treat acne and fade away scars at home. This home remedy will tighten your
facial muscle naturally also.
40. Apply virgin olive oil with sugar .Leave it on for 10 minutes, and wash off after mild scrubbing. Do not scrub where
you have pimples, otherwise, it will burst .Scrub only if you do it for acne prevention. Do not use this home remedy if
you have severe acne.
41. Cook 2 -3 tea bags ,and mix with dried basil leaves for 10-20 minutes .Apply with cotton balls.
42. Raw milk with gram flour works good for erasing marks and pimple spots .This home remedy will absorb excess oil
of your skin to make it clear and fair naturally at home.
43. Crush painkiller aspirin pill in water to use as a face wash daily to cure acne/ pimples naturally at home.
44. Use calamine lotion to fight acne naturally.
45. Crush marigold flower with the castor oil to bring the zit of a pimple to the top ,then suppress the pimple with the
paste of basil and sandalwood .Use this home remedy for minimizing the size of a pimple fast.
46. Fuller's earth with neem leaves is very good treatment for acne cure and fading its marks naturally at home.
47. Mix hydrogen peroxide in your face pack to apply on the spot to cure pimples fast.
48. Tea tree oil with apple cider vinegar is excellent home remedy for treating acne fast naturally at home.
49. Bend over a hot water pot to take steam to avoid and treat the attack of acne on your face. Taking steam will opens
pores and take away all the dirt accumulated on your skin's surface to reveal fresh and clear skin.
49. Wash your face daily with the water in which lavender oil is being mixed.Water should be 10 parts ,and lavender
oil should be 1 part of it.Use this home remedy as lavender has anti-fungal properties to kill bacteria for treating acne at
home naturally.Lavender oil mixed with chamomile treats eczema of the skin.
50. Apply vitamin E lotion on your acne infected ares.Vitamin E has anti-oxidants properties that help in curing acne
and its scars.
51. Apply coconut water on your scar for a month,you will see your pimples marks will lighten a lot.
Other tips for pimple cure-Avoid touching your pimples frequently, never sleep with make up on your face . You should
work out to get clear complexion. Wash your face twice a day to keep your face clean .Never let blackheads remain on
your face as blackheads lead to pimples. Always wear sunscreen even at home. Never dare to burst pimples. If you do it
,it will leave ugly marks on your face. Always keep your skin oil free to check the formation of bacteria to combat
occurrence of acne.
Diet- You must take a healthy diet like green vegetable ,milk, cottage cheese,curd ,apricot,spinach,eggs,fible rich food,
root vegetable,pulse,beans,sprouted grains , skinless chicken, carrots ,apricot ,soy ,whole grained vegetables ,etc.
Vitamin B is good for preventing acne and blackheads .So, take a vitamin B complex in your diet. Vitamin C makes
your skin less vulnerable to all infections .So take plentiful of citrus fruits like lemon , amla, orange, etc. You can have
honey daily to get clear complexion naturally. Always take a blood purifier to keep your skin pimple free and glowing
from within. Take echinacea ,thyme ,tea tree oil to make your skin acne free. Avoid oily and fried foods as they invite
acne by facilitating the oily surface of the skin .Minimize the intake of coffee, alcohol, chocolate, sugar. You must take
cod liver oil and 50 mg of zinc daily as a medication for pimples. Drink a lot of water to remove toxins from your body
to get clear and radiant complexion.
Sources of this article are:
How to Get Smooth and Glowing Skin Naturally
Smooth and glowing skin is an indicator of good health, vitality, and youth. It is very difficult to maintain a glowing
skin these days because of stressful lifestyle, lack of exercise, and insufficient diet. You can easily change your dry skin
into a soft, smooth, and glowing skin naturally by using some effective home remedies. Enhance your skin complexion
with natural remedies and hence get a smooth and glowing skin naturally.
To bring back your smooth skin naturally, start from inside out. Include plenty of raw foods like fruits, salads, and
sprouts in your daily diet. Add lots more brightly colored fruit to your diet. The color lets you know the food is full of
skin-supporting antioxidants. You should concentrate on eating many vegetables too. Green leafy vegetables and citrus
fruits should be included in your daily diet to get smooth and glowing skin naturally.
Regular consumption of whole wheat bread, strips of boiled carrots, ripe mango, warm green tea, and ripe avocado will
help maintain the internal body system protected from free radical attacks, and also make the skin radiant and glowing
even better.
Drink plenty of water. Drinking the juice of apple, watermelon, lemon, and carrot helps fight the free radicals that
damage the skin and facilitate you to get a smooth and glowing skin naturally in a months time.
These habits coupled with regular exercise, limited exposure to the sun, enough rest, and positive disposition will
successfully reap superior health benefits.
Simple Home Remedies for Glowing Skin
Here are simple and easy tips to achieve a youthful and smooth skin without spending much on expensive cosmetics
and skin clinic visits. One of the natural processes of staying young, aside from consuming healthy foods, is applying
some tested and tried home remedies from foods found in our kitchen. These homemade procedures will not only make
our skin more supple and glowing, but also help keep our skin safe from chemically formulated products.
1. You can apply honey on your skin for at least 10 minutes. Rinse it with cold water and you will get smooth and
glowing skin naturally.
2. Mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with orange juice to make it a fine paste. Rub it on your face and neck, and
then wash it with cold water after 15 minutes to get smooth and glowing skin.
3. Make a fine paste of lemon juice, honey, and some walnut powder. Gently scrub your body with this paste. Leave it
for 15 minutes and wash the body using cold water.
4. Mix banana and apple to use it as a pack on the face. Leave on for at least 15 minutes before washing off well with
lukewarm water. This will not only help your skin problems, but also moisturize the skin well.
5. Make a fine paste of 1 teaspoon of milk powder and powdered mango peel and scrub it over the skin area, which is
usually exposed to sun or cold weather.
6. Mix 3 teaspoons of baby oil with 2 teaspoons of sugar and rub this mixture on your hands, feet, or any part of your
body. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
7. Mash a banana with milk, apply on face, and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water to get a skin that will
8. Take 10 mg of saffron and 1 tablespoon of milk. Make a fine paste and apply this on the rough skin at night. Wash
with lukewarm water the next day in the morning to get smooth and glowing skin naturally.
9. Make a fine paste using coconut milk and red sandal powder. Apply on your face for soft and smooth skin. This skin
care remedy is widely used for getting beautiful and glowing skin. This face pack can also be used for improving the
complexion of your skin. A healthy massage with coconut milk and a pinch of turmeric powder before a hot water bath
also helps.
10. Take a fresh cucumber and blend it well. Apply the blended cucumber on face, eyes, and neck. In addition, massage
it on your face for a few minutes. It is a good natural skin care remedy for treating spots and marks on skin and getting
smooth and glowing skin naturally.
11. Cucumber could also be used as a whitener for all types of skins. Make lotion out of few drops of limejuice, a bit of
turmeric and one tablespoon of cucumber juice. Stir it well and apply it on face and neck. Leave it for half hour and
wash it off.
12. Take honey, mix with some lemon juice, and make a fine paste. Apply this paste evenly on your face. You can also
use this paste on your neck, back, hands, and legs. Wait for at least 5 to 10 minutes before you wash your face. This
natural remedy will help you to get smooth and glowing skin in minutes.
13. Mix two teaspoons of curd with orange juice or tomato juice. Give a light massage onto your face in an upward
direction. Let it dry. Then, rinse your face with cold water and pat dry. This will provide your skin a fine glow.
14. You can use curd to massage your skin. It will help you to dispose of dry skin and get smooth and glowing skin
15. Mix 2 tablespoons of raw milk with 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice and few drops of lemon. With the help of a
cotton ball, apply the mixture on your face and leave to dry. Then, rinse with water and pat dry.
16. If you have some ripe papaya at home, use it as a beauty and skin care remedy. Rub the inner part of the skin of a
papaya on your face. Let it dry, and rinse it off with cold water. Try this remedy once in every two weeks to get a
smooth and glowing skin naturally.
17. Take 2 to 5 tablespoons of peanuts and milk, 1/4 teaspoon of honey and make a thick paste. Apply it on your face
and leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse with cold water.
18. Mix carrot juice and pineapple juice together, apply it on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash it off to get
smooth and glowing skin.
19. Make a fine paste using 1 teaspoon of dried curry leaves and fullers earth, apply it to your face, and rinse with
normal water after it dries. If you follow this treatment frequently, it will help the skin get rid of any blemishes and will
keep you glowing.
20. Exfoliate your skin twice a week with an apricot or walnut face scrub. This will remove dead skin cells and help to
reveal glowing skin natually.
21. Soak a green tea bag in lukewarm water mixed with honey and juice and let it stand for 3 minutes. Get the bag and
gently rub around face and neck for 10 minutes. Wash your face with cold water after 15 minutes to get smooth and
glowing skin naturally.
22. Make a fine paste of 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoon of yogurt, 2 teaspoon of oats, and little almond powder.
Apply it on your face and leave for 10 minutes. Wash your face using lukewarm water to get an instant glow.
23. Mix a teaspoon of milk powder with 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. If you want, you can even add half a
teaspoon of almond oil to the paste. Apply this on your face and wash it all off in about 15 minutes. The pack polishes
your skin and naturally removes tanning.
24. Take an egg white, mix it with honey, apply evenly on your face and neck, and leave it to dry. Wash it off with cold
water. You will get smooth skin.
25. To get a smooth and glowing skin quickly, you can try using ice and moisturizer. Put few drops of moisturizer on a
cube of ice. Massage your face with this ice cube for 2 to 5 minutes. This natural home remedy will enable you to get
smooth and glowing skin naturally.
All these natural smooth and glowing skin remedies are easy to follow and will not only improve the look of your face,
arms, and back, but will also improve your overall health and restore a natural, youthful glow.

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