To Love Is The Key

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Rebekah Garvin, May 7, 2014

GS 300, Boise State University, MaKenzie Phillips
14.2 Discussion Board Post
There is a lot of talk surrounding the concept of diversity, but somehow the discussion
has managed to miss the fact that what they are really talking about is simply loving
your neighbor. This isn't a new idea, it's a concept that originated with YHVH and he
should get the credit for it. Yahovah created a world of remarkable variations and
diversity. Different colors of skin and a variety of languages are beautiful reections of
Elohim. On the other hand, man-made religions, man-made governments and
perverted sexual orientations do not reect Elohim. In fact they are in opposition to
YHVH. The Scripture tells us to love the person and hate the sin as well as the demon
behind it. As a Melchizedek Priest I am obliged to love what YHVH loves and hate
what he hates. He never hates the person, the sin yes, but never the person. This
viewpoint allows me to see the person, not the 'diversity.'
That said, unfortunately the subject of diversity is tied to the 'god of tolerance.'
Tolerance says that ANY and ALL of man's ways are good and should be appreciated.
But this is not the case, according to the Scriptures. To speak out against what "seems
right in man's eyes" means that you might offend someone. In this society, if you speak
out against something you are treated as if you are committing a crime. We are being
watched, censored and controlled. We are being told what to think and even though
our souls cringe at the abominations that are in our face we are not allowed to say
anything. This is not a good norm. This is an attempt by the Advisory, ha'satan to
cripple people who believe in absolute truth and make them afraid to speak up and
live by deep Scriptural convictions! To not stand up for what is right and to not
condemn what is wrong is godless. We are not creating a society full of people of
conviction who ght at all costs for what is Scripturally right (like most of our heroes
did), but we are creating a society of apathetic people searching for their own
scriptures. Look at all the heroes that are studied and idolized in school: Harriet
Tubman, William Wallace, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King,
Yahshua (okay, he's talked about in private schools sometimes) just to name a few.
The heroes of our world were not spineless apathetic conformists like our society is
trying to turn us into. Are we raising up a generation of young people who can tell the
difference between right and wrong and act accordingly?
I do not agree with the movement going on right now called 'New Speech.' The
proverbial "they" are trying to take words out of the English language that are
'discriminatory.' For example, we are being trained to say, "that's not very good"
instead of "that's bad." Or "this is my partner" instead of "this is my husband/wife." With
tolerance as our guide we are brain-washing our children and young adults to believe
that everything is equal, that there is no black and white, no right or wrong. Abraham
Lincoln knew that slavery was wrong because freedom for every individual is YHVH's
(God's) heart towards us. This wasn't a new concept but President Lincoln gave his life
to end slavery. Martin Luther King was not promoting something contrary to the
Scriptures. He was saying that he had a dream for people of various colors to live side-
by-side equally! A noble dream that he died for.
For me, I have to look at diversity and discrimination through a Scriptural-Hebrew
perspective. Loving people is very Scriptural. Tolerance of evil is anti-Scriptural! The
Scriptures teach us that we are to be discriminatory. As in, consider and decide
between good and bad. We are to call good-good and evil-evil. And we are to teach
others to do the same. The Scriptures even tells us what those good and evil things
are. The Torah tells us how we can align ourselves with Papa or with ha'Satan. The
Scriptures never tell us to tolerate evil. In the end Yahovah will be very discriminatory:
Have we obeyed or have we not?
Each of us will be responsible for the choices we make. Our judge will not be the god
of Tolerance, but YHVH. I will be held responsible for whether or not I obeyed and
loved. To love Elohim is to obey him. To love my fellow humans is to treat them as I
would want to be treated. Whether or not Papa (YHVH) will acquit someone who has
broken his law is not for me to say, but I do know I don't want to wait to nd out, I will
obey now. Much of what chapter 12 was talking about was 'loving our neighbor as
ourself,' what Rabbi Yahshua said would be the 'fruit' of a Kingdom person. Rabbi
Yahshua was big on love being rst! He said if you know everything and obey but don't
have love, you are worse than a clanging symbol! He also said that all the law and the
prophets hang on love! Believers are commanded to love Yahovah with all their heart,
soul, mind and strength. The goal is for the command to become our delight. Loving
your neighbor is not an idea that this generation invented. Neither is free-will. I will not
take part in plaigarizing ideas that were originally YHVH's and I respect your free-will
to either choose Life or choose Death. It is up to you.

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