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Re: What do you mean by POD(proof of delivery) what is the use of pod?

What are the con figuration you done in your proect?

Ans Proof of delivery (POD) is an instrument involved in
business processes in which an invoice is issued only after
the customer has confirmed the delivery's arrival. In
addition to the proof of delivery itself, you can also
record the POD date, POD time.
Proof of delivery is customer specific based on the
business decision we can activate POD to all customers or
selected customers.
e have to activate all Delivery item catero!ries for POD
in the "onfi!uration.
#ince POD is "ustomer specific we need to tic$ the POD
indicator in "ustomer %aster shippin! screen which is a
%asterdata not an confi!.
If after activation if user try to do billin! after P&I
system will tri!!er error lo! as POD not released
'ence we need to use transaction ()POD enter date ant time
and release POD by savin! to e*ecute billin! process in #AP.
e can also set number of days span !iven for customer to
confirm POD or automatically system will confirma the
wt is the diff beetween business sale cycle nd customer sale cycle
ans . #ales cycle ends with sales order from I+ where as business
cycle ends with ,illin! document from I+.
-. ,usiness #ales "ycle .
/orecastin! 0001 Procurement or %anufacturin! 0001 Order 000
1 #hipment 0001 Paymenmt
"ustomer #ales "ycle .
Order to "ash...
!" whats consignment? and whats the procedure to do it?
Ans 2. "onsi!nment is an a!reement between the consi!nor(company)
and the consi!nee(customer), that the consi!nor will send
!oods to the consi!nee and the consi!nee will pay only
after sellin! or consumin! the !oods. 3he !oods which are
not consumed will be ta$en bac$ by the consi!nor.
#teps involved.
"onsi!nment fill up
"onsi!nment issue
"onsi!nment returns
"onsi!nment pic$ up.
-. #orry 4a$esh, "onsi!nment is an a!reement between the
consi!nor(company) the consi!nee(A!ent)and not a customer.
#teps invloved 0
2)"onsi!nment /ill0up 0 3he "ompany send material to the
A!ent.Ownership of the material remains with company.
-)"onsi!nment Issue 0 A!ent sells the material to the
5)"onsi!nment Pic$06p 0 If material is not been sold by
a!ent then the "ompany ta$es the material bac$ from a!ent.
7)"onsi!nment 4etun 0 "ustomer sends dama!ed material bac$
to a!ent, and a!ent sends it to company.
!" #n $aterial $aster Record we maintain %eneral #tem &ategory %roup and #tem &ategory %roup' whats the difference
Ans2. &enreal item cate!ory !roup0 for inbound delivery
item cat. !roup0 for outbound delivery
!" in sales order where u can find warehouse no
Ans2. you find it on delivery document pic$in! tab
-. we cannot find the warehouse no in salesorder it will be in
the delivery
!" what is the difference between inbound and outbound delivery?
Ans2. nbound 00 material entered into plant(for stoc$ purpose)
20 planned order
-0 purcase order
50 production order
outbound 00 delivered from plant
li$e all types of delivery process(throu!h P&I)
-. out bound delivery is Post !oods Issue(P&I)
in bound delivert is Post &oods 4eceived(P&4)
One more diffenece is P&I will come under #ales Area
P&4 will come under %% %odule
8. If we have three sales areas & single customer. How to
extend one customer to three sales areas.
Ans2. you will !o to *d92 transactiopn code and you will use
reference data to copy another sales area
-. from the above,from the :D92 ; "A+ only e*tend the DI(I#IO+
I3' 4;/;4;+"; 3O #A);# O4&.DI#3."'A++;),DI(.,.
hen we come to #A);# O4&.we can e*tend the sales or!.,from
I%&0#<D,#A);#0#A);# DO"6%;+3 ';AD;40A##I&+ #A);# O4&.3O
DO".3=P;0assi!n sales or!.to sales
or!.,division,,and document types.
3he 3code are O(AO,O(A%,O(A+.

8. In revenue account determination the material
assignment group and customer assignemnt group are the
mandatory fundtion ya optional function.
2:- In Pricing procedure control date field there is one
tab for lt !ond "ype . what is the use of it##
$:- Please tell me the accounting posting in !ash sale ##
where the accouting posting li%e !P!& !redit posting to
!ustomer receivable accout. ##'ebit goes to##

Ans2. 82 >ishore is ri!ht < this is mandatory. #o I am not
elaboratin! as >ishore have clarify well.
8- Alternate "ondition type is 4outine written by A,AP
"onsultant.It is alternative formula for the condition type
that can be used instead of standard formula !iven by
#AP.e.!. Profit %ar!in could be ? or 0 so here this 4outine
will help us to !enerate value ? or0. 3here is no standard
condtion type classified @ve or 0ve in (A9B e assi!n
routine 22 "hec$ in (O/%/ormula01condition value
85 3his is tric$y Cuestion related to ,illin! 3ype.
hen you create a cash sale in #AP the followin! thin!s
2. #ales order is not passed throu!h credit chec$ module as
cash is the mode of payment
-. #ystem automatically creates the delivery for the cash
sales order (based on settin! of document type ,( in
standard #AP)
'ere Act Deter.Procedure is >O/I99 and below account >ey
;(( is !iven so directly it is posted into cash #pecial &A)
account < not in standard 4evenue account ;4#
3his is maDor difference which is tou!ht in #D
#o this is not /I"O related Cuestion but #D related. Other
thin!s happen are
5. #ystem automatically proposes output type 4D95 for cash
sales (sort of a cash memo)
7. #o once this is done, you can issue the !oods to your
8. lternative item can be added in
(:sales order
Ans . yes it can be added to #O,Delivery,8uotation,,but not to
the billin!.
!" (ow do we come to )now if a *ales Document is relevant for retro+billing?
Ans. In the sales order retro billin! can be relevant to that
particular transaction only when ur are maintainin! order
reason , while definin! order reason in
im!01sd01sales01define order reason in this you have to
assi!n use of order reason as 2 or -
!" What do you mean by $ultidimensional Pricing? ,lso what do you mean by -wo dimensional Pricing? ./plain in detail with help of 0usiness *cenarios 1 live e/amples"
Ans. %ultidimensional pricin! is where we ta$t hte rpice
cluculation on more than one condtiona table andthe
clasice*p of this is in rebates or sals promotion
wehere you have condtion !roup . In - dimestional
pricin!we caluculate the pricin! based on- condtions li$e
in sales promotion
!" , company sells his product in two locations' 2* and .urope" 3or .urope customers final amount should be in .2R and for 2* customers final amount should be in 2*D"
Where do you maintain these settings' so that whenever you change 2*D to .2R or 4ice+versa' amount will get converted automatically according to the e/change rate"
Ans. In the customer master sales area data there is a field for
"ustomer's currency for a sales area. 3his currency will be
used to settle the customer's char!es for the !iven sales
or!aniEation.hatever the condition's currency is, it
automatically converts it to the customer currency.
!" What is stastical condition type
Ans. 3he condition types whose values are not posted to any &A)
accounts are statistical conditions. =ou do not have to
define any account $ey for these conditions.
8. uotation has been created for product-'+ (, -uantities+
sales order is created with reference to the -uotation+
system copies (, -uantities in sales order. How do you
restrict in sales order end user should not change
-uantities+ system should not allow for changes by en user#
Ans. I thin$ one should mar$ the field. "O%P);3; 4;/;4;+"; in
F(3AAG 'eader screen. Please correct me if I ma wron!
!" #n which scenerio order and billing has diffrent pricing procedure?
Ans. in intercompany billin!
rva992 in order
icaa92 in billin!
!" what is act )ey? and how it wor)s? normally how many pricing procedures do in implementation?
Ans . Account $ey enables the system to determine a correct &A)
account to be posted the discounts and prices to
correspondin! &A) accounts. you need to assi!n a &A)
account to account $ey that is assi!ned to a condition type
in a pricin! procedure. when you post that condition value
in sap, then system automaticallu determine a !Al account
for the account $ey.
!" #s it possible to automate output processing?
Ans. =es, we can use output determination procedure to automate
output processin!. 3his is based on "ondition techniCue. e
have to assi!n the output determination procedure to the
combination of 2. output type -.partner function 5.
transmission medium 7. time B. lan!ua!e
!" #n third Party sale a sales order of 566 7ty of an item raised but vendor supplies 86 7ty of that item" 9ow business wants to close the sales order after delevering of 86 7ty by the
vendor" #n this case what should be done" please reply
Ans. In this case, create the customer invoice for 79 Cty only
after vendor invoice verification completes and then set
the status as H"ompleted or /ully referencedH to the #ales
!" (ow sales document is structured
Ans. #ales Document is structured as three levels
2. 'eader )evel
-. Item )evel
5. #chedule line )evel
8. How do we .ass update the price of a material in billing
docs if the price of item is changed after creation of
order+ delivery and pgi.
/e want the billing to happen at revised rate.
*. "an you e*plain about 'i!her0level item cate!ory and item usa!eI
Ans. hen a e*istin! line item is referin! to another line item,
the item cate!ory of the refered line item is called as
'i!her level item cate!ory.
/or e!.
/ree !oods00 =ou !ive 2 tv free for 29 tvs
29 tvs in one line item is refered by 2 tv in another line
item to say it is free for the 29 tvs.
here the item cate!ory of 29 tvs is the hi!her level item
Also this is used in cases li$e ,ill Of %aterial ( ,O%)
3his is another component which is used to determine the
item cate!ory.
6sa!e can be00 /4;;, 3;:3, #;4(I"; etc etc..
for e!.
In standard #AP when you type some thin! in the description
of the line item and even thou!h you enter no other detail
it fetches the item cate!ory 3A3:
this is because it assumes the line item usa!e to be te*t.
#o DOc type ? 3;:3@@1 3A3:
-. 'i!her )evel Item "ater!ory refer's to /ree Items, ,ill of
%aterials and #ervice Items.
;!. Item "ater!ory Determination of /ree &oods (i.e. 3A++)
#ales Document 3ype (O4)
Item "ate!ory &roup (+O4%)
Item 6sa!e (/4;;)
'i!her )evel Item "ate!ory (3A+)
Item "ate!ory of /ree &oods (3A++)
8. 'ow is stora!e location determinedI
Ans. It is determind by Plant ? #tora!e condition ? #hippin!
8. hat does an item cate!ory controlI
Ans. An item cate!ory controls the overall behaviour of an determines whether the item is relevant for pricin!
or not,whether it is relevant for delivery or not, whether
it is relevant for billin! or also detrmines whether
it is a free item,te*t item and it also help to determine
the sales document type.
8. here do you find #chedule lines in a #ales Orders < DeliveriesI hat is the role of #chedule lines in #ales orders < DeliveryI hat are the
controls of #chedule line cate!ory and why is it needed < its importance in Documentation < Delivery
Ans. #ales order !ets data from customer masterAmaterial master
for specific sales area which is manipulated to conte*t
accordin! to sales document type, item cate!ory < schedule
line. "opyin! control transfer all details of order type,
item cate!ory, schedule line cate!ory001from Order0Delivery0
It is determined by Item cate!ory and %4P typeIt has -
characteristic and te*tual description.e.!. A3 InC "+@+o
%4P, "P@ith %4P,D+?4eturn I+ (O(K you can see control data.
It controls Delivery bloc$, %ovement 3ype, Item relevant
for delivery, reCuirement, availablilty, purchase
reCuisitionApurchase order, Automatic PO e.!. #chedule line
cate!ory "# in third party, incompletion procedure.
O4 has item cate!ory 3A+ %4P 3ypesay PD, #chedule line
cate!ory "P It comes from delivery document type flow which
is copyied from sales order type. #o when you spea$ about
schedule line cate!ory always it is closely associated with
sales document type, item cate!ory < can not e*ist alone.
8. what is customer hirarchy, how does it wor$...and how to confi!ure it in the systemI
Ans. customer hierarchiey means , it is comple* structure of
customer master data. #ome customer havin! their
indipendent office and they are responsible for their
purchasin! and other trnsctions a whole they will
mana!e for trasction. they have separate aAc !roup. I+
PA43+;4 D;3;4%I+A3IO+ you can confi!ure and arran!e your
'I;4A4"'I;= #346"364;.
8. what are the documents that we maintain in support proDect
Ans. 4esponsibilities in support proDect
0 'andlin! customiEation, confi!uration, and enhancement
related issues
0 'andlin! tic$ets on Day to Day basis
0 %onitorin! #<D reports on daily basis reCuired by clients
0 Preparin! functional specification documents
0 Preparin! end user trainin! Documents
8. please tell me ,after p!i completed what hapens,
Ans. i thin$ you want to as$ after P&I , about account entries.
answer is "O&#(cost of !oods) !et debit and inventory !ets
credit . the same account entries hit in billin! process ,
revenue !ets credit and customer !ets debit.
-. after P&I, stoc$ reduced from our inventory.
!" What is consumption based planning?
Ans. "onsumption0based plannin! is based on past
consumption0values, statistical procedures for future
reCuirements. ItLs to avoid the shortfall in reCuirement
determined from reorder point or forecast reCuirement.
Difference between %4P and "onsumption0based plannin!, %4P
Plannin! based on !ross reCuirement throu!h the ,ill of
%aterials, "onsumption0based plannin! based on past
8. 0ou have wor%ed in "hird Party 1ales & Intercompany
billing# how did you configurate# dont explain steps+ i
need your real time experience+ what are the things you
have configurate+ how its wor%#
Ans. As per my view 3hird party order sales customer
recieves the stoc$ from third party and !ives us the
vendor invoice and invoice correction and then the f-
invoice is carryout to customer. <individual purchase order
!oods comes to our premises and we ma$e the delivey and f-
carries out.
where in inter company sales is between company code to
company code in where the supplien! co0code plant is assi!n
to sellin! co0code sales area and intercompany billin!
carries out. the sellin! co0code carries out f- to customer.
!" &ustomer reali:ed its a faulty material and returns' now from *,P 3ront what is the process to ta)e bac) and *crap the $aterial as its no more of use
Ans. 2. "reate a return Order wrt to Invoice or Order
-. "reate 4eturn Delivery wrt to return Order.
5. 4eceive the !oods and post them to ,loc$ed stoc$ for
8uality Inspection
7. "reate "redit memo reCuest.
B. "reate "redit memo.
!" Please do let me )now where all the %;< ,&O29- =.> #* -,=.9 in *,P *D ,- R.4.92. %.9.R,-#O9 O-(.R -(.9 3OR 0#<<#9% Please also do let me )now
where all we ahve ta/ configurtion other then pricing <et me )now how and where acct )ey ista)er into accoutn in other then pricing an revenue account
Ans. &A l accoutn is ta$en in pricin! and bilin! other then
revenue confi!uration and revenus confi!uration depends on
chart of accoutnsM accout $eyM condtion type and sales
e do ta* confi!urtion at custemr master dataM materila
master data both
!" &an we ma)e the delivery from the ? different plants of the same items? how?
Ans. =es you can. =ou have to assi!n sales
or!aniEationAdistribution channelAdivision to that plant.
%aterial should be in stoc$ %%,;
!" (ow to combine two sales orders in single invoice
Ans. 3he answer is not about the parmaters but is as$in! the
meathodol!y of combinin! the sale order
&o to vf92 there you will have the option of billi!n
schdule which ta$es care of the combiin! the sales order
into one
,ut to do it . the fallowin! condtions are reCuired.
#old to party must be same
#hip to party must be same
4outin! must be identical
Delivery date and Cunatiyt must be full
!" how to release only one line item from a sales order which is bloc)ed by credit chec)
Ans. 4eleasin! only one line item from a #ales Order which is
bloc$ed by "redit chec$ is not possible, as credit chec$ is
placed based on the credit limit on a customer account, and
the credit chec$ can be released on the sales order but not
on sin!le line item.

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