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J une 2014

LIFE tackles waste
and supports
resource efficiency
Some 100 LIFE projects
attended a platform meeting
on waste this month, held
during Green Week in
02 J une UK pr oj ec t l aunc hes
w eb t ool f or c ompost and
r ec yc l ed aggr egat e pr oduc er s
06 J une Ex empl ar y LI FE
pr oj ec t s suppor t t r ansi t i on t o
a c i r c ul ar ec onomy
10 J une Hungar i an LI FE
pr oj ec t s host I nt er nat i onal
c onf er enc e on c onser vat i on
i n mi l i t ar y ar eas
18 J une 2014 Cal l f or LI FE
Ac t i on Gr ant s now open!
19 J une New ar r i val i n
yel k ouan nest box
20 J une EC l aunc hes pl at f or m
f or r esol vi ng human -l ar ge
c ar ni vor e c onf l i c t s
24 J une Spani sh LI FE pr oj ec t
w i ns Regi onal Envi r onment
Aw ar d
30 J une Annual Compi l at i ons of
new LI FE pr oj ec t s publ i shed
Vi ew ot her announc ement s
Read t he l at est pr oj ec t
summar i es
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her e.
ISSN: 1725-1877

Towards a circular
economy through LIFE
The theme of this year's Green Week
event in Brussels was 'Circular economy
- saving resources, creating jobs'. In a
well attended session, three speakers
talked about how to build a funding
strategy for circular economy projects.
Featured Video
LIFE @ Greenweek 2014: Circular
View video >>
08/07 LIFE GREEN SINKS midterm seminar Camerino, Italy
03-08/08 9th European Conference on Ecological
Oulu, Finland
10-12/09 Riverine Platform Meeting in Estonia Tartu, Estonia
14-18/09 Wetlands2014: Wetlands Biodiversity and
Services: Tools for Socio-ecological
Huesca, Spain
01-03/10 Final seminar of broadleaved woodland
management project
Vsters, Sweden
View other events >>
About t hi s e-mai l
LIFEnews is issued every month by the LIFE Unit of the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment. The content of the newsletter does not
necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union. Visit the LIFE programme website at:
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European Union, 2013 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged

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